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The Magnus Archives #1

The Magnus Archives: Season 1

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The Magnus Archives is a horror story written by Jonathan Sims, directed by Alexander J. Newall and distributed by Rusty Quill. Sims narrates the stories in-character as the main character, Jonathan Sims, the newly-appointed head archivist of the fictional Magnus Institute; an institution based in London centred on research into the paranormal.

With each chapter released as a podcast episode, The Magnus Archive is structured as a series of statements recorded or written and then recorded for internal research use within The Magnus Institute. At the beginning of each statement, the statement-taker (mainly Jon, the head archivist) provides a brief description of the statement and the name of the statement-maker. Those who give or record statements in the Magnus Institute tend to lapse into a trance-like state not unlike reliving the event.

414 pages, ebook

Published March 24, 2016

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About the author

Jonathan Sims

19 books961 followers
Jonathan Sims is a writer, performer and games designer whose work primarily focuses on the macabre, the grotesque, and the gentle touch of creeping dread. He is the mind and the voice behind acclaimed horror podcast The Magnus Archives, as well as story-game design duo MacGuffin & Co., and some of your favourite nightmares. He lives in Walthamstow with the two best cats and an overwhelming backlog of books that he really should get round to.

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Profile Image for jay.
918 reviews5,306 followers
February 21, 2024
“A living hell is, after all, still living.”

what’s the best magnus episode and why is it cheating death.

you can clearly tell how depressed i am by how badly i want to relisten to the magnus archives.

tbh i am kinda getting tired of doing that multiple times every year but there is just no other podcast that hits as well and believe me i have tried a lot of them.

also, the magnus protocol? bad show lmao. judging by the fan reactions i am alone with this opinion but we are currently 6 episodes in and other than the first two every single one was boring as fuck, stopped right before something interesting was about to happen, and the plot is going nowhere.

but this is not about the magnus protocol, this is about me trying to treat my depression by listening to the archives. did it help? well, for now.


me: *knows i get uneasy when listening to the magnus archives after dark*

also me at midnight: *slightly trembling, checking under my bed for monsters* just one more episode

2nd listen:

i forgot how genuinely creepy the first season is (especially the first like 10 episodes). i remember feeling very uncomfortable and afraid when i listened to it the first time but after listening to the next three seasons (which are less creepy in my opinion) i was like "i probably exaggerated this"

nope, it was very much still creepy lmao

3rd listen:

the best thing about re-listening to season 1 is Jon's character development.
in the first season he's constantly grumpy and dismissive and his voice is all rough and deep saying things like "i hate Martin", "those statements are all bullshit", "i don't believe in ghosts"
and then in the later seasons he's like "I'm scared and tired so I will speak in a very soft voice." and "I love you Martin." and "Yes of course I'd like another cup of tea, dear."

4th listen:

there is only one podcast

5th listen:

slowly losing count of the number of times i listened to this.

wish someone made another podcast, kinda weird that only this one exists
Profile Image for connie.
1,434 reviews97 followers
April 24, 2022
Profile Image for rain.
678 reviews429 followers
June 15, 2020
To the person who added TMA on goodreads: BLESS YOU AND YOUR KIND SOUL. May the Ceaseless Watcher not gaze upon you because you deserve privacy and a life without terror.

I LOVE THIS PODCAST SO MUCH. My slow ass has been binge listening to this since last month I guess and I am in awe at the brilliant writing. Jonny Sims has a brain I can only dream of. I just finished listening to MAG 166 and I don't want this season to end 😭😭😭
Profile Image for Paula.
114 reviews5 followers
November 5, 2022
*deep breath* The Magnus Archives is a podcast distributed by rusty quill dot com and licensed under a creative commons attribution non commercial share-

Okay but seriously, season one is a masterpiece. It’s by far the season I come back to the most for its individual episodes. There’s something incredibly satisfying about this season starting seemingly unconnected only to slowly unravel more and more connections between the individual stories. In season one it’s all about The Mystery that you don’t know the answer to yet - but at the same time it’s the most rewarding if you DO know the answer.
The relistening factor is huge because of the amount of subtle hints towards bigger things that you only realize once you’ve seen the big picture.
Profile Image for ana.
385 reviews91 followers
March 4, 2023
"Go home, Tim. Get some sleep."
"Yeah. Sure."

literally hi. hello. hi. what the fuck is going on. wdym shot three times. look at me. look at me. "im gonna find out whats going on or theyll have to kill me"??? jon??? jon, bestie???

ok real talk, hi. hello. im not a podcast listener, im gonna be honest. i am an audio book listener and the magnus archives is maybe just the right amount of both.

indeed, i am fascinated with this series. the idea of the archive is so very interesting and makes me wonder whether each country has an institute dealing with the paranormal. also, something about this... idk why exactly but it gave welcome to nightvale, just a little. maybe its the way im not quite sure if this is actually meant to be our world. maybe people have three eyes in this, and we just dont know, bc no one tells us about it, bc its normal.

what i enjoyed most is obviously anything to do with the archivists themselves. getting to know them on this pretty intimate level (since we usually get the info from them talking to each other) is really fun and gives the impression of being acquainted with the characters even though we dont really know anything about them. i would love to know more, of course, and the little things... i mean that point at the end where jon and martin were trapped together and jon admitted that hes acting the sceptic bc otherwise his believer-brain would drive his fear into something he wouldnt be able to deal with... yk i ended up asking myself throughout WHY he does it and then he goes and reveals its bc hes SCARED TO DEATH LIKE YEAH!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! EXACTLY!!!!!!!! THIS IS FUCKING SPOOKY!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway, this is great. theres only 5 seasons of this and i have no idea what im gonna do once im done but i will keep listening, actually. im not sure i can stop.
Profile Image for Beks.
8 reviews1 follower
January 17, 2021
I don't do Horror, I've never done Horror. Having said that, I can't recommend 'The Magnus Archives' highly enough.

These first forty chapters are absolutely incredible, I was hooked from the very beginning - which is ironic considering chapter 1 is 'Anglerfish'.

Most of the chapters are individual testimonies but there are so many small (and some not-so-small) details which link everything together somehow; trying to keep a track of everything is really fun! The story-telling is superb and it's written in a way that means everyone's scariest chapter is different, it all depends on what you're afraid of ('Lost Johns' Cave' was BY FAR the worst for me).

For people who might be wary because of the Horror aspect, as I said earlier I generally hate Horror but I can honestly count on one hand the number of chapters I was properly scared during, which out of forty chapters is pretty damn good.

In my own personal opinion, 'The Magnus Archives' is well worth a listen (or two, or ten).
Profile Image for — Massiel.
244 reviews1,229 followers
Currently reading
December 30, 2022
Currently listening MAG 26 is growing increasingly fantastic and unsettling as I listen to it. Adore it.

It will take me some time to listen to the entire podcast. It's worth it, therefore I don't mind.
46 reviews7 followers
November 23, 2022
I thought I couldn't listen to podcasts and audiobooks, turns out they just weren't good enough.

2: For some reasons it is better the second time around
Profile Image for kylee.
91 reviews36 followers
August 9, 2020
all i have to say is
‘statement of Joe Spooky’
143 reviews17 followers
May 25, 2024
Episodios notables:
*Episodio 7: en el que, lamentablemente para los involucrados, Ares no representa a la guerra.
*Episodio 16: en el que aparentemente una araña se niega a morir, no importa cuántas veces sea asesinada.
Ah, y también se despierta mi aracnofobia porque vamos, encontrar un cadáver completamente envuelto en una telaraña no es normal.
*Episodio 21: en el que el cielo se come a alguien.
...No, no estoy bromeando.
*Episodio 24: en el que la música de un órgano antiguo no consigue aterrorizarme. Ni un poquito. No.
*Episodio 29: en el que ganarle a la muerte no trae felicidad.
*Episodio 39: oh dioses, tantos gusanos…

Conocí The Magnus Archives gracias al fanfiction. Específicamente, gracias a un autor de fanfics al que ni siquiera leo. Adelante, ríase.

De habérseme permitido, me habría quedado avanzando esto todo el día. No, en serio. Literalmente, literalmente me atrapó y únicamente las obligaciones diarias de la vida lograron —durante breves momentos, claro está— liberarme.

Cuando, tras la ¿desaparición? ¿muerte? de Gertrude Robinson, Jonathan Sims se hace cargo del puesto de archivista jefe en el Magnus Institute, se da cuenta de algunas cosas:
1.- La organización de los archivos es un desastre.
2.- Tendrá que digitalizarlos y grabar versiones de audio de estos… usando una grabadora antigua.
3.- Hay muchos, muchos archivos.
En resumen: le esperan muchas, muchas horas de trabajo. Divertido
Afortunadamente ¿es eso bueno?, hay ciertos casos con cuya investigación no se puede continuar.
Desafortunadamente, hay ciertos casos relacionados con la biblioteca de Jurgen Leitner… y también está la presencia no deseada de Jane Prentiss…
Oh bien. Al menos, son solo algunos casos —no todos, definitivamente no todos— los que podrían, tal vez, estar conectados entre sí… ¿Verdad?
Profile Image for Sara Bakhshi.
1,442 reviews387 followers
November 13, 2023
راستشو بگم اول نسبت به گوش دادن این مجموعه یکم گارد داشتم چون پادکست بود.(حالا جاش نیست بگم چرا پادکست دوست ندارم.)
ولی گول زدن‌های ٱلی موثر واقع شد و چقدر خوشحالم که گول خوردم و وارد این دنیا شدم حالا درسته که هنوز وارد نشدم و هنوز داستانی ازش نفهمیدیم، ولی اصلاً سبک خود پادکست و مدل داستان‌گوییش بدون حتا دنیاسازیش به خودی خود خفن میشد، چه برسه که دنیاش هم جذابه!

اولش با یه سری داستان ترسناک کوتاه شروع میشه که به نظر می‌رسه به همدیگه هیچ ربطی ندارن؛ ولی کم کم از اپیزود حدود فکر کنم ۱۵ به بعد معلوم میشه چقدر هم به هم مرتبطن.
خوبیش این بود فکر حافظه‌ی امثال منم کرده بود و خودش ته هر ریکورد چیز مهمی اگه بود یاداوری میکرد یا می‌گفت.

اولین اپیزود ها رو نصفه شب ها تو پاویون بیمارستان شب هایی که کشیک بودم گوش می‌دادم و خیلیییی کیفش بیشتر بود.
شاید جدی جدی اولی ها ترسناک‌تر(ترسناک که نمیشه گفت، ولی همون معادل بهتری برا حسه ندارم.) بودن شاید شرایط ایجاب می‌کرد یا شاید از جایی که دیگه جان و مارتین و ساشا رو داشت مغزم می‌شناخت فقط دیگه داشت به اینا فکر میکرد که این داره جمع می‌کنه و چیو ربط میده و اینا. به عبارتی دیگه میخواست معما حل کنه نمی‌خواست بترسه فقط.
ولی جدی یادمه اون اولا یه اپیزود غار بود(تو غار بودن) و اصلا چنین موهای بدنم سیخ شده بود تا اخراش که گرفتم یهو هدفون رو درآوردم ببینم اطرافم چه خبره!

حالا هنوزم نمی‌دونم این موجودات چین ولی قشنگ میشد متوجه شد یه سریشون مرتبط به یه موجودین. قرار بود حل بشه یه سری چیزا تا آخر فصل؛ که چیزی که حل شد این بود که تازه شروع شد!

این دوتا آخر، دوتا که... اپیزود ۳۹ عالی بود!
یعنی یه مدل دیگه بود کلن!
یه بلبشوی جذاب بود و داشتی با اتفاقات پیش میرفتی، کسی نیومده بود استیتمنت بگه.
و تهش چی شد؟؟
حالا تو معرفی ها هم یه چیزی رخ داد که میدا گفت فصل بعد می‌فهمم.
یه سری حرفهای جان و اعترافش به این که باور داره ولی می‌ترسه هم قشنگ بودن.
خلاصه که خیلی خیلی لذت بردم.
Profile Image for chrysa.
342 reviews196 followers
May 13, 2023
Make your statement, face your fear.

five stars because tma means the world to me; even the mysteries that will remain unsolved and the episodes that are not perfectly written. what jonny and alex have done here is nothing sort of brilliant and i'd recommend you not only listen to tma but actually go back and relisten to it. knowing the end from the beginning has allowed them to develop the story on at least three different levels (individual episodes, the connections between them, metaplot) so there are always hidden clues to find. and the voice acting!!!! jon's voice is incredibly soothing and that line, that fucking line martin says in the last episode makes me shiver every single time

emo kid and evil artifacts, michael and mag39 sasha have my heart <3 and can i just say, few things are as satisfying as the first thirteen episodes

oh but realizing that the protagonist of your worst nightmare has been a victim as well..

jon saying “i refuse to become another goddamn mystery” and martin crying because he accidentally left them behind!!!! this is not okay i am not okay

they are all so innocent and out of it in the first season. like, jon insulting martin at any given chance rather than trying to connect the dots even when the dots are the size of the moon, martin having the biggest heart in this house of horrors and tim being the bravest and silliest of them all !! sasha, i'd actually fight for🔪

horror anthologies can't get better than this, the most delicious mindfuckery :))

p.s. this is all jonathan's fault for making me finally start this after putting it off for more than a year
Profile Image for Sharon.
1,245 reviews91 followers
September 6, 2022
Something about this series just makes me go so feral. I started listening to this series while I was working in an archive and for some reason it never put me off the work - it actually makes me more excited to work in museums???

Anyway, we stan.
Profile Image for fiona ☁️.
285 reviews127 followers
April 10, 2024
"i don't want to become a mystery. i refuse to become another goddamn mystery."

this is quite possibly the single coolest piece of media i have ever had the pleasure to encounter

🕸 soundtrack 🕸

lemon demon - a mask of my own face
jukebox the ghost - under my skin
eels - your lucky day in hell
franz ferdinand - evil eye
i don't know how but they found me - bleed magic
mother mother - ghosting
andrew bird - a nervous tick motion of the head to the left
the antlers - kettering
bloc party - the pioneers
viagra boys - worms
gerard way - baby you're a haunted house
the postal service - we will become silhouettes
marika hackman - itchy teeth
mgmt - little dark age
haley henderickx - the bug collector
Profile Image for L.
1,213 reviews78 followers
October 30, 2023
Great idea undermined by small faults

The Magnus Archives is a free podcast from Rusty Quill. Season 1 consists of 40 episodes (I think that's true of all five seasons), each about half an hour long. Most of the episodes consist of the author, Jonathan Sims, reading reports into a tape recorder, in character as Head Archivist of The Magnus Institute. The Archivist's name is also Jonathan Sims. I will refer to the character as "Jonathan".

I began The Magnus Archives by looking for a way to read it, rather than listen to it. I did not find one at the time, and thus ended up listening to Season 1. After finishing Season 1 a further exploration of the Rusty Quill web site led to a solution. Transcripts of all episodes are available free from Rusty Quill in PDF form (Follow the Transcripts link on that page.) You can download all 40 Season 1 transcripts, combine them into one big file on your computer (e.g., using acrobat or ghostscript), and send it to your kindle. I don't particularly recommend this, but the option is available.

The fictional Magnus Institute is a London organization that collects and inconsistently investigates reports of the paranormal. Apparently people who have spooky experiences are encouraged to wander in and write down a report. It was founded in 1818 and is therefore 200 years old. A lot of reports have been collected in that time and are stored in the archives. Jonathan has just became Head Archivist after the mysterious disappearance of the previous Head Archivist Gertrude Robinson. Jonathan is dismayed at the disorganized state of the archive. For reasons that are never explained, he wishes to have all the reports in audio form. He therefore chooses specific reports (how? never explained) and reads them aloud into a cassette tape recorder. (Digital recording doesn't work, for some mysterious reason.) With a few exceptions, each episode consists of Jonathan's reading one report. He follows the reading of the report with a discussion of its investigation by himself and his assistant archivists.

Each report is a seriously creepy story, usually with lethal consequences for some of the parties involved. At first, the stories are unrelated to each other and unrelated to the Magnus Institute, and Jonathan's is the only voice we hear. Starting at about episode 20, however (thus, halfway through the season), a plot puts in an appearance. We also begin to hear the voices of people other than Jonathan -- mostly other personnel at the Magnus Institute. This comes to a climax in episode 39, and episode 40 sets the scene for continuation.

Although the stories are genuinely creepy, my overall impression of Season 1 was monotony. There is too much of Jonathan, and the stories are too much the same. It is certainly a relief when a plot appears and we begin to hear some other voices, but for me it was too little too late. It is possible that the problems that bothered me were first-season teething troubles. Still, I don't plan to continue with later seasons. I've heard enough.

Rusty Quill content is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike International Licence, which means you may share it freely, with some reasonable restrictions. Follow that link for details.

Blog review.
Profile Image for urwa.
338 reviews243 followers
December 13, 2023
5/5 stars

Be still, for there is strange music.

I loved this spooky little podcast and my only regret is that I didn't find out about it sooner. It's great for fans of the horror/gothic genre. The stories seem like stand alones until everything starts to connect and you're left looking for clues. I would be a bit lost on names and case numbers mainly because I have goldfish memory, but the wiki helped with that. The voice acting is amazing from the entire cast but ofc I love Jon's snobby little accent and Martin is just 🥰 from the moment he first appears. I loved to see the Archivist's character progression from being stoic and dismissive of statements to eventually admitting that he's an even bigger nerd than Martin! Whatever happened to Sasha is very creepy and I hope she's okay (probably not). Excited to start the next season, and can't wait for the paranoid Jon arc lols

Some of my fav episodes:
Episode 2: Do Not Open
Episode 7: The Piper
Episode 10: Dreamer
Episode 13: Alone
Episode 17: The Bone Turner's Tale
Episode 23: Schwartzwald
Episode 27: A Sturdy Lock

And special mention to Martin's statement about Jane Prentiss as well as the two part season finale
Profile Image for Moon ☾ .
187 reviews108 followers
March 27, 2022
This is, hands down, one of the creepiest podcasts I've heard. Nothing will top the experience Episode 2 gave me.

Jonathan Sims, head archivist of The Magnus Institute, in this season, tries to sort out the mess that his predecessor, Gertrude Robinson had left of the archives.

As the cases slowly unravel though, and the pieces slowly fall into place, he seems to find himself in an even bigger trouble than he initially thought he was in.

One thing that does bother me though is the last statement with Sasha. She didn't sound like herself.
Profile Image for atria .
263 reviews138 followers
September 16, 2023
ok but prentiss referring to jon as 'the archive' is just- *screams*

and jon saying 'i refuse to become another goddamn mystery.' i'm gonna start convulsing istg WTF JONNY??!!?!

re-listening to this and being reminded of how much of a bloody genius jonathan sims is. like the foreshadowing and connections & parallels were making me mad istg.


the only horror podcast to ever horror tbh u_u


how the hell am i supposed to listen to other podcasts after listening to this. please answer me, @jonny sims, huh????
Profile Image for Andrea Colin.
105 reviews
June 15, 2020
Listen to it for free on here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdiUHYacaRI&list=PLSbuB1AyaJk-GJV4d3AdvBMJHYiXUEDfI
Or on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5pwBAjuJJAOt7cED5Lkjnk?si=gQvvpBP6SG6jgBLIfdBp_A

Genuinely, I don't know what to say. This is a review of basically the whole series, since I've finished listening to it, but I promise to keep it spoiler free and if not, I'll certainly hide those spoilers.

I have been listening to fiction podcasts since I was fourteen. I started listening to welcome to night vale, then moved onto Limetown, Alice isn't dead, Dreamboy, Arden, and eventually to the magnus archives. To say that I love this series would be an understatement. To say that it scared me at times would be an understatement. To say that it crushed every aspect of my soul and hopes and dreams would also be an understatement, because this show has entirely consumed my entire life, to the point where my therapist genuinely asked me why I was so obsessed with it.

So what is The Magnus Archives about? Well, it's about an archivist who works at the Magnus institute, an institute that researches the paranormal. The previous archivist, who mysteriously disappeared and is presumed dead, has left the archives in disarray, and as a result, Jon needs to put the statements of people's supernatural encounters in order. Initially starting out like an anthology series with stories that seem to be unconnected, it later becomes clear that something much larger is at scale. It does form a more story like narrative later on, and the characters are a large part of what makes the story what it is (which is fantastic).

This podcast is for everyone. For people who love horror and tragedy, for people who find comfort in the words of others, for people who like mystery, and to some extent cosmic horror. It has all types of horror, by the way. Cosmic, existential, fear of basically everything kind of horror. It's also occasionally funny, with amazing character dynamics and the voice acting is amazing! Everyone on this show was such a nice voice, it makes me jealous.

The show, in the last seasons, does get a bit heavy, so if you want to, here is a link to the trigger warnings: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K...

So now, for the actual review of the first season: holy fuck. That's all I can say, holy fuck. First of all, all the statements at the very least unsettle me, but some of them had me crawling out of my skin with fright, perched on my bed with my feet on the mattress, sleeping with the lights on. I love how weird the stories are, in such a way that it makes you curious and drives you to want to know more. I really enjoyed the anthology style of this season, and I loved the additions after the statements. Even though we didn't get to see much of the other cast until later on, they all seem to work really well.

The sound design was spectacular, and had me writhing in my seat (I guess I hate worms now).

So let's talk characters, shall we?

1. Martin is the person I would gladly walk through hell for. I know a lot of people also have him as their favourite character, but from the first season, I knew he was going t be my favourite. First of all, his voice is so different to that of the other cast that it sticks out. His character is also very soft and gentle, which I love, as he is the complete opposite of Jon. His struggles with how no one takes him seriously make me want to hug him,

2. Sasha. Oh, Sasha. The love of my life, Sasha. Sasha, the person with the best voice. Sasha, the one who had the best statement (apart from martin). Sasha, who met my husband Michael. Sasha. The love of my life, Sasha. What can I say besides the fact that she's just so cool? She's the type of person I'd love to grab a coffee with and watch a film.

3. Tim! He didn't get a lot of screen, er, I mean, audio time during this season. It's a bit strange, but I'll say that I didn't actually know when Tim was speaking most of the time, since I didn't know much about his character. I think he only appeared in the last episode?


5. Jon. Jon, jon, jon, JON. I don't even know what to say. First of all, he's a drama queen. Reading those statements like they're the bible, jeez, they're just statements, it's not like they're the holy grail or something. And I do think he's quite an interesting narrator. The skeptic, though not uncommon, works very well in this scenario, and it is interesting considering the fact that literally Martin and Sasha both aren't skeptical.

Old review:

Profile Image for Alex  Fierro.
14 reviews
January 24, 2023
Amazing! The first time ever that a podcast has been interesting enough for me to actually finish a hole season. Looking forward to listen the others:)
Profile Image for Lena.
73 reviews29 followers
June 15, 2020
delightful. scary but delightful. i have so much love for these disaster archival staff members.
Profile Image for Eliot.
128 reviews19 followers
December 20, 2020
Yesss baby the perfect spooky horror mystery anthology with a good metanarrative... I'm hooked
Profile Image for Shruti (Hiatus).
214 reviews101 followers
August 14, 2022
I didn't know The Magnus Archives was listed on here of all places! One of the best podcasts I've ever listened to. I can't comprehend how they created something this original, complex, fascinating and chilling. I've promptly forgotten everything and might need to re-listen?
Profile Image for Sofía.
35 reviews
September 19, 2024
God please take all workers of the magnus archive pain and give it to their boss😭🙏
El q&a me temo que quiero ser ellos cuando sea mayor
Profile Image for Katie.
211 reviews2 followers
March 1, 2023
Third Read March 2023: Jonathan Sims has such a brilliant, fucked up mind and I absolutely love it.

I’d like to think of this as intellectual horror and that may be why I like it so much. Other horror stories don’t appeal to me nearly as much as this podcast does. The sheer amount of detail that goes into each statement and, now having listened to the entirety of the series, the forethought and planning that had to happen so the later episodes could be pulled off, is nothing short of astounding.

I just think this series is so brilliant and genius and I’m so thrilled to continue.


Re-read July 2021 (5/5): After the first time listening to Magnus, I was so excited to venture and discover other incredible podcasts. I thought to myself that if this was what the rest were like, then I was in for a real treat. What I’ve since discovered is that I maybe listened to Magnus too soon because, while I thought others would give me that same level of satisfaction, nothing has since come even remotely close to touching just how excellent this podcast is. Cannot recommend this enough to anyone and everyone.

Also can I just say that it is spot on when I think it was Elias(?) said that, essentially, Jon and Martin are two sides of the same coin. I’d never really thought about it, but it’s so incredibly true and I loved that.

Favorite Episodes: 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15(scariest), 19, 27(scariest), 29, 31, 34, 39 **i say these are my favorite but it truly was hard to narrow it down to these few, all of the episodes are excellent**


First Read June 2020 (5/5): I started listening to this podcast because Chaima kept talking about how excellent it was on Twitter. It took me a while to actually listen to because I’m an actual baby when it comes to horror, but they kept talking about a slow burn gay romance and if anything is my type, it’s that.

Like I said, I’m a baby so I really was freaked out by a few episodes; the cave one in particular will probably stay with me until the day I die I swear.

I actually contemplated not continuing, but there was just something about it that I couldn’t stop listening. Maybe I’m a masochist lol who knows. Then I told myself I’d just finish the season and I’d be done. Now I’m like “Give me ALL the episodes”.

The writing was just so great and DETAILED oh my god; you can really tell this was a labor of love, and the story came together brilliantly.

I’m off to listen to season 2 right now and I can tell it’s only going to get better and better from here and I’m so freaking ready.
Profile Image for Rach.
610 reviews25 followers
July 3, 2020
This was fifteen-and-a-half hours of amazing content that I’m glad I’ve brought into my life.

To explain fully why I adore this podcast so much, I must divulge a bit of my past. I hope that is okay, for me to share my memories with you.

I’ve always adored scary stories. Specifically short horror stories. I have memories of reading collections of them as early as 9 years old. Their quick thrills have always been fun. This podcast in particular makes me think of my times in high school, where I would peruse r/nosleep during my lunch breaks to get some short horror moments in. To get a quick spook before needing to go back to reality and churn through the rest of the day.

This series is all of that but more. While each story is in itself a contained idea, the overarching and underlying life at the Magnus Institute permeates it. I could tune in for that quick bite of scary, while also learning more about all these characters. It’s honestly a wonderful experience (though I highly recommend looking up content warnings if you need them, the fan transcript github has warnings for each episode I believe).

Jonathan, the archivist, has an abrasive yet sneakily charming personality. Hearing Martin, Tim, Sasha, and Elias pop in is also so fun. Learning bits and bobs about all of them is what makes you want to keep listening, because while the stories are great, the promise of something deeper is impossible to ignore.

The finale left me so worried for all of them, which only speaks to how well they were weaved in that I got concerned for them - I genuinely lost myself in the belief that it was real. It’s a fantastically produced podcast and I can’t wait (and earnestly hope) for them to eventually release it all in book form when the final season ends.

I want to hold this series in my hands. I want to hold their records for myself. I’m unbearably excited to keep listening. 👁
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