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NE University #1

Chasing Sunshine

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For Trent Kade, it’s pretty simple. Get drafted into the NFL and escape the shadow of his spiteful father. Eyes forward, no distractions. That is, until Cameran Steele crashes into his life, and suddenly, all of those self-made rules get thrown out the window after one look into her sad blue eyes. He knows she’s running from something, and he wants to be her escape. But what happens when the one who might be his exception pushes him away?

Cameran Steele has experienced her fair share of tragedy and heartache. When she lost her parents at the age of seventeen, she thought it couldn’t get much worse. Boy, was she wrong. After escaping her own personal hell four years later, she finds herself at New England University, eager for a fresh start. Her eyes are on the prize—graduation and a better life for herself. Nothing can get in her way. But when a cocky and persistent football player sets his eyes on her, she struggles not to give in. She knows he’s the one without a doubt in her mind. But sometimes, even the right one comes along at the wrong time.

257 pages, Kindle Edition

Published September 27, 2020

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About the author

Hannah Gray

26 books798 followers
Hannah Gray spends her days in vacationland, living in a small, quaint town on the coast of Maine. She is an avid reader of contemporary romance and is always in competition with herself to read more books every year.

During the day, she loves on her three perfect-to-her daughters and tries to be the best mom she can be. But once she tucks them in at night--okay, scratch that. Once they fall asleep next to her in her bed--because their bedrooms apparently have monsters in them--she dives into her own fantasy world, staying awake well into the late-night hours, typing away stories about her characters. As much as she loves being a wife and mom--and she certainly does love it--reading and writing are her outlet, giving her a place to travel far away while still physically being with her family.

She married her better half in 2013, and he's been putting up with her craziness every day since. As her anchor, he's her one constant in this insane, forever-changing world.

Facbook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hannahgrayau...
Twitter: @AuthorHannahGr1
IG: @authorhannah_gray

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45 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 83 reviews
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,814 reviews536 followers
November 18, 2020
I've got a bundle of these YA college campus romances stacked on my Kindle. Here I find myself facing the holidays and stress 2020 has dumped on us all. I'm exhausted and not feeling the words these days, so reviews are not taking priority. Short and sweet and to the point . . . a solid read with entertaining characters with the usual contents. This one wasn't much different from a ton of others. I didn't love it -- I didn't hate it.
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
10.8k reviews90 followers
October 3, 2020
Trent may have been raised in an affluent lifestyle but that doesn’t mean it was a happy one. He is in his final year of college, is a star quarterback destined for a professional career and has a way with the women but never for more than one night. From the first time he met Cameran she became a gamechanger and his life would never be the same.

Cameran is trying to overcome her painful past and is hoping that college will be the new beginning she so desperately needs. Even though she had no idea who he was she was drawn to him and a relationship developed however for them to have a future together they must first heal from the past.

This is an emotional story about two people how have been handed more obstacles than anyone should have to. Although their journey wasn’t easy loving each other was never the problem and there was no denying that when the time was right, they were destined to be together.
Profile Image for Tara Allender.
121 reviews1 follower
March 3, 2021
My new favorite author

I'm not into mushy romance novels, but this book is sooo much more than that. I can't wait to dive into rhe next book
23 reviews
April 6, 2022
Had potential

I hate leaving negative reviews because I know how much of an author goes into their craft but I also have to be honest; this book was a struggle for me. The story was okay and it had potential but the h and how she addresses her mental health (both in actuality and in her own thoughts) annoyed me to no end. There was a lot of “you don’t know what I’m dealing with” and lack of communication between the h and everyone it especially between her and the H. The story itself seemed rushed in places and drug on in others. This was at the heart of things an “insta-love” story but it still took forever!
178 reviews
January 27, 2022
This was the worst thing i’ve ever read in my entire life. So lame. Everything was cliché and lame. He was the worst and she was too. I couldn’t keep up with the atroucious writing. seriously i’d give it a 0 star rating if i could.

Simply please save your money, time and mental health and don’t read this
Profile Image for maddy puff.
85 reviews3 followers
July 26, 2022
i’m honestly not even sure what the say about this book. i think i went through phases of not liking it and loving it. for starters, they said “i love you” halfway into the book so i was anxiously waiting for what the rest of the book held. in i thought some of it was so dramatic and redundant with the back and forth blaming and not trusting each other. if became annoying at some point. in my opinion, i absolutely hated how cameran needed to “find herself and shit” before going back to trent in the second half of the book. i feel like it’s such bullshit. why would she not try to make an effort to better herself while also growing her relationship and trying something new if she loved trent so much. i feel like they wouldn’t have worked out in real life. finally, the end was so dragged out. it was a couple weeks to then a couple years and it just confused me about how they coudl possibly get back together after all of that time and hurting. it’s honestly rare for me to say this but i think that trent deserved better and they needed better communication as a couple. i’m a hopeless romantic but sometimes i can’t possibly believe that some couples can last and this is one of them. on the flip side, i did like the first half of the book and i loved how in the end when cameran finally came to her senses she kinda poured her whole heart into it and spoke her real feelings. it was something that i wanted and needed for the whole book. also, towards the end, it became so cheesy and cringey. so all in all, there were some aspects of this book that had be swooning and there were some that made me want to put the book down and not pick it back up.
Profile Image for Tammy - .
975 reviews134 followers
December 17, 2023
Hannah Gray has become one of my favorite authors, but I still have a lot of books to catch up on, so I started at the beginning of NE University with this one.

Trent Kade has one goal, to make it to the NFL and get out from under his father's thumb. His plans are derailed though when Cameran Steele comes barreling into his life. He's smitten with her, but she has demons and a past that is about to catch up with her.

I had mixed feelings about both of these characters. On one hand, they can be so good together, but on the other hand, they both frustrated me to no end! I definitely got a bit of whiplash with the back and forth between these two and I seriously just wanted to sit them both down and put them in their places. There is A LOT of drama within these pages and both of these characters definitely have to work to find any hope of their HEA.

I especially loved the ending of this story, particularly the part of the story where the title really comes to meaning. Oh, my heart. I'll be adding the rest of this series to my TBR as I continue catching up on this author's works.
Profile Image for shanelle maree.
445 reviews44 followers
February 5, 2024
3🌟 1.5🌶️

I’m willing to give this author another chance since I’m really interested in her hockey series, and this was a debut.

For me, this was just too immature. They were constantly fighting and being mad at each other. I found it really hard to believe their love story. Just didn’t feel real.

But as I said, I’m willing to try again with a different series. It was quite possibly just this book.

I don’t think I’m going to finish the other two from this series. Just not sure if they’ll be any different than this one.
Profile Image for Annasbook nook.
775 reviews67 followers
July 20, 2023
Trent Kade is a college boy wanting to get drafted into the NFL. Distracted by nothing and training and playing for his goals.
Until Cameran falls into his life, changing his way of thinking.
Both come from sad pasts, both coming to terms with them.
Cameran is on the run from something, hoping it doesn’t catch up with her.
The push and pull of the couple was anticlimactic.
Neither expecting to come across the other
Cameran is adamant about keeping Trent at arm's length.
Such a good read.
Emotional and angsty.
93 reviews3 followers
July 20, 2024
1.5 stars rounded to 2: so the MMC has major feelings for MFC but he gets jealous because she was talking to a guy so he takes a girl in front of her walks out comes back after getting a blow job from her. This is what he says after the same night he goes down on the MFC and she realizes he had gotten a blow job from the OW. “No. I swear she did the favor for me, and I didn’t return it. I imagined it was you the entire time, I promise.” So MMC is an immature ass who uses OW to get off because he is pissed at the MFC. Ok real winner. He thought of her regardless of the type of person the OW was that was so disgusting on many levels. They were not together at this point but it still felt like cheating. After this whole thing I was waiting for him to fuck someone else. Also there was inconsistency in the story. He thinks about the OW from above how they had fucked four or five times and she does not already know but earlier he states how she knows the rules and her being one of his few frequent flyers. They fuck and she leaves. It just did not make sense. They do break up and are apart for a few years no real detail on other people during that time if he went back to his sleeping around. The getting back together was rushed once they meet again. It had potential but it fell short. I would love to see a non serial fuck boy in these books too. He thinks about how he does ONS all the time usually a few different girls a week. Internal dialogue was nasty. Disappointing read.
Profile Image for bookswithloveee.
234 reviews2 followers
April 24, 2022
6/10 honestly i was really enjoying this but after the 40% mark the book was going way too fast. There was so many time jumps and it felt so rushed. I did love the little details like why he called her sunshine or the house he bought because of its name
Profile Image for alina boop.
208 reviews4 followers
October 22, 2023
“I’m not a normal girl, Trent. I never will be.”

This book had every trope and plot line, as well as cliches and it doesn’t add to the greatness it drowns it. This book was redundant.
505 reviews8 followers
March 5, 2021
Sweet, but very angsty star crossed love story

Well, I wasn’t sure if I really would be able to get past some of the hard, sad issues that the heroine was dealing with or with the underlying anger issues of the hero, but I hung in there because I think they are really strong characters and the story here was important to lay out for it all to make sense. Things got a bit frustrating during the mid to late portion of the book, but I really loved the way Trent & Cameran learned what was important to them. And I so enjoyed the other main characters & friends, Mason & Anna. Looking forward to the second installment!
Profile Image for Melissa Machado.
469 reviews7 followers
September 30, 2020

  ***Review copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads Blog***

The story is entertaining with a well crafted plot that quickly progressed. Although, I did feel the climax hit it's peak at 50% which was different. I thought this author did a fabulous job for being her first published book. This story had ALL the feels and was an emotional roller coaster.

Cameran is broken, has a ton of emotional baggage, and has been through more in a short time then most people face their entire lives. She's also shy, stubborn, and stronger then she gives herself credit for. She carries a lot of misplaced guilt.

Trent is angry, bitter, but he's also hard working, determined, and driven. He's a natural protector when it comes to Cam and his friends. He too, has been through his own emotional trauma.

Cam and Trents chemistry is off the charts and explosive, although their relationship is borderline toxic. They can't seem to stay away from each other, but as the saying goes; "sometimes when you love someone, you have to let them go." That is true love, being selfless in order to give the other person better. And true love never dies, which is proven with Trent and Cam. They are soulmates and you can't stop fate.

I hope we get books about Mason, Lane and Anna!!
17 reviews
December 28, 2020

This book had a good premise, the blurb was interesting and the story itself wasn’t bad.
On the plus side, I loved the extensive epilogue, giving us an extensive view into their future. I always love that in a story.
My only drawback was the continuous back and forth. I felt as if I was reading a high school romance, not a story from college seniors. I almost stopped so many times at first with the large amount of f.. bombs. Then it got better. But the h constant indecision and back and forth was off putting. Yes she had a hard life and difficult experience, but all this could have being delivered better. The constant insecurities despite the H bending over backwards was annoying. And worse of all, the H constant anger issues and assault of others even after she confided in him about her past just seemed insensitive to me.

However, for a first time, I think it will only get better from here, that’s why the 4 stars. And I will read from this author again.
Profile Image for Shelly.
85 reviews8 followers
February 12, 2021
Short and sweet. The story is quite fast paced but at least it has an interesting premise. I liked all the characters but felt that the writing was pretty surface level? I wanted to see more depth from the characters and their relationship.

--------------------------SPOILER below ---------------------------------
There were lots of time jumps but very little illustration detailing each stage of their relationship. For example, there was like a 2 year time jump with them being apart. It didn't really make sense for Trent to abruptly forgive Cameran after 4 days of reuniting... And all she did to win him back was a SPEECH.

Then we see time jumps to a marriage proposal, then another with a kid coming along the way. TOO MANY things happening but LITTLE details on how their relationship is progressing.
Profile Image for Cathy P.
1,766 reviews7 followers
May 24, 2023
Cameron and Trent - entirely too much angst with no payoff

Wow, this book was a slog. The h was WAY too much in her own head. She didn't deserve Trent. He was a freaking saint and did ALL the work. I didn't care for the h. She was whiny, weak, and gave mixed signals the entire book. She'd say one thing then do something else. I spent most of this book wanting to throw my kindle, which is a shame since the H was so great.
I liked the premise. There were some good parts. I almost quit several times. Told from dual POV. "Cheating" after they met, which I don't care for. Some steam. No cliffhanger. Don't recommend. Way too much angst without the payoff almost the entire book.

Possible spoiler

It took YEARS and an accidental encounter before she decided she was ready foe him. He should have moved on.
4 reviews
October 2, 2020
I couldn't put it down!!

I absolutely loved this story. Thank God I wasn't working today because I couldn't put this book down!!
The story draws you right in. Its like you can feel the connection Trent and Cameran have radiating from the book.
I can not wait for the second book to come out!
Profile Image for Nico Nico Ni.
343 reviews10 followers
January 18, 2023
This was something alright. The constant jealousy from both parties. Her and his cold and hot behavior. The time gap. The supposed love they felt. It was just all over the place and it became too much. It became annoying pretty fast. I hate this book. It was so messy and I did not care for any of them.
Profile Image for Erica.
1 review
October 3, 2020
Excellent, page turner

I gave this book five stars because it is very well written. It was unpredictable, and kept me wanting to know what would happen next. Great characters. I’ll be looking for a sequel!
1 review
October 5, 2020

I am absolutely blown away by how good this book is! From the very first page I was glued to the book! It took me on a roller coaster ride of emotions and I am so sad that it's over! I was left in full blown tears at the end! I cannot wait for more of this series!!
February 8, 2021

I couldn’t stop reading once I started! It’s a feel good story that has been the perfect stress relief in life right now.
Profile Image for Naptime Novels.
18 reviews2 followers
October 10, 2020
I LOVED this book. It gives you all the feels from start to finish, I couldn’t put it down! I can’t wait for many more books by Hannah Gray! 🔥
1,212 reviews3 followers
August 3, 2021
Great book

A book about a girl with demons that followed her and then trying to let go of them. And then falling in love at the wrong time.
489 reviews5 followers
August 1, 2021
This was not for me. The story was trite and badly written with a whiny FC and a egotistic MC. The author seemed to be running through a check list (1) manwh**e hero who was a rich bad boy but who’s life was secretly not as perfect as it seemed; (2) the heroine who was escaping something terrible and scarring and thought herself “broken” (what an overused cliche’d term that is these days); (3) the obligatory BFF who she meets on day one and is suddenly besties with; and (4) the hero who suddenly falls head over heels (for no apparent reason) at first sight. Unfortunately neither the hero nor the heroine were likeable in my view.

The football star that sleeps around is a trope but the author seeks to make this acceptable by the fact that he always tells the girls up front that they are only there for sex. Unfortunately the way this hero does it is by disrespecting the girls and treating them like dirt. Definitely not acceptable and he comes across as just crass. The MC’s backstory also turns out to be nothing and all comes good after a single conversation - really?

The heroine who is broken but who apparently feels the need to tell everyone about how broken she is and how she’s seeing a therapist and goes on and on about how damaged she is. We get it - woah is me! Honestly, her story really isn’t that dark (or not how the author tells it) and she just comes across as pathetic and self absorbed. The climax of the story comes about 50% in to the book and is ridiculously manufactured. The remainder of the book is essentially the FC running away (for no reason) to find herself and quickly skips over about 3.5years before ending with the FC and MC finding each other. Honestly, I may not have liked the MC much but I am really not clear on why he kept holding a torch for her, she wasn’t worth it.

By 50% I was skimming pages just to get to the end.
Profile Image for Christina Sturgill.
817 reviews47 followers
December 15, 2023
3 / 5 Stars
1.5 / Steam

It pains me to say that I did not love this book. Hannah is one of my all-time favorite authors. I've read everything of hers except her first series, so I decided to finally read it to finish her entire backlist.
The writing is still fantastic. It's technically an easy and quick read. However, I truly despised one of the main characters. It made it feel like a chore to get through because I was so mad at her throughout the entire damn thing. Trent deserved better than her.

The story follows Cameran and Trent. Trent is a playboy in college hoping to go pro and play for the NFL. Cameran is running from an abusive ex. Both of them have lost parents and are still working through their grief. Look, I get it...Cameran had a lot to overcome and get past. But she was a selfish bitch throughout this entire book. Did Trent mess up right away? Sort of - though technically he didn't since they were nothing but friends at the time. But she refused to listen to him or believe him throughout the entire story.
And I have to admit that I am not a fan of time jumps. They have to be truly worth it for me to like it. This one wasn't for me. The thing that spurred it was her making an assumption about him and not listening to him again. She wanted to work on herself but even the story admits that healing isn't a destination, it's a journey. And that journey is usually easier and better with the person you love next to you. Cameran let him go for years and missed all of his big moments.

I'm fully admitting that the issues I have are more of a me thing. This one just didn't work that well for me.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 83 reviews

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