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Last One to Die

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A supernatural thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end. Packed with voice-driven whodunit storytelling, and a classic slasher-movie feel, this dark, pacy, and irresistibly creepy thriller really has something for everybody!

16-year-old, Irish-born Niamh has just arrived in London for the summer, and quickly discovers that girls who look frighteningly like her are being attacked.

Determined to make it through her Drama Course, Niamh is placed at the Victorian Museum to put her drama skills to the test, and there she meets he’s kind, fun, attentive, and really hot! Nonetheless, there's something eerie about the museum...

As present-day serial attacker and sinister Victorian history start to collide, Niamh realizes that things are not as they seem. Will she be next?

294 pages, Paperback

First published January 7, 2021

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About the author

Cynthia Murphy

8 books579 followers
Cynthia is a YA writer from the North-West of England. She has always enjoyed writing and when her English teacher accused her of plagiarism in Year 8, she thought she might actually be quite good at it.

She has a long-standing love affair with all things scary, reading Point Horrors at primary school before graduating to Stephen King in her misguided teens. Classic 90s and 00s horror movies are definitely her pub quiz strong point and her first love may well have been Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Studying for a degree in Art History and Archaeology meant that she developed a thirst for anything old, beautiful and very often dead. She tries to combine this with contemporary settings in her writing to make unique and chilling modern stories.

Cynthia is married to her best friend and they share (are ruled by) a Romanian rescue dog called Loli, who loves to steal socks.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 633 reviews
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,688 reviews53.9k followers
November 28, 2023
I was easily drawn into this YA mystery as I read the brilliant opening featuring a brutal murder scene, and the synopsis focusing on the young Irish, quirky Niamh made it seem like a cursed person to be friends with. Each person she connects with ends up experiencing an attack that could potentially lead to a painful death!

Niamh only wanted to attend a summer drama course, leaving farm life behind to experience the big city, at least for the summer. However, when the girl she switched rooms with and another girl who borrowed her cardigan are attacked (one found dead in the room reserved for her, and the other in a coma), she feels as though someone is targeting her. As she delves deeper into the recent events in the city, she realizes that an attacker with similarities to a Victorian serial killer named Spring-Heeled Jack is targeting young women in dark alleys.

As Niamh considers returning to Ireland to avoid getting hurt, her assignment at the Victorian Museum gives her the opportunity to befriend Tommy: a gorgeous, retro-looking, kind, smart, and attentive young man she has a crush on. Despite her intuitions that something sinister is lurking around the museum, possibly connected to the recent attacks, she doesn't easily give up, even running away to her family. However, she has no idea about the kind of danger targeting these women, a danger that may change her life forever.

I enjoyed the book's opening and the fast-paced execution that brought me closer to giving it four stars. However, the ending was a bit meh, a little far-fetched for my taste. I was expecting a more reliable conclusion that made sense, so I decided to lower my rating to three stars.

I still appreciate the gripping writing style and story execution of the author, but unfortunately, this new book didn't resonate with me. My fingers are crossed, and I'm confident that I'll enjoy the next one more.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House Children’s/Delacorte Press for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange for my honest opinions.

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Profile Image for :¨·.·¨:  `·. izzy ★°*゚.
364 reviews73 followers
January 27, 2021
I was so excited when I heard this book was a thriller based on Jack the Ripper - I have always been fascinated by that part of history. I pre-ordered the book and boy do I regret that.
This was a HUGE disappointment.

Firstly, the writing style was really bad, it really wasn't for me. This is no attack to the author but I just couldn't get past the style of writing used. It was very cringey and eye-roll worthy. It is told in first person by our main character Niamh, but it came across as being very juvenile and the writing just didn't feel very developed or descriptive.

The way Niamh was talking about her insta-love crush (a guy she JUST met) was sickening. It was very obsessive and creepy if I'm honest. She kept gushing over his looks and saying phrases such as "oh, my," and "girl, you're in trouble." I just don't like writing like that where the character talks to themselves like that, and in this book it came across as being quite juvenile. Every single page had comments about how attractive he was, and later in the book there were a lot of cliché moments where she'd trip over pavements and he would catch her, or where she'd act dumb and he would think she's cute and funny. One line was "He nudges me with his electric shoulder and the current zaps around my body, to places just thinking about makes me blush." This made me cringe so hard and it was very weird seeing as she'd only met him a few days over the span of TWO WEEKS.
Instead of a thriller it felt like a Wattpad romance.

The plot was very predictable and not at all thrilling or scary. The "romance" took up most of the plot anyway. I was also disappointed in the way that Jack the Ripper was connected to the story, it just fell flat for me and wasn't what I expected.
The characters also fell flat, they were all very one dimensional and drab with no real characteristics to them. Niamh was so frustrating and annoying and all she really did throughout the entire book was gush over her crush about how hot he is whilst girls are being "murdered". I just felt she was very immature and lacked personality.

The plot just consisted of a teenage girl taking selfies and talking to herself about how cute a guy was and acting like an embarrassing mess - I'm sorry. I just felt so let down and my expectations were so high. The only reason I managed to get through this book was because it was a quick and easy read, even though I thought about just throwing it away countless times.

I wish I had done more research as I actually didn't realise this was a YA thriller and I am normally let down by those - they seem to be romance driven and just not very good, in my opinion.

I don't mean for this review to be so harsh but this book just frustrated me a lot and this is how I felt about the writing and plot.
Profile Image for Ivana - Diary of Difference.
592 reviews924 followers
May 21, 2022
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Last One to Die by Cynthia Murphy is the first book I read this year, and my first 5 star as well. I am now confident that 2021 won’t be that bad. I knew I was going to enjoy it, I just didn’t expect to enjoy it this much. Huge thank you yo Kaleidoscope Tours and Scholastic Press, for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for my review.


Niamh just moved to London, with the hope to pursue acting, meet friends and have fun. When she starts making new friends and these women keep getting attacked and murdered, she realises that this might be all somehow connected to her. Because all women that are being attacked look very much like her.

My Thoughts:

Last One to Die is suspenseful from the very beginning, because Niamh knows that she’s in danger. She just doesn’t know what/who the danger is. Trusting people is hard and so is making new friends again. And as the book goes on, the intensity increases and the stakes get higher.

It’s so hard to write a spoiler-free review for this book, because I want to share everything I felt while reading it. Niamh was a character I really liked, and she was very easy to relate to as well. I went in for a YA thriller and I got a supernatural horror that kept me on my toes.

The friendship with Jess, the family closeness and the love interest scenes were a wonderful addition to the suspense we get, like breathing a bit of fresh air as well. I loved it when scenes made me giggle or give me the butterflies. It was very light as well, which helped break the scary moments and make you believe everything was good, before another plot twist happened.

I also loved the history element too.
The library, the museum, the old scary stories that happened in the part and brought eeriness… These were some of my favorite scenes in the whole book.

This is one of those books where you’ll have a theory, be eager to know the villain, and see your theories change at least three times. I made so many prediction, and got it correct in the end, but even then I still had to wait until the end to confirm it and get a satisfying explanation.

If you love YA thrillers, with horror elements and supernatural moments, don’t miss this one. This trope is now on my books. It might even be my favorite genre if my next reads are good as well. Cynthia Murphy as an author is also now on my list. I will make sure to read the next book she writes! I couldn’t recommend it enough!
Profile Image for Jackie.
344 reviews13 followers
July 10, 2021
3.5 stars!

Last One to Die was a fun and easy read. I really liked the combination of Supernatural/Murder-Mystery, with a hint of romance.

The storyline echoes that of the Fear Street and Point Horror novels that I grew up on. Simple, but effective storytelling.

My only disappointment was the reveal at the end wasn’t as grand, it was a little predictable, but I still wanted that AHA! moment.

Overall, I enjoyed this one and am keen to read what Cynthia Murphy comes up with next.
Profile Image for Clover Charms.
2 reviews1 follower
July 9, 2021
Alrighty, this is the first book review I've written on Goodreads, because I think it'll be fun to rant about. Though I think, after re-reading this review again, it turned into more of an analysis. Oops.

So first of all, if you aren't an experienced murder-mystery fan and have a heart for the romantic side of things, then perhaps you'll enjoy this book. Maybe I'm being too harsh because I saw a lot of good reviews for this too, but personally, I found the plot to be very predictable and the characters to be blander than cardboard.

If a murder mystery doesn't give you a sense of suspense and continuously have you changing your mind about who the killer could be, then I'd say that it needs improvement. Of course, this is all just my personal opinion, but considering that my speculation landed on the jackpot a quarter of the way into the story, the ending really disappointed.

I'll talk about the characters first though - and honestly, I didn't really care for them. I enjoyed reading about Niamh's Irish background and thought that was a cute touch, but she was honestly such a basic protagonist that it felt difficult to harbour any sort of emotion towards her. Additionally, the number of times I was banging my head on the book for her stupidity was shocking. The fact that even after she'd , heard news about , , AND , she still didn't leave London?! Honestly, the amount of trauma this girl has experienced should've been enough to help her gain enough braincells to use her common sense, but instead, she stays in her dodgy apartment for the sake of plot convenience. It simply doesn't make sense. (Either that or she has balls the size of Jupiter.)

Additionally, her character is further dragged through the mud when she starts interacting with Tommy. Her constant gushing and over-exaggeration of how handsome he is, along with several painful head-turns at a party described by the author immediately makes him seem too good to be true. She starts off as an awkward, second-guessing mess around him, criticising herself for saying "hey", and mentally crying over every tiny social interaction. Then she performs a stellar "main-character-accidental-clumsy-trip-into-the-arms-of-the-male-lead". Towards the height of their relationship, she knows absolutely nothing about him apart from the fact that he is "just so flaming pretty" (pg. 186) and that he's... a poetic flower guy I guess? I honestly felt like I was reading some sort of Wattpad romance fiction from the amount of times she obsesses over his dimples, or his "toned, tanned stomach." (pg. 168), and it was honestly nauseating how she just accepts all of his romantic advances without much question. The fact that their attraction for one another - the very basis of their relationship - was formed purely based on looks rather than personality was seriously uncomfortable,

And sure, I'll briefly skim over Jessica, Jasmine, Meghan and Will. Why? Because they were flat, one-dimensional walking tropes. Jessica was the classic "best friend", Jasmine was the classic "mean girl" , Meghan was the stereotypical "extroverted, adoring sister" and Will was the . And I think that about sums them up to be honest.

Now the plot. The start was alright, and it was intriguing enough to keep me reading. But towards the middle of the book, the story started to drag, and almost left the book as a DNF. .

Then the ending - my biggest issue. In my opinion, the ending is simply one of the most crucial parts to a good murder mystery because it's mean to link all the clues and puzzle pieces previously foreshadowed, and tie it up in a satisfying knot.

And can I just say:
what the hell.

In my spoiler section below, I've put a much more detailed examination of what went wrong in the resolution, but to anyone who hasn't yet read the book, let's just say that it was really anti-climactic. The addition of an unexpected element took all the wind out of the story's sails and made it very lacklustre.

In summary, I'd say that "Last One to Die" had a great selling point that really caught my attention (being the reason why I picked up this book). I just wish that the author could've put more thought into her characters and picked a more suitable blurb, or gone with something different for an ending all together. The story wasn't very innovative or unexpected, and felt lazy and strangely paced. I think that this book is definitely suited to the younger demographic that it advertises, but I still don't think I would recommend this to anyone. However, being the debut novel of a British author is pretty tough so I'll give my one star to the decent writing style and the nice change in setting.
Profile Image for Olivia .
73 reviews
March 13, 2021
I would have loved this book when I was 12.
At 34 not so much.
Profile Image for Amy McCaw.
Author 5 books249 followers
December 14, 2020
Do you ever read a book that ticks off absolutely everything you want? I knew when I read the blurb of Last One to Die that I would love it, and it more than lived up to the hype!

It's been my quest since the 90s to find books that read like Point Horror. Last One to Die does exactly that but with a fresh and modern voice. I'm quite hard to scare and it got me on more than one occasion! The horror is balanced out with world building, characterisation and lighter moments.

The plot of the book is gripping and well-paced. I loved how it wove in local mythology and history. I was constantly guessing and changing my mind about how it was all going to end!

Last One to Die is a fast-paced, fun read with genuinely scary scenes and a cinematic feel. I'd highly recommend it to fans of horror movies and the Cassidy Blake books by Victoria Schwab.
Profile Image for Ania.
259 reviews4 followers
July 5, 2024
Dobrze, spróbujmy stworzyć konstruktywną recenzję.
Myślę, że należałoby zacząć od plusów, jednak mówiąc szczerze, nie mogę się żadnych dopatrzeć. Mam wrażenie, że autorka miała pomysł na dwie różne historie i obie miałyby potencjał, gdyby nie ich pomieszanie. Wiecie, kocham wiktoriański Londyn i jego kryminalno-makabryczną stronę, ale to zupełnie straciło sens. Na pewno wielkim minusem jest kreacja bohaterów. Niamh ma tylko jedną cechę - jest z Irlandii. Niby chce być aktorką, ale ma absolutnie wywalone na wszelkie zajęcia. Postacie poboczne są tylko po to, żeby się pojawiać, gdy ona czegoś potrzebuje. Chyba najlepszą postacią była tu Jane (bo nie żyje i nie mogła mnie zirytować).
Końcówka jest całkowicie do wywalenia. Aż dziwne, że ktoś pozwolił, żeby to przeszło. Powiem więcej, cały tekst jest absolutnie niedopracowany i momentami wręcz czuć, że osoba odpowiedzialna za redakcję miała chyba urlop. Ogólnie nie było tam nawet jednej rzeczy, która byłaby w tej książce choćby „okej”.
Nie wkurzałam się, czytając ją, za to ubawiłam się jak wydra w rzece przez to, jak absurdalnie słaba była. Także może jednak coś dobrego z tego wyszło - dużo mojego śmiechu.
Profile Image for Mikaela Garcia.
711 reviews56 followers
July 13, 2021
The storyline was good and exciting. The only problem I had was the scary parts. It wasn't scary enough for me. I couldn't feel the ice-cold feeling when you been scared for one scene. It was like a normal thriller book.

Niamh and Tommy little love was just too much and unnecessarily. If Cynthia Murphy could skip the love. It could be a good book.
Profile Image for Enzo.
9 reviews3 followers
January 6, 2021
Ladies and gentlemen, i give you the thrill seeking read you have been waiting for to kick start your 2021! A book set-in present-day London in the first person.

The story follows Niamh who travels to London for a 6-week performing arts course and for a taste of the city life. On arrival to her accommodation, she meets her new friend and coincidental course colleague Sara. That very night, Niamh finds Sara bloodied up and murdered in her room. Niamh soon learns that this is going to be a life threatening 6 weeks, as the attacks continue and with each victim resembling the protagonist. Is this a coincidence? Will Niamh be able to understand what is occurring? Will she be next? Who can she trust?

The characters Niamh interacts with, all have warmth and by the end of the book, personally felt like they were my friends. I trusted them, I loved them, I adored them, but should I have trusted all of them?

From the vibrant front cover by Jamie Gregory to the very last page, Last One to Die is mind-blowingly good! The narrative is so comprehensive, you will benefit more reading this book than looking on Google Map for your way around London! This enhances the atmosphere, crucial to this book, where English folklore claws its way through the pages!

Last One to Die was my last read of 2020 and it didn’t disappoint. If you like a gripping book with a witty and strong spirited protagonist filled with suspense, end of chapter cliff-hangers, and a killer prowling the pages causing more than just paper cuts, then this is the book for you! The ending got me in the jugular Jack! I didn’t expect the book to end the way it did, wow!

I have added this to my own personal blog but with a twist pertinent to the books theme:


273 reviews2 followers
June 19, 2021
I though this book was going to be a murder mystery, which I guess it was I just hadn't realised it was a supernatural one.
Theres a death and and two attacks within the first 3 chapters. We're lead to believe the attacks are linked to our main girl because they look like her. And yet one of the attacks happened before she was even in the country. Oh yeah she also looks like a dead girl from the 1800's.

Why does the blurb of the book say "will she stay one step ahead of the killer... or will she be next?" She's not trying to figure out who did it though really? She looks at some newspapers from back in the day and that's it, in fact it's not the main characterthat solves the erm...mystery. They're all convinced that the creepy library guy did it, in fact the girl who was attacked said it was him. Spoiler - it wasn't

The actual culprit was fairly obvious. The supernatural plot was definitely not my favourite nor was it scary. The ending was rushed, one second there's a kidnapping the next its over. All in all I was not a fan and I wish I hadn't bought this book to be honest.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Aly.
2,979 reviews
April 2, 2024
2.5 stars

I missed the memo about what kind of mystery this is. If you read the synopsis, literally the first line is 'supernatural thriller', which would have been good to know, but oh well. I appreciated how this immediately dove into the thick of it, with police reports and people being attacked and killed. The pacing was decent, though around 75% I got a little bored.

I didn't love the killer reveal and felt some of it was obvious. I didn't know there was a paranormal element or a Jack the Ripper comparison, so that felt a bit out of nowhere to me. I also thought the main character was kind of weak, not well developed and made some poor decisions. This reads as younger YA to me.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All opinions are my own. Thank you to Delacorte Press and NetGalley for the copy.
Profile Image for Stacey-Lea.
207 reviews23 followers
August 11, 2021
3.5 stars

It all runs a little predictable but it's super fun and just a little spooky which we love!
Profile Image for Donaam.
498 reviews28 followers
August 17, 2024
Co to miało być? Boże drogi i jedyny.
Ta książka jest masakrycznie słaba pod KAŻDYM względem, bez żadnego wyjątku.
Ani to kryminał ani thriller młodzieżowy, takie właśnie nic.
Językowo i stylistycznie to na poziomie gimnazjum.
Nic w tej książce nie jest dopracowane, nic. Bohaterowie w ogóle nie zostali wykreowani, są bo są.
Jedny plus to taki, że czyta się ekspresowo.
Profile Image for Horror Sickness .
793 reviews325 followers
July 3, 2023

What a great murder mystery this was.
A Ya horror thriller that will definitely have you at the edge of your seat and when you think you have it all figured out, it will pull the rug from under you.

Niamh has just moved to London to attend drama school. She is very excited and can not wait to start school.

Unfortunately from the moment she sets foot in London, girls around her start to get attacked. The girls have something in common, they all look like her.

With a killer on the loose, Niamh will have to be very careful and will also try to find out why she seems to be connected to the attacks.

This was a really entertaining fast paced read that I could not put down. The mystery and the investigation of the case was just such a treat.

Cynthia has definitely become an autobuy author for me and I can not wait for her next book.
Profile Image for Steph.
1,251 reviews86 followers
December 24, 2020
My god. This is ALL KINDS OF CREEPY GOOD. It’s uneasy and it’s scary. It’s historical goodness, supernatural and brilliant. It’s compelling reading and ‘put it in the freezer’ good. Incredible characters, bloody excellently written and a really bloody good story. Loved this. Poor naive Naimh. I loved Derek. What a man. This ticks so many boxes for me and I’m gonna need more like this!
Profile Image for Archana.
15 reviews3 followers
April 19, 2021
Girl, if there's a murderer on the loose, pack your bags and leave for your hometown! Don't fall head over heels for a stranger you just met !
August 14, 2023
"Last one to die" exceeded my expectations, transforming from a classic slasher mystery into an emotionally loaded and eerie novel. Anticipating Murphy's signature bloody and big plot twists, I was surprised to find this one bringing us readers a broader range of emotions to feel when the killer was revealed.

Written at an engaging pace, I ate "Last one to die" up in a day, just like her previous works. Murphy's great writing skills are evident; she truly knows how to captivate readers. A solid 5-star rating from me!
Profile Image for Dayla.
2,598 reviews211 followers
September 23, 2024

this book was a blur, but not in a good way. This felt like it needed...more? Why do I care for these characters that are introduced before becoming the victims of the killer?

What was that twist? I know it had been alluded to throughout the book, but I never truly expected it. In a weird way, I would have preferred the very cliched twist.

I do think this book had a lot of potential. There were so many things that could have been done and the way everything came to light at the end would have been really great if it hadn't all been revealed at once. My main issue with LAST ONE TO DIE was that it felt under developed. Like the author was given this book as an assignment and they followed the bare minimum. Give me a more rounded character, give me a reason to care for these victims that we literally JUST met.

And seriously, I know we got an "answer" at the end, but WHY was this killer so obsessed with the MC? It was all just so flat.

I didn't make this one star because there was a lot of potential here. And I was so excited to have found this author because I love YA horror/thrillers. I have already DNFed one other book by this author.

Happy reading!
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.5k reviews412 followers
September 1, 2022
What do you do when you go for a summer course and find out people are dying left and right… and they all look similarly to you?

In this book we meet Niamh, a girl who is very eager to have the summer of her life. Doing a drama course. Do volunteerstuff for the course. Make friends. Walk around elegant London. But things go sour from the start when the girl who gets her room (apparently the girl had a fear for heights) gets murdered and Niamh finds her. And from that moment there were some quiet moments, but for most it was just a rollercoaster. Because creepy things happen left and right and it seems that Niamh is cursed. I was totally invested in the story. Was Niamh the link? Was Niamh cursed? Was something else spooky going on? I just wanted to hug this girl so badly throughout the story. Because at school most people are avoiding her due to what is happening around her. And then there is the whole creepy person who is stalking her and other girls.

I loved reading about the museum and would have loved to visit it. It sounds like the kind of museum I would enjoy a ton!

The romance between Tommie and Niamh was pretty sweet, though since he was a suspect on my list I just couldn’t fully enjoy it. Haha. I am still happy we do get a dash of romance, because now there was a bit of light-heartedness. Not everything was dark.

I loved Ruth and Derek. Ruth is the librarian at Niamh’s school and she is an absolute star. Sweet, kind, and makes sure that Niamh has someone to talk to. Someone to care for her while she is in a strange country with scary things happening around her. And Derek was just wonderful. I love the guy, he was always there for the kids in his building, and made sure to protect Niamh whenever he could. Made sure that the police couldn’t go too far. It was fantastic.

I loved the little hints to the whys of the murders/attacks. With Jane, a girl from the past being in the midst of it all. What happened to Jane? And more! So interesting.

I am happy that the author told us how Niamh was pronounced. I am sorry, but I just don’t know any Irish people. And I live in Dutch-speaking country. XD I was already prepared to google it and see what was up, but I am happy I didn’t have to do that.

I had a list of people who it could be. My top 1 was Will, followed by Tommie, and then followed by Jess. Yes, I am sorry, I don’t trust anyone. Haha. I have learned my way from reading books all my life. Never trust the best friend. I really loved how the author wrote the characters and how everyone was just so sus. I mean, Tommie was just way too kind and I don’t know something was off (I mean, he never told her his entire name/where he lived). Will was just creepy and nope. Jess was just way too enthusiastic and things also happened around her. Who the actual whodunnit was, well nearer to the end I honed in on one person. Though I was prepared to still be shocked. Haha. Thankfully, that didn’t happen and the one I honed on was the one that did everything.

But that last part… I am sorry, so far the book was fantastic, awesome, WOW, but then you decided to add the little sister in the mix? While SHE FREAKING KNEW that things just weren’t going right? What is up with that? It just didn’t make sense, it was dumb. I am sorry. But I would have rather seen our trio fix things instead of this.

But the ending was still good. We find out why x is doing all this. Why they have done it for so long. And yes, I don’t approve, but I cannot help to feel a bit of the heartstrings being tugged. I also loved that we get a bit after all the scary bits. See how Niamh is doing and what is next for her. I also loved that surprise bit about Geoff and who his partner was. Oh my! Couple goals indeed. XD

All in all, with the exception of the magic appearance of the little sister in the end, I really enjoyed this book. It was creepy and spooky and unputdownable. I would recommend it and I look forward to the author’s next book, because this is my second book by her that I rate this high.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/
Profile Image for Rachael Mills.
1,045 reviews13 followers
January 17, 2021
I don’t like horror films but I love scary books and this one is gloriously creepy in all the best ways. It features some genuinely frightening moments and had me on the edge of my seat. I raced through this book in one go as I was absolutely gripped by the fast pace and tense action.

It has all the elements of a thrilling horror but there’s also a dash of the supernatural and some romance. Niamh is an engaging main character and I loved seeing London through her eyes as a tourist. I also loved the side characters of Jess and her mum Ruth, both of whom added further depth to the story.

If you love horror then I’d definitely recommend this book. I mean, it even has a scene where all the lights go out in the tube station and Niamh can hear someone with metal claws approaching. If that doesn’t hook you, then nothing will. LAST ONE TO DIE is a suspenseful and chilling YA thriller that’s sure to leave you reading with the lights on.
Profile Image for T.M.
18 reviews
December 21, 2020
I absolutely flew through this book - perfect pacing and incredibly tense moments that refused to let me put it down between chapters! Such a fresh voice, and a protagonist that acted and sounded her age made the plot even more thrilling. The sort if book that would be perfect to read in one sitting on a long journey because it's that absorbing.
Profile Image for Ta || bookishbluehead.
536 reviews30 followers
June 11, 2022
This book felt like a mix of cozy murder mystery and an early episode of Supernatural.

The main character, Niamh, is coming to London for a 6 week long drama course she dreamed of for a long time. It’s one of the most prestigious programs in Great Britain. Soon after she first gets to London strange things and murder start to happen though and somehow Niamh always founds herself always in the middle of it.

Niamh was an interesting MC and at times I was very irritated with her and her actions, but I guess I would feel that way with most 16 year olds. I liked the secondary characters, especially Ruth and Meghan, but I feel like they could have been more flashed out.

I think most of the plot was obvious, there weren’t any new ideas or twists that we haven’t seen before. But that didn’t lessen the fun I had reading it.
Profile Image for Książkowa Cisza.
247 reviews6 followers
November 17, 2023
"To, na co patrzę, nie jest lustrem, ale równie dobrze mogłoby nim być."


Powiem tak...ta książka była bardzo absurdalna w wielu momentach. Aby za dużo nie spoilerować, podam jeden przykład:
Głównej bohaterce grozi niebezpieczeństwo, ale nie wraca do swojego kraju, bo tam jest nudno.
Serio? Naprawdę dawno nie widziałam tak beznadziejnej decyzji.

Jeśli chodzi o sprawcę...miałam jeden typ, który się nie sprawdził, a potem jakoś w połowie osoba autorska zaczęła nam dawać jasne znaki, kto jest całym sprawcą.

Nie podobało mi się zakończenie oraz całe wyjaśnienie zachowań sprawcy...i w sumie tyle. Myślę, że jak będę okazję, to sięgnę po jeszcze jedną książkę tej osoby autorskiej, bo z tego co wiem, została mi tylko jedna do przeczytania.
Profile Image for Mellisa.
537 reviews157 followers
January 29, 2022
Niamh heads to London for a summer of fun, she's worked hard to save up and get there. But then young women start to be attacked, and Niamh quickly realises they all... look like her. As she starts to doubt everyone she's previously trusted, the attacks get closer and closer. Who can Niamh really trust... and is everything quite as it seems?

A story for the thriller and supernatural lovers! It had some good little twists, I saw a previous review saying it has a point horror feel - and it really does! I think everyone who enjoyed point horrors will definitely enjoy this one, it made me very nostalgic!
Profile Image for Alex | | findingmontauk1.
1,506 reviews92 followers
February 27, 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed LAST ONE TO DIE by Cynthia Murphy and it definitely surprised me in all the right ways. It's got a great mystery and the suspense buildup is wonderfully done. I loved the slasher elements as well as the tug at the supernatural (supernatural slashers were very trendy in the 80s and I think this is a great homage!) to keep things moving along and interesting. I definitely figured out the who behind it all, but just not the "how?" and "why?" of it all. The ending really pieced everything together nicely and I think this was just a perfect, breezy, YA slasher mystery! I am now on the hunt for more with similar vibes.
Profile Image for Kay Oliver.
Author 11 books186 followers
December 7, 2023
This was an intriguing YA mystery/thriller. Lots of dark elements incorporated and some unexpected twists. The ending wad both shocking and satisfying. A pretty good read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 633 reviews

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