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The Twelve Dates of Christmas

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'Tis the season for finding romance in this hilarious and uplifting holiday read

When it comes to relationships, thirty-four-year-old Kate Turner is ready to say "Bah, humbug." The sleepy town of Blexford, England, isn't exactly brimming with prospects, and anyway, Kate's found fulfillment in her career as a designer, and in her delicious side job baking for her old friend Matt's neighborhood café. But then her best friend signs her up for a dating agency that promises to help singles find love before the holidays. Twenty-three days until Christmas. Twelve dates with twelve different men. The odds must finally be in her favor . . . right?

Yet with each new date more disastrous than the one before--and the whole town keeping tabs on her misadventures--Kate must remind herself that sometimes love, like mistletoe, shows up where it's least expected. And maybe, just maybe, it's been right under her nose all along. . . .

320 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 28, 2020

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About the author

Jenny Bayliss

5 books1,198 followers
Jenny Bayliss lives in a small seaside town in the UK with her husband, their children having left home for big adventures. After having been a professional cake-baker for many years, she went back to college at age thirty-nine to study part-time for a degree in Creative and Professional Writing. Bayliss likes long walks, baking days, stationery, and shamelessly wearing party dresses to the supermarket. The Twelve Dates of Christmas is her debut novel.

See also: Jenni Jennings

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 5,378 reviews
Profile Image for Irena BookDustMagic.
692 reviews826 followers
January 18, 2021
In my opinion, The Twelve Dates of Christmas is the example how good marketing sells the book.

Recommendations for this "romance" were everywhere, from newspapers and portals to blogs, BookTube and social media.
Cute (American) cover didn't hurt either.

And while I, because of so much hype and praise, expect cute festive romance, I got mediocre festive general fiction, without even one good guy I could swoon about.

I won't say this was a terrible book, because so many people liked it, so it must have something good in it, so I'll just say it wasn't for me, and tell you why.

The writing was really, REALLY not for me. I was bored most of the time with all the (unnecessary) info dumping, and too much tell.
It felt like the book had 500+ pages when in reality it is 320 pages long novel.

The premise and festive atmosphere were the good parts of the book, too bad the execution wasn't so great.

I wish there was at least one date that went good, and that there was at least one good guy in the story.
This book really puts off from blind dating and it also kind of approve unhealthy relationships.
Even the love interest who gets the girl in the end uses her (not in sexual way), and she doesn't see it.

I know it isn't all rainbow and sunshine in the real world, but it surely isn't so bad as this book pictured it either.

I also want to mention that I was buddy reading this with 4 other girls, and only three of us had the strength to finish it, and we all gave it 2 stars. It really felt like "the last man standing" challenge at times.

So therefore, I can't recommend Twelve Days of Christmas.
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,691 reviews54k followers
December 24, 2021
This book is dreamy, sweetest combination of fairy tal-ish, magical Christmas premise, awakening your good spirits, giving you hope, warming your heart, enchanting your soul!

I actually dreamed of living that lovely cottage at Blexford, befriending those amazing townies, somersaulting on the snowy ground, smelling the pines, devouring those delicious foods! I truly wished to replace myself with Kate Turner to get rid of your anxiety, long compelling, tough times of the last year and rekindle my childish, genuine spirit!

I know this book is getting mixed reviews because the details, too many elaborations to describe things slow down the pace and start bugging you a little bit! I wish it will be edited! Because some long parts are boring and you just lose your interest about the main story. It slows down the pace and distract your delightful spirit but there are too much things positive about my reading experience so I lowered down only one point! It made me smile so much!

Instead of wordy chapters, it’s still motivational , entertaining, moving, heartfelt reading with its adorable heroine and well developed, connectable side characters! ( Especially Mac is my favorite character! At some chapters I loved him even more than Kate!) I enjoyed the dating parts, too. Some of them are brilliantly clever and more entertaining than several sitcoms I’ve lately watched!

And I also enjoyed the conclusion. It brought me back my giddy, smiley self so I’m thankfully giving four snowy, true romance, small British town, funny, heartwarming four stars! ( okay I’m rounding up 3.5 to 4)
Profile Image for  Teodora .
437 reviews2,262 followers
December 3, 2023
3.5/5 ⭐

Full review on my Blog: The Dacian She-Wolf 🐺

Merry is my mood when I read Christmas-themed books!
This year’s special holiday novel was a cute British rom-com that surprised me with how enjoyable it was!
Ladies and gets, the Twelve Dates of Christmas !

In general, I quite enjoy British rom-coms – they have a good story, sassy characters with good, humorous lines and overall a plausible atmosphere.
They are witty and nice.

Jenny Bayliss’s novel was the same. And I liked it!
This was a very cute story – Christmastime, winter mood, baking sweet goodies, hot beverages everywhere, warm friendships and all that. Oh…and love!


This was the story of Kate who, at the age of 34, was still as single as a pringle but sick of her loneliness. She wanted someone to love her, stability, a family and a cute life (and a good shag but anyway, that’s beside the point).

What did Kate do? She signed up for a program called ‘The Twelve Dates of Christmas’. She went on twelve different dates with twelve different men and at the end, she had to find her soulmate…eventually…right?
Well, yeah. In theory. But the things were more complicated than this.

The dates in themselves were interesting to witness. Each one was different as Kate’s partner changed every time. Some were douchebags, some were awkward, some were still hung up on their ex…and the list goes on. Mr Right might have been there somewhere though and Kate was still ready to find him.

I enjoyed the way the story went. The plot seemed genuine and it was comical and accurate at the same time. The emotions were also well-exploited and of course, because miscommunication and stubbornness happened, there was also a bit of tension there too.

Don’t get me wrong, this was terribly predictable from the very beginning, but honestly, I think that was the beauty of it. It was supposed to be a nice Christmas romance with inserted humour and – I shit you not – it was.

Kate and Matt were kind of adorable together and even though Matt annoyed me at times, he and Kate did pass together well.
My boxes are checked so I have no big complaints to file.


I’ll have to say though…what was with those long chapters??

Don’t get me wrong, I know I said I enjoyed the book and all, but I do have an itty-bitty tiny problem with long chapters. No matter how much I enjoy the story, I’d rather have shorter chapters.
But I do get why were they so long – each date has its own chapter. But still, maybe some things could’ve been cut off from the story, just saying.

But, anyway, thank god for Laura.
She was honestly the biggest mood of the entire book and she also had the best lines. It’s good to have characters like this!
Profile Image for Ceecee.
2,421 reviews2,034 followers
November 3, 2020
Kate Turner is in her thirties, she’s very single, living alone in a cottage in Blexford, a quintessential English village in Kent. Best friend Laura persuades her to go on ‘Twelve Dates at Christmas ‘ run by an online dating agency, twelves dates at lovely venues in December. Laura lives in hope that one of those twelve dates will be someone she likes!

Well, this one really is christmasy, in fact it’s a Christmas cornucopia, almost an overload if indeed it’s possible to have such a thing!! It has the works, all the sparkle and glitz, everything from Christmas jumpers to yummy food and Christmas trees and snow. So if this doesn’t put you in the Christmas spirit then you may be Ebenezer Scrooge, before his transformation obviously! The setting is lovely, can I live there please? In an especially close location to Matt's coffee shop preferably, as that is the beating heart of the village to say nothing of it’s yummy brownies and mince pies. Kate’s job, a designer for Liberty adds a lovely and really interesting dimension too. I like the concept of the book and the dates she goes on are fun, well, some are more fun than others! Most of the characters are really likeable, we all need a friend like Laura, a dad like Mac, though less so a mum like Kate’s as although she’s very funny she’s also self centred and exasperating. Yes, this is predictable, of course it is, you know what you’ve signed up for when you choose to read this but it is such an entertaining book and puts a smile on your face which has to be a really good thing.

My only negative is that at times the author gives way more detail than is needed and it just gets in the way of the fun bits. Overall though, it’s a very entertaining read, it’s extremely festive, heartwarming and I’m just hoping that the drawn out tediousness of Covid doesn’t mean that this is the closest we get to a fun filled Christmas. Fingers crossed.

With thanks to NetGalley and Pan McMillan for the arc for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,332 reviews15.2k followers
November 8, 2021
4.5 stars

Okay, this really came out of nowhere and was amazing?? This gave me so many Bridget Jones vibes with our heroine going on 12 dates set up by a dating company to find "the one." So many were flops, some were fun, and some were funny. It is pretty obvious who she was going to end up with from the start, but I absolutely loved their romance and the angst. Things get messy, they say things they don't mean, they make up. It was just so good! I also loved the heroine's relationship with her best friend and her parents. Her parents were definitely a funny aspect to this book and it was fun seeing how their individual plot lines played out. And we got lots of Christmas goodness in here, so it definitely read like a holiday romance. I know a lot of people aren't loving this one, but I devoured the audiobook in one day and couldn't put it down. One of my favorite holiday romances!
Profile Image for exploraDora.
595 reviews307 followers
July 30, 2022
***3 stars***

Cute holiday story, but poor execution at times.

I really liked the idea - Kate is a single 34 year old gal, who lets a friend sign her up for a dating agency that promises to find her love before Christmas. And so the 12 dates of Christmas begin.

All is nice and well so far. But as Kate goes on these dates, I found myself more and more annoyed, because all guys are incredibly attractive, smart and successful - which on one hand is highly unlikely to actually happen, because come on, really? To quote Brad Mondo: "In what galaxy on Earth??" 😂😂 (if you don't know who he is, you should look him up. He's amazing!) And on the other hand, she connects with (almost) each one and wants to jump their bones. She often seemed too horny and to eager to get it going with each man, even though she says on a bunch of occasions that she doesn't even need a man.

Spoiler alert from here on!
Anyway, long story short, this is a friends to lovers story after all, just as I suspected the minute Matt showed up. It is so obvious that he has feelings for her but she's just too daft to see it. She even wants to move away at some point, because she thinks he hates her?! But besides all that, this was an enjoyable read. I loved all the different ideas for each date, it sounded like a lot of fun and I am quite pleased with how it all wrapped up.
December 26, 2021
If there was one salvation to being sick during the week of Christmas (end date TBD)...

This book hit that holly-jolly, feel good spot!

Kate is single, a fabric designer/baker, and in her thirties (gasp!) so her best friend Laura decides she needs to embark on a little quest. A company called Lightning Strikes has set up a set of experiences for its participants, where each dater submits a profile and then participates in twelve blind dates leading up to Christmas. After all, the tiny town of Blexford, quaint charms aside, only has so many eligible bachelors to choose from. However, when Kate's dates, which range from wine tasting to cooking and from mixology to ice skating, with bachelors so handsome and unique leave her whirling, she gets caught up by a couple of suitors in particular...and some unfinished business from the past comes back to stir the pot a bit more. Can Kate decide who her true love is meant to be before the last bell tolls on Christmas Eve??

I needed a pick me up BADLY this week, and I'm so happy to say that despite this being potentially the worst Christmas I've ever had, this book was such a joyous, cheery and bright spot in my day, and I MADE time to read it. I'm honestly shocked it even took me two days to read it, because for the most part I felt I breezed right through it.

Did Bayliss go a little bit overboard in terms of detail and backstory? Sure.

Did it bother me? Not really!

I LOVED the characters in this book. Sure, like every good Hallmark film (or not good, depending on your preferences) I could see where this plot was going about 10% in. I normally hate knowing or suspecting that much, even in the romance genre, but for some reason the Christmas magic had me putting on my red and green glasses and just going with the flow. This was definitely a time where the journey was so much more important than the destination and I was buckled up for a good sleigh ride! 🛷

This book's overabundance of warm and fuzzy Christmas references, charming locales, and fabulously funny characters was the cup of hot cocoa for my soul I needed this week. Even with this year's candy cane shortage, this is a sugary sweet romance you absolutely shouldn't miss!

4 stars
Profile Image for Christy.
4,239 reviews35.1k followers
December 22, 2020
3.5 stars

The Twelve Dates of Christmas was a cute, but rather predictive holiday romance. I enjoyed listening to Kate's story and watching her navigate these dates. Even though I could see the writing on the wall of how this would all turn out, I liked the ending. A solid holiday read.

Audio book source: Audible (purchased)
Story Rating: 3.5 stars
Narrator: Elizabeth Knowelden
Narration Rating: 4 stars
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: 10 hours and 24 minutes
Profile Image for Susanne.
1,174 reviews38.4k followers
December 30, 2020
Review also posted to blog: https://books-are-a-girls-best-friend...

A Seriously Cute, albeit predictable romance that helped get me in the Holiday Spirit!

As a single woman in her mid-30’s Kate has been unlucky in love. After being pushed by Laura, one of her best friends, Kate decides to embark on “The Twelve Dates of Christmas.” After signing up, Kate is then matched on twelve different dates with twelve different men throughout the month of December.

Love and snowflakes are in the air!

All of the dates are festive, fun, and extremely creative. The men Kate are matched with are another thing altogether! Believe it or not, Kate had absolutely no idea what she was getting
herself into.

Charming, sweet, and just what the doctor ordered to get me in the spirit this holiday season, “The Twelve Dates of Christmas” filled me with light and love and a few laughs as well. Although I immediately knew where this holiday read was going as soon as I began listening to it, I still really enjoyed this audiobook and would recommend it to those looking for a light novel to lift their spirits. 3.65 Stars

Published on Goodreads on 12.27.20.
Profile Image for Darla.
4,103 reviews962 followers
December 4, 2022
Looking for a holiday romcom with quaint English village appeal? Kate Turner decides to sign up for a package deal that gives her the opportunity to go on a date (arranged and supervised by agency personnel) with twelve different eligible men. What can go wrong? Kate's best friend Matt can think of a few things. Her other bestie Laura fully supports the plan. The rest of the village has a grand time treating it like a spectator sport. Kate is now the village version of "The Bachelorette." Along the way she might discover that her best chance for happily ever after has been right under her nose the whole time. Lest you fear for Kate and this onslaught of strange men, the book does a good job maintaining safe boundaries and even ejects abhorrent suitors from the dating package deal. It was an entertaining read with yummy food descriptions (except for mince pie -- yuk), a picturesque holiday setting, healthy helpings of humor, and artistic appreciation of nature.

For a new start in a seaside village, try the second book from Jenny Bayliss: A Season for Second Chances
Profile Image for Taylor Bennett.
71 reviews20 followers
October 11, 2020
I think this book cured me of my Christmas Romance kick. This was like a bad Hallmark movie that wasn’t even entertaining. Also the main love interest was a pretty garbage jealous person who makes some very questionable comments about women going on lots of dates. I definitely hate finished this and now I’m going to read something decent. Bye.
Profile Image for Ginger.
877 reviews490 followers
December 30, 2020
I’m going to give you three words that describe this book the best….

Cute, Christmassy and Cuisine!
Is Christmassy even a word?!

Good grief, this book made me hungry as I was reading it. From Gingerbread lattes, truffles, gooey brownies, hot chocolate to fantastic mince pies. It’s all in this book!

Oh yeah, there’s also love complications and twelve dates that Kate Turner goes on. 😉

The Twelve Dates of Christmas is about independent and feisty Kate Turner who decides to humor her best friend and sign up for a dating agency. This dating agency sets Kate up with 12 different men during the month of December.

Kate has been single for a bit now after moving back to Blexford, England for her Dad.
Her Dad is getting up in the years and she wants to be around for him. Plus, both her two best friends live in Blexford so it wasn’t a hard decision to move back from London.

The setting of this book was fantastic and beautiful.

I could see the small, sleepy English town in my head with the way Jenny Bayliss writes about it. All the fairy lights on trees with the snow coming down in this quaint village.
Her writing was super detailed about the town, the community and all the food that Kate makes and eats during this book.

In fact, the food became a bit much for me at times just because I thought I was reading a love story, not a cookbook.
But here’s the thing, I still enjoyed all the cuisine and in fact, Bayliss has recipes at the end of the book.
Maybe she meant to do both!

There were some funny parts in this book, especially the date for the Gingerbread house contest. I laughed during that whole time when she was on the date with the architect.
No wonder he’s single!

Kate has some funny and terrible dates. She also meets some wonderful new friends and must figure out what to do in her love life and finally follow her heart.

If you are looking for something to read for the holidays next year and love the romance genre, I think this book would do the trick.
It really puts you in the Christmas mood with the setting, food and funny moments that Kate goes through with online dating. And it's a cute love story as well!
Profile Image for Larry H.
2,798 reviews29.6k followers
October 31, 2021
It seems like everyone on Bookstagram has been reading this, and holiday rom-coms are such fun this year, so I picked up Jenny Bayliss' The 12 Dates of Christmas .

It’s not that Kate needs a man per se, but she wouldn’t mind being in a relationship again. And in her small English town, she doesn’t have a lot of options, so at her friend’s persuasion, she signs up for a dating agency that will match her up with 12 different men on 12 different dates before the holidays. One of them has to go well, right?

While some of the dates start off promising (some look bad from the get-go), very few have appear to have any long-term potential. And of course, it’s not easy when the whole town knows the story of every date shortly after it happens!

As Kate starts to wonder whether she might have found a possibility, at the same time, she starts to realize that perhaps she’s been looking in the wrong place all along. But what are the chances that she can finally find the right man, and one who feels the same way?

I thought this was absolutely adorable and fun, even if I literally predicted what would happen within the first 5 pages. But as I’ve said before, while I hate predictability if I’m reading a thriller, I’m fine when reading a rom-com!

While there was so much that was charming about this book (I love books that take place in small English towns), what I loved best were the details that Jenny Bayliss incorporated into her story, related to Kate’s career as a textiles designer and her part-time baking gig. The imagery she evoked is really fantastic. (Plus, there were a few recipes, so I was totally sold.)

This reminded me a little of one of my favorite YA novels of the year, 10 Blind Dates . Definitely a fun, sappy, Christmas rom-com!

Check out my list of the best books I read in 2019 at https://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-best-books-i-read-in-2019.html.

Check out my list of the best books of the decade at https://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com/2020/01/my-favorite-books-of-decade.html.

See all of my reviews at itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com.

Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/the.bookishworld.of.yrralh/.
Profile Image for Whispering Stories.
3,016 reviews2,617 followers
December 7, 2020
Book Reviewed on www.whisperingstories.com

Mid-Thirties fabric designer Kate Turner has been pressured by her best friend Laura to join a festive dating site where throughout December people are matched up and go on twelve dates, a different person each time, with the overall aim to find love.

The dates are all very different and random, including a gingerbread house making competition, and are all very Christmassy. With each date, Kate learns a lot about men and also a bit about herself and what she is really looking for.

If you are after getting in the Christmas spirit then I suggest you read this book. With snow, Christmas trees and jumpers, hot chocolate, and twinkling lights, perfect for this time of year. I loved the idea of a dating agency just for the festive period and the fabulous settings some of them took place in. They were a lot of fun.

The characters, just like the book, were warm and cosy. Kate is happy being single but her friend sees a side of her that could do with a man in her life and after a year of pushing she finally got Kate to join the agency.

As well as Kate, Laura and a whole host of eligible bachelors we also get to know Matt who Kate grew up with who runs the local cafe, her dad who she looks after, and her mum who ran off with an estate agent and is living it large abroad. Plus, the village of Blexford where Kate lives is so divine, a little sleepy place where everyone knows everyone else.

My only little niggles with the book were some parts were a bit too drawn out and I had already worked out where the book was heading from the first couple of chapters, but I enjoyed the build-up to it.

The Twelve Dates of Christmas is a book to sit by the fireplace reading on a cold winter’s day as it is heart-warming and was a real joy to spend my time with.
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 12 books557 followers
March 6, 2024
I found this sweet Christmas tale to be absolutely charming.🎄⛄🎄⛄

Kate has had terrible luck with men. She lives in a quaint English town with lovely, interesting friends, a father who also hasn’t had the best luck with love, and a mother with some wild stories to tell. (I LOVED all the secondary characters in this one!) She has a love-hate relationship with childhood friend Matt, who owns a café where she stops in for coffee and sometimes to drop off baked goods (this was delectable to read in cold weather—wonderful chocolatey descriptions!) Kate signs up for a program to go on 12 blind dates in the days leading up to Christmas in the hopes of finally finding Mr. Right. I very much enjoyed how this tale wound itself through friendship, love lost and found, second chances, and Christmas cheer. It was a lovely story.
Profile Image for NZLisaM.
480 reviews525 followers
December 22, 2020
There's nothing more comforting than getting lost in a holiday-themed romance. What's more, it's a Christmas tradition. And, I'm here to tell you that The Twelve Dates of Christmas hit all the right Christmas Carol notes. Okay, so it was cheesy and predictable (a bit like this review) but I wouldn't have it any other way. Loved it.

As much as she'd like to meet the love of her life, Kate Turner is a bit too comfortable in her own company (I can relate). But, when her best friend convinces her to register with a dating app, Kate is hesitant yet determined to give it her best shot. The objective: To attend twelve dates in twelve different locations, matched with twelve different men, between the 1st and 23rd of December. Let the fun and hilarity begin.

The Twelve Dates of Christmas was everything you would expect – joyful, delightful, romantic, and of course, a required happily-ever-after ending. But it wasn't as light as I thought it was going to be. Some of the situations and obstacles Kate had to navigate involving dating, relationships, and life in general were quite serious which made me appreciate this read even more.

The quaint, cosy, picturesque English village setting, with a close-knit community celebrating many gorgeous Christmas traditions together was simply adorable. I loved how much everyone cared for, and supported one another. All the characters were given thorough, interesting backstories and clear explanations of their relationships, friendships and proximity within the village. The dates Kate attended were amusing, unique and creative.
Profile Image for bookthingswithbrit.
140 reviews60 followers
December 17, 2020
I had to DNF. There were way too many paragraphs and pages of unnecessary description and I just didn’t care. The long chapters were annoying and it felt like absolutely nothing was happening. I was super excited for a cute holiday romance because the premise sounds cute and the cover is gorgeous, but I was ultimately disappointed.
Profile Image for NAT.orious reads ☾.
894 reviews392 followers
December 16, 2020
This book is for you if… you choose to ignore my warning to read other Christmas books instead of this one.

My first thought after finishing The Twelve Dates of Christmas: At least it didn't suck entirely. Had it bin marginally worse, I would have discontinued it. For once, it was crystal clear from the beginning that Matt was the actual love interest. Kate merely used the Twelve Dates of Christmas as a way to distract herself from the fact that the person she's always loved and will forever love is not available for her.

I also felt there was no real arc pushing the excitement upwards. The Twelve Dates of Christmas is just date after date with some small-town flory, backing sessions and toxic arguments with a supposed best (male) friend.

I suppose what kept me going is that Jenny figured out just the right balance between Romance and Christmas content. Somehow, the whole small-town atmosphere with the Christmas fairs and the snow and the lights kindled some sort of fire in me - but it sure as heck didn't burn for Kate. I found her annoying, mostly, especially since Matt is being toxic on one than more occasion and she seems to ignore it.

I've read about 7 or 8 Christmas books this year and am slowly coming to the conclusion that they are not a particular temptation for me. Or maybe I've just read the wrong books. Whatever.
3 STARS. Decent read that I have neither strongly positive nor negative feelings about. Some things irked me and thus it does not qualify as exceptional.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,327 reviews591 followers
December 4, 2022
3.5 Stars

I’ve been meaning to try a Jenny Bayliss romance for a while now and I’m glad I started with this one. Although I didn’t love-love it, this was still a sweet and easy read, filled with small-town English charm, with enough Christmas-themed joy to make for quite decent holiday reading.

The premise was fun and all-too-relatable, following thirty-something Kate, as she embarks on a journey to find lasting love when she joins a Christmas dating program, which matches her with twelve unique bachelors on a series of fun and festive dates, in the days leading up to Christmas.

I enjoyed Kate’s dating journey, even though it was obvious from the start who her true love interest would be. The dates themselves were, for me, the best part of the story, as Kate had some fun with the nice guys and dealt like a champ with the not-so-nice guys, keeping a positive attitude throughout that I admired.

As our heroine, Kate was a delight. She seemed very down-to-Earth, intelligent and worthy of all the good things that came her way. She kept me going, especially in a story, which, I’ll be the first to admit, was way longer than was strictly necessary.

As romances go, this didn’t do a thing for me, as I never warmed to the love interest or felt a spark between them in a romantic way, but the premise, the small-town community and the Christmassy fun and festivities made it all worth-while anyway, as far as I'm concerned.
Profile Image for Wendy Darling.
1,930 reviews34.3k followers
December 15, 2021
2.5 stars

1. 12 dates are a lot to get through.
2. Especially when you know that . It never does in these things.
3. Kate interacts with every single date with pretty much the same level of enthusiasm.
4. So it’s hard to see how the “winner” is really any different except that that’s the role he’s filling. There’s really not much chemistry between them other than the same friendly sort of energy there is with everyone else.
5. There is a ton of info-dumping. So much history in the first chapter alone, including multiple deaths.
6. A hugely important piece of information about Kate’s backstory with Matt is casually dumped about halfway through, however. I had to reread it to confirm that the author had, in fact, just dropped the reason for the years-long estrangement 13 years ago.
7. The most interesting things in this book are: Kate’s job designing fabric for Liberty of London, caramel brownies, and the delightful gay guy she mistakenly ends up on a date with. Sadly, there’s not enough of any of these things in the novel.

See, I couldn’t even write 12 things about this book. So imagine going on all 12 of those dates! I can’t.
Profile Image for Vanessa Menezes.
471 reviews161 followers
July 28, 2020
Kate Turner is happily single. Since returning to her hometown of Blexford, she has been busy with- catching up with her oldest friends Laura and Matt, a flourishing career as a fabric designer, and taking care of her beloved dad, so love hasn’t really had a look in.

But Kate does love Christmas. So when Laura insists she signs up to the Twelve Dates of Christmas, a brand new dating app service, she doesn’t need too much persuading. Twelve perfect festive dates with the area’s most eligible men – who could say no?

But with each date, Kate learns more about the men, and even more about herself. As the big day approaches, Kate’s left wondering – is it really the season for true love, or will this Christmas be the coldest yet

This was an extremely enjoyable read. I was immediately attracted to this book because of it's cover and premise and it did not disappoint!

There were so many things that I like in this book. Firstly, I loved the main character Kate- her attitude, her camaraderie and banter with her friends Matt & Laura were so hilarious and enjoyable. Her conversations with her mum were also funny.

It was interesting and exciting to read about each date. Each of the date was unique in their own way. I wish I could write about each of them but that would be impossible without revealing any spoilers. All I can say is that my favourite was Drew, he is just so adorable!

Even though I kind of guessed who she would finally end up with, I loved reading every part of this book to see if Kate would find the love of her life..

This book reminded me of all the things that I love about Christmas. It filled me with the festive spirit even though it's just July and Christmas is so far away.

This is the author Jenny Bayliss's debut novel and I can't wait to read more books by her.

Overall, a perfect book to ignite the festive spirit in you!! Highly Recommended!

Thank You to NetGalley and Pan Macmillan for this ARC!!
Profile Image for Shawnaci Schroeder.
299 reviews2,378 followers
December 22, 2023
2/5 ⭐️

- Really loved the festive feels that this book gave, but I really wish that there was more chemistry between the love interests. I feel like the premise was really good, but the book just felt so long and fell flat for me.
- The book was very slow paced, but I did enjoy the ending. I love a good romantic monologue! The dates were interesting, but everything outside of the dates couldn’t hold my attention.
- I wasn’t a huge fan of Matt throughout the story and I actually didn’t think the story would be about Kate because it started out with an info dump about Laura. Wish the story had been tied together a little bit better.
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,675 reviews9,136 followers
January 1, 2021
Okay, so this is the type of book where although the leading lady is going to go on these twelve dates with twelve randos the reader is instantly introduced to a male friend that OBVIOUSLY is going to end up being Mr. Right and so we just have to wait it out until they get their shit together.  And guess what????

This is what you read when you're on Christmas vacay from your job and everything in the world sucks so you just want to escape.  I liked it.
Profile Image for Fiction Addition Angela.
319 reviews39 followers
July 23, 2020
OK so now I’ve read this Christmas book in July do I?

A) Put my Christmas tree up
B) Drink my body weight in mulled wine
C)Make Mince pies (yuk) I call mince pies dead flies.

Believe it or not, my car stereo today automatically selected my music and came up with Michael Buble and Jingle bells.. I kid you not! Talk about an omen.
Anyway, where was I? This is a lovely Christmas read. Should you be a complete nutter like me reading snowy, cold novels in July then I’m sure you too will enjoy it.
But it doesn’t matter what month you read it because you will feel christmassy and get sucked into the drama of Kate and Matt and the villagers who are all watching from afar and hoping that their village friends will get together after becoming besties at school.But life’s never simple is it?

Kate who is a fabric designer for Liberty’s of London - ohh I love that shop, has all the boxes ticked in life apart from the romance box and so she embarks on a Twelve dates of Christmas service where a company lines up 12 hot men in blind dates over the Christmas period.Oh what could go wrong I hear you shout. Well everything -this is a Christmas novel after all.
So while this is a predictable read, and you kinda guess what’s going to happen... you still like to read about the dates and shenanigans that go on while everyone seems to be drinking mulled wine, mince pies - (don’t get me started again) and hot toddy’s until they are coming out of their ears.
Jenny Bayliss creates a modern, romantic novel with laugh out loud moments and you will like the characters who are down to earth and you could imagine drinking copious amounts of coffee and red wine with.
I cringed and laughed and thought it was cheesy but in a nice way and I recommend it...
It publishes on the 13 th October so you’ll all be already stocking up on your Christmas goodies by then and you’ll be ready for some tinsel and romance.I recommend you pre order it now.

Thanks to Edelweissbooks and G.P Putnams”s Sons and Penguinrandomhouse
Profile Image for Brogan Lane.
586 reviews198 followers
December 5, 2020
DNF @53%

I really wanted to like this. It seemed to be the perfect read for December, and I thought the universe was sending me a good sign by snowing really heavily while reading it - but it was just so boring. I love Hallmark Christmas films - they're a guilty pleasure of mine at this time of year, so I love some cheesy, cute Christmassy romance, but I didn't find that in The Twelve Dates of Christmas whatsoever. Kate Turner as a character was flat and boring, and very much like your average romance heroine. She's happy being single, but she's pressured to sign up to a dating site by her friend that has her whole life figured out (married with kids). I'd rather read a book about Kate's younger years, her travelling around the world and her coming back to her small town of Blexford for her dad. For a book about dates, the actual dates were so underwhelming and disappointing, and there was no excitement on my part or Kate's. Obviously, this is so when Kate realises who she truly loves we'll agree with her wholeheartedly because he stands out (and he's far better developed) I reached 53%, and I already knew who her 'true love' was going to be. It was so obvious from the very start, and throughout, Kate spent more time with this guy then she did with the dates she paid for. Also, kinda hate the guy as some of the things he says to her about her dating just made me so mad. He basically judges her for going out with several guys??? Um...goodbye.

Very disappointing to say the least. I was glad to DNF this.
Profile Image for Priss.
471 reviews3 followers
December 8, 2020
2.5/5. That was slightly disappointing to me? I thought the plot sounded wonderful, especially now with the holidays coming up. I thought it would help me get into this Christmas-y atmosphere. The thing is, it's not a bad book at all, I just thought it was slightly too predictable (and I think that says something coming from me, someone who usually doesn't see stuff coming) and the drama was basically based on too little communication or just overreaction. Also, the descriptions were a bit much sometimes - I personally don't feel like I need to know every feeling Kate had with regards to the design she was making, every brush stroke she was putting down, or every little detail of the outfit she put on.
Even though there were a lot of things I thought were kind of meh, I get why someone would really enjoy this and think it would be great if you're looking for something really Christmas-y (perhaps like one of those cheesy Christmas movies)!
Profile Image for Erika.
61 reviews153 followers
December 3, 2020

This was just so perfectly cozy and cute. There were so many descriptions of the holiday decorations, events, and food. I laughed out loud at some of the dates Kate went on and felt jealous of some of the others. The romance was predictable but still made me feel warm and fuzzy. Now I just want to drink some hot chocolate and go look at Christmas lights!
Profile Image for BernLuvsBooks .
954 reviews5,052 followers
December 27, 2020
4 Cute holiday read stars!

This was predictable, happy and exactly what I love about holiday reads. I admit I knew exactly where this was headed from the start but I enjoyed the ride with its British humor, the holiday themed dates that pretty much always ended up badly and of course all the attractive but totally wrong for her men. Was it unrealistic? If hard pressed I'd have to admit it is because, hello - every man was both attractive and successful! But that's exactly what I loved about the book - romcoms are the stuff of dreams. Who needs reality? I read romance novels to escape everyday reality. I loved the humor, small town feel, holiday vibes, friendships & family and the HEA just in time for the holidays! This would make such a cute holiday movie - come on Hallmark!
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