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Wolf Girl #1

Wolf Girl

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When my parents were banished from Wolf City before I was born, I thought there was no way I would ever live in a pack again. Cuffed, with my shifter magic bound, I was forced to go to school with witches in order to keep my true nature from coming out.

Then I met him.

Sawyer Hudson.

The Alpha's son was visiting Delphi Witches' College and spotted me. He took one look at me, and an hour later, I was being pulled out of school, taken into Wolf City and leaving my parents and everything I knew behind.

It's the Alpha's son's selection year, the year he must pick a mate, and every female aged 18-22 must be in attendance.

I've landed myself in the middle of Werewolf Bachelor, and just when I think I've got a handle on things, Sawyer releases my cuffs, unbinds my magic, and sees what I really am.

The problem is, I don't know what this creature is that I transform into. It's not an ordinary werewolf, that's for damn sure.

302 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 13, 2020

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About the author

Leia Stone

86 books5,637 followers
Leia Stone is the USA Today bestselling author of multiple bestselling series including Matefinder and Wolf Girl. She's sold over two million books and her Fallen Academy series has been optioned for film. Her novels have been translated into five languages and she even dabbles in script writing. Leia writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance with sassy kick-butt heroines and irresistible love interests. She lives in Spokane, WA with her husband and two children.

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Profile Image for Laura Thalassa.
Author 52 books21.6k followers
January 4, 2021
THIS ONE WAS SO INSANELY GOOD!!!! I know it’s jumping the gun, but guys, this is my favorite read of 2021 so far! I finished Wolf Girl two days ago and have had the worst book hangover since! This is definitely a MUST READ!!
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,073 reviews111 followers
December 28, 2020

I pushed myself to get through this book, I'm just kinda at a loss? I think maybe I had such high hopes for this being totally bada***, I mean the whole idea of this book is freaking cool! A wolf being separate, split! Yeah definitely cool idea, but while actually reading this I just felt highly disappointed. I think the first thing I couldn't stand was demi, she as a character makes no sense. She has this cool fashion for everything grungy, punk, and rock, yet she keeps feeling like she should dress another way? It wasn't pulled off as a character comfortable being herself in her own style and skin. She was also supposed to be strong, we learn she had taken classes and learned to kick crazy a**. Yet she seems to freak out, have meltdowns, and cry every time something happens, it's like she needs Sawyer to come to the damn rescue each time? She also has this I don't want to deal with being another women waiting, yet through the entire book she is panting sadly over this guy, I mean she finds out she's like some other kinda shifter and instead of figure out what she is, or what she can do, she's more just wanting the alphas son and thats pretty much the whole book? And if that wasn't bad enough every time she does find out things about herself she right away thinks, oh no, Sawyer won't want me now, I got to much baggage, what if he finds out. I never read such a sad female lead character! Even at the end she's begging for the man's help! Not once does she take the bull by the f***** horn! She runs from everything! She relies on others to help her! It was down right pitiful. She is a victim thought out this entire read, so if you want to read about the most helpless H, who is different from the "barbies" because she supposedly likes gaming and fishnets, but doesn't wear her uniqueness like a women who gives zero F**** what others think! And the author just throws these kinda things in to be relatable, but our H is a sheep with zero personality, who couldn't pull off this very fake facade, and can't fight herself out a brown paper bag and has to have a big strong male hold her hand through it all!
Profile Image for julia.
976 reviews149 followers
March 3, 2021
3.75 ➼ 4 Stars!

I hated Mondays. They were like your period, they just snuck up on you out of nowhere and ruined your week.

-ˏˋ Initial Thoughts & Feelings ˎˊ-

Wolf Girl by Leia Stone was such a good time! Am I on a roll or what?

✨🐺Werewolves FOR THE WIN ✨🐺

What can I say, if I see 'wolf' in the title or summary I click purchase! WOLF GIRL is actually a kind of supernatural-romance that I haven't read in a while, so this one really took me back. I categorize WOLF GIRL as a YA/NA supernatural-romance romp. These books typically follow a 'spunky' female lead, the hero is almost never on page enough, and the heroines almost always end up being the most special of special that ever existed. I used to read this genre a lot back in HS, so this book really took me back to my youth *looks soulfully out into the distance*. Overall, WOLF GIRL worked for me, and while I did have some minor complaints I was mostly able to shut my brain off and enjoy.

-ˏˋ A Brief Summary ˎˊ-

WOLF GIRL follows nineteen year old Demi Calloway, a wolf shifter who has never shifted. Her parents were exiled from Wolf City before she was born and due to that she's been forced to repress her inner wolf. One day her life is changed forever when she bumps into Sawyer Hudson, the son of the Alpha. Sawyer takes one look at Demi and decides to pull some strings to get her into Wolf City, however since it is Sawyer's selection year he must pick a mate. Every female aged 18-22 must be in attendance, no exceptions. As Demi fondly calls it, Werewolf Bachelor. Things go awry quickly though, because when Demi fully releases her magic, it turns out her wolf side is different.

-ˏˋ What Worked For Me ˎˊ-

Demi - AKA Wolf Girl ✦ One of the major highlights of WOLF GIRL was, in my opinion, our heroine Demi Calloway! I say in my opinion because I noticed a lot of people seemed to be hit or miss on Demi. Personally I liked her and thought she was pretty funny - her sense of humor was ON POINT - and I looked forward to her take on the situation at hand.

No way was I crying in front of this giant dude and the witch. I’d wait until I was alone in my room and cry under my covers like a respectable woman, dammit.

Demi is a really interesting character in that, at first glance she seems to be snarky, a bit sarcastic, and "above it all". And yet, she's actually a really nice person, a great friend to those around her, and ultimately she's a survivor. She's been through a great trauma at a young age and while it did affect her greatly she wasn't defined by it. Instead author LEIA STONE made it apart of her character, but not her whole character. Demi as a protagonist was greatly balanced and it kept her from being one note. She had her humorous and snarky moments while at the same time she could get serious and vulnerable. I'm sincerely looking forward to seeing her grow as the series goes on and I have hope that she'll keep getting better as the series progresses!

Meet the Wolves

You know, I usually don't go into books blind, but every now and then I'll think, "you know what? let's be adventurous today!" I guess I was feeling adventurous on the day I picked up WOLF GIRL because I went in completely blind. Due to that, I was pleasantly surprised when the twist about Demi's wolf was revealed. You see unlike normal werwolves when Demi shifts she actually separates from her wolf and can move independently from it. This is super rare and being a split spirit marks her for death if her secret were to get out. This was such a fun twist that I hope gets further explored in the sequel. It was also interesting how this split spirit was a result of the trauma that Demi went through prior to this books beginning.

I might be a demon, or a split shifter, or whatever the hell these fairy tales called me, but my wolf saved me that night. As far as I was concerned, I was a fucking survivor.

I'm excited to see Demi grow into her magic as the series progresses because it seems she has a lot potential that has yet to be explored.

A Seriously Sweet Romance

It is so weird, but despite not liking Sawyer as the hero (he was meh IMO) I actually really liked the romance. I KNOW RIGHT, how often does that happen? I think what I really appreciated was, despite Sawyer not being the guy FOR ME he was the guy Demi needed. Demi's personality errs towards aloofness, sarcasm, and lots of humorous deflection. She has her reasons for being that way, but due to her personality type I don't think she would be well matched with a guy who was aloof, brooding, or a "bad boy". I think what Demi needed - or at least book 1 Demi - was a decent guy.

I made a decision then. Sawyer was a decent fucking guy, the only decent guy I’d met in a long time, and I was going to fight for a chance to date him.

It was really refreshing witnessing a werewolf romance that had the hero and heroine feeling equal. While Sawyer did have his alpha growly moments they never felt overbearing or TOO MUCH. Both Demi and I saw that (yup i said we), and Demi sure as hell appreciated that. Not only that, but despite Sawyer basically falling in love with Demi at first sight, the romance took a minute to build up. I mean this is how he allegedly described Demi to his friends and family the entire book -

"'My future wife.’” She emphasized the wife. “Hey, Sage, go get my future wife out of Delphi. Hey guys, I need to buy my future wife a camera, what is the best one? He’s never called you by your name, Demi. Not to me, or any of the guys he hangs with.”

HOWEVER, despite him knowing from he jump that she's THE ONE he doesn't push. He goes at her pace and instead shows his interest in her via. sweet gestures and even sweeter dates.

“Demi Calloway. Your major has been changed to Advanced Photography. Business has been dropped.”

This romance was the exact opposite of what I was expecting, but ultimately I was utterly charmed by it. WOLF GIRL is one of the rare times where I actually liked the romance but DIDN'T like the love interest.

-ˏˋ What I Wish Worked Better ˎˊ-

Werewolf Bachelor ✦ Man this is disappointing. WOLF GIRL has a really fun (yes i know i keep calling this book fun and that's because it was) side plot. See when Demi comes to Wolf City it's under the stipulation that she enters, what Demi lovingly names, Werewolf Bachelor.

✨ 🐺 Holy shit, I was totally on Werewolf Bachelor. ✨ 🐺

When this plot point was revealed I got super excited, and was really curious to see what author LEIA STONE would do with the concept of, The Werewolf Bachelor. The answer is. . .not much. It's pretty obvious from the start of the book that Sawyer is the main love interest, and it is also abundantly clear that he has his heart set on Demi. Therefore, the whole "werewolf bachelor" gimmick becomes null and void almost immediately because it's obvious that none of the other girls in the competition are threats. What I'm saying is, -


Sawyer - he's fine ✦ Sawyer was. . .he was. . .well. . .he was nice. NO, he was aggressively average. I think I have issues you guys. I'm finally presented with a werewolf Alpha whose not an overly possessive asshole, and my reaction is -

Seriously I wanted to like Sawyer SO BADLY, and I tried so hard. Like I said, the romance in WOLF GIRL warmed my soul, AND I sincerely appreciate WHY Demi fell in love with Sawyer.

He had a chiseled jaw and a chin butt. Honest to God, I’d always wanted to meet a guy in real life who had a chin butt. It was a weird fetish of mine. Bucket list achieved.

BUT ALAS, the only time I got remotely excited about him was when he dismembered some people / got pissed at the dudes staring at Demi in the club.

“Please go home,” he said. “Don’t make me rip their eyes out.”

Seriously, can we all just applaud Sawyer's sexy yet polite way of asking Demi to leave the club. GIVE ME MORE OF THAT. I cannot throughly express my disappointment enough. I went in expecting to adore this man and instead I left the book thinking, "I hope LEIA STONE pulls a, A Court of Mist and Fury, and swaps out the love interest." I think we can all agree that's NOT a great reaction to have about the love interest of a series. Quite honestly I think it's a ME THING, so don't let my "grand opinion" of Sawyer color the thoughts / feelings you have about him.

Demi's #NotLikeOtherGirls ✦ You guys I just need to let you know that Demi, is not like other girls. She wears converse sneakers with dresses, prefers t-shirts with quippy writing on it, wears jean shorts w/fishnets & doc martens, has no desire to be apart of Werewolf Bachelor, and is just generally cooler then every other girl she comes into contact with.

Okay, I kid, I kid, because like I mentioned, I really liked Demi. . .BUT, it was really hard to ignore the #ImNoTlIkEoThErgIrLs vibe she was emitting. Honestly it wasn't even Demi that was saying this stuff (whoops that's a lie), and instead it seemed like everyone around Demi *cough* Sawyer *cough* couldn't stop being FLOORED by how #NotLikeOtherGirls she was.

“Demi has a healthy sense of humor,” Sawyer told his butler with a wink.
Roland nodded. “You’ve never brought a girl home with one of those. It’s a nice change.”

please hold -

And it got to the point where Demi herself was buying into her own "iM nOt LiKe oThEr gIrLs" hype. I was able to overlook it, but it did get a bit annoying. There's no reason to look down on the other girls just because they want to be with Sawyer and wear dresses. Can we all stop pretending that wearing heels makes you "weak" or something, because, I don't about you guys, but I am in AWE of any women who makes wearing those torture devices look easy. ALSO, can I just say, unpopular opinion alert, that I HATE Converse sneakers. They are so stinking uncomfortable and I ALWAYS end up with blisters in the weirdest places when I wear them. Oh and they start to smell weird after a while (try and say differently I DARE YOU). what I'm saying is I wish I could spend my days wearing slippers. ANYWHO, while this didn't ruin the book for me it did annoy me greatly, and I felt this visceral need to share my annoyance with all of you lovely people.

That Weird Ass Ending ✦ The ending was. . .well I'm not quite sure WHAT it was. It was just. . .weird. I'm not sure WTF is going on with Sawyer, but it was weird, I didn't understand it, and. . .it was weird. IDK if any of you guys read the book hit me up and we'll discuss it. I - I don't know, it was just strange.

-ˏˋ Concluding Thoughts ˎˊ-

I greatly enjoyed WOLF GIRL ! Seriously even the things that didn't work for me, almost worked for me. I don't know if I was just in the right mood for a NA supernatural romance or what, but I was seriously charmed by this book. I personally think the best part of this book was Demi. The book really hinges on you liking Demi as a main character. If you like Demi and her humor then you're going to really enjoy the book. If you don't. . .well then. I'm eager to see where author LEIA STONE takes this series, and hopefully I'll end up liking Sawyer more as the series progresses. . .one can only hope. All in all, I comfortably recommend WOLF GIRL , especially if you're a fan of NA supernatural romances or werewolves in general.

Part of me really wanted to drive this pin into his fucking arm for what he did to me and my wolf. So I did.

what. a. QUEEN.
Profile Image for Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥.
846 reviews3,206 followers
February 22, 2022

I'm so glad the next book is already out, because I would have been freaking the fuck out if I had to wait months for the next book! 😂

I've been going through a bit of a book slump, and Wolf Girl was the perfect remedy for it. It's a fast paced, entertaining, NA shifter romance full of action, mystery, intrigue, and emotion. I literally couldn't put it down. Everything from the writing style to the storyline itself is amazing. A pounding headache didn't even get me to stop reading!

I absolutely adore Demi and Sawyer in every way possible. I felt their chemistry and connection immediately, and as they fell for each other, I fell for them. In other words, I loved this book, and if you're a paranormal romance fan, I think you should give it a try!

Okay, there is no way I'm putting myself through anymore unnecessary torture of waiting to see what's going to happen to Demi and Sawyer after that hellacious freaking cliffhanger, so excuse me, while I jump into book 2 right the fuck now!
Profile Image for  Rosebud.
1,052 reviews195 followers
January 2, 2021
Nineteen year old Demi Calloway has lived her entire life in exile with her parents. Ostracized from their pack before Demi was ever born, forced to live as humans, a magical wrist collar prevents them from shifting under any circumstances. In Demi's case, that means it's a life sentence as she's never shifted and never will.

A chance visit by Wolf City's Alpha's son and heir to her Delphi Witches' College changes Demi's life, setting in motion a future she never could have imagined.

"Demi Calloway,
You are hereby cordially invited to attend Sterling Hill Collegiate Academy of Werewolf Sciences. Werewolf Law 301.6 states that all unmated females ages 18-22 must be present the year the future alpha chooses his mate.
Werewolf City alpha in residence, Curt Hudson"

That's right. Demi Calloway has been invited to participate in the real life reality show equivalent of Werewolf Bachelor.


New series, new to me author. Blurb intrigued me to the point I had to grab it. I had high hopes and even higher expectations as this would be the last book I read in 2020. It just HAD to be good. Had to.

I wanted to like this book blurb as it had a freshness that had me thinking the author had found a new niche in paranormal romance. Stylin' media savvy down on her luck sort of female is drawn into the drama of being a contestant for the Alpha's son. A sort of modern day paranormal version of Cinderella with a The Bachelor twist.

The main characters were appealing. Sawyer Hudson - future Alpha who is required to claim his wife/mate from a pool of females. Demi Calloway - insignificant struggling female who has no hope of bettering her circumstances, but has attitude and style. Chance would bring them together while fate determined their future. Well, maybe, if the stars aligned and the puzzle pieces fall into place. Adding for those who are on a need to know basis: the majority of the romance scenes fall under the YA spectrum, however, there's a singular scene that some (not me) could consider adult content but that's it.

Over and above the romance elements, the author included plot twists, blind sides, and a horde of females vying for Sawyer's hand in marriage to spice things up. Now you have to know the other women aren't just going to roll over and let the outsider bust their chances of becoming the future Alpha's mate without a fight, especially Sawyer's ex.

Secondary cast of characters add value to the overall story. Sage would be a sure fit as my own BFF if I could bring her into the real world. Adding a tidbit and subjective opinion that I feel Sage & Eugene would make a cute couple (saying this as the author has other ideas for these two). On the whole though the secondary cast support the central characters with no other discernible independent purpose.


My issues with this book are broad and multifaceted. First is obvious and has to do with my confusion with the werewolf usage. For all practical purposes the shifters in this story are lupine which isn't the same as werewolf. I never really resigned the authors' vision on this.

Next is a matter of perspective. On a superficial level, this story mimics a paranormal equivalent of the reality show The Bachelor. The overall story is engaging and has it's moments of laugher, mystery/suspense, emotional angst, and back stabbing b*tches who want to claim the prize (Spencer) doing whatever they can to knock out their competition. That sort of set up does have appeal on a superficial level.

I'm a reader, however, who does dig beyond the surface, questioning the who/what/when/why and holds my fictional world building and characters accountable. Do they deserve that HEA (oh, by the way, the ending to this story is a cliffhanger that doesn't end well for Sawyer & Demi) or fall short because of missteps and glitches?

Doing my non-spoiler dance of vague references, my core query is the very foundation of the overall story. That being Sawyer showing up at Demi's school in the beginning. I understand and appreciate he was there, but why? The school is not part of his Alpha father's domain - it's a banished ostracized place that is a catch all for all types of similar situation paranormals - witches, fae, vampires, etc. and if I'm reading right Demi is the ONLY wolf there but he didn't know she exists in the first place or that ANY female wolf shiters are either. That begs me to question why he was there in the first place. He himself was a collegiate student who had no official role to validate his presence except to force a reason as a basis for the overall story.

Other parts of the story that were confusing include individual character actions/behaviors that just didn't make sense based on the fact they are paranormal animalistic college aged individuals - not middle school or high school. There's one TSTL situation that almost had me throwing in the towel entirely.

I really wish I would have given this book a better review as it had some really good moments. I think a copy line editor, proofer, or experienced beta reader might have given things a better flow and cleaned up the overall end product The next in series of 2 is due out in Feb 26 2021 Lost Girl which I will be grabbing to find out where the journey between Sawyer & Demi leads me.
Profile Image for Mikky.
870 reviews232 followers
August 16, 2021
Originally posted at:

This book was going to get a 4-star review before that ending. After that ending, it's getting a 3-star review. I've been more open and understanding of cliffhanger endings in the last few years. I may not love them but I don't hate them with a passion of one thousand suns like I used to. This ending however was cruel, for the sake of being cruel. Had the next book not been available right away I would have stopped reading this series then and there.

Demi was an okay character. At first, she seemed like a carbon copy of another heroine this author has written in the past. I got over it but it was weird at first. I disliked how she was made to be powerless because other people thought it was better for her without even talking her options through *cough* Sawyer *cough*.

Sawyer just rubbed me the wrong way. One moment he was the sweetest a guy could be and available emotionally. The next he was secretive and all like "I'm going to have to do something you to you that may make you dislike me. I'm sorry". Just no. The overall insta-love between them also didn't make me feel any warm fuzzies either.

The ending deserves to be burned with fire. I disliked it very much. I would recommend you have the second book in hand for when you finish this because you will rage. Overall, I like the world the author created enough to continue on in this series. Let's see how far I get into it before I rage quit for good.

The Audio Book:

The narration was great! All the characters had distinct enough voices to be distinguishable from one another.
Profile Image for TJ ☾.
739 reviews1,735 followers
March 24, 2021
So this was NA (they were in college) but it felt very YA, and in order to enjoy this I had to revert back to the mindset of 13-year-old TJ. The nostalgia hit hard, yanno? If I could love Twilight w my whole heart at some point in my life, I can get my ass on board w this book. Demi (h) has the I'm-not-like-the-other-girls vibe I prob wouldn't have realized was problematic at that age, and Sawyer (H) is basically a Disney Channel star. He's like if you mixed Troy Bolton and Ethan Craft (Lizzie Mcguire anyone?) and that's fine w me bc before I was even thinking about this stuff, I'm pretty sure deep down I was convinced that Ethan Craft absolutely fucks

So starting w Demi, most times I really liked her but sometimes I'd find myself thinking girl no🔪🔪🔪 girl stop🔪🔪🔪girl why🔪🔪🔪 but it wasn't often. I liked Sawyer and thought he was so sweet but I wanted more oomph. He was an alpha wolf and while I appreciated that he was liberated, I actually wanted that teensy bit of toxic behavior, barely any, just a little sprinkle of it here and there like salt bae. Honestly he was v cute tho and did a lot of sweet, corny things that had the adolescent girl in me squealing.

ex 1. Demi told him she was into photography so he asked for her Instagram even though he didn't have an account. She told him it was WolfGirl_4 and like five minutes later WolfDude_4 followed her, and the only picture on it was a picture of her converse he'd taken just before.


ex. 2. The fact that Sawyer has been committed since Day 1.
"'My future wife.’” She emphasized the wife. “Hey, Sage, go get my future wife out of Delphi. Hey guys, I need to buy my future wife a camera, what is the best one? He’s never called you by your name, Demi. Not to me, or any of the guys he hangs with.”

🌪Some random thoughts before I wrap this thing up🌪

🐺 Her mom's banishment story was so interesting, way more interesting then Demi's story tbr. Once she started telling it I was like shiii I need to go get some popcorn. Basically moms was juggling three guys, 2 of them were alpha royalty from different clans and one of them had savage forbidden Khal Drogo vibes from what I'm gathering. All three were in love w her beyond all reason. What an absolute legend talk about bomb pussy I'd be so proud if I were Demi just like 🗣🗣 LISTEN UP PEASANTS 🗣🗣 THATS MY FUCKIN MOM RIGHT HERE. YOU PLAY THE GAME, SHE MADE THE GAME XX💋

🐺 Demi's wolf was wayyy too overpowered. It seemed like she was able to manifest a convenient power for any situation she found herself in

🐺 The curse was stupid and uneccesary. I think I've been a pretty good sport about a lot of juvenile cliche shit in this book, but I draw my line at the fairytale, "A witch cursed my family a thousand years ago and my wife needs to truly love me when we marry or I die." Just.... Shhhhhhh 🤡 Stop talkingggg 🤫 You're ruining ittttt. That trope only works in Beauty and the Beast bc the beast is absolutely gnarly looking. You do not have the same problems sir 🙃🙃

🐺 THE FUCK WAS THAT ENDING???? I had a pretty good time up until that point but now I'm going into book 2 like 🥴😬😬
Profile Image for Mflukie.
169 reviews6 followers
May 22, 2022
I thought this book went at a good pace. It kept me interested and then the ending hit. I get having cliff hangers, but this one was horrible. It took a decent guy and a decent girl almost getting a HEA and turned them both into idiots. Seriously they just imprinted and literally feel what each other are feeling and thinking and he still doesn’t believe her. Blah. It doesn’t make me want to read the next one.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alli.
339 reviews15 followers
January 18, 2021
DNF at 78%
No... just no. Insta-love with a damsel in distress FMC that needs saved. And maybe I’m just a petty bitch but I would not have forgiven Sawyer for stripping her of what she is. This book was just not it.
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
February 4, 2021

The moment I discovered I was going to hate-reading this, I knew it was the time to stop. I got too many backlist that I need to get to and spending time with book that I know wouldn't make me feel good is just not worth the time.

Fuck Werewolf Bachelor. I don't even like the human show one.

P.s. DNF at 25%.
Profile Image for Tassi (Read Ramble Repeat).
353 reviews65 followers
March 24, 2021
Man! I don't even know where to start with this book! But I can tell you, it is an absolutely phenomenal read. This book tore at my heart and I could barely process what Leia puts us and her characters through. Like my brain truly stopped processing right at the end. I couldn't even rant. It just ended up being a few short messages that I sent to a friend. I think it went something like. "Oh damn." "My heart." "It legit hurts." That ending. Just...I'm not okay with that. I don't wanna wait until February for my answers. That seems really far away. Like soooo far away!

My heart seriously feels like it just took a major beating...and I'm blaming Leia's magic and her ability to just reach inside me and make me feel things, that I don't want to be feeling. I'm just left here like WOW! I'm very cranky at a certain someone...I just can't believe how he could do that and not listen or believe her! Not cool bro. After everything she's been through and bam you just go and make these stupid decisions in the heat of the moment...you should've known the girl you were with but nope...I know your heart was hurting and you were mad but still. I will stand up for you, even though you made some really bad, terrible decisions. I get why in your head you did what you did...I love you...but just...so cranky and disappointed in you Mister. I totally felt like I had a mum moment just now lol.

I think the ending hit me hardest because Sawyer isn't the typical Alpha heir. He is just so kind, caring and protective...so when everything goes to hell and he turns all jerk-face-potatoey it's just like a punch to the gut. Even if he is hurting...

I honestly have no clue how this Ramble is going to go. Even a day and a half later and I still just don't know what to write. All I know is that I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to get more answers. I have a lot of thoughts as to where this story may go, but ugh it's not the same as having the actual story and knowing for sure where it's going....so I know this is probably gonna mess with my head a fair bit until that time.

So imagine this ↓ mess in my head, as I try and act all cool, calm and collected. Don't panic, we just being internally flooded with questions. We will be fine. Maybe haha.

For that's where I'll be until I have answers lol

Let's move on from my misery, shall we? And let me tell you a little bit about the story. So we have Demi who has been raised outside of Wolf City, without a pack, as her parents were banished prior to her birth. Demi has had to survive in a world where she has had to be magically cuffed her whole life. Trapped and caged within her own body, never being allowed to shift. She's attended school with Witches and other magical beings...bullied every day. Lost and losing hope of ever being who she was always meant to be...to stop having to fight her wolf and just let her free, without restraint and punishment...But everything changes, when Sawyer Hudson makes a stop at her school...and sees her and the internal battle she's fighting within.

Sawyer is the next Alpha Heir. And he changes the whole game for her. Before he leaves the school, a message is delivered to Demi. A release of the banishment on her. She is finally allowed back into Wolf City. Under the condition of her participating in the Alpha Heir's selection, to pick his mate. Hello werewolf bachelor.

Demi has to make this decision quickly, like say 60 seconds kind of quick lol...and she has to leave everything she knows behind, right then and there. It's time to leave her life behind and begin anew. Before she can get comfortable in her new life, the day she lets her wolf free...everything changes, all over again. When Sawyer helps her to shift for the first time, there's nothing normal about it...and is something that must be hidden from the shifter world. It could mean her death...and she has no clue why her wolf doesn't shift like the others. Before she even gets to experience true freedom, she is once again bound to not shift.

I found this story to be quite unique. I can say, until today, I have never read a book like The Bachelor, werewolf style. The plot grew at a nice pace and there was always something interesting popping it's head in, keeping your interest piqued at all times. It does lull you into a sense that all is going to be okay...right until the last moment and then BAM!...hello big, new, bad problems. It's like we got our own Ursula working behind the scenes. Could you please stop already...these new developments are more than enough.

Okay, I seriously can't say anything more...even though a lot of other big things go down on top of this. But there is so much more to the story and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds. I instantly loved the characters that were created and have become quite invested in this new series of Leia's. My heart has so much love for these people I just met (even certain someones that I'm currently very mad at - please make them grovel just a little lol - I am not petty at all lol)...my heart, truly, hurts for all that Demi has gone/goes through in this book. She's a character you can easily just connect to and love... I tell you, your heart truly goes through an emotional wringer as you read her story. Talk about emotional whiplash...that was the case for me anyway. I'm still not over it, nor has it all been truly processed.

I do feel it is necessary to warn you guys that this isn't really a book for a younger audience, in my opinion. The content is of a more mature nature. Demi has gone through some really rough/dark times and although it doesn't delve too deeply into it, more like memory flashbacks, but she was raped and the word is used a handful of times throughout. So this could be a little bit of a trigger for some, please do keep that in mind.

So, who's excited to dive into this new book by Leia? Wolf Girl is releasing on the 27th December so not too much longer to wait! 😀 I can't wait for you guys to see the world that has been created, it was very different and truly has caught my attention. I have a feeling you will really like it. So much drama and so many problems. A book lovers happy place (well, that sounds weird but you guys know what I mean, hopefully, lol). I'm definitely intrigued how this story will grow. Especially with that ending. I feel like it has really opened up the door for so much growth.

Thank you so much, Leia, for creating this world and more characters for me to fall in love with. It's always quite the adventure you take your readers on. 🖤 Thanks for having me around on your ARC team and for putting up with my crazy ways lol.

As always, this is my honest opinion of this book and can't wait to read more! Now what to read next. I feel like I may need to do a detox or something haha. Is there such a thing as a book detox? If not...

Now I just need to work my head out, which is basically a lost cause...so maybe I'll just pretend I'm all good lol.

But before I get to that stage...

Moving on....anywho, that's all my brain can deal with right now, which is probably a good thing lol. So, I'll be leaving you to it.

Profile Image for April Neese.
1,087 reviews20 followers
January 14, 2021
I have no idea how I got through this....

It was so bad. So so bad. One of my favorite authors recommended it, so I kept reading, hoping that it would suddenly get better or that the ending would make up for the horrible writing, storyline, plot- but dear god, I want my three hours back.

This reads like a watt pad book, or a blog story from a teenager. The shallowness of the character development, the lazy world building, the poor plot (why the heck did The H show up at her school in the beginning? There was no reason for him being there?) the lack of creativity (the author literally named a city full of werewolves.... werewolf city...) The super cheesy cringe dialogue... (like, why did everyone speak as if they were 15?)

Just... how is this for adults? Yikes.

Profile Image for Lady Raven RAVE!.
1,824 reviews1,418 followers
June 3, 2021

Style: Paranormal Shifter/Fantasy Romance
Story: 3.5/5
Enjoyment: 3.5/5
Dark Level: 1/5
Sexual Level: OK- GOOD
Triggers: Yes
Violence: No
Male: Alpha
Series: N/A
Pages: 302
Audio: GOOD (female)
Kindle Unlimited: Yes

So I enjoyed the storyline and the concept of this book. There were a few positives and negatives but felt that it intrigued me enough to see what book two has to offer.

Demi’s family was banished years ago from wolf City. This in turn made her life hell, always attending schools where she isn’t amongst her own kind. Out of nowhere the Alpha’s son, from Wolf City, Sawyer, appears and gets a special invite to have her back in Wolf City to be a part of a selection of wolf women 18-22 vying to be his mate.

Demi’s character was likable, and I like knowing that she is a little different in her wolf form. Her coyness at times with Sawyer in the beginning have you cheering them on. She gives me strong but is still always unsure. Sawyer was appealing from the start. It was apparent from the beginning how he felt about Demi and love, watching the way he was protective of her while still having his duty with all these competing females wanting to mate and wed the soon-to-be Alpha. It was a nice addition seeing that there were other creatures, like vamps that were not for the wolves and vice versa that causes conflict. Also, the reason why Demi’s mother was banished was like a what in the soap opera universe is going on?

Why it was 3.5 stars, I am realizing a pet peeve for me is reading YA books that aren’t playing their parts or position in regard to character and scenery. I came with the mindset of 21 year olds in college, but Demi and Sawyer read like they were 17 in high school. They didn’t come off as grown to me. Throughout the book, I kept forgetting they were 21. Also, the cliffhanger, come on, this definitely could have been a one shot deal, and then we could have a story in book two with Sawyer’s cousin and best friend. The conflict that causes the cliffhanger received an eye roll.

For 21 year olds, their sex scene was ok. I felt it could have been more, especially with that awesome connection they had.

Sage - Sawyer’s cousin. So loving her in this story. I don’t know what’s to come in book 2 and 3 but she needs a book.

Walsh - Sawyer’s best friend. Really need to see what can blossom between him and Sage.

Raven - Demi’s best friend from Delphi Uni. Clearly she isn’t a shifter but want more of her.

I enjoyed the story with a few buts. The book isn’t dark but still gave it a 1/5 for dark level as the rape was not shown but it is talked about a lot due to what surrounds that act that will later affect Demi.

✰✰TRIGGERS: rape

****I don’t equate these stories to real life. It’s about personal taste and what you would or want to tolerate with the books you read. I know we all have different opinions and preferences with what we read. I based my book reviews on my preferences and what I like, and while these preferences may not be the same for others, I hope this review was still helpful.
Profile Image for Maddy.
179 reviews72 followers
January 10, 2021
It started off quite enjoyable, a kind of “Werewolf Bachelor”. However I was a bit disappointed how Demi was not the strong person she thought she was. I understand Sawyer was an alpha but it didn’t mean she had to be rescued or saved by him ALL the time. She had these super powers yet she didn’t really take advantage of it. The ending didn’t make sense at all either...they had the true mate thing...could talk telepathically and feel each other’s emotions yet Sawyer didn’t realise how sorry or how sincere Demi was....yeah right....if he couldn’t tell from all of that...what chance do regular folk have in the real world 🤣.
Profile Image for Tee.
120 reviews56 followers
May 5, 2021
Certified Trash😖

Actually let me be more specific, the book is trash for anyone above the age of 15 tops, but too explicit for anyone below 15.

I can't really tell who the target audience is.
Profile Image for ★Me Myshelf and I★.
292 reviews502 followers
December 31, 2020
4.5 stars

Either the ”rejected wolf” trope is really gaining ground or my kindle has latched onto a book I read once and is recommending me everything similar out there. Thankfully this one paid off, so many wolf shifter books I’ve read this month are borderline OV (if you don’t know what that is then probably best not to ask), with messed up magic and shifters who really aren’t shifters at all. Thankfully this is not in either of those categories. Even though I really enjoyed Jaymin Eve’s entry into this new fad Shadow Beast Shifters, I liked this one more and enough to leave a review!

It was nice just to read something with normal(ish) wolf shifter in a world I actually understood. It had a little complexity and our heroine is a wee bit outside the norm but the reasons given were simple and believable.
The whole book was a really relaxing read, not too dark, not complicated, not angsty, romantic but with a bit of drama too. So easy to read I ended up finishing it before I knew it.

The book even gives its own perfect description and hook ”the werewolf version of The Bachelor”. If that doesn’t make you want to pick it up then it probably isn’t one for you.

It has a little bit of everything I like, dating, dorm rooms, a heroine who is funny and has her own personality but also has a bit of a broken past.

There is a trigger warning at the start but unless you truly suffer from PTSD then I wouldn’t let it put you off. It’s only spoken in past tense and without much detail.

It was the ending that put it down from 5 stars. It just came out of the blue and spoiled a bit of my enjoyment. Still can’t wait for book 2 though!

I may need a break from shifters for a while until then.
Profile Image for Jena .
2,314 reviews2 followers
April 29, 2021
What a nasty book, DNF 50% because the h is another fucking doormat.

This shifter romance has this odd wolf bachelorette thing going where the alpha wolf goes on dates with 50 girls to pick his mate, and the h is one of the contestant.

so for a month, he goes on dates with all 50, and most he kisses, because this part is him checking their chemistry. So disgusting and corny. So the h waits til he’s done dating all 49 of them, hoping she’ll get a turn....wtf is wrong with girls like this. But when he finally asked her out and takes her to his fathers birthday party, she’s thinking how lucky she is, wow. Lol. But that’s not all, after going on 50 dates, he will pick 20 and go on more dates.

Go buy yourself a spine, girl. He’s just kissed 49 girls. I DNF because I have no patience for doormats and authors who write weak females like this. Writing was also juvenile.

Safety gang
All this happens before they even share a kiss, but it’s still disgusting nonetheless, because they flirt from the beginning.

Book hints at the h being raped in the pas5 by a vampire.
Profile Image for innferno.
146 reviews19 followers
July 24, 2021
Juvenile. Full of internalized misogyny. Pick-me fmc. "Not like other girls" fmc. Liking to eat is not a personality trait. Dumb and boring male romantic interest. Cringe.
Profile Image for inabookshell.
135 reviews343 followers
February 2, 2021
This was so much fun! I love werewolf books, they are one of my faves but it is very hard to find one that I like. This book exceeded my expectations! The ending felt a little rushed to me though and I felt like I was in a wattpad novel when the plot twist was happening but I still loved it ahahaha the pain from the ending hurts.

Profile Image for Mellea.
148 reviews32 followers
January 4, 2021
3.75 stars. I really have some mixed feelings about this one. Some of it was just too juvenile for me... instalove, wishy-washy insecure FMC, overly describing outfits (huge pet-peeve of mine). Other times I really enjoyed it... the fighting. But unfortunately there wasn't enough fighting from Demi. She was mostly being saved. I prefer my female leads to be bad-ass, confident, tough as hell, and not scared to take on the enemy. Didn't really get that here. And that ending... I got whiplash, went from everything is wonderful to everything has gone to hell in like 3 pages. WTF? All that said, I will be reading the next one. I need to know what happens next.
Profile Image for Kelly.
1,328 reviews531 followers
June 18, 2021
What the hell is that ending? LMAO. Why do you have to ruin everything? The way it happened was simply ridiculous!! Ugh *insert eye roll*

Wolf Girl was addicting, that's for sure. And I'm going to read the next book soon however I am hoping that the author isn't going to make me angry or mad for a long time because we know that this new problem will be resolved but oh man, I hope Leia Stone won't take forever to get there because I don't want to be frustrated, ok?

I don't know why this was going to be a paranormal RH only to discover there is no RH in this book. I'm not mad about it, not one bit since this is pretty entertaining so far.
Profile Image for Tink Magoo is bad at reviews.
1,275 reviews236 followers
January 3, 2021
I'm putting this author on my step away from shelf as I've given up. The descriptions are always intriguing but I'm let down most of the time put the cut and paste females she writes.

You have a special snowflake in a school/academy/small town setting full of bitches and a Male lead that's never met anyone like her. Theres a risk to her life blah blah. Always the same.

My main issue was that his heroine came across like a 15 year old rather than 20. Giggling over boys and clothes and SNORING. I'm done
Profile Image for Daisy Delfin.
1,200 reviews158 followers
December 30, 2020

Pages: 229
My rating: 4
Read other books by this author in the future: yes
MC: Demi Calloway, Sawyer Hudson
SC: Raven (witch), Wolfs: Curt Hudson (alpha in residence), Sage, Brandon, Quan, Walsh, Eugene (Guard/Security), Meredith (bitch),

Demi grew up knowing she is a wolf but magically bound with cuffs so that she is like a human. She has to go to Delphi University, where she is an outsider. There she meets Sawyer how is the next alpha of the pack. He frees her from Delphi University. And takes her to wolf city where she has to attend a wolf bachelor. She is on of 50 girls competing. But she is not like the other girl and knows nothing about being a werewolf.

Sage, Sawyers cousin help her a lot and they become friends.

The story was really good. I started it and just finished it really fast. It was easy to read, entertaining and sometimes funny sometimes sad. I enjoyed every minute. The End is pretty sad, but I kind of expected that something will happen to change what is actually set out to happen. Next book will be out in February and I am looking forward, to read it. Leia is one of my favourite authors and she did it again.

Summery of the whole story:
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jessica.
33 reviews
January 5, 2021

I don't even know how I finished that.
Insta-love, '' I'm so not like other girls, cause all of them are obviously vapid Barbies ''


And that fucking ending.
I will definitely not be reading the rest, I will spare myself the torment.
514 reviews79 followers
January 8, 2021
Oh my gosh 😳

This is the first book I’ve read by this author, but it’s safe to say it won’t be the last 😅

The world she’s created for our wolfboy and girl is amazing! The plot is pure perfection, and it had me gripped from beginning to end.
Profile Image for Naia Pard.
Author 1 book98 followers
December 29, 2020
This book was the first book I have read in which Instagram was integrated as the part of a character's life. There were talks about posts, accounts and followers. Not much, but enough to surprise me as usually the consensus is that the main characters lives in the modern world without having to prove it.

I have read other books of Leia Stone`s and I found them agreeably and witty enough that the name of the author has stuck with me. When I saw this book I said that I had nothing to lose, as anyway I am waiting for the January and February books to be released.

This was a pretty neat linear story. The girl that meets the boy and they have some struggles peppered along the way. Nothing overly complicated, easy to go through. However, my objections would be that even if the book was modern enough to introduce Instagram into conversations, some of the ways in which the relationship between those two was described tended to be stuck in time.

To give credit the characters made some meta-commentaries when it came to the form in which the male lead had to chose his mate and she said that it looks like The Bachelor but for werewolves. But meta commentaries and ironic observations do not make everything better. There were things like she being his and he getting annoyed when she jumps on the dance floor while he is at date with another girl. Him being overly protective and bestows countless presents on her and pays for her education and everytime she mentions that she wants something or she id displeased with something he pops out of nowhere and “fixes” it.

Instagram\\my Blog\\

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