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Of Magic & Scales #2

Of Scales & Fire

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Monks, magic, and mermen, oh my! The cast of supporting characters from Natalina Reis's "Of Magic and Scales" are back and stronger than ever, and so are the pop culture references and silly jokes Aiden likes so much. As Aiden and his new family are joined by an unexpected antagonist that may yet prove to be their undoing, will their (un)domesticated new life as a couple be turned upside down?

Aiden Mercer’s life has changed dramatically since his days of being a man-whore, where he spent most of the time either running his coffee shop in sunny Portugal or man-watching at the beach. He now has Naël, a cranky merman to love and to hold, and his sister, Vee, and friends to care for. Life is good.

But life never seems to stop surprising the American ex-detective. A mysterious order of monks, a mermen poacher, shocking revelations about his parentage—and whoever is hunting him down—turn Aiden and Naël's summer into one to remember. Or maybe one they'd rather forget.

252 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 13, 2021

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Natalina Reis

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5,701 reviews35 followers
February 12, 2021
this was amazing and interesting.. it was sexy and fun.. i loved the dragons.. love the issues.. love the bantar.. it is all together a wonderful reading.. magic and love... jokes and laughter.. so many fun things going on. i love it and hope there is going to be more.
Profile Image for Patricia Nelson.
1,735 reviews20 followers
February 26, 2021
This fantastic addition to this marvelous series is filled with mystery, snark, humor, steam, more twists and turns than a roller coaster, more paranormals than you can shake a stick at, intrigue, and two MCs I either want to hug, or rattle their teeth. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Profile Image for The Quille and Lampe.
207 reviews26 followers
February 14, 2021
What I Think: Going from the first tale into this was so soothing. It would have been terrible to have to wait when the stakes had become even more personal. Let’s see what we can see! I love Aiden’s quick reactions, morphing from anger to jealousy then bliss in seconds still with his one track mind. It reminds of my mind way too many times. I will be quite miffed if it turns out he’s not part incubus because really how much sex can one person have on their minds? This tale began straight up with Trouble. I don’t mean Aiden, even though I can understand why you would think so as trouble seems to know him by name but what would Aiden be without his foot-in-mouth disease? Nael, I apologise in advance so please, forgive him in advance also. I am giddy with delight though as he has to learn a lesson I learned as a young child flinching from the words of an exhausted and worried parent – words like cracked eggs dont disappear after they’ve come out. Then, we step into a different world as Aiden begins to search for his truth in a place so healing, just reading about it was soothing. The love this Authoress has for her home fills these pages to over-pouring. Every description a love song in its own right, which more than makes up for Aiden’s idiocy that has me face-palming too many times to count. Oy vay! I love and am irritated by Aiden. I wanted strangle or spank him when he began craving Nael something awful and I kept chanting in my head “remember that the next time, you bloody idiot!” Thankfully, Nael appeared before I was carted off for murder. A reprieve that didn’t last long as we were once more confronted by Brother Serafim who reminds me so much of Jonathan Pryce in his priest role in the popular tv series. The props given to women in this tale made me so delighted, I was giddy. We already know girls are where the power lies but this is rather epic. Ah, I’m so happy I was right, even as I’m almost falling out of bed in chuckles as I wonder how Aiden is going to handle this come to the goddess moment (I mean, a literal come to the goddess moment) that we’ve been waiting so long for. Neal’s capacity for loving makes most people look absolutely stingy. His ability to hone in on what Aiden needs even before Magical himself realises it, makes me sigh from my toes up. If Aiden messes this up, I’ll personally smack okro seeds from his mouth, Naija Mama style. But even more pressing – why on Earth have I not become on a first name basis with Portugal? And, yes, he’s something greater than an incubus which turned out more gratifying than I thought it would be. Aiden is asked to interfere once more as he begins to feel his way around his new life, for once choosing not to be petulant (thank you, Nael). He goes for it only for my shock to begin mounting. I mean in the climbing sense…No, in the rising sense…No, in the growing…oh drat it! Aiden has such a dirty mind that I’ve been infected, seeing sexual nuances here, there and everywhere. The camaraderie between this rag tag group of found family made my heart smile and chuckle as we all enjoyed o silêncio antes da tempestade (the silence before the storm) but this is Aiden and nothing in his world is ever easy. Yet, I apparently got lulled because one dissappearing act later, I was flying up to get smokes and start pacing. Aargh, even knowing it was coming, I was still feeling so secure and I’m just raging as Aiden’s fear soaks into me. I’m so with him on this coming destruction. I need him to put his crap aside and bring his A-game. Only for another momentary lull to smack Aiden with even more information. Agh, I’m too sober for these well placed smacks. Aiden is a saint and the Oracle should have the information his witholding tortured out of him. Warning – Rant Ahead: Unfortunately, I was raised by a real Oracle and I can confirm that this speaking in mists and clouds yet expecting it to make perfect sense is actually a thing. Not only is it a thing, when they finally deem it fit to explain, it makes so much sense that you want to bring out your stupid just so you can show it how much shame you feel. Rant Over. Aiden’s need to protect the ones he loves is fiercely familiar. Growing up with my family didn’t stop me from being so protective and I love them for not telling me off but I am about to strangle Aiden (again, I know. But its the only violence that fits) if he doesn’t stop being so bloody immature and letting his mouth run. What happened to protecting our loved ones, you bloody idiot? I got even more engrossed this time as more of this tale poured out, so simple and fluid in its writing, so real I felt I could reach out and touch Aiden or even go searching for his coffe shop when I go to Portugal. A simple tale that’s heart wrenching in its grief and heart stopping in its miracles. Kids terrify me and teaching them has not made it better but Vee is the kind of kid worth being an adult for. So mature beyond her years that I find myself having flashbacks to other instances of her maturity and hoping fiercely it wasn’t pain that sculpted her so. The joy and simplicity of the growing bond between Aiden and Nael made my eyes prickle. Love dey sweet o! Lightweight that I am, the realisation that hits Aiden regarding his family made the waterworks threaten even more. Which morphed into anger because I am beginning to get very irritated at the idiot who won’t stop hunting the one person he should not be afraid of. Especially as he has a knack for appearing all over the place and attacking without a word. What kind of villain doesn’t monologue? Idiot can’t even get his role right. But then it allows me to see some badassery where I thought there was none and that does it. I’m claiming them both as my book bofriends. Even their lovemaking scenes makes me shy because of the intimacy and I’m still reading those peeking through my fingers. By the time I’m nearing the end of the tale, I am aware of 2 things. Every phone call, appearance and message becomes a point of stress for Aiden and I. I want to snark and snarl at everyone that comes with news, because, really how many more upheaval-inducing truths does one person have to deal with? Goddess, can’t a man in love just catch a break, even if the man in question is not exactly a man? Secondly, there’s a part 3. No way there isn’t. Then, close brushes with death had me sitting up in quivering anticipation that ensured I ran out of cigs and continued reading as I ran down stairs to the store because I would not be surving this tale without them. The showdown was as real as it was hunger inducing. Please, Ma’am, can I have more?

Verdict? A comfort keeper of a tale that is proof that while love hurts and aches and feels like you’ve got your heart living on the outside of your skin with no protection, don’t let lightweight fears stop you from discovering true magic in a world often devoid of it!
Profile Image for books are love.
3,133 reviews22 followers
February 15, 2021
Received in exchange for a honest review. I will say the first book grabbed me more than the second. That isn’t to say I didn’t like it but the first one just had me more.

Here the story continues off where the first ended. Aiden and Nael are together and Aiden is still a bit uncomfortable with who he is. He is also in denial I think. He doesn’t really know who he is entirely just that he is magical and being magical is hard for him to swallow still. Nael is patient and understanding but also trying to get Aiden to see things from other perspectives.

I feel that Aiden didn’t grow the way I had hoped. He still acts silly and foolish in the relationship at times and towards others. I know that is his personality per se but I was hoping as his relationship progressed and he felt more safe in that relationship he would become more comfortable and less foolish in his reactions. I love his and Nael’s relationship and feel they are meant to be but at times it went childish and I think that was due to Aiden’s reactions to things. I think he still isn’t comfortable with everything and acts out to it in ways that you don’t expect.

The story was fascinating and a great way to bring in hints of what Aiden is. You see his loyalty to those he loves and considers friends and family shine through. Aiden is still a bit impatient when it comes to getting answers but as things are revealed, you see him calm more in the patience area but also get frustrated because of what he is learning. It is hard for him because he is hearing things that are difficult for him and puts others in danger. The reveal of his mom and dad wow just wow. I do wonder what powers will manifest now and how he will learn to use them more. I also love NAel and his support in the whole process as they learn about Aiden and his parents, who he is, why they are in danger and how they get closer as a result. I just love them together I think Nael is good for Aiden because he is helping him become more mature and Aiden is helping Nael to loosen up.

Is this a good sophomore story? Yes especially since this is geared to help us understand about Aiden and how he is magical and the dangers that arise for him because of heritage. Is the romance wonderful? Yes they grow closer and their relationship matures. We see them supportive towards one another and guiding one another. We see more sweet fun moments and also talks as the book goes on and they grow as individuals and a couple. We also see more trust from Aiden as he gets more trust in himself and accepts who he is. The story is interesting in that we have to dangers. One is to Nael and that story is fascinating. I love how Aiden is there for him and kicks some butt there. The other story is the one of who Aiden is and how that puts him and those around him in danger. How he must start to learn acceptance and forgive as well. How he comes to terms with being magical or starts to and now must deal with the surprise of who his parents are and how magical he really is. I love how Nael is there for him and so are his friends. I look forward to seeing where this story goes and how Nael and Aiden will conquer the danger side by side as their relationship grows and where they are heading will be great to see as well.
Profile Image for Ren | thebookishren.
1,635 reviews126 followers
January 6, 2021

Of Scales and Fire by Natalina Reis was just as interesting and enchanting as the first book in the series.

Set shortly after Of Magic & Scales, this book starts off with the witty banter almost immediately. In book 1, I adored the rudeness and naivety of Naël and the insecurity of Aiden. They were learning about each other and regretfully drawn to each other so that added a bit of tension to the story that was 🔥.

But I have to admit I was hoping for a stronger level of communication and understanding in this story. The character growth was decent, but I would've preferred a more open and sincere relationship. Aiden still despises most magicals and Naël is a magical. I found Aiden to be immature and childish quite a bit of the time, despite being a suave detective, and Naël was overly rude or aggressive, which is okay to an extent but not in nearly every conversation. I feel had their relationship been smoother and more trusting, the plot would've jumped out more at me instead of me worrying about a relationship. This could be a me thing, but I felt like the plot progressed perfectly but the romance was too much back and forth despite witnessing their love for each other over and over. I keep forgetting these are grown men and not teenagers.

Regardless, the plot and concept of this world is SO GOOD. I enjoyed where the story went and where it will probably go in the future. I also feel that Aiden and Naël will be on a firmer foundation in any future books after everything they went through in this one.

Profile Image for Juniper.
3,159 reviews21 followers
February 14, 2021
Aiden and Naël return in this sequel to Of Magic & Scales, and for the most part it’s good to see them again. Aiden is still a bit immature, and while he’s learning more about his powers, he still has very strong (and often negative) feelings about “magicals”— which is awkward, because Naël is one. Naël is also as acerbic as ever, and while sometimes his grumpiness and Aiden’s snark spark some great banter, other times it’s a bit darker and more hurtful, and it would be nice to see them find a bit more romantic equilibrium so that they can deal with everything else in their lives, especially since everything is else is — a lot. Monks. Poachers. Assorted other weirdness. I think the premise of the universe the author created for this series gets better every time, and I love the mixture of mundane and magical, which we can see in more detail here than in the first book. There are still a few rough edges in terms of pacing and style, but overall, I’m more hooked than I’ve ever been on Aiden’s adventures.

*I received an ARC of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Dixiecowgirl.
1,429 reviews25 followers
February 16, 2021
Magic, humor and mystery create an interesting adventure.  This story picks up right where the first book leaves off and it is one very convoluted journey.  There is mystery about Aiden's parents and we do learn more.  The group of 'found family' grows and I really loved that.  The story-line of the first book continues and we find new powerful enemies to be worried about.  Lots of plot and great characters.  

Aiden and Nael are just yummy together!   They are sweet and steamy and their banter continues to engage me.  I really enjoyed how their relationship continues to grow and get more meaningful and engaging.  

This is book two of the Of Magic and Scales trilogy.  You will really want to read the first book in this series so that you have the necessary background to appreciate the characters and the plot.  This book does not end on a cliffhanger and it does give a HFN ending.  I am looking forward to reading the next and final book in the series.  

I was gifted this book from Gay Romance Reviews and i freely give my honest opinion and review   
Profile Image for Mari  Cardenas.
2,191 reviews25 followers
February 19, 2021
3.75 Stars

Despite my issues with Naël in the first book, I really wanted to give him another chance to win me over with Of Scales & Fire. Unfortunately, even if I will admit there were some parts in which I kind of liked him, he could still be his rude, hurtful self. Aiden could be very immature, too. Which was a bit frustrating, but, in the end, they worked as a couple and supported each other. I will even admit they're hot together, so there's that.

Again, while I couldn't become fully invested in the romantic plot, the mystery and adventure parts as Aiden looks for his parents to learn more about himself were very interesting. The book ended in a satisfying HFN, which actually responded a lot of my questions from the previous book and this one and now I'm very intrigued about what Ms. Reis has in store for us in the next book. 

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***
3,254 reviews33 followers
February 3, 2021
It's hard to have a tryst with your boyfriend when there are witches popping into the room, a younger sister trying to figure out what you're doing, and a guy wielding bolts of fire at you! To say nothing of the mystery of your past and monks...especially the one who looks like Einstein!

Just as you feel the need to lay down and absorb enough energy from the earth to keep going, you find yourself under the city of Lisbon, looking for a wannabe goddess and her son! The fact that they hate you isn't conducive to romance either.

I don't know how I'm going to hold out for the next book in the series...it's months away from release! Knowing how good these were though, I'm sure it will be worth it!
Profile Image for Kathy Wideman.
2,501 reviews39 followers
February 15, 2021
This is the second book in the series and they need to be read in order. Aiden and Nael face more troubles and Danger. This time they must worry about poachers and demigods. Aiden is learning more about his place in the magical world and what powers he may have. Aiden will also learn who is parents are. This book did take me a bit to get into. I love these characters. They are funny, and always there for each other. Aiden is finding the family he never had before. Aiden is on a path of self-discovery. He had tried to stay away from the magical world for so long and now is he finds he is one of them. It is sometimes hard for him to accept. I am really enjoying this series and look forward to reading more about these characters in the future. Great job Natalina.
Profile Image for Raven and Chris.
2,643 reviews23 followers
January 8, 2021
Here the return of Aiden and Nael! These two are so sweet together and it was great to see their relationship continue to grow. These stories are low angst with lots of sweet feels and just enough action and mystery! Aiden is also finding out a lot about his past. He is still discovering his abilities and his connection to the elements. I loved this one just as much as the first one! Nael still has his grumpy moments and Vee is still just as mischievous. We still don’t have the ultimate resolution to the overall conflict but they do find themselves fighting poachers and demigods. And you can’t forget the secret keeping monks! I can’t wait to see the next book in this series!
Profile Image for Rachwithheadinabook.
1,839 reviews
February 17, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed the second book in this brilliantly felt magic and Merrow (merfolk)world, with Aiden finding out more about himself, where he belongs, who his parents are, what it is like when he fights with Nael, who and why Gods want him dead. This is a fast paced story, that is packed with so much going on, action and heat, found family in love it’s all in there. I adored the sense of peace that this author gives in between the bouts of action, it rounds out the book.
I loved the fact that I didn’t have to wait too long between the first and second books and now waiting on tenterhooks for book 3 to come out as I am itching to read it. This is a series I would definitely recommend.
1,600 reviews8 followers
February 14, 2021
I loved this book! It was so much better then the first one, especially regarding Nael. There is still a lot of fun banter between many of the characters (Aiden is just that kind of snipey character where magicals are concerned). The relationship between Aiden and Nael feels so much stronger and true, Aiden is coming to accept his own nature, and even starting to think that not all magicals are bad (maybe). There are new challenges and enemies, secrets are revealed, some answers are found, those dear to Aiden are threatened, and a friend is seriously injured. Who (or what) is Aiden? Who is trying to kill him, why, and how can he stop them? Can he protect his lover and his friends? Many questions, some answers, and more to come. I can't wait to see the next book.

I received an ARC and this is my voluntary review.
Profile Image for Ida Umphers.
4,666 reviews35 followers
February 17, 2021
You just knew after book one that Aiden and Nael were not going to have a nice, comfortable life and is that ever true here. Not only do we have Aiden learning secrets about himself, we have added monks and mermen poachers into the danger mix. I also like that the romance between Aiden and Nael seems realistic in that they are not finding life together to be all rosy just because they love each other. Their opposite personality traits grate on each other at times and they are still learning how to be together as a couple. Can't wait for book three!
Profile Image for Lexi.
890 reviews17 followers
February 19, 2021
I enjoyed this one more than the previous book. Maybe since I already loved these characters and felt invested with their story but this book was a lot better for me to read than the first book. There was also more laughter for me reading this great book. So glad to see these two guys back and getting to see even more of their romance develop. The magic was still in the story along with the adventure and some mystery. I can’t wait to see what other adventures are in store for these awesome characters! I hope the series just keeps getting better and better.
Profile Image for Sarah Mitcham.
1,241 reviews8 followers
February 24, 2021
Second book in an ongoing series, books need to be read in series order as story continues from previous book. Paranormal MM romance with heat. Aiden and Nael continue their fiery and passionate relationship surrounded by yet more mystery and intrigue. Aiden is finding out more about his powers as time goes on, somebody is trying to kill Aiden and Taz tell Aiden he needs to go and spend time at the convent and see the Oracle who can give him the answers he needs. Thoroughly enjoyed reading their story and finding out more about Aidens past. Lots of heat and more mystery and suspense than the little I have shared.
Profile Image for caroline wilson.
592 reviews3 followers
February 17, 2021
Book one was good but this one was better! I really enjoyed this one it was full of excitement and plot. The world building was top notch that it drew me in to this creature filled book that my paranormal heart loved. Their relationship progressed and I felt their connection. It had snarky banter that made me chuckle and I'm looking forward to the next book.
I received this book by the author and this is my honest opinion.
January 12, 2021
4/4.5 stars!
A steamy blend of sweet and sexy! I absolutely loved the story. Not only do we dive deeper into Aiden’s relationship with his sexy merman and see his friendship develop further but his parentage is revealed along with new and frightening enemies. I really enjoyed the new exciting twists and turns and certainly am excited for more!
Profile Image for Rachel .
2,200 reviews1 follower
February 15, 2021
Another great add to the series. Aiden and Nael are at it again and it's another adventure. I love seeing their family/connections grow as they grow closer. Great some new discoveries and I can see that this series can go far! Can't wait for the next. I voluntarily reviewed an 'Advance Author’s Copy' of this book.
Profile Image for Janet Hunt.
3,511 reviews42 followers
February 16, 2021
I liked this one so much better that the first story. Aiden and Naël are back! I loved how their relationship continued to grow and learning more about Aiden’s past. I love the banter between Aiden and Naël, the steaminess, the twists and turns of the story line but overall this was a great story! I’m voluntarily reviewing from an advanced copy that I received.
Profile Image for Siobhan Flynn.
568 reviews2 followers
February 18, 2021
A great read and very funny, I do enjoy the predicaments everyone finds themselves in. A big shock to the system for Aiden, he and Naël are very sweet together but man could I knock both their heads together at times. A new mystery to be solved and hijinks to be had I loved this story and look forward to book 3.
1,345 reviews7 followers
February 17, 2021
Aiden is still working to figure out himself with Nael at his side. But life can't be simple and easy so they must figure out the latest mystery while still strengthening their relationship. You will be pulled back into this world within the first few pages and you won't regret a moment of ignoring real life to turn the next page.
Profile Image for SFBookReviewer.
624 reviews2 followers
February 14, 2021
Of Scales & Fire continues the love story of Aiden and Nael and is the second book in the series. It is a paranormal mystery and romance filled with numerous magic creatures and a hot merman. The book is well written and full of suspense, twists, and turns to keep it interesting.
Profile Image for Mary Mary.
1,023 reviews49 followers
March 4, 2021
This is a book no. 2 in the "Of Magic and Scales" series and it has to be read in an order. The story is much better, funnier and definitely sexier than book #1. While I was a little bit disappointed while reading Of magic and scales, I really enjoyed this book. There is more action and it makes it more interesting.
MCs are still super hilarious with their jokes, teasing and well... stupidity. They are still super in love with each other and take care for Vee and their friends. They are adorable.
The story answers questions that were asked previously (finally!) and is full of new characters, problems and some REAL MYSTERY.

* i was gifted an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review *
Profile Image for David Thomas.
165 reviews1 follower
July 17, 2021
There is sex, thoughts about sex, sexual reactions to touch or conversations frequently throughout the book! Yes it is a Gay Harlequin Romance story. There is a story that is interesting going on. And for a gay growing up who watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer and probably the sequel, Angel, in the 1990's to not have watched the other fantasy series or at least known about it, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena, Warrior Princess, is ludicrous! If he didn't watch it, he should have heard of it and thus been aware of what a demi-god is! My disbelief jumped back through the window into my mind! The author is rewriting the Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel shows in a gay men's romance setting though with a Grim or Dresden Files plot line. Knowing that this is a Harlequin Romance I am now scanning through the sex scenes and daydreams to get back to the story quickly. I may read the third book for the end of the story.
Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews

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