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"She tried to kiss me," Makkai said. "She's eighteen, she likes to be kissed," Gideon retorted, then narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean she tried?" "I turned her away." "You rejected her," Gideon echoed. "Do you have any idea how long she's been working up the courage to try kissing you?" "It wasn't a rejection, she knows it isn't forever. She told you she was going to try this?" Makkai growled. "Chiori tells me everything," Gideon growled right back. Chiori's powers have continued growing at an alarming rate, and her growing desire for her guys is only making it harder to control. Lord Makkai puts the decision of when to seal their bond into her hands, but before she can make that choice the hunters finally make their move. Her fox demon gives her his fire before their connection is dimmed, leaving Chiori with a new magic, and an overwhelming sense of panic. Joined by their friends, Chiori and Gideon undertake a quest to take back what the hunters have stolen. Two new elements and two gorgeous new men enter their lives along the way, each bringing challenges of their own. When the darkness of her past resurfaces, proving Chiori capable of cruel and horrific acts in the name of reclaiming her Lord, it’s up to Gideon to keep her sanity intact. Can he keep her broken pieces glued together long enough to bring Makkai home? REVIEWS FOR • Half-Breed has EASILY slid into my top three favorite books EVER!! • Speachless • A beautiful take on the genre • I need the next book ASAP! OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER Witchling is 18+ for adult situations and themes of language and violence.

669 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 5, 2020

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About the author

Hickory Mack

9 books76 followers
Hickory enjoys time with her 3 adventurous children and her goofy cat, Albus Kittydore.

She enjoys hiking, reading and has aspirations of running a farm animal sanctuary in the future, with a focus on roosters!

She has published the two books of the "Taming the Elements" series, and is working hard on getting the books of a secrety secret side project written.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 53 reviews
Profile Image for Danielle (Danniegurl).
1,905 reviews101 followers
August 26, 2020
Dig it but some things

I dig this series, it’s long, but this one seemed to be a bit more on the showing side than telling. Just slightly. It was nice. We pick up when Chioro is 18, FINALLY. This one is soooo long and so much happens. The adventure takes us when Chioro has decided to seal her bond with Makkai but...something gets in the way and we have ourselves a long adventure. So long that Chioro picks up 2 new mates! It’s cool. I am wondering if Moscow is going to be a mate, I don’t think so but I feel like they keep alluding to it.

This one did have several typos and missing spaces but for the most part it was just that. Still a nice comb over of the book could be helpful.

Overall I really enjoyed the book, but I wish they weren’t too slow with all the extra details, always about the food or decor or clothing. Still I’m really enjoying this new rich world.
Profile Image for Rambling Reader.
436 reviews69 followers
July 5, 2020
I like big books, and I cannot lie. But what I like even more than just big books are big books that have...
*Character and relationship development
*Plot progression to keep the story freshly moving along

Hickory Mack has done all of the above in Witchling.

The second installment in this series had me just as spellbound as the first. We're starting off immediately with some fun teasing because Chiori is finally 18, so we're getting a bit more adult flavor to her voice, feelings, and thoughts, while she's still got that core of curiosity, confidence (maybe sometimes overly so), impulsiveness, and oh, definitely, power, that we started to see in the younger version of our FMC in book 1.

I like older Chiori just as much as her younger self. Both versions of her have a great chemistry with the rest of our cast of characters, but Witchling gives us the chance to see how Chiori has grown into herself (her power and relationships) as well as her title as Lady of the household. The connection between Chiori and her ladies is still ever so much fun, and they really have this family vibe that's done so well, and it's just really awesome to see an FMC with a supportive and powerful collective of women behind her. So many of the RH books out there put the FMC in a position where the women are her are backstabbing, bloodthirsty, and ready to steal away her men and whatever else their greedy eyes catch on, but Chiori's ladies are such a great ensemble because they just want to lift her up, keep her safe, and help her become the leader she's capable of becoming.

Aside from her ladies, there are also some really fun moments between Ichio and Chiori, and I love how Mack has brought out his personality and power because we're not reading a series where the FMC HAS TO BE the most dangerous threat out there. She's surrounded by powerful beings, which is fun to explore because she gets to learn from them, but it's also a nice balance where she can lean on them and have real connections where people don't just blindly follow or fear her. Another person who's really been drawing my eye in book two is Moscow. Along with Ichio, we get to see more of Moscow's personality break out, and he's got his own snarky, loyal, and bad*ss side that definitely gets represented in book two, and I've harped on and on about how I want to know what's happening next with him, but Mack isn't giving away any secrets. insert glare here

Last but not least, as we're thinking of characters, Chiori's men. Now, they're all developed and powerful and scene-stealing enough that they stand firmly on their own merits, but they're also so devoted to her that you can't really refer to them in any other way.

Gideon/Gid has grown into what you'd expect from the seeds that are planted in book 1. He's Chiori's closest companion and confidante (outside of her ladies). The two of them are physically and emotionally close, and I actually really like that there's a different between her chemistry with him and her chemistry with Makkai. One thing that Mack isn't afraid of is to let Chiori's relationships move at the pace they need to for her characters. She's not forcing each relationship to be even, which I like because it feels more organic, and it allows each of the men to bring out different sides of Chiori. Gid is the lover of the group, the one with the softest heart, but he definitely stands strong beside his family, and there's this nice element where he, more so than the others, helps Chiori see the person that she wants to be because he holds a different moral standard for her and the kind of person that he knows she could and should be.

Makkai is still in alpha mode, but there's some nice progress where he's kind of forced to not just see that Chiori is a woman (he's already kind of tortured about that), but he has to treat her as one, and there's a nice moment where he gives her some autonomy and control that gives us the chance to see their relationship move forward. There are a lot of elements within Makkai that we saw in book 1, but one of the aspects that really shines for me in book 2 is the relationship that he's been cultivating with Gideon. I've read RH books where the men get along, love each other, hate each other, compete with each other- the whole gamut of dynamics. The kind that Makkai and Gid have grown is one of my favorites- it's a comfortable closeness and this equal acknowledgment of what each of them provide for their lady. So, that's something new we get from Witchling and definitely something I like.

Meanwhile, as we all swoon over the two originals, there are also some newcomers to the party. We see two more of Chiori's mates in this book, though the time we spend with them isn't exactly equal. Prepare to get some power, definitely some alpha-ness, protectiveness, and an overly healthy amount of snark, but I think that readers are going to be just drawn to the two newbies as they are to Makkai and Gid. I don't want to spoil anything since getting to know the two new men is definitely one of the fun aspects of book two, so you'll have to see for yourselves!

Since I've already talked too much, let me just say that the plot, albeit long, is easy to follow, and Mack does a good job with her pacing and balance, We DO get steam, though I'm a little grumpy about the ending (you'll see what I mean, thirsty readers lol), and we're not left hanging with a fade to black. There is a lot of information being shared in Witchling about Chiori's powers, her role/progress in fulfilling Gabija's prophecy, her magical balance with her mates, so take your time. If you're a re-reader like me, there are plenty of little hotspots of info for you to scrutinize later after you get the binge out of your system and appease the heathen who says DON'T STOP NOOOOOOOOOOOOOW on your first read-through.

Overall, I'm extremely pleased with this series. It's some of the best kind of escapism to me because it's giving me everything I need: fantasy, magic, swoonable moments, steamy moments, rich world-building, and enough mystery to make me think. Nicely done, Ms. Mack!
Profile Image for 4foxsake.
877 reviews13 followers
July 11, 2020
Omg moooooooreeeeee!!!

This is my new favorite series. It’s intense and can be dark but it has some humor sprinkled within. I really love Chiori; it’s like there is no limit to what she can do but needs her incubus, Fox and (no spoilers) to help temper her powers, her crazy and teach her all manner of things. These books are so full! Full of action and steam and an amazing plot. Not to mention the length of the books are twice what a typical book is. I love it and can’t wait to dive into the next adventure!
Profile Image for Mercy .
531 reviews11 followers
August 21, 2020
The writing pulls you in so the 600+ pages just fly by.
We meet a grown-up girl, still virgin but with growing powers, we are witness of how much her relationship with her incubus has deepened and it's cute. Her relationship with her fox demon has become strained due to the limitation he had placed on her, so not to make her too dependant on him he has to put distance on them and let them meet only once a week.
Before they figure out how to proceed his territory gets attacked by the hunters due to an inside coup by other demons working with the humans. He gets subdued and taken.
His girl has to protect his house but she goes after him and the book covers her journey that takes several months to happen. During that time she grows even stronger and on several occasions loses her empathy completely.
It's an exciting journey that's a certainty.

Things I didn't like:
The M/M interaction between the fox demon and the incubus, totally unnecessary, it's light but felt forced and it pissed me somehow that her fox kissed the incubus before he kissed her for the first time.

I wanted to read the other series of the same authour, it seems really bad ass and the dark theme doesn't bother me but unfortunately for me she has included some more m/m interaction, I really wish she didn't.
July 27, 2021
Excellent Sequel

I loved this follow up. Chiori makes two more bonds and I'm pretty sure the fifth mate is obvious. The sixth is a complete mystery. This book has Chiyori as an adult, so the steam level is on point. There are a decent number of intimate scenes towards the middle and end of the book. I like both of Chiyori's two new mates, though they both start off pretty shaky, they come around. Thanks to one of them, we learn some pretty big things about Chiyori that explain a lot.

This book has a lot of action. The hunters make a nuisance of themselves. We knew they would be back and they do it with a vengeance. There are also some pretty big betrayals that I didn't see coming and Airi ends up on a journey of her own.

Chiori grows a lot in this book. She doesn't always make great decisions, but she takes responsibility for her actions when she screws up. She still has some childish moments, but her men and her friends do pretty well at getting her to see sense. She has some seriously dark moments, but based on the kind of story this is, it makes sense, especially considering the things she has experienced at the hands of hunters. I'm looking forward to seeing more of how she grows, especially after that ending.
67 reviews4 followers
July 2, 2020
First off, because this has come up as a confusion to potential readers before, this is a continuation of book 1 directly. Alice changes her name in book 1 to Chiori for reasons detailed in the chapters the change occurs.
Also I received an ARC copy with a polite request to review the book.

So I have been trying to figure out what it is about the first book that entranced me so thoroughly. At first read it seemed to hop genre three times over the course of the book. However, it doesn't truly feel like that when you are reading it. I took quite a long time to figure out what the book was about. In short, it is about different types of love, mainly focusing on positive expressions and forms of love, but it does also show a few examples of negative love. Book 1 focuses on the love one shows in different situations for an older child, with a few comments about younger children as well.

In this book the focus alters to showing how relationships grow and change, and how those changes can affect the ways we show our affections for each other, and how we have to adjust ourselves and our expectations to maintain healthy relationships. Chiori has grown and changed, and it is not as simple for Makkai and Gideon to show her they care while also giving her the space she needs to develop into her own strong personality. Along with her own personal growth also comes challenges from outside issues. Chiori has to step up to fight for what is important to her, and while doing so she learns what she should be fighting for, and what she needs to fight against. She also learns how to balance her needs against the needs of her guys.

This book is as well written and charming as the first. There is more adult subject stuff going on, mainly due to chiori reaching 18 in this book. If you liked Half-Breed, I would very much suggest continuing the series. Expect more of the same, with more maturity and just as much nuance. Also a few questions are answered, but not all of them. Well worth the reading time, and it isn't a terribly short book.
174 reviews
July 5, 2020
Wonderful fantasy

Those who have read the first book in this series know Mack writes fantasy based on Japanese mythology around demons and spirits. She is a detailed writer with expansive world-building and a large cast of characters.

The second book has a time jump that allows us to see the MFC grown-up/older. Witchling is all about development. Relationships move forward and are greatly enriched by introspection that is often shortchanged in other books.

Steam is introduced, and boy does it get hot! There is a kiss I wasn't expecting to open the book up. We also see some group intimacy, which was well done. A lot of what readers were waiting for on the intimacy front does happen.

Lastly, a great adventure is had to forward the MFCs power development and expand on her knowledge of this world and her new place in it.

There are new harem members introduced in this book. A heartbreaking betrayal. The ending is quite satisfying, with nice wrap up for the book, although there is a teaser lead-in at the very end.
Profile Image for Melanie.
285 reviews2 followers
July 5, 2020
I read the first book in the series and enjoyed it, but I felt like there was room for improvement. Book #2, however, exceeded my expectations. In this second book, we see Chiori grow a lot in maturity, embrace her leadership role, and learn to use her powers. There are still challenges ahead for her, which I'm sure will be addressed in the next book, but I really enjoyed reading about Chiori's personal journey. There's also a literal journey, too, that she goes on with the help of some loyal friends and some new bond-mates. There's a pretty large cast of characters, which I usually don't like since I get confused trying to keep track of who is who, but the author did a great job developing the different characters and balancing the actions of different groups because while Chiori is undertaking her own mission, there are others working at home to deal with other threats. Overall this was a great novel that balances fantasy, action, and romance, and I can't wait for book 3!
Profile Image for Giulietta.
64 reviews13 followers
August 8, 2020
Usually I tend to slip the review element of goodreads because frankly I am an impatient bookworm who literally just cosumes books. I have not reviewed any books in ages, yet I am definitely going to make an exception to this series.

I love anime and this series feels like one. With all the Shinto references and the intricate connections between mythologies - this second book experiences all and leaves nothing behind.
No censorship on love, violence, or death.
There is plenty of humor, leaving me smiling and laughing by myself.
Fantasy, magic, and the possibilities are the realest I have read in a long time.
It leaves you wanting for the next book but it is woven beautifully and carefully. I appreciate the author for the delicate yet explosive adventure of almost 700 pages, that leaves you with precise complex characters and an exciting plot.
Truly it has become one of my favorite series overall, and I will be waiting for the third installment eagerly and longingly.
Profile Image for Paris.
388 reviews
June 30, 2020
I was lucky enough to receive a ARC copy of this book and it was amazing. I loved that Chiori had matured in this book, she learnt more about her magic and seemed confident and powerful. I also loved that she developed her relationships with her mates in this book, you see how unique each of her relationships with them are. I love Gideon he’s one of my favourite characters so it was good that he was in so much of this book.

I liked that their was more action in this book and that they got to go on an adventure, you learn a bit more about the world that Chiori’s in. I also liked that it was Chiori going to save one of her mates, l love the girl power !

I would highly recommend this book if you like the RH genre it is so unique to other RH books out their and I love the Japanese influences xx
8 reviews2 followers
July 7, 2020
Dare I say it....I didn't think it was possible, but it's even better than book 1!

It's official, I'm a Hickory Mack fanatic. I absolutely loved the first book half-breed. I am definitely a fast-burn type of girl, but the characters and storyline reeled me in from chapter 1. On top of that I rarely leave reviews (I know, I know...it's wrong) but I hate the mandatory word count you must adhere to. But continuing on, this book did not disappoint. I loved the character development and the progression of the harem. Each harem member has such distinct personalities that you can only love the give and take required to make it work. I anxiously await book 3 where we can hopefully see the completion of Chiori's harem, and the next phase in her fulfilling the prophecy! Though I'm hoping that is way in the future as I love this series!
Profile Image for Toni.
4 reviews7 followers
July 8, 2020
Witchling sees Chiori all grown-up and expanding on her magical repertoire. However trouble comes from various angles and we get to see more of the world and the rapport that Chiori has with her friends, and mates.

I found Witchling a little slow to get into at first; I think it's because the blurb made me think certain things would happen straight off the bat. That doesn't mean that it wasn't enjoyable from start to finish though. The world-building is spectacular and I found myself gripped in the story by the end of it. And the characters – having a team of people interact during an adventure makes me think fondly of days spent playing immersive rpg games.

Looking forward to the next installment! :)
279 reviews2 followers
November 19, 2020
Fantastic Series!

This intriguing tale is filled with fantastic mythological creatures/ characters and realms. I really enjoyed watching our main female character grow up in the first book and then finding out how she applied all her knowledge and lessons (while still growing and learning more) in this book. This is a story that you can get lost in, in other words don't plan to do anything else, because you will be too busy turning the pages ( or swiping your Kindle ) just so you can find out what happens next. Great characters, interesting storyline, fun dialogue AND some seriously hot males for our lucky heroine. I can honestly say , that I would recommend. A big thanks to the author for such wonderful imagery!
29 reviews
January 21, 2022
Witching is long book! It took me 2 days to finish it and I usually finish books in less than a day. A lot happens in this book at some moments you’re jumping to one point of the story and your thrown to other, it was interesting to say the least. I loved that Chiori finally got to seal her bonds with Makkai and Gideon. The slow burn from the first and second of half this book we’re killing me. We even get introduced to some of Chiori mates in this book. I can’t to see where their relationship goes in the 3rd book. As far as the story goes it was interesting, we get some question answered but of course we get more questions as well. I can’t wait for the 3rd book to come out and see were Chiori story goes form here.
25 reviews
July 5, 2020

Book one, Halfling, was a sort of coming of age book for Chiori. Witchling is Chiori coming in to her own with a bang, and solidifying her relationship with Gideon as well! The world building is so incredible, you feel like you are discovering and exploring right along with the characters. The romance was medium burn but SO sweet, Chiori now has 2 of her men firmly tied to her and their relationships will be able to withstand anything! I can't wait for book 3, if you are looking for a new Reverse harem that is full of adventure, romance and culture this is the series to start!
Profile Image for Taylor Renee.
26 reviews
July 6, 2020
So good, need more

That ending, gah. Even though this was a long ash book, I still want more. Didn't want it to be over, and I can't wait for Chiori to claim her scary ancient water dude. I love Lucy (ha) although I could have done without the whole post life thing (just never been a fan, although at least here it wasn't given precedence in their relationship).

Loving this series, but the author needs an editor. Doesn't know the difference between conscious and conscience, or complimented and complemented. There were also missing words, punctuation, etc.
Profile Image for Hannah Wenna.
Author 6 books64 followers
June 29, 2020
Wow!! How to explain the amazingness that is this book. It's literally impossible, In book 2 of Taming the elements the Fox Makkai is kidnapped by the hunters and wow what an epic recovery and adventure that brings. The MC Chiori goes on adventure of discovery and finds an inner strength she never before had. I absolutely loved the characters and how they changed throughout the book. A mega tomb of a book but so worth it. Witching is one of those books I'll be thinking about for weeks to come!
Profile Image for Joy Whiteside.
4,532 reviews97 followers
July 6, 2020
I loved this book. From the moment that I started reading I was transported to a whole new world which was a nice change from my everyday reality. It moved along at a great pace, making for a nice relaxing read. The characters will grab you and no matter what you cannot help but fall in love with them. The story will grab you and keep you reading till the last page is read. This book needs to be on your TBR list there is no doubt about it.
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,074 reviews111 followers
July 15, 2020

I made it guys!! 3 days, more hours then I can count with being so emotional put through the ringer. Amazing, I got chills just saying that! CHILL'S ppl! This is shaping out to be a all time library favorite. I don't even know where to begin without giving anything away, but I'm ready to follow our lady as well to w.e is about to kick off! And the ending! O.m.g! Sh** has definitely about to hit the fan. Excited!!!!
Profile Image for Kacy.
71 reviews1 follower
July 5, 2020
Great second book!

Their was so much growth in this. Between charecter development, harem add ons, and figuring out Chiori's father, its jam packed without feeling rushed. Lucy is amazing and I'm looking forward to seeing him acclimate to having to share. I can't wait for the next book so we figure out the Raven. Be prepared for a mean ending. Lol definetly worth it though.
103 reviews
July 6, 2020
I feel in love with the first book “Half Breed”, so I had very high expectations for the sequel. And I was not disappointed one bit. One thing I love about this series is the world building and descriptiveness without it feeling out of place or boring. I love all the characters so much and I’m very intrigued to meet more of Chiori’s mates. Amazing read!
Profile Image for Sarah.
8 reviews
July 6, 2020
Excellent Seconds

The first book was full of great world building, amazing characters with depth, and a strong leading lady. The plot was fantastic with several ups and downs, surprises, and dangers. I had extremely high hopes for this book and I am happy to say that the author blew them out of the water!
186 reviews3 followers
July 8, 2020
Wow! So good!!

I LOVE THIS SERIES!! Chiori is so amazing and her growth as a character is exciting. Her men are filling out, but not so fast that we don't have the chance to get to know them . The book is a longer read than current trends, but it is so engrossing that it is a welcome escape. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
10 reviews
July 14, 2020
Loved it!

I really loved this book!! I really enjoying watching Chiori grow into herself but though she 18 she is not a know all bada** but someone that is learning and growing. I love all her love interests and all the differences. The story it self was super interesting and engaging i cant wait for the next one!!
Profile Image for Kellie Macp1.
98 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2020
Such a great read!

Such a great read. Definitely recommend. Has everything you could want in a great story - length, in depth characters, personal growth, epic love story. I could not put it down. It was so well written, so well paced. The relationships feel organic. I am very keen for the next instalment in this series. 10/10
8 reviews
September 29, 2020
This is a great continuation of the first book. The heroine is now adult, something that is not easy with her powers. I love her growing confidence and how she grows in confidence and in spirit during this action and romance filled adventure. I highly recommend reading the first book in the series, it also great and I think you will enjoy this book more if you know the background.
Profile Image for Jamie.
630 reviews2 followers
October 10, 2020
Absolutely captivating (spoilers)

So Chiory is finally 18 just in time for bad stuffs to go down. The hunt is on for possibly 6 mates and she's found 4 maybe 5. This book reminds me of an anime called Kamisama Kiss with flashbacks and a fox in love with a goddess/human. Of course the ending of this book was an crazy cliffhanger. Can't wait to read more. JL
Profile Image for Sunshine Gipson.
13 reviews1 follower
November 27, 2020
Oh my!

Not fair! I have slowly read through this at 1/2 my normal pace to absorb and enjoy and envelope myself into this world you have created. Probably one of my favorite series ever now! Knowing I have to wait until next year will be torture! I can’t wait to see what The Raven brings! Hurry Darkling, Hurry!
13 reviews
December 9, 2020
A full spectrum of feels!

5 stars for making me love, cry, hate, and want to charge into battle! A story expertly woven with dark and light, I feel as if the author was able to see inside myself and form into words what I never have been able to. Can't wait until the third installment!
412 reviews2 followers
September 1, 2021
Best mash up ever!

The story is pretty cool so far. Mixed genres with the best mash up ever! Distopian, fantasy, fae, ancient elemental spirits, gods, goddesses from different cultures, japanese, nordic, american, spy shit, demons and moster folklore, shifters, legends and i have only read 2.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 53 reviews

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