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Lean and Green Cookbook 2021: Harness the full power of "Fueling Hacks Meals" with 400+ Super Fast, Super Easy, and Enjoyable Recipes to Lose Weight Easily

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The rule is to prepare your dishes according to your needs , and you will see how easy it can be.The Lean and Green Diet is not just about fitness. It's about health and well-being .If you want to enjoy your life without the need of suffering for your weight, I've got just the right advice for you! This diet helps you get rid of the extra pounds by preparing dishes that can satisfy your needs!They are made from low-calorie and low-fat ingredients that help you lose weight without feeling like you are restricting your diet .The lean and green diet is very easy to follow as our experts didn't intend to make it hard for anyone. This diet was made with the intention of helping men, women and children get in shape easily.The menus and dishes were prepared according to the lean and green dietary recommendations .The recipes are simple , so you can enjoy them with your family and friends without any worries about the nutrition or portion sizes. It's important to understand that most diets to lose weight work because they limit some kinds of foods that can be harmful for our health. ✅ 400+ Lean and Green Recipes that will never leave you hungry✅ All ingredients are followed by his Lean and Green profile for a fast and effective choice.✅ At the end of each recipe, you will find the calorie balance and the protein-fat distribution .✅ You can choose according to the complexity of the recipe with the Difficulty Index (Easy, Medium, Hard )✅ or according to the time required for preparation and cooking✅ You can choose by category : Appetizer and Snack, Breakfast Recipes, Breakfast, Meat, Poultry, Seafood, Vegetable, Salad, and Dessert This book will also explain everything about the Lean and Green Diet, from what it is, why it is essential, and how it works. It will explain how the food groups and meal combinations can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

556 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 14, 2021

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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 reviews
319 reviews2 followers
August 22, 2021
Lean Green & Healthy

Lots green and good protein. Keep fueling your magnificent body!!!. Eat well, lose weight and feel good!!! If you go 2 or 3 days on the lean and green diet you will feel better. The body doesn't need to be bogged down with processed foods and super fatty foods.. It's about being healthy fit and living a happy life. These recipes are easy and they taste good. Little-by-little my whole family is lean and green whether they like it or not. They'll thank me later. I just keep sneaking in the recipes and nobody has any complaints. Great cookbook. Your kids will love the Airfryer desserts.
Profile Image for Jodee Thompson.
977 reviews8 followers
August 19, 2021
Excellent Recipes

This book has a ton of healthy recipes to enable the reader to begin to eat more nutritious food. She also includes Air Fryer Recipes so the reader can have their favorites, and make them a lot healthier.
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 reviews

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