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Het Italiaanse meisje

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Rosanna is nog maar elf als ze de man die haar leven zal veranderen voor het eerst ontmoet. In de jaren die volgen blijven de paden van Rosanna en Roberto elkaar kruisen. De twee extreem getalenteerde operazangers voelen een obsessieve liefde voor elkaar, maar het onomkeerbare verleden lijkt hun gezamenlijk geluk in de weg te staan…

Riley beschrijft de tragische en onvergetelijke romance met haar alom geroemde gevoel voor decor, locatie en personages. Het Italiaanse meisje voert de lezer van de achterbuurten in Napels naar de luxe van Milaan en de meest prestigieuze operahuizen ter wereld.

492 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1996

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About the author

Lucinda Edmonds

8 books67 followers
Lucinda Edmonds was a birth name of the Northern Irish wtiter, under which she published her early books, before starting to use her new married name of Lucinda Riley.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,129 reviews
Profile Image for Hannah Fielding.
Author 15 books640 followers
October 14, 2014
This is exactly my kind of book – full of emotion and passion and hearts aching with need. The relationship between Roberto and Rosanna had me utterly gripped throughout, as I swung between wishing they would find a happy-ever-after together, and feeling unsettled by the obsessive quality of their love.

I loved the honesty of this conflict – that the protagonists are flawed; that their love is not perfect.

But while Roberto and Rosanna are the focal point of the book, there are so many other poignant stories interwoven through the narrative – the pious man torn between his love for God and his love for a woman; the gentle and honourable soul who longs for Rosanna in the background; the aging father, wanting to hold on to his children; the desperate mistress and the depths to which she will go to manipulate and control; and for me, most moving of all, the mother who must let go of her daughter, and the daughter who never knew her father. I can’t tell you how many times I had tears in my eyes as I read, and how many cups of tea went cold, so lost did I get in the story!

I love the settings for the book – Naples and London – and how the author describes them so vividly I felt I was there. But most of all I love the importance of opera throughout the story. As I read, I felt I could almost hear Roberto and Rosanna sing, could picture them on the greatest stages of the world, bringing the audience to their feet. I so love opera for its drama and ability to stir emotion, and I think in this book Lucinda Riley has managed to create an opera on paper. Heavenly!

The writing style is exquisite – realistic dialogue, beautiful descriptions and just the right measure of pace, slow enough to allow the reader to really comprehend the characters and their emotions, but fluid enough to make me keep wanting to turn the pages. I especially love how the author’s use of the third-person narrator allows the reader free access to the story from all characters’ perspectives, so we are all-knowing and can make connections that the individual characters cannot. That means being privy to explosive secrets, and I spent a good part of the book questioning in my own heart whether I thought such secrets were best left alone or exposed, to the point that I was relieved when the author made the decision for me!

In all, this is a captivating, beautifully written, moving book. Romance as it should be written. Sheer bliss in the reading.
Profile Image for Liene.
43 reviews4 followers
July 21, 2019
Note to self – must stop reading terrible books and waste time reviewing them.

But I have no one to blame but myself, I wanted an easy read and this definitely is a beach read (one that you should actually leave at the beach and not bother taking home (in the bin, please)).

I could have lived with the fact that the novel is full of clichés and characters that are caricatures instead of resembling real people. We have the young damsel in distress who is naive and, to be honest, dumb as a rock (I get that the novel is set in the 1960s-1980s, so a certain amount of naivety would be acceptable, but I refuse to believe that someone can be that stupid). Then there’s the handsome and rich hero who is sleeping is way through all the female population (and remember, this one’s supposed to be our romantic lead – we are supposed to root for him). Of course, to top that off we have the jealous lover (think of a sexy Italian version of Cruella de Vil). And let’s add a small army of Lucas, Luigis, Paolos, Marcos and so on who are so flat and unremarkable that there’s no reason to try and remember who is who.

Also, the national stereotypes are just epic. If you wanted to learn something about Italy based on this book, well, sucks for you because all you were left was the impression that they use mamma mia! in every situation. Your wife finds out you were cheating? – mamma mia!; death in the family? – mamma mia!; you are in love? – mamma mia! See, no need to learn Italian, mamma mia will do on all occasions. Oh, and the British? They just drink tea and eat scones.

All of this would have been more or less ok (not a masterpiece, but there are worse books) except for the fact that the writing was actually horrible. We were told what the characters did as if this was a play – she sat down/he stood up/the reader threw the book in the fire. And the dialogues felt so fake. I don’t think I know anyone who speaks in long monologues. And why on earth this need to mention personal names all the time (even when there are only two people speaking). If someone would mention my name after every sentence I would feel pretty intimidated. But perhaps after that monologue, you need to remind the reader that there’s actually another character there.

Fun fact – this is a book that the 13-year-old Liene would have liked. I’m happy to say that I have come a long way since then.
Profile Image for Aditi.
920 reviews1,450 followers
January 19, 2016
“We accept the love we think we deserve.”

----Stephen Chbosky

Lucinda Riley, the New York Times best-selling author, has penned an enchanting tale of love and betrayal in her book, The Italian Girl , that unfolds the story of a young girl falling in love in the backdrop of Naples surrounded by beautiful music and opera that runs through a decade to show the readers how the lovers are torn up as well as brought together by destiny and lies.


Rosanna Menici is just eleven years old when she meets Roberto Rossini, the man who will change her life forever. In the years to come, their destinies are bound together by their extraordinary talents as opera singers and by their enduring but obsessive love for each other - a love that will ultimately affect the lives of all those closest to them. For, as Rosanna slowly discovers, their union is haunted by powerful secrets from the past .

Rosanna Menici, an 11-year old Italian girl, living in a picturesque town in Naples along with her family who ran a small cafe, fell hard in love with Roberto Rossini, a native opera student. They fall for each other in the first sight. Soon Rosanna's talent for music gets accredited when she wins a scholarship to the music school, La Scala in Milan, thus opening the door to the world of opera where she along with Roberto performs in some of the world's prestigious opera stages. But their love story is not only connected by fate but is also dominated by betrayal, family past-secrets and lies. Can they keep their love and passion for music as well as for one another alive over challenges on their way?

This book was previously published as Aria in 1996 under author's pen name, Lucinda Edmonds, and has now been re-written and re-published as The Italian Girl. Having previously read Riley's book, The Seven Sisters, I'm quite a fan of her writing style which is exquisite. Her carefully chosen words as well as her pouring emotions made the story passionate and completely romantic, so if you've have fallen recently in love, then this book will sync as per your emotions. The story pulls the readers into it's very depth right from the very beginning, and won't allow to look away from it till the very end.

The main character is very well-developed who is constantly evolving through out the story. Rosanna, driven by passion for opera, at a tender age, is seen embracing her success as well as nurturing her career while performing all over the world. But when Roberto re-enters her life, she is seen making sacrifices for her love and how she gets entangled in the obsessive nature of her love for Roberto thus making her weak as an ambitious woman. The supporting cast is also quiet well-developed and are in perfect tune with the story.

What really took my breath away from this story is the setting which is sprawled across a vast horizon of Naples, to a quaint English village to the shimmering opera stages around the world. This book, in short, is not only entertaining but also poignant. And if you're a big romantic stories fan, then this book is perfect for you which will not only bring a tear in your eyes but will also blossom your heart.

Verdict: A perfect contemporary book for the summers.

Courtesy: Thanks to the author, Lucinda Riley, for giving me an opportunity to read and review her book.
Profile Image for Nathalie Bakelandt.
469 reviews27 followers
January 12, 2020
Alleen maar spijt dat dit boek gelezen is! Spijt omdat het te mooi is om los te laten! Spijt omdat het verhaal voorbij is! Het is gelezen en zoooooo onmenselijk mooi!
Profile Image for Annette.
10 reviews
January 2, 2016
I normally enjoy books by Lucinda Riley as a mental break after reading something emotionally draining. I do not expect some deep literally tale, but rather a fun or touching story. So it saddens me to say that this book was just all kinds of bad. She may have been going for a Thorn Birds/Persuasion combo. Instead she came up with a sappy, rambling book of one dimensional characters who are nothing more than selfish children. Even when they accept responsibility, it is done so as a martyr. "Oh, how will I ever forgive myself?" Focusing on one poor choice as the pinnacle of failure when there were nothing but but poor choices up until that point. The worst part was the writing. The over the top attempt to make people seem so deeply in love when their relationship comes across as nothing more than an unhealthy obsession. There was so much "sweet talk", nick names, calling them by name in reverence as an attempt to make it sound like a love story. It fails. Ugh.. It took a lot to finish this one.
Profile Image for Serisop.
915 reviews223 followers
June 29, 2017
I romanzi come quelli della Riley non sono proprio il mio genere, ma questo me lo sono ritrovato tra capo e collo - come direbbe zia Petunia raccontando di Harry Potter - e quindi ho deciso di dargli una possibilità.
La storia raccontata in "La ragazza italiana" è intricata, piena di segreti e di emozioni rivelate e nascoste. Non mi dispiace leggere di elementi simili, soprattutto quando sono accompagnati da una bella scrittura scorrevole.
Oggettivamente, lasciando fuori il mio gusto personale e la mia preferenza per altri generi, il nuovo libro di Lucinda è assolutamente ben fatto. Un romanzo carino e perfetto per l'estate, da leggere sotto all'ombrellone prendendo la tintarella.
Una mia carissima amica è pazza di questa donna e non fatico a capirne il motivo, ma io come al solito verso questi romanzi non provo mai un'attrazione speciale.
Abbiamo tutti i nostri autori del cuore, giusto?
Consiglio questa lettura a chi ama i romanzi corposi che raccontano le storie di famiglie, di amori tormentati, di figli nascosti un po' alla Beautiful e soprattutto a tutti gli amanti di Lucinda perché so che siete in tanti.
Profile Image for Kirsten .
381 reviews142 followers
October 4, 2021
Awful narration. Doesn't help the poor writing either.
Profile Image for Gabrielle Winandy.
23 reviews19 followers
June 26, 2018
I read hundreds of Goodread reviews about this book and they are all correct. This is probably the worst book I ever read. It annoys me that they keep saying it’s a love story - for me it’s a story about obsession and egotism. Love has nothing to do with it.
Profile Image for Darcy.
422 reviews9 followers
June 29, 2015
When I discovered that Lucinda Riley had several books published under a pen name many years ago, I was eager to read them. The Italian Girl was first published in 1996 and is not sold in the United States, so I was thrilled when I discovered Riley had rewritten it and I could order it off of Amazon from a private seller in the UK.

I began reading almost the moment it came and even when I was on page 250 and the characters still hadn’t developed and I was inwardly wondering how she could possibly push this story to 573 pages, I didn’t give up hope. I kept thinking, “the Lavender Garden had a slow start, maybe I just haven’t gotten to the revised part yet.” I gave it 50 more pages - then I gave up, flipped to the end, discovered that nothing interesting or surprising happens, went back and skimmed the last 273 pages for good measure, and then sorrowfully closed the book and gave thanks that Riley’s craft has come so far.

This should not have been re-published. As simplistic, beach reading, airport browsing novels go, this book has its niche market. I’m sure some people could read it and get caught up in the ridiculous love story with its selfish, sex-addicted drama queens, but it is not a good reflection on Riley’s storytelling powers and her abilities as a novelist. She has come SO far as a writer since this was originally written.

In my mind, extensively revised means that someone has taken a great deal of time to work on something. In her introduction, Riley states that she spent a “few weeks” revising this novel. Well, it shows. I’m afraid people will read this and think this is all Riley is capable of. I sincerely hope they keep this one across the pond, as it degrades the novelist and my taste as a reader. I love Lucinda Riley, but this book should have stayed in the cellar, covered with mouse droppings and cobwebs.
Profile Image for Martini_tnt.
470 reviews32 followers
March 5, 2022
Kolejna bardzo dobra książka tej autorki. Nie wiem co jest w tych historiach bo z reguły nie lubię takich obyczajówek-romansów ale zawsze są wciągające.
April 24, 2024
Италианското момиче е от онези книги, които са толкова реалистично написани и без излишна захаросаност, че се превръщат в експлозия от драма. Ето защо почти през цялото време книгата ме напрягаше изключително много.
И колкото и винаги да си мислим, че любовта трябва да победи, а независимо от несгодите и изпитанията двамата главни герои, които се обичат да останат заедно, тук с цялото си същество се надявах Розана да си отвори очи и да изрита от живота си онзи егоистичен кучи син – Роберто Росини, мислещ се за бог на женските сърца (а макар с красиво лице е с наднормено тегло).
Така, че това е любовна история, но любов белязана с предателства, тайни и изневери, от тези които изобщо не са красиви и реално повече напряга отколкото носи удоволствие.
Розана е само на 11 години, когато се зарича, че един ден ще се ожени за красивия оперен певец Роберто Росини. Той пък чувайки незврачното девойче как пее, насърчава родителите ѝ да я запишат на уроци по музика, предвещавайки ѝ бляскава кариера. Само, че семейството е бедно и тайно от тях брат ѝ Лука плаща уроците, така че Розана да стане толкова добра в пеенето, че да получи пълна стипендия за Ла Скала в Милано. Авторката обрисува живот изпълнен с усилен труд, много репетиции, работа и лишения. Шансът, който Розана получава в Ла Скала имат малцина, а и тя пее невероятно. Казвам това, за да наблегна на цялата ѝ упоритост за една величествена мечта, която по-късно влюбената жена ще захвърли с лека ръка, за да се преклони пред онзи великия...
(Тук вмъквам само една скоба, че Лука като второстепенен герой бе също тъй пълнокръвен образ със собствена история и драма, която на фона на основната сюжетна линия бе също много интересна).
Така или иначе Розана завършва оперно пеене, дебютира на световните сцени, получава невероятни отзиви от цял свят и ... се жени за Роберто. Той както казах е егоистичен, арогантен, бохем и непукист. Спи с всяка изпречила се на пътя му (включително сестрата на Розана и най-добрата ѝ приятелка, разбира се преди да има връзка с Розана), но любовните му похождения към много по-възрастната от него Донатела Бианки белязват съдбата му за цял живот. При него изневярата е начин на живот, наркотик, не може да се спре. Независимо, че „обича“ Розана (поне така твърди, но аз така и не му повярвах дори когато страдаше за нея – тогава просто злорадствах и си казвах нека му), при първия удобен случай скочи в леглото на дългогодишната си любовница.
Това е една книга, която показва нещата от живота такива каквито са. Как човек когато иска нещо много силно и полага всички усилия да го получи, трудът му е възнаграден, но и книга, която показва измеренията на израза „внимавай какво си пожелаваш“, защото може да нямаш силите да се справиш с последствията. Макар силно драматична, на места откровено емоционална и разрушителна, историята получи за��ършек, от който аз съм удовлетворена и се радвам, че именно по този начин завърши (иначе би било захаросано, а казах, че книгата е реалистична).
Profile Image for Anne.
2,312 reviews1,149 followers
August 3, 2016
I devoured The Italian Girl. I read it whilst I was on holiday in Corfu, with lots of time to devote to it. It's huge at almost 600 pages, but they seemed to fly by so quickly. I was completely swept away by the story, the characters and the wonderful locations.

The story opens with the beginning of a letter, written from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York and is addressed to 'My Dearest Nico'. The author of the letter is telling Nico how the events of the past have influenced the present and is a wonderful way to set up for the enchanting story that follows.

In 1966 Rosanna Menici is an eleven-year-old girl living in Naples. Her family run a cafe and are hard-working people. When Rosanna meets Roberto Rossini, a young opera singer, she falls instantly in love. The Italian Girl is Rosanna and Roberto's love story, it rarely runs smoothly but it is long-lasting and often very painful. Rosanna and Roberto's singing talent enable them to see things and to travel to parts of the world that they had never dreamt of. It will also expose them to betrayals and lies and incredible heart-break.

Lucinda Riley never fails to disappoint me. She creates the most amazing characters and vividly described locations with apparent ease. The reader is whisked away to the stages of the most wondrous opera houses, in the most beautiful places, accompanied by characters who begin to feel like real friends and who are often flawed, yet so lifelike.

I've never really had an interest in opera, but Lucinda Riley writes with so much passion about the music, the players, the stage that readers cannot help but be pulled in. She makes the opera world accessible, yet glamorous and full of intrigue and passion.

I enjoyed The Italian Girl very much, perfectly paced and expertly written.

Profile Image for Anna.
430 reviews61 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
December 23, 2014
DNF. I abandoned this at 34%, I just couldn't take any more of the simplistic storytelling and simpering conversations. As an added argh, the conversations are full of my major bug-bear where characters constantly refer to each other by name even if there are only two of them talking - 'Blah blah blah, Rosanna.' 'Yes, blah blah blah, Roberto.' 'But Rosanna, blah blah blah.' 'Oh Roberto, blah blah blah.' Just. No.

I've read four other Riley books, rating them either 3 or 4 stars. Her style has grated before, but the stories themselves have mainly still managed to hold my attention with their poignancy, but at the point of giving up on The Italian Girl it had meandered into a bland nothingness, which only served to accentuate the conversational ARRGGHH even more.

Profile Image for Armonia.
436 reviews18 followers
November 26, 2021
Me ha encantado este libro, es de los que perduran en la memoria, tiene de todo, como en la vida .El amor no es color de rosa ,pero los personajes me han resultado reales y cercanos, me ha despertado emociones y sentimientos.
Profile Image for Ginevra.
152 reviews
July 20, 2017
Ho letteralmente amato questo romanzo; Sapevo che mi sarebbe piaciuto visto che è uscito fuori dalla penna di Lucinda Riley (che adoro), ma non pensavo così tanto!
Purtroppo, però, non ho avuto un bel rapporto con i personaggi principali... Rosanna Menici, la protagonista assoluta, è una ragazzina dolcissima e tenerissima e mi è piaciuta, ma certe volte l'ho trovata troppo ingenua, un po' stupidina e a tratti debole, anche se alla fine, devo dire che si è riscattata ai miei occhi; mentre il protagonista maschile, Roberto Rossini, l'ho odiato sempre di più dalla prima all'ultima pagina: arrogante, pieno di sé ed egoista, è l'uomo che nessuna donna dovrebbe mai avere al proprio fianco e non capisco proprio come Rosanna possa essersi innamorata di uno così, ma se l'amore fosse semplice da spiegare non sarebbe amore, no?
I due personaggi che mi sono piaciuti tantissimo, invece, sono Luca e Abi. Luca Menici è il fratello maggiore di Rosanna: gentile, affettuoso, è un fratello devoto che per le sue sorelle farebbe veramente di tutto; mi è piaciuto tanto perché penso che sia tutto ciò che un fratello dovrebbe essere. E poi c'è Abi, la migliore amica di Rosanna, che nonostante gli imprevisti della vita, si è sempre dimostrata un'amica sincera.
In generale, ogni personaggio è diverso e ben strutturato, a primo acchito possono sembrare tutti uguali, ma in realtà, leggendo più a fondo, si riesce a capire la grande caratterizzazione che c'è dietro ognuno di loro!
Lo stile è divino, semplicemente D-I-V-V-I-N-O.
Non è troppo complicato, ma neanche semplice... Non so perché, ma mi è parso che sia lo stile perfetto per raccontare una storia ambientata dagli anni '60 in poi, in un contesto quale il teatro; Lucinda Riley scrive in modo raffinato, con delle espressioni quasi all'antica e si capisce proprio che possiede una vasta gamma di vocaboli. Certo, a volte vi sono dei salti temporali molto ampi, ma, a differenza di tanti altri romanzi, questo espediente non fa scorrere la storia più velocemente, anzi, quasi rallenta il corso degli eventi e forse è meglio così.
Un punto a suo favore va al fatto che l'autrice sia riuscita a mettere su carta dei perfetti personaggi italiani, con la mentalità italiana di quel periodo, cosa non semplice!
La storia d'amore, come dice la stessa Lucinda, è molto appassionata; passione, amore romantico, ossessione, desiderio, l'amore di una madre... tutto si mescola alla perfezione per dare vita alla relazione tormentata tra Rosanna e il suo Roberto.
Ciò che ho amato più di tutto, però, è l'ambiente operistico e teatrale all'interno del quale si svolge la storia. Io sono una grandissima amante dell'opera (proprio qualche giorno fa ho scelto di fare l'abbonamento per la stagione 2017-2018) e del teatro, perciò leggere di due cantanti lirici e del loro mondo è stato bellissimo; ogni singola aria nominata risuonava nella mia testa e potevo quasi percepire l'applauso del pubblico ogni volta che si esibivano! E mi dispiace tanto che al giorno d'oggi questa splendida arte non sia più così apprezzata come 40 anni fa!
Il finale è dolceamaro, ma trovo che per una storia del genere sia perfetto! Bellissimi anche i colpi di scena che mi hanno fatto restare letteralmente a bocca aperta!
E' una lettura che consiglio a TUTTI. Leggete questo romanzo se volete una storia meravigliosa che vi faccia battere il cuore, emozionare, piangere, sospirare, arrabbiare, amare...
So che qualcuno, senza leggerlo, lo ha definito "libro da mare", di quelli che la gente che non ha mai letto un romanzo legge solo per passare il tempo sotto l'ombrellone! Be' non potrei essere più in disaccordo con queste persone; I "libri da mare" solitamente sono leggeri, semplici, magari anche divertenti, a maggior ragione se li leggono i non lettori; questo romanzo NON è niente di tutto ciò, è qualcosa a cui bisogna dedicare tempo e da non prendere alla leggera, perciò non fatevi ingannare!
Profile Image for Sol (unlibroparamii).
938 reviews267 followers
May 26, 2022
No me gustan las comparaciones pero la realidad es que después de haber leido El secreto de Helana, y gustarme tanto, esta libro fue una decepción.
No me gustó, me resulto largo y aburrido y principalmente me desagradaron los personajes principales. Roberto me pareció un hombre abusivo, inmaduro, egocentríco y egoista, y Rosanna una protagonista de lo mas floja, sin caracter ni personalidad. Lo mas rescatable del libro son las locaciones, por asi decirlo, todos lugares hermosos, el resto bastante olvidable.
Me pregunto que problemática tendría Lucinda con el tema de la identidad, maternidad y paternidad...
De los libros que leí de Lucinda, es el que menos me gustó.
Profile Image for Nora|KnyguDama.
423 reviews2,271 followers
August 7, 2023
Ši knyga man buvo asmeninis iššūkis. Oi, tikrai ne dėl daugybės puslapių. Veikiau, mįslė, kurią norėjau išsiaiškinti. Kodėl gi ta Riley tokia populiari? Seserų serija, tikriausiai, žinoma kiekvieno skaitytojo, bibliotekose prie knygų amžinos eilės, o su kuo pakalbu, visi alpėja nuo knygų gerumo. Serijos imtis kažkaip nesinorėjo, (neseniai su „After“ mėnesį gyvenau, tai įvairumo pasiilgau), tačiau „Mergina iš Italijos“ susigundžiau. Galvojau, kad šio romano užteks suprasti, kas ir apie ką, yra Lucinda Riley. Bet, nemanau, kad pavyko. Netikiu, kad žmonės šiaip sau dievina jos knygas. Kažkas tikrai yra. Bet šioje istorijoje to kažko neradau...

Robertas Rosinis – Neapolio žvaigždė, operos daininkas. Jo balsas keri visus iki vieno, o išvaizda ir šarmas, bemat sužavi visas merginas. Jam prognozuojama didžiulė ir sėkminga karjera, o vos jį išgirdus, niekas nedrįstų tuo suabejoti. Jį, dainuojantį per savo tėvų šventę, išgirsta vienuolikmetė Rozana Meniči. Vaikinas ją taip pat užburia, ir ji duoda sau pažadą, vieną dieną už jo ištekėti. Tos pačios šventės metu, giminaičiai paprašo padainuoti ir Rozanos. Mergaitė nedrąsiai užtraukia giesmę ir ja susižavi Robertas. Pastarasis įsitikinęs, jog ir ji galėtų siekti operos soslistės vardo. Tačiau Rozana tiki tik jos brolis, kuris slapta veda ją į dainavimo pamokas. Po šešerių metų, Rozana – neprilygstama daininkė, kuriai tenka dalintis scena su Robertu. Meilė įsiplieskia greitai, tačiai kai ji tokia didelė, aistringa ir vieša, išsaugoti trapų jausmą nėra lengva. Juolab, kad pradeda lįsti praeities paslaptys ir didžiulės klaidos.

Ištęstas ir ganėtinai daug atsikartojimų turintis romanas. Tie amžini kivirčai, tos pačios karjeros problemos paprasčiausiai vargino. Pirma knygos dalis dar nieko, bet kai prasideda šlovės operoje metai – raukiausi. Pritrūko įdomių veikėjų, o kurie turėjo cinkelio, būdavo greit kišami užmarštin. Vien Rozanos sesers istorija man pasirodė įdomesnė nei Rozanos. Pykau ant savęs, kad nesugebu įžvelgti to Lucindos Riley stebuklo, bet paskui susivokiau, jog „Mergina iš Italijos“ yra vienas pirmųjų jos darbų, iš praeities grąžintas į šias dienas. Rašytas laikais, kai autorė dar pati save bandė, ieškojo ir eksperimentavo. Atėjo nušvitimas: žinoma, kad tai nėra geriausia jos knyga, ir padariau klaidą nuo jos pradėjusi pažintį. Reiks, kada, kibti į seserų seriją. Noriu tikėti, jog ten manęs laukia didesnis malonumas.
Profile Image for Vilija|Knygų Puslapiuose.
184 reviews52 followers
June 24, 2020
Lucinda Riley " Mergina iš Italijos"

Jei nors kartą teko lankytis Italijoje, tikriausiai niekuomet nepamiršite šios šalies architektūros bei gamtos grožio, patiekalų skonio ir muzikos. O jei teko lankytis garsiajame La Scala teatre tai opera išgirsta tenai liks amžinai atmintyje ir širdyje.

Niekam ne paslaptis, jog aš labai mėgstu ir su nekantrumu visad laukiu kiekvieno Lucindos Riley kūrinio. Šią knygą pamačiau jau senokai, bet iš karto nepuoliau skaityti, pasilikau vasarai. Tam, kad galėčiau pakeliauti. Kiekviena šios autorės knyga - tarsi kelionės bilietas į vis kitą, nepaprastą ir nepažintą šalį. Šį kartą L. Riley pakvietė keliauti po Italiją, bei susipažinti su Rozana bei Robertu.

Rozana sutinka Robertą šeimos šventėje. Ji dar visai mergaičiukė, o Robertas būsimas operos solistas. Labai talentingas, gabus ir turintis puikią ateitį jaunuolis. Tik niekas nesitiki, kad maža, nelabai išvaizdi mergaitė turės Dievo dovaną - balsą. Vos tik Robertas išgirsta Rozanos balsą, lieka pakerėtas jos talento. Praeina ne vieneri metai, kol jie vėl susitinka. Tik šį kartą jie jau abu suaugę ir suprantantys, kad juos jungia ne tik muzika.

Aurorė meistriškai pina Rozanos ir Roberto meilės istoriją. Opera apima visą pasaulį - Italija, Neapolis ir garsiausios viso pasaulio operos scenos, kuriose tenka dainuoti įsimylėjėliams. Lucinda Riley taip pat nepamiršta ir kitų veikėjų, kuriems tenka pasirinkti, kas yra svarbiau - pašaulimas ar meilė. Ar įmanoma turėti abu, o gal teks rinktis? Buvo labai įdomu praskleisti operos dainavimo subtilybių skraistę, prisiminti ne vieną operos žanro veikėją.

L. Riley pasakojimuose visad galima rasti labai daug jausmų, išgyvenimų, pasirinkimų. Puiki, įtraukianti istorija, kurios negalima padėti į šoną, kol nepabaigi skaityti. Tai šios autorės unikalumas. Kiekviena L. Riley knyga leidžia atitrūkti nuo realybės ir pasinerti į jautrią bei nepaprastai įdomią istoriją.
Tai puiki knyga, būtent atostogoms bei visiems šios autorės knygų gerbėjams.

P.S. O jei jus gąsdina knygos apimtis, tai galiu nuraminti - net nepajusite, kaip perskaitysite! Megavausi kiekvienu puslapiu❤️

Labai ačiū Leidykla "Tyto alba" už dar vieną puikią istoriją ♥️
121 reviews9 followers
January 6, 2018
*First published as Aria under the name Lucinda Edmonds, now extensively rewritten* - not extensively enough, I fear.

I suppose budding authors grow & mature over time if they are going to be successful. Lucinda Riley has come a long way since her early books, if this had been my first L Riley book I would never have read another.
I've really enjoyed the Seven Sisters series, that's why I picked The Italian Girl while waiting for the next one to be written. What a disappointment, it was hard not to give up on it.
It was like reading a love story that a pre-teen girl might have imagined with men that are either brutes or saints & woman are either submissive, manipulated or manipulators.
Whilst the storyline is a good one, the simplistic writing, continuous 1st person naming, ridiculous over exaggerated accents, comical English, Italian & American (audio version), saintly characters (except Roberto the shit, egotistical one led by his male member), constant cliches & general lack of any credible reality - I know its supposed to be fiction - but really!

Some people will read this book & think its a love story but obsessive, controlling, destructive, sex driven desire isn't love or the slightest romantic.

As another reviewer said ''this book should have stayed in the cellar, covered with mouse droppings and cobwebs''.
Profile Image for Jess The Bookworm.
653 reviews100 followers
September 10, 2018
This story follows Rosanna, a young girl growing up in Naples. One night at a party being thrown by her parents, she gets asked to sing a song for the guests. Her beautiful voice blows everyone away, and catches the ear of Roberto, a soon to be famous opera singer, and womaniser. Roberto insists that Rosanna be sent for training to make singing her career. Rosanna falls in love with Roberto at first sight, and never forgets him.

Years later, after Rosanna comes out of her musical training, her path crosses once again with Roberto's and the two begin a tumultuous love affair, one which will turn Rosanna's life upside down. It poses the question: is love enough?

This is one of Lucinda Riley's very early novels, written long before her "Seven Sisters" series, and unfortunately it shows. She hadn't yet fine tuned her incredible story telling abilities when she wrote this one. The dialogue is completely stilted for the most part, and Rosanna is one of the dumbest characters I've come across in a long time.

Despite its shortcomings, it was an enjoyable story and an easy read. However, don't let this be the only book you read by this author, it won't give you a good indication of her talent!
Profile Image for Manuela Gonzalez Bird.
69 reviews4 followers
February 2, 2022
La autora escribió este libro originalmente llamado Aria con un seudónimo, en sus comienzos. Cuenta que no quisieron publicarlo en su momento, pero luego del éxito que tuvieron sus libros ya como Lucinda Riley, lo revisó, corrigió y finalmente publicaron.
Es una historia diferente, se nota que es otro momento de la escritora, no por ello menos atrapante. Su manera de escribir siempre es ágil y engancha al lector. Este vez la dualidad de historias está dada en forma epistolar y en dos momentos casi contemporáneos, no hay una historia paralela de otra época.
Hay glamour, teatros majestuosos, óperas, vestuario, lujos …
Los personales son imperfectos, humanos. Hay secundarios bien definidos.
Sin hacer spoiler, el libro nos cuenta la historia de un amor imperfecto, intenso, posesivo… hay cosas que una quisiera que se den de otra manera, pero así es la vida ! Y de esto se trata esta obra: de la vida de dos personas, ni más ni menos. Lo recomiendo, si bien es diferente a sus otras publicaciones y se nota su evolución como escritora más adelante, Lucinda no defrauda !
Profile Image for Jenks .
406 reviews12 followers
November 28, 2019
Absolutely amazing . Nothing this author writes doesn’t captivate me .
Her ability to make you invest in the past and future and seamlessly pull the stories together is an art !
Profile Image for Sania.czyta.
120 reviews2 followers
January 10, 2021
Jest to książka o dążeniu do celów bez względu na wszystko. O burzliwej namiętności, miłości oraz pasji. Piękna i zachwycająca. Polecam z całego serca ❤️
Profile Image for Avishe Atipova.
26 reviews
July 14, 2022
Не ме впечатли кой знае колко. По-скоро исках да я "сдъвча" и да приключим. Повърхностна, семпла. Можеш да предвидиш какъв ще е краят за всеки един от персонажите.
Profile Image for Draga Stavreska.
111 reviews3 followers
August 7, 2022
Италија,музика и љубов споени во една книга.
Преубава, емотивна приказна за тенката линија помеѓу љубовта и омразата.
Лусинда никогаш не разочарува 🥰
Profile Image for María.
385 reviews
February 7, 2022
Definitivamente éste es el tipo de libro de romance que me gusta. Conocía a la autora de muchos de sus otros libros, especialmente la serie de “Las siete hermanas”, y teniendo en cuenta que este libro fue escrito en sus primeros años de escritora y recientemente reeditado, no me sorprende que se haya convertido en la gran tejedora de historias románticas que superan el género en sí.

El estilo de escritura es exquisito, con la lentitud necesaria para que vayamos adentrándonos en la historia y conociendo (amando y odiando) a los personajes, pero con un pulso y ritmo constante como para que no decaigan las ganas de seguir leyendo, seguir sabiendo lo que va pasando.

El libro nos lleva por todas las capitales importantes del mundo glamuroso de la ópera, Nápoles, Milán, Londres, Nueva York, Viena, … contándonos lo que ocurre tras el escenario con unas grandes figuras de la ópera como son sus protagonistas, Rosanna y Roberto. En sus vidas hay amor, pasión, obsesión, traiciones, desengaños… pero me ha gustado el final, el crecimiento de la protagonista y la aceptación de sus debilidades.

Generalmente no me gusta el género romántico pero mi impresión es que se trata de un libro bellamente escrito, entretenido y conmovedor.

Mi valoración es de 4 estrellas.
Profile Image for Justina Urbo.
168 reviews22 followers
March 11, 2021
Lucinda Riley „Mergina iš Italijos“.💃

Vakar pabaigiau skaityti šią beveik 600 puslapi�� storulę ir ką galiu pasakyti, kad tai antra iš eilės L. Riley knyga, kuri yra tokia vidutinė, jog tarpais norėjosi ją dėti į šalį.

Tai romanas apie kuklią mergaitę Rozaną Meniči iš Italijos, kuri būdama vienuolikos sutinka įžymųjį gražuolį Robertą Rosinį ir jį įsimyli. Po šešerių metų Rozana ir Robertas susitinka Londono operoje ir supranta, kad jie negali vienas be kito. Aistringa jų meilė virsta apsėdimu nuo kurio kenčia ne tik jie patys, bet ir aplink juos esantys žmonės.

Knygoje daug visko susipinę tarpusavyje. Opera, meilė, aistra, išdavystės, draugystės, melas, kerštas, lemtingi pasirinkimai. Knygoje daug veikėjų, bet galėčiau pasakyti, kad abu pagrindiniai veikėjai savotiškai erzinantys. Rozana naivi mergaitė, kuriai viskas gyvenime sekasi, žiūri į gyvenimą pro rožinius akinius, bet tas naivumas pradeda erzinti. O Robertas, tikras savimyla, egoistas, pasipūtęs ir matantis tik save, na bet turbūt toks ir turi būti operos žvaigždė.

Na bet nepaisant to, kad dvi paskutinės L. Riley knygos man nepatiko, labai noriu perskaityti „Drugelių kambarį“ ir seserų istoriją.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,129 reviews

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