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God of All Things: Rediscovering the Sacred in an Everyday World

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Abstract theology is overrated, for God can be found in even the most ordinary of things.

Jesus used things like a lily, sparrow, and sheep to teach about the kingdom of God. And in the Old Testament, God repeatedly describes himself and his saving work in relation to physical things such as a rock, horn, or eagle.

In God of All Things, pastor and author Andrew Wilson invites you to rediscover God in this way, too--through ordinary, everyday things. He explores the idea of a material world and presents a variety of created marvels that reveal the gospel in everyday life and fuel worship and joy in God--marvels like:

Dust: the image of God

Horns: the salvation of God

Donkeys: the peace of God

Water: the life of God

Viruses: the problem of God

Cities: the kingdom of God
God of All Things will leave you with a deeper understanding of Scripture, the world you live in, and the God who made it all.

224 pages, Paperback

First published March 2, 2021

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About the author

Andrew Wilson

14 books130 followers
Andrew is Teaching Pastor at King's Church London, and has theology degrees from Cambridge (MA), London School of Theology (MTh), and King's College London (PhD). He is a columnist for Christianity Today, and has written several books, including Echoes of Exodus (Crossway, 2018) and Spirit and Sacrament: An Invitation to Eucharismatic Worship (Zondervan, 2018).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 243 reviews
Profile Image for Matt.
Author 16 books1,441 followers
July 27, 2021
Magnificent. The ordinary things of God point to the extraordinary God of things. (Pairs nicely with Joe Rigney’s book “Strangely Bright.”)
Profile Image for Tim Michiemo.
309 reviews43 followers
December 26, 2022
4.9 Stars - Top Reads of 2022

"God of All Things" by Andrew Wilson is a Christian devotion book that extols God through the "things" He has created. This is a book about the "things" of this world, and how they ultimately point to God and show us more about Him. Wilson focuses on 15 "things" from the Old Testament, and 15 from the New. Thus, Wilson's book is a gloriously Biblical-based exposition on how God uses “things” to reveal more of Himself.

This book was probably my favorite Christian devotional that I have read this year. The 30 "things" that Wilson exposits such as honey, donkeys, the sun, earthquakes, wine, and bread are easy to digest and read once per day. As well, they are incredibly gospel-centered and Biblically-based. Each thing helped me not only to see how wonderfully God has created this world but how wonderful my God is! I found myself in tears in several chapters just wondering about Christ's humility that he rode on a donkey or that God's beauty is like honey. This was simply a marvelous book.

So, I don't have much more to add that every Christian should read this book. Our hearts are too prone to forget God, and this book reminded me that the beauty of God is everywhere. God has hardwired his glory into creation and if we would listen to His Word, we would more clearly see that glory in all "things." I cannot recommend this book more highly!
Profile Image for Kylee Michelle.
49 reviews16 followers
June 8, 2023

“We worship a God of things.”

From dust, to pigs, rainbows to salt, He made it all. And he declared it to be “very good”.

Have you ever wondered how the physical world we live in, and the things we touch, handle, and experience, point to the creator? Have you ever questioned what physical things like trumpets, stones, and sex represent in the Bible? If your answer to those questions is “yes”, this is the book for you!

I closed this book with a full heart and prayers of thanksgiving to the “God of all things”. As someone who has struggled many a time to feel like physical things matter, this book has shone a flashlight on some dark cobwebby corners of my heart where lies have set up camp. God has begun the process, once again, of redeeming old, false beliefs that need to go.

As I got up off the couch to grab my phone to write this review, I passed through the kitchen where I saw a bottle of honey on the countertop. I thought about how my God is the brilliant creator of that deliciously sticky bee syrup. He didn’t have to make it, but he did. The sweetness of honey was made for our enjoyment. How sweet of God. 🍯 🌸♥️
Honey is one of the many “things” this books has opened my eyes to see in a new light. Thank you Lord for creating this physical world and filling it with your glory.

“For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.”
Romans 11:36
October 5, 2022
I was originally going to give this four stars until a sleep-deprived-sitting-on-her-bedroom-floor-at-1am-Isabelle suddenly found herself getting teary-eyed during the beautiful chapter about flowers (part 2, chapter 19). And then keeping the audiobook for a couple extra days after finishing, just to listen to that short message again and again. And then absentmindedly letting it play on each time… I guess this was what my soul needed to hear. 5/5 crying emoji stars! Yay!
First day: cries
Second day: wait, what part of this made me emotional last night? I don’t get it
Profile Image for Samuel James.
61 reviews94 followers
September 2, 2021
I loved this book. Love, love, loved it. If you want to drink deep biblical theology—seeing the entire Bible’s themes and meanings intersect around a gospel whole—you cannot find a more accessible, enjoyable, and enchanted book than this one. I read this as a devotional, though it isn’t technically one. It will make you see reality from heaven’s point of view.
Profile Image for Haley Baumeister.
195 reviews226 followers
April 30, 2024
"God is different. He is a bountiful Father who lavishes excessive goodness on his creatures whether they like it (or him) or not. He scatters gifts like sunshine, and grace like rain.”
Profile Image for Andy Littleton.
Author 5 books13 followers
July 2, 2021
Excellent book to read in small bits. Everyday things and earthly phenomena are examined under the lens of Scripture. Their meaning is tied to their creator. I especially enjoyed the authors ability to see signposts to Jesus and tie together biblical themes as they lead our imaginations to Christ. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Peter Dray.
Author 2 books35 followers
June 9, 2021
A fun, thoughtful little book doing a 'theology of everything' - taking a range of everyday items and tracing their thematic links throughout the Bible. The chapters vary in strength but I loved the devotional and worshipful tone throughout.
9 reviews
April 14, 2021
I am currently enjoying the delights of audio books, which mean I can redeem the time I have doing chores around the house and driving around on errands now all three kids are at school. This has led to me "reading" a lot more, (although it has also given me an appetite for sitting down with a book, so some of my reads are true reads!!) The downside of audio books is that sometimes my mind wanders and I don't take in the content as well as I might if I were holding the pages in my hand... However it is easy to hit repeat and have the narrator read the chapter a second or third time!!

All that said... Regarding this particular book...

Having heard Andrew Wilson speak several times and listened to some of his sermons, I was quick to add this to my "to read" list. It does not disappoint.
The study of biblical theology (themes, or in this case created things, that are repeated throughout scripture) is fairly new to me and this book is a great place to start for someone wanting to study the Bible in this way. It is fascinating the topics that the author picked, some more obvious (bread, salt, water) and others less so (pigs, horns, honey!) And it is even more fascinating how God weaves these throughout his word from Genesis to Revelation. The book is easy to read and the some of the imagery used to illustrate the chapters, for example the 5 peaks of the 3rd highest mountain in the world, is mind blowing.
I feel with a second read/listen, sitting down with my bible in my hands, there would be so much more to get out of this book and out of the bible.
I will also be looking out for recommendations of other Andrew Wilson books!
Profile Image for Alexa.
218 reviews3 followers
December 15, 2021
Add it to your lists, ladies and gentlemen, because this was incredible. This book takes 30 ordinary objects (ex. water, galaxies, livestock, etc.) and traces them through Scripture. Overarching themes are noted, as well as where they show up (or don’t show up) in Scripture. He explains how all of these plain objects can teach us something specific about the Lord’s character. To be fair, not every section was my absolute favorite. His explanations of trees and pigs, for example, felt like a bit of a stretch (they do be interesting, though, so I’ll sit and think for a little bit). However, if nothing else, this book has illuminated the way I read Scripture, and forever changed the way I look at “simple” objects in Scripture.

Favorite chapters: horns (!!!), stones, bread, and fruit
Profile Image for Paul.
68 reviews
February 14, 2024
I really enjoyed this book by Andrew Wilson. It was filled with new insights for me, as well as some good reminders, and consistently backed up every detail with scripture. It’s fascinating to think about our Creator… who exists outside time, space, and matter… as being a God fascinated with making things. Things that are gifts within creation (i.e. The World), for the benefit of creation (i.e. mankind), but that ultimately point back to the Creator himself (Romans 11:36).

This would be a good one to own in order to reference time and again. Very approachable in terms of its readability.
Profile Image for Becky.
326 reviews14 followers
May 27, 2024
“For from Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things.”

30 chapters expounding on thoughts related to things: things like salt, dust, pigs, flowers, bread, earthquakes. I found it interesting, thought provoking and written in a way that made me smile often and feel and think about God’s kindness or meditate on His holiness and how created things reflect or image that.

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Emma Kate.
20 reviews
March 8, 2022
I loved this book!!! It’s an awesome theology intro with very short chapters but filled with truth and joy. The author does such a great job pointing to our Creator and you can’t help but worship as you read it. The author’s joy and fun personality makes it an even more enjoyable read. I’ll definitely come back to this book to remind myself of these themes as I notice them in the Word and the world around me.
Profile Image for Collin Lewis.
161 reviews4 followers
April 20, 2024
This book was just great! So enjoyable to read. The writing was so clear and articulate.

Wilson takes just 30 ordinary “things” we encounter on a daily basis and traces them through Scripture to connect them back to the Creator. Every chapter had my heart in awe of God, worshipping Him.

This book really details the way in which we should view the things of this world and I love to see and even make these connections in life. Give this a read if you want to know how pigs, earthquakes, flowers, trumpets, and many more things can be viewed in light of God.

It probably is best said that all things lead back to God, because He is the God of all things.
October 20, 2024
Excellent book that shines a spotlight at the glory of God as it is reflected in all He created and brings our attention to how our human, physical interaction with these things made of matter complements our spiritual dimension, bringing us closer to our Creator.
The illustrations the author uses are expertly crafted and help the reader to visualize and internalize difficult and abstract concepts in Scripture.
Very enjoyable read!
Profile Image for Natalie Herr.
458 reviews27 followers
April 19, 2024
A book to help us grow in awe for all God’s creation, and to see the many connections we can make in Scripture with “ordinary” things. I thought I would appreciate this more as a reference (there are 30 different items discussed), but I actually really liked reading it in big chunks!
Profile Image for Pat.
112 reviews15 followers
May 13, 2024
Thought provoking, at times humorous but always enjoyable and highly recommended read
Profile Image for Dylan Brady.
105 reviews4 followers
July 5, 2021
In God Of All Things, Andrew Wilson shows how all created things are signposts to the Creator. That means 🧹⚠️🐖🐄🛠📯🌌🪨🍯👩‍❤️‍👨🏔🏡🌈🐴☀️🧂🌧🌊🌺💨💦🍞🌳🎺🏺🍍🦠🏙💡👕. Particularly enjoyed the chapters on pigs, tools, honey, and cities! Read it.
Profile Image for Ivan.
721 reviews118 followers
September 8, 2021
I love Christian writers that immerse us into the world of the Bible rather than use the Bible to speak to our lives, and Andrew Wilson is one of the best and here he sings. (His co-authored book with Alastair Roberts on the echoes of Exodus would a good follow-up.)
Profile Image for Lauren.
339 reviews15 followers
January 24, 2024
This joyful Christian read encourages you to notice and engage with the beauty and goodness of the world. From bees to mountains, earthquakes to sheep, each short chapter delves into the brilliance of a single animal, plant, landscape or phenomenon, teaching you interesting facts about them that reignite your awe for nature. And then, looking to the Bible, it explores what these created things reveal about the one who created them.

If you've ever taken a walk through nature and felt connected to the workings of the earth, or looked at a rushing river or a honeycomb and marvelled that such powerful or complex things exist, this read is for you. It stirs you towards a greater sense of wonder and gratitude for your surroundings, and shows how creation reveals the glory of God, just as art reveals things about an artist.

I love the simple, uplifting way it's written. It's a book you could easily dip in and out of for a bit of daily inspiration, and it causes you to look at both everyday things and various Biblical references with a greater sense of understanding. Plus, the author has a way with puns and wordplay that never fails to make you smile.

Something else I love is that this book was written during the COVID-19 lockdowns, and yet none of the claustrophobic panic of those few years comes across – it's drowned out by the peaceful and worshipful stance of the author, which shows just how powerful this form of connecting with Scripture can be.
Profile Image for Joel Murray.
65 reviews3 followers
August 12, 2021
I wake up in the morning, before or after the sun rises (depending on the season), eat some Weetabix with honey on top with fruit squash, sit in the garden to look at the flowers, hear the birds, feel the wind. I’ve already experienced six things that point me to God — the one who made them all to express his love and creativity and who wants me to enjoy him through them!

This book has helped to unlock the everyday, mundane things of life to see God in all things — because he is the God of all things. It’s one of my favourite ever books and has helped me through a tough time to remind me that God is everywhere and he is good!
Profile Image for Toby Payne.
9 reviews4 followers
April 11, 2021
A beautiful, easy-to-read book centring on the premise that everything in creation tells us something about our Creator. The thirty, short chapters were accessible and I enjoyed being able to dip in, read one, and out again. Perhaps some of the chapters could have been merged or made longer, but otherwise a real delight.
Profile Image for Rachelle Cobb.
Author 9 books311 followers
November 22, 2024
One of my favorite books I’ve read this year. The author does a splendid job examining everyday things and exegeting what the creation (fruit! light! donkeys!) tells us about the Creator. I was fascinated and found so many more reasons to worship God.
Profile Image for Owen Cottom.
85 reviews
January 31, 2022
If I could give this 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 stars, I would. A stunning book!

Particularly loved 🐷🪔🌹🏙
Profile Image for Wayne Charles.
6 reviews3 followers
December 28, 2024
One of my favorite reads of 2024.

"The world is theomorphic," writes Wilson in the Introduction: "Things take the form they do because the world is created to reveal God" (p. 4). It is this belief that undergirds Wilson's project in this book.

In 30 short chapters, Wilson writes about as many "things" in our material universe (from pigs to trumpets to galaxies to clothes), exploring what each of these things shows us about its Creator. Throughout, Wilson brilliantly blends biblical theology with practical reflections in a way that is both theologically robust and delightfully whimsical.

But beyond the particular reflections Wilson gives on these thirty things, his goal seems to be to train his readers in a way of seeing the world, becoming better "exegetes of creation" (p. 201). I certainly am coming away from this book freshly inspired to that end.
Profile Image for Jonathan Roberts.
2,141 reviews47 followers
July 31, 2022
This book!!!! Got get this book! 30 short chapters on key words from the Bible. Perfect for devotions perfect for Bible teachers and perfect for a commentary assist! Great book! Loved this!
Profile Image for DT.
141 reviews
January 20, 2023
This is a devotional book split into 30 chapters, each based on a common object or natural phenomenon mentioned in the Bible. It’s very easy to read and digest because of Wilson’s great writing style.

Some of the chapters were very insightful (chapter two was probably the most powerful), but others were downright silly and irresponsible (comparing the fruit of the spirit to actual fruit, some of which didn’t exist in biblical times).
Displaying 1 - 30 of 243 reviews

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