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The Honey-blood Beauty & Her Vampire #1

The Honey-blood Beauty & Her Vampire, Vol. 1

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Kagari Tojyo is smart and beautiful... but what really draws a crowd is her rare "honey blood" -- a crowd of vampires, that is! Enter Ryotaro, her bodyguard and a vampire himself... with quite the perverted, sadistic streak! What's Kagari got to do to have a "normal" life?

163 pages, ebook

First published March 13, 2019

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Toma Fuyuori

7 books1 follower

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews
Profile Image for Mikky.
870 reviews233 followers
May 10, 2021
This book was pure nostalgia and I loved every second of it! This story lives in the same vein as Twilight and the Vampire Knight Manga (that I read way back when and remember fondly). I want more of these stories in manga form. The heroine was spoiled but her antics were silly and entertaining. The hero was interesting with a weird sense of humor at times. The end took me totally by surprise and I really, really, really want to know what happens next!

*I received a free eCopy of this comic via Netgalley. All opinions in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Shannara.
548 reviews98 followers
May 22, 2021
I super love this!!! Ryotaro is just the sweetest and I absolutely adore him. He even makes Kagari-Kun look good!! The idea that some humans have more enticing blood than others... I really like the dynamic plot. And to have her protector be a vampire!?!?! Makes for a hot situation.

Not only do I love the characters, but the art is absolutely great!! The details are gorgeous and bold. Kagari’s outfits are really fun too. She looks adorable and I like that her clothes add to that.

This is also funny and had me chuckling to myself... okay fine, it may have been more like laughing and squealing out loud as I was reading this one. I could help it!!! This book just did it for me. Beautiful cover? Check. Gorgeous art? Check. Characters that I adore?! Double check. Fun and interesting plot... well, you get the point.

I may have a thing for vampires, and this really hit the spot. I recommend this to those who love vampires and graphic novels.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for allowing me to read this for my honest and unbiased opinion.
Profile Image for Rayne ♥.
197 reviews45 followers
May 19, 2021
2.5 stars
This was not what I was expecting at all and it is a reminder of why I never read books about paranormal creatures. The consent in this was non existent, and the plot too. The characters were bland, they had no desires or motivations, and were not dimensional. But the art, the art was beautiful. And at the same time, I might give the next volume a try because I'm so curious about that cliffhanger ending (I bumped it up one star just because of that ending, it really interested me).

Thank you to netgalley for providing me with a review copy. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Alisa.
434 reviews37 followers
May 14, 2021
The story is set in a world where humans and vampires coexist. There are rare humans who have such sweet blood that it drives vampires mad with thirst. So each of these honey-bloods has a vampire assigned to them for protection. We follow a honey-blood Kagari and her SP, Ryotaro. And honestly, that is all there is to the plot of this. Some annoying dude shows up and stirs things up and that is pretty much it lol. Kagari is insufferable, my least favorite type of heroine to read about. It's like she can't even breathe on her own. No,thank you. Ryotaro is just plain weird and I didn't like him either. He does many questionable things without her consent which made me angry. The arstyle is nice, and that's about it.
Thank you to Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mark.
2,323 reviews200 followers
May 4, 2021
Did I miss a memo on us having a resurgence of vampire manga or something? Anyway, blah blah Kagari is a spoiled girl known as a “honey blood” because nothing is new any more and Ryotaro is her playful (read: miserable) protector, also a vampire. Love blah blah, rivals blah blah, and sadly I think I have used my allotment of vampire puns up for the year (I didn’t realize there would be so much at stake).

This book has the unfortunate position of coming out after last week’s superlative Call of the Night, which featured two nuanced characters and a lot of charming dialogue. Compared to that book, this admittedly more shojo take does, in fact, feature two characters.

It’s not to say this couldn’t work. It’s very much in the shojo lane - she’s pampered and trying hard and failing at every turn (always a win with me... not...), he constantly swoops in, sometimes literally, to save the day and they bicker. Once in a while she shows some affection, he pretty much does not.

The book does some things right, make no mistake. Despite an abundance of goofy terms and acronyms and the tired ‘powers I didn’t bother to mention now appear to deus ex machina myself out of a situation’, I do like the world building (I wish they explained how vampires can just walk around in broad daylight though). Iron fortified water and artificial blood substitute are nice touches.

Much as I bemoan the concept of ‘honey blood’ (I feel that phrase could have been workshopped a touch), it makes for some of the more interesting moments as Kagari accidentally injures herself and causes every vampire in scent range to go nuts (giving her a female friend who’s a vampire is another nice touch).

The romance is serviceable. Vampiric behaviour has often been used as a stand-in/allegory for sex and the book smartly uses this to get away with a lot more than typical shojo would on a more regular basis. I don’t mind a series turning up the heat like that once in a while - you even have something for the foot fetishists (if you like puncture wounds).

Too bad the characters are so turgid. I have no interest, really, in our leads. Kagari is at least honest with her feelings but otherwise she’s just a pouty do-nothing whose every attempt to do anything for herself backfires, which I don’t consider fun. I know some people like that kind of dynamic and, if that’s you, you will enjoy this more than me, I promise.

Ryotaro is far too miserable and his sadistic streak gets a bit much for me at points. He constantly sets Kagari up to fail so she relies on him more, which is problematic at best. Not to mention he goes a little non-consensual at least once which I really get ticked off by (yes, I know Kagari has admitted her feelings for him to herself but that’s ZERO excuse).

Our rival gets introduced, quickly followed by the phrase ‘anti-vampire nerve gun’ and I was pretty checked out by this point. The rival full-on drops his facade to be pure evil and yet they still treat him with civility, so stupid. He’s just a boring rich boy whose daddy is apparently letting him upend all of civilization starting with one school. Can’t he just go yachting?

Also? I am getting a touch annoyed with these books coming out with such a glaring number of grammatical errors.

2 stars. I think 2.5 is reasonable, but it’s one of those books where I can’t imagine myself desperate enough to read a second volume (that cliffhanger is SO boring). The humans that the vampires feed on are known as pabulum and I understand what they were going for, but they might have wanted to check the other meaning of that word because it winds up a little on the nose for the book as a whole.
Profile Image for Kayla Brunson.
1,536 reviews267 followers
May 17, 2021
This was a good first volume to a new series. I haven’t read a vampire manga in what seems like forever! I do like the concept of the vampires basically worshipping the honey-bloods. It adds a new dynamic to the same old lore that we know. The two main characters have good chemistry and it almost has mystery to it because you get a vibe that Ryotaro has a hidden agenda. I’m interested to read the next volume.

*I received an ARC via NetGalley for a honest review.
Profile Image for BookishlyNomes.
351 reviews15 followers
May 11, 2021
This is a difficult review to write because to be honest I felt very confused throughout this manga. I understood the general idea of the plotline but the actual plotline felt like I was missing something. Like this volume was actually a later edition further down the track and not volume 1. Because of this, I felt it very difficult to really get hooked into the story or feel anything towards the characters.

That being said, I really enjoy the different take on stories that manga/comics has over the typical written novels. They say "a picture says a thousand words" and it's refreshing to visually see the author's perspective of the story over the many different ways a reader could imagine it, and for that reason I've given this story two stars.

Disclaimer: Thank you to Kodansha Comics and Netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Curious Madra.
2,879 reviews121 followers
May 4, 2021
i feel like im always bumping into romance manga that are turning me off these days, yeah im taking a break from these "run of the mill" romance stories x(
Profile Image for Chanda.
271 reviews28 followers
January 19, 2023
I enjoyed it a lot! It’s a short series 4 volumes so here’s to hoping it’s good!
Profile Image for Shae.
2,921 reviews344 followers
May 11, 2021
I went into this title with high hopes, since I love paranormal things, especially when they involve Vampires.

This one didn't work out as well as I hoped it would. The story felt a little clunky, and the pacing didn't quite work for me. Also, I am surprised at the "interloper" being introduced so early, unless this is a really short series.

I want to give the next volume a try, but I am on the fence about this one for now.
Profile Image for Knigoqdec.
1,079 reviews173 followers
May 5, 2021
Ъм, добре, признавам, че това, което ме привлече към мангата, беше преди всичко зеленокосото момче на корицата. Понеже, колкото и откачено да звучи, знам, че има ли един зелен момък в манга или аниме, значи ще е весело, по какъвто и да било начин.
Но определено не съм аз човекът, който би могъл да каже добра дума за точно тази конкретна манга, поне не и толкова добра, колкото ми се искаше в началото. Като цяло съм надценила силите си с поискването на това заглавие. Това, че по-надолу виждам същите оценки като моята, ме успокоява в някаква степен. Аз давам две звезди, тъй като поне артът е приличен. Не кой знае какво, според моите предпочитания, но донякъде симпатичен.

Още в началото ми напомни силно на Diabolik Lovers (голямо no-no, както се казва), само че момичето не беше дебилно идиотче (с искрено извинение), ами принцеса-фръцла. Като цяло не съм фен на този вид ривърс хареми, въпреки че обикновено много си обичам ривърсите. А под "този вид" имам предвид именно принцесата фръцла и повече от един младеж, който да ѝ се натяга, било то открито или скрито, използвайки всички възможно най-лигави похвати в шоджо жанра. Един такъв мога да изтърпя в стандартен ривърс. Ако са повече, веднага ми изпилват нервите. Така че за съжаление ще се разделя с това заглавие, питаейки малко негативни чувства.
Може би то щеше да има успех в златната ера на този тип истории... Някъде преди десетина години (ли станаха вече?).
Profile Image for TheEuphoricZat.
1,388 reviews56 followers
June 12, 2021
Thanks to #Netgalley and Kodansha Comics for making this book available to me.

We follow Kagari who has rare 'honey blood' which makes vampire go insane around her. She is protected by Ryotaro, her bodyguard who is also a vampire but have been trained mentally and physically to control his reaction to her. Unlike other vampires who are protecting honey-bloods, he refuses to feed on her neck and chooses to do it from her feet. (creep). Anyways, one day she hears some girls discussing how romantic and somewhat sexual it is for vampires to feed on the neck, she decided she wanted Ryotaro to feed on her neck.
She asks him to feed on her neck but he refuses, slowly we learn more about his feelings for her and hers for him.
His task for protecting her is made more difficult by her ability to draw trouble wherever she goes.
I really enjoyed reading this and it was so funny!
Profile Image for Lindsay Lacher.
356 reviews17 followers
May 17, 2021
***Disclaimer: I received a free e-copy of this manga from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review***

This manga follows Kagari Tojyo, a rare honey-blood princess (a human with irresistibly sweet blood) and her dedicated bodyguard and servant Ryotaro (a highly skilled vampire with the ability to resist the allure of honey-blood).

I wanted to read more manga this year and honestly, everything I have read so far has been a hit or miss with me. I very much enjoyed this first installment in the series and I can't wait for the second installment to drop on May 18th, so that I can continue this journey to see what happens.

In my opinion, the artwork was quite lovely and the story while perhaps a little cheesy is fun and almost nostalgic. I would say this story is almost a cross of Twilight (vampires, a high school setting, a potential love triangle) and Sailor Moon (a slightly goofy, young MC who is both lovable and spoiled). I look forward to reading more from Fuyuori and definitely recommend giving this a try if you are looking for a light and slightly silly manga to try out.
Profile Image for Lissa Hawley.
1,245 reviews26 followers
June 2, 2021
4.5 stars

I am intrigued by the premise of this manga and enjoyed the characters and the art. The storyline didn't fully come into its own in just one volume, but I have the feeling it will be entrancing.
Mildly lascivious if you are interested or disinterested in that sort of thing.
Profile Image for Mandy.
443 reviews
May 20, 2021
This manga is definitely for those that like vampires.

I like the fact that it humans and vampires live side-by-side (similar to Vampire Knight) instead of in hiding or being hunted.

I did not like the secondary male character. He's a Jerk! I look forward to book two just to see if he gets his comeuppance.

There are moments where it is definitely rated Older Teen because of a violent act.

Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha for allowing me to review this
Profile Image for Calypso M. King.
45 reviews1 follower
May 18, 2021

The story follows a young high school girl, Kagari Tojyo, she is praised for her beauty but what is truly magnificent about her is the rare 'honey blood' she has. She lives amongst vampires, however, she is put under 24 hours surveillance with her bodyguard Ryotaro, a young and sadistic vampire, who protects her and serves her every need. Things get complicated as the pair grows fond of each other and their feelings for each other become more than servant and master.


3-3.5/5 Stars

Overall, it was a nice first volume and even though the story had a slow start the story was pretty captivating on itself to keep me reading. The manga began with a captivating first line, "The sweet fairy-tale story is like a nightmare. This story in which I will love you forever and always until I kill you," it immediately set the tone for the story to come. There is a fair part of worldbuilding in the first few pages of the manga, as the author provides us with some information about the relationship between vampires and humans and how the hierarchy is laid out.

The nature of the relationship between the Honey Blood princess, Kagari, and the bodyguard, Ryotato — she commands and he follows. They banter with each other a lot, but it is obvious there is more at play (they are clearly in love). Readers or anime watchers of Boku x Inu SS may enjoy this story, as it has a similar relationship dynamic and the characters share similar characteristics. This is a fitting story for those who forbidden and slow burn love story between a princess and her knight, as they are referred to in the manga. The relationship between them is intriguing and always leaves you wanting more. I liked how he was overprotective of her, and she wanted to let him know how she felt but at the same time she felt embarrassed too. He knows the little things about her, and wants to always make her happy.

The panels are nicely structured and they are easy to follow. The art is pretty and captivating, with a lot of details and beautifully drawn characters.

The only reasons I didn't give this story a higher rating, was the fact that it was rather slow to develop and certain interactions seemed rather unimportant. There wasn't a lot of action taking place in the first half of the manga, however, I'm glad I finished it. Even though at first the story is portrayed as a romantic comedy of shorts, the ending betrays a darker side of it which I'm guessing will be explored in the later volumes.


It was a good start to an interesting story and I would pick up the next manga in the series.

★★★☆☆ Overall
★★★☆☆ Characters
★★☆☆☆ Cuteness Level
★★☆☆ Plot twist/Shock
★★★☆☆ How Likely to Recommend

Thanks to NetGalley for providing me a free copy of this manga in exchange of an honest review.
Profile Image for Veronica Villar.
423 reviews28 followers
October 22, 2021
3,5 estrellas

En general el primer tomo de esta serie me ha gustado. Es cierto que al principio la historia es bastante floja y cliché, pero conforme avanza va dando indicios de que hay alguna trama de misterio y el final deja con ganas de más.

La historia se centra en un mundo en el que los vampiros y humanos conviven juntos, y entre ellos hay diferentes clases, los Pabulum, cuya sangre sirve de alimento a los vampiros y los Honey Blood, una clase extraña y especial de Pabulum cuya sangre atrae a cualquier vampiro hasta volverlos violentos. De ahí que los Honey Blood tengan a los SP, unos vampiros especiales entrenados, como guardaespaldas.

Los protagonistas son Kagari, una Honey Blood, y Ryotaro, su SP. Entre ellos hay la típica relación que se ve en los mangas románticos de Ama-sirviente, Princesa-guardaespaldas, en la que ella está enamorada de él y quiere hacérselo saber, pero él quiere mantener un muro entre ambos a pesar de amarla. Entre ellos hay mucha tensión sexual no resuelta y muchos momentos cómicos, pero lo interesante llega al final, cuando parece ser que hay algún secreto en el pasado de ambos que desconocemos.

Definitivamente es un manga que entretiene y al final deja con ganas de más.


3.5 stars

In general I liked the first volume of this series. It is true that at the beginning the story is quite simple and cliché, but as it progresses it gives indications that there is some mystery plot and the end leaves you wanting more.

The story centers on a world in which vampires and humans live together, and among them there are different classes, the Pabulum, whose blood serves as food for vampires and the Honey Blood, a strange and special kind of Pabulum whose blood attracts any vampire until they become violent. Hence the Honey Bloods have the SP, special trained vampires, as bodyguards.

The main characters are Kagari, a Honey Blood, and Ryotaro, her SP. Between them there is the typical relationship that is seen in the romantic manga of Mistress-servant, Princess-bodyguard, in which she is in love with him and wants to let him know about her feelings, but he wants to keep a wall between them despite loving her. Between them there is a lot of unresolved sexual tension and many comic moments, but the interesting thing comes at the end, when it seems that there is some secret in the past of both that we do not know.

It is definitely a manga that entertains and in the end leaves you wanting more.
Profile Image for Iza.
167 reviews20 followers
May 28, 2021
(arc provided by the publisher via netgalley in exchange for an honest review)

This paranormal romance really took me back to the old days. This first volume follows a human, Kagari, who is a rare "honey-blood" in a society where vampires and human feeders, called Pabulum, live alongside each other. Her rare blood type has intoxicatingly scented, high-quality blood that can send vampires into a frenzy from the smallest scrapes, so she's been assigned a special vampire bodyguard, an 'SP' named Ryotaro, to protect her. She's stubborn yet useless without him, and he's completely devoted yet has a possessive, sadistic streak, so you just know they have a complicated relationship that blurs passion and duty and is full of banter that hides their true feelings for each other!

As far as the relationship goes, this manga really delivered! I liked the back and forth between them. Kagari's methods of trying to get closer to him were cute and funny, and though others might not care for it, I do enjoy possessive love interests, so Ryotaro's side of things and his teasing were sweet to me. I'm interesting in exploring their backstory and the deeper bond that seems to be between them, and this had both a strong beginning and ending, with that cliffhanger!

This was a good introductory novel for their basic situation, relationship, and clear conflicts that will happen down the line, but I was left with questions about the worldbuilding that I would have expected to have answered in the first volume. I'm pretty sure 'SP' stands for something, but what? Why is Kagari referred to as a princess? Is she really royalty, or is it just a pet name? (If so, why do other characters use 'sama' for her?) And most importantly, was it necessary for Ryotaro to drink from her toes?? I think I expected something different after that strong first page, and was left with a sense of confusion throughout reading. As it appears, I think my questions about their backstory will at least be answered, which will probably have to be enough for me.

Overall, I liked this manga well enough, and would recommend it to someone looking for a vampire romance, especially if they were a fan of something like Vampire Knight! I'll be keeping an eye out for volume 2.
Profile Image for dia.
294 reviews13 followers
May 1, 2021
(I got a free digital copy of this volume on netgalley!)

I think this is another case of "turn off your brain and you'll enjoy it more" (actual rating of 2.5*). The world is interesting, vampires live together with humans and there's things for both, even sweets adapted with blood stuff so the vampires can enjoy them, which was a nice touch.

Besides that detail, the setting isn't very uncommon: we have the school princess, the bodyguard (which I admit I enjoy lol bodyguard romances are the best), the prince-love-rival, minor characters who are friends with the heroine etc etc.

Everyone wants the heroine because of her special blood, her bodyguard is also her childhood friend and love interest, and their relationship is so unhealthy I actually liked it lol. Ryotaro's obsessed with her and likes having her isolated to himself, while Kagari is very spoiled and selfish and doesn't want him paying attention to anyone else. I can see why others wouldn't like either character, or their relationship, but it was a nice change from the usual shoujo romance, I think.

There's a focus on comedy this volume, but a note by the end warns us the author plans on getting more ~emotional and darker, which I'm actually excited for, because the comedy in this feels very early-2000s, with harassment being used as a joke, sadly. The art varies a lot, in some pages it's nice, then the proportions get all a bit off, but not enough to distract from the plot and all.

Despite the cliffhanger not being The most original, I'm curious to see where this is going, and if the promise from the first page - of the vampire devouring and killing his human master - will go anywhere for real.

content warnings:
Profile Image for Antagonist.
237 reviews307 followers
May 4, 2021
"This is a story in which I will love you forever and always.... until I kill you"

In world where vampires and humans co-exist, Kagari Tojyo has rare extra yummy blood call "honey blood". Ryotaro is her hot and sadistic bodyguard who happens to also be a vampire himself. You get to watch Kagari try to live a "normal life" while not having one at all.

I really wanted to like this book, especially since I am trash for this kind of stuff, but it completely fell short in so many aspects. The characters were badly introduced which makes it fairly hard to care or like them. They just say a lot without actually saying anything at all? I learned so little about them, yet was suppose to be invested in what was happening to them? Also if they've been with each other for so long, how do they know so little about each other?

Like I mentioned before, I am trash and I can usually overlook a lot if the romance is good, but the romance in this made no sense. None of the interactions made me feel anything because they felt completely out of know where. Also the universe they're in doesn't really make sense to me and I have so many questions. It honestly feels like I am missing a chunk of the story, and even had to check what volume I was reading.

I am sure the rest of the series will answer more questions and go more into depth about their history, but there wasn't enough in this book specifically to make me want to continue. The art was nice and I enjoy the master kink being gender-switched like this, but that's all the positive I have to say.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Hal.
741 reviews54 followers
May 14, 2021
arc provided by the publisher via netgalley in exchange for an honest review

We follow a human Kagari who is a rare honey-blood, someone who’s blood is extremely delicious to vampires and causes them to go into a frenzy. Because of that, she has a vampire bodyguard, Ryotaro.

Their relationship is hilarious. It’s obvious they both care for each other as more than friends but Ryotaro refuses to cross the line between them. His banter and the way he reacts to other people wanting Kagari is possessive but humorous too. I can see how some people might have issues with how he goes about things but I like those annoying, alpha types in fiction so he was great.

Kagari herself was stubborn to a point that could be dangerous but she did it to push Ryotaro. I’m interested to see what else she does to try and make him cross that line with her! I wish we had gotten more information on her background and why she’s a princess and everything to do with that. But this was a good set up and introductory volume!

THE ENDING!! This ends on a cliffhanger and I know I’m going to be chomping at the bit to get volume 2! Definitely a series I will be continuing with in the future.

4/5 ⭐️

TW: violence, blood, death, assault, sexual assault/harassment.
Profile Image for Marcy Thomas.
463 reviews4 followers
June 13, 2021
Thanks to Netgalley for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

This feels old.

Are vampires becoming a thing again? I’ve seen more stories with them coming out recently, and I don’t think this resurgence is going to last long. The Twilight craze burned whatever interest anyone had in paranormal creatures, and I don’t think it’s time for it to come back yet. It’s like when dystopian fiction was the big hit. That died so quickly, and bringing that back now wouldn’t be a good idea because I feel everyone is so burned out by it.

So this manga feels like it’s come out too late. If I was a teenager still in the throes of my Twilight craze, I would’ve gobbled it up. But now, it just feels tired. It doesn’t do anything new with the genre, nor does it subvert it. It actually feels like Twilight 2.0. A boring girl is lusted over a vampire because of her blood, and somehow there is a love triangle. I know shojo relies on a lot of tried and tested tropes, but give us something new. This doesn’t even feel like it’s trying.

I didn’t really enjoy this. The art was beautiful, but it needs more than that to make memorable.
Profile Image for Lizz  (literary_lizard).
249 reviews14 followers
May 24, 2021
I wasn't totally sure what to expect from this manga, but it was like a combination of Vampire Knight and Twilight, and I really enjoyed it!

The story follows Kagari Tojyo, a human with honey-blood, that is irresistible to vampires. Luckily, she has a bodyguard, Ryotaro, who is a highly trained vampire who can resist the scent of her blood, and has been tasked with protecting her at all costs. There's teenage drama, romance, and of course, vampires. It had a strong nostalgic feel for me, and was mindlessly entertaining. Yes, there are some issues throughout the story (possession and jealously really stood out), which reminded me a lot of Edward Cullen in Twilight. This is by no means an ideal relationship, which as an adult reader I fully recognize.

Like I said, it was entertaining, and fans of paranormal romance will likely enjoy this series. I am very curious to see what happens next! The ending definitely left me a little stressed out.

Thank you to the publisher, Kodansha Comics, for an electronic copy of this manga via NetGalley.
Profile Image for Roslyn Sundset.
66 reviews
May 18, 2021
I enjoyed this manga about a human who's blood is so sweet to Vampires that they have a personal body guard. I have so many questions about the logistics of this and why this is a thing, but hopefully those questions will be answered in subsequent volumes. I love this sort of back and forth romance between the 2 of them. Clearly they both are into the other, but for some reason some force is keeping them apart. While this volume had some comedy to it, the author notes that in the next volumes the story line will get darker. I actually think I will prefer that to the comedy. The comedy sometimes felt forced and out of place. Beware the cliff hanger at the end. It caught me off guard but also sucked me in because now I need to know what happens.

I felt the pacing was good. It didn't seem like a lot of filler for the sake of filler. I liked that there was something interesting that happens in each of the chapters to move the story line along.
Profile Image for E. R..
726 reviews6 followers
May 5, 2021
4.5 out of 5 stars!

As vampires and humans coexist in this world, there are those humans with "special" blood that drives vampires crazy. Such humans have vampire bodyguards called SPs. One high-school human with "special" blood is Kagari and her bodyguard, Ryotaro. This book shows the beginning of their changing relationship as they encounter vampires, humans, and more as well as glimpses of their shared past.

This is a nice beginning to the series. It has a spunky heroine that isn't perfect and a hero who protects her, even if it has to be from himself in some way. I liked the heroine's friends who supports the heroine in every way. There is humor, drama, love, and more in this book. It may not have as much action to the overall plot

**Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. All opinions and thoughts in the review are my own.**
Profile Image for Nessa.
611 reviews2 followers
May 21, 2021
Thank you Netgalley for the eARC! This was such a cute and entertaining manga but there is a small bit of violence as well. It reminded me a lot of Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead because of how there’s vampires and then feeder humans going to the same school and co-existing in the same world. I also like how this world has human food and special vampire food. The concept of humans who have special honey blood added an interesting twist to the plot. Character-wise, Ryotaro has such random actions sometimes like I don’t know what’s going on in his mind. He definitely enjoys tormenting Kagari which lowkey reminds me of my own boyfriend 😂 This manga has lots of things happen which sets the stage for events that could happen in upcoming volumes. I'm curious to see how the story unfolds so I'll most likely pick up Volume 2 when it releases.
Profile Image for Forthright ..
Author 38 books526 followers
August 11, 2021
In a world where humans and vampires live side-by-side, she's an elite thanks to her "honey blood." But she's also in danger, because a single drop can drive the average vampire wild with desire for her. So she's assigned a specially-trained protector. A vampire bodyguard with superior control who defends her with his life in exchange for a daily mouthful of her blood. She's grateful, sure, but what she really wants is for her protector to want her ... because she's fallen for him.

Eh. I was quickly frustrated by the characterizations. She waffles between "queen mode," when she's confident and domineering ... and "princess mode," when she's a stammering and blushing ingenue. And he is all poised and polite to her face, but manipulative and sadistic when she's not looking. Both of them being so two-faced left me feeling jerked around by the author's whim. Won't be following.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews

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