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285 pages, Hardcover
Published September 7, 2021
This book made me wish that I could travel back in time while sleeping and wake up in ancient Egypt, and when I woke up I would be invisible to everyone but myself. And I would explore every part of ancient egypt, especially the pyramids that had different pharaoh tombs in it and what they would give each pharaoh in their tomb. The tomb that I would want to see the most would be King Tut’s.
This book made me realize that there is always a bigger picture and that you should never think something is easy. For example most people thought that King Tut’s tomb was just found and that was it, but the truth is that just from that tomb alone we discovered King Tut's dad,mom, ancestors, grandparents etc. And plus we would have never known that King Tut’s tomb was robbed, and that the robbers went into the pyramid twice to rob something. That's really interesting stuff, and we would have never found all of this if we never looked for the bigger picture.
This book made me wonder if Ancient Egypt was present today with pharaohs, pyramids, and everyone in between. It would probably be the most advanced civilization in our time, because if Ancient Egypt could have built pyramids so long ago, imagine what they could do now with everything that we have in today's world. They might have even conquered all of Africa
This book made me see that when people tell you to study, work, and give in one hundred and ten percent of your strength into something that you love doing you should, because in a couple more years from now none of us from this generation will be here anymore, but we can set and example just like the Egyptians set ones for us. Imagine you are in a desert, you are a nomad who was just passing by, all you see is sand, not a single building, and then you see one piece of mud and clay, if you found the source of where that mud and clay came from you could build a house here who knows maybe even more. Either way, if you did it or not, that did not stop the Egyptians from building a masterpiece using mud and clay standing at 150 meters tall. That's how the Egyptians set an example for everyone who came after them. They were always determined.
This book made me believe that even people who have nothing or close to nothing can still accomplish more than anyone around them. Just look at the Egyptians they built so many things and accomplished so much. Including King Tut who made Egypt a polytheistic civilization again after his father turned it monotheistic. They even fought the Nubians for control of the Nile.
This book made me feel interested since it talked about how so many people tried to discover a tomb or something that could tie back to Ancient Egypt and so many people failed but once they found King Tut’s tomb so many pieces came together and it was one of the biggest discoveries in the history of the world.
This book made me hope for newer and bigger and better discoveries that relate to Ancient Egypt or just anything in general to get more information on what happened back then. And so that we can get a better and bigger picture of how it would look and feel to live back then.
Overall I had many emotions and thoughts while reading this book and if I had the chance to read the book again I would definitely read it, but this time knowing all that I know it will be even better. And if you like reading non-fiction books on life back then or different civilizations I think you should give it a try and read this book as well.