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Prime Prophecy #1

Prophecy Awakened

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When Eden starts at a new school during her senior year, she has no idea how much her life is about to change. Until she meets Noah, who immediately draws her in with his summer sky eyes and the secrets he hides behind them.

Their connection is as inexplicable as it is undeniable. It's a connection that has Eden running and Noah burning to know more about this shy, wounded girl.

But it's also a connection that's destined to spark a prophecy that neither knew existed.

A prophecy others are willing to kill for.

As families fracture and struggle to realign, as their hearts connect and ignite, Eden learns to trust. But with love and life on the line, Eden must find the power to believe.

380 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 25, 2017

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About the author

Tamar Sloan

100 books426 followers
Tamar really struggled writing this bio, in part because it’s in third person, but mostly because she hasn’t decided whether she’s primarily a psychologist who loves writing, or a writer with a lifelong fascination with psychology.

She must have been someone pretty awesome in a previous life (past life regression indicated a Care Bear), because she gets to do both. Beginning her career as a youth worker, then a secondary school teacher, before becoming a school psychologist, Tamar helps children and teens to live and thrive despite life’s hurdles like loss, relationship difficulties, mental health issues, and trauma.

As lover of reading, inspired by books that sparked beautiful movies in her head, Tamar loves to write young adult romance. To be honest, it was probably inevitable that her knowledge and love of literature would translate into writing emotion driven stories of finding life and love beyond our comfort zones. You can find out more about Tamar’s books at www.tamarsloan.com

A lifetime consumer of knowledge, Tamar holds degrees in Applied Science, Education and Psychology. When not reading, writing or working with teens, Tamar can be found with her husband and two children enjoying country life on their small slice of the Australian bush.
The driving force for all of Tamar’s writing is sharing and connecting. In truth, connecting with others is why she writes. She loves to hear from readers and fellow writers. Find her on all the usual social media channels or her website.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 146 reviews
Profile Image for G.
498 reviews187 followers
May 1, 2021
I loved this book. Noah and Eden are sweet together and they really complement each other. Seeing them grow closer together throughout the book was exciting to witness. The last two chapters were great; Can't wait to read the next book and unlock the mystery that is Eden St. James!
Profile Image for Lindsay (pawsomereads).
983 reviews564 followers
May 28, 2023
I went into this one not really knowing what to expect as far as the writing and storytelling go but I really enjoyed it! This was my first book I’ve read from this author and it was so easy to get into. I love a werewolf romance and this was a fast and entertaining YA read. I loved Eden and Noah together and I’m so excited to read more about their story!
Profile Image for Erin.
444 reviews180 followers
August 11, 2021
I definitely got some Twilight vibes from this one. Which I will always want...


Setting was a foresty area. Shy girl meets supernatural hunk. Undying love comes immediately. I mean the perfect recipe for paranormal teen book perfection. The plot was fun and expected. So much angst! Really brought me back to my high school days.
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,632 reviews477 followers
May 17, 2021

There’s already a lot of reviews so I’ll skip the summary and just give my thoughts on the book itself.

I’ll admit I struggled with the first half of this book. It spent far too much time in Eden’s head for me. I understand we have to know her and get an idea of what her life has been like. But it was far too much for me.
But I kept reading which shows something was there.
The second half was much better. And while there were no surprises I enjoyed it and I’ll be moving straight onto the next book now.
Profile Image for Janie.
1,434 reviews14 followers
April 3, 2017
"Prophecy Awakened (Prime Prophecy Series Book 1)" by Tamar Sloan isn't my usual genre for reading, but I am SO very happy that I read this book. This is my first book from the author. I was pleasantly surprised, I loved it, and it will not be my last. A friend recommended this book, and it is perfect for an adult or a young adult reader. The premise of young love is suggested, but there are no physical, sexual scenes in the book.
Profile Image for Angel.
1,013 reviews14 followers
March 11, 2023
It was a cute little book. Definitely something a kid could read safely. Sure, there's some violence but it's not bad. And other than some kissing, there is zero smutt.

Not my normal taste but the story seems solid enough that I want to read the next book.
Profile Image for TJ.
3,034 reviews207 followers
November 13, 2023
SHAEESH!! I just noticed I forgot to write a review for this book! Now, I can’t remember the particulars, just that I liked it okay but it really didn’t move me. I do remember the MFC annoyed me to no end. She was shy, but to such and extreme that it came across almost unable to function in society. Now, I know and feel for people who truly suffer with debilitating shyness, but when reading this story, I kept wanting her to at least try to say something!
Profile Image for Bryanna Leigh.
44 reviews4 followers
June 20, 2017
Actual Rating: 3.5

*I was sent a copy of this through netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

The shortest possible way to sum up this review is simply, I liked it. Prophecy Awakened is a nice, quick read involving werewolves and a love story.

Eden St. James is a girl who's always been the outcast at all the schools she's transferred to because of her abilities with animals. She's also one of those girls who doesn't find herself to be anything special or attractive. Her home life isn't the best, and when she's moved to Jacksonville, Wyoming, all of that changes. Honestly, I feel like I've read this character a million times over, but Sloan made me not mind it quite as much as I normally would have.

Noah Phleorn is (or was) meant to become the Alpha of his pack once his father retired. However, at the age of sixteen, when his twin brother and him were meant to change... he never did. The Alpha training is then transferred to his brother, and Noah has felt a bit "incomplete" ever since. At least, until Eden St. James comes to town and they meet for the first time. Again, he's more or less a character I've read a bunch of times in a scenario that I've read a million times more.

There is a major case of "insta-love" directed in this book. Eden and Noah no doubtfully are meant to be together by whatever strange universe beings exist in Sloan's world. But you know what? This is one of those stories where I didn't mind it half as much as I had thought I would. I've read quite a few books recently were there's talk of "mates" and "bond" with those who either need an instalove situation, or some lame excuse to get a pairing together that probably wouldn't have had a way to get together in the first place. In this story, though, Eden felt that connection, but tried with all her might to ignore it and Noah, in fear of getting hurt after having heard and seen her mother behave and act after the disappearance of her father when she was born. I've read a few reviews prior to finishing that talked about how there was little romance or only hints of it. I"m not sure if my definition of romance is different, but there was more than I had been excepting. Thankfully,though, it was kept innocent enough for the "young adult"genre.

The characters in Prophecy are fun, and likable. There are a few of them that are a bit one dimensional. A few of them are just there for the sake of being there. Everyone is instantly willing to befriend and like Eden with very few questions asked. (After having been a new girl twice in two different schools, I wished I had this problem. Sadly, I was ignored and forever left to be a hermit with my books. But I digress.) Only two people really seem to have a problem with Eden within the whole story: her mother, and Kurt Channon.

I mentioned before about a "mate" or "bond" connection, and while this story doesn't actually go into it or call it by those names for Eden and Noah, it is heavily implied. They are occasionally able to feel the emotions of the other even while miles apart.. I might have normally felt an annoyance with this, but I was more impressed with Sloan not going down the route of having Noah being so overbearingly protective and obsessive over Eden, that I can let it slide. And while Noah does think an awful lot about Eden, it feels more natural in the way she writes it, especially considering that it seems like she's the first girl that he's ever really been interested int. (C'mon, you know you've had those crushes where all you did was think about them always and doodle their names with little hearts on your assignments.)

There are a few things that I disliked. One of them being that there is a slight bit of predictability in the plots. I found myself unsurprising at a few things that came up, involving "twists'. This can be the lowest offense as it didn't distract me from enjoying the story as a whole. Another thing was that some of the slang used in the dialogue made it feel a bit dated. (I don't think I've actually heard anything seriously say "totes" since, maybe 2006.) It made of some it feel outdated and out of place. Kind of like that PTA mother trying to be hip wit hthe kids, you know? Also , some of the dialogue felt very unrealistic. I can't take too much off of that because I know that dialogue is one of the worst things to ever right, and I absolutely suck at it. But it did pull me out of the story a little bit. I also wasn't a fan of some of the descriptions used for some of the scenes. I felt like I was better off not having to know the layout of the cafeteria as it didn't make too much of a difference whether I did or not.

Another thing I had found a bit irksome as some of the pacing. While overall, it wasn't too much of a problem, I felt like there were something things that happened at the 3/4 mark that could have happened a lot earlier. Even things with only 10% left in the story could have been moved forward. Or having even saved it for another book entirely. Also, I'm still unsure of what this prophecy that awakened is. As none of it was really mentioned and both the title and the summary I believe had mentioned something ab out it. Perhaps it will be a concept in the next book, but it would have been nice to introduce it in the first book.

At the end of the day, even with the things i didn't like about it, it was a fun story. I was so excited when I found out it was actually about werewolves. (I love werewolves.) I really enjoyed the way Sloan wrote them and brought together the world for them. Odds are that I will pick up the next book to find out more about this mysterious Eden and her father, and see what happens with Noah and everyone.
843 reviews8 followers
April 30, 2017
I received this book from net galley for an honest review. Thank you!!

This novel was a good read and better than I anticipated it to be. The story alternates in first person between the two main characters. I enjoyed seeing the perspective from each, since sometimes it is difficult to understand what the characters are thinking. The plot started off slow, but then picked up. There is romance, action, and werewolves!!
Eden St. James has moved around due to her mother's job. She avoids people and has a difficult relationship with her mother. Eden has an ability that seems to calm animals. She has volunteered at the vet and wants to become a veterinarian. At the high school she begins to attend, people welcome her, but she is afraid to get close to anyone.
Noah Phelan is a werewolf who has not had his transformation. He has a twin, Mitch, who had his transformation and is training to be the Alpha, even though Noah is supposed to be the next Alpha. Mitch does not want this responsibility but since Noah has not transformed yet, he is in this position. When Noah meets Eden, he wants to be near her, but she won't let anyone close. He tries several different things to get her to open up. The first part of this novel is Eden and Noah getting to know each other and Eden trying to come out of her shell.
Noah transforms when he feels that Eden is in trouble. He has a special connection with her that he cannot explain. Eden sees Noah transform from a white wolf to his human form. She is not scared and accepts him. This event changes things between them.
However, there is someone who wants to keep them apart and will do anything the is necessary. When Noah is shot at and then a short time later, his father, they realize trouble has been brewing. When the Alpha of another pack wants his daughter to bond with Noah, it has dangerous repercussions. Noah does not want to end his budding relationship with Eden to bond with his brother's girlfriend. Eden knows that the pack comes first and cannot be around Noah. Noah realizes he needs to make a decision. This decision has consequences for everyone involved. For someone wants to rule over both packs and will set things into motion that cannot be stopped. The ending has an interesting cliffhanger and I cannot wait to read the next book to see where the author is heading with this discovery!!
Profile Image for The Starry Library.
403 reviews33 followers
May 3, 2017
I requested to review this book from NetGalley as I was intrigued by the synopsis and cover. The story follows a reclusive teenager named Eden who feels a strong deep connection to a boy named Noah who also feels the same strong mutual attraction. Judging by the first 15 chapters, I thought this was going to be a story about soul-mates and fate, but it turned on me when it became yet another teen werewolf romance novel. I felt the title and synopsis were deceiving because they did not even hint at a supernatural creature romance, which is clever marketing on the publisher’s behalf, as the market is saturated with this genre. To be honest, if I had known this was going to be a werewolf romance, I would not have asked to review it as I do not like or have any interest in reading those types of novels. I do appreciate how descriptive the author was in describing the attraction between the two main characters, it pulls you in, reminding the you of your first love, when you couldn’t stop thinking about your crush. I appreciate the "clean" romance between the characters which was a nice surprise for a young adult novel, and was true to the storyline of there being something deeper between them.

With that being said, I do think that it was slow paced, and the first person perspectives seemed a little outrageous at times, but for a teen romance novel, I can respect this style of writing. Considering it was a predictable storyline, I do think the author had a missed opportunity to perhaps go in a different direction. There was no indication in the first 15 chapters that this was going to be about werewolves, so I think she could have introduced some other supernatural concepts that might have surprised the reader in a more delightful and creative way. I do have to say, that the story picked up towards the end and had an interesting way of drawing the reader in.

If you are a reader who enjoys the supernatural teen ya genre, than I do recommend The Prophecy, but if you’re like me, looking for something a little deeper and thought provoking, then I would pass on this book.
2 reviews
May 22, 2017
On the surface, 'Prophecy Awakened' is a gentle love story that unfolds between two young people with beguiling charm.

However, the true literary merit of this book lies in the nuances of the writing. The sentiment throughout the novel is akin to Marsden's 'Tomorrow' series, where the positivity of teenagers is palpable. Sloan's tenacious characters act with respect, conviction, and courage. They remind us that, when given the chance, youth have a great capacity for good.

The text also contains more subtle messages of positivity, which echo the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi that was so eloquently depicted in Barbery's 'The Elegance of the Hedgehog'. The wabi-sabi philosophy is centred on acceptance of transience and imperfection, promoting appreciation of what you do have in life. This message is conveyed several times in the thought processes of the two main characters in 'Prophecy Awakened', Noah and Eden. One example of this, from Eden, is:

Eden: 'What a surreal, exciting feeling. And Noah has decided to share this with me. I lean forward, my mouth near his ear...'thank-you'

I hope that many young people read this book and get a sliver of the underlying subtext that they, too, are full of potential.
Profile Image for Teya Teya.
Author 9 books102 followers
February 20, 2018
I had a hard time getting into this book. I liked it, it's just through the first quarter of the book it was a lot of telling. Or a list of what the people did. It seemed to drag on a bit. About the middle it started to really pick up. I'm glad I read it that far because it became a story. It was an amazing story. It was intriguing and held my attention. It was good enough despite the beginning that I want to read the next one.
Profile Image for Wendy.
2,363 reviews44 followers
September 24, 2017
“Prophecy Awakened” an imaginative story weaves together mystery, the paranormal and romance that begins when Eden St. James a new senior student at Jacksonville High, a “pocket-sized high school” in Wyoming meets good-looking, smart Noah Phelan igniting an electrical attraction between the two. Socially awkward, ridiculed at her last school but gifted with an uncanny ability to communicate with animals, Eden wants nothing more than to fly under the student radar and finish her senior year so she can study veterinary science at college. But Noah smitten by the reclusive teen is determined to know her better, even divulging a secret after a black wolf saves her from being accosted by hunters.

Told from the alternating perspectives of the two main characters, the plot is slow at first as Eden is introduced to a new school, and friendships she never expected. Yet the pace and action quickly escalate when Noah fearing for Eden’s safety shape shifts two years later than expected; divulges his family’s secret to her; and unexpectedly is shot. Intensity and suspense escalate when his father, a police officer and the Phelan Alpha is seriously wounded and Noah is thrust into the leadership role only to have his authority challenged when he refuses to mate with his brother’s girlfriend to strengthen the alliance with a neighboring family.

In a well-developed, mesmerizing and flowing tale that revolves around Eden and Noah’s unusual prophetic destiny, emotions flare as she struggles for the freedom to touch, feel and love while in making his choices he must weigh his love for her against his duty, responsibility and heritage. With mysteries including the shootings, Eden’s unusual gift and a new design on Noah’s arm, the plot progresses to an exciting confrontation near the end, and a cliff-hanger that has you begging for the next book.

Bringing the story to life Tamar Sloan has created two unforgettable main characters in Eden and Noah. Weighed down with an workaholic but successful mother who essentially ignores her, Eden is initially shy and withdrawn, wanting a way out of her fractured family. Yet as the story progresses and her emotions are stirred she learns to laugh, trust, and hope. Noah radiates warmth and security with his magnetic personality and witty charm. He’s capable, optimistic, patient, and determined to win her affection.

I thoroughly enjoyed “Prophecy Awakened”, rate it highly and look forward to reading the sequel.
Profile Image for Veridiana Machado.
31 reviews1 follower
May 7, 2017

An eARC of this book was given to me by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The genre of this book is one of my favorites, so I’m not surprised to see that I really enjoyed it. It’s really nice the way the story is woven by switching the point of view of each chapter – one with Eden and the next with Noah – in a way that only made the story more interesting.

By doing this, you can see their bond shaping and becoming stronger. It’s visible how they feel each other and for each other. (Confusing? The bond is interesting, to say the least) But that is not all. This story isn’t only about a werewolf bond. It’s also about the strange powers that Eden has.

She can do some interesting and perplexing things.

Synopsis: “On the first day of her new school all that shy, wounded Eden wants is to finish her senior year and escape to college. It can’t be too much to ask for, can it?
Noah has spent two years not knowing why he failed to come of age as every one of his ancestors has. Two years drifting aimlessly, searching for direction…
When the two meet the connection is instantaneous and undeniable. A connection that has Eden running and Noah burning to know more.
A connection destined to be the catalyst for a prophecy that neither knew existed. A prophecy others are willing to kill for.
As families rupture and struggle to realign, as their hearts connect and ignite, Eden learns to trust. But with their love and life on the line, Eden must find the power to believe.
Prophecy Awakened is the first book in Tamar Sloan’s Prime Prophecy Series. If you enjoyed Stephanie Meyer, Lauren Kate or Maggie Stiefvater, then you’ll love a series that captures their best traits in an epic, captivating story of a love that defies boundaries.”

It is captivating, isn’t it? I didn’t know what kind of supernatural beings were in this book until a few chapters in. And honestly, it was the not knowing, and the boredom caused by the first couple chapters that made me apprehensive as well as elated. apprehensive because I wasn’t sure what I was reading, exactly. Elated because it was something that I always enjoyed reading, and it didn’t disappoint.

It was magnificently written, and the story was really well planned. There are some “what is this?” moments that I believe will be answered in the next book, and if not, It will only cause a huge mess. Well, it was a good book, and I will read the sequel when it is published, but there is a chance that it won’t be that good. Why? I’m not sure, I just have a feeling. Ridiculous, right? But I hope that I’m wrong.
97 reviews
April 3, 2017
What a phenomenal story! This is the first book I’ve read by Tamar Sloan and I’ll definitely be on the lookout for more from this author. Prophecy Awakened is the first book in the Prime Prophecy Series and I just can’t wait to read the rest.

The writing style is eloquent, fluid and passionate without crossing any boundaries. The story is brilliant, it draws you in from the first word and it doesn’t let go until the end. I’m not going to write anything about the story or the characters as I won’t be able to do it justice, best to read it for yourself.

I highly recommend this book to any romance lover.
Profile Image for Lora Palmer.
Author 3 books57 followers
May 24, 2017
Werewolves. A girl who has a mysterious ability that makes her great with animals. A sweet and passionate romance with all the feels. I absolutely loved this tale by Tamar Sloan! It kept me spellbound start to finish by its gorgeous writing and vivid world building. It was an emotional journey, watching a guarded girl slowly open herself up to others, allow herself to fall in love, and discover a new world full of wonder, hope, heartbreak, love and danger. I'm excited for the sequel to see where the adventure goes next.
Profile Image for anie.
1,119 reviews47 followers
June 2, 2017
I usually stay away from shapeshifters. They are one of few paranormal creatures I just don't like, especially after reading Shiver...

This book may sway that opinion.

It is story of Eden, wounded girl, that can't wait to escape to college away from her cold mother and Noah, who spent two years felling like a failure. Narrative switches between two of them. That kind of writing usually gives me whiplashes, but it worked with the story. Both have secrets to keep and both fell attraction to one another. They just work together, they help each other in more ways than one, all through the book. I really like secondary characters too.

There is just something about this book, that is quite magical. It is not story, or the characters itself, it just all worked together. It was gripping from the start, you just can't wait to discover all of their secrets.

I really liked it and read it in one sitting.

Highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Jessie The Librarian.
1,529 reviews79 followers
November 4, 2020
I tried very hard to enjoy this book. But it was obviously written for a much younger audience. The overall childishness of the male lead made reading chapters difficult. The stereotypical high school scenes were a bit drab and the story dragged for what felt like forever. Not my cup of tea but that’s ok. I gave it two stars because although I disliked the book, the writing was overall well executed.

23 reviews12 followers
April 5, 2017
I ABSOLUTELY loved this book from beginning to end. You are a truly lovely and wonderful author . I am glad I got the chance to read this book about Noah and Eden. This IS MY TYPE of book. Can't wait for more.
Profile Image for Kym Stengler.
28 reviews1 follower
August 13, 2017
I couldn't put it down. I was hooked from page one! When I get to the end... I'm like nooooo! There must be more! Can't wait for the next one to come out!
1,028 reviews3 followers
August 31, 2017
Awesome Read

ByOldguy1on August 1, 2017

Verified Purchase

This has been the best I have read this year. I don't believe that I said that!! I have read some of the best books I have read this year.

Profile Image for Gale Albright.
2,610 reviews18 followers
September 1, 2018

Ms Sloan is an incredible writer. This is my first book from this author, but it won’t be my last. I devoured this book from the first page until the last. I have rushed right out and bought book 2 in this series. I am loving it. ❤️
Profile Image for Anny hernandez.
1,181 reviews13 followers
January 3, 2019

Wow I have to say that I found out I love reading about werewolf, and when I came across this book I was intrigued. And oh boy have to say I love it.
Profile Image for Chandra Fry.
Author 86 books627 followers
March 4, 2018
A Fun and Intriguing Read!

I really enjoyed reading this book. I loved how the characters were vulnerable and real. There is just enough intrigue to leave you begging for more! I definitely recommend it.
302 reviews
June 16, 2018
Enjoyable read

It is a enjoyable read however I feel like it drags on at times. Despite that it drags on at times, it is still a good read. I look forward to book 2.
Profile Image for Sondra Hicks.
Author 20 books89 followers
April 23, 2018
This book is full of great moments, action, and wonderful characters. I myself try not give anything away too much in my reviews and with this book if I said one thing it might give way to much away as there are so many eggs (hints) all over this story that are important. I also love that its a what others would call a 'clean' paranormal romance story.
Profile Image for ☘Tara Sheehan☘.
580 reviews21 followers
May 9, 2017
For anyone who doesn’t like or needs a break from highly detailed sex scenes then you’ll want to check this out; a YA novel where romance is implied but there aren’t any scenes with ‘graphic’ or heavily described sex scenes.

Tamar Sloan wrote a brilliantly impassioned story that flowed movingly from the first chapter. She grabs you in with great writing and characters that no reviewer can do justice in describing and she fervently proves that you don’t need an ‘R’ rating set up to create a splendid story.

Allowing the story to unfold from different perspectives gave the reader a wider understanding of where Sloan wants to take you on this journey through family dynamics and young love. It all culminates in a great cliffhanger that will leave you looking forward to the next in this series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 146 reviews

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