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I’ve been in hiding for four years. On the run from the man in whose bed I once slept. 
I saw something I shouldn’t have seen. 
Took something I shouldn’t have taken. 
And he’s just found me. 
But it’s not just my safety I have to worry about. I have a little boy. His little boy. The secret baby of a Russian mobster. 
He told me in no uncertain terms that I’m his. That we would be a family. 
But his uncle still wants me dead and I know the man who’s been hunting me is the only one who can keep us safe. 

298 pages, ebook

First published April 6, 2020

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About the author

Natasha Knight

102 books4,931 followers
Natasha Knight is the USA Today Bestselling author of Romantic Suspense and Dark Romance Novels. She has sold over a million books and is translated into six languages. She currently lives in The Netherlands with her husband and two daughters and when she’s not writing, she’s walking in the woods listening to a book, sitting in a corner reading or off exploring the world as often as she can get away.

Write Natasha here:
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 455 reviews
Profile Image for Anovelqueen .
297 reviews977 followers
April 7, 2024
***5 STARS***

I didn’t want it to end!!!

The saga of Lev and Kat continues in this highly emotional action-packed book. Lev and Kat are running for their lives from the mafia, but Lev has everything in hand as he tempers his emotional side with his violent side to protect his family. He will do anything he needs to do to make sure his family is safe. And a slight spoiler...they have a new adorable addition that will steal your heart.

The action is non stop as Lev navigates his family’s safety. Surprises abound and the love between Lev and Kat is hot and sweet. You will adore his protective nature and his take charge nature. The love scenes are soooo hot and the passion is page burning. It is wonderful to follow this couple to their HEA. And the epilogues are icing on the cake.

I highly recommend this duet.
Profile Image for Giorgia Reads.
1,330 reviews2,023 followers
April 21, 2020
4.5 Stars

I was anxious to read the final part of this story and honestly, it was worth the wait.

This was as good if not better than the first part.

It was past paced, packed with action, romance and secrets that come to light slowly.

It felt like I was watching a movie.. kinda.

I read this in a binge and I'm tired and a bit exhausted so I'm gonna make this short.

All I'm gonna say is: This duet was awesome! It felt realistic both in writing and story.

Link to review for first book :MINE
Profile Image for Shabby  -BookBistroBlog.
1,683 reviews880 followers
April 12, 2020
This story is running on pure adrenaline!
Non stop action, packed into the pages that will leave you gasping for breath.
I ran the entire length of the novel, just fingertips ahead of the Mafia chasing me. Running from pillar to post, hotel to hotel, safe houses to shelter cabins....... I'm exhausted!! of the good kind!


Phew! Zavarelli alone is somewhat of an authority on Mafia Genre, add to the mix the devious mind of Knight and we have a potboiler the size of a blockbuster!!
The story starts with blood splatters, gun shots, screams and grasping hands and just keeps on gaining momentum.


There's no respite or the fugitives. There's abductions, gun fights, fist fights and battle of wills. Kat shows her steely spine and mama bear qualities in full force.
Lev is surprised and astounded by her bravery and mettle. He more than meets her in possessive-protective, alpha maleness, and matches her with his lion like quality of safeguarding his pride. He has firm grip on his family and won't let them go at any cost.


Secrets are following them, danger nipping at their heels, Vor thirsty for their blood.
They are betrayed by family and find unlikely allies in the run of their lives.
Fast paced Rollercoaster ride with death defying stunts and a fight to the finish climax, ending with blood splatters, broken bones, screams and grasping hands.


Powerful as a whirlwind and equally destructive in its wake, Zavarelli and Natasha have woven a tight story with enough twists and turns to give you a whiplash. Hold your breath and jump in.
5 stars cause Blood is Thicker than Water
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Profile Image for Syndi.
3,286 reviews958 followers
June 9, 2020
I love it! It is the perfect ending to Ties That Bind Duet. The romance aspect and the mafia/ dark aspect blends perfectly. Lev and Kat finally gets their HEA.

His picks up where the previous book left. The story picks up in roller coaster of mafia world where Lev and Kat runs away to save their son, Josh. The suspense aspect is nicely build with perfect climax. The solution of each climax is twisted around but not confusing. I do love Lev. He is the same brooding, mysterious alpha male.

Kat on the other hand, I need time to grow on her. Its just sometimes she can be very annoying, demanding and childish. Asking/ demanding questions that is only matter to her. Without regarding Lev safety.

AnywaY, I do love this book very much. So much.

5 stars
Profile Image for Birjis.
456 reviews309 followers
May 1, 2020
The duet ends with another page turner read which is fast paced with the whirlwind of twists and mystery galore. Betrayal is everywhere and help is found in improbable allies.

A good girl and a dangerous man with a secret baby in stash as they try to outmaneuver their enemies brings a rash of a gripping plot. The story wasn't cheesy (I liked that) and there was a dark mood which was consuming. The family time was adorable. Lev is so possessive and deadly when it comes to protecting his family and Kat has such mommy qualities that she is ready to do anything and at times take impulsive decisions which made be face palm her behaviour.

The story was action packed. While there is blood bath, interesting twists and a dangerous world, it was a solid read.
Profile Image for Ainhoa.
475 reviews17 followers
September 8, 2021
I think this series was well paced, so I'm not sure if this could have been one longer book instead of two, but because I went in blind and I knew nothing about this series, I was disappointed when I found out I had to read the second one to find out what happened, but that's a completely "me" problem.

Thw writing style wasn't bad and they both were entertaining and enjoyable. I found it a bit light because lately I'm reading darker mafia books but despite it all, it was a nice read.

Profile Image for Melissa Crump.
603 reviews71 followers
February 16, 2020
The conclusion didn’t disappoint at all. So much suspense and betrayal from so many angles. It’s a race against time, taking chances, fitting the pieces of the puzzle together and learning how to trust those you love and fight till the end for what matters most. Great story!
Profile Image for Kay's Blushing Book Reviews.
289 reviews277 followers
April 21, 2020
This is the conclusion to the Ties That Bind Duet and it’s not stop action packed goodness.
Continuing on from book 1 ‘Mine’ this story is intense, raw, dark and twisted. Natasha and Ashleigh have taken us on an epic journey with Lev and Kat’s love story of passion, possession, power with dark twists that will set your heart alight and left to burn.

I hope these authors do more collaborations in the future, I loved this duet!
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,462 reviews113 followers
September 22, 2021
Recensione in Anteprima sulla mia pagina Bookstagram

Nel momento in cui Levka aveva tratto in salvo Katerina e il bambino, avrebbe voluto prenderli entrambi tra le braccia e far loro dimenticare tutto quello che era successo:

«Qualsiasi conforto che potrei essere in grado di fornire, però, dovrà aspettare. La priorità in questo momento è garantire la loro sicurezza, e non c’è molto tempo».

Kat era in stato confusionale, con gli occhi annebbiati e le emozioni troppo fresche per riuscire a prendere qualunque tipo di decisione. Aveva azionato il pilota automatico perché troppo scossa e terrorizzata dagli eventi. E Lev non poteva certo biasimarla per questo.
Aveva rischiato di morire, o, peggio ancora, di perdere Josh.

«La maggior parte delle persone non ha assistito allo stesso livello di violenza che ho visto io nella mia vita. Non è questo che voglio per Kat, voglio che rimanga umana il più a lungo possibile».

Ma Lev non era il tipo d’uomo che si tirava indietro difronte al pericolo, perché lui non aveva paura, mai. Però adesso c’erano altre persone nella sua vita di cui prendersi cura, e il loro benessere gli stava a cuore. La cosa migliore era  voltare pagina e dare un calcio al passato, cambiando vita.
Ma Vasily non avrebbe mai accettato il suo allontanamento dall’organizzazione criminale della quale entrambi facevano parte, e non avrebbe lasciato che l’affronto arrecatogli, grave e imperdonabile, sarebbe rimasto impunito.

Era una battaglia che, suo malgrado, Lev doveva combattere, ma non sapeva ancora chi, tra loro due, sarebbe riuscito a vincere la guerra.

🖋️Questo secondo libro del duetto mi è piaciuto moltissimo. La storia mi ha coinvolta fin dalle prime pagine. Tanti i colpi di scena, le azioni adrenaliniche, ma anche molti momenti passionali, molto hot, e di dolcezza.

Lev è un antieroe, forte, duro e possessivo, e non ha avuto paura di mostrare alla donna che ama il suo lato tenero, che agli occhi di Kat non lo rende affatto debole. Anzi, le ha dimostrato ancor di più quanto tenesse a proteggere la sua famiglia, che ama sopra ogni altra cosa.

🖋️Le autrici sono state molto talentuose nella caratterizzazione dei personaggi, mostrando al lettore in modo semplice ma incisivo la profondità e la bellezza di un amore grande, pericoloso e passionale e ricco di tante sfaccettature emozionanti.

*Ringrazio la CE per la copia ARC




Profile Image for The Romantic Rush Blog.
2,094 reviews921 followers
January 3, 2023
An addictively dramatic and fast paced conclusion for the Ties that Bind duet. Mafia intrigue, secrets, epic romance, action, and twists come together to make a fast-paced, adrenaline filled page turner. I ravenously gobbled this up in one sitting.

While I liked book 1, I LOVED book 2. It delivered on what I had been craving more of in book one- a more substantive, emotional connection between Lev and Kat, one where we see them get to know each other more, held together by more than their lust and survival. And boy did they deliver, somehow amidst all the action and drama, we find sweet and tender moments that touched the heart. Kat finally opens up and risks her heart, Lev reciprocates with his own vulnerability, and both find family, stability, safety, and purpose in their new found family. We get a story brimming with chemistry and much more steam (yay!) while also getting this awesome mafia story of revenge and danger with an conclusion that is oh-so-satisfying.

I also love how Lev continues to be just outside of trope as a hero. He's got anti-heroic qualities, his darkness comes from his work, but NOT from his heart and soul. He's tortured by his past, sure, but their romance isn't dark in anyway- it's pure, devoted, sensual, passionate but tender. Lev still brings some savagery as he exacts his revenge, but he's obsessed with Kat, and his protectiveness and love of her is so damn swoony. He's a good guy who can DO bad things when life demands it, but that is not who he is in his heart. And I loved how he gives Kat safety- not just physically but emotionally, even though ALL the danger in her life stems from her meeting him.

The extended epilogue and HEA closure was also much appreciated, I loved getting some slowness and gentleness after two books of adrenaline and chaos- so much closure and I relished it!
Profile Image for Keri Loves Books.
1,245 reviews196 followers
April 9, 2020
The dramatic conclusion to the Ties That Bind duet delivers revenge and new beginnings that will leave you satisfied!

Lev loves Kat and his son and he’ll stop at nothing to protect them and destroy any threat. He has his work cut out for him because Kat’s impulsive decisions may just get her killed. She was not raised in the mafia life, so her learning curve us steep and not withiut bloodshed.

Secrets will unfold as they take it on the run to get what they need to start over. Lev will finally find out the truth about his family. Kat will make a discovery that will change everything. Through it all, their love will grow and they’ll become a family.

The mafia life is not what Kat wants, but starting over will mean eliminating all the ghosts from their past. It’s going to get messy.

This story delivered the drama, and a family whose loyalty comes without limits. It’s mafia romance suspense that brings the heat and a sweet HEA.
Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,466 reviews85 followers
April 25, 2020
***4 "Family!!!" stars***


"I'm putting my trust in you, Lev. Please don't let us down."

The conclusion to Levi and Kat's story was very satisfying!!!
As I told you before, the beginning didn't win me over immediately, but then i was grabbed by the story and after the cliffy of the first book, i couldn't wait to start reading the last part!!!
And this writing duet didn't disappoint me!!!
The ending was explosive... Full of suspense and on constant motion!!!
I freakin' loved it!!!

"We're not safe. We're nowhere near safe. And that stolen flash drive that started all of this? It's nothing compared to this."

Well, after the catastrophic events at the end of "Mine", Lev, Kat and Josh are on the run in order to stay alive and safe...
Unfortunately, their enemies are always a step behind them and that's something that is making them anxious and impatient.
Levi is determined to make everything in his power in order to keep his family safe...
He can even ally with the wrong people. Nothing is forbidden in his world after all!!
The ones that he wronged them are going to pay no matter what, but he has to be more careful!!!
Unfortunately, the things are getting out of hands many times and our heroes are fighting constantly for their lives!!!

"It's still difficult to wrap my head around the fact that I'm a father. And right now, at this moment, I want more than anything for him to understand that. Whatever happens, I will protect him. I will take care of him. Even if that means going to war with Vasily."

Honestly, i can not tell you more about this book, since you know, it was a part of a duet and it isn't very right to make spoilers...
But this part was exciting in a twisted way... with all these secrets and lies that were unraveling all the time and how the things were developing...

"Secrets hold power over you, and in a way, when you speak them out loud and tell them to another human being, it gives you your power back."

For once again, I loved Levi and Kat!!!
I believe that in here, their connection grew up and took a biggest part...
They are united and it shows... They are family and they are shouting them to the rest of the world with their actions...
I liked how determined was Levi to be right and to be prove himself worthy to have a family!!!
I liked how the things turned out after all, even with much blood, tears and destruction in between...

"I was sent to kill you... But I didn't. Because the moment I saw you again, I fucking knew, even before Josh, that you were meant to be mine."

Also, I loved Josh!!! He was such a cutie!!!!
I also really liked Maxim and Glen...
So... If you are loving a good mafia romance, then you should take a chance to this duet!!!
These two authors know what are doing and it will worth your time!!

***ARC was provided in the exchange of an honest review***
Profile Image for Christine B.
529 reviews95 followers
October 13, 2020
What do you get when you run from a Russian mobster hitman? Caught!!! Kat ran with all the secrets she had. Talking about being at the wrong place wrong time seems like it was Kat life story. Now 4 years later and she gets this weird sensation of hairs standing up on back of her neck. Well for me that means run but for Kat not so much. We can guess, Lev finds her and now she has a huge secret that is 4 years old. What will she do? Better question what will Lev do?

Lev has now found Kat and he finds out she not alone and discovery he actually loves her, but can he trust her?. Now he has a family to protect but his uncle has grown weary of him and his abilities to be loyal to his mobster family. But as time goes on Lev has always wanted revenge for the death of his mother and knew his uncle and loyalties to the family would always delivered it, until he finds out the secrets his uncle has been keeping. Now Lev loyalties are with Kat and his revenge is for his uncle.
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,858 reviews1,490 followers
April 10, 2020
AHHHH!! I have been so consumed with Natasha Knight and A. Zavarelli's Ties That Bind series. Kat and Lev are absolutely delicious and just a phenomenal addiction. I loved the pure adrenaline ride of His, the conclusion to this duet. I loved the connection between Kat and Lev and all the shocking secrets and lies and twists and turns at every corner. I loved every minute of it!!

This story picks up right at the shocking cliffy at book one. Now Kat and Lev must stay one step ahead of their enemies and try to outthink and outmaneuver the ones out to get them. I loved this story as it was still edgy and unpredictable but showcased Lev's growing feelings for Kat and their child. He was still dominant and alpha but was 1000% committed to his family. Overall, I loved their connection and Lev's protective nature. What an amazing story! 5 stars! ~Ratula 
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,625 reviews524 followers
August 15, 2020
This one was even better than book 1. There was more teamwork, romance and familial relationship at work. This duet is “Dark-Lite” and I was happy for that.
Profile Image for Mimiorphee.
623 reviews39 followers
April 21, 2020
His is one of my most anticipated books of this month, and once more, the duo of authors Natasha Knight and Ashleigh Zavarelli didn't disappoint.

The story starts off where Mine left us, with that maddening cliffhanger. From then and until the end, it propulsed the reader into an exciting race where the tension completely enthralled me.

Lev, more protective than ever will make you swoon, while the brave Kat will fight for her family, a strong and skillfully handled topic of this series. And let me tell you, little Josh is just adorable! The building of the relationship between Lev and Kat had the anticipation sending sparks.

I fanned myself when their desire burnt. I cringed and felt anxious all along as the menaces and threats arose. And I was excited with the revelations!

Fast paced, passionate, at turns sweet and tender, or tense and violent, His beautifully concluded the Ties That Bind Duet. 

Profile Image for Jac K.
2,339 reviews358 followers
February 26, 2023
I read these in the boxset, so I’m leaving the same review for both books. Mine & His follows Katerina (Kat) and Levka (Lev). I enjoyed it but found it a smidge bland at times. The relationship takes the front seat with the mafia bits more in the background, so if you’re in the mood for heavy/hardcore mafia themes… this might not be for you.

I liked how the couple met and had an insta-attraction/lust but weren’t spouting love declarations. IMO this felt more natural. I found both Kat and Lev quite likable even if they were her standard mc type.

MINE - My biggest issue is that the blurb basically gives away the entire plot, so I knew pretty much everything that would happen before starting. For example, the first book’s blurb tells us they’ll meet, he’ll let her go, she sees something she shouldn’t, goes on the run, and he tracks her down 4-years later with his son…. Which is the majority of the story. There’re some details thrown in here and there, but nothing was unexpected or a surprise, and I was left a bit bored.

HIS - This picks up right where the previous book left off. The couple are on the run from Lev’s uncle that wants them both dead. The good news is that the blurb is more general and I had no clue what was coming. The bad news is that much of the action was from Kat being TSTL. I say this all the time, why can’t authors either make the baddies smarter or take the time to think up a situation that makes sense rather than just making the h a moron??!! For example,

It just takes away that ruthless/gritty mafia feel when the mc’s are running around like clueless dum-dums. And what was up with mafia dudes facetiming each other constantly? That felt silly.

Bottom Line- It was ok, but not the dangerous/action filled mafia read with a kickass anti-H I was expecting. I listened to much of the second book and the narration was pretty good. I liked the second book much better. Overall- Mine- 3⭐’s. His-3.5 ⭐’s.
Profile Image for Diana.
668 reviews172 followers
April 19, 2020
Perfect Ending To This Duet
*arc generously provided by the promo team in exchange for an honest review*


“Their heavy words can't bring me down
Boy, I've been raised from the dead
No one even knows how hard life was
I don't even think about it now because
I've finally found you.”

Radio – Lana Del Rey

What’s this book about? (I'm trying to give as little spoilers as possible)
Kat is the mother of a Russian mobster’s son. That mobster knows it. He also knows in how much danger he and his family are in and he’ll stop at nothing to protect his family.

This is my second read by both of these authors in unison. This was definitely a page turner. I was so happy to be back in their dark world and they made it so easy to fall right back in the mood of their world. Lev and Kat have a way of entertaining you. Their steam is impeccable. Their family dynamics are adorable. This was a solid story that entertained you and kept you on your toes. There was nothing cheesy or cliché about it, at least in my humble opinion. The Russian mob situations were handled smoothly. I endured a rocky start with this story, not liking the beginning of book one. After the time jump, I was completely invested though. Sometimes, it pays off to be patient and keep reading! I’m definitely checking on these two authors’ other work. This was a perfect ending to this duet!
I recommend this read to lovers of mafia reads, intense and scorching hot romance between two characters that shouldn’t have met, overprotective daddies and sexy momma bears.

ORIGINAL COMMENT: Solid story. Impeccable steam. Not cheesy. Subtle Russian mob stuff, nothing cliche. All in all, a perfect ending to a story that had a rocky start with me. REVIEW COMING SOON!

Profile Image for Gabby.
126 reviews65 followers
October 7, 2021

All the same, even the drama is the same.
There is no character development.
Zero romance. This book focuses on drama way too much it takes away from MCs relationship.
I neither like or hate H this in book.
h is TSTL.
There's not much to write about this book because it's pretty tamed for a mafia theme book. Even the villain is unbelievable weak.

Safety gang :
Profile Image for Athena D..
946 reviews58 followers
April 22, 2020
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 STARS

Oh how I loved this remarkable conclusion to the Ties That Bind duet! Zavarelli and Knight did an incredible job and I'd definitely love to read more from this amazing duo. Kat and Lev had an action-packed journey filled with suspense and so many emotions. If you enjoy reading romantic suspense filled with hot af mafia men, I recommend picking up this duet. His by Natasha Knight and A. Zavarelli is an EPIC read and will join the ranks of the BIBLIO-ARISTOCRACY!!!
Profile Image for Marzia.
210 reviews30 followers
August 14, 2021
Idk how to explain it but everything in this book just worked for me. I wasn't bored even for a minute and that's rare. I loved seeing Lev dish out punishments to everyone deserving. Kat was likeable too as were all the side characters. (the ones alive lol)

This is meant to be. She and I until the end of the world or our bodies turn to ash—whatever happens first.

anywayy omw to find myself a Lev, wish me luck
Profile Image for Leggere Romanticamente.
1,934 reviews262 followers
October 5, 2021
Recensione di Virgy sul blog https://www.leggereromanticamente.com...

La collaborazione tra la Zavarelli e la Knight è stato un dono per tutti gli amanti del genere Mafia\Dark: grazie alla loro esperienza e alla loro incredibile capacità di scrittura, sono nati due libri forti, crudi e per niente scontati.
Ho fatto davvero fatica a dire addio a questa dilogia.
Amanti del genere Mafia, il mio consiglio spassionato è di correre a leggere immediatamente questi due libri!
Profile Image for Love is in the books.
1,552 reviews37 followers
September 30, 2021

Buongiorno readers, 
oggi finalmente vi parlo di "His" scritto a quattro mani da Natasha Knight e A. Zavarelli. Questo secondo volume della dilogia Mine &His riprende esattamente da dove ci aveva lasciato il precedente: Kat e Lev stanno lottando per far funzionare la loro relazione, ma soprattutto per proteggere Josh, il loro bambino.
Saranno ostacolati però dalla mafia russa, la quale vuole ciò che gli appartiene e farà di tutto per entrarne in possesso, uccidendo chiunque ostacoli il loro cammino.
Le vite di Kat, Lev e Josh sono in pericolo. 

È ancora difficile accettare il fatto di essere un padre.
E ora, in questo momento, più di ogni altra cosa voglio che lui lo capisca.
Qualunque cosa accada, io lo proteggerò.

Lev è determinato a proteggere suo figlio e la donna che ama; se un tempo Kat era solo un intralcio per lui, adesso è diventata la sua priorità.
In questo secondo volume, scopriamo Lev sotto un’altra luce. Nel primo volume ero diffidente verso il suo personaggio a causa della sua vita; in questa seconda parte, però, viene fuori il suo lato umano. Si percepisce l’amore che prova verso Kat e Josh e come si inserisce nella loro vita senza problemi, mettendo da parte la paura del doversi prendere cura di un essere umano più piccolo. 
Lev non dimenticherà le sue origini e non abbandonerà mai il suo lato oscuro, anzi in questo volume verrà più volte fuori quando dovrà proteggere la sua famiglia.
Questo personaggio mi è piaciuto tanto, proprio per le sfumature contrastanti che lo caratterizzano. È amorevole e premuroso ma, allo stesso tempo, tenebroso e oscuro. Due facce della stessa medaglia che si alternano in modo continuo, nessuna prevale sull’altra e il lettore si ritrova ad amarle entrambe.
Kat rimetterà la sua fiducia in Lev, l’uomo che ama, anche se non sarà facile dato che il suo obiettivo iniziale era ucciderla. Saranno una serie di rivelazioni a sconvolgere la sua vita; in quei momenti avrei voluto essere lì per abbracciarla, perché Kat ne ha passate tante e non ha avuto una vita facile. Purtroppo in questo volume l’ho trovata piatta, priva di crescita, sempre accondiscendente nei confronti di Lev. Avrei preferito vedere un comportamento più combattivo e ribelle!

Ma quando guardo Kat seduta accanto a me,
so che qualunque cosa succederà ne varrà la pena.

L’amore tra Kat e Lev è tangibile, forse troppo precoce, ma quando una persona mette a soqquadro il tuo mondo, non puoi fare altro che lasciarlo entrare. Se nel primo libro la loro connessione era puramente fisica, qui vediamo come il loro rapporto si evolve e matura, di sicuro la presenza di Josh ha contribuito in questo cambiamento.
Ho amato il rapporto che Lev ha con suo figlio Josh, è un rapporto che nasce con una spontaneità unica.
Oltre questi personaggi, verranno introdotti altri due fondamentali: Gleb e Maxim. Non posso dirvi nulla su di loro, ma a me sono piaciuti molto!

«Ti amo, Lev,» mormora Kat.
«E il nostro amore è più forte di tutto quello che ci è successo.
Non ho bisogno che tu sia dispiaciuto. Ho solo bisogno che tu sia qui. Per sempre.»

Le vicende di "His" sono state perfette per chiudere il cerchio della storia: ci sono segreti che verranno rivelati e cambieranno tutto, ci sarà la resa dei conti tra tutti i personaggi e, soprattutto, colpi di scena inaspettati
Le vite di queste persone sono tutte collegate tra loro. All’inizio sarà difficile capire come ognuno s’incastri con l’altro; successivamente la narrazione diventerà limpida e ogni cosa andrà al suo posto. Le due autrici sono state bravissime a dare quel tocco di suspense, di pericolo, di azione e violenza alla lettura, ma ci saranno anche lacrime da versare
Il libro è narrato in modo alternato con il pov di Lev e quello di Kat. Come sempre queste autrici scrivono delle scene passionali bellissime, senza mai cadere nel volgare, dando quel tocco in più alla storia. 
Se il primo libro mi aveva fatto un po' storcere il naso, con questo secondo volume le due autrici hanno fatto centro, creando un finale perfetto per una storia travagliata alla ricerca del proprio lieto fine. Consigliato

Profile Image for Weronika -  Little Steamy Reads.
626 reviews106 followers
April 21, 2020
„Never doubt that you’re mine.”

What a perfect conclusion for Kat and Lev’s story! I’m in awe! It met all my expectations and I couldn't be happier with the direction the authors took. The second part of the duet is a neverending ride without a grip that takes breath away and makes your head spin. In addition to the lingering threat, which keeps you in constant suspense, the story is filled to the brim with sexiness. Perfect combo!

His begins where Mine ended and from that moment we are sucked into the whirlwind of events that are aimed to ensure the safety for Lev’s family. At every step we’re startled by unexpected twists and mindblowing revelations. But during the dangerous journey where tomorrow is uncertain and the enemy is lurking just around the corner, the source of relief is the undeniable love that connects Kat and Lev. I love them so freaking much. Lev’s dominance and possesiveness. Kat’s strenght and bravery. Despite the darkness that surrounds them, their love shines through. And their passion? You better get yourself some ice-cold water to cool off, because these two are so smoking hot that they’re able to set into flames everything around!

His is an excellent ending for Ties That Bind duet. The storyline flows seamlessly, despite many surprising twists and turns. It’s action-packed and thrilling. Lev and Kat’s story is exciting and super steamy. But it shouldn't be surprising, since two mafia queens are the authors. Zavarelli and Knight slayed me with this duet and I really hope that we’d see more of their collaboration!
100% recommended!
Profile Image for oritty: books and i (tilayov).
859 reviews56 followers
April 22, 2020

HIS by Natasha Knight & A. Zavarelli is book Two in the Ties That Bind Series. This continues the story of Kat and Lev, it is not a standalone and youneed to read 'Mine' before starting this one.
It is a Mafia Romance Told in dual POV
'His' continues the minute part one ended. The dangers lev and katya face are much more critical now for they are confronting lev's uncle and they find secrets about their past and kat's parents that change their future!
Their relationship is a partnership and their love is just getting stronger and now they are a family.
You get to see lev's soft side- he is an amazing father and you get to see his tough side – the one that will not rest and will stop at nothing to protect what's his!

"I will burn Vasily's whole f*** world if that's what it takes to keep my family together"
And katya – Life puts her through some tough challenges but she learns she is much stronger than she thought she was, and she learns to trust and embrace love and family.
I enjoyed it very much, I had suspense, dramatic moments, action steamy moments and tender love
*received an arc copy for review
Profile Image for Lexxi James.
Author 30 books1,395 followers
December 24, 2020
Something Sinister This Way Comes
In the conclusion of "Mine," Katerina sinks deeper down the rabbit hole of the mafia world, tied to it much stronger than she ever thought. Again, if you started the story in the first book, you must finish it. This finale to the duet was satisfying and made up for some of the darker sides of these complex characters.

(And I just don't know why I was in the mood for Vodka during the entire read.)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 455 reviews

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