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Crave #1


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«Aquí todo es raro: la escuela, los alumnos. En este sitio nada tiene sentido, y aquí estoy, una simple mortal entre dioses… o monstruos. Todavía no sé a qué bando pertenezco, si es que pertenezco a alguno… Solo sé que lo que les une a todos es su odio hacia mí.

Pero entre ellos está Jaxon Vega, un vampiro con oscuros secretos que no ha sentido nada durante un siglo. Algo en él me atrae, algo roto que encaja con lo que hay roto en mí, lo cual podría significar el fin del mundo. Porque Jaxon despareció por una razón, y parece que alguien quiere despertar al monstruo dormido, y me pregunto si me trajeron a este lugar intencionadamente como anzuelo…»

672 pages, Paperback

First published April 7, 2020

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About the author

Tracy Wolff

132 books11.3k followers
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Tracy Wolff is a lover of vampires, dragons, and all things that go bump in the night. A onetime English professor, she now devotes all her time to writing dark and romantic stories with tortured heroes and kick-butt heroines. She has written all her sixty-plus novels from her home in Austin, Texas, which she shares with her family. tracywolffbooks.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 24,627 reviews
Profile Image for Davina Herondale.
465 reviews248 followers
September 14, 2021
14. Sept. 2021 : guys wtf?!?? 2 weeks ago I had a lil over 100 likes on this review??? Yall just wanna see me suffer and as much as I hate it, I applaud it😂😂


( 28. August 2021 Update: if this review gets 200
likes by October I’ll read the second book😂🤪)



This book is not meant to be a comedy LMAO.


You'll NEVER catch me slipping

Tracy Wolff really said: imma take stuff from Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, and WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE????? I-i really don't know what to say

The writing was juvenile. The plot was virtually non-existent.

I feel like everyone who recommended this to me were all in on some big prank.

also what the fuck was that ending?

is no one gunna talk about how this cover is literally just a twilight-like picture and the original vampire diaries font or...
Profile Image for Danielle.
1,002 reviews584 followers
November 12, 2020
This was.... rough... 😬 The first half of this book was just a bunch of Twilight-esc angst- but more extreme. I say that as someone who admittedly liked Twilight. 🤦🏼‍♀️ But this was over the top with the “stay away” “but I love you” drama. It was super annoying that it took the main character over half the angsty puppy dog looks full of book to find out her crush was a vampire. 🙄 From that point forward, it was.... ummm... okay? It’s clearly written for our current YA crowd, as the terms “FML” and “AF” were used several times. It boggles me when authors choose to use trending teen slang- as it limits the audience and eventually will make the book sound very dated. And.... now I sound old... get off my lawn!! 😂🤣❤️📚
Profile Image for Alana.
749 reviews1,420 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
January 28, 2024
I tried, I really did.
But this was just so cliche that it HURT.

There was no way I could make my way through 600 pages of this. The fact that the main character was like "ugh gross, I'm not like the other girls in a YA romance" made my soul cringe. Plus, it's just weird to me that the MC and the vampire went from being rude to one another to literally two seconds later on top of each other rubbing each others faces. Like, y'all are strangers! What's happening?! I have got to go.
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.3k followers
July 7, 2021
”He turns me inside out with a look, destroys me with a kiss”.

Vale, tengo clarísimo que muchísimas personas van a destrozar este libro, pero ¿saben qué? Yo lo disfruté un montón y era el tipo de mamarracheo que necesitaba leer. Además, si lo leen atentamente, se dan cuenta de que Crave es un libro que se sabe reír de sí mismo y de todos los clichés de romance paranormal que usa.

Aquí nos encontramos con la historia de Grace, una chica que acaba de perder a sus padres en un accidente y, como no tiene a nadie más, debe irse a vivir a Alaska, en donde su tío es el rector de una academia de élite. Una vez Grace llega a este nuevo mundo de temperaturas heladas, grandes distancias y poca comunicación, empieza a conocer a los estudiantes de la academia, entre los que está el misterioso Jaxon Vega. Pero él, además de tener un aura de peligro, no es el único problema con el que se va a topar Grace aquí, pues muy pronto descubrirá que en esta academia nadie es lo que parece y los “accidentes” que la dejan cerca de la muerte se hacen cada vez más frecuentes.

La verdad es que me divertí muchísimo leyendo Crave y me recordó toda la angustia adolescente que amaba en los libros en la época en la que leía Twilight y otras sagas parecidas. Tenemos todos los elementos que hacen de esta historia algo tremendamente cliché y maravilloso al mismo tiempo: una protagonista que no se da cuenta de las cosas que suceden frente a sus ojos, un chico peligroso que intenta alejarse de ella por su bien pero al final termina cediendo a sus impulsos, criaturas mágicas, complots de monarquías sobrenaturales y un romance casi instantáneo.

Debo confesar que me enganchó mucho la dinámica de Grace y Jaxon. Y sí, recuerdan un montón a Edward y Bella, aunque afortunadamente Jaxon disfruta muchísimo más de los placeres carnales que nuestro pobre vampiro virgen de 108 años, jajaja. En serio, yo sé que en general la gente se va a quejar de este libro, pero es como un gran tributo a esos momentos adolescentes en los que amábamos a los protagonistas intensos, torturados y que intentaban hacer lo mejor por la chica que querían. Además, como les dije arriba, la autora de Crave tiene clarísimo lo que está haciendo con esta historia. I mean… hay un punto en el que Jaxon le regala una copia de Twilight a Grace para que entienda a qué se enfrenta con él. Loved that, LOL.

Da igual lo cheesy que sean algunas escenas, me encantaron todos los momentos románticos entre Jaxon y Grace. Me encanta este trope del chico malo y que da vibes de ser peligroso, pero que se convierte en un osito polar adorable cuando está con la persona que le gusta. Soy fan, en serio.

Y, bueno, aunque Crave está lleno de clichés y lugares comunes dentro del género de romance paranormal, tengo que reconocer que la revelación de qué otras criaturas sobrenaturales, además de los vampiros, rondan la academia me dejó muy impresionada. Las brujas no son una gran sorpresa, pero la otra clase de seres… WOW.

Bueno… y el final no se queda atrás en nada, ¿eh? La verdad es que la trama se tuerce y da un giro bastante oscuro y que nos deja con todas las ganas de tener inmediatamente los dos libros siguientes. No sólo por el peligro que han desatado en el mundo sino por el mismísimo futuro de Grace. Literal, cuando acabé Crave lo primero que hice fue poner los otros dos de la serie en mi Wishlist de Amazon.
January 5, 2022
2.5 stars.

“There’s not much to be afraid of when you’ve already lost everything that matters.”

I managed to make this crappy edit, and I guess it looks fine??? Just because of the aesthetic.


I'm warning you: if you haven't read the book and don't want any spoilers, don't read further, because my review is filled with spoilers and sarcasm.

I am conflicted with this book. I hated it, it was cringey and the romance was ugh (but I shelved as romance, AND as "this shit has no romance"), the characters were stupid as fuck and the plot was not interesting but predictable, and the villain, oMG, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT???

However, it was fast paced. It took me a while because I was on a reading slump and having constant breakdowns, lol. Anyhow, it amazed me how quick I read this book and how fast many chapters went... Which is good, because my reading slump was stick to me, and I guess I gotta say thanks to this book ¿?

Ok, let's start the review!

Grace lost her parents due a mysterious accident (as your typical avergage normal YA girl) and she has no more family, except her uncle, who lives in Alaska and runs an Academy. So, Grace moves on to Alaska to live with him and her cousin, Macy. Everything is normal, until Grace realizes that something is not right.

Surprise! Vampires, dragons, witches and shapeshifters are real! And she might be one of them!

It was predictable as fuck. I could guess many things that were going to happen and I wasn't surprised. Also, there were many plotholes, that left me with many many many questions that were not answered in the entire book.

Lia killing Grace's parents has no sense. I mean, beside of being senseless, it's stupid and has no point. No one could saw that coming (let me explain you why before you think "uhm, yeah, well, that's the point of a plot twist") because there was no hint that Lia had something to do with it. Lia is barely in the book, and appears only when it is convenient for Grace, not to give us hints that hello! she is the "villain".

Lia being the villain is a crime. I'd rather be a good villain for this book. I mean, I get it, you want your "mate" *insert gags* back and you're suffering, but, sweetie, why you didn't kill Grace inmediately? It was ridiculous and lame.

Why Grace was left alive? What specie does she belong? Is Hudson alive? Why is she a gargoyle now? Why we had Jaxon's pov? (I dind't read them all tho, lmao) What was the real purpose of Lia for wanting Grace, a simple human, to her sacrifice? Will Grace have some braincells in the second book? We'll never know.

Also, I think everything goes really quick in the span of 2/3 weeks. And I mean it: everything.

Oh, this one is gonna be amazing. Get ready.

I always liked to think: "what would happen if I find out that vampires are real? how would I react?" and the answer it's totally the opposite to what Grace did.

Grace isn't smart, let's face it. Any of the mc with vampires involved is it. They're more interested on the hot dark haired guy who's telling them to stay the fuck away from them because, they're dangerous. *stares at Edward Cullen* But, the girl is drooling for the vampire since the moment they make eye contact and then it's insta love. uGH.

I mean, Jaxon is telling you to stay away from him, to scare you and in the first moment you're touching him because why not? he's hot and totally not like the other guys you've met before, and oh, also the scar that makes him look like a true fucking bad boy. Yeah, no thanks.

For some reason, she's the one who summons problems and Jaxon is "saving" her. She's convinced to it and despite of what he's done, she thinks he's the good guy, the victim, the hero and the most powerful dude in the world. Ugh, ugh, ugh, cringe.

What amazes me of Grace is the fact that she wasn't scared to see what Jaxon can do... Sweetie, are you ok? Anyone in their five senses would have left the dude when he warned the first time. Anyone. And you can think "if a guy like him told me to stay away from him, I wouldn't do it, because he's hot", yeah, but hE'S CREEPY AND A STALKER AND A MURDER, WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!

I can't blame Grace for all the shit going in her life tho. I feel pity for her tbh.

I also forget to say that she has no personality, that we don't know so much about her beside of the fact that her parents died. And well, her personality is drooling over Jaxon, worship him like he was some sort of god and thinking about kissing him and that he's a hero, ugh

The fact that she said "Jaxon was never meant to be the hero of my story... because I was always meant to be the hero of his." killed me, but not in the good way. For some reason that is beyond of my comprehension, it's like Grace believes that she can fix Jaxon, that she can make him see that he's a "good guy" and that he doesn't have to carry the weight of the world. (what the actual hell??)

The great, handsome, vicim, hero, powerful, hot and mysterious Jaxon Vega.

He's a fucking dick. He's a stalker (in his chapters he clearly says it) and a prick. Oh my gods, I truly hate him. The only good with him is his taste in music (because it's written by a women), but the rest? ugh, he reminded me of the average vampires who think they're the heroes of the story and the world depends of them (Edward, Hawke, Rhys but he's a fae ik, and who knows who else, ewwww). He's disgusting in so many levels that I can't explain. I still wanna know something: what had to do Jaxon in Lia's plan to kill Grace? I know that boy ain't something good.

My ace ass was cringing everytime he appeared in front of Grace and I was relieved when he was gone.

I don't have much to say about him, beside that I don't like him and hIS ONLY EXISTENCE IS A FUCKING RED FLAG.

My boy Flint deserved better tbh. I was most interested on him beING A FUCKING DRAGON, THAT'S AWESOME, that in Jaxon being a typical vampire. And I will never get tired of say that Flint is way fucking better than Jaxon. He's my boy, ok? ok.

Macy was irrelevant, even tho I loved her a lot, even more than Grace. She deserved better and if she is not endgame with Flint, I'll riot.

Nope. No. NO. nO. The fuck no. How you can fall in love with a guy you barely met 2/3 weeks ago? And even more, say that you love him. On the first day in Alaska, Jaxon warned Grace to stay away from him, and she touches him like they're something ??????? And on the third day, she's drooling at the sight of the guy because he "saved" her.

Everything was so rushed and it was like it existed a "love triangle" bUT FLINT DIDN'T HAVE A CHANCE LIKE JACOB IN TWILIGHT, LOL. We all know from the beginning that Jaxon (Edward) is gonna be the champ, the winner and the endgame. You can predict that from the beginning of the book.

Also, MATES???? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??!?!?!??!?! This trope is so used and boring that makes me sick. I mean, please, give me something built from zero. Not the "they're meant to be and that's it. suck it" nOPE. Give me plot twists.

Like with From Blood and Ash this book is so overhyped. I mean, I read it because I like vampires and the academy trope. But literally, many people told me "this book is everything" "you're gonna love it" "Jaxon is so wonderfu, sexy and you'll love it"...

Yeah, well, you can see now how it went. This book isn't thaaaaaaat bad, but isn't good either. It's fast paced, yes, but not something that I would recommend.

You know? I think age is hitting me like a bitch and saying that many of the YA vampire books are not my thing anymore, and I really love vampires, lol.

ANYHOW. This is my opinion, I'm not saying that this is purely trash or something like that, and you know why? Because I'm gonna read the second book of this one to see if my boy Hudson still alive, yep.
Profile Image for Avada Kaddavra.
423 reviews70 followers
June 13, 2023

Falls du das Buch gelesen und gemocht hast, dann lies besser nicht weiter. Ich mein's ernst.

Es war genauso, wie ich mir Twilight vorgestellt habe. Nur dass keiner glitzert.

Ohje, wo soll ich nur anfangen? Vielleicht bei der Karte am Anfang des Buches, die nichts als überflüssig war? Ja. Ja, das würde passen.

Wo wir grad bei überflüssig sind: auf mindestens 550 der 680 Seiten passierte NICHTS. Dem Buch hätten 300 Seiten absolut gereicht, denn 3/4 drehten sich sowieso nur um Graces Besessenheit von Jaxon, ab der Sekunde, wo er sie das erste Mal unhöflich angeranzt und ungefragt angefasst hat. Grace muss so ziemlich der oberflächlichste Mensch sein, der je gelebt hat, oder in einem unterirdischen Bunker ohne soziale Kontakte aufgezogen worden sein, dass sie sich quasi auf den ersten Blick in ein komplett unsympathisches Arschloch verliebt, nur weil er so umwerfend aussieht (ihre Worte!).
Noch trauriger ist eigentlich nur, dass sie quasi alles für ihn stehen und liegen lässt. Das merkt sie offenbar selbst gar nicht (naja gut, sie merkt halt insgesamt echt sehr wenig), denn sie will Jaxon ständig die Meinung sagen, macht dann aber anschließend doch einfach genau das, was er will. Bravo. Gut gemacht, Grace, scheiß doch einfach auf Selbstwertgefühl, sowas braucht keiner!
Komisch nur, dass das überhaupt keinem auffällt, im Gegenteil! Einmal sagt sogar jemand, sie würde sich ja wohl gar nichts sagen lassen.
Was hab ich gelacht.
Ach Jaxon, du kleiner Schlawiner😚 Bitte beherrsche mich, welche Frau liebt es nicht, wenn ein Mann ihr sagt, was sie zu tun und zu lassen hat.
Man muss das aber auch verstehen: er ist eben so wundersch��n und dann duftet er auch noch immer so toll nach Orangen und Eiswasser (wie macht er das nur? Kippt er sich morgens ne eiskalte Fanta über den Kopf? Es wird wohl ewig sein Geheimnis bleiben. Vor allem wie es denn überhaupt möglich ist, nach WASSER zu riechen). Bei so viel Schönheit und Eiswasserduft kann man schon mal über einen schlechten Charakter hinwegsehen.
Übrigens, es gibt kein Bodyshaming in diesem Buch. Allerdings nicht, weil die Leute nicht oberflächlich wären, sondern weil einfach alle so gut aussehen (Grace ist übrigens rein optisch perfekt, sagt Jaxon in seinen 3 Kapiteln Redezeit).
Was sagt man dazu? Alle sind heiß, die Welt ist wieder im Lot.

Das Schlimmste war aber, dass Grace - und ich kann es nicht anders sagen - strohdoof ist. Sie wundert sich über NICHTS, sondern gibt sich für unnatürliche Zwischenfälle oder Unfälle einfach selbst eine vollkommen an den Haaren herbei gezogene bzw. komplett stumpfsinnige Erklärung, ohne sie mal auf Korrektheit zu überprüfen.
Sie wundert sich auch überhaupt nicht, dass sie Bodyguards von Jaxon bekommt (kein Scheiß, das hat die nicht explizit hinterfragt!). Sie wird von diesen Typen abgeholt und zu den Unterrichtsräumen gebracht---- UND WUNDERT SICH NICHT EINE SEKUNDE DARÜBER!


(*Atmet. Atmet noch mal. Kippt sich nen Schuss Whiskey in den Kaffee*)

Ich weiß nicht, was ich dazu noch sagen soll. Bist du Beyoncé oder wieso brauchst du Bodyguards, Grace?
Sie erklärt es sich, wenn ich das noch richtig weiß, damit, dass sie sich verlaufen könnte. Hach ja. Ok😤

Naja. Nachdem sie in all der Zeit 2 (??) mal im Unterricht war (sie konnte trotz ihrer schlechten körperlichen und mentalen Verfassung nach ihren ganzen Unfällen alles machen. Nur nicht in den anstrengenden Unterricht gehen), fast umgebracht wurde (mehrmals, aber stets ohne dass es für uns als Leser*in nachvollziehbar wäre) und herausgefunden hat, dass sie Jaxon liebt (ja, nach etwa einer Woche oder vielleicht weniger. Ja, trotz kaum vorhandener Kommunikation, viel Geheimniskrämerei, dem guten alten Halt-dich-fern-von-mir-Spielchen und dem Austausch mega schlechter Witze. Spätestens da wäre es bei mir an Jaxons Stelle ja vorbei gewesen. Wir waren also alle überrascht von der plötzlichen Liebe, aber niemand so negativ wie ich) ist das Buch mit einem absoluten Cliffhanger geendet! Der Wahnsinn!😱😱😱
Ok, ich möchte nicht übertreiben. Es ist nicht so der Wahnsinn.

Ach ja, es war übrigens gar kein Thema für Grace, Lia umzubringen um Superhottie Jaxon zu retten. Oder ist die gar nicht tot? Ich kann es nicht wissen, ich hab während des gesamten Showdowns nicht mehr richtig aufgepasst. Ich weiß nur noch, dass sie es lieber selbst macht bevor Jaxon es tun muss und es ihm vielleicht unangenehm sein und ihn emotional belasten könnte. Oder war das zu einer anderen Gelegenheit🤔 Jedenfalls hatte Grace da keine Probleme und musste die Tat danach auch nicht aufarbeiten. Natural born killer Grace. Wie gut dass wir sie haben.

(*Kippt noch mal Whiskey nach, was soll der Geiz*)

Hier weitere traurige Infos:
- am Anfang war es wirklich unterhaltsam und ich wollte unbedingt Fangirl sein, aber Grace hat es mir einfach zu schwer gemacht
- es gab einfach 100 Seiten mehr als ich gehofft habe
- aus purem Enthusiasmus habe ich zu Beginn meines "Abenteuers" an der Katmere Academy eine Vorbestellung auf den zweiten Band getätigt (Storno erfolgreich)
- in meiner Leserunde fanden 4 von 5 Mädels das Buch total kacke und es war eigentlich eine wohltuende Lästerrunde mit heilender Wirkung auf mein wundes Herz (habe um die Eigenständigkeit der Frau getrauert)
- Ich empfand das Buch quasi als Fusstritt in die Magengrube aller emanzipierten Personen
Profile Image for Mali Mor ❤️ The Romantic Blogger.
453 reviews571 followers
April 17, 2020
Missed Twilight...?! 😱

Grace's life change after her parents died in a car accident, and so, from the life she knows in hot California - she moves to the frozen Alaska, but discovers she has to deal with much greater troubles than the cold... ❄❤

📚 "𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔, 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒅𝒐 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔." 📚

She moves in with her uncle Finn and his daughter Macy. Finn runs a private prestigious academy, but from the moment she enters "Katmere", Grace doesn't feel like she belongs there. Everyone hides something, and she has no idea what... 💥

In her first day, Grace meets the most popular boys at school, and the great enemies: Flint - the nice boy who received her with a big smile... and Jackson - the broken, tormented and mysterious boy who, despite his 'not so very nice' welcome, she can't stop thinking about him and his secrets... ❤❄

📚 “𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕? 𝑯𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒂 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕?” 📚

And so, Grace reveals a new world. A world of vampires, dragons, wolf shifters and witches... and she, the mortal, is still trying to decide where she belongs... 💥💥💥
But is Grace's arrival at the Academy was destiny? Or did someone deliberately bring her there to stir up an old monster and start a new war...? 😱

The book was a combination of *Twilight* (the vampires, werewolves - and the mortal linking them) and *Harry Potter* (the prestigious school and the girl who finds out about a new world, she is part of) - BUT it was the modern upgraded version. 💪

📚 “𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍, 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏’𝒕 𝒅𝒐 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏-𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓-𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒌𝒊𝒅 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒅𝒐?”
“𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔𝒏’𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑱. 𝑲. 𝑹𝒐𝒘𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈’𝒔 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏.” 📚

I liked that although there were lots of characters - which can be confusing, Tracy presented them at the right time, I loved the expectation for Grace to discover the truth. However, since this is *a teen book*, rather than an "action" between the characters, most of the plot was full of descriptions and explanations - which was interesting, until about 70%, where I started to get tired. Well, probably because this book is very VERT long (592 pages). 😬❤

📚 𝑴𝒆: 𝑼𝒈𝒉. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒌
𝑱𝒂𝒙𝒐����: 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒏𝒐 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 📚

However, I couldn't ignore the "Twilight" style plot, of the teenage girl who refuses to give up on the bad boy she met just 10 minutes ago (even though when she's with him, her life is in danger every 5 minutes 😬) and the bad boy that I had no idea why he was attracted to her in the first place, who warns her that he is "dangerous," but can't get away - So there is no doubt that comparison to"Twilight" is inevitable... BUT if you ask me, this book was much more sophisticated, with the addition of humor and sexual tension (PG-13 obviously - which totally made me frustrated, because... come on, TAKE OF YOUR SHIRT, GODDAMMIT!!!). 😂😂😂

📚 “𝑶𝒉, 𝑬𝒅𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅, 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉! 𝑾𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒑𝒔, 𝑰 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝑱𝒂𝒙𝒐𝒏.” 📚

I didn't read many YA books to compare, but I totally enjoyed this book and the ending left me curious for more (this is a first book from a series, end with a cliffhanger). It was full of action, paranormal, love and lots of humor! ❄❤


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Profile Image for Heather.
417 reviews16.5k followers
June 10, 2020
Did this book feel like a Twilight rip off?
Did I have a fun time reading it?

This book follows Grace after the death of her parents, she moves to a small part of Alaska with her Uncle and cousin, Macy to a boarding school they run. After she gets there she learns this might not be a normal school....put two and two together and there's your plot.
First of all this book was way to long, at almost 600 pages. There wasn't a ton of plot to go with the length of the book either, alot of nothing pretty much happened.
The romance was your typical brooding vampire ala Edward Cullen so of course I ate it up like candy, who's surprised there?
Also our main character Grace is annoying, maybe I'm the only one who feels that way.

I'm giving this a 3 because it was enjoyable to read. It reminded me of Twilight and even though not alot happened in this book and everything was so farfetched I had a fun time reading it.

Go into this expecting not alot but maybe a good time?
Profile Image for Stephanie Marquez.
6 reviews9 followers
August 30, 2024
Crave is like Twilight grew up to be a witty, sophisticated feminist with a flare for fun and sexual tension.

When reading, “Crave” the easiest comparison to draw would be that of, “Twilight”. But I feel like I would not be giving the author the credit due for what she has done for this genre. No, “Crave” may be the vampire love story we were missing from Stephanie Meyer’s series but we have arrived in 2020 more sophisticated, demanding more from our heroines, and our literature.

I sat with Grace and Jaxon in every room and on every piece of furniture in my home and devoured, “Crave” from breakfast to bedtime. You will fall in love with the elegant world of Katmere Academy. You will gasp and plea for each page of romance, conflict, and plot twists. You will giggle, smile, and swoon at the texts exchanged and the witty dialogue between every lovable character. You will devote yourself to a faction and declare your loyalty to dragon, witch, vampire, or werewolf. Your heart will skip, soar, and sink for Jaxon along with his gaze and charm. You will identify with the strength, smarts, and cautious vulnerability of Grace, our heroine.

And you will be left, like me, completely mind blown by an amazing ending, ready to journey Alaska, and what comes next in the world Tracy Wolff has created.
Profile Image for Chloe F.
161 reviews64 followers
November 22, 2021
i think this is the worst book i’ve ever read.
Profile Image for Bryce Rocks My Socks.
489 reviews855 followers
October 17, 2021
Let's bring chapter titles back. Here are a few of the gems from this book:

- What Could Possibly Be More Interesting Than Kissing Me?

- Some Call It Paranoia, But I Call It An Evil Bitch Trying To Use You As A Human Sacrifice

- Things Hot Pink and Harry Styles Have in Common

- No, I Really Don't Wanna Build A Snowman

- Sometimes Keeping Your Enemies Close Is The Only Thing That Prevents Hypothermia
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23.1k followers
April 14, 2020
Final review, first posted on Fantasy Literature:

Apparently the market for breathless YA romances with sexy vampires isn't fully saturated yet, because Crave, a new paranormal romance thriller by Tracy Wolff that cheerfully admits to being inspired by Twilight — check out the blatant knock-off cover — offers readers a slightly updated take on the genre.

When her parents are killed in an automobile accident, high-school-aged Grace reluctantly leaves San Diego and travels to the remote, icy interior of Alaska, where her uncle Finn is headmaster of an exclusive boarding school, Katmere Academy. Grace’s cousin Macy, who picks her up in Healy for a ninety-minute snowmobile ride to the luxurious, castle-like prep school, is anxious to help Grace fit in. The problem is, almost all of the other students at Katmere seem to be hostile to Grace — especially Jaxon Vega, the hot, dangerous-looking guy who is the first person Grace meets upon her arrival. Grace is (at least at first) determined not to let herself fall for Jaxon, although there’s something in his eyes that makes her think he’s as lost as she is. Their relationship runs hot and cold, but there's something or someone at Katmere Academy that seems to want Grace dead, and she may need all the friends she can find.

Crave promises to deliver an updated version of Twilight, but other than a stronger erotic element and the addition of plenty of F-bombs, it doesn’t really deliver on that pledge. Heroine-wise, Grace is a slight improvement over Bella, but not markedly so. She makes far too many impulsive, rash decisions. Crave’s Alaska setting isn’t drawn in any detail, other than that it's freezing cold there. Though it's set in an inaccessible prep boarding school, shades of Hogwarts, I don't recall any particular mention of any classes or teachers. The focus is on the social scene at Katmere, the romantic tension between Grace and Jaxon, and the mystery about who wants to kill Grace, and why.

Grace and the book take an inordinate amount of time to get clear about the paranormal nature of Katmere’s students, although the book's cover and blurb spill the secret up front. There's some interest for readers in finding out what type of powers each of the different cliques at Katmere have (hint: it’s not just vampires and werewolves). The romance stays in PG-13 territory, though the erotic bloodsucking scene was somewhat of an eyebrow-raiser. Crave’s mystery element adds some intrigue to the romance-driven plot, but readers should know that the book ends on a major cliff-hanger. Add to the above issues a first-person, present-tense narration, something that's difficult to pull off well even in much better novels.

Twilight was a guilty pleasure at the time I read it, sending me scrambling for the next book in the series. Crave wasn't nearly as much fun for me. Crave is a book I'd recommend only to readers who are still enthusiastic about paranormal romances and Twilight-type plots, and who are on board with adult language and steamier romance.

Initial post: Receives ARC of book. (Nice publicity package BTW!)
Scratches head.
“Is another Twilight knock-off really what we need?”
Reads book: = Twilight with more smoldering gazes and making out, more F-bombs, colder weather, a slight upgrade to Bella (not as much as I hoped), and erotic bloodsucking.
And bonus! told in first person present tense.
Another bonus! Cliffhanger ending.
January 26, 2023
If Twilight, Evernight, Fallen, and every ironical, satirical self-indulgent parody slash crack!fick ever published on ao3 went to a rave party, had a proficient foursomes that magically turned into them having a miraculous baby and said baby was constantly high on crack, it'd be this book.

I honestly can't tell if this book is for real or if I hallucinated the whole thing


I impulse-bought the sequel of this book because it was 70% off and because the cover rudely screamed TWILIGHT in my freaking face (and we all know twilight is my favorite guilty/cringey pleasure book) till I picked it up so I felt obligated to read it 🤷🏼‍♀️
But ngl I can't take this book seriously.
Profile Image for Iryna Zubkova.
45 reviews12k followers
January 3, 2022
Le doy de momento un 3,75/4 🌟 ya que al ser el primer libro nose muy bien que me parecerá en comparación con otros.

Os dejo una pequeña sinopsis antes de comentar algunas cositas:

“La historia cuenta como la protagonista Grace, una adolescente, que por motivos familiares se tiene que trasladar a Alaska para realizar allí un curso académico en el instituto donde se encuentra su tío Finn, que es el director y también su prima, Macy.
Pronto Grace empieza a notar que los compañeros de Macy son un tanto extraños, al igual que el instituto y las cosas que pasan a su alrededor. No tarda en conocer a Jaxon Vega, que por alguna extraña razón desde el primer momento que la vio se empeñó en hacerla entender que ese lugar no era para ella. “

🩸 un libro MUY fácil de leer, además de la letra grande (que me encanta) la forma de escribir de la autora es muy sencilla y se hace entender todo.

🩸 los capítulos bastante cortos por lo que la sensación de NO estar avanzando no te pasa y que no puedas dejar de leer el libro.

🩸 es verdad que esta primera parte me ha dejado von la sensación de ser mucho mas introductoria durante toda la trama aunque si que es verdad que para nada aburrida, y creo que es bastante necesaria aunque se haga larga.

🩸 tanto la situación geográfica como ambientación es una elección muy acertada por mi parte. Tiene unas vibes de dark academia, con el instituto que parece un 🏰 (me recuerda a HOGWARTS) y los alrededores.

🩸 el público al que creo que se dirige el libro es más para juvenil, para +14 , ya que no contiene escenas +18 y la forma de ser escrito es muy muy sencilla.

🩸hay un cliché que es instalove, que la verdad que pensaba que me resultaría demasiado empalagoso pero me ha encantado.

🩸 me encanta que se mezclen varias criaturas mágicas y no se quede solo en vampiros y hombres lobo.

🩸 el final de este primer libro me ha dejado en shock, sin duda con muchas ganas de leer el segundo

🩸 un dato curioso es que no he parado en cierto modo de compararlo con Crepúsculo, aunque sinceramente la trama no tiene NADA que ver. Aunque si que es verdad que en algunas cosas Jaxon me ha recordado a un Edward de la actualidad.
Profile Image for spring ~♡.
488 reviews725 followers
July 27, 2021
This book is the ultimate Twilight retelling we didn’t know we needed (or maybe not needed)

I tried my best to forget about reading this book as a twilight retelling but ugh! Help me! I can't with this book!

So Grace Swan, who is Bella Swan's adopted twin sister moved to Alaska with her Uncle and Cousin. Oh, and her uncle is Charlie Swan's adopted twin brother.
Moving on,
Grace move on to this new boarding school in Phoenix Alaska where she meets with all these weird people. Then she meets (yeah you guessed it!) tall dark broody inhumanly handsome sparky boy Jaxon. Jaxon obviously starts behaving like a douche the second he meets her because why not?
After a couple of minutes they realises they are soul mates so they starts kissing instead of fighting because again...WHY NOT?

Grace noticed there's something wrong with this place and these people.
Cause, all of them are oh so beautiful
But Grace is not like her sister Bella Swan so she doesn’t do anything about it. She drools over Edward's adopted twin brother Jaxon. Meanwhile she also meets with Flint who is Jacobs adopted twin brother from Twilight.

The amazing plagiarism goes on.

Reasons why Grace is not like other girls:

1: even though there's seriously something wrong with all these people Grace still sat in her room. Cries for Jaxon after meeting him for five minutes.

2: Jaxon is a vampire but it took her 70% of the book to figure this out.

3: Even our all time favourite cry baby Bella Swan didn’t take this long to figure out Edward is a sparky vampire.

4: Her bed sheet is hot pink.

5: yeah, seriously HOT PINK ADFXGAKAL wtf? Why did the writer think it's a good idea to mention that hot pink bed sheet so many times is beyond me.

How did I forget to mention,
What an original plot.

So after Grace found out that Jaxon is a Edward, I mean a vampire. She immediately realises she can't live without him. She doesn’t need oxygen she needs Jaxon.

Here you go, you can see yourself.

“Jaxon.” I push myself up, start looking wildly around the room. “Jaxon! Is he all right? Is he—”

“No, I’d really like to see him now.” I start kicking at my covers"

“Where is he?” I demand of the short-haired woman standing next to my bed. “I need to make sure…”

"I need to escape and I need to figure out what’s happening to Jaxon. Everything else can wait."
(yeah girl, we stopped the world clock for you. Go see Jaxon.)

"I don’t know what I need, except to see Jaxon. To see his face, to touch him, to feel him breathe and know that he’s really okay."

“I need to make sure he’s okay. I need…”

My reaction after this shit was exactly like Jaxon:

“Grace?” he interrupts.
I wait for him to say something, but when he doesn’t, I answer, “What?” in what could, perhaps, be described as not the nicest tone.
“Shut up.”
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,602 reviews11k followers
March 11, 2021
Damn it!! I was hoping to love this book so I could buy them and have them on my shelves and blah blah!!

This is NOT like Twilight. I love Twilight with a passion! The movies more than the books but I love both.

I love the idea of all the supernatural creatures in the book other than vamps and werewolves and witches. I mean freaking dragons and gargoyles are enough and then finding out what the main girl is, I might read the next one just to see. I’m just super ass mad because I want this book and this story to be more. Whatever!!

Mel 🖤🐶🐺🐾
Profile Image for Ruth.
705 reviews292 followers
October 19, 2021
1 Stern. Schnallt euch an, ich habe so einiges zu sagen.

Grace verliert ihre Eltern bei einem Autounfall und soll von nun an bei ihrem Onkel in Alaska leben. Er leitet dort ein elitäres Internat. Kaum ist sie dort… Ja, was eigentlich? Der Klappentext bringt Schlagwörter wie Bad Boy, unerklärliche Anziehung, große Gefahr. Cover und Marketing bedienen sich diverser Parallelen mit Twilight. Ich hatte eine grobe Ahnung, wohin es gehen sollte.

Ich denke, das Buch steht und fällt damit, ob man die Romance fühlt oder nicht. Es gibt immerhin genügend begeisterte Stimmen, die ihre Berechtigung haben (muss ich mir aber auch immer wieder laut vorsagen…). Bei der Rezension von Avada Kaddavra habe ich übrigens mehrfach lauthals gelacht. Schaut auf jeden Fall rein!

- Der Anfang war okay. Wir lernen Grace als verwaistes junges Mädchen kennen, werfen durch ihre Augen einen ersten Blick auf die verschneite Katmere Academy und lernen ihre flippige Cousine Macy kennen. So weit so gut. Dann kam die Talfahrt.

- Vom Internatleben kriegen wir absolut NICHTS erzählt außer das Essen in der Cafeteria. Und in maximal zwei Kapiteln kam bei mir etwas Alaska-Feeling auf. Das Buch hätte auch im All spielen können. Großartig fand ich außerdem, wie erwachsene Figuren drumherum durch hohle Entscheidungen oder Abwesenheit punkten. Nicht.

- Insta-Love vom Feinsten (nochmal zur Erinnerung: Ich hasse Insta-Love). Grace sieht den mysteriösen Jaxon und kann natürlich augenblicklich hinter seine abweisende Fassade schauen. Innerhalb von weniger als einer Woche entbrennt in ihr die Liebe ihres Lebens. Kaum Gespräche, vor allem Blicke. Buchstäblich von 0 auf 1000. Auf den ersten 500 Seiten reduziert sich das übrigens ausschließlich auf sein Aussehen und auf Graces diffuse Vermutungen zu seinem Charakter.

- Und dann wird es so richtig schmalzig und das will aus meinem Mund echt was heißen. Ich mag es sonst ja gerne durchaus schnulzig. Es wird Geschmachtet und Gesehnsüchtelt, immer wieder unterbrochen von ach so lustigen Flirts, die ungelogen aus Flachwitzen auf Kindergartenniveau und vielen hochgezogenen Augenbrauen bestanden. Macy ist dann übrigens auch nur noch dafür da, mitzuschmalzen. Wie gesagt, wer hier ins Fühlen kommt, kann wunderbar mitschmachten. Ich kam aus dem Augenrollen und schmerzverzerrten Stöhnen nicht mehr raus, vor allem weil es sich für mich immer wieder einfach nur unecht und cringey angefühlt hat. Blöd ist halt auch, wenn der BAD BOY über hunderte Seiten nicht einmal bad ist, sondern höchstens unhöflich.

- Im letzten Viertel gab's mal eine kurze Strecke mit Action, die ich fast als eine Art Erholungsstrecke empfunden habe, weil hier Grace keine Zeit blieb zu schmachten. War aber schnell vorbei.

- Grace als junge Protagonistin mit Identifikationspotenzial hat mich buchstäblich zur Weißglut getrieben. Erstmal checkt sie nichts, nimmt alles hin, hinterfragt niemanden. Alle anderen Figuren bewundern Graces Schlagfertigkeit. Und ich so: Häh? In den Momenten, wo sie dann mal den Hauch eines eigenen Bedürfnisses hat, reguliert sie sich runter, nimmt Rücksicht, stellt sich selbst zurück. Ich habe unzählige Satzbeispiele gesammelt, hier nur eine Auswahl:
„Ich habe mich damit abgefunden, dass er mich dazu bringt, mich erbärmlich zu verhalten.“
„In seinem jetzigen Zustand sage ich besser nichts.“
„Ich gehe mit, denn, ganz ehrlich, was bleibt mir anderes übrig.“

- Immer und immer und IMMER wieder baut das Buch popkulturelle Anspielungen ein. Manchmal mit einem Augenzwinkern a la „haha, ich bin als Buchprojekt voll selbstreflektiert und ein bisschen meeeta“ (Twilight, Young Adult Bücher, Hogwarts), manchmal einfach bloß, um supercoole Figuren supercool wirken zu lassen. Das hat auf mich immer wieder gewollt gewirkt, manchmal ein bisschen versnobbt. 70% der Anspielungen werden in 5 Jahren niemandem mehr etwas sagen. Good job.

- Stichwort Romantisierung von Gewalt. Es gibt Bücher, in denen düstere Figuren vorkommen, die moralisch-graue Entscheidungen treffen. Ich mag das. Figuren müssen für mich nicht unfehlbar sein. Schmalzige Bücher, die dieses Verhalten dann aber als sexy Charakterzug einbauen, insbesondere bei Büchern, die sich an junge Menschen richten, machen mich wütend. Und Achtung, leichter Spoiler: Was heiß daran sein soll, wenn das Gift eines Vampirs beim Beißen für Lustwallungen sorgt, weiß ich auch nicht. Klingt nach einem ungewollten Drogentrip. Find ich null cute. Und wenn ich noch einmal den mehrfach wiederholten Satz „Ich biete ihm mein Körperteil XY dar“ lese, muss ich wieder ein bisschen würgen.

- Plottwists? Nö. Ob scheinbar oder tatsächlich verdächtige Personen, Vermutungen über Enthüllungen oder mysteriöse Vorgeschichten, in meiner Leserunde haben wir sie alle bei der ersten Erwähnung vermutet. Gröber konnten die Pinselstriche für mich nicht sein. Da hat der ganze Zaun gewunken.

- Die letzten 90 Minuten Hörbuchs sind übrigens bloß nochmal ein Szenenrückblick vom Anfang aus Jaxons Perspektive. Völlig unnötig.

Wer mir wirklich wehtun will, zwingt mich dazu, in der Katmere Reihe weiterzulesen. Aus freien Stücken werde ich es jedenfalls nicht tun.
Profile Image for Rachel Kathryn Wright.
407 reviews20 followers
August 12, 2020
At first I thought this was going to be a two star read because I hated how similar this was to Twilight. It felt like this book was Twilight rebranded. But once you get halfway through it loses those similarities and becomes its own story. The writing was great, I was invested from beginning to end even during the parts that annoyed me. The pacing was fantastic and it didn’t feel slow at any parts. And the fantasy element intertwined in a modern world was well done. The storyline I found really intriguing and what happens at the end with the main character I didn’t fully see coming. That also made me kind of wish it was something I could have guessed. But, it also left me even more excited to see what will happen in the sequel. And I think this book would have been even more interesting if there were more chapters in the POV of Jaxon. The main character, Grace, started off being so similar to Bella in that everyone is constantly fighting for her and protecting her and in the end she is the one that is protecting everybody. The romance in this book I felt iffy about, I don’t hate instalove, but if a book is going to have it then it should also show the pair growing together. We don’t see that much in this book other than their sexual chemistry. But, I would say this relationship is better than Bella and Edward’s. I don’t like comparing books but this book was so similar to Twilight, that there was no way around it. Overall, I didn’t expect to enjoy this book as much as I did and I can’t wait for the sequel.
Profile Image for honestlysophie.
64 reviews872 followers
December 24, 2023
i wish i could remove my eyes from my skull and give them a deep cleanse
Profile Image for Sara Bow.
241 reviews1,113 followers
September 13, 2021
Wer hätte gedacht, dass wir nach Twilight dieses Buch brauchen und feiern würden :D Sehr unterhaltsam - musste man wirklich durchsuchten. Freue mich sehr auf die weiteren Bände. Habe das Gefühl, dass Tracy Wolff hier wirklich darauf baut, eine realistische / längere Charakterentwicklung zu schreiben.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
398 reviews525 followers
April 4, 2024
‘Have you ever wanted something so much that you were afraid to take it? Like it’s right there, waiting for you to just reach out and grab it, but you’re so terrified of what will happen when you lose it that you never make the reach?’

Tracy Wolff's "Crave" is a mixed bag of vampire romance that will satisfy some readers while leaving others craving more. The novel follows the traditional vampire-human love story, with protagonist Grace navigating a new school filled with supernatural beings, including the enigmatic Jaxon Vega. While the world building is immersive and the romantic tension palpable, the plot feels formulaic at times, relying heavily on familiar tropes of the genre. It’s basically Twilight for the new generation.

Wolff's writing style is engaging, making it easy to get lost in the story, but some scenes drag on unnecessarily, slowing the pacing. Additionally, while the characters are well developed, they often fall into predictable roles, lacking the depth needed to truly stand out. However, there are moments of genuine emotion and excitement that keep the reader invested until the end.

Crave offers an entertaining escape for fans of vampire romance, but it may not leave a lasting impression on those seeking a more original take on the genre. With more innovation and character development, Wolff's series begins to shine brighter in her future installments.


Profile Image for Victoria Resco.
Author 6 books28.6k followers
March 21, 2022

Lowkey no esperaba UNA MIERDA de este libro. Pero lo fue TODO. Amé. Me mantuvo enganchada, la prota es una mina fuerte (aunque a veces medio lela) y su romance, aunque medio insta-love, me dio mucha ternura. Super mega spicy, por donde lo mires, pero sin ese nivel de repetición que podría volverlo aburrido. Fan.
Profile Image for give me books.
346 reviews5,081 followers
March 20, 2023
Ta książka przypomniała mi moje czasy nastoletnie i historie, które wtedy czytałam.
Czekam z niecierpliwią na kolejny tom ZWŁASZCZA PO TYM ZAKOŃCZENIU.
Profile Image for Larry H.
2,798 reviews29.6k followers
May 9, 2020
Does the world need another brooding vampire love story? Yes.

Grace’s parents were killed in an accident, so she has to move from San Diego to Alaska, where her uncle is the head of a fancy prep school in a remote town. And while Alaska itself is a total shock to her system, she’s not expecting school to be in an actual castle, nor is she expecting everyone to take an immediate dislike to her.

When she catches the eye of Jaxon Vega, the hottest guy she’s ever seen, surrounded by a group of brooding, handsome guys, she is mesmerized. But he quickly breaks the spell by telling her she’s in danger and should never have come to the school.

But there’s something about Jaxon that she can’t shake, and despite his veil of disdain, she knows he feels it, too. After a series of near-death experiences have him rescuing her every time, she starts to discover that maybe Jaxon is right, and she is a pawn in a battle she has no idea about.

As their relationship intensifies, Grace must make a choice: go back to San Diego, where she will be safe, or possibly sacrifice everything for Jaxon—including her life. She doesn’t know much about the world of vampires, dragons, werewolves, witches, and shapeshifters, but she’s in the middle of all of it.

Of course, Crave immediately reminded me of Twilight , and even its cover design is similar. But while both share brooding, passionate stories of dangerous love, Crave really set up a tantalizing world of humans being torn apart by events some don’t even understand.

This was an angsty yet romantic book, but it took a long, long time to hit its stride. There were far too many times where things happened and people clammed up rather than tell Grace the truth about what was going on. But once she figured it all out, it was like a roller coaster, speeding toward a cliffhanger conclusion for which we’ll have to wait until the next book!

There are no sparkling vampires, no earnest werewolves, but there are plenty of characters to swoon over. And that’s just fine with me.

Check out my list of the best books I read in 2019 at https://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-best-books-i-read-in-2019.html.

Check out my list of the best books of the decade at https://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com/2020/01/my-favorite-books-of-decade.html.

See all of my reviews at itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com.

Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/the.bookishworld.of.yrralh/.
Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews896 followers
April 6, 2020

DNF @32%

I tried, I really did. It took me a week to make it to 30% and I just can't do it. The heroine is juvenile, repeating in her mind how hot everyone is. And everything is something AF. i can't count all the ways something is AF, sexy AF, creepy AF, hot AF...I expect from YA that the language is different from CR but boy, this heroine sounds like a 14 year old.

Everything is cliche and not very original. I get that this has a hard time after so many amazing YA vampire books but for that it was just too much of the same.

Here's my white flag.

Profile Image for Julezreads.
307 reviews1,332 followers
September 5, 2021
⭐️Jahreshighlight dingdingding⭐️! Der Schreibstil war locker-leicht, dabei so humorvoll, dass das Lesen einfach nur Spaß gemacht hat. Vor allem die lustigen Kapitelüberschriften haben mir ständig Anlass zum Lachen gegeben. Doch es waren letztendlich die Charaktere, die mich überzeugt haben: Grace, die schlagfertig und cool war, selbst während sie mal naiv handelte. Jaxon, für den ich einen offiziellen Fanclub gegründet habe. Macy, die ich gerne mal knuddeln würde. Klischees wurden immer gut dadurch entkräftet, dass sie angesprochen oder ausgeglichen wurden. Am Ende gab es einen Plottwist, den ich absolut nicht vorhergesehen habe, generell hatten die letzten Seiten es noch mal wirklich in sich. Trotz der vielen Seiten hatte es keine Längen, jede Szene war spannend.
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