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As Evenfall nears, the stakes grow ever higher for those in Faery…

Banished from the Winter Court for daring to fall in love, Prince Ash achieved the impossible and journeyed to the End of the World to earn a soul and keep his vow to always stand beside Queen Meghan of the Iron Fey.

Now he faces even more incomprehensible odds. Their son, King Keirran of the Forgotten, is missing. Something more ancient than the courts of Faery and more evil than anything Ash has faced in a millennium is rising as Evenfall approaches. And if Ash and his allies cannot stop it, the chaos that has begun to divide the world will shatter it for eternity.

Books in The Iron Fey: Evenfall series:

Book 1: The Iron Raven
Book 2: The Iron Sword


Shadow’s Legacy (Evenfall #0.5)

336 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 1, 2022

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Julie Kagawa

79 books25.3k followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 278 reviews
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,602 reviews11k followers
February 28, 2022
I really love, Ash and was excited for this book so I’m going to leave it at a 3 for now. I have the first book in the new series a 1 star I think, but I’m not a big Puck fan anymore. I can’t remember if I ever was, but I know these books were great because of the narration for sure. Unfortunately, the narrator made some of the characters sound stupid.

I’m going to reread the whole series (the original books) and see if I still like them. Oh might reread these as well without narration 😬

Mel 🖤🐶🐺🐾
Profile Image for Lia Carstairs.
493 reviews2,723 followers
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June 16, 2021

i am dead serious when i say id sell my soul for this book
Profile Image for ♠ TABI⁷ ♠.
Author 15 books508 followers
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June 15, 2021
as happy as I am for more of the world WHY AREN'T WE CONTINUING IN PUCK'S POV???? I'm not complaining BUT WHYYYY
Profile Image for Angelica.
871 reviews1,195 followers
February 13, 2022
Once upon a time, back when I was in high school, The Iron Fey was one of my favorite series I loved the characters and the world of the Nevernever and all the adventures. I also loved the ending of the series. The bad guys were defeated, the heroes lived happily ever after. And it was over. Or, at least, it should have been.

Then a spinoff/ continuation series came out, The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten. I didn’t love it, but it was fine. Then that was over. The bad guy was defeated. The heroes lived happily ever after. And it was over. Except it still wasn’t!

Now we have The Iron Fey: Evenfall. And after two books, I gotta say, I’m not loving it. Maybe it’s because I’m older now, maybe at this point, I’ve read way too many YA novels. Whatever the reason, this series has lost its charm.

This book was extremely repetitive. The two-thirds of this book was a series of unnecessary small quests. The gang is trying to find Keirran so they go to his home, but first, they have to go somewhere else and ask for help. Not finding him there they have to go elsewhere, and then somewhere else to get information, only to realize that they now have to go to another place and call in another favor, and then find yet another person to help them, and travel to another location, and so it goes like two hundred pages. They make too many stops that are ultimately useless, and too much time is wasted.

The last part of the book does pick up as they now roughly know who the villain is. But even then so much of the book is in the form of flashbacks, dreams, and hallucinations that nothing seems to be happening in real-time.

Then there was the problem of telling and not showing. In the previous book, The Iron Raven, we kept being told that Puck was reverting to his evil, heartless self, from before he was one of the good guys. We were constantly reminded that Puck was turning bad and there was darkness around him. And yet, aside from some snarky comments and a repetitive inner monologue about darkness, we were never actually shown puck be evil.

This book does a little better at showing. Not only does Ash keep mentioning his evil, Unseelie self, but he actually does begin to act a little different. But also not really. Ash doesn’t do anything in this book that he probably wouldn’t in any other in the series if pushed to it. And it was the same inner monologue about his ‘Unseelie nature’ every single time a negative thought crossed his mind. It got old quick.

Overall, I am not loving this. But will I keep reading, you bet I will. I've already invested too much energy in these characters and I will see this through! That being said, at some point, this series is going to have to end. How many times can the world be ending? When will they actually get to live happily ever after and leave it at that? I’m hoping soon.
Profile Image for Nikita.
324 reviews2 followers
September 23, 2024
The Iron Sword is gripping, exciting, and emotional. Prince Ash was banished from the Winter Court for falling in love and accomplished the impossible by earning a soul at the End of the World to stay by Queen Meghan’s side. Now he faces an even more impossible odds as their son, King Keirran of the Forgotten is missing and something more ancient and sinister known as Evenfall is approaching. Unless Ash and his allies can stop it, the chaos that has begun to divide their world will shatter for eternity. The Iron Sword is filled with danger, shock, adventurous and emotion.

After learning that his son, King Keirran of the Forgotten has disappeared, Prince Ash, Meghan, the Iron Queen, Puck, Nyx, Kierran’s assassin and Grim travel to Touchstone of the between to discover what happened. However, upon reaching Touchstone, they discover that the monster who can change fey to their darker selves has returned forcing Keirran to flee with the Forgotten. Searching for their son, Ash and group travel to anyone who may have a clue to his whereabouts. All the while Ash’s worry causes his Unseelie nature to grow as the situation continues to grow more dangerous. Upon finding Keirran and ensuring his and his people’s safety, the group now must inform the other courts about the new threat more dangerous than any they have ever faced in the past.

Upon meeting with the other rulers of Faery, giving warning about the new threat, Evenfall and about the danger from the new fey, Evenfey. To learn more about Evenfall, Ash and group travel to the mortal world where they believe the source of the Evenfey are coming from, a social media company called Insight. There they discover a horrifying truth known as the Nightmare King, the truth about Evenfall and where they face their deepest fears. Despite their best effort, the path of Evenfall and rise of the Nightmare King looms over them as he threatens to destroy the Nevernever for good.

I feel for Ash. He is so worried about everything lately especially this new threat has him. It’s always so nice to everyone from past books again. Meghan has become so strong since the Iron King but she is a mom now and has those mom worries. Puck is fun and wonderful. Nyx, I am loving her more and more. Grim is always a delight. Ethan and Kenzie make an appearance and something so wonderful happens to them that I couldn’t help but scream.

Overall, The Iron Sword was pretty good. This is one of my favorite series and it just keeps getting better. I love it so much. I was surprised by some of the funny scenes, most of them not surprised came from Puck. The idea of Evenfall and the Evenfey is interesting. The Iron Raven featured Puck and the Iron Sword featured Ash for the POV so I hope that the third book will have Meghan or maybe Nyx. Still I can’t wait for what happens next.
Profile Image for Alicia.
2,016 reviews74 followers
March 2, 2022
I know I'm not the first to say this, but this book would have been so much better from Puck's POV. Not sure why it was changed to Ash, but I definitely missed being in Puck's head. This book is still great, but I didn't want Ash. He had his turn already in the original series.
End of the last book Touchstone had disappeared, taking Kierran with it, so Ash and Meghan set out to find their son.
Yep, it's reminiscent of other books, but so what? All the gang get back together for more epic journeys and saving worlds. They fight bad guys, get beat up, and keep searching for answers.
It does refer to events in the previous series a lot, so if you've picked up Evenfall and started the world from there, I'd advise going back to the beginning or you're going to be more than a little lost.
I love how there's always more to uncover and explore in this world. It just keeps building with every instalment, and getting more and more fantastic. Some of the nightmare creatures in here... *shudders* But they still would have been better through Puck's POV.
Profile Image for Elliot A.
644 reviews41 followers
February 13, 2022

Thank you to the publisher, Inkyard Press, for providing me with an ARC of The Iron Sword in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Gist

Well, I think I need to admit to myself that I may have joined the Iron Fey and Evenfall series too late to fully appreciate it.

I feel too old and, perhaps, too impatient for this type of story. It is very YA and I have been spending a lot of time lately reading contemporary fiction and mysteries and thrillers, so doing the jump from murders and unhappy adults to faeries fighting monsters is a little extreme.

The Details

I also noticed a lot of repetition The Iron Sword right from the beginning, as in, the first 3% of the book. That’s not a good start.

Combine the glaring repetition with the many descriptions that told more than showed what was happening and I was beginning to lose interest quickly.

The decision to throw the reader right back into the “Between” to have another repeat plot that reminded me very much of the travelling troupe trope is questionable.

I saw other reviews that gushed over the fact that The Iron Sword is from Ash’s point of view, but for me it took a lot of the reading pleasure out of it.

Characters were kept at arm’s length. It just felt stiff and not very fun.

With Puck, the reader got at least some snarky, sarcastic comments that offset the heavily laden emotional revelations and descriptions. This time around, there was no foil. Nothing.

The writing is still good and very easy to follow. It’s clean and crisp, but can’t really make up for the shortcomings of the narrative.

The Verdict

This is a rather short review. I’m not sure what else I could elaborate on.

Overall, I think I have to make a few difficult decisions regarding my reading preferences, because they have changed over the last year.

I would suggest The Iron Sword to die hard fans of both series by Kagawa.
Profile Image for Feyre.
1,230 reviews117 followers
October 15, 2023
Sorry. Je ein Stern für den Schreibstil und die Rückkehr ins Nimmernie mit dem Wiedersehen mit so vielen liebgewonnenen Charakteren.
Das sollte Pucks Reihe werden. Warum ihn im ersten Buch unfassbar unsympathisch werden lassen und nach Auflösung und so im zweiten Band Ash erzählen lassen?! Damit Puck zur Nebenfigur machen. Ich mag Ash an sich schon nicht. Das andere Buch aus deiner Perspektive war schon nicht meins, aber mir jetzt meinen geliebten Puck klauen und mir stattdessen den Eisbubi vorsetzen? Nope nope nope. Ansonsten war es ja spannend. Aber für mich war das so leider nichts. Vielleicht ist der nach dem Cliffhanger vielversprechend klingende Band 3 ja wieder aus Pucks Sicht.
Profile Image for bookishcharli .
686 reviews136 followers
February 17, 2022
Banished from the Winter Court for daring to fall in love, Prince Ash achieved the impossible and journeyed to the End of the World to earn a soul and keep his vow to always stand beside Queen Meghan of the Iron Fey.

Now he faces even more incomprehensible odds. Their son, King Keirran of the Forgotten, is missing. Something more ancient than the courts of Faery and more evil than anything Ash has faced in a millennium is rising as Evenfall approaches. And if Ash and his allies cannot stop it, the chaos that has begun to divide the world will shatter it for eternity.

I really liked being in Ash’s head for this book in the series, we’re normally in Puck’s and I wanted to get another POV so my wishes have come true. This is a really good YA book for anyone that just wants to read a fantasy adventure fun time instead of anything with violence, swearing or smut. I feel like if you’re not really a reader of YA anymore then you might not enjoy this one as much compared to your usual reads, but I found it to be a great read between other books. There was a fair bit of repetition in it, but then that can be the curse of YA/MG books where they have to fill the void of violence and smut with SOMETHING, and there’s only so much you can throw in a storyline without making it irrelevant.

Definitely one I would recommend reading to readers of all ages! Thanks HQ for sending me an e-arc in exchange for my review.
Profile Image for Elena.
258 reviews11 followers
February 7, 2022
2.5 ⭐️
Evenfall in a nutshell:
Meghan: I’m the Iron Queen and a worried mother so help pls. Please.
Ash: Tell me what I want to know or I’ll kill you because I will protect my family.
Puck: Hehe *says something funny which isn’t funny*
Nyx: Disagrees with Puck because she’s a deadly assassin.
Grim: Y’all annoy me and I know everything.

So did anyone ever notice that ASH has ICE magic? No? Me neither - took me like 9 books 😂 Ever since the Call of the Forgotten I don’t feel any romance between Ash & Meghan anymore hummm.. Sad 🙃 This book was repetitive as hell alas painful to read through and I really hoped that this was the last ‚end of the world…again…‘ book. I love all the Iron Fey books but enough is enough. That cliffhanger ending smells like another book is coming and I’m annoyed already 🤨
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,844 reviews41 followers
January 16, 2022
What an exciting addition to this series!

While I’m happy we get Ash’s POV this time around, I do miss being in Puck’s head. He’s always so fun. And I was hoping for more romance, if I’m being honest. But alas…

While trying to find Kirian the gang discovers that faery isn’t what they thought it was. The past found a way of sneaking up and changing everything they ever knew. Definitely didn’t see that coming. But I’m hoping for good things in the next one.

If you’re looking for an adventurous YA series, then this is right up your alley. And when I say YA I mean Y-A. There’s no sexy times or uncomfortable violence to worry about. But I love these characters, so I can deal. 🤪

I read an ARC and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Shelleyrae at Book'd Out.
2,526 reviews542 followers
February 28, 2022
“The end has begun. Evenfall is coming. Faery and every living creature that exists under the sun are doomed.”

While it’s not strictly necessary to be familiar with the Iron Fey series which includes the four books of The Iron Fey (The Iron King, The Iron Daughter, The Iron Queen and The Iron Knight) and The Iron Fey: Call of Forgotten trilogy (The Lost Prince, The Iron Traitor and The Iron Warrior), plus various novellas, you do need to have read the first book of this spin-off series, The Iron Raven, to enjoy this direct sequel.

The Iron Sword begins where The Iron Raven ended, though this time the story is told from Ash’s point of view, as Ash, the unseelie Winter Prince with a soul, and his wife, Megan, the human Iron Queen, learn that their son, Kierran, King of the Forgotten, is missing after his realm in the Between was corrupted by a shadow monster. Joined by Puck, assassin Nyx, and Grimalkin, the party sets off in search of Kierran while trying to learn more about Evenfall, and the shadow monsters invading Faery. Their journey takes them into the mortal world where Kierran is protecting the survivors of his kingdom, and it’s here, with some help from Megan’s half brother, and his wife, Kenzie, that they will find the answers they all seek.

With Ash taking centre stage as the narrator of The Iron Sword, Megan and Puck are essentially sidelined. Ash is not a terribly complicated character, and I felt his narrative reflected this. His internal monologues were quite repetitive, declarations to protect his family at any cost, and a debate, influenced by the negative emotions stirred by the various shadow monsters, about the consequences of unleashing, or failing to unleash, his full unseelie nature.

Fortunately there’s plenty of fast paced action in The Iron Sword because Ash is a dynamic fighter, A few smaller skirmishes eventually lead to an impressive multi-staged battle that the group seem on the verge of losing until some surprising allies step in. Kagawa is skilled at conjuring these scenes so that it’s easy to visualise the chaos of swords and magic as the hero’s and monsters clash.

I don’t want to spoil the particulars of what Evenfall is, but I do think it works well within Kagawa’s established lore. I also liked the connections she drew between the real world and fae elements.

Unsurprisingly the book ends on a cliffhanger, with the whole of faery, and the mortal world, in danger of shattering. I expect it will be Megan who will tell the final instalment of the trilogy, and I’m looking forward to it. The nightmare of Evenfall is upon us.
Profile Image for Elsa Bakker.
440 reviews11 followers
April 19, 2022
Boeken van Julie Kagawa behoren toch wel tot mijn favorieten in het YA Fantasy genre. Met elk verhaal dat ik van haar lees word ik nieuwsgieriger naar de daarop volgende boeken en inmiddels heb ik al heel wat titels met heel veel plezier gelezen. Deze keer bespreek ik ‘Het IJzerzwaard’, het tweede deel van ‘Evenfall’, uitgegeven door Harper Collins in een mooie paperback editie.

De cover straalt een ijzige winterse sfeer uit inclusief kale donkere takken, sneeuw vlokken en in het midden een opvallend felblauw ijzig zwaard dat wel enige beschadigingen vertoont. Hoe zijn die beschadigingen ontstaan en wiens kroon is het daar op het zwaard? Genoeg vragen ontstaan in ieder geval om het verhaal vol enthousiasme in te duiken.

“Een pluizige cyperse kat slenterde naar voren, zwaaiend met een uitzonderlijk volle pluimstaart. Hij nam ons allemaal met een verveelde blik in zijn gouden ogen op.”

Zodra ik de eerste pagina’s gelezen heb ben ik me weer helemaal terug in de elfenwereld van Ash, Meghan en de anderen. Het gaat gelijk door me heen hoe erg ik deze fantasiewereld van Julie Kagawa heb gemist. Een boek lezen van Julie is echt de ultieme ontspanning voor mij en de perfecte manier om te ontsnappen aan mijn eigen dagelijkse hectiek. Haar schrijfstijl leest soepel, fijn, trekt je volledig mee een andere wereld in en spreekt volop tot de lezers verbeelding.

“Ook de vloer ging schuil onder spinrag en aan het plafond hingen strengen, nauwelijks zichtbaar in het schemerduister.”

Het verhaal is constant spannend, avontuurlijk, griezelig, ook mooi, liefdevol en humoristisch. De personages hebben pit zoals altijd, totaal hun eigen herkenbare karakter waardoor ieder van hen wel eigenschappen bezit waardoor je ze mag en soms zelfs even niet. Net als in het echt heeft iedereen goede en minder goede kanten. Deze keer lezen we het verhaal volledig vanuit Ash, zijn gedachtegang en beleving. Ook nu leren we hem, net als bij Puck in ‘IJzerraaf’ (Evenfall 1), beter kennen dan we dachten en is het hemzelf zelfs duidelijk dat hij nog kan bijleren ondanks zijn vastgeroeste patronen.

“Als je de letterlijke wolk van magie tenminste niet kon zien die eromheen kolkte, waaruit rokerige flarden opstegen die de lucht in kronkelden en daar oplosten.”

Zoals ik vooraf verwachtte heb ik ontzettend genoten van dit meeslepende verhaal vol magie, duisternis, avontuur, intrigerende personages en gebeurtenissen. Het einde belooft nog zoveel meer belevenissen, ik kan niet wachten! Ik heb altijd de stiekeme hoop dat Julie Kagawa een nieuw deel in deze boekenserie zal schrijven vanuit Grim. Puur omdat ik zijn stoïcijnse houding en sarcastische opmerkingen enorm waardeer en heel benieuwd ben naar zijn verdere achtergrond. Bovendien ben ik gewoon automatisch fan van een katachtig karakter in een boek alhoewel Grimalkin toch wel de uniekste is. We zullen het af moeten wachten.

Lieve leesgroet, Elsa.
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,889 reviews316 followers
March 8, 2022
We get Ash's POV again!


I was honestly shocked that I got to be in the head of my brooding boy again. I was under the impression this this spin off was all about Puck - which I was not unhappy about either. But Kagawa switched it up on us here and I think it was a good call considering the subject matter of this installment.

Once again, Kieran has found himself in trouble. I swear, this boy is just a magnet for drama. As Kieran has been banished from the Faery, he now makes his home in the Between - well he did before it was overtaken by a new monster threat. Cue our beloved team of misfits - Meghan, Ash, Puck and Grim - to work together and save the world.


I feel like Kagawa's writing in this world has just gotten better over time. After having written two series with these characters, you can just tell how well she knows and cares about all of them - even if she's constantly putting them in peril. The story took an interesting turn when the big bad was revealed toward the end and I loved how because of this we ended up getting more history from the world. I believe there is still one book planned and I anxiously await the conclusion because I just need to know what happens to my babies.
Profile Image for Sophia (Bookwyrming Thoughts).
677 reviews276 followers
February 4, 2022
A copy of the book was provided for review purposes - thank you! Receiving a copy does not guarantee a positive review and therefore does not affect the opinion or content of the review.
Back when I first read and reviewed The Iron Raven , I remember wondering if I've grown out of this series and was purely reading the series because this gave younger me such joy. With The Iron Sword, I think it's pretty confirmed that I'm on my way to growing out of the series, but I'll still read them because I truly adore the world Julie Kagawa built in her debut series and the characters.

The second book in The Iron Fey: Evenfall series brings us right back to the NeverNever, with a new threat on the horizon, and most importantly, the entire crew is back. Ash, Puck, Meghan - even Ethan and Kenzie make appearances. I was hoping we would have more of Puck's POV (mostly because I enjoyed being in his head a lot) or even Nyx (because she's such an interesting character - I'm absolutely curious), but we have Ash, which was both a pleasant surprise but absolute fun and joy to read again after The Iron Knight when Ash goes on his journey to earn his soul.

Now he's finally achieved his goals to be at Meghan's side in the Iron Realm, but he also got to start a family (which we kinda/sorta see in The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten), except that also comes with everything that comes with parenthood (if you count your kid being prophesized as the destroyer or champion of the faery world typical parental worries).

In The Iron Sword, Kierran's gone missing along with a lot of the Forgotten, and like most parents, Ash is worried, even if Kierran can handle himself as the King of the Forgotten (I mean, he has the magic of all three courts in him after all). This book overall feels a lot like a gradual buildup to the finale in the next book, as Kagawa spends a lot of time with the crew trying to locate Kierran's whereabouts and figuring out what new threat is heading for the NeverNever. It's not a slow pace, but there also seems to be a lot of beating around the bush in getting answers and most things feel relatively surface level with not much depth outside of the continuation of the overall plot. There were quite a few times where I felt things were just being repetitive but in a different style.

While Ash has grown from his Winter Prince days, he also has that darkness within him that comes with being Unseelie that he seems to be tip-toeing the edge of the entire book. Long-time fans will know and see he's developed from The Iron Knight now that it's been years down the line, but newer readers who jump right into this series might feel a little differently. As much as I enjoyed getting into Ash's head again, I think I was slightly disappointed because there are plenty of times where Kagawa dips into darker elements and just... doesn't.

Perhaps this stems from after reading Shadow of the Fox , which I know full well Kagawa can and will go dark, but at the same time, I also wouldn't recommend that one to the middle school me who adored The Iron Fey to the tee and was still a complete cinnamon roll. So really this goes back around to I think I'm growing out of this as an adult and no longer pre-teen/teen. It would also be completely unrealistic of me to expect this to be in a similar vein considering the overall style and tone of the series.

That being said, I still enjoyed myself. I love going back into the NeverNever and seeing the dynamics and relationships of my favorite characters as they go for a new adventure while facing down a new threat. There are a lot of humorous moments from the previous books and in Kagawa's writing style that make their way into The Iron Sword and I love, but I do think that the series at this point is more feeding into the nostalgia of fans who have been around since the beginning of the series. I definitely won't complain about it, though, because this was quick, light, and fun, and I would absolutely read the third book (or reread the previous books) for the pure joy this series brings.

This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts.
Profile Image for Cisz Geverink - Strasters.
841 reviews32 followers
June 18, 2023
Recensie volgt @ The BookbabeThe Iron Fey, Evenfall (2): Het ijzerzwaard
Julie Kagawa, HarperCollins Holland

Degene die hun hart verloren aan de wereld van de Fae van Julie Kagawa, hebben zich altijd verdeeld in óf team Puck óf team Ash. Na het lezen van het eerste deel, dacht ik dat deze serie zich vanuit Puck zou laten vertellen, en was dan ook zeer verrast dat onze winterkoning het verhaal overnam. Heerlijk! Al zou ik nooit een keuze kunnen maken tussen 1 van beide ;)

Deze serie lijkt duisterder dan voorgaande delen, en was weer om te smullen. Wel erg blij dat ik had gewacht tot ik het 3e en laatste deel ook in huis had, want na dit einde wil je alleen maar gelijk doorlezen!

May 31, 2024
I jumped into this series with this book, so I really was unfamiliar with how the worlds worked and it made it a little less fun for me, I think. But, it was a really good read regardless. The characters were pretty cool, so was their magic. The plot was interesting, well-written, and moved forward. It ends on a cliffhanger so I feel like I randomly got a chunk of an adventure.

Content warnings: Mild language, quite a bit of violence. 13+, depending on the person.
Profile Image for diana.
872 reviews119 followers
February 5, 2022
Review originally posted on Chasing Chapters.

Rating: 3.5 of 5

"A world where we are enemies is not one I’d want to exist in.”

I was surprised when I first learned that this is going to be from Ash’s POV. I really thought the Evenfall books would be from Puck’s. But it doesn’t really matter because you will never hear me complain. My beloved Prince Ash, how I’ve missed you.

I don’t know how much I can say about this book without spoiling anything. But Julie Kagawa has proven once again how brilliant she is. The Iron Sword surprised me in all the best possible ways. There was non-stop action from page one and a whole lot of revelations. I had an amazing time, which wasn’t at all surprising.

I absolutely LOVE being back in this world and being together again with these characters I have loved dearly for years now- Ash, Meghan, Puck and Grim- with the addition of Nyx, of course. But there was a moment near the end where I felt so sad that their much-deserved HEAs have been interrupted once more. I just love them so much. They deserve all the happiness and time away from all the evils of the Nevernever. I feel so strongly for these characters; I will go to war for all of them. And did I mention I love them?!

The Iron Sword didn’t exactly end on a cliffhanger. But damn if I’m not itching to read the next book asap. (I wonder whose POV we’ll get next? I’m thinking maybe Meghan or Nyx?)

I received an ARC from the publisher via Netgalley to read and review. Quoted excerpt/s may change in the final print.
Profile Image for Eeva.
843 reviews42 followers
February 20, 2022
Unfortunately I did not like it as much as I liked The Iron Raven.
Probably because Ash is not even as half amusing narrator as Puck is. As I said in my review of the previous book I haven't read The Iron Fey series, i didn't even realise that The Iron Fey series was a thing. I read this book with zero expectations, zero nostalgia, zero love to the characters.
Idk if Ash was a compelling character in that series, but getting into this universe with a fresh look, I have to say that I doubt it. He's a bore and he doesn't deserve to be a narrator.

This whole book is pretty decent, there's quest again, some new characters (new to me), some new drama, some stupid ideas of self-sacrifice etc etc.

Again, it's a decent book ruined by Ice Boy Ash.

I received this book from the publisher in an exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Jan farnworth.
1,526 reviews130 followers
January 13, 2022
Julie Kagawa never disappoints me with her creativeness in her world of the Fey. We have the main courts that most you know Winter and Summer, and then the introduction of the Iron Fey and The forgotten add even more to the fun. The King of the Forgotten Ash and Meagen's son has gone missing, and something large and scary, a new foe called The Nightmare King, is on the rise. We get some back story on a side character Nyx; we learn about the Never Never before it became the place we know and love. Ash is the main POV for the book, so we get to see his inner struggle with his icy self since he gained a soul to be with his love. There is a lot to unpack and love in this second book, and with the ending, more world exploring to what I sure will be a very dark and forbidding realm.
Profile Image for Beatriz  Lins.
297 reviews95 followers
February 9, 2022
Um dos MELHORES LIVROS da série toda!!!
Que desenvolvimento de mundo, e principalmente do Ash! A Julie não dá ponto sem nó. Eu AMO esse mundo, meu Deus que sabor ler um livro atrás do outro e todos perfeitos e divertidos.

Que nunca acabe essa série amém!!

Ps: o terceiro livro tem que ser da Meghan agora pra fechar o trio!!



Profile Image for Moonlitcritter .
24 reviews14 followers
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December 3, 2021
I'm actually disappointed that Ash is getting another pov book. I thought Puck was getting a trilogy but considering how the the iron raven ended I guess it makes sense.
Profile Image for Wankumbu Chisale.
202 reviews
February 6, 2022
4 stars. It was fun to go back to something i read and enjoyed as a teenager. Especially with the core four (ash, Meghan, puck and grim)
Profile Image for Jennes.
10 reviews
September 13, 2023

Es war einmal in einer Schule vor einer langen Zeit ( vor 9 Jahren) , da hab ich die ,,Plötzlich Fee‘‘ Reihe gelesen.

Naja das stimmt nicht so ganz. Ich wurde tatsächlich dazu gedrängt, diese Serie zu lesen, weil es die Lieblingsserie einer Freundin war.
Um ehrlich zu sein, wusste ich vorher nicht einmal, dass es ein Spin off der Serie gibt.


„Das Eiserne Schwert“ beginnt dort, wo „Der Eiserne Rabe“ endete, doch dieses Mal wird die Geschichte aus Ashs Sicht erzählt, als Ash, der unheimliche Winterprinz mit einer Seele, und seine Frau Megan, die menschliche Eiserne Königin, erfahren, dass ihr Sohn, Kierran, König der Vergessenen, vermisst wird, nachdem sein Reich im Dazwischen von einem Schattenmonster korrumpiert wurde. Zusammen mit Puck, der Attentäterin Nyx und Grimalkin macht sich die Gruppe auf die Suche nach Kierran und versucht gleichzeitig, mehr über Evenfall und die in Faery eindringenden Schattenmonster zu erfahren.


Die ganze Bande kommt wieder zusammen, um weitere epische Reisen zu unternehmen und Welten zu retten. Ich hab ein bisschen Gänsehaut bekommen.
Das Spin Off bezieht sich häufig auf Ereignisse in der vorherigen Buchreihe.
Wenn Ihr also die ,,Plötzlich Fee'' Reihe nicht gelesen habt, würde ich euch raten diese erst zu lesen. Ansonsten ist man ein bisschen verloren in dieser Welt.
Ich muss sagen, das ich mich sehr darüber gefreut habe so viele neue Dinge zu entdecken und zu erkunden. Es hört quasi gar nicht auf.

Da Ash nun als Erzähler im Mittelpunkt steht, geraten Megan und Puck praktisch ins Abseits. Ich war am Anfang etwas verwirrt das er moderiert aber fand es jetzt nicht weiter schlimm.
Er bringt als Kämpfer viel Action mit rein und die Kampfszenen wirken realistischer.
Mir hätte das Buch jedoch deutlich besser aus Pucks Sicht gefallen.

Es überrascht mich nicht, dass das Buch mit einem Cliffhanger endet, bei dem die gesamte Feenwelt und die Welt der Sterblichen zu zerbrechen droht. Das war schon etwas durchschaubar aber Kagawa schafft es immer das die Spannung trotzdem nicht abnimmt.

Ich hoffe das der letzte Teil aus Megan POV geschrieben ist. Würde den Wechsel zu Ashs POV im zweiten Teil jedenfalls erklären.

Für mich bleibt es eine gute 3,5.

Danke an das Bloggerportal für das Rezensionsexemplar.
Profile Image for Kayla Grace .
71 reviews6 followers
August 10, 2022
*Disclaimer* This is my own opinion not everyone shares the same feelings on things.

Ok this book!!! (I know I start all my reviews this way but……sorry not sorry🤷🏻‍♀️)
I have read all the books in this series and I have to say this was not the best book in the series. I’m not saying it was bad but it wasn’t the best. Its one of those book were your reading series and you have to read it to understand the next book.
How would I explain it🤔 ?
It’s like a bridge for the books before and after it. (you can use the bridge or you can go around the bridge )
It would be easier to use the bridge but you could go around as well.
UGH that’s a terrible analogy 🤦🏻‍♀️but you get what I’m saying .

*Spoilers skip to bottom Paragraph*

This book is In Ash’s pov 🤗.
One thing I missed was the romance between Meghan and Ash like in the other books. Previously you could feel the romance and the chemistry between them and now theres barely anything. Honestly there was more romance between Puck and Nyx .
(No complaints here)
And there wasn’t much Puck wisdom lol as there usually is ,it seemed like this book was very serious.
But I’m glad we finally got to see the history behind everything.
Another thing I’m so glad we got to see Kenzie and Ethan I forgot how much I loved them 🥰.
Lastly I’m soooo glad Puck finally got his girl😝!!
I’ve been waiting so so so long for that.

*End of spoilers *
In conclusion. It’s a good book and I def recommend reading this if you are reading this series. But if you are new to the series I would definitely recommend starting with first book The Iron King (because why not plus your missing out)😁
I can’t wait till the next/last book!!!
I love this series to much😘.

# TeamPuckForever
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ceres.
624 reviews
January 27, 2022
Après 9 tomes, on pourrait se dire que la saga s'éssouffle, qu'elle n'évolue plus et que c'était juste du fan service. Comment vous dire à quel point il n'en est rien ?
J'ai adoré ce tome qui met de nouveau Ash (MON book boyfriend) à la narration. Le trio légendaire se voit contraint d'affronter Evenfall et rien n'est simple, bien au contraire.
Cette menace, qu'on pourait penser sortie de nulle part, est en fait bien plus ancienne et pesante que le Nevernever lui-même. Un plot twist hyper intéressant qui démontre que l'autrice avait vraiment pensé à tout.

Avec The Iron Sword, Julie Kagawa va plus loin encore dans son univers. Celui-ci est riche, complexe et quand on fait le compte, tout est relié. Les 9 tomes se suivent, se complètent, donnant à l'intrigue un sens profond. C'est juste génial. On sent ici que l'autrice arrive au bout et sans me tromper, que l'histoire d'Ash, Meghan, Puck et tous les autres se clotureront définitivement au prochain tome.

Ces personnages là, je les aime avec un grand A. c'est fou de voir leur évolution ! Voici 11 ans que je lis cette série, j'ai un peu grandi, muri avec ces personnages. Eux aussi ont pris de l'âge, eux aussi ont fait face à beaucoup d'épreuves et eux aussi aspirent à une vie calme, entourée de la famille et des amis. Ils ont gagné en maturité, tout en gardant leur essence première. C'est un vrai régal.

J'aimerai tellement qu'une maison d'édition reprenne cette série, pour moi, il n'y en a pas deux comme elle. C'est écrit avec tellement d'imagination, d'humour, d'action, d'amour qu'on ne peut qu'aimer. Oui moi j'aime cette série depuis les 1ères lignes, c'est mon coup de foudre littéraire pour toujours !
Profile Image for Corly.
89 reviews
March 22, 2024
Ich mochte das Buch schon wieder sehr gerne. Auch wenn es von einem Abenteuer ins nächste überging. Es gab kaum Story zwischendurch oder mal Luft zum Durchatmen. Von Ash und Meghan als Paar gab es auch nur noch wenig zu spüren. Außerdem drehten sich Ahs´s Gedanken oft im Kreis. Aber ich mochte die Charaktere wieder und fand es interessant, dass die Geschichte diesmal aus Ashs Sicht erzählt wurde. Allerdings bot das wenig Spielraum. Trotzdem hat es mich gut unterhalten.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 278 reviews

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