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Hearts on the Heath #3

Enchanting the Heiress

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Miss Harriet Hancock enjoys playing the role of eccentric heiress, using her wealth and influence to cleverly and anonymously better the lives of those in Newmarket. Though she keeps people at a distance to protect a years-old secret, when her friend pleads for help on a personal project, Harriet can't resist.

Stable hand Jonas Fitzroy would do anything for his twin sister, even if it means seeking out the woman whose meddling ways have made him wary and suspicious. The last thing he expects is for Miss Hancock to request his help in writing a book. Intent on revealing her underlying plan, Jonas agrees.

As they work together, an unexpected friendship forms. But when things for once don't go according to Harriet's plan, she's left wondering if good intentions might not be enough. Is there a way to mend the broken pieces of her life? And will Jonas give her another chance at his heart?

352 pages, Paperback

First published March 1, 2022

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About the author

Kristi Ann Hunter

20 books1,517 followers
Kristi Ann Hunter graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in Computer Science but always knew she wanted to write. Kristi is an RWA Golden Heart contest winner, an ACFW Genesis contest winner, and a Georgia Romance Writers Maggie Award for Excellence winner. She lives with her husband and three children in Georgia. Find her online at www.kristiannhunter.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 206 reviews
Profile Image for Lindsey (Books for Christian Girls).
1,838 reviews4,209 followers
December 30, 2023
2 stars, personally.

I was concerned going into this book because I wasn’t a big fan of Harriet in book two. I was curious to learn more about Jonas, though, so I decided to give it a try since I already owned the book. I did like that the first little bit of this book covered the final little bit of the prior book but from Jonas‘ perspective. It was really hard for me to get into this book else wise though and I truly made myself finish it to count it for my Goodreads reading challenge. Content wise, it was definitely on the cleaner side, but I had different issues with this book.

I think it’s interesting the difference between how Harriet looks at telling lies as potentially helping another by giving them what they think they want to hear or what will make them feel better, and then there’s Jonas who is honest opinion is that they are still lies and can cause someone to second-guess everything they discussed with her before. I think this was my main reason for not liking Harriet—her lying. I wish she could have been honest with her friends, but especially to her father. I found this element of the book to be annoying, but also sad because of her missing out on being with her father.

I think their arguing was supposed to be like cute banter, but I just found it to be annoying. There’s so much of “yes” “no” “yes” “no” “yes” “no” I was kind of losing my mind at times. Their relationship and how they spent so much time together just felt so unrealistic. Even if he is “a lower status” than her, I feel like there still would be problems of them being alone together in this time period. I never cheered for them as a couple they felt too different and their outlook on life being too different to be compatible. The only part I truly cheered at was when Jonas gave her a dressing down on how she manipulates and tries to change others for her what she thinks is best for them.

Harriet and Sophia were both concerned about Jonas’ talent being wasted, but there’s a fine line between encouraging someone’s talents and pushing them to apply themself to receive recognition and/or a higher standing for the talents. Harriet definitely bordered on the latter.

I appreciate it towards the end that Jonas realizes that he’s been taking different verses out of context and applying them to his situation at the moment, when he should have been noticing the answer that’s within all the different parts of scriptures, not just one that seems to fit. That was bothering me the more the book went on, despite enjoying seeing the faith content, it made him feel very structured in his faith…not a personal connection to God, if that makes sense.

I unfortunately didn’t love this one because of Harriet, her lies, and not cheering for them as a couple. It just felt so unrealistic. It was really hard for me to get into this book and I truly made myself finish it to count it for my Goodreads reading challenge.

Full content review to come.
Profile Image for Kellyn Roth.
Author 29 books1,092 followers
March 22, 2022
Early Exclamations:


But I did love it - I'm just not sure I liked it ... or disliked it ... or anything.

I thought it was fantastic. I really like Harriet, actually, and Jonas, but he was grumpy and she had to do SO much growing that sometimes it was hard to believe ... well, certain plot points. That said, it was mostly just so enjoyable that I cannot rate it lower or complain about it at all, because I just enjoyed it a lot.

Actual Analysis:

I knew while I read this that not everyone was going to love this book. If this is your first Hunter book … eh, maybe not. There's some things about this book that just do not work if you haven't read her other books - and other things about it that require you to trust the author - and other things about it that are just not for everyone.

Do you remember reading Emma and hating the title character? If you threw said Austen book across the room rather than finishing it to its (in my opinion) very satisfying conclusion, this may not be the novel for you.

That said, I personally found this to be a 5-star read. I loved it. I love Harriet with her Miss Woodhouse-like meddling, though in the end, her motives were considerably purer. I loved Jonas with his gruffness. I loved the light, somewhat gruff, somewhat goofy dialogue - I am not looking for constant serious romantic mush, and this couple totally gave me that sharp wit without all the fluff that I frankly don't need.

Really, this book was written for someone like me … but I can see how that might be problematic for the average romance writer.

There were certain plot points in this book that I felt were rushed, especially toward the end, but I was no less satisfied by the way the plot, themes, and characters concluded. I am miserably, MISERABLY sad that the series is over, though! I grew to love the heath and the people who live there. The friend group is just ...

GAH. Kristi Ann Hunter writes friend groups/found families that I can only aspire to!

Also, can we just admit that this book is unapologetically UNIQUE? Thank heavens! Finally!

Anyways, this is a clean, cute, fun book that should delight writers with its writer-y scenes, Emma lovers with its Emma-like scenes, horse lovers with its horsey scenes, and ... oh, y'all, please, be gentle with it, for my soul needed this even if yours didn't. :P Okay, just kidding. I would never seek to influence someone's thoughts but ...


That is all.

Any Acknowledgements:

I received a free ebook copy of this novel from NetGalley in exchange for my honest thoughts. A positive review was not required.


~Kellyn Roth~
Profile Image for Staci.
2,043 reviews602 followers
March 10, 2022
1818 Newmarket, England

In this final book of the series, the two main characters (Harriet and Jonas) are both floundering a bit on what they want to do with their lives. Harriet is a heiress that is lying to her father about traveling when she is actually happily living in Newmarket. Jonas finds satisfaction in working with horses, but now that his twin Sophia is married, his primary purpose has shifted. Certainly a unique story line. While this wasn't my favorite of the series, it was an enjoyable novel and I especially loved the way scripture was tied into the pages.
Profile Image for Paula Shreckhise.
1,322 reviews116 followers
March 5, 2022
With a heroine who reminds me of Jane Austen’s Emma, a meddlesome lady who wants to help people because she knows what is best, Ms. Hunter brings levity to her latest romance. “After all, it seemed making other people’s dreams come true was what she did best.” The setting was one of my favorites, a few country estates with good friends within riding distance of each other.
Jonas Fitzroy and sister Sophia from book two in the series, are settling in to their country life. In Jonas, the author gives us an unusual hero who is neither rich nor titled and is several years younger than the heroine, Harriet. To Jonas, Harriet is a puzzle: “There were a great many things he didn’t know about, and he was quickly moving ‘women’ to the top of that list.” Jonas, who has a Bible quote for almost every contingency, wonders about his purpose in life. Since his sister married, he is no longer her protector. Harriet sets her sights on Jonas to resolve the situation. But does Jonas want her meddling in his life? Opposites attract but it takes a while with such stubborn, opinionated people.
A likable story with quirky characters and a pretty country setting. It was fun to see Jonas and Harriet grow and learn to navigate what life threw at them.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House on behalf of the author. I was not required to give a favorable review. All opinions are my own.*
Profile Image for Kremena Koleva.
294 reviews80 followers
November 6, 2022
Enchanting The Heiress чудесно описва какво се случва когато се сблъскат твърдоглавия реализъм на ирландеца Джонас Фицрой и английската чувствителност на Хариет Ханкок. Твърдо стъпилият на земята коняр знае как да се слива с пейзажа, как да говори само когато е наложително и как да работи онова, което обича по най - добрия начин. Богатата наследница Хариет обича да е обградена от приятели и внимателно да се вслушва в техните нужди и желания. После, къде деликатно, където- не , да обръща обстоятелствата така , че нещата за любимците й да се подреждат по най - удачния начин. Ирландецът знае до къде се простира чергата му и не му минава през ума, че талантите, които притежава, могат да обогатят съществуването му и да му донесат удовлетворение. Англичанката знае, че не й достига кураж да пътува и да види шарения свят, но пък може да направи един - два жеста и да отвори очите на Джонас за възможностите пред дарбите му, стига той да не е такъв инат и да се размърда малко....
И когато стоикът и идеалистът се сблъскат, на бял свят излизат грешки, лъжи, пропуски и надежди. И макар че, Любовта е важна, тя не променя реалността. Тя само отваря врата на възможностите. Стига да има причина да минем през нея!
Книга за правото ни да бъдем такива, каквито сме. Да искаме най - важните за нас хора да ни приемат без да се стремят да ни променят , изваят и култивират в подходяща за тях форма. Ако сме несъвършени, грешни, тихи и апатични, променяйки се по тяхно желание, ние ще се превърнем в гротескно подобие на човека, когото са срещнали отначало. Ще изгубим идентичност и самоуважение.
Книга за желанието ни сами да променим себе си , ако не ни достига нещо, за да се изравним с човека, който грабва сърцето и обсебва мислите ни. Когато се оглеждаме в очите му, искаме да виждаме правилното отношение и точния образ, който ще му донесе сигурност и щастие. Променяйки се ние се издигаме до висини, до които едва ли бихме искали да стигнем сами. Без стимул . Без причина.
Книга за точните мотиви за действията ни и за правилните начини да търсим мястото си в живота. Защото той си върви ,без значение дали ние сме в него или , поради апатия или поради страх и нерешителност, оставаме на перона му. И не знаейки как да споделяме себе си с другите хора, ще ни остави самотни дори в най - шумната компания. Ще ни лиши от шанса да отвърнем на любовта. И ще скрие от света безценните таланти, които лежат в ума, в ръцете или в сърцата ни. А това ще бъде огромна загуба! Съжаленията по - късно винаги идват без право на компенсация!

* " Животът беше пълен с трудни решения и беше много по-лесно да постъпиш правилно, когато не се интересуваш много от последствията. "
Profile Image for Kailey.
736 reviews83 followers
March 9, 2022
Kristi Ann Hunter's books are always a treat! This one is a delightful addition to the Hearts on the Heath collection! I loved the characters and enjoyed reading another book with them in it. I would recommend this book!

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Profile Image for Cara Putman.
Author 61 books1,833 followers
January 20, 2022
Oh how I enjoyed this story. A fun twist on an heiress. And the journey of growth both the hero and heroine went on were so sweet, challenging, and perfect. The heroine is flawed yet has a good heart and the hero is so isolated, I wanted each of them to find their purpose.
Profile Image for Tamara.
811 reviews12 followers
April 8, 2022
Enchanting the Heiress we finally get a closer glimpse into Harriet Hancock's life. In Winning the Gentleman, we are introduced to Harriet and her manipulative ways, and I was for one, not a fan of her.

It took me about halfway through before I could feel myself thawing towards Harriet, I was already on Team Jonas, but Harriet didn't see her 'ways' of getting things done, as being a problem until they were. Enchanting the Heiress wasn't my favourite but it was enjoyable.
Profile Image for Loraine.
3,242 reviews
March 9, 2022
Although this was book 3 in the series and I have not read the first 2, I had no trouble following the story line. I will definitely go back and read the first two as I am sure some back story of characters from this story will be included in the first 2.

This book is a well written Regency romance that I really enjoyed. The relationship between the twins, Jonas and Sophia, was delightful to watch as they supported and looked out for one another. Harriet, Sophia's friend, could definitely be classed as a busybody while she thought she was just being helpful in moving people in the right direction or meeting their needs. It was wonderful to see her grow and change as Jonas challenged her in her attitudes and activities as well as questioning whether her helpfulness was faith based or for her own thoughts and choices. But the big question was even if Harriet changed could a romance happen between a wealthy heiress and a younger man who was from gentility but not wealth.

Delightful Regency read.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions are mine alone. I was not compensated for this review.
Profile Image for Melissa aka Melmo.
2,989 reviews
March 11, 2022
What a nice finale to the Hearts on the Heath series. It was fun to catch up with favorite characters and I enjoyed finally getting Harriet and Jonas's story. Harriet and Jonas are definitely among the more quirkier characters I have "met" and their storyline was for sure unusual. Harriet loves to help those around her and Jonas has spent his whole life looking out for his sister and now that Sophia has someone else to take care of her, Jonas is at a bit of a loss for what his purpose is now-caught between social classes and with no dream to call his own. I especially liked the scripture references and how well Jonas knew them. Overall a fun and interesting read.

I received this book from the publisher and was not required to post a positive review. All thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for Sydney.
460 reviews127 followers
December 17, 2022
This was cute! Harriet is a fun character; definitely reminiscent of Jane Austen's Emma. I like that both Harriet and Jonas had to put in effort to have a happy ending. They placed themselves in situations that were difficult to get out of, and had to deal with the consequences of their actions. I really enjoyed their banter, too. They are definitely opposites but their relationship felt believable and I love how they pushed each other in their respective character arcs. I also think the faith thread was done really well; it fit perfectly into the themes of the story and contributed to the growth of the characters.
Profile Image for MJSH.
1,187 reviews64 followers
March 2, 2022
“People didn’t have to abandon themselves in order to make a meaningful life, though. They just had to open who they were to the world.”

Harriet and Jonas. Their story is enchanting from the start. Their misunderstandings are intriguing, their conversations and banter are absolutely delightful, and their friendship that evolves into romance is delicious. Harriet, with her grand schemes that are over-the-top, and Jonas, with his self-deprecation and wonderings about his purpose, are such complete opposites yet balance each other out well. Jonas’ gift with words is lovely to behold and his letters are breath-taking. The lengths to which Harriet goes to deceive her father felt a bit unreal but was quite necessary, as this is how Harriet and Jonas become friends. I really enjoyed the cameo appearances of other characters from the author’s previous series.

I received the book from the publisher/author and was under no obligation to post a positive comment. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Mimi.
650 reviews88 followers
March 7, 2022
I knew when I started this story that I was going to love it simply because of the author. What I hadn't expected was to finish it and feeling so incredibly satisfied!

I really enjoyed getting to know Jonas in book two so for book three to be for him was perfect! He and Harriet were fabulous for this story. I hadn't even thought of Harriet having a story so I'm thankful the author saw it for us readers!

I liked Harriet and how she could manipulate situations to help other people's lives to be better, even if it was in a small way. Funny enough, seeing it through Jonas' eyes it was easy to see his perspective.

At first glance these two seem like oil and water, but as we get to know them through the story is easy to see how well they work together. The tension they naturally have as they're getting to know each other put a smirk on my face.

An interesting facet to the story was the use of Scripture. Jonas is using it constantly, but not always on the right way. Not intentionally wrong, but it was a good reminder to the reader for how we read, understand, and share it.

I don't think I've ever seen this before, but the author listed all of the Scripture at the end of the book! I LOVED it!

I'm not sure what happened, but as I neared the end of the story I was pretty emotional. I think the love story was so spot on that the end really got to me! My heart gave a contented sigh as I closed the back of the book.

*I received this book for review. This is my personal opinion.
Profile Image for Joleen.
2,406 reviews1,219 followers
September 1, 2022
I just finished the audio version of this book and I have to say this is the best Kristi Ann Hunter book yet!!!

Incredibly unique, clean, thought provoking, intelligent with Christian messages throughout.

I thoroughly enjoyed the narrator's performance, truly! She read it flawlessly. I can’t imagine Ms. Hunter could be anything but utterly impressed with her rendition.

However, I intend to buy the written version of this book as there are so many rich thoughts throughout. What integrity Jonas has. What kindness and love he shows his sister. What conversations he has with Harriet! Wow.

I remember the second in the series Winning the Gentleman to some degree, which stood out because of the hardship the twins (Jonas and Sophia) had after they lost everything. It was a terrific book but this….THIS outshines any book I’ve read this year.

It is not to be missed.
Profile Image for Payton Tilley.
62 reviews6 followers
August 15, 2022
To read the full detailed review, please check out my website and it will be under blogs: https://www.paytontilley.com/post/enc...

Every once in a while we as readers pick up that one book that embraces us, challenges us, embodies us, or forces us to grow. For me, this book was it. ' Enchanting the Heiress' by Kristi Ann Hunter may seem light or romantic to some, but to me it seemed to speak to my very soul.
Profile Image for Kristianne.
197 reviews25 followers
March 20, 2022
Thought-provoking and insightful, Enchanting the Heiress follows Harriet, a charitable heiress, and Jonas, a gifted stableman, as they explore their callings in their small English village of Newmarket. Although they’re tested by secrets, sickness, and their own stubbornness, they learn in the end what it truly means to love another even with all their flaws.

Characters: After hearing about Hunter’s books for so long, I was excited to try this one out, but I came away somewhat disappointed by the characters. It’s not that it’s a bad story, but I didn’t find Harriet and Jonas all that interesting, especially not at first. Perhaps I like my characters a little more adventurous. And since I am neither the kind of person who would want to stay in my hometown all my life, like Harriet, or has no aspirations outside making sure the people around me are happy, like Jonas, I had a hard time relating to them.

But I must say they did grow on me. Jonas’s passiveness throughout the story bothered me, but I was glad to see him taking more charge by the end. I found Harriet more compelling, although her meddling was rather annoying. But I’m proud of the way she owned up to her mistakes and grew and changed by the end of the story.

I would have appreciated if Hunter had revealed more of Harriet’s backstory sooner since she seems very unsympathetic in the beginning. But I was happy that the author did not go the route of making her the typical Miss Independent who-does-whatever-she-wants-no-matter-what-society-thinks, and instead added an interesting twist to her character—she doesn’t like adventure all that much. At least, not the traveling kind. Her struggle with overwhelm and desire for quiet and simplicity was certainly something I could sympathize with.

As far as the romance, it did feel slightly cliché and wasn’t my favorite, but I did like how Jonas and Harriet weren’t afraid to tell each other the hard truth when they needed it. The part that really redeemed the story for me was the dialogue. Witty and vibrant, that was when Jonas and Harriet really came alive. Quite a few of their battle of wits made me chuckle!

Plot: The plot tended to drag a little, which is understandable considering it’s more character-driven. The story felt like it started at a strange place that didn’t quite fit with the tone of the rest of the story, and I found the pacing a little jarring at times. I think Hunter could have left the prologue out and achieved the same effect.

There was too much character exposition for my taste, and the story was rather repetitive and predictable, lacking that sparkle that makes a story truly memorable. However, Hunter’s prose was decent and the mystery surrounding Harriet’s past made me keep reading. This story certainly isn’t a gripping adventure, but more like a meandering stroll through 19th century small-town England.

Themes: The themes were by far one of the strongest elements of the book. I loved Hunter’s emphasis on enjoying the everyday wonders of life as Harriet discovered she didn’t have to travel to find a fulfilling life when adventure was all around her. It was a joy to watch both Jonas and Harriet put off their old ways to make way for the new. My favorite part of the book was the end. I thought Hunter did a great job showing Harriet mending her relationship with her father and with Jonas in a way that didn’t feel superficial or hasty.

And goodness, did Jonas have some great nuggets of truth for Harriet. There were several thought-provoking passages that really packed a punch!

Overall, while Enchanting the Heiress starts off slow and awkward, it’s a solid story that ends on a good note. Readers who prefer more action may find the plot too slow for their taste, but Enchanting the Heiress will leave you with plenty of food for thought as you navigate your own quest to find fulfillment.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,111 reviews144 followers
July 2, 2023
4.5 stars
Harriet laid her head on top of the desk and cried."

Honestly, I wanted to lay my head down and cry as well, for these characters had burrowed their way into my heart and stubbornly taken hold. Granted, it took me a few chapters to get inside their heads, but once I did . . . . . I wanted to use every means possible to make love work. But that was the problem to begin with, was it not? Female machinations. Well intended, but rarely forthright.

"You've been hiding since Thursday. That's four days. Even Jesus came out after three." ( I think I laughed out loud )

Harriet Hancock spent her days living out someone else's life. And she was very good at it. Very good. Except that one day her good intentions hit a wall in the form a of a very handsome stable hand, Jonas Fitzroy, the brother of a friend. His twin sister Sophia had appealed to Harriett for help, knowing that Jonas had skills that he was refusing to admit, or simply had not realized could make a difference in his life. As Harriet combines his particular skills with her own little-known conundrum, she places Jonas in a terrible predicament, thinking that his heart could rise to her occasions.

What a tangled web!

The astonishing depth of this story is nearly impossible to convey within a few short paragraphs, for this author consistently pens some of the most vivid conversational scenes that I have ever read. Effectively drawing her readers into the story, they become part of it, a wall flower in the room, (Jonas knows all about that, doesn't he?) or a guest around the table. Clever wit and arresting descriptions combine with perfectly placed spiritual truths (Jonas gets the prize for that ability, too!). A totally enchanting reading adventure, wouldn't you agree? Or do we need to give St. Patrick a toss?
Profile Image for maiaisreading.
522 reviews10 followers
February 28, 2022
#BookRevew: ENCHANTING THE HEIRESS by Kristi Ann Hunter

I am glad I read the first two books in the series. It was nice to revisit many of the characters from those books. I was so excited to know more about Harriet.

I like that she loves helping people but then her motives were not all that noble. She had a lot to learn during the course of the book. The journey was painful but it was worth it in the end. She was a persistent lady anyway.

Jonas was great. Sophia and Harriet wanted to help him find purpose in his life but he was so stubborn to receive it gracefully. I enjoyed that he knew the Bible a lot but he had some soul searching to do as well.

It took me some chapters to really start enjoying the story. The trip to the woods and the springs was my favorite. It was sweet and enlightening. The plot was okay overall but I felt like some things were missing. Maybe I wanted more exciting events and revelations. I wanted more romance. I did enjoy their verbal exchanges. It was fun to see the change in Jonas when he was around Harriet.

There were many relatable things in the book like Harriet wanting Jonas to develop his potential. Harriet also had to learn that the end doesn't justify the means. I felt like I have read a couple of books with that theme but it’s fine. It’s a good reminder to us.

Rating: 3.8 stars
Series: Hearts on the Heath Book 3
Pub date: 01 Mar 2022

Thank you Bethany House Publishers and #netgalley for the complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Hannah.
2,563 reviews1,402 followers
July 25, 2022
3.5 stars
A fun story with the heroine trying to “fix” everything around her. She’s so keen on fixing everyone that she even forgets to make sure she’s providing something they actually even want or need. But that’s not the worst of it. She has been living a huge lie for years and doesn’t have the courage to stop.

While I enjoyed most of the story, I only got a few chapters to enjoy the repentant Harriet trying to stop lying, manipulating, and controlling everything. I sympathized with her desire to help but I really wanted more of the payoff of seeing who she could be when she was leaving behind what she had done to control things for so long.

Jonas was a great character and I really liked getting to know him and watching him evaluate what he really wanted out of life.

Overall, a fun read, but not my favorite of the series.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free reading copy. A favorable review was not required.
Profile Image for Heidi Robbins (Heidi Reads...).
1,622 reviews549 followers
April 4, 2023
I loved the relationship Jonas shared with his sister Sophia in the previous book with the way he grounded her and his sense of humor. I was looking forward to more from him in that vein, but this story focused more on his angst and self-doubts. I felt like his personality changed in this book and his thoughts and actions were very much like Aaron, the curmudgeonly stable master Sophia falls in love with. Harriet became a good friend to Sophia, but Jonas is suspicious of her motives since he can sense something a bit off. She has her secrets, but also a good heart and well-meaning intentions. They both learn quite a bit about themselves when they share the judgements they have of each other. There's some great character growth, and of course I loved the interactions with all the couples from the rest of the series.

Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.
Profile Image for Lyssa.
764 reviews22 followers
February 16, 2022
I liked Jonas, but I found his early exchanges with Harriet tiring. They both seemed to view it as charming banter, but honestly it reminded me of the bickering of kids - arguing over every little thing, nitpicking, refusing to give an inch.

I didn't like the pulling of Harriet's back story forward one string at a time, especially when she laments guilt and lies that her whole life is based on. As the reader, it's frustrating to not know what she's talking about when you're in her head and it kept me from connecting with her experiences.

I liked Harriet and her passion for Jonas' writing. Ironically though, at one point she says, "Your writing is good enough to circumvent what some would consider a lack of a story." Which I thought was hilarious on its own, but it was also somewhat applicable for how I was feeling at this point in the novel. Things were very slow moving and I really wasn't sure where they were going.

Harriet accidentally lets slip that she meddles because she "knows better," which she is immediately ashamed of. I thought this response was out of character for her. She doesn't really take away anyone's choices. They've always had the ability to go along with the opportunities she provides. Or not.

In general, Harriet is portrayed as someone who has been conditioned since childhood to manipulate with white lies and good intentions. Left unchecked, this has apparently grown some character flaws (arrogance), and bricked her personal life up in a tower of untruths, leaving her isolated and trapped. I appreciate imperfect people and I love an opportunity for growth, but I just didn't connect with this one. It took too long to find out what the situation was/ who Harriet was.
Profile Image for Becky of Becky's Bookshelves .
534 reviews72 followers
August 18, 2022
Enchanting the Heiress by Kristi Ann Hunter is the third in Hearts on the Heath, but a stand alone novel. The story is set in Newmarket which is a market town in the English county of Suffolk, north of London. Harriet is a person who likes to direct others in a helpful way, but has secrets. Jonas is from Ireland and currently working for his twin sister’s husband and keeps to himself. Their stories make them unlikely to be friends let alone love interests.

The story was lovely and I greatly enjoyed the characters. Both Harriet and Jonas struggle with finding their place in the world and knowing their purpose. Their conversations with each other are heartwarming, humorous, and leave each of them a little unsettled.

I found myself highlighting an amazing quote on almost every page of this wonderful book. The dialogue between the characters and their deeper meanings had me pondering themes of purpose, contentment, and true friendship. I highly recommend this story.

I was given a complimentary copy and not required to write a review.
Profile Image for Meagan.
1,823 reviews51 followers
February 25, 2022
So the three stars are really my own fault. I was so excited at the prospect of a new Kristi Ann Hunter book that I didn’t check to see whether I’d read any of the previous books in the series before requesting it on NetGalley. … And I hadn’t read either of them. So, I was kind of doomed? Lol!

This is one series where it would be _very_ helpful to read in order. Plenty of references to previous plot points left me confused, and I had a hard time keeping characters straight—or, frankly, invested in Harriet in particular. I really didn’t care for her as a protagonist.

So, for now, this is a DNF/3-star read (for what I did read) for me. I may revisit if I read and enjoy the other books in the series.

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Ashlee (bookswithnopictures).
1,206 reviews87 followers
March 31, 2022
The most recent addition to Kristi Ann Hunter's regency world features a taciturn hero and a secretive albeit cordial heroine. As third in the series, I wouldn't necessarily read it as a standalone; the previous books feature cameos of both characters and give the reader a better sense of their histories and character.
I'm not convinced the title is the best to encompass the general feeling of the novel. It led me to believe Jonas to be more of a charming or enticing hero to Harriet, but I would say the reverse is more accurate. Harriet says and does things semi-anonymously to positively change the lives of those around her. The end always justifies her means whether it's subtle manipulation or white lies.
There are a few scenes that I enjoyed so much that I wanted more of. They showed off a more fun and banter-y side for both MCs. Give me all the adventure!
Overall, this newest book continues my love for Kristi's writing style and her version of regency fiction. I want more of this world and will be happy to read any upcoming releases.
Thank you to the author for the gifted copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Anna.
1,385 reviews29 followers
May 25, 2022
I found this one a little painful to read in part because the plot involved a couple of elaborate falsehoods and in part because I think I am a little too much like Jonas (and maybe Harriet too). But, in the ending is super cute and satisfying.
Profile Image for Anna.
120 reviews
April 5, 2022
I really enjoyed reading Jonas and Harriet‘s story. It did start out a little slow to me, but it wasn’t too long until I was fully invested in Harriet and Jonas’ relationship, unable to put the book down at times. I felt both Harriet and Jonas were relatable characters. Neither of them had what seemed like major flaws, however their struggles are ones that I think are common to everyone at some point. Harriet grapples with the age-old question: does the end justify the means? I enjoyed their growth throughout the novel, both in their relationship with each other and their relationships with God. And I loved the creek scene! As with any Kristi Ann Hunter book, I laughed out loud quite a bit. This is a lovely end to the Hearts on the Heath trilogy, and it’s one I recommend!
Profile Image for Sylvia.
479 reviews48 followers
February 24, 2022
Another sweet, inspiring Regency from Kristi Ann Hunter! Enchanting the Heiress is fun and engaging, and readers will enjoy plenty of cameos by Hunter’s past characters. I really enjoyed the ending (the epilogue is adorable) and I’m excited to read more from Hunter. 3.5/5 stars

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Profile Image for Anna.
310 reviews34 followers
December 30, 2023
3.5⭐️This was a very enjoyable story with a lot of depth. The themes of honesty, repentance, and purpose were fantastic. I especially appreciated how Jonas looked to the Bible for his answers. He wasn’t perfect—and Harriet definitely wasn’t either!—but both leads grew a lot. I liked them both.

Jonas is openly a believer, but I do wish Harriet’s spiritual journey had been clearer. Near the beginning she says something that led me to believe she was not a Christian. Then later we see her making wrongs right, and reading the Bible, but no actual salvation or clarification of her relationship with Christ. It’s almost like that aspect of the story got a little left to the wayside unintentionally.

In spite of that, I still found the lessons encouraging, and the story itself was enjoyable! The end was so sweet. I hope this series gets another book. I’ll definitely want to revisit this one one day.
Profile Image for Pgchuis.
2,180 reviews30 followers
March 3, 2023
I received a copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley.

I remember liking the cover of this novel, but I'm not going to be able to finish it. Maybe it would make more sense if I had read the first two instalments, but I think the set up is meant to be that Miss Hancock is to take her companion Sophia with her to London, but pretend to the household that they are going to the continent. Then news will leak out that they are still in England and Aaron, a groom, will somehow thereby be galvanized into proposing to Sophia. I gave up at the point where Lord Stildon, Sophia's brother Jonas, and various other grooms meet up in the stable to discuss Aaron's love life, before Aaron and Jonas set off for London in a carriage.

I just can't...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 206 reviews

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