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The Break-Up Book Club

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Breakups, like book clubs, come in many shapes and sizes and can take us on unexpected journeys as four women discover in this funny and heartwarming exploration of friendship from the USA Today bestselling author of Ten Beach Road and My Ex-Best Friend's Wedding.

On paper, Jazmine, Judith, Erin and Sara have little in common - they're very different people leading very different lives. And yet at book club meetings in an historic carriage house turned bookstore, they bond over a shared love of reading (and more than a little wine) as well as the growing realization that their lives are not turning out like they expected.

Former tennis star Jazmine is a top sports agent balancing a career and single motherhood. Judith is an empty nester questioning her marriage and the supporting role she chose. Erin's high school sweetheart and fianc� develops a bad case of cold feet, and Sara's husband takes a job out of town saddling Sara with a difficult mother-in-law who believes her son could have done better - not exactly the roommate most women dream of.

With the help of books, laughter, and the joy of ever evolving friendships, Jazmine, Judith, Erin and Sara find the courage to navigate new and surprising chapters of their lives as they seek their own versions of happily-ever-after.

384 pages, Paperback

First published May 18, 2021

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About the author

Wendy Wax

20 books1,482 followers
I write novels that explore friendship, self-discovery and the challenges life brings us, leavened with a touch of humor. I'm proud of all my books and perhaps best known for my "Ten Beach Road" titles including the USA Today bestsellers, Ten Beach Road and The House on Mermaid Point, and for While We Were Watching Downton Abbey.

I was born in St.Petersburg, Florida and grew up on St. Pete Beach within spitting distance of the Gulf of Mexico. I went, appropriately enough, to Sunshine Elementary School where recess and art class sometimes took place on the beach, and the highlight of every school year was the annual fish broil.

It’s hard to be a type-A personality when you grow up in such a laid back environment, but I managed. Convinced that you were expected to know how to read BEFORE you showed up for school, I forced a neighbor friend to teach me to read at the age of five. I’ve been reading ever since.

Books, in all forms, are one of my greatest pleasures and best forms of escape. And they’ve had a major impact on my life.

I went to the University of Georgia after reading Gone with the Wind one too many times. For a while I re-read Margaret Mitchell’s classic yearly, saw the movie whenever it played within twenty miles, and could quote large passages from memory. Today I have a growing GWTW collection, and the time I spoke at he Margaret Mitchell House was an incredible thrill.last

After college I worked in radio, television, and film. Like Olivia in 7 DAYS AND SEVEN NIGHTS, I’ve done live talk radio. I hosted a show in the eighties called Desperate & Dateless, and while I was never locked in an apartment for a week with a webcam rolling as she was, I did fall in love. Happily, the man who swept me off my feet consults with financial types and understands the bottom line. Unlike Olivia’s nemesis, Matt Ransom, my husband has never, to my knowledge, advised anyone to ‘love the one they’re with.’ We live in Atlanta with our two sons.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 916 reviews
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,303 reviews4,073 followers
May 23, 2021
With the help of your friends, you can get through just about anything!

This is a touching read of friendship, loss, and heartache, but most importantly the strength to finding oneself and move on.

Told through the perspective of four very different and distinct voices. You are taken on a journey as they find their inner strengths to pick up the pieces of their lives and move forward.

The book club always serving as the place everyone can let their walls down and be open and honest with each other and themselves.

I felt every character was well developed and enjoyed each perspective equally.

Wendy Wax has written a touching novel about life and love that every reader will connect with at some level. I know I certainly did.

My only quibble with this read is I would have liked to have seen one of the main characters be a male. To see love and heartache through his eyes. Perhaps Chaz the EMT?💁🏻‍♀️. He would have just given the book a bit more balance (but that’s just my opinion).

Overall a highly enjoyable read that Susanne and I just flew through in only a few sittings.

Posted to: https://books-are-a-girls-best-friend...

Thank you to Berkley Publishing.
Profile Image for Susan  (on hiatus).
506 reviews182 followers
July 24, 2021
Breaking Up is Hard to Do.

Sometimes a lighter read is appreciated between thrillers and unhinged characters.

This book ‘fit the bill’ as several women belonging to a book group struggle with unforeseen circumstances in their lives - all dealing with their individual relationships. The main characters were unique, likable, and people I could get behind.

Probably best categorized as Chick Lit, I’m not always successful choosing books in this genre. However, I really liked this and will search for more titles from this author.

A big thank you to my local library for the loan.
Profile Image for Susanne.
1,174 reviews38.4k followers
May 23, 2021
Review posted to blog: https://books-are-a-girls-best-friend...

Earnest & Endearing.

At the Heart of “The Break-Up Book Club” is Friendship, Support, and a Love of Books. What more could one ask for?

When life’s trials and tribulations impact several different women who attend the same book club, they can lean on each other for guidance and support. Sharing book discussions, friendship, heartache, tears, laughter, baked goods, chocolate, and wine, these ladies realize they can survive anything as long as they have each other.

I personally adored this novel and was immediately drawn into each characters’ storyline, especially that of Jasmine’s and Sara’s, whose personal strife reminded me a bit of my past. From the strength each character found within, to the strength these women drew from each other, I was all in, cheering from the sidelines.

My favorite part of this novel (besides the friendships, which I loved) was “Between the Covers” - the book store frequented by the book club members. It sounded absolutely fabulous and made me wish I could visit and attend the book club with Jasmine, Erin, Judith, Sara, Chaz, and all of the other characters in this book.

“The Break-Up Book Club” is a well-rounded character-driven novel that stole my heart. I highly recommend it for those who love contemporary and/or women’s fiction.

This was a buddy read with Kaceey that we both enjoyed.

Thank you to Dache’ J. Rogers at Berkley Publishing Group for the arc.

Published on Goodreads and Twitter.
Profile Image for Tina Loves To Read.
2,859 reviews1 follower
February 3, 2022
This is a Women's Fiction book. I have to start off by saying I normally do not like a book that has more then two characters telling/the story coming from their point of view. This book is told by Jazmine, Judith, Erin and Sara all very strong well women that are all apart of a book club that is so much more then a book club. I have to say that it took me a little bit to get pulled into this book, and also it took me a while to get each of their storyline figured out. After, I got pulled into this book I could not put it down. I loved all the main characters, but I think my favorite one is Sara. They all go through so much, and there is a lot of drama in this book. This book is well written, and all the storylines are really well done. I really enjoyed this book. The book store is this book sounds like a fun place to be, and I wish I had one like that near me. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Berkley Books) or author (Wendy Wax) via NetGalley, so I can give honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.
Profile Image for Elisabeth Plimpton.
189 reviews236 followers
January 7, 2022
Together, we can get through anything.

The Break-Up Book Club is a story of second chances, friendship, and finding your footing after tough times.

Judith, Jasmine, Sara, and Erin lead different lives, and they are each experiencing a rough patch. Through bookclub and the support of others, they work to let go of the past and move forward. Each character became more confident by the end and learned to stand up for themselves. I liked the reminder that you never know what others are going through and leaning on friends can be healing.

While the book had many good messages, and I liked that it was about strong women helping each other, there wasn’t a lot happening in the plot. The pace was slow at times. I felt for what each woman was going through, but I found it difficult to be pulled into and engaged with the storylines.

The ending was very cute, and it made me want to join a women’s bookclub. (:
Profile Image for Leisa.
530 reviews13 followers
April 7, 2021

The Break-Up Book Club was such a fun change of pace from my usual serious reads, and I enjoyed it wholeheartedly.

What I Liked 🌿

✨I so loved the friends that become family element. I found myself longing for friendships like the ones shared in this book.

✨It’s a book about books and book clubs and people that love books. What’s not to love?

✨I was thoroughly entertained by the lovable and quirky cast of characters and their shenanigans.

What I Struggled With

✨This is completely subjective, but I’m not at all a fan of the way twins are depicted as attached at the hip eccentrics here.

✨The plot was a bit predictable at times, but I still really had fun with this read.

A special note: The 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 message from the author is devastating and heartbreaking. She has my sympathies and my gratitude for producing such a charming and heartwarming read at such a difficult time in her own life.

My thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  This will be in stores on May 18, and you’re going to want to grab your own copy.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
118 reviews120 followers
August 10, 2021
This realllllly made me want to join a book club.
Profile Image for DeB.
1,041 reviews294 followers
October 29, 2021
Wendy Wax has written a novel to relax with, a comforting story of four diverse women who become friends in a book club and where they find unexpected support during a critical time in their lives.

I enjoyed reading about all of the characters, who were interesting and was thoroughly intrigued with how each woman found her way, whether in a stressful career or with the shocking death of a spouse, or surviving the disbelief of a severed marriage.

The varied ages - from 23 to 75- of the main characters means that it is highly relatable across generations. One doesn’t find much contemporary fiction featuring mature women in starring roles; The Break-Up Book Club is an exception which I really appreciated.

Serious issues were brought to light, so this novel is not simply fluff but it does end with a reassuring positivity.

4 stars - strong story and characterization, well done in its genre.
Profile Image for Heather Baez.
458 reviews
July 11, 2021
This book is like one of those Diane Keaton, ensemble movies with the gorgeous kitchens, in book form. When you see the trailer you think, “That looks cute!” It has a star-studded cast, relatable stories, funny quips, gorgeous scenery. But then you watch the movie, and it’s a cliched, ridiculous piece of crap and you’re pissed you wasted two hours watching it. Watch me cast this book in movie form ...

The book started off so promising. It gave me vibes of books I read (and loved) years ago like The Friday Night Knitting Club and Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. I enjoyed the characters and was becoming invested in their stories. Like the ensemble movies, this book has it all. Erin, an adorable, driven twenty-something (Florence Pugh) and her hot baseball player fiance who gets cold feet; Jazmine, a single/working mom (Issa Rae) in a male dominated field who works hard to prove herself; Sara, a sweet former foster child (Amy Adams) who finally finds someone who loves her and has a house to call her own (and is forced to live with his super judgmental mom) - until that goes completely sideways; and Judith, an empty nester (Diane Keaton) who feels overlooked by her husband - that goes sideways too. But as their stories unraveled and the drama ramped up, it became too much for me. And their friendship via the book club never rang fully true for me. They were all just nice people being nice to each other. There was also a cautionary tale thrown in there for women who might be new to online dating. I'm looking at you Meena (Jane Fonda), Dorothy (Candice Bergen), and Arnell (Mary Steenburgen)!

I want to be critical of this story by saying that it could have been so much more. Stories of strong women, women who grew strong because of crap circumstances, women supporting women. It does have the last part - there were no petty jealousies or backstabbing. But it felt so … Diane Keaton, amazing kitchen movie. All sizzle no steak. However, a lot of people really like those movies, AND these books. So I won’t hate on it too much simply because it wasn’t for me. It most definitely is for many readers.

I want to remind everyone that not liking a book doesn’t mean it was a bad book—it just means you didn’t enjoy it. I’m always fascinated by how differently readers react to the same story and characters. How much of ourselves we bring to the experience someone else has crafted. Thanks owner of "Between the Covers" bookstore. You are so right.
Profile Image for Myrn.
734 reviews
April 4, 2022
Great read! The Break-Up Book Club follows 4 diverse women having one commonality- a book club. Liked seeing them fall apart and pull themselves back together. While reading their POVs, I became so invested I didn’t want the chapter to end. LOL! Funny, charming, and heartwarming read. I will have to read more from this author.
Profile Image for Amy (TheSouthernGirlReads).
616 reviews142 followers
July 6, 2021
"I put on a “bless your heart” smile, which Southern women are born knowing and those of us who are transplants take years to master."
Wendy Wax, The Break - Up Book Club

Well, it has been a whole day since I marked finished on this lovely novel. In reflection, I am reminded of a few things as a reader.

*It is always, always a good idea to read a book that is "bookish".
*It is always, always a good idea to read bad @$$ women characters.
*It is always, always a good idea to read Southern books.
*It is always, always a good idea to fall in love with books at the end of the day.

Here is a spoiler. I loved this novel. I can't pinpoint exactly what I loved aside from the above. I smile like a lunatic when I think about it....so yep, that's a great sign.

I highly suggest picking up this book. Wendy Wax has a way with telling stories that are relatable, uplifting, and flat out delightful. What are you waiting for? This will be in the top ten of 2021 for me. I can already tell ya!

Profile Image for Shannon.
6,135 reviews348 followers
June 11, 2021
A fun summer read about the lives of four Atlanta women at different ages and stages who are all part of a co-ed book club. The story switches perspectives from each woman as they go through unique life challenges trying to find their happily ever afters in the face of significant setbacks. You can really tell the author's love of books and book clubs and that she's gone through difficult times - in an author's note at the beginning of the book she writes about how her husband died from COVID at the start of the pandemic and how heart-breaking that was! As a member of my own therapeutic book club I related over the struggle to find the perfect name and looking forward to book club night as the highlight of the month. Definitely recommend, especially for fans of The Jane Austen book club, The bromance book club or In a book club far away. Thanks to NetGalley for my e-ARC.

Favorite quotes:
"Books, and the words that form them, have gotten me through a lot of things I'd rather forget. If I'd relied on ice cream alone, I'd be the size of a barn."

"I never feel completely done with a book until I've discussed it here at book club."

"I am, of course, dealing with the demise of my marriage the same way I've gotten through so many things in my life, by withdrawing as much as humanly possible and escaping into books."

"This is a group that only supports and does not judge."

"If you read enough books you learn all kinds of things."
Profile Image for Kate Vocke (bookapotamus).
632 reviews126 followers
October 14, 2021
The Break-Up Book Club is all the proof you need that books make everything better!

There are a LOT of characters in this one, but you never have a hard time keeping track of who is who, and it's crafted really well, so it's easy to follow each woman's story. And the men are pretty easy to keep track of also... because they all kinda of just... leave. Death, cheating, break ups ... the relationships do not fare well in the start of this story.

The characters were super well-developed and you find yourself finding things relatable in all of them - even though they are all so different. But that's the beauty of book club right? Different faces and spaces and stories and lives... all uniting together for maybe the only one thing they have in common - their love of books.

Will book club help these ladies get their mojo back? Possibly.

But they may just find that the greatest relationship at all - actually IS book club.

And I may or may not have added yet more books to my TBR after reading this! So there's that added bonus too!
Profile Image for Danielle (Life of a Literary Nerd).
1,399 reviews287 followers
April 25, 2021
DNF @ 20%

I'm just not liking this and it isn't holding my attention at all. I think there's just too many characters for me to care about and I'm not drawn to any one of them enough to pull me through the story. Also, I thought the book club would be much more prominent, and it might be later, but we've barely seen in a quarter of the way in. There's also a decent group of book club members who I feel like I don't really know/are unimportant. Unfortunately, I think this is just the case of too many characters, but none of them really felt connected to each other - even though I know they are, so I didn't really care.

I received a copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Elizabeth☮ .
1,683 reviews11 followers
December 16, 2021
This book features the name of the book club I'm in: Not Your Mama's Book Club. A member submitted it for a contest the author was advertising for this newest work. We would be remiss if we didn't read it.

This focuses on four women that are dealing with various crossroads in their lives. Their commonality is that they all belong to the same book club. Over the course of what feels like a year we get the various ups and downs of their personal lives.

I found the introduction the most powerful part of the book as the author indicates that as she was writing, her husband succumbed to COVID-19. She didn't want her book to be in the time of seclusion so she made it a book that celebrates coming together and holding one another up.
Profile Image for Lindsay Nixon.
Author 22 books792 followers
May 30, 2021
I struggled to rate this...

I had to start this over a few times because the first four chapters are different narrators with different lives/stories and it was so much to remember... it would be like trying to write Greys Anatomy as a book...

Eventually (after several re-readings and a few notes) I was able to read the book as it changed from one lady to the next with each chapter.

I enjoyed one woman and was curious about her story/how her situation would work out, two I didn’t care about and one I loathed and skipped a few of her chapters.


The youngest one has been obsessed and following josh around like Puppy since she was 8. She finally got him to notice her and date her; she followed him to college; and then right before the wedding he dumped her and she is still crying and whatever (she’s as pathetic as it sounds; super annoying).

There’s a woman who finds out her husband has a second family and he’s also robbed his mother that’s now stuck with her because you know she’s destitute bc her son is a shit.

There’s a woman who was a pro sports player until she had an injury, lost her husband, and is now raising her teen in her own and thinking about dating again.

The last one is a woman who was about to divorce her husband, had sex with him, and he died.

The story is mostly aimless; it’s just following these women along in their lives and watching how things worn out for them. It’s very domestic/neighborhood drama and 🥱 at times.

DNF at 70% though admittedly I took a nap somewhere in there.
Profile Image for Joanna.
199 reviews11 followers
May 24, 2021
This was a cute and quirky story with its of heart.

I loved the development of relationships and friendships and people. How characters developed because of their experiences and were therefore able to connect with others.
Profile Image for Janie.
1,232 reviews130 followers
May 19, 2021
I was gifted an ebook via Netgalley. I voluntarily read and reviewed it. All thoughts are my own.

I was drawn to this book immediately because I love a good book about books and people who love books. I thought that the female friendships and empowerment sounded great too. I initially was a little thrown off by the different perspectives and it took me a few chapters to keep everyone straight. I wanted to like this book, but it was definitely a middle of the road read for me. I didn't hate it by any means, I didn't love it. I think that each character had way too many outlandish scenarios going on and there were moments where characters had nearly identical situations happening among them that really kinda made me cringe a little. I didn't really like most of the characters and didn't really feel sympathetic towards them. And overall, this book had way too much going on and I'm sure it's meant to feel like we are getting to know each character, but each of these characters could have had a separate book for their story and that would have made more sense.
Profile Image for Madie.
304 reviews36 followers
April 20, 2021
A feel good and chaotically funny book about a multigenerational book club that becomes close through all of their mishaps. There was a lot of different things going on in this book that could be confusing at first because of the multi narrators. However, in the end all the different crazy stories is what makes you want to keep reading because you have to find out what happens to each story.

This book would be the perfect beach read cause I couldn't put it down. There was some romance in this book, but it was not the main premise. This book will definitely warm your heart and be a fun read.
Profile Image for Janice.
1,497 reviews59 followers
May 13, 2022
This was such a fun read, about friendships, families, and romantic relationships. The focus is on four women, with a wide range of ages, careers, and family situations. They are brought together in a book club, and the other more peripheral members of the book club are interesting characters as well.
The way the book club members support and uplift each other, even as other relationships shift and sometimes disappoint, kept me completely absorbed. I want to be sure to thank Bookreporter.com for the copy of this book I received.
Profile Image for Kristina Anderson.
3,751 reviews70 followers
May 20, 2021
The Break-Up Book Club by Wendy Wax is more than a book about women in a book club. We get to meet a group of diverse women who are going through some challenges. I thought the author created realistic characters going through true-to-life situations. I loved Between the Covers bookstore where the book club meets each month (I want a bookstore like this in my area). The Break-Up Book Club is a well-written with the story moving along at a steady pace. The point-of-view changes between Erin, Sara, Judith, and Jazmine. It is easy to keep track of each lady because their voices are unique. I liked seeing the ladies grow as individuals and in their friendships. Dorothy, Sara’s mother-in-law, is a character who shows us that you truly never know a person. The book does contain foul language and intimate situations (just to let you know). The Break-Up Book Club is an engaging and emotional story that had me staying up very late to finish it. I liked getting to know this group of women who find comfort and a sense of belonging in the book club. There is humor in the story as well. I especially loved the names the people came up with for the book club. There were some amusing suggestions. I also loved all the wonderful books discussed and mentioned throughout the book. The Break-Up Book Club is a great book to read while lounging by the pool or while on vacation. The Break-Up Book Club is a pleasing tale about a louse of a spouse, firm friends, startling revelations, a composed mother-in-law, shocking secrets, and a bevy of books.
Profile Image for Foxy Vixen.
230 reviews11 followers
December 20, 2022
This is the 1st book that I have read of this author…. And WOW, what one to start with.
I would like to start out by saying, my deepest thoughts and prayers go to our Author for loosing her husband to Covid. And to be emerging herself in this book in her time of grief. I guess that adds extra meaning to this book.
I’m not one to read many ‘women’ books, but this one caught me one page 1 and took me to the end. It might have something to do with being a MOD to Snag A Read For Free GR group, I can really relate. We are a small group that has evolved many times since it’s beginning 2 years ago, similar to the Break-Up Book Club.
I laughed and cried in some parts of this book, hence the 5 Star review. In the closing down of many independent bookstores, we will see less and less of what is brought to us in this book.
This book takes place in Atlanta, GA with a very diverse mixture of characters.
If there is anything missing from this book, it’s aa big ol’ dog that should be in the library.. for the children and for the book club members.
Long live Bookclubs… I honestly don’t know what I would do without ours.
Profile Image for Nicola.
721 reviews15 followers
September 2, 2021
This one had such great reviews, but for me, it was a painful book to pick up and finish.

There were so many supporting characters and 4 points of view. (I was 65 % through when I finally remembered who Angela was.) So many of the secondary characters were stereotypes and I found them rather offensive. At the halfway mark, I also realized that the book club had only met twice.

The ending which swung into the online world of dating was so very painful to read. It was nonsensical and I just wanted to skim and be done.
Profile Image for Sara Anne Taylor.
186 reviews31 followers
February 15, 2023
When a book has multiple main characters, it can be a bit confusing keeping track of who is who. That did not happen with his book. The author gave these four women (and the supporting cast) such distinct voices and personalities, that it was no trouble keeping track of who was who.

While the pacing was on the slower side, the story progressed with each page, character growth was evident, and the characters individual storylines were interesting and relatable.

Like most of us, I’m a sucker for books about books and overall, this book about the power of friendship didn’t disappoint.

RATING: 3.5 Stars
Profile Image for Amy.
2,228 reviews1,945 followers
July 2, 2021
This was a fun read with an ensemble cast making it easy to find a character to relate for or root for. I love multiple points of view so that aspect worked well for me. All four women are at a turning point in their lives and are experiencing some sort of drama and it was sweet to see them lean on each other during hard times. A book club being how they all knew each other was fun and I found myself wishing I was a part of one with such endearing people.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 916 reviews

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