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Bought-the-Farm Mystery #3

A Streak of Bad Cluck

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With hens like these, who needs enemies?

Ivy is finally starting to feel at home on Runaway Farm and she’s even settled the feathers of a formerly feisty neighbor with frequent gourmet food bribes. Unless the nosy neighbor has an ulterior motive, that is. She’s as sly as Ivy’s runaway sow.

New guests descend on the inn and Ivy puts the mayhem of recent weeks behind her. When someone chokes on a very bad egg and dies, however, the plot chickens. Once again, Ivy is a suspect, thanks to the generosity of her hens. But clucks are as abundant in this homesteading community as enemies.

Keats, the border collie, is ready to apply his sharp nose and brain to this case of murder most fowl and Jilly always comes through in a pinch. Even the police chief is starting to soften toward Ivy. His change of heart couldn’t be better timed because the evidence could leave her without an egg to stand on.

232 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 18, 2020

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Ellen Riggs

42 books111 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews
Profile Image for Shawna Shaheen.
324 reviews13 followers
March 13, 2021
Keats the border collie with the mysterious blue eye and one brown eyes and Ivy and Ivy best friend Jilly are welcoming more guests to theryre Runaway Farm inn. With Ivy as the owner of farm animals and the inn and Jilly as a chef. They have some unnerving guests come to stay for awhile The Bridge Biddies (as Ivy mom Delahlia likes to call them) Edna the mean 80 year old neighbor that was in cahoots with the first murder on Ivy's farm invited the Bridge players to Ivy's inn. Edna is kinda starting to get acquainted with Ivy and her best friend Jilly. Like Edna has a soul.In the 3rd book there is twists in it. You might realize that 3 of the books have all had bodies found in Ivy's property but don't let that stop you from reading these books. I love all 3of these books so far. They have interesting plots
Profile Image for Amy.
171 reviews14 followers
July 4, 2020
Love this series! Ivy & Keats as well as all the other characters are wonderful. Really looking forward to the upcoming books and hope the series continues for a good long while.
Profile Image for QNPoohBear.
3,289 reviews1,531 followers
February 19, 2023
3.5 stars

After two murders associated with her farm, Ivy is worried about her reputation. That is why she is preparing to host her cranky neighbor Edna Evans and the Bridge ladies at a significant discount. Edna warns Ivy that these ladies can make or break her reputation. One harsh word from them and the farm is DONE. As much as Edna thinks the farm is a menace, she does need a home for her chickens and where better than Runaway Farm? Ivy even catches Edna sneaking around the hen house for an unauthorized after-hours visit. When the bridge ladies get too catty even for Edna, she demands to be taken home. When Ivy returns the next morning with Edna's meal, she discovers Edna is missing. Keats and Ivy then discover Edna face down in the muddy pool where Wilma the sow almost drowned Ivy. It looks like this time she succeeded! Yet... Jilly is sure the lock was forced open and not by Wilma. Did someone set out to ruin Ivy's reputation? Was Edna an accidental casualty? Unfortunately, the police suspect poison with Jilly as the chief suspect. Ivy knows her best friend would never poison anyone and everyone else ate the same thing and was fine. Ivy needs to save her farm and if it means finding out who killed Edna, so be it. She'll just be careful and share her information with the police. No harm there!

This story has so many twists and turns, including a soap opera like plot twist 2/3 of the way in. I wasn't entirely surprised because I just read the author's newsletter so I was confused by the first part of the mystery but not the second! The whodunit seems to come out of thin air with no real solid motive. There are SO many suspects!

In this book, Jilly is my favorite human. She is a real, true best friend- what the kids call "ride-or-die" now. Jilly doesn't hesitate to help Ivy even when it involves muck, mud, early mornings or a trip through the bush. Jilly would never deliberately murder anyone. She's dealt with some nasty people and knows how to use charm to get what she wants. Moreover, she'd never do that to Ivy. Ivy's family is not so supportive. They want Ivy to sell the farm and go somewhere else. They mean well and do it out of a place of love and concern but where would the animals go? Who else would take care of them? Ivy's heart is in the right place but she's also very stubborn so now she's more committed than ever. The rescue mafia finally appear on page and even they want Ivy to give up. HER actions reflect badly on THEM as animal rescuers and they can't do what they do if Ivy continues to be a murder magnet. It's not her fault!

Edna is such a cranky old lady but I do kind of like her. I think I was on the right track when I suspected she was lonely. She CAN take care of herself but I think she misses people and just doesn't know how to relate in a normal way. Her friend group are all super nasty. The Bridge Biddies as Ivy calls them could also be known by another B word. They're elderly and wealthy and that gives them all the power and privilege even over Edna. Everyone knows each other's darkest secrets and won't hesitate to share if their secrets are threatened. Yikes! I actually felt sorry for Edna! I agree with a lot of things she has to say about men and her advice is funny and probably good too. I'm not a chicken fan but I can understand her bond with Sookie. It's sweet actually and Sookie is kind of cute for a chicken. There's some commentary there about motherhood that echoes Edna's story that I don't quite care for. Having children isn't the be-all, end-all of a woman's life, not even a chicken. Sookie's purpose is two-fold: 1)to lay eggs for the inn guests to eat and 2) to provide companionship.

I even liked Ivy's mom in this one. The old biddies try to slut shame her but she holds her ground and it doesn't bother her. Dahlia might want Ivy to give up the farm but she's protective of her baby and is willing to help save Ivy's reputation even at the expense of her own. She's strong enough not to care what others think. Dahlia's old car, Buttercup, is a new character in the story. The old yellow jalopy seems to have a mind of its own and is a quirky character for sure, along with the truck.

We meet a bunch of new townspeople in this story. Robbi Ford, the owner of the hair salon in town, is friendly and likes to gossip. I think she should keep more secrets but some of what she shares seem to be open secrets in town. The Bridge Club chair, Gertrude Boxton, is the grande dame of the bunch. Also she's the most evil. She's the leader and the ringleader. She is quick to shred reputations and put down others. She thinks her money gives her all the power and she can say and do whatever she wants. There's even a hierarchy in the club that dictates how and when the members speak! I wouldn't put it past Gertrude to murder someone. The same with Morag Turner. The two seem to be at odds with one another, vying for the leadership role. Annamae Muir is the sweetheart of the bunch. I don't know how she got involved with this lot but I think she's a victim of bullying and manipulation. She's very innocent and naïve or a very good actress.

Even more suspects include ice cream shop owner Ted Tupper who petitioned for Edna to be removed as school nurse. How can someone who brings so much happiness be a murderer?! Then there's Linda Snead, a former deli owner whose shop closed after Edna claimed she got salmonella from Linda's crab salad! From what they say, I don't think either of them killed Edna but they sure did hate her. Merle Randall was the love of Edna's life. He married someone else and his wife Helen is well aware she is second best. Why would she kill Edna now though? And would that really make her first in her husband's heart? The question ends up being: Who DIDN'T want Edna dead? I think that's incredibly unfair after so many years. The motive had better be a more recent offense!

The romantic subplot is moving along. Kellen is into Ivy as much as she's into him but cautious because she gets into trouble and he's the chief of police. Keats is both jealous and eager for them to get together. He's on board if he's included but if he's shut out, then he acts jealous and upset. Poor Keats! Ash and Jilly seem to have a little romance going on too. No wonder she hasn't gone back to Boston.

I did not enjoy the feral cats. I'm not a cat person and like Ivy I don't speak cat. It's different from dog and I didn't understand what was going on with the three main cats. Keats is as wonderful as ever though.

I'm not sure I can make through all the books in the series before my KU subscription ends but I aim to make it through as many as I can! I love the characters and can't wait to see what animals Ivy ends up with next. It was also great to catch up with the characters from Mischief in Dog Town - The Complete Series as well. I <3 Leo!
Profile Image for Tammy.
653 reviews45 followers
February 12, 2023
I am hooked on this series. It has the right balance of everything that makes a good cozy mystery. Ivy, Keats, and Jill have a whole new mystery to solve with more zany characters to like and dislike. I didn't guess the guilty person. It is nice to be surprised. I am looking forward to reading the next book.
550 reviews6 followers
February 1, 2024
This book and the mystery was, interesting to say the least. I was surprised that it appeared they killed off a main character but then the story took a turn straight out of a 70s Bollywood movie with the appearance of The final perpetrator was just as out of nowhere imo. Still a fun read and i will be back for the shenanigans of the runaway farm.
Profile Image for Donna.
Author 7 books33 followers
January 4, 2021
An enjoyable read. Ivy and Keats are back for another go at solving a murder. Once more there are several suspects and plenty of twists and turns. I was not happy with who the murderer turned out to be because it felt like the author just picked somebody at random and made them the culprit. The town of Clover Grove doesn't seem to have very many nice people since almost all we meet are rather nasty individuals. The Rescue Mafia aren't very likable either. While they have been helpful to Ivy, they are not a very nice group of ladies--especially Cori.
1,488 reviews
June 27, 2020
From Amazin:

After a rocky start, Ivy is finally settling into life at Runaway Farm and Inn. She’s even managed to smooth the feathers of a formerly feisty neighbor. Or has she? Nothing is ever quite as simple as it seems in charming Clover Grove.

When the local bridge club arrives for a high stakes visit, Ivy turns up the hospitality to revive the inn’s reputation after two recent murders. What could possibly go wrong with a group of card-playing octogenarians known as pillars of the community?

A fox in the henhouse disrupts the plan. Someone is creeping around the farm again, and the Bridge Buddies have barely settled in before one of them gains her heavenly wings.

Luckily, Ivy is never alone in a crisis. Keats, the border collie, is eager to apply his sharp brain to this case of murder most fowl, and best friend Jilly always has her back. Even Kellan (AKA Chief Hottie) is softening a little. His change of heart couldn’t be better timed because the evidence could leave Ivy without an egg to stand on.
Profile Image for Carol Krout.
156 reviews2 followers
June 19, 2020
Ivy and Keats are at it again in their newest adventure.  The local Bridge Club is having a weekend tournament at the Runaway Farm.  Ivy is confronted by Chief Hottie, her mother, and brother about how Ivy drives the stick shift truck.  They surprise her with none other than her mother's car, Buttercup, which her mom was not allowed
to drive anymore for the sake of the stop signs.
     One morning Ivy goes over to pick up her crotchety neighbor Edna.  But Edna is not there.  Ivy is looking for her only to end up finding a dead body in the pig pool.  Was Wilma the pig a killer or something or someone else to blame?
     Will Ivy and Chief Hottie go on a date or police business?  And who is the murder victim and who is the murderer?
     You will love this book and the twists, turns, and surprises.  I know I sure did.  Five stars.
486 reviews2 followers
June 23, 2020
Another fun visit to Runaway Farm. The Inn's guests this time are the Bridge Buddies, the town's mean girls who are aĺl in their eighties and have plenty of secrets amongst them . They also are counted among the suspects when a not very well liked community member is killed .
Ivy, Jilly and Keats must again put on their sleuthing hats to save the inn's reputation when the cause of death may be related to the inn . Ivy must also prove to her family and to the rescue group that started her farm that she belongs there.
There are plot twists , motives and suspects aplenty to keep you guessing until the end. I look forward to reading many more books in this series
I received an ARC copy of this book. This is my honest and freely given review.
Profile Image for Penny Leidecker.
2,517 reviews25 followers
June 20, 2020
Ellen Riggs sure can write an engaging must-read mystery. I love this series and look forward to reading each and every one. Without revealing who was murdered, I have to admit, I was a little sad. I also love it when I don’t figure out who was the murderer. I highly recommend this whole series and I bet you’ll want to visit Clover Grove, when you finish reading. This series has such wonderful characters, both two-legged and four-legged. Grab your copy and get ready for another adventure with Ivy, Jilly, and Keats.

I received an advanced reader copy of this book and this is my voluntary and honest review.
Profile Image for Spinneretta.
2,578 reviews14 followers
May 8, 2022

Book three of the series sees Ivy hosting the Bridge Biddies for a tournament- one that goes awry when a neighbour is killed.
Ivy, Jillian, Kellen, and Keats start searching for answers, and dig up some unusual clues!

There’s a lot going on in this mystery, and I can’t say much because it would spoil the plot twists! That being said, we get to meet the rescue mafia some in this book, and both Ivy and Jillian have some improvement in their love-lives (it’s very much slow burn though!).
As always, Keats steals the show, only this time he had a little competition from some feral felines!

A thoroughly enjoyable mystery for fans of cosy mysteries with animal stars!
Profile Image for Melinda.
351 reviews95 followers
January 17, 2023
🔲 mary-sue party
🔲 mostly 2D
🔲 great main cast, forgettable side characters
✅ well-written
🔲 complex and fascinating
🔲 hard to believe they are fictional

🔲 you've already heard this exact story a thousand times
🔲 nothing memorable
✅ gripping
🔲 exceptional
🔲 mind=blown

✅ takes place in our world
🔲 incoherent
🔲 OK
🔲 nicely detailed
🔲 meticulous
🔲 even the last tree in the forest has its own story

🔲 nonexistent
🔲 fine
✅ immersive
🔲 you forget you are reading a book

🔲 dragging
🔲 inconsistent
🔲 picks up with time
✅ page-turner
🔲 impossible to put down
Profile Image for Brenda.
3,127 reviews38 followers
February 13, 2023
Excellent Cozy Mystery
New guests descend on the inn and Ivy puts the mayhem of recent weeks behind her. When someone chokes on a very bad egg and dies, however, the plot chickens. Once again, Ivy is a suspect, thanks to the generosity of her hens. But clucks are as abundant in this homesteading community as enemies.
This is an awesome book! Edna didn't actually die. It was her twin sister who was evil to the bone.
The culprit in this case was the last person that was suspected.
I borrowed this book from Kindle Unlimited. This in no way affects my opinion of this book which I read and reviewed voluntarily.
3,456 reviews1,748 followers
July 7, 2024
Continuing to enjoy this cozy mystery series. Particularly love the relationship between Ivy and her border collie rescue, Keats. Love the understanding they have and how opinionated Keats can herd anyone, anywhere, any time he wants to. :-) Having lived with herding dogs, I get it. A solid mystery with a surprising twist kept me guessing all the way through to the end. I think I need a refresher course in armchair sleuthing! And, woohoo, there's the rekindling of an old romance that is all kinds of sweet and hopeful...except the man in question doesn't seem to be an animal lover but I'm sure Ivy and Keats can work on that little glitch.
228 reviews1 follower
June 27, 2021
You'll fall in love with this book!

Ivy's adventures continue - again with a murder, this time right next door! Ellen Riggs has done it again, pulling us quickly into the lives of Runaway Farm's newest set of guests, and Ivy and Jilly's attempts to deal with a truly horrid bunch of old women. As always, lots of twists, and more info into the lives of people in Ivy's town. 3 new helpers show up in the form of cats which are not exactly what Keats wants close to Ivy. Loved the book ,hope you will too.
Profile Image for Cindy Dyson Eitelman.
1,299 reviews7 followers
January 30, 2024
As cute and amusing as a cozy can get. Dogs and cats that seem smarter than would be expected unless the novel was supernaturally inclined, but it isn't. I think the author is just having fun with it all.

(oops, the comment below was in regards to the #4 book in the series, not this one.)
But as for me, I'd never considering telling a cat to do something and even having the faintest glimmer of a hope that it would get done. But hey, I guess some people think cats have brains.

Lots of fun people here. And animals. And very improbable situations. Overall, a blast.
480 reviews3 followers
June 21, 2020
This series gets better and better with each book. I think it's because we are getting to know Ivy, Keats and Jilly better. I just adore all the characters in these stories. I hope that Ivy and the farm gets a streak of good cluck, especially after everything that went on with Edna. I am patiently, or is it impatiently 😉, waiting for the next book in this series.

I volunteered a honest review in exchange for an ARC copy of this book.
Profile Image for Heather W.
4,041 reviews30 followers
September 16, 2020
A Streak of Bad Cluck is the third book in the Bought-the-Farm Mystery series and is a fantastic cozy mystery.

I am loving this series! Edna and the Bridge Buddies (Biddies) come to Runaway Farm for a quiet week of playing bridge. Is it possible that one of the biddies would murder the keeper of the secrets?

I cannot wait for the next book in this fun series.
I read and reviewed this book with no obligation.
217 reviews1 follower
March 12, 2022
Ivy and Jilly gear up to entertain the Clover Grove Bridge Club at the Farm. Edna, the nosy neighbor initiated the group’s stay. Discovery of Edna’s body means another murder, another group required to stay well past their welcome at the inn, and more importantly investigating for Ivy & Keats. I am really enjoying all the different personalities of the CG folks. Just bcoz they’re old females, does not mean they’re sweet little old ladies!
Profile Image for Martha Branham.
20 reviews
February 4, 2023
Keats and Ivy make a great team, and Jilly is a one of a kind BFF but what I like the most is their loving bonds. The very strong bond of Ivy and Keats. Then there's the special friendship that Ivy and Jilly have. Then there's the very strong friendship that has developed between Keats and Jilly.
And in this book they acquire another "partner".
I also enjoy learning a little more about the characters with each book
I love animals and these stories are full of their behaviors.
3,797 reviews34 followers
June 21, 2020
I love this series! In A Streak of Bad Cluck, Ivy and Jilly prepare to host a bridge group, Edna has taken to visiting Ivy's hen house. One of the guests disappears and of course Ivy and Keats have to investigate. Ivy's inn and farm do not need more bad publicity. Very little is as it appears in this fast paced, well written mystery with several plot twists.
459 reviews5 followers
June 23, 2020
I loved this new book in the “Runaway Farm” series. Ivy and Keats have to solve the murder of someone most people didn’t like. There were surprising twists and I did not figure out who the murderer was until the end. I was so happy to see the Rescue Mafia show up and I hope they continue to do so in future books.
I received an ARC from the author. This is my honest review.
45 reviews1 follower
June 27, 2020
Well worth reading

I never would have guessed the “ bad guy” in this one! And it was interesting to add some felines to the farm, too. There were moments this story pushed the edge of credulity a bit far. I love mystery and fantasy, just not usually served up together. Still, all in all, a very entertaining read.
Profile Image for Aiden T. Rushing.
163 reviews
October 4, 2020
Ivy and her faithful sidekick Keats are back at it on the farm. The local bridge club, including her feisty (and sometimes abrasive) neighbor have come for a week of competitive bridge when one of them turns up dead. Another well-written mystery with engaging characters. Never a dull moment on Ivy's farm!
174 reviews3 followers
March 24, 2021
Death takes a nose dive.

Ivy and Keats are once more dragged into a murder mystery. Ivy's old cranky nosey neighbor takes a death face dive into a pig puddle
the morning of her bridge club's weekends retreat at Ivy's Runaway Farm Inn.

It's up to Ivy and Keats to find the murderer before her inn takes a death blow itself.
867 reviews25 followers
September 20, 2021
Farm Mystery 3

This story was incredible but sad too. I like reading about true love finding it’s true home. It’s very sad that while lots of couples find the love of a lifetime, others find love but loose site of some of its finest points. The couple that looses site of the finer points also loose out the beauty of real love ❤️
Profile Image for Gabi Eagon.
492 reviews6 followers
November 1, 2021
Bought the Farm Cozy: A Streak of Bad Cluck

Thoroughly enjoyable. Edna Evans has encouraged her bridge club to use the Farm Inn for their club get together. Ivy and Jilly have their hands full with these back biting old women. Edna decides she’s had enough and wants to go home. The next day another murder keeps everyone on their toes.
87 reviews2 followers
December 20, 2021

I started with book one and now I can't stop reading this series. People who love animals and mysteries these r the books to read. Entertaining and charming characters. Both with two feet and four feet . don't miss these!
Kaye Cook
331 reviews
June 20, 2020
Absolutely love this series. More of the zaniness that just makes this a fun read. Besides lovable Keats, we now have cats. Fun, laugh out loud quick read. I was given an ARC by the author. My review is freely and honestly given
1,333 reviews8 followers
June 24, 2020
This book would make a great movie! It has great murder with many suspects. A good plot, with an awesome surprise. A blossoming romance, aggressive cats, yes I did type that. With strange family and fun hi-jinks of good clean humour I completely recommend reading it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews

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