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A Christmas Caroline

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Caroline is a cynic career woman living the high life in Manhattan where love and relationships are but a distant memory of the past.

But after a freak accident on Christmas Eve, Caroline receives a visit from a cheeky spirit of Christmas Past, Present, Yet to Come, and—most importantly—Christmas That Could Have Been. When she wakes up on Christmas Day suddenly married with three kids and living two doors down from her parents in New Jersey, Caroline has a chance to experience the life she would’ve had if she’d made a different choice.

Will small-town life as a mother and a wife make her rediscover what’s really important in life?

A modern-day retelling of A Christmas Carol…

250 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 26, 2021

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About the author

The Love Theorem by Camilla Isley - A STEMinist Romantic Comedy Novel

Camilla is an engineer who left science behind to enter the whimsical realm of romantic fiction.

She writes contemporary rom-coms. Her characters have big hearts, might be a little stubborn at times, and love to banter with each other. Every story she pens has a guaranteed HEA that will make your heart beat faster. Unless you're a vampire, of course.

Camilla is a cat lover, coffee addict, and shoe hoarder. Besides writing, she loves reading—duh!—cooking, watching bad TV, and going to the movies—popcorn, please. She's a bit of a foodie, nothing too serious. A keen traveler, Camilla knows mosquitoes play a role in the ecosystem, and she doesn't want to starve all those frog princes out there, but she could really live without them.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 146 reviews
Profile Image for Tiffany Read.
15 reviews2 followers
December 22, 2022
I hate that the main character is painted as an unfulfilled villain because she didn't want kids at 24. I'm 32 and I don't want kids, I don't consider myself a monster or unfulfilled.
17 reviews3 followers
December 7, 2021
A classic chick-lit that conveys that unless you are married with kids you are not living a fulfilled life..
Profile Image for DJ Sakata.
3,167 reviews1,769 followers
November 7, 2021
Favorite Quotes:

New York is the city that never sleeps. The place where everything is possible. The tall skyscrapers glitter in the night with a seductive promise, like when you meet the eyes of a handsome stranger in a bar. Anything could happen.

And no matter that I was bone-tired half an hour ago, when Sam looks at me the way he is now, he could resuscitate me from the dead.

My Review:

I can always count on Camilla Isley for a sparkling, entertaining, and fun yet insightful read, she doesn’t disappoint. I enjoy her cleverly amusing tales and smooth writing style that easily and quickly pulls me right inside her characters’ fully inhabitable skins. This was a humorous and creative amalgamation of a modern-day A Christmas Carol and the 2000 Nicholas Cage movie The Family Man. I wore a smile most of the way through my perusal of this one.
Profile Image for Rachel Gilbey.
3,049 reviews553 followers
October 17, 2021
Given how many times a festive season I tend to watch a variant of Scrooge, or Muppets Christmas Carol, I think it's rather safe to say I really enjoy the story, and love the modern day versions such as Scrooged just as much.

So I was rather excited to see Camila Isley had penned her own modern-day retelling. I'm not always a fan of re-tellings in fiction, but wow this one worked and it worked well, although I suppose familiarity with the base story helped.

And what a story it is, the themes are still present, there is a spirit, and the way it all unfolds is rather clever. In fact I really loved the way this modern day spirit has of trying to make Caroline see the error of her ways, and show her an alternate way of life.

And then the ending just had me great big smiling, while also wishing with all my heart that there was an epilogue set a few years later!

Seeing how Caroline grows over the course of the book, in confidence with her new reality, and in terms of personal development it is really something lovely to see.

This story was everything I wanted it to be and more. A wonderful re-telling of a much loved classic story, that I thoroughly enjoyed, and deviates just enough from the original to feel original.

I'm still thinking about the characters a day later, I enjoyed it that much. Another simply fabulous book from Camilla Isley.

Thank you to the author for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.
Profile Image for leidi.
243 reviews14 followers
December 18, 2021
4.5 stars

You don’t understand I’m OBSESSED with this, i literally couldn’t stop smiling while reading.

But why isn’t there an epilogue?? i needed one.
Profile Image for Carrie.
372 reviews1 follower
November 20, 2023
Reading this book was exhausting- it was all about the work of being a mom - the chaos the breast feeding, the mess../ and we are supposed to be believe that this wealthy independent woman loves all of the mess of having children??? I mean don’t get me wrong - I love being a mom but this book was exhausting to read - it didn’t romanticize any of it at all. And then at the end she finds the man of her dreams and says we have 3 kids and he is like ok cool I’m in!!! Hahahahaha! Just madness - much like this review.
Anyway if you want to be reminded about the exhaustion of being a parent then this is the book for you!
Profile Image for Gen L.
147 reviews9 followers
December 18, 2021
This was a cute Holiday read. I did have an issue with the way Caroline seemed to be painted as the villain for not wanting to immediately have kids and Sam was the long-suffering partner who kept pressuring her.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emily.
76 reviews2 followers
November 26, 2022
I have kids. I love my kids. But the message in this book that you're not truly happy unless you have kids is gross.
Profile Image for Camilla Isley.
Author 33 books2,480 followers
October 26, 2021
A Christmas Caroline releases today. This new story is a 100% standalone romance and a modern-day retelling of A Christmas Carol. My "Scrooge" is Caroline, a cynic CEO who's given up on love. Caroline thinks people who have kids are bananas, so when her very personal, impudent Christmas spirit tosses her in an alternate reality where she's married with three children… things get interesting. I promise you, from the moment she opens her eyes and is given an infant to breastfeed Caroline will be in for one surprise after the other—in the most hilarious ways.

What I loved the most in writing this story was rediscovering all the contradictions of motherhood with Caroline. The moments that make you want to pull your hair out alongside the overwhelming joy mini-humans can deliver.

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Profile Image for ༄ ℛary ✨.
169 reviews
February 18, 2023
⭐ 3.2 ⭐

🎄❄️💥🏩 🧚‍♀️✨👰🏻👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🤱🏼🍾
Una lettura breve ma intensa.
Un vero toccasana per l'anima.

Questo libro è stata una soffiata d'aria fresca; con la sua comicità e tenerezza mi ha letteralmente conquistata!

𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟𓆞𓆝 𓆟

La storia parla della crescita personale di Caroline: una donna di 32 anni, ricca, a capo di una casa editrice e che ha abbandonato le vere emozioni della vita per poter seguire i soldi.

Il giorno della Vigilia di Natale, la nostra protagonista decide - senza alcun entusiasmo - di festeggiare con la sua famiglia. Soltanto dopo essersi subita i capricci dei suoi nipotini ed aver terminato la pazienza, decide di chiamare un taxi per tornare a casa, nonostante il maltempo. E proprio mentre sta raggiungendo l'auto, scivola e sbatte violentemente la testa contro il ghiaccio che ricopre la strada.

Caroline si risveglia in ospedale, con quella che sembrebbe una bambina di circa otto anni, ai suoi piedi.
Una bambina che, in realtà, si rivela essere Melody: uno spirito natalizio mandata lì per aiutare Caroline a riprendere in mano la sua vita!

Quello che la nostra protagonista non sa, però, è che presto verrà catapultata in quello che sarebbe stato il suo futuro se avesse preso decisioni diverse.
Un futuro in cui non possiede alcuna casa editrice, bensì una libreria. Un futuro in cui non è ricca di soldi, bensì di amore. Un futuro in cui si ritroverà a dover badare a tre bambini, avuti con niente di meno che il suo ex nella vita reale.

𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟

Perché ho dato solo tre stelline?

Il finale è moooooolto frettoloso. Super frettoloso! Di conseguenza: poco realistico. (anche se in questo libro tutto è poco realistico, dal momento che ha una sfumatura fantasy)

Non sono riuscita ad apprezzare il modo in cui Caroline si rivolgeva a "suo figlio minore"... e nemmeno il modo in cui trattava la "figlia maggiore" o William. ~Praticamente non mi è piaciuto il modo in cui si rivolgeva a quelli che teoricamente erano i suoi bambini.
Jo è una bimba di sette anni eppure sembra più matura della madre. :/

Tutto sommato però, non ho fatto alcuna fatica a leggerlo. Anzi: l'ho amato.

È stata una lettura davvero molto dolce e carina. Che stra consiglio! 🥰

Ps: non so se anche voi eravate ossessionati dai film di Barbie, da piccoli, ma io lo ero davvero tantissimo!
Infatti, questa storia mi ha (giustamente) ricordato "Barbie e il canto di Natale", anch'esso ispirato al romanzo di Dickens! Dunque, se "A Christmas Caroline" e "Canto di Natale" vi sono piaciuti, non potete assolutamente perdervelo!
Profile Image for Sophie Narey (Bookreview- aholic) .
1,045 reviews119 followers
November 1, 2021
Looking for a great christmassy read? Then look no further!

In this book we meet Caroline , she is living in Manhatten living a a high life but more career driven rather than full of romance. But after an accident she is visited by Christmas past, present and Christmas yet to come . When she wakes up and finds out she is married with three children living in New Jersey , she gets to see what her life could have been if she took a different route in life!

This is an absolutely amazing retelling of the Christmas Carol, if you love the classic you will also love this one ! It is written so well that you read this book in no time . You are there with the characters in the book , watching it all play out , perfect book to read on a christmassy day , curled up !
Profile Image for juju.
65 reviews5 followers
December 24, 2022
esse livro é 100% clima de Natal e as romcom natalinas amei!
Profile Image for Tabatha Reed.
1,605 reviews155 followers
December 13, 2021
A mash-up of A Christmas Carol and Family Man, this was a great read. I’ve read SO many Christmas books this season, a huge departure from my normal love of dark romance but Christmas only comes once a year and It’s definitely helped my Christmas spirit. I’ve read a lot of ok ones, a few bad ones and a few really awesome ones. This one falls into the awesome category.

Caroline has become highly successful but lost sight of everything really important in life. She falls and takes a hit to her head. After a visit from a certain ghost of Christmas she’s completely unchanged. She then finds herself in a version of her life that would have been if she had taken a different path.

Caroline is a hard sell. She clings to her desire to go back to her old life at first. Slowly but surely though she finds herself deeply grateful to escape the empty success of her previous life.

I do wish this had an epilogue. I don’t want to spoil anything but if you’ve ever seen the movie Family Man you might have an inkling where things end up. I know most movies and Christmas stories end there for you to imagine what would happen next but I wish we’d got a peak into Caroline’s future as a changed woman instead of implied HEA.

Pretty clean read, there’s only 1-2 bedroom scenes that aren’t completely fade to black but also not particularly descriptive.

No virgins, no manwhore, push away from h, there’s a 7 year separation in Caroline’s real life- in her what could have been life no separation. Neither H/h are celibate during the real version of life but nothing on the page. There is no cheating, no cliffhanger and HEA.

Safety - in her real life h finds photo of H kissing OW on instagram but they aren’t together anymore. He hasn’t ever had any serious lasting relationships. I’d consider it a safe read.
Profile Image for booksofallkinds.
1,017 reviews169 followers
October 29, 2021
*I voluntarily reviewed this book from the tour organiser.

A modern retelling of A Christmas Carol, A CHRISTMAS CAROLINE by Camilla Isley is brimming with laughter, romance, and the importance of family and friends.

Caroline has the career she has always dreamed of with the penthouse home and designer wardrobe to prove it. So what if she works all the time and is alone, who needs anyone else? Spending time with her family is a chore at this stage as their lives revolve around kids and family. But it cannot be escaped this Christmas, so Caroline finds herself begrudgingly arriving at her sister's home on Christmas Eve. But when Caroline slips on the ice as she is trying to make her escape back to Manhattan, nothing will ever be the same. Visited by a Christmas spirit who is determined for Caroline to see the error of her ways, she wakes up living near her parents, married to her ex, and with three kids in tow. As Caroline struggles to adjust to this completely new world, will she learn the error of her ways and fall in love with the life she could have had? Or will it be too late for Caroline to make the changes she would need to make, to be truly happy in every way?

Laugh-out-loud funny with completely loveable characters, A CHRISTMAS CAROLINE is a fantastic romance that really warms your heart. Caroline let love go all those years ago to focus on her career but watching her figure out if it is possible for her to have it all, made this book such an enjoyable read. With plenty of mishaps, sweet romance, and a welcoming bookshop thrown in for good measure, A CHRISTMAS CAROLINE by Camilla Isley is sure to melt your heart and warm you up this festive season. An excellent read and an excellent author.
Profile Image for Charanya.
215 reviews32 followers
November 14, 2021
3.5 stars!

Confession: I did love reading this one, but did I like it as much Camilla's other books, am afraid not. The author needs to lauded for creating a character in Caroline that was quite horrible at the start of the book to a point where you start to feel bad when she has to return to her pre Christmas spirit life. Caroline is a wonderful Scrooge and her change of heart is more believable than the original version. We get a taste of what we would miss while living is far more powerful that nobody visiting us when we are dead.
Melodie was a fun Christmas spirit and she does the job here of being spirit of past, present and future and being less morbid
There was a bit too much description of breastmilk spilling and nursing disasters, but loved reading Caroline being a mommy to three adorable children. The main reason the book didn't fully click with me is Sam as the husband and dutiful father is something we are forced to take at face value without knowing much about him and so their ending although endearing felt inorganic. The part about her being an owner of the bookshop was sweet to read a la 90s but not sure if it's possible to make a lot of profits in this climate of online bookstores and e-readers.
Enjoyable read, but not as much as Camilla's other books.
Profile Image for nanna.
504 reviews43 followers
December 24, 2022
A Christmas Caroline was a lightly read and everything I needed in this time of the year. I had an amazing experience with it. Camilla Isley's writing is amazing, addictive and fluid. I finished the book in a couple of hours. The narrative is delightful and I loved the characters and their development.

Caroline is an amazing character, I like her a lot, like a lot. I saw myself on her a lot, and I was really happy for the self discovery journey she had. Her thoughts and actions was developed in an amazing way.

The couple development was cute, but somethings at the end happened really faster and that's the only thing I didn't like in the book. Although, Caroline and Sam had an amazing chemistry.
Profile Image for mrsljgibbs.
724 reviews21 followers
October 31, 2021
I would firstly just like to say a big thank you to Rachel’s Random Resources for very kindly forwarding me an arc copy of this book, for my Kindle, in return for my honest review.

A Christmas Caroline is the modern day retelling of the classic A Christmas Carol and I really enjoyed this version!!
The characters were all lovable and I really enjoyed getting to know Caroline, we see her grow throughout the story and figure out what it is she really wants.
Filled with romance, festive warmth and laugh out loud moments, this was a heartwarming read from a wonderful author…
Profile Image for Jane Hunt.
Author 3 books110 followers
November 1, 2021
This story is a modern retelling of the Christmas classic A Christmas Carol. Caroline, a career-driven, successful woman, is the modern-day Scrooge. Her meeting with the Christmas Spirit occurs after an accident as she tries to escape festive, family life.

This festive story is full of love, laughter and little ones, as Caroline finds out what marriage and motherhood are like. Her character development mirrors the classic story. Her gender and the setting add originality.

I received a copy of this book from the author in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Olivia's Bookish World.
403 reviews16 followers
October 25, 2021
I loved it! I sat down to read for a few minutes before bed and 3 hours later I was reading the last page. I love re-tellings of The Christmas Carol and this one did not disappoint. This is book number 2 in a series (I have not read number 1) but reads as a stand-alone. Delightful and sweet, you’ll want to read A Christmas Caroline this Christmas season.
Profile Image for Julie Martinchick.
60 reviews2 followers
December 18, 2021
It would have been 4 stars if she had done research to make the kids more realistic. Their actions/voices weren't consistent with their ages.
The story was cute and I looked forward to going back to the book every chance I got.
Profile Image for Allyease Schwartz.
25 reviews1 follower
December 14, 2021
Such a cute book about love, life, success and what truly matters in life. Never let that one true love get away. Money never trumps a forever love and happiness! Highly recommend to all my hopeless romantics
Profile Image for Sara.
326 reviews10 followers
December 26, 2021
I absolutely loved this book from Camilla. A story reminiscent of the Sliding Doors moment of the powerful, successful Caroline whose career is booming but her personal life and family life is as empty as her Manhattan apartment. When Caroline has an accident and gets a glimpse into the life she rejected (marriage and babies with her handsome, sweet college sweetheart Sam) and discovers that what she thought she wanted was not it at all. I loved the poignant moments and the laugh out loud moments of this story and the lessons learnt from Caroline. You can always start over, building a life and memories with family and friends is more important than all the money in the world, especially if you don’t have anyone to share it with.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 146 reviews

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