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The Reality of Us

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The reality of Alden…
Arrogant. Aloof. Argumentative. Antagonistic. Angry. Alden Kaufman is many things, and none of them are nice. Trauma has left him deeply scarred and incapable of easy friendships. He doesn’t know how to let anyone past his walls, and he doesn’t think it’s worth the trouble.

The reality of Kit…
Everybody’s best friend, nobody’s boyfriend. In spite of a lifestyle that doesn’t invite attachments, Kit Taylor gets along with everyone he meets—except Alden. He can’t entice his prickly co-worker out of his shell, and has given up on trying.

The Reality of Us…
Two men at odds with themselves and each other embark on what should be a simple team-building exercise, but nothing goes as planned. Unexpected intimacy and a freak accident leave Kit and Alden dependent on each other long after they leave the mountain behind. Now they have a choice—to continue as they’ve been, or trust a shaky new reality together.

178 pages, Paperback

First published August 10, 2021

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About the author

Vanessa North

42 books518 followers
Author of over a dozen novels, novellas, and short stories, Vanessa North delights in giving happy-ever-afters to characters who don’t think they deserve them. Relentless curiosity led her to take up knitting and run a few marathons “just to see if she could.” She started writing for the same reason. Her very patient husband pretends not to notice when her hobbies take over the house. Living and writing in Northwest Georgia, she finds her attempts to keep a quiet home are frequently thwarted by twin boy-children and a very, very large dog.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 85 reviews
Profile Image for Carol.
3,145 reviews121 followers
May 12, 2022
A really good read. Both the men were vulnerable for similar reasons, Kit as he struggled to reconcile the happy go lucky, no strings attached relationship with his deep feeling for Alden, and Alden with his tragic personal & family history, that he deals with by pushing others away, but he's unable to keep Kit at arms' length. I thought the author portrayed Alden's PTSD and agoraphobia with a great deal of delicacy and tack. The story was very well written, sometimes raw, and very honest. I liked Alden's Mom was a jewel. I hope Thomas, (Alden's likeable ex) gets his "Happily Ever After" someday.
Profile Image for AngelFire.
767 reviews57 followers
January 20, 2024
I loved this so much!! The average rating is shockingly low and many reviews talk about feeling dissatisfied with the execution of the story but it's one of those times where I'm baffled by those reviews because I don't agree with what they say. Since the story contained so many specific things I love, I don't know if I'm judging it objectively, but I honestly thought the author hit this one out of the park. It was a bittersweet, emotional and beautiful story about finding happiness and love after having experienced a dark time and the whole thing was paced in a realistic way that made me love the MCs' journeys and their relationship.

The story reminded me a lot of this author's second chance romance High And Tight (which has a very similar and also very low average rating). In fact, the character archetypes are exactly the same with only minor changes and because I love those kinds of characters and the kind of romance they end up having, it was no surprise that I loved this story as much as I liked High And Tight. But while one of the things I loved most about High And Tight was the second chance aspect, the best part of The Reality Of Us was the mental health journey that Alden had.

Every part of this story was something that I love and it's one of those cases where I read the entire story with a huge smile on my face because every time I wanted the author to do XYZ, she did XYZ. We have the following:

I could go on and on but then I'd be listing every single plot point.

I also loved how the author slowly revealed the full details behind Alden's trauma. From the start, we know the event impacted his family (his parents and himself) and that none of them were the same afterwards. There are small clues inserted here and there but because the scenario isn't one I've come across before in MM romance, it was a gut punch when we learn the full story of what happened.

It was a heartbreaking backstory but it was also one I really appreciated reading about.

Another thing I loved was the realistic pacing of Alden and Kit's relationship, both as housemates and romantic partners.

Everything about Alden's progression was such a beautiful example of what it takes to be in a healthy relationship, even if you come into that relationship with heavy baggage. Kit is very willing to cut Alden slack when it comes to many things but Kit (and other people in Alden's life) are also quick to point out when Alden should be and is capable of doing better. Alden starts the story being convinced that he's not capable of being in a relationship with somebody else and through Kit's patience and Alden's own incredible efforts, Alden ends up proving to himself and everybody else that he's capable of being the kind of life partner that Kit deserves. His journey was incredible and I couldn't stop smiling and tearing up as Alden kept improving, even if his two steps forward were sometimes followed by a step back.

Overall, this was a beautiful romance that contained many things that I loved and I highly recommend it. That being said - my opinion seems to be the outlier here so maybe take my recommendation with a grain of salt. The fact that both High And Tight and this book are rated much lower than Blueberry Boys (which I thought was boring and generic) makes me think I'm on a different wavelength than other readers when it comes to this author's work. In any case, I loved every word of this story and it's one that'll stay close to my heart for a long time to come.
Profile Image for Shelba.
2,495 reviews80 followers
January 16, 2023
DNF @ 20%.

Opposites attract and “only one tent” are great tropes. And they were completely ruined by Alden realizing he left 3 days of his meds behind. But don’t worry! If Kit talks to him and makes him feel safe, that may fend off the panic attacks. Magic dick to the rescue! No thanks.
Profile Image for  Gabriele | QueerBookdom .
333 reviews168 followers
August 10, 2021
DRC provided directly by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Representation: gay protagonists, tertiary character who uses a wheelchair, queer Asian tertiary character.

Content Warning: anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, trauma, mentions of shooting, mentions of death, panic attacks.

The Reality of Us by Vanessa North is a fast-paced romance novella between a data analyst and a field biologist who are forced to hike together for a work-arranged team-building exercise.

I found the story to be too fast-paced and I think it could have worked better if lengthened to full-fledged-novel standards. Both Kit and Alden were not characters one would precisely consider loveable, but that did not take away from the story per se. What ruined the story for me is the fact that everything moved too quickly and every time there was an emotional or affectionate scene, it felt like reading about two puzzle pieces that do no match being forced together nonetheless.

While I liked Alden’s character, and again I wished for the story to be longer in order to get a better fleshed-out character development and an in-depth look at his psyche, I hated Kit who felt like the stereotypical gay man with no wish for human connection with his partners who out of the blue changed his mind without a real emotional development; and although I appreciated the fact he had not the typical top-only energy which one could presume from his physical description, he still emanated a masc4masc vibe which is what made me dislike the character even more. Also, I felt like the story relied too much on Alden’s shoulders and Kit expected him to do all the work in the relationship, while offering almost nothing in turn.

I really liked the concept of this story, but I wish it were better executed.
Profile Image for DK.
915 reviews36 followers
August 2, 2021
I received an eARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.

The Reality of Us is a super sweet and quick read that packs in loads of emotions. I was first drawn to the book because I love hiking and it's set in the Great Smoky Mountains and Asheville, North Carolina. While the hiking bit is cut short due to a hiking accident, the plot segues into one of my favorite tropes, hurt/comfort. I loved reading about Alden becoming comfortable enough with Kit to lower his walls, and for Kit to open himself up to the possibility of creating a lasting home. Both characters have their own issues and baggage to work through but they do put in the work and the outcome is so satisfying! This is an enjoyable comfort read with snarky banter, steamy moments, and soft cuddles.
Profile Image for  Bon.
1,348 reviews184 followers
May 2, 2022
3.5 ish? Pretty good but once it hit a pretty triggering part for me about a leg injury + subsequent recovery stuff I had to start skimming. Whew.
Profile Image for Deirdre Megan Byrd.
240 reviews3 followers
June 16, 2024
It was cute. Wasn’t my favorite. Loved the vulnerability but otherwise it just wasn’t for me. I think it was the writing style. You might love it though. (2.5 stars)
Profile Image for Verónica Fleitas Solich.
Author 28 books90 followers
April 18, 2023
A story that, from my point of view, should have been more and better worked on. The characters and their lives were up for much more elaboration, so at times the book feels too rushed and abrupt.
Either way, it's an entertaining read.
Profile Image for Gal.
389 reviews5 followers
March 23, 2023
For me, this fell right in the middle. It was completely fine but at the same time a bit cliche.

I wanted to rate it higher purely based on the kittens, but thinking overall, it was a 3.5 star.

I enjoyed the characters and what I like most was the mental health representation the author brought to one of the characters. I myself struggle with anxiety so it was nice reading about it. We also have PTSD but since I don't have it, I found it interesting to read about and see how Alden dealt with it.

I like Kit too, but Alden was more interesting and felt more like a real person.

What I had a problem with is that the story begins with humorous bickering and then turns depressing and then it's pretty much just smut scenes... so the pacing of that was a little weird. And I don't like people apologizing so much so when Kit said "Sorry" for the 20th time, I was over it. It also felt way longer than it actually was, at the end, I was just kinda hoping for it to end, the last chapter was just a drag and the ending was mediocre.

By all means, this was not bad, it was a fun read but I don't see myself ever re-reading this.
Profile Image for tara.
209 reviews7 followers
August 3, 2021
—I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.—

this was so sweet and softtttt.

i love the chemistry betwen Alden and Kit. how both of them have their own issues, yet they both found comfort in each other, and make it work.

the opposite personality with outsiders and with each other was so nice! the way Alden become so confident and sure, around Kit. and how popular and usually confident Kit gets putty and soft around Alden.

i just...... wish it was longerrrrrr, i would love to read more of them. but i'm hoping Tommy gets a book too!
Profile Image for Ian Rosales.
341 reviews4 followers
September 30, 2023
It's been a while since I last read a gay romance novel that I like and I can say that this one is a very entertaining 5-star read for me.

The story is about Kit and Alden who are quite familiar with each other because they work in the same company however that's where the commonality ends.

Kit is an outdoorsy type of person while Alden prefers to stay in the comfort and security of his house. The connection started with a company activity wherein they went to a hiking resort and Alden and Kit got paired together. The adventure started awkwardly. Since the two are opposites, the hike started with a lot of bickering and bantering. The two started to get along when Kit realized that he forgot to pack Alden's medicine for his mental health condition. Kit was so guilty and with his effort to make it up to Alden, he got into an accident.

That's when the exciting parts started. I love how the story was written to showcase the evolution of their relationship, personal growth, their relationship with their families and how their emotions developed. There were a lot of giddy moments and there were instances as well where I wanted to go inside the book and tell them to just be honest with their feelings with one another.

This is one of the most entertaining gay-themed reads and I am giving this a solid 5-star rating.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lucia Fidhel.
306 reviews42 followers
May 14, 2024
Ayyy, me encantó este libro. Entré en él sin ningún tipo de expectativa y lo terminé adorando.

Tiene todos los clichés que me encantan: enemies to lovers, romance falso, tener que compartir una tienda (o una tienda de campaña en este caso, muy a lo Secreto en la montaña ;) ) y AHHHHH, ¡amé!

Realmente no sabía nada de este libro, hasta creí que se trataba de una novela de fantasía por algún motivo, pero nada que ver. Es la historia de dos compañeros de trabajo que se "odian", cuyas personalidades son suuuper diferentes una de la otra.

Mientras Alden es un introvertido lleno de ansiedad y nervios, Kit es un alma libre que le encanta estar en el exterior. No podrían ser más opuestos, pero después de que fueran obligados a acampar juntos en una excursión laboral (ojalá me dieran de esas a mí) se dan cuenta que quizás no son tan diferentes como creían.

Me dejó debiendo un epílogo para saber cómo les fue después del final, pero en general, no hay mucho que recriminarles, es una novela buenísima que vale muchísimo la pena.
Profile Image for Jane.
309 reviews
April 28, 2022
SO sweet and caring. So full of love. Ultimate h/c.
Profile Image for Michelle.
538 reviews104 followers
February 18, 2024
alas, i was told (by an algorithm feeding me random bookish content creators sjdsjsjd) that this relationship dynamic had an andreil kind of vibe to it. it hasn't. not at all. oh well, just reminded me why i usually do not trust random people on the internet.
Profile Image for Emily.
12 reviews
December 28, 2021
it was cute. however, i prefer slowburn, so i was already turned off when the characters got together less than forty pages in. i also strongly dislike the trope where both characters obviously have feelings for each other but refuse to talk about it, leading to stupid problems. so i had to take off some points for that.
Profile Image for Laurel.
5 reviews
January 19, 2023
Overall the premise is good, but the execution is poor. To reference a review left on “The Kiss Quotient”, “this book loses points because Alden is constantly having his PTSD fucked out of him”.
August 28, 2024
Don't pay attention to the low rating. This is a sweet love story.

I'm a big fan of low-angst romance, and M/M in particular. If low angst M/M is your thing, go for it - you won't be disappointed!

I saw someone in a (sadly) top-of-the-page review giving one star after 20% dnf. I have a major problem with anyone who rates a book after a dnf. It's unethical in my opinion. How can you rate a book that you didn't even read?

They were being snarky about a character who was without their SSRI and other anti-anxiety med being comforted by the other MC talking them through their discomfort, and as the snarky person said, by a "magic dick." First of all, the talking them through the discomfort was the main thing that helped. The so-called "magic dick" was a happy follow-up.

As a person who takes both meds, I can tell you that the description of what Alden experienced being off his meds for a day was spot-on. The reviewer who said something about 3 days of meds wasn't paying attention to what actually happened with the story before dissing it in public and then hiding by restricting comments.

I appreciate books that deal with mental illness, especially when it's depicted with care. I'm disappointed that the rating is so low, and particularly the reviewer who scornfully said it was about a "magic dick." I very much suspect that they didn't know what the heck they were talking about with regard to mental illness and meds.

Sorry to be ranting about another review, but it struck home with me, because the author and the book didn't deserve the bad review after a 20% dnf and clear ignorance of mental illness.

The book is sweet. It's a real shame that a nasty reviewer ended up being at the top of the list of reviews and didn't have the courage to allow comments.

I'm a big fan of low-angst romance, and M/M in particular. If low angst M/M is your thing, go for it - you won't be disappointed!
412 reviews5 followers
August 9, 2021
3.5-4 stars

This was a highly readable and enjoyable book, that left me slightly unsure of my feelings by the end!

The romance between Kit and Alden featured many things that I like a lot - a mild enemies-to-lovers plot, people hiding behind 'no strings' to avoid opening themselves up to getting hurt, and not one, but two, forced proximity scenarios, as first they are trapped by flooding in their small tent, and then injury leaves Kit recuperating in Alden's home. The relationship was well balanced and developed and I rooted for the characters throughout.

However where I struggled a little was with the more angsty moments and issues. Alden has anxiety and agoraphobia, is struggling with grief and has PTSD associated with this. And I think this is a YMMV thing really, and just I anticipated a greater deal of angst, or rather that there would be more of a long term impact. However, things like the accidental forgetting of medication, leading to a few nights of cold turkey for Alden, were not such a big deal. And I think this will work well for some but less so for others.

Despite the sometimes heavy parts, this did feel quite low angst and sweet, and will definitely appeal to people who like a sweet romance with complicated characters.

CW anxiety, agoraphobia, death of parent, grief, PTSD, discussion of off page gun violence

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Slick.
1,251 reviews42 followers
June 24, 2022
Trigger warnings: character with anxiety/panic attacks, survivor of mass shooting, secondary character with artifical limb

I enjoyed this book, and give it between a 3.5 and 4 star rating. Both characters had some issues especially Alden and they were warranted, but I also felt like he used them as a crutch to keep people away. I didn't feel like we got t know Kit as well, he was a bit aloof and wasn't the best at communicating and despite it was easy to see his growing feelings for Alden he convinced himself it wasn't even worth trying to talk to Alden about them. Honestly I wanted to knock both of them upside the head a few times and tell them to snap out of it and talk to each other.

I felt this book was a bit strange because they didn't have a great working relationship largely due to Alden simply not wanting anything to do with people in the office (he worked remotely but was required at times to go into the office), yet they shared a physical moment early in this book becasue they found each other sexy (nothing wrong with that they were both single and willing) but then it became almost a slow burn for them to be physical again all while claiming they didn't want any attachments while both were craving intimacy (this drove me nuts).

Overall it was a good story, I enjoyed watch Alden accept more people into his life and moving past or at least working to overcome his fears. I would have liked to see more change in Kit but I did think these two were good together.
Profile Image for Georgette B.
228 reviews1 follower
August 10, 2021
A sweet relatable story. Alden Kaufman and Christopher “Kit” Taylor are the only two out gay men on their team of scientists. However that is where the obvious similarities end. Kit is a rugged outdoors man who prefers to do work out in the field, where Alden prefers the comfort of his home office. They manage to interact superficially during staff meetings, but now they are scheduled on go on a team building hiking trip. While on the trip, Kit hurts his ACL and Alden offers his spare room.

I enjoyed watching these two men discover the things they have in common, including a physical attraction to the other. Neither man believes he is relationship material, prompting them to agree to a “no strings” relationship. This is a great arrangement-until it’s not!

What I liked:
*Tasteful way the author addressed agoraphobia
*Non stereotypical description of a “scientist”
*Positive family relationship
*Relatable characters and situations
* sex scenes

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Emily Pennington.
18.9k reviews321 followers
August 12, 2021
Alden and Kit . . .

Alden Kaufman doesn’t make friends easily and prefers to keep to his office. He has walls from past experiences and just doesn’t care enough to let them down.

Kit Taylor makes friends easily but has not attracted a boyfriend. Despite his easy-going nature, Alden remains “prickly” and seems to be comfortable in the “shell” he has built around himself.

Now the office is going out on a team-building exercise. But trouble comes their way through an accident when Kit hurts the ligaments that help stabilize the knee joint (ACL), and Kit and Alden have to depend on each other. Will Alden continue to stay close and help Kit while he heals? Or will that be too uncomfortable for him? Would a no-strings relationship work out for them until things go back to “normal”?

This was an interesting story line with atypical characters that still remained likable. Their personalities seem to balance each other well. Are they willing to see where their relationship takes them? Or did they really intend to only stick around for a short time?
Profile Image for Juniper.
3,159 reviews21 followers
August 10, 2021
Alden and Kit get to work through lots of fun tropes: we have grumpy/sunshine, workplace romance, only one bed (ok, tent, but close enough), hurt/comfort, and “oh no, feelings that weren’t within the parameters of our causal boundaries” and they all work together beautifully. Even more beautiful, really, is the depth of the love that builds between the two of them. I liked how both felt like real people-- flaws, strengths, and all. Alden’s past and its effects on his present are treated with care, and it’s lovely to see him making a space for Kit in his home and in his heart. Kit, kind, enthusiastic, occasionally ridiculous Kit, is exactly who you’d want him to be, and it’s great to see them get their HEA. Perhaps a sequel for Tommy?

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 85 reviews

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