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Four Betrothals #1

4 Betrothals

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Isla Gramer has spent her life as an outsider in small town, USA. Her grandmother raised her after her parents had to flee their home country, but when Isla turns 21 she is brought face to face with the reason for their hasty departure.

Isla is invited to stay at a grand estate where four men tell her that she's there for a very specific reason and after a few weeks together, her destiny starts to be realized as she gets to know the men that turn out to be royalty.

Secrets from Isla's past, and secrets about her future make Isla realize that her life is far from normal and there was a reason she never fit in back home. Will Isla be the savior her parents' homeland thinks she is?

This is a reverse harem shifter romance, intended for mature audiences 18+, and is part of a 2 part series.

233 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 3, 2020

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About the author

Kelsey Soliz

37 books204 followers
Kelsey Soliz is a homeschooling mama of four and army wife, and when she's not drinking copious amounts of tea or playing bassoon, she is dreaming up all kinds of romance story scapes or reading them like a maniac.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews
39 reviews1 follower
May 12, 2021
Great idea, poor execution. Needs some work

DNF at 10%. I really wanted to push through cause the premise is great and I love fantasy books with heroines in the 21-28 age group (but I only ever see 16-19). The writing style and dialogue very juvenile, reminiscent of 2014/2015 Wattpad. I’m actually disappointed because I was looking forward to the story but I just can’t get into it at all.
Profile Image for Tab.
201 reviews2 followers
March 16, 2021
Edit this

Sorry this was a tad disappointing. Get it edited. Typos, wrong words used, and for goodness sake please fix the formatting. Cut down the too many super long dialogue paragraphs. Most people do not just stand still as statues while people are speaking on and on and on. There was very little "movement" going on in the story. It made it difficult to grasp who was saying what when for a WHOLE page a character is speaking and then the next line is
"blah blah blah."
(That goes straight into)
"yadda yadda yadda."
(And back to)
"blah blah blah."
There isn't any he said or she said to even know who the heck is talking at that point. That would go a long way to clear up confusion. Especially since a lot of the dialogue is paragraphs of speaking before switching characters.
Profile Image for KLynn.
1,415 reviews19 followers
March 21, 2021
I wanted to like this because I absolutely love her hemlock series, but this book felt like a rough draft that still needed to be refined. I'm not even talking about the editing problems, it was more the storyline and dialogue that just didn't fit together. We all have to start somewhere though and I'm super happy she kept going because once again ... I love her newer books!
363 reviews
June 20, 2022
I'm sorry but what the fuck did I just read. First her grandmother is absolutely awful, doesn't tell her a goddamn thing, laughs when Isla is overwhelmed, and then you find out she basically was responsible for Isla having 0 friends and never dating in highschool. But Isla just shrugs it off like oh she was looking out for me. I'd be so fucking pissed that I had such a miserable childhood with no friends and everyone making fun of me all because of her. That and every time there's an issue with the guys she just accepts it and says it feels like she's always known them. And the fact that she's totally fine being nothing more than a womb. Like seriously doesn't bat her lashes at the whole mating to produce an heir bullshit because she feels connected to her parents and feels it's her duty.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
June 5, 2022
I think maybe because it's one of Kelsey's first books, the writing didn't quite hit. I didn't feel anything. I picked this up to finally finish all of Kelsey Soliz's books and also because I was bored. The storyline was great. Fast paced and steamy. Plot twist which came at the end was shocking but expected. I might continue this series and read the second book when I'm bored or interested in finishing.
Profile Image for Jessica.
744 reviews
March 29, 2021
I'm in between

This book definitely has promise. I believe its one of the first that I've read where they have to get pregnant to save something so I was instantly intrigued. I do like the characters, what I could understand of them, but I'm not sure there's enough detail for me. Like I said this book has promise, however I feel there still needs to be slot more world and character building. I feel as though everything is just choppy and to the point, no emotion involved. I never know how any of the character are feeling or saying g things unless its explicitly said. Things did start to roll better toward the end of the book but then the thing that happened with her gran just doesn't make sense to me. It was said and then that was the end of it which was crappy if you ask me. Plus the villain thing(don't want to go into detail). So many questions! I think I might try the next but I guess ill see how well it is written. This wasn't a bad book, but I guess the writing style just wasn't for me.
Profile Image for Nico.
41 reviews
May 30, 2021
Big spoiler alert!!!

I liked the concept, but I really couldn't get in the storyline. I'm not going over the editing because everyone else said plainty already.
There was a big nothing going on for the whole book except for obvious misunderstandings and things left unsaid...

There's many moments like this
"Mmm... I think there's a misunderstanding here but let's wait for some other time to clarify the situation" WHY?!?
It drove me crazy.

..and the bad guys? Well, they just came out of nowhere. Puff! Just like that. I was like "I'm sure I missed a chapter"

The greatly loved grandma and the super bestest friend of all time are forgotten somewhere for the longest time but wait... We need a quick tragedy, so here they come back even now barely mentioned.

Next chapter she awakes, now she's safe with her guys.... Awwwww... So happy...
We have a marriage to organize no time for silly things like grieving or a funeral...

Happy ending to everyone!

I'm pretty mad.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mandy McKee.
1,160 reviews3 followers
March 23, 2021
I started this series after reading the first 2 books in Kelsey's Hemlock Academy series, which i Loved.

I found this book to be a quiet plesant read, the FMC was shy and Introverted, and was suddenly thrust into a world she didn't even know existed, not to mention that she along with her 4 new mates were the key to breaking a curse.

There was a really strong story premise, but it fell slightly short of what it could have been, there was a lot of deep emotional dialogue, which i'm not complaining about, but it felt slightly out of place and a bit repetative.

However i did enjoy this book and and look forward to reading more from Kelsey Soliz
April 19, 2021
Storyline concept ok

Not sure if the author intended so many dead ends in her story but there are a few. I am all for a quick fantasy read that has halfway plausible dialogue that I can somewhat relate to but the emotional confessions seemed a tad unimpressive and under whelming it this book.

Some of her other books do better. If you are looking for a simple book to fill empty space or waste time this one is ok to try.
Profile Image for Julie Theriault.
505 reviews2 followers
November 11, 2021
DNF: There Are No Words

I made it 15% of the way. The story goes. We’re going on a trip. Oh wait! You’re a lost dragon. You didn’t know? Snaps. Marry us. Because. Sure. That’s not creepy.

I hate giving bad reviews. The writing is juvenile. The characters are nothing more than paper dolls. I love a good fated mate story as much as they next person, but the “Hi! Wanna @!##?” just is so lazy so early in a book like this. Build the story.
Profile Image for Jordan Bailey.
537 reviews1 follower
June 29, 2023
good read

I understand that this is Kelsey’s first book and so I will obviously understand the difference. I do love all her other books and I enjoyed this one. The characters are fun. I don’t like that Adyson doesn’t seem to be accounted for and yet they’re acting like the problem has passed. No further mention of the grandma or the sister? What’s the plan?

I did enjoy the book otherwise.
179 reviews
March 11, 2021

Needs editing very bad. The story is interesting though so I'm trudging through. The antagonist came out of no where. There are definitely holes in the story. The story itself is pretty lighthearted. The heroine is super insecure and through the story she slowly finds her purpose and backbone.
Profile Image for Pamala Hunt.
955 reviews7 followers
April 2, 2021
So good!!

Isla was basically thrown to the dragons, unknowing that she is one too. I cannot wait to read the next one with the bonding ceremony and to see her dragon!! It was so good!! I give you 5 stars!!
Profile Image for Galina Sulaiman.
2,170 reviews5 followers
June 14, 2021
Four Betrothals

Debut book for this author. I found this author highly recommended in another of her series which I absolutely loved! Have been working through all of her books. Not a bad book at all!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
147 reviews2 followers
August 12, 2021
This book was pretty good. It felt like an earlier piece of work from this author, though, because I've read other books that were more polished and had more depth. I'm not particularly interested in finishing this series, but I will be reading more from this author.
11 reviews
September 17, 2021
what a way to find out dragons exist!

So the lure of not one but four hunky dragon shifters and then to maybe have to choose to break the curse. An enjoyable read with some slight twists and turns. Thanks for the romance that blooms with how to treat a woman right.
49 reviews1 follower
November 24, 2021
So basic

Your basic story, barely a detail, and dumb as nails characters. How much work is it to tell her she’s engaged to alllllll of them. She said multiple times she didn’t know anything about them. Not for me
Profile Image for Samantha.
889 reviews
June 5, 2022
great start to the series

I really enjoyed the story of this book. There was about small 4 typos, but it didn’t take away from the story. I am excited to see what happens in the next book. This will be the 2nd series I have read by Kelsey.
Profile Image for Angela.
2,209 reviews10 followers
August 17, 2024

The story has a good premise. But the chums it fell flat for me. I never really felt a connection with any of them. There’s little angst and little drama. It does need editing and formatting work.
Profile Image for Tara Zormier.
443 reviews13 followers
February 24, 2021

This story was great! I love all the characters, the guys are hot! The author does a good job on her world building.
Profile Image for Megan.
97 reviews3 followers
May 6, 2021

I’m reading this while I wait for book 4 of her Hemlock series seeing as I found those first. I enjoyed this book though I found it slightly jumpy and repetitive.
Profile Image for Michele Moore.
426 reviews3 followers
May 9, 2021
I am loving this author!

This is the second series I have read by her and it does not disappoint. Excited to see where book 2 goes!
18 reviews
June 23, 2021
Very disappointed with this book battled through it good idea and theme but didn’t live up to expectations
Profile Image for Rebecca.
3,810 reviews
July 27, 2021
Awesome Read

Why did you end the book there ? Because that was some baby back bs. I can’t believe what just happened.
Profile Image for Leanne F.
931 reviews3 followers
February 5, 2022
quirky first

Start of a quirky dragon shifter RH. Some intrigue, revealing of family secrets, psycho exes...there’s a lot being covered. Enjoyed this. 4 stars. Recommend.
Profile Image for Klizbet.
1,003 reviews64 followers
February 24, 2024
2 Sad Stars

I love Kelsey Soliz as an author so I had really high hopes for this book. It has dragons and arranged marriages and it was written by an author I really like!

Unfortunately, I could hardly make it through the story. It was such a flop. This book tried so hard to be deep and romantic and meaningful…except it ended up being boring, with droning conversation, too fast insta-love, with inauthentic interactions.

The relationships felt forced.

The ending was stupid.

The fact that they let the evil lady go with a verbal reprimand after she killed the Grandma was ridiculous. I mean, that woman was fanatical enough, and powerful enough, to cause major problems for them. And they just let her go? Dumb dumb dumb.

If you look at my notes and highlights I note the steam level, specific issues I had, tropes, and the characters.
Profile Image for LB.
202 reviews3 followers
July 10, 2021
Pretty good

I’m a fan of this authors Hemlock Academy series, so I wanted to give her other series a try. All in all, this was a good story with a lot of potential and I enjoyed it and the characters. It was nothing too deep, and pretty character driven, which I was perfectly fine with. The writing seemed a little cheesy at times maybe, but I did enjoy this story and look forward to starting the next one.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,265 reviews
October 19, 2020
I’ve been in a bit of a book slump lately waiting for a few series’ new books to be released. This book has been on my TBR list for awhile so I figured I would read it. I do like reading indie authors and understand that their books may not be as polished as authors with big publishing companies. With that being said, I think that this author could use the help of an editor or maybe just someone to read it for context and flow. My intention is not to discourage but to give honest constructive criticism. I liked the story a lot and will continue to read the rest of the series. As of now I can only give 3 stars. I will save any further comments for when I complete the series.
Profile Image for Tiffiny.
477 reviews3 followers
February 19, 2021
Needs serious editing. Hell, if the author would just do a reread they’d be able to find at least the obvious mistakes (misspelled words, missing words, bad punctuation...literally a period in the middle of a word). While I try my best to support indie authors this was just a lazy release.

As for the story, it was....okay. Insta-love due to mates. Lots of conversation dialogue without a break to tell the reader what the other person in the conversation thinks of what’s being said. Pretty much amounts to a lot of monologue (pages worth) at another person. Overall boring and in need of some TLC.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews

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