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Kisses and Croissants

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Seventeen-year-old Mia, an American girl at an elite summer ballet program, has six weeks to achieve her dreams: to snag an audition with one of the world’s best ballet companies. But there’s more to Paris than ballet—especially when a charming French boy, Louis, wants to be her tour guide—and the pair discover the city has a few mysteries up its sleeve.

In the vein of romances like Love and Gelato, this is the perfect summer adventure for anyone looking to get swept away in the City of Love.

320 pages, Hardcover

First published April 6, 2021

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About the author

Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau

19 books346 followers
Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau is a bilingual French author based in the U.S. She has previously published novels and nonfiction books for teens, which have been translated into over twelve languages. The French Honeymoon is her debut adult novel. After graduating university in France, she moved to Amsterdam to begin a career in advertising. She then spent a few years in Melbourne before settling in New York City, where she lives with her French-Australian-American family, two gorgeous cats, and a whole lot of passports. Find her on social media @asjouhanneau.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,226 reviews
Profile Image for Ali Goodwin.
260 reviews34.8k followers
July 14, 2023
The Paris vibes! The dancing! The romance! Running around the city looking at Degas Paintings! There's so much that I love about this book. And it's such a perfect summer read. It is a lighter romance, but it's so cute and made me so happy reading it. I also love that the ending surprised me.
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,688 reviews53.9k followers
March 10, 2022
OMG! Quel merveilleux voyage! C’est si romantique, charmant, reconfortant! 🇫🇷
What a marvelous journey! This so romantic, sweet, heartwarming!

Can you imagine a book takes place at the most inspiring city make you feel everything at the same time: tastes of delicious, mouth watering pastries, deserts that make you believe you see real heaven on earth! And you just smell the varied flowers filled the glamorous botanic gardens. The museums are full of art exhibitions that bring out complex emotions: admiration, passion, desire.
The streets have its own characteristics with its decades of historical stories, special architecture that take your breath away! Welcome to the city of arts, love,delight! This is Paris!

The book’s main character is Paris which always knows how to charm people and how to drag you out of your comfort zone and intrigued you to take a remarkable journey!

And let’s take a closer look to its plot line:

Mia recently comes to Paris for attending an elite summer ballet program which will lasts for six weeks. She doesn’t plan to search for the history of her own ancestors by meeting one of her oldest relatives who resides in a small town located close to Paris and she never plans to fall for a very cute, mysterious, adventurous boy called Louis who is unfortunately son of her demanding, strict ballet teacher.

But when she makes plans, God laughs so she finds herself into a journey of self discovery, passion, romance, beauty of art.

This book is extremely heart melting, making you smile ears to ears and realistically making you feel the exact essence and soul of marvelous Parisienne streets.

It’s about finding your passion, seeing your choices, learning for own mistakes and chasing your dreams.

Overall: I had so many awwww moments and I adored both of Mia and Louis! I’m giving my up-lift, feeling extremely good, magical, sweetest, Parisienne four stars!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Random House Children’s/ Delacorte Press for sharing this marvelous ARC with me in exchange my honest opinions.
Profile Image for Snjez.
886 reviews807 followers
March 15, 2022
This could have been a 5-star read for me. Not because it's the best story ever, but because it was everything I was in the mood for at the moment. I thought it was well-written and I found it relatable in many ways.

I loved that there were so many ballet scenes and they were very realistic. It's always a plus when authors know what they are writing about.

I loved Mia visiting all the lovely places in Paris. It was great reading about a city I've actually been to and I loved how vivid the descriptions of the places and the food were.

I loved the friendship between Mia and Audrey. They start off as sort of rivals and they can't be more different from each other, but watching their relationship change and grow was one of my favourite parts of this story.

The romance between Louis and Mia was a bit superficial and it felt insta-lovey, but I enjoyed reading about all the places they visited together.

And then the last 22 pages happened. I couldn't believe the author went there. I don't think it was necessary, it came out of nowhere, disrupted the flow of the story, changed its vibe and made me really angry, to be honest. It definitely ruined what was supposed to be a light-hearted and wholesome story. The epilogue was ok, it was what I expected, but it didn't make up for what happened before. 1 star for the ending.
Profile Image for aly ☆彡.
369 reviews1,638 followers
February 9, 2024

A penurious me might give this two stars but there are some things that I do actually like about this book.

Kisses and Croissants enfolds after Mia who went to Paris for her ballet summer program and was determined to have a spot in one of the ballet's company through it... Until she met Louis, who may have offered her a bit more than ballet while staying in Paris.

What I love about this book is:

1. Ballet
I love that this book chose ballet as the theme and I enjoyed reading Mia's passion about it. I think it has a good start as it unravels Mia's family legend behind her zeal. I love the decision to include the interest in Edgar Degas in between the story too. I felt like it's creative (considering I'm not really familiar with Degas' paintings) so I really love all the insights this book has to offer about it. I like how it connects from one to another, the family story, the passion, and Paris.

2. Friendship
I love how this book is focusing on the friendship dynamic between Audrey and Mia. They were rivals in the most competition back in America and ended up being a roommate here in Paris. As uptight as Audrey is in the book, I appreciate that it doesn't centre around hostility. You can see Mia admiring Audrey for her talent and she the same. You can see them practising together, giving constructive criticism as they go and definitely grown enough not to be hating on one another. I think Mia is being lovely on the part too despite the cold remarks from Audrey at times.

Foremost, I love seeing the friendship grows, seeing how opposite these two characters are but managed to come together at the end. I enjoyed this part particularly. They both have one of the best character development in the book. Not to say, the rest of their friends are equally lovely.

Since I am a character > plot person, this is why I can consider this book fairly good.

First, I love Mia
I love seeing how obsessed she is with ballet and how important it is to her. I love reading her turmoil where at one time, she believes she's unbreakable, and at one time, you'll see her self-doubting. I love these interchanges in Mia and she is definitely giving herself little credit than she actually deserved. But seeing how long she came, I am proud of her too.

Then, we have Monsieur Dabrowski
I like that his character is as significant in the book. He is firm and blunt. In short, the instructor everyone is afraid of. But despite the demeanour, you can see that he cares about his students and is passionate about ballet as well. In spite of how honest he is, he wasn't this vicious person and is actually a supportive person.

I also love Mia's great grandmother and grandmother too. And again, her friends. (Sorry, but wasn't particularly interested in Louis but he's okay though).

Now, what's a bummer:

1. The Romance
Sue me but I felt like it was insta-love. As much as I could understand the attraction you could have on someone who's good looking. I felt like it's rushed from both parts. I wish it could be more developed between the couples. Especially after knowing where Louis was heading the first time he bumped Mia.

And sadly, I wasn't vibing much with Mia and Louis despite how complementary they are towards one another. But this is an easy read and fast-paced so, I guess I can tolerate this hiccup.

2. The plot
The plot was okay tbh, it's just that it was very anti-climatic towards the end. I may understand where the author is going but I won't actually mind a cliche twist and ending. And because of that, I get a vague HEA which is one of my other pet peeves in books. So when I finished the book, I wasn't feeling wholesome as I expected myself to be. And that’s def a bummer because it's not like this book was bad.

Also, when the summary says,
"... especially when a charming French boy, Louis, wants to be her tour guide"

I was expecting a different kind of tour guide, like really exploring Paris (although I like that it's not cliche enough to end up at Eiffel Tower to ignite the romance). I enjoyed reading them going places (especially to unravel the truth behind Mia's family history on ballet) but other than that, the 'tour guide" is misleading me (or maybe I was the one who's having this different expectation/interpretation when I read 'tour guide').

Still, an enjoyable and fun book to read.
Profile Image for human.
648 reviews1,114 followers
September 7, 2021
Thank you to Netgalley and Delacorte Press for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I sincerely wish that YA contemporary book covers weren't as pretty as they are. Especially the illustrated ones that make me wonder whether it's not too late to drop everything and become a Bookstagrammer for the rest of my life.

'Kisses and Criossants' follows Mia, an aspiring ballerina visiting France for a summer to get more practice and potentially get a scholarship. She works hard is holding onto her dream with a vice-like grip - after all, ballet runs in her blood, or so she's been told. But then Mia meets Louis, and is experiencing the romantic French summer of her dreams - will she be able to pick between her dreams or love?

The first thing that I will say about this book is that I actually liked how passionate Mia was about her sport. It was clear that she had worked hard to get to be where she wanted to be, and it certainly wasn't something that was mentioned at the beginning of the book and then tossed aside - it was a fundamental part of her character.

That being said, this book is, at its core, a romance novel. And as sad as I am to say it, this book reminded me of 'Anna and the French Kiss'. Which I absolutely hated.

Louis is nothing more than your average YA love interest. I know I read this book a couple of months ago, but there is absolutely nothing, and I really mean nothing, that I remember about Louis. He was generic in that all Mia could rave about was how "hot" he was. There was nothing about him that distinguished him from any other French boy existing only for the sake of being Mia's romantic daydreams incarnate. (I might be a little prejudiced because he reminds of Etienne St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss, but I think I'm justified in these feelings.)

And the romance itself between the two of them? It was so dry. I get the feeling that I wasn't able to enjoy most of this book because I wasn't able to enjoy their relationship at all. It was a classic push-and-pull, I-love-you-but-we-can't sort of situation, which I might have enjoyed under other circumstances.

That being said, I absolutely loved the rivals-to-friends relationship that Mia had with Aubrey. It was so wholesome to see how they slowly but surely became friends, and how Aubrey was given a proper backstory, unlike many of the other side characters (apart from the love interest). Honestly speaking, I think that Mia and Aubrey's relationship had more chemistry and potential than Louis and Mia.

The plot was alright, all things considered. Some plot twists seemed convenient, but ultimately, they weren't unrealistic, and that's what really matters here. The plot was intriguing and easy to follow along, which made for a light and fluffy but quick read.

Overall, there were some parts of this book that I enjoyed, but they are ultimately overshadowed by the parts that I didn't. If you were a fan of 'Anna and the French Kiss', I would probably recommend this to you, or if you're looking for a palate-cleanser sort of read.
Profile Image for kristina.
168 reviews271 followers
July 1, 2024
okay so this was not as good as i was expecting 😭 i was expecting something similar to 'love and gelato' but this was js so cheesy and had no substance + the characters had no depth. this feels like something i may have enjoyed in the sixth grade but now, it js feels like a boring romcom. but dont get me wrong, i love romcoms, this js fell flat for me. the characters dont have much to them. like we get it, mia is a ballerina and louis is nice and hot but what else? is there anything more to them? not much happened, they went on dates then broke up then went on dates again and then mia breaks her collarbone ?? 😭 also, the insta-love was js WAYY too much for me. usually i dont mind insta-love in YA books but this was js a big no. like, this is barely even 300pgs and theyre saying their 'i love you's ?? anyway, ig it was cute but i wasnt attached to the characters or story so i didnt really care too much (or at all) . the writing bugged me and felt like something i wouldve written in the fifth grade during creative writing. at least it was a quick read, solid 2.25 stars!


ᝰ.ᐟ pre-read: ive been wanting to read this for a while and ive been, unfortunately, forced into a buddy read with a little rat ella lets hope this delivers 😌
Profile Image for give me books.
347 reviews5,082 followers
September 23, 2024
Ok to było bardzo słodkie i bardzo w moim stylu. Ja wiem że główna bohaterka była irytująca zwłaszcza na początku ale she just a girl i tak samo bym się pewnie zachowywała przy przystojnym Francuzie.

Mam jedno ale do tej historii. Ja wiem że czasy się zmieniają ale nadal, baletnice jedzą co chcą i nie ma ani w zmianami o zwracaniu uwagę na ich wagę? Och nie wydaje mi się żeby gdziekolwiek tak było
Profile Image for Lavinia Reads.
292 reviews280 followers
June 15, 2021
Loved it!! It was soooo cute🥰
It you want a cheesy romance book set in Paris, this is for you!! Its the perfect Summer read!
Profile Image for Claude's Bookzone.
1,551 reviews255 followers
April 18, 2021
3.5 Stars

Well now I want a crusty french stick, some delicious soft cheeses, and a hot buttery croissant. Tout de suite!

Read the blurb. Everything it promises you will get. I liked that, despite being a romance, a huge part of the story was actually dedicated to the world of ballet. I also liked the inclusion of the search for pieces of art work that would confirm for Mia that ballet was in her blood. Pretty good YA romance!
Profile Image for adira.
66 reviews553 followers
March 4, 2024
okay, so maybe the claim that this is the best rom-com of the decade is a little farfetched.

but i still unabashedly ate this shit up. i mean, i kinda did.

“kisses and croissants” centers around mia, a girl that has dedicated her entire life to ballet. mia is accepted into an exclusive summer ballet program in paris: throughout the book, she encounters found family, pastries, and more. this book is about her journey of discovering herself through her own ancestors. oh and there's also this french guy.

mia - i feel like ya romances all have the same female main character! is it just me? i guess this would frustrate me on any other day, but i was in a good mood when i read this book, so her lack of originality didn't really bother me. mia isn't unlikable in the sense of the word, but because i couldn't find any unique personality trait pertaining to mia herself, i don't know what to think. okay, i do. she has great taste in friends but horrible taste in boys. (i.e. audrey >>> louis)

louis - he's an artist. he's a player. he's rich by parental means and trauma dumps because of his parents' divorce. everybody, it's a parisian love interest. these are the words on louis’ wanted poster. and why is he wanted? well, you’ll see.

louis' widely apparent misogyny is one of my big red flags with this book. he puts down other girls he's dated, sluts without faces or names, to appease mia. and he uses gifts as an excuse for an absolute ass of a personality. honestly, louis is the reason i am giving this 2.5 stars. he's a dick. (but at least he rides a motorcycle.)

plot - i really enjoyed the intertwined storylines of romance + discovery! reading about mia finding herself through her ancestors was so interesting and..raw. i didn’t expect for johanneau to convey the feeling of being lost so authentically.

i'm also a huge fan of romances that don't completely center around romance itself, so obviously audrey + mia's redemption arc was something i adored as well. redemption friendships are amazing (mostly because they rarely happen in real life) and the author executed every small moment of closeness with these two girls together seamlessly. if you're considering not reading this book because of louis, first of all: valid. but i personally think that each chapter in "kisses and croissants" has a little relatable touch that makes it worth your while.

my one peeve is the last 45 pages of this book. they were absurd, wild, and absolutely unnecessary. i understand why jouhanneau felt like it was necessary for her book to take a turn for the worse (keeps people interested, i guess), but there were so many paths she could've gone down to finish developing mia's character arc.

even though louis is a lousy two-bit love interest, and mia reminds me of emily cooper in kind of a bad way, i would still recommend this book. although i may be ripping off that “best book” sticker later (the owner is one of my best friends, i'm allowed to be disrespectful).

pre-review: i mean…i think they watched a rom-com at one point?

review to come!

found this in my favorite bookstore labeled as the best rom-com of the decade, so i’ve appointed myself as the worthy judge of that.

original rating - 4 stars
Profile Image for Stephi.
644 reviews71 followers
August 18, 2020
Kisses and Croissants is a sweet, fun summer romance between two teenagers in Paris.

Mia's passion is ballet. When she is accepted to an elite summer ballet program in Paris, she knows this is her chance to achieve her dream: an audition for the American Ballet Theater in New York. Then she meets Louis (pronounced in the French way, of course), but she cannot let him distract her from her goal. Ballet requires total and complete focus.

I loved Mia's passion, but also her willingness to let go and live. This book definitely reminded me of Love and Gelato, as well as Love à la Mode. I also loved how her relationship with Audrey, initially her "nemesis", developed. Louis was a bit bland, however, and I would have liked to see a bit more complexity from him, but he clearly cared for Mia, so I didn't mind him too much.

This is the first work I've read from Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau, but I'm looking forwards to reading more from her.

3.75 stars

*I received an eARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for ʚ Maddalena ɞ ( semi-hiatus).
68 reviews46 followers
May 7, 2024
♡ 3.5 stars ♡
I initially picked this book up because it has the cutest cover ever, I mean look at it 😍 and while it had problems it was pretty good!
 ♡ What I liked  ♡ 
The cute French vibes in this book were immaculate, I loved reading about Paris and Mia's experience in it. And I adored the Ballet elements of the plot, I think it was my favorite thing about the book. Even though this book talked about the immense pressure and stress of being a ballerina it kind of made me wish I hadn't quit ballet in the 1st grade. Mia and Aubrey's friendship in this book was so cute, I loved seeing the evolution of their relationship. Also, the plotline of her trying to find out about her ancestors was so interesting! Basically, everything about this book was great except the romance

 ♡ What I dislike  ♡
Ugh, the romance in this was so bland. The MMC Louis was so boring and he was honestly annoying. I mean I finished this book around a week ago and I already can't remember anything about him. The romance in this book was so rushed it felt like they went from meeting to being in love instantly and none of the reasons for the connection are shown expect Louis being attractive I guess.
Profile Image for abigailscupoftea.
212 reviews1,912 followers
May 21, 2021
This was such a cute story! I adored Mia and all of the adventures she had with Louis. I also loved seeing her and Audrey grow as they learned to work together. Mia’s strength, determination, and passion for ballet was so inspiring.
And now I must try a croissant in Paris. 🥐
Profile Image for tanvi (semi hiatus).
81 reviews99 followers
July 11, 2024
↝ {age} 12+ {rating} 3.2 {pages} 320
dates read: dec 29 - jan 4

↝ 🥐 this is such a short simple paris romance. And it just made me want to actually go to Paris / Europe so freaking much. I felt like the entire setting and the climate of Paris was such an important part of this book and i felt like i was missing out on so much. so right before i read this book my parents actually went to paris just by themselves and they told me it's not as clean as they show it is on pictures and everything but they did love the architecture and the food. Especially the macaroons they devoured them and they brought some home from us too, i usually don't like them but they were just really good.

↝ 🥐 back to the book, it did get slow in some parts where i would just start skimming multiple parts of the book, in the end of the book it just wasn't what i wanted I guess it was kind of a plot twist at the end and i didn't expect that but I wish that plot twist wasn't there if that makes any sense. i really liked most of the characters. this is my first time reading a book where the FMC is dancer, and in this book the main character mia is a ballerina.


Profile Image for tiffany.
421 reviews209 followers
April 2, 2024
writing and characters were so average, and overall, this was a bit too cheesy for me with the romance feeling extremely rushed. what i did like was how mia's passion for ballet was written — it actually felt like a fundamental part of her character, and i enjoyed reading all the ballet descriptions.

louis was so generic and i genuinely have no idea why the author would choose to write the main love interest of a cute romcom as a . what a fumble of such a good premise but we move.
Profile Image for nat!!(johnny kavanagh’s version).
198 reviews36 followers
April 29, 2024
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ kisses are like croissants🥐

i randomly found this book at my B&N a few days ago, and i bought it after having it marked as a want to read for years. i'm so glad that i found it and actually decided to read it though because it was pretty good! i read it in basically a day and i found myself not wanting to put it down as i was so invested in the story.

i loved the dance aspect of the book a lot, and getting to see mia grow to be more confident in herself throughout her time in the program! it was really cool to see her interact with all of the other students and her mentors and just be swept into the world of ballet because thats not something that i know a lot about at all. i also loved when she became closer friends with audrey and they started to respect each other more!!

the romance was also super sweet! i feel like there could have been a bit more of an emphasis on the fact she was dating her instructors kid, but i loved how louis was always willing to do anything for mia and helped her figure out her family mystery with the painting. he was so sweet and i loved getting to see paris through his eyes as he showed mia around!! i didn't like how they got in so many fights and mia spent so much time debating on if she should be with him or not, and i feel like her leaving for a bit also got blown over too, but regardless of that it was a cute and sweet story.

i was also having so much fun translating the french in this book, because i have a 144 day streak on duolingo and i actually understood so much of it!! it made me so proud of how far i've come literally learning a language on my own after randomly deciding to start it one day in december!

i did have a slight bit of a problem with how cheesy some of the things that were said were, but i mean its okay because they were 17 so it makes sense. i also wish we got more of an extended epilogue at the end of what happened later down the road but thats okay too! overall, a very good book and i want to go to paris now.
Profile Image for Fifi’s Bookshelf.
317 reviews100 followers
September 27, 2020
Oh to be a ballerina in Paris wandering through art museums, sipping on espressos at the infamous Cafe de Flor, and traveling to the French countryside with an overseas lover!

I’ve never seen anything like it, and my heart fills with delight as I look all around me. Is this what it’s always like to discover a foreign place? Experiencing not just new sights, sounds, and smells, but feeling every moment differently, like your life started anew? Or is it just the Paris effect?

I remember seeing a quote once about how someone who doesn’t read only lives one life, but readers live hundreds. That quote resonated with me because my favorite kinds of books are ones that make you feel like you’ve traveled without even leaving your couch. When I say that this book took me to Paris, I mean it TOOK me to Paris. I could smell the croissants, picture the Opera Bastille in front of me, taste the strong and sweet espresso, and hear the bustling cobblestone streets with people wizzing by on vespas.

In between ballet practices, Mia explores Paris on the little downtime she has to take us to beautiful Parisian museums such as the grand Musée D’Orsay. For a girl who has never been to Paris but has always dreamed of it, this book was just the journey I needed. Traveling to Paris without even leaving the comfort of my couch; it’s a yes from me!

I try to picture what it would have been like to grow up around here, just off a gorgeously manicured park, wandering past centuries-old monuments on your way to school, peeking inside elegant boutiques and stopping by a star-studded café in the afternoons. It sounds like a pretty good life.

Aspiring ballerinas and lovers of ballet, this book is for you! Despite the fact that this book takes place in Paris, it’s VERY ballet heavy. It has a Parisian setting but ballet is the true lifeblood of this book. As Mia herself says, “Paris is every aspiring ballet dancer’s biggest dream”. Between all the ballet and exploring Paris, Mia is determined to undercover a family secret involving her ancestors and the famous Degas painting, to discover if ballet truly is in her blood.

I originally was going to give this 4/5 (my rating system is very tough and 4/5 is actually hard to achieve and is a very high rating with my rating scale) but this last 10% of this book had me change my mind instantly. This book could not have ended more perfectly.

5/5 stars, this book was perfection.

(Word of advice, I recommend having some croissants on hand before starting to read this. I guarantee you will want one.)

Merci beaucoup Netgalley and Random House for sending me an advance copy in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for ari 🪷.
205 reviews266 followers
June 25, 2022
changing the rating from 4 to 3 cause i was on my “no more slump” high
"i just wanted to make you happy. from the moment i met you, i thought, i love to see her smile. and if she's smiling because of me, then even better."

je t'aime books set in Paris so much, that too with short chapters!! the writing c'est fantastique and i devoured the book within 3-4 hours (i just feel very proud about it considering my shitty slump last month)

"i'm in Paris. of course i'm going to be okay." i also want to be in Paris to be okay

our fmc, mia, is a ballerina and meets a gorgeous french boy who helps her with pretty much any crisis she falls into in Paris and goes on "adventures" with her IN PARIS. meanwhile, she makes peace with her rival ballerina and they become good friends which was very beautiful to see alongside her journey as a ballerina who wants to make it her life

if you love: paintings, art, dancing, Paris, YA, friend groups, short chapters, fast reads and romance then you should definitely read this.

if you're looking for an extremely developed romance or "charming french boy... her tour guide" then this book isn't for you-in case of that you should check out The Paris Connection

"merci so much! thank you. beaucoup, beaucoup." for reading my short, french obsession review
Profile Image for Oana Turcea.
91 reviews
October 17, 2021
O excursie minunată! Romantică, fermecătoare, încântătoare!

O poveste ce te poartă pe străzile unuia dintre cele mai inspiraționale orașe, Parisul, oraș care te face să simți totul: gustul delicioaselor produse de patiserie, deserturile care te fac să crezi că ești în rai, mirosul florilor, operele de artă din muzee care scot în evidență admirația, pasiunea, dorința. Străzile istorice cu o arhitectură specială care îți taie respirația. Acesta este orașul pe care Anne Sophie l-a descris, un oraș al artei și iubirii.

O avem în prim-plan pe Mia, a cărei pasiune este baletul. În momentul în care este acceptată la un program de elită în Paris pe perioada verii, își dă seama că aceasta este șansa ei pentru îndeplinirea mărețului vis. Pe străzile Parisului îl întâlnește pe Louis (pronunțat cu accent franțuzesc, bineînțeles), un băiat fermecător care îi va da lumea peste cap. Va reuși Mia să ajungă unde își dorește având în jurul ei un băiat care îi distrage atenția și o rivală pe măsură?

Între antrenamentele pentru balet, Mia explorează Parisul și ne poartă prin frumoasele muzee pariziene, cum ar fi Muzeul d'Orsay. Pentru mine, o fată care nu a fost niciodată în Paris, dar visează să ajungă cândva, această carte a fost călătoria de care aveam nevoie, fără a părăsi măcar confortul canapelei mele.

Mi-a plăcut foarte mult pasiunea de care a dat dovadă Mia, dar și de ușurința cu care aceasta a reușit să se detașeze de lumea baletului și să trăiască momente de neuitat pe străzile Parisului.
Chiar dacă partea de romantism a fost introdusă cam brusc, mi-a plăcut foarte mult profunzimea acesteia, odată ce multe dezvăluiri au avut loc. Un plot secundat adăugat poveștii principale a făcut ca Mia și Louis să pornească într-o aventură care le-a marcat evoluția.

Aș fi vrut să notez inițial această carte cu un rating cuprins între 3,5 și 4 steluțe din 5, dar ultimele 20-30 de pagini m-au făcut să mă răzgândesc imediat, ajungând astfel la un rating de 4.10/5. Această carte nu s-ar fi putut încheia mai perfect, la mine s-a lăsat și cu câteva lacrimi. A fost un roller-coaster de sentimente și trăiri, m-a făcut să zâmbesc cu gura până la urechi, dar să fiu și tristă pentru întâmplările Miei. Chiar dacă o altă versiune de final ar fi fost mai potrivită pentru întreaga evoluție a personajului, felul în care Anne Sophie a încheiat povestea Miei mi-a dat speranța de care aveam nevoie în viața de zi cu zi.

Balerine aspirante și iubitori de balet, această carte este pentru voi. În ciuda faptului că o mare parte din carte se axează pe descoperirea orașului, baletul este un subiect important în întreaga poveste. Cum spune și Mia: 'Parisul este cel mai mare vis al oricărui dansator de balet' iar pentru ea, Parisul va deveni mult mai mult decât un simplu loc de pregătire profesională.

Și chiar dacă până acum nu ați avut tangență cu această lume, 'Săruturi & Croissants' este pentru oricine dorește să descopere o poveste fermecătoare a unei tinere balerine care descoperă Parisul, învață din propriile greșeli, se descoperă pe sine și, poate, marea sa dragoste?
Profile Image for maya venice.
108 reviews854 followers
September 2, 2023
(finished reading this on 8/7/23, I'm just reviewing it late)

this was fun! loved the paris vibes, and LOVED the ballerina aspect. also kinda reminded me of the movie "Leap" (It's called "Ballerina" in some countries.)

the romance was not great tho. there wasn't really any build up or chemistry, they just went straight into having big feeling for each other and going on dates and feeling heartbroken during some parts- um... okay 😀

i LOVED Mia's and Audrey's friendship so much though, and they reallllyyyy reminded me of the main character ballerina and that other ballerina from the movie "Leap" (I forgot their names.) but yeah, I feel like this friendship and characters was the most "development" we got in this book.

also the ending was predicatable. I was like PLEASE don't be one of those cliche ballerina stories that end like that. it did 😄😑 luckily tho, in the epiloge we saw that everything worked out for the best. good. otherwise... this review would have been very different 👀

i also read this book in a youtube video, "INSTAGRAM CHOOSES THE BOOKS I READ" which you can watch for a more detailed review and my thoughts & reactions during reading it 👍
Profile Image for Lia Strange.
546 reviews247 followers
May 16, 2021
es un buen libro, i mean, no esperaba mucho de el mas que un cliché sobre amor en parís.
tiene sus puntos negativos, quizás la principal es medio tonta, teniendo que elegir entre un chico y ser bailarina profesional. No se ella pero si yo estoy en parís cumpliendo uno de mis sueños, quizás y solo quizás, el amor no es mi principal objetivo pero aun así un personaje en una dijo "but i still would like to fall in love. Whem i'm a dancer at bolshoi ballet or wherever i end up, i don't plan on coming home to an empty apartament every day, and only having my pointe shoes for company" y bro, lo sentí, sentí esa soledad de entrar a un departamento vacío sin nadie que te reciba.
pero si aparte la pareja principal tampoco me voló la cabeza estoy segura que en una semana me voy a olvidar de sus nombres.

yo esperaba un libro sobre un amor en Francia con un chico que cocinara por que EL CROISSANTS en el titulo me hizo pensar eso. una decepción de que nadie haya cocinado.
Profile Image for Aida-Bianca Groza.
378 reviews185 followers
June 11, 2021

🌀 NOTĂ: 5✨/5⭐️ 🌀
În primul rând, muuulțumeeesc @edituranemira . M-ați făcut să mă îndrăgostesc de o carte și să-mi stea gândul la ea la aproximativ o săptămână după ce am terminat-o. Păi e frumos așa?🤨 Muulțumiri unicornești pentru exemplar!!🥰💘
Când am citit descrierea acestei cărți și după ce am văzut coperta absolut duulcică (v-am zis că ador acea nuanță de roz), mă gândeam că o să fie un summer read ușurel, cute, o poveste de dragoste clișeică, dar drăgălașă.
DAR NU MĂ AȘTEPTAM ÎN NICIUN CAZ SĂ ÎMI PLACĂ ATÂT DE MULT!!! Mai vreau, mai vreau…dar s-a terminat prea repede.😭😭
Foarte posibil să o fi citit la momentul potrivit. Convingerea mea în legătură cu romance-urile este că ai nevoie de o anumita stare pentru a le savura, nu merg chiar oricând. Și ce am mai învățat este că experiența cu romance-urile este de 10X mai subiectivă decât la alt gen de cărți. Poate nu este pentru toată lumea o carte de 5 ⭐️, dar eu m-am îndrăgostit iremediabil de ea.
Unul dintre motivele pentru care am adorat-o atât de tare a fost atmosfera și cât de bine este descris Parisul. Eu l-am vizitat în 2016 și “Săruturi și croissants” m-a făcut să fiu extrem de nostalgică.😭 Am fost alături de Mia pagină cu pagină, am simțit aromele reprezentative ale Parisului, am vizitat din nou atracțiile principale, dar m-am și plimbat pe străduțe lăturalnice. Nu cred că am avut vreodată o carte cu care să ma identific personal atât de tare. Nu m-oi fi îndrăgostit eu în 2016 sau să fi avut vreun sărut în cel mai romantic oraș, dar promit că o să mă întorc și o să fie pe lista de “to-do’s”. Mia mi-a arătat că se poate.😼
Al doilea motiv au fost personajele. Mi s-au părut atât de bine conturate și realiste și mai ales iubibile.🥰 De Louis nu mai zic nimic, Audrey a reușit să îmi ajungă la suflet (știam eu că nu e chiar atât de dură), iar Mia mi se pare un exemplu de urmat datorită dăruirii ei, dar și a capacității de a jongla cu…viața și ce are ea mai bun de oferit.😍 În anumite părți mi-a adus aminte de “Loveboat, Taipei”, carte pe care știți că am adorat-o, iar asta m-a bucurat nespus.🥰
Deși pare o poveste clișeică, vă spun sincer că am stat cu emoții la unele părți, mai mai să-mi sară inima din piept.🤣 Avem parte de niște plot twisturi neprevăzute, acțiunea e alertă și nu te poți plictisi. Am devorat cartea în 2 zile, nu am putut-o lăsa din mână și mai ales mi-a dat o stare incredibilă atât pe parcursul lecturii, cât și la finalizarea ei.🥺
Așa că da…ce să mai zic?🤣 O recomand cu toot dragul, mai ales dacă sunteți în căutare de astfel de povești cute și bubbly. Iar dacă vreți ceva ușor, perfect pentru o vacanță, care să vă relaxeze și să vă dea o maximă stare de bine, din nou, “Săruturi și croissants” este alegerea ideală!💘
Profile Image for alexia.
286 reviews117 followers
March 15, 2022
dnf at 64%. i’m sorry but this book just bores me. the paris vibes are nice but it’s just too cheesy and clearly not for me. i cannot bring myself to read it
Profile Image for Ancuța✨.
163 reviews52 followers
July 3, 2022
Atât de cute și frumoasă 🥺🥺🥺
Mi-a plăcut enorm de mult, mai ales că ador și franceza și tot ce vreau e să merg în Paris chiar acum. 🥺 Nu pot să înțeleg de ce am lăsat-o atât timp neterminată...
Profile Image for Andreea (booksstopia).
413 reviews691 followers
November 16, 2021
📚Recenzie: “Săruturi și Croissants”, cea mai nouă apariție de la @edituranemira
Notă finală: 3.75/5✨
Un summer read ideal - gata să fie devorat pe plajă sau într-o cafenea…. din Paris.

📚O cunoaștem pe Mia, o fată de 17 ani care își petrece vacanța de vară în cadrul unui program de balet din Paris. Deși orașul iubirii îi oferă șansa de a se perfecționa pe partea profesională, îi oferă și șansa de a avea parte de o iubire ca în povesți alături de Louis, un băiat fermecător, dar și un ghid turistic foarte bun💕

📚Eu consider că vara este sezonul perfect pentru cărțile din categoria #summerreads 💕 cute, adorabile, ușoare, distractive, cu un romance pe placul tuturor. Acestea au fost așteptările mele de la “Săruturi și Croissants” și, în mare parte, am primit ceea ce mi-am dorit😌
Mi-a plăcut mult că am avut ocazia să vizitez Parisul prin ochii Miei - m-am bucurat de atracțiile prezentate în carte, de vibe-ul orașului și am plâns după deserturile delicioase🥐💕
De personaje nu pot să zic că am reușit să mă atașez în totalitate. Da, la unele faze am empatizat dar, au fost scene unde pur și simplu nu le-am înțeles acțiunile/ modul lor de abordare. Mi s-a părut la un moment dat că acțiunea devenea puțin copilăroasă, dar am trecut peste acel astept și, până la urmă, am apreciat pasiunea și puterea Miei de a își atinge țelurile. Am avut parte și de câteva conflicte între Mia și adversara ei (cât și love interest), dar totul s-a rezolvat un capitol mai târziu, fapt pentru care nu am reușit să văd seriozitatea situației.

📚Per total a fost o poveste de vară. O recomand persoanelor cu vârsta între 13 și 17 ani💕
Profile Image for sophia.
203 reviews82 followers
May 18, 2021
~ 3.0 stars ~

This was a cute and cliché story, but was it worth it? Find out below.

I picked up Kisses and Croissants mainly because the cover caught my eye. You have to admit: the cover is so cute ❤️! I then read the synopsis, and realized this was a young adult contemporary romance, which I am a sucker for. I feel like this novel didn't hit my mark, but was relatively close. I was looking for an exciting romance, but I only got a simple adventure and a typical YA romance. I even debated between 2.5 stars and 3.0 stars, but I finally decided on three because I feel like I did enjoy this novel to some extent. (To find my rating style, go to my profile :))

“Love is like ballet in that way: to be worth it, it has to be painful at times. Exquisitely so.”

First off, the synopsis isn't too accurate, based on my opinion after reading the entirety of the novel. Allow me to give you a better one. Kisses and Croissants follows the story of Mia, a seventeen-year-old prodigy ballet dancer, who has been accepted into one of the most elite ballet summer programs in Paris, France, where she has only one and a half months to catch the attention of American Ballet Theatre, her dream ballet program and one of the best in the world. But then, Mia meets Louis, an endearing French boy, Mia cannot help but fall head over heels for him. Then, Mia finds herself getting distracted from her ballet by Louis, but she soon realizes she can only choose one: the passion of her life, ballet, or the love of her life, Louis.

This novel definitely lacked depth. I felt like it was very shallow and scratching the surface. It didn't truly encompass the passion of love (especially when one is in the famous City of Love) and the grief of heartbreak. I really wish there was more depth and insight on relationships.

I expected to feel so much from this novel, from love and lust, to heartbreak and sadness, but I definitely did not get all that. (The novels I have been reading recently have not been conveying emotions too well, so if you have any recommendations, feel free to comment on this review or recommend them to me!)

Something that I really disliked was the fact that Kisses and Croissants is very predictable. Every twist in the plot was not unexpected, and the overall plot honestly just follows the typical YA contemporary romance format. Not anything out of the ordinary or anything that will blow your mind. The "plot twist" at the end was very predictable, and the conclusion honestly felt very cliché.

The writing style was simple and unoriginal, with cliché lines sprouting everywhere. It was honestly even cringey for me to read these dialogue lines, and I could not help cringing for the characters. There were a couple repetitive lines, such as many variations of "breaking the spell of the moment" and "her face breaks into a smile." A little repetitive, but not as bad as it could have been.

The characters were very two-dimensional. I feel like all the characters were the based off the same characteristics, and the author just gave them a name and an appearance. We did not dive deep into any of the characters' personalities or qualities at all. They were all just black and white snowflake characters.

Paris, as everyone knows, is the City of Love, with so many beautiful sights and tourist attractions. It is a really remarkable city, and the book definitely does a great job capturing the beauty of this city, but Paris is not just a pretty city. There is more to Paris than just that. The novel only portrayed the beautiful parts of Paris, but I do wish it also discussed some of the not-so-pretty aspects of the city. It would have made the story more engaging and would have added some diversity to the setting.

Something I really appreciated was Mia's passion for dancing and ballet. I find ballet to be a unique and elegant sport that requires strength, discipline, and so many qualities that I definitely do not have. Her passion warmed my heart, and it felt good to know that she has such a strong desire to dance. (I love books with ballet and dancing because it is such an elegant sport, so if you know any good books centering around dancing or ballet, feel free to comment on this review or recommend them to me!)

Despite all the aspects of the novel that I did not fully enjoy, I still felt like this was a cute, quick read. If you are looking for a unique YA contemporary romance, I would not suggest picking up Kisses and Croissants, but if you are searching for a quick read of a cute, typical YA contemporary romance, then go for Kisses and Croissants! I enjoyed this novel overall, and I think this would be a pretty enjoyable read for most people.

a solid 3.0 stars ★★★☆☆

2021 on goodreads
link to my reading goals and all my reviews for books i read in 2021

Review written on 4/8/2021
May 21, 2024
yall missed me 🥰🥰 probs didn’t notice but still and yall i got some drama, i was away, yk started some beef, bathroom 👀, the walkie talkies 👀👀, the hats 👀, like god damn, calm down yall, i don’t think the other buses were like this.. anywayyyyyy
so, i read this book, before my lil school trip, i don’t wanna be around anyway after being cooped up with three other girlies, i love them but now i need my own time, but i remember reading this on the bus a bit, and then stopped cuz idk, music, karmas a witch, i shoulda known better. i need romance in my life, i want a bf, manifesting that rn. and i want a croissant. speaking of food, i was at a rest stop, and i was in line w a friend for auntie anne’s and the little mermaid himself, stands behind us, this child had so much cologne, so much axe body spray on, my nostrils were dying. but i didn’t realize this at first so i was like friend (i ain’t name dropping her), do you smell that? someone’s cologne is rlly strong… it was the little mermaids. it was giving he’s right behind me isn’t he? 🤓👆🏻anyway i’m a ballerina, i like croissants, go read this book, kinda like love and gelato but with croissants and less fathers 😌😌😌
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,226 reviews

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