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The Squeamish Vampire

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Meet Dave. Dave has been a vampire for two days. He thought the first day was fabulous; now, not so much. Dave is thirsty, but the sight of human blood makes him squeamish. He's missing the mundane food and wants to be human once again.In his hunt, he meets James, a resident illusionist in one of the town's hotels. James has his own problem. He had met a witch at the local Starbucks, but in a moment of weakness, he refused her advances and fled. Now he badly wants to find her to ask for a second chance.Together they will form an unusual alliance and face a host of mundane and supernatural obstacles in their quest for the things they desire the most. Can they find them before sunrise?

54 pages, Kindle Edition

Published May 18, 2021

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Andrei Saygo

7 books35 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews
Profile Image for Lauren.
381 reviews41 followers
December 22, 2021
A fascinating short story that is packed full of action. My rating is based on wanting the author to elaborate more on events going on in the story.
Profile Image for Tenkara Smart.
Author 1 book151 followers
June 19, 2021
What a fun read. I don't normally go for vampire stories but when I started reading The Squeamish Vampire I was hooked. When Dave becomes a vampire, he's really excited, but then he finds out he's not good at it and has an issue with human blood, and wants to go back to being an ordinary human - hilarious premise. Dave meets James, a regular guy who happens to be an illusionist, and together, with the help of a witch, they figure out how to help solve Dave's vampire problem.

The story was short and well-written and full of humour. It was a fast read, so if you're looking for a book to just escape into another world and have some laughs, this books for you. The only minor issue with the story was the settings could have been more defined for me. I had to imagine a lot of the time where these people were because I didn't feel like the scenes/locations had enough detail for me, but because the story and the characters came to life, especially through the dialogue, I really enjoyed their interactions and the story overall. I recommend!
Profile Image for Brian Marshall.
Author 6 books17 followers
June 4, 2021
The Squeamish Vampire isn’t a novel. It’s a girl you just met at a party. The one who’s wearing too much make-up, but on her it looks just right.

And maybe she’s also had too much to drink, and maybe you have too, but she’s telling you this crazy story that you don’t ever want to end. This rambling rant, complete with vampires, only this one gets sick at the sight of blood, and a wolf or two thrown in, and magic coins, and gambling debts and other stuff you can’t remember.

And yeah, sure, chances are she’s making it all up on the fly, but the point is, you don’t care. Don’t care because she’s beautiful. Don’t care because you’re young. Don’t care because sometimes it’s not about plot, or characters, or things making sense, it’s about what people have been doing since there have been people.

Dreaming, only with their eyes open.
Profile Image for Damien Hanson.
Author 34 books38 followers
May 21, 2021
Fast, short, fun

It's less than an hour to read but a good time to be had. I honestly read is other Coven Book 1 first and I wonder if that impacts my read of this one but I have to say that I liked it
705 reviews
July 4, 2021
Different spin on vampires

This story was very different from your run of the mill vampire stories. It was a quick read but we'll written and thought out. The characters were quickly developed and interesting. I imagine there would quite well be a second book, but if not the ending was not a cliff hanger. I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Arlene Lomazoff-Marron.
Author 7 books63 followers
June 19, 2021
An enjoyable read

This was a short, fun story that kept me turning the pages. Perfect for vampire fans, with a twist! Nicely done.
Profile Image for Tracy Smyth.
1,864 reviews3 followers
June 27, 2021
This was a short story that was a lot of fun to read. It was well written & I think I may have found a new author to follow
Profile Image for Cristen Cagle.
Author 4 books44 followers
July 28, 2021
A quick and sometimes witty read! Always nice when a story gets me to chuckle a few times!
Profile Image for Penny Abdalla.
142 reviews8 followers
August 28, 2021
Just what I needed during a book funk

Great fun, quirky characters, and good world building. Would love to see this become the short prequel to a series. more please!
Author 3 books15 followers
May 23, 2021
Thoroughly enjoyed this slightly odd ball story of a not so traditional vampire. It's a quick read but I can imagine a couple of spin-off stories about the other characters. I'd be looking forward to reading a book filled with stories about the not so conventional otherworldly characters. Keep them coming Saygo!
Profile Image for H.G. Ahedi.
Author 19 books48 followers
June 17, 2021
This is a short, fun and exciting story.
Dave is a vampire who doesn't know how to be one. James is an illusionist who is enchanted by a witch. And of course we have goblins running around. And it all happens in one night!
I almost feel like calling it the funny vampire and I refuse to take the fun away from the readers so this review has no spoilers.
Profile Image for Carrie Lange.
Author 4 books29 followers
June 20, 2021
Everything a short story should be! Fast paced, action packed, witty, charming, and engaging. It almost feels like watching a Buffy episode. But the characters and plot are unique and interesting. It definitely makes me interested in reading more from this author. I read it straight through without stopping, and it never dragged once. Highly recommended! I read this as part of a book club.
Profile Image for A..
12 reviews
June 27, 2021
What an entertaining short story. This unlikely pairing of characters made the story lively and interesting at every turn. If you want a quick fun read and love full of vampires, witches and magic you need to read this!
40 reviews6 followers
June 24, 2021
A vampire who gets queasy at the sight of human blood, a witches coven, a goblin assassin and roving werewolves causing mayhem. If this tickles your fancy then why not dip your toes into this quick read taster to get a flavour of this author’s humorous and quirky style.
Profile Image for S.A.McClelland S.A.McClelland.
Author 7 books7 followers
June 8, 2021
A tiny vampire tale

An enjoyable light read to sink your teeth into.
This tale follows Dave and James as they help each other.
It's easy to read and visualize what is happening in the world.
Would highly recommend this for people who enjoy short stories, or anything about vampires.
Profile Image for K.J. Simmill.
Author 7 books144 followers
June 20, 2021
The Squeamish vampire is a short and enticing read that does an amazing job in building a supernatural world veiled in the shadows. Well written, and descriptively pleasing, it feels like a teaser of more to come from this author, and I would certainly love to see more.
Profile Image for Amy Johnson.
Author 4 books61 followers
June 20, 2021
Another excellent work from Andrei.

First, you’ve got the “squeamish vampire”— the one who can’t drink human blood. He’s not like the sparkly ones, though, don’t worry. Then, you’ve got the average, if not a bit awkward, magician who catches the attention of a witch.

It’s fun; it’s short. It’s everything you could want! I did like the storyline and how events moved along. I think it was an interesting turn at the end, and the occasional pop culture reference was well placed and made me laugh. It’s not too over the top funny, but still got the job done.
Profile Image for Sunnie.
413 reviews34 followers
January 8, 2022
Strange short story

This is honestly the shortest vampire book I’ve ever read. Short and strange. Vampires, werewolves, goblins, and witches as well as a few humans appear in rapid sequence. No graphic violence or bloody violence but plenty of action. Different perspective on all the supernatural characters. But, in a bizarre way, I liked it. Not many “feel good “ vampire stories out there!
Profile Image for Victoria.
1,151 reviews4 followers
September 1, 2021
Fast read, not your typical vampire book either so it was a bit odd all over. I mean what vampire doesnt go after humans and gets queasy from blood. This vampire is like a nerd of all vampires cant handle blood, cant put up a good strong fight. Regardless the characters/story line are well written and loved. Will recommend to others.
Profile Image for Kate.
147 reviews3 followers
November 1, 2021
Short Story

I was unaware this was a short story until I began to read it. It was a bit quirky and felt a bit rushed. The story itself was good but I would have liked to known more or have things explained further. I did win this from a giveaway on Goodreads and wanted to make sure I shared my honest thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Traci Otte.
511 reviews7 followers
July 5, 2021
Fun story!

I would say this is a little longer than a short story but still a brief read packed full of action. The three main characters - Dave, James, and Edris - are interesting, and I'd like to know more about them and the magic in their world.
Profile Image for Kara Bookdragon.
67 reviews
July 28, 2021
Fun read

I actually wish this was a whole book. The adventures of Dave the hapless vampire, with his sidekick James the illusionist or maybe the other way around, James the illusionist and his pet vampire.
Profile Image for Alex Helm.
99 reviews48 followers
July 28, 2021
I really enjoyed this short story. It presented an interesting world I'd like to read more of.
Profile Image for Cristina Isabel.
Author 10 books82 followers
August 27, 2021
Simple, fun with a little bit of comedy...what more can you ask for? A quick fix of supernatural elements including a vampire who wants to become a human! Go figure. Worth the read.
Profile Image for Linda (Book Sniffer).
129 reviews28 followers
September 17, 2021
Some things I haven't seen before in a vamp book, I won't spoil it but I did laugh out loud. I didn't realize it was so short, hated that part.

Review given after winning on Goodreads.
Profile Image for Lisa Davidson.
932 reviews22 followers
September 18, 2021
Short and silly but fun

I was disappointed at how short this was. I think humor is the hardest thing to pull off and I was smiling the whole time I read it. I definitely think there are more adventures coming
Profile Image for Jennifer Talwar.
87 reviews1 follower
July 1, 2022
This book was short and funny. A bit dry, but a good change of pace. Not something to read over and over, but worth a read.
23 reviews1 follower
September 15, 2021
Fun, short read! I think it was almost too short, as I hoped for the "squeamish vampire" to play a bit of a larger part. It was an interesting concept for sure and I'd love to see more stories like this.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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