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Bought-the-Farm Mystery #9

Swan with the Wind

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Inside this gorgeous swan is an ugly duckling just waiting to get out.

Family. Can’t live with them, can’t let them be wrongly accused of murder. At least, that’s how it works for Ivy and the Galloway clan. Now her best friend, Jilly Blackwood, is in a similar bind.

Jilly hasn’t seen her grandmother since feathers flew in a family feud years ago. That suited Jilly just fine because her true family—the one she found in Clover Grove—is more than enough.

But when Gran calls from her retirement community asking for help, Jilly can’t say no. Someone has died under suspicious circumstances and neighbors are blaming either the vicious swan that just moved in ... or Jilly’s grandmother. Gran may be quirky, but Jilly knows she’s not capable of murder.

It’s time for Ivy, Keats and Percy to join Jilly on the road trip of a lifetime. Will the crime-solving team make it back to Runaway Farm alive?

Join hobby farmer Ivy Galloway and her brilliant sheepdog, Keats, as they wrangle rescue animals and ruthless killers in this lighthearted cozy mystery series for animal lovers. If you enjoy a little magic with your mysteries, Ellen Riggs is also the author of the Mystic Mutt Mystery series.

264 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 24, 2021

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Ellen Riggs

42 books111 followers

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Profile Image for QNPoohBear.
3,289 reviews1,531 followers
March 28, 2023
Ivy and Jilly, along with Keats and Percy, head to southern Hill Country to visit Jilly's estranged grandmother in her upscale gated retirement community. It seems a swan has been terrorizing the residents and they want something done. With a reputation as an animal whisperer, Ivy is eager to help. Keats is not so sure given that he loathes water. Along the way, they encounter cars tailing them and possibly another dead body. Keats and Percy swore it was there but when Ivy tries to show Jilly, it's gone as is the picture on her phone. Confused and scared, the ladies boogie out of the motel. Upon arrival, the humans learn of the jealousies and rivalries among the women in the community, many of whom believe they are witches. Ivy and Jilly are also treated to the gossip about the ill-behaved men and see first-hand how the dynamics work. They also see the intense security and how closely the residents are guarded. When the newsletter writer, Charlotte Greenwich, is discovered floating in the reeds, everyone is naturally freaked out, especially Jilly who is worried about her Gran. Ivy is aghast to discover the SWAN is to blame for Lottie's death when Ivy, Keats and the local police chief, believe it was murder. When Jilly's Gran and Ivy become the chief suspects, Ivy sets out to save the swan and solve the mystery herself. Then another resident turns up dead and Ivy and Jilly must accept help from an unlikely source if they're going to save the swan AND solve the mystery.

This story didn't appeal to me as much as the others. I missed the animals. Keats is wonderful and I love his bond with Ivy but just Keats and Percy didn't make me as happy as the whole farm. Also, I did not like the slight paranormal element. That's not my thing. This story leads into a spinoff series I have no intentions of reading. I wasn't thrilled about the organized crime aspect either. If that's going to be the thing, I probably won't end up finishing the series. A different enemy, one targeting the animals or the farm, would be preferable to the ridiculous hill country mob plot. Equally ridiculous was the subtropical climate with alligators and Burmese Pythons. um what? Clover Grove is a day's drive from Boston and this new community in southern Hill Country, is two days drive from Clover Grove heading south. Why is the climate so different? That was weird.

The plot of this novel meandered a lot and had too many characters and plotlines to keep track of. Poor Jilly has lost her spark and put Asher on freeze. Kellan sees it before Ivy does and wants the pair back together so Asher can do his job more effectively. Ivy refuses to push to work things out between her brother and her friend, choosing to side with Jilly no matter what. Kellan worries about Ivy when he's not there to protect her but he is nice enough to stop short of forbidding her to investigate. He just wants her to stay safe. This story illuminates just how far Kellan has come with the animals compared to the no pets gated community and their security and the town's police chief. Kellan is very sweet. I missed Edna until she suddenly reappears in blazing glory but I missed Gertie too.

Jilly's family had a feud when she was back in high school and she hasn't spoken to her extended family since. Her mom and aunt argued over the old family home and sending Gran to a retirement community. In the end, Gran went to the retirement community and Jilly's Aunt Shelley got the family home. Aunt Shelley's wayward daughter Janelle was once Jilly's best cousin forever. They were like twins until Janelle went astray and Jilly was blamed. With family like that who needs enemies? Poor Jilly! No wonder she learned to turn on the charm and please people. No wonder she thinks the Galloways are lively and fun. They are compared to Jilly's family. Their story is complicated as the women believe they are witches. The trait missed Jilly's mom and her but Gran thinks she can tell the future. However, Bridie's predictions never come true and it may have made her a lot of enemies. Also the fact that she knows so many secrets isn't making her friends and may lead to trouble. Therefore, she's locked in a gated community she can't leave- for her own good.

Um wow! Witches? I tune out when I hear that. That's so silly and I don't read paranormal cozies for a reason. I wish this one had been more clear about what it was. Jilly's Gran is not very likable at first. She's bohemian only in her style but not in her viewpoints. However, the more time she spends with the renegade farmer and chef and the four-footed sleuths, the more she starts to warm up and come around. It's obvious she loves her granddaughters and wants them to be friends again. She cares for Jilly and follows Jilly in the news. She asked Jilly to come and bring Ivy and Keats partly because she needed help and partly because she wanted to see her granddaughter. Jilly is a bit hard on her. Jilly is also hard on Asher. Why freeze him out without talking to him about what's bothering her? When she does talk it out, her fears are understandable but guess what? He has his own hang-ups because of his dysfunctional family! COMMUNICATION people!

The gated community has two security guards. Special Constable Larry Helms is not the brightest bulb in the box. He gets knocked out by his hoverboard pretty quickly and drops out of the story. I find that highly suspicious! Special Constable Doug Farrow has ego and attitude enough for both of them. He sees himself as a leader in charge and nothing can stand in his way. This man is by no means and animal lover and I suspect he may be an animal abuser. He knows more about what's going on than he's sharing.

The High-and-Mightys, the Mighties for short, are the most gossipy old ladies. I hate that sort- the type that thinks they're better than everyone and reports everyone else's every movement to everyone else- in the name of law, morality, etc. Lottie, the first victim, was the Mightiest of Mighties. She kept the community newsletter and was the source of all the gossip. She knew everyone's secrets and someone may have killed her because of it. She didn't deserve that even if she was a nosy old lady. She mainly kept the good stuff to herself. Lottie was engaged in a rivalry with Bridie and others with the gift of second sight. Each wanted to be the go-to fortune teller. Perhaps Lottie's gift got her killed. Lottie also had a big secret, one only Keats figures out. That secret could also have gotten her killed.

One of the Mightiest is Cherise Heatherington. She's the type who has to be first to get all the news and gossip. Her husband Roland is a ladies' man. Cherise doesn't like animals and Keats makes her uncomfortable. Hmm. Who doesn't love Keats? He isn't signaling she's a villain though. Eccentric mauve-haired Elise Cornwall does tarot readings. She must be in competition with Bridie and Lottie as a fortune teller. Elise seems sweet. She shares information with Ivy but not in a mean way. Alice Cheevers is one of Bridie's best friends. She's kind and makes some possibly realistic predictions about Ivy and Jilly.

Casey is the owner and property manager for the Briar Estates. He seems nice enough but he claims he doesn't have any real power because his father is the real owner. He answers to his father and then the board and can't do anything without the board's approval. That must be tough. He doesn't seem to like animals and does not want Keats and Percy there. Vaughn Mills is the board president. He has a giant ego which makes him a power hungry womanizing sleaze. I can't believe any woman would fall for him, let alone two. Ford Fletcher, vice president, a married man, may be about to lose his wife to Vaughn. Vaughn also has a drinking problem and ran down people with his golf cart. He holds the purse strings and if the board thinks their votes count for anything, they're mistaken. It's the Vaughn show.

Alba Fletcher seems nice but maybe not a good judge of character. Shirley Mills, Vaughn's wife, is angry. She's in a motorized wheelchair and delights in taking her anger out on everyone by ramming into them. Now I say, that's disrespectful to people in wheelchairs and she needs to be fleshed out more to give her a reason for being so rude. Is it because her husband is cheating on her and possibly about to leave her? Shirley doesn't want to believe the fortune teller no matter which method they use. She wants to hear what she wants to hear no matter what. Did she kill Lottie for not giving her what she wanted?

Chief Gillock is a tough nut. He's young like Kellan and maybe a bit overzealous. Unlike Kellan, this man is all business and not much heart. Ivy takes a liking to him because he reminds her of Kellan but Kellan has come a long way since Ivy's return. Amos at the bird sanctuary is Ivy's newest friend and team member. He's like the rescue mafia for birds. I have a feeling he's going to charm her into taking home a swan or two.

Who killed Lottie and the other victim? Who cares? I'm not interested in any of these people and their silly problems. Skip this one if you love the farm animals and do not love weird wannabe paranormal cozies.
Profile Image for Shawna Shaheen.
324 reviews13 followers
July 6, 2021
The 11th book in series is about Jilly family. Jilly grand ma is having trouble in her retirement home with a swan becoming a nuisance in a pond. So Jolly asked Ivy ( because Jolly know the Ivy is animal whisperer) to go with her sleuthing bordie collie Keats One brown eye and one blue eye and Percy the marmalade cat. When Ivy and the crew get to the place Jilly grandma shows them to pond with swan. Informally they found a dead body to. One of grand ma friend in resident. The Deputy starts thinking they did her in or the swan did her in. But then after awhile there was another dead body by pond again. So who was it that hurt these women. Was it the swan or A very bad resident. This book revealed why Jolly never mentions of wants to stay by her family. But Ivy likes them and so does Percy and Keats. This one pretty good book in series.There is a surprise at end that is revealed
1,488 reviews
July 1, 2021
I truly enjoyed this book - like the 8 ones before it in this series! This time the action is away from Runaway Farm and Clover Grove but it's just as rollicking!

Ivy Galloway understands difficult family situations. She's got a number of them with the Galloway clan. No matter what the differences are she'll always help them if they ask her. She considers her friend Jilly to be part of her family. So when Jilly's grandmother calls from her retirement community, asking for help, Jilly can't say no. Ivy, Jilly, Keats (the dog), and Percy (the cat) head ut on a road trip.

As usual, almost as soon as they get there Ivy finds a body! Neighbors are blaming either the vicious swan that just moved in ... or Jilly’s grandmother. Gran may be quirky, but Jilly knows she’s not capable of murder. So, off they go trying to solve the murders, save some animals, and heal family relationships while trying to dodge a number of people intent on eliminating them!
4,417 reviews44 followers
November 23, 2021
Who killed Lottie and why??? AND now Alice Cheevers!!! The swans have a strong bond, don’t they??? I enjoyed this story and recommend the book.
Profile Image for Amy.
171 reviews14 followers
June 28, 2021
This is always a favorite series for me, and this latest release was excellent! Ivy, Keats, Jilly & Percy may be off the farm, but they still have a knack for finding dead bodies, mysteries to solve, and animals to rescue.
Profile Image for Spinneretta.
2,578 reviews14 followers
November 24, 2022

NOTE: this book is the one in which the mystic mutt mystery characters are introduced… it is set shortly before the mystic mutt prequel.

Jilly’s Gran has a problem with an aggressive swan, so Ivy, Keats, Jilly, and Percy head down to Florida to help.
Unfortunately, Jilly and her gran have some past issues cropping up, then there is the murder that takes place before Ivy and she an even get settled in!
Luckily Keats, the canine Sherlock is on the case…

Another enjoyable cosy in this series, and this one has some big events. Firstly, the crew take a vacation of sorts, and head off somewhere new. Then there are some relationship developments for Jilly, and the introduction of a new character and spin-off series.
It’s all good fun, (though definitely not clean; Ivy’s manure pile might be missing, but that doesn’t stop her from finding a mess!), and the characters are still delightfully quirky. This time I think Asher managed to steal the show, but the swan was a close second!
Recommended for cosy mystery and dog lovers.
334 reviews4 followers
July 3, 2021
I really can't get enough of this series. Somehow the author makes every book unique, and the story and humor never, ever get stale. This time Ivy and her best friend, Jilly, are asked by Jilly's grandmother to come to her gated retirement community to help with a new and vicious swan in the pond. Of course, no sooner do they go to check out the swan than they find a body! A family feud between Jilly's mother and aunt also needs explaining, and can she find peace with her cousin? Why does the community have almost a prison atmosphere? In the meantime the local police doesn't trust them, Kellan tries to help from afar, and do some of the residents really have magic? Excitement galore as Keats herds everyone in the right direction and Percy adds his bit too for a grand and wonderful finale. Don't miss this!
480 reviews3 followers
June 7, 2021
This is the latest book to the series. It doesn't take place on Runaway Farm but in Briar Estates where Jilly's grandmother lives. It's a very high end senior retirement village. The entire village is surrounded by fence and there is a guarded gate at the entrance, who determines who goes in or out. A black swan in the pond, who nobody knows how it got there. A murder of a resident. Ivy and Jilly have their hands full trying to find out who the killer is and what to do with the swan. All this and protecting Jilly's grandmother from the same fate as the other resident. They get help from an unexpected visitor. Read the book and find out who the mystery guest is.

I volunteered a honest review in exchange for an ARC copy of this book!
Profile Image for Brenda.
3,127 reviews38 followers
February 17, 2023
Jilly hasn’t seen her grandmother since feathers flew in a family feud years ago. That suited Jilly just fine because her true family—the one she found in Clover Grove—is more than enough.
But when Gran calls from her retirement community asking for help, Jilly can’t say no. Someone has died under suspicious circumstances and neighbors are blaming either the vicious swan that just moved in ... or Jilly’s grandmother. Gran may be quirky, but Jilly knows she’s not capable of murder.
A single swan who can't fly and a culprit who killed two people in this tale of what could be the most dangerous story that Ivy and Jilly are involved in.
I borrowed this book from Kindle Unlimited. This in no way affects my opinion of this book which I read and reviewed voluntarily.
Profile Image for Penny Leidecker.
2,517 reviews25 followers
June 14, 2021
When Ivy, Keats, and Percy go with Jilly to visit her grandmother at her gated retirement community, the Briar Estates, they are soon trying to solve another murder. If you enjoy mysteries full of secrets and some wonderful animals, you won’t be disappointed with this addition to the Bought-the-Farm Mystery Series. I loved reading about Zeus the swan and Jilly’s family and their secrets. Grab your copy and see what happens.

I received an advanced reader copy of this book and this is my voluntary and honest review.
Profile Image for Melissa Stands.
110 reviews
June 28, 2021
Another superb installment to the Bought The Farm mystery series. Ivy and Jilly are the main characters involved in this book while we get to learn more about Jilly's background. I will admit that I missed the main setting of the farm but I really did enjoy learning more of Jilly's background which had been hinted at in previous books. The mystery was challenging with plenty of clues, red herrings, and misdirections thrown in. I also love the continuing development of Ivy's adaption to her new life. A great read!
Profile Image for Ski Croghan.
609 reviews5 followers
July 5, 2022
I luved this book!!!!!

This was a terrific book. Ivy and
Jilly go to Jilly's grand retirement community to take on an angry swan! They think it will be a vacation but the first day they're there they find a murder victim. And an alligator chases them when they go to see the swan and they find another victim. It's plain this is no vacation. Can they figure out who the killer is? Will Keats get over his aversion to water? Not likely!! But Jilly gets ask a stunning question. What will her answer be? Don't miss this outstanding book. Highly recommended.
459 reviews5 followers
June 16, 2021
Another wonderful installment of the Runaway Farm series with Ivy, Keats, and Percy. Ms. Riggs keeps you entertained and captured throughout the whole book. I never give away spoilers, so all I have to say is the man scream is worth the wait. I laughed so hard at that part and many others throughout the whole story. I enjoy every book Ms. Riggs’ writes and I am always looking forward to the next one in this series.
I received an ARC from the author. This is my honest review.
584 reviews7 followers
June 8, 2021
Once again a very enjoyable read. This time Ivy & Jilly are on a trip down south to help Jilly’s grandmother who is worried about a swan that has appeared at her gated community. Naturally Ivy finds a dead body!! She is intent on helping the swan & one thing leads to another as things usually do! She helps Jilly sort out a major problem too.
3,797 reviews34 followers
June 16, 2021
Swan With the Wind is another hilarious episode in this interesting series. A cranky swan in Jilly's grandma's gated community has Ivy, Jilly, Keats and Percy making a road trip. There will be interesting escapes, some murder, and more before these sleuths are able to save the swan. You will not want to miss this well written tale. I could not put it down.
141 reviews1 follower
June 28, 2021
Ivy and Keats Jilly and Percy the gang headed south for a working vacation haha! I enjoyed seeing Ivy’s animal caring side, whispering, as it is. The story moved her and Kellen along(I love that name by the way)the chats we were privy to. Asher and Edna surprise!! Enjoyed it into wee hours of the morning sad that I have to wait for next one now. Very good book!! Thanks
Profile Image for Margaret Jones.
113 reviews1 follower
July 1, 2021
Mixed up rescue

Not her best work Ivy and Jilly go to help Jilly’s grandmother who is living in a mysterious gated community. It is poorly explained and rather disjointed untold midway through the book There are murders a mysterious swan who is scaring the residents.There are a lot of seniors milling around.I finished it and enjoyed, but not as much as usually.
Profile Image for Judy.
258 reviews
July 7, 2021
Great story

I love this series so much. Jilly's family was a nice introduction to new characters. The aspect of witch/psychic in the family gave me pause but it didn't detract from the story. In fact, it will be fun to learn more about Jilly's family. It was nice for them to take a road trip. Love, love Edna! I want to adopt her! Can't wait for more stories.
113 reviews
July 8, 2022
Great story with twists

Ivy and Jilly head south to visit Jilly's grandmother. There's been a rift in the family for a long time and now is the time to heal.
My only complaint is that they constantly call a ferret a rodent. It isn't a rodent, in fact it's a rodent hunter and member of the weasel family.

577 reviews5 followers
February 28, 2023
This book is a fun adventure and gives us a glimpse of Jilly's elusive family. We still get an animal involved mystery but also meet some of Jilly's family. Ivy finds herself feeling a bit unsure when she doesn't have her usual back up but with Jilly's help and others she finds they move forward in their usual way, working to take care of animals.
45 reviews1 follower
July 17, 2021
New characters expand the “World of Riggs”

An interesting ride through a cloistered community with a touch of magic to spice up the murder. Heartwarming ending with the swan, and other relationships coming together.
867 reviews25 followers
September 23, 2021
Farm Mystery 9

A long ride to help family. A tail they can’t lose. A swan full of fight. people turn up dead but mostly older people getting taken care of by a bunch of crooks!! Good reading!
Profile Image for Kathryn Botard.
14 reviews1 follower
October 12, 2022

I really enjoy reading the bought the farm mysteries and how it has developed along the way. I cam always see the story by the great descriptions and a little imagination. Now, on to the next one
15 reviews
December 12, 2022
a new setting a new adventure

Ivy, Keats, Jilly and Percy come through again, a beautiful love story, a family reunited, a murderer brought to justice, what more could you want, ticks all the boxes
June 29, 2021
Enjoyable read

Ellen Riggs did it again: a fun read with enough mystery to keep me turning the page to find out what happens next!
235 reviews1 follower
June 29, 2021
Another Great book

Truly Loved it and have all her books which are Great. Now to read her new series that will be Awesome too
Profile Image for Joanne Rees.
20 reviews
June 30, 2021
Another great read

Another great read, and love the new story line leading into a different extended family tale from jilly’s family side.
410 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2021
Saving Gran

Ivey, Keats, Jilly, and Percey take their mad killer hunting skills to a new location. Gossip, secrets, and family fights keep the group on their toes.
Profile Image for Joni.
653 reviews
July 30, 2021
Jilly and Ivy go out of town

To help Jilly’s Gran. We meet Jilly’s cousin, get to save Zeus and solve 2 murders. Janelle has her own series which I wish was on kindle unlimited 😶
51 reviews
July 31, 2021

Forever mate for life. Sticky swamp land adventure. Ivy and Billy triumph once again. Murders seem to find them where?wherever they are.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 reviews

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