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Called by a Highlander #1

Highlander's Captive

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She must return to her time. He keeps her heart captive.

While chaperoning a high school trip to the Scottish Highlands, Amy MacDougall descends into Inverlochy Castle dungeon. Deep in the crumbling ruins, she touches a magical rock and travels through time to 1307.

Infiltrating the castle, Highlander Craig Cambel imprisons Amy. A MacDougall, she’s his clan’s sworn enemy. But when he’s forced to marry the fierce beauty, he surrenders to desire. Amy needs to return to the twenty-first century, but her feelings for Craig are growing stronger every day. Will the pull of centuries divide them, or can destiny bind them across the ages?

It's the year 1307, and she's the enemy.

284 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 2, 2020

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About the author

Mariah Stone

50 books625 followers
When time travel romance writer Mariah Stone isn't busy writing strong modern women falling back through time into the arms of hot Vikings, Highlanders, and pirates, she chases after her toddler and spends romantic nights on North Sea with her husband. Mariah speaks six languages, loves Outlander, sushi and Thai food, and runs a local writer's group. Subscribe to Mariah's newsletter for a free time travel book today!

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104 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 462 reviews
Profile Image for Tracy Hager.
383 reviews
August 16, 2021
Good God for the first time in my life I clicked on the wrong book and read the whole thing without realising. I only stuck with it because I thought it was by someone else and written in the 70s so was willing to cut it some slack. Jesus, it was so basic. Horny but basic. That's pretty much all I can say about it.
Now I need to get higher prescription glasses.
Profile Image for La Hormiguita Lectora.
309 reviews184 followers
January 22, 2022

Una novela bastante normalita tirando a mediocre.

Durante casi toda la lectura, tenía claro que le iba a poner 3 estrellas porque, al menos, era entretenida.


Lo que hizo que finalmente le bajara otra estrella son los mensajes finales del libro.

**CUIDADO, podría considerarse spoiler leve**

¿Cómo que "gracias a que casi me mataras por tu negligencia, yo soy una persona fuerte y hago estas cosas"? ¿Cómo que hay que perdonar a quien tenía que haberte cuidado de niña y que hizo todo lo contrario, dejándote desprotegida y causándote mil traumas?

Ay, no, yo estas ideas no las comparto. Lo de poner la otra mejilla y todo eso, pase lo que pase... NO. Son unas ideas muy cristianas que a mí me causan urticaria.

Por más que seas mi familia: si has sido una mierda de persona conmigo, no tengo por qué perdonarte (y esta idea creo que ha hecho daño a muchísimas personas que no se han alejado de sus familias tóxicas por este motivo).


La verdad es que la historia me entretuvo y siempre quería saber más, aunque no tenía nada especial que me hiciera enamorarme de ella.

Una cosa que me encantó es el hincapié que hace la novela y el propio interés amoroso en la importancia del consentimiento sexual de ella.

Uno de los motivos por los que que se convierte en una novela mediocre de amor para mí es que, desde el principio, ya ella está babeando por él, aunque esté en una situación delicada y sea su cautiva.

(Aunque él nunca la trata mal, pero ella no sabe que él es un buen hombre en ese punto, por lo que me saca de la historia que sea capaz de pensar en él así cuando tendría que estar asustada).

Y es como que la autora no supo crear la química entre ellos. No sé. Yo debería haber estado chillando la primera vez que se besaron (y cuando hicieron más que besarse), pero, MEH.

Y, además, hay un momento en el que él no la perdona a ella porque le mintió y, según él, no podía confiar en ella.


¡Ha viajado en el tiempo! ¿Cómo te va a decir la verdad? ¿TÚ ERES TONTO?

En realidad, escuché esta novela por audiolibro, y tengo una queja:

Está traducida en español mexicano, pero la narradora habla con acento castellano. Esto crea una disonancia que me sacaba de la historia.


Una novela entretenida que se deja leer, pero con varios fallos y que no tiene nada que la haga especial. Pero creo que, para momento concretos, podría hacerte desconectar.
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,252 reviews1,496 followers
March 25, 2022

Whilst supervising a school trip to Inverlochy castle in 2020 Amy Macdougal meets a strange woman with some fantastical tales of time travel. When attempting to rescue a student she discovers a strange glowing rock compelled to touch it Amy finds herself transported across time back to the year 1307 and the same castle that is currently under siege. Craig Cambel doesn’t trust any Macdougal’s the backstabbers kidnapped and abused his sister when he learns that Amy is one of his detested enemies his reaction is instant distrust.

I did mostly like this though it was quite instalove but Craig did annoy me I understand his background has made him distrustful of others, especially Macdougal’s and he’s all about loyalty. But loyalty needs to be earned and I found him a bit Sanctimonious and willing to cut off his nose to spite his face not everything is black and white god willing he never has to make the choice to skirt the line of truth and then be crucified for a justifiable omission. Also, the children don’t inherit the sins of the father so technically how he acted towards Amy wasn’t really fair she hadn’t done jot to him and shes hardly going to open up and trust him is she, one he’s practically a stranger and two his initial attitude stinks hardly conducive towards sharing of confidences.

Amy, I liked her though I do think she should have given Craig a few home truths instead of enabling his pity party of one. I do wish she had had a bit more oomph about her. Overall though this was quite a sweet story and for the most part, I found it engaging. I’m not sure yet if I’ll carry on with the series but I’m definitely not ruling it out.

Untitled design

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Becky (romantic_pursuing_feels).
1,031 reviews1,219 followers
February 5, 2024
Note: Some of my goodreads shelves can be spoilers

Overall: 3.5 rounded to ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Readability: 📖📖📖📖
Feels: 🦋🦋🦋
Emotional Depth: 💔💔💔💔
Sexual Tension: ⚡⚡⚡
Romance: 💞💞💞
Sensuality: 💋💋💋
Sex Scene Length: 🍑🍑🍑
Steam Scale (Number of Sex Scenes): 🔥🔥🔥
Humor: A bit
Perspective: Third person from both the hero and heroine and also the side character Hamish
More character focused or plot focused? a mix? Maybe a bit more plot
How did the speed of the story feel? slow to medium
When mains are first on page together: Not too far in – the end of chapter 2 or about 11%
Cliffhanger: No, this ends with a happily ever after
Epilogue: Yes, a few months later
Format: listened to the audiobook on audible
(Descriptions found at end of my review)

Should I read in order?
This is the first of Stone’s Called by a Highlander series.

Basic plot:
Amy falls through time and into a medieval castle in 1307 – what’s even worse is she is a MacDougall – Craig’s sworn enemy.

Give this a try if you want:
- Medieval (1307 I think?)
- Scotland setting
- time travel – highlander hero/contemporary heroine
- divorced heroine
- marriage of convenience – he gets an advantage in the war by marrying a MacDougall and she gets access to the whole castle instead of being a prisoner
- secret identity
- enemies to lovers-ish/rival families
- medium steam – 3 scenes

- I don’t recall them being mentioned. If I had to guess, I’d think late 20s?

First line:
The fiery cross burned.

My thoughts:
I am so conflicted about this story!

On one hand, it had a lot I really enjoy in romance. I love the time travel aspect. I enjoyed the time period and the hero. I liked the heroine’s background and found it interesting that she did search and rescue due to her childhood.

But, I also found a lot of this story really slow. There were quite a few scenes of just castle life...peeling potatoes….having people not listening to you because you’re a MacDougall and I found it a bit frustrating. But what really got me was the ending. I didn’t love the ending and was a bit annoyed but especially with the hero.

I was also a bit confused how the heroine seemed to know how time travel worked – as in the passage of time. I guess she’s going off the Outlander version, but something that always kind of drives me nuts is when people go back and they assume the passage of time is exactly the same. This heroine was saying things like it’s been x amount of days/weeks so this will have happened and this happened back home and I’m just thinking how would you know that??? How would you know you couldn’t go right back to the time you left so it was like you were never gone? Sure it might work that way but I think some bit of wondering would have placated me instead of a solid presented idea of how time travel works just out of no where.

Content warnings: These should be taken as a minimum of what to expect. It’s very possible I have missed some.

Locations of kisses/intimate scenes:

Extra stuff like what my review breakdown means, where to find me, and book clubs
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,273 reviews13.4k followers
December 14, 2023
3.5 stars.

This was an enjoyable read. Had a few quirks, but it still held my attention. I definitely will continue with the series.
Profile Image for Rachel Atkinson.
38 reviews4 followers
May 27, 2022
The good news about this book? It was a short easy read and got me closer to my reading goal for the year. That's about the only good thing. lol

I picked up this book hoping it would get me through until I decide to read the most recent outlander book (I'm putting it off because I heard it ends on a cliff hanger and who knows when the next one will be out....). What I didn't expect was for it to be pretty much the "wish version" of outlander. In case you don't get my reference... maybe the "off brand" or "cheap" version of Outlander will help you. haha

So many things seemed like this lady just copied Outlander. Alot of the names are the same, Hamish... Fergus...Dougal. I get that those may have been common names but I was done once she also "had healing experience" and was able to set someone's dislocated arm. Sound familiar? The rest of the story was just way too predictable and I also DNF but decided to push through because it was a short book. Idk what I expected, I should have known better picking up a "highlander romance/time travel novel".... of course it wouldn't live up to Outlander but it would have been much better if it wasn't some clearly copied. IMO, don't waste your time.
Profile Image for El Olimpo Entre Libros.
576 reviews52 followers
April 30, 2022
Reseña con alto contenido de spoilers 😈.

En la mayoría de historias que leemos, los protagonistas tienen que hacer frente a muchas adversidades para así poder estar juntos. Luchan contra su familia, sus amigos, su clase social etc. ¿Pero qué pasaría si tienes que luchar contra el tiempo? ¿Qué pasaría si tu apellido fuera parte del conflicto?

Pues bien, Amy MacDougall tiene que luchar contra eso. Nuestra querida protagonista hace un misterioso viaje en el tiempo y va a parar a las Highlands (Escocia) de 1307, justo en un lugar donde corre mucho peligro, no solo por su nombre sino por aquellos que quieren dañarla 🤐.

Craig Cambel fue traicionado por el clan MacDougall y gracias a esto jura nunca más volver a confiar en alguien que porte ese apellido. ¿Y qué sucede cuando ellos dos se conocen?

En la historia tenemos traiciones, mentiras y, cómo no, romance. Es un poco frustrante el tira y afloja que ellos tienen pues quieres darles un buen golpe para que se animen a decir todo lo que piensan y sienten, pero entiendo que esa fue la manera en que la autora nos mantuvo pegadas a cada palabra del libro.

Ya que en ningún momento dejas de leer, quieres saber qué va a pasar y si Amy logra volver a su presente 💔. De hecho el libro nos pone a pensar en lo grande y doloroso que es perder la confianza de las personas que quieres, lo difícil que es ganársela nuevamente.

También nos hace querer llegar hasta ese lugar en ese tiempo para poder tener tu propio highlander 🥺 (las fans de Outlander me van a entender).

¿Quieren un libro de romance que los prenda desde la primera página?¡Pues corran a leer este libro!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for BrandyD.
551 reviews75 followers
February 1, 2024
2.5 not rounded up. Character internal thoughts/monologues were a bit juvenile. It seems like Amy would have been interrogated more before they let her stay in the castle. I dunno. Story could’ve been really great but it just didn’t do it for me.
Profile Image for Andria Potter.
Author 2 books83 followers
June 14, 2021
I think I am out of the highlander phase. Seriously, why is every girl/woman that travels back in time utterly clueless about Scotland's history? I'm beginning to get rather irked at that trope, but I probably would have liked this of I wasn't burnt out of that trope. 3 ⭐
Profile Image for Elodie’s Reading Corner.
2,519 reviews142 followers
July 26, 2020
Highlander's Captive: A Scottish Historical Time Travel Romance
Called by a Highlander Series #1
Mariah Stone
Release date 07/16/2020, paperback, 08/02/2020 ebook
Publisher Stone Publishing

Blurb :

She’s lost in the past. He’s a powerful Scottish warrior. Can star-crossed love find a future between the ages?
Search-and-rescue officer Amy MacDougall fears being trapped — both in small, dark places and in a relationship. But while chaperoning a high school trip to Scotland, she’s forced to confront her claustrophobia to save a student in a castle dungeon. And when a magical rock in the ruins catapults her through time to 1307 AD, she’s alarmed to come face-to-face with a handsome Scottish warrior.
Highlander Craig Cambel refuses to trust anyone after the MacDougall clan kidnapped and assaulted his sister. So when he discovers a beautiful woman in a secret tunnel in the stronghold he’s infiltrating, he locks her up to prevent her from warning the enemy. But when she proves helpful to his people despite being a MacDougall, he can’t stop his icy mistrust melting into desire.
As Amy searches for a way back home, she finds her phobia of commitment fading and falls for the brave Scot. But when Craig learns the mysterious woman isn’t who he thought she was, all his dark doubts reignite.
Will the distance of centuries shatter their hearts forever, or will they give in to destiny and build a happy future?
Highlander’s Captive is the enchanting first book in the Called by a Highlander time travel romance series. If you like courageous warriors, quick-witted heroines, and lush historical details, then you’ll adore Mariah Stone’s passionate story.

My review :

Will their past impede their future ...

This is my first read by Mrs Stone, and I quite liked my foray in time.
Craig is a honorable and straightforward man but since the battle which have seen his grandfather death and his sister’s abuse, he feels like he has failed them. And his guilt has eaten his trust in one another.
And Amy is one to test his faith in the others at every turn.
Amy wants only one thing, going back to her time, she does not belong there. Yet drawn to Craig, she still can’t let go and win his trust. And until she faces the demons of her past, she will never be able to accept someone else love.
Both have a lot of work to do before being able to accept the depth of their feelings and what they might entail.
Both are very flawed characters, I was upset at Amy for keeping the truth for much too long, each time testing Craig’s resilience to believe in her. But Craig’s inability to put the past behind even when he has everything in hands did not warm him in my heart too.
Why their journey toward one another is not a smooth path, up to them to decide what counts most.
4 stars

I was granted an advance copy by the author, here is my true and unbiased opinion.


Profile Image for Marcy G.
350 reviews1 follower
July 19, 2020
What a Great start to this Series. Scottish Highlanders is a Favorite then
add Time Travel and it makes it something different all together.
After reading many Historical Romance novels you often wonder what
it would be like back in that time. Questioning if you could survive back
then without modern conveniences. The constant feuding and wars. Women
being married off not for Love.
Amy MacDougall had to do all of those things She left a past that was not
happy. She meets Craig Campbell who also has an unhappy past.Both carrying
a lot of family burdens.
Craig has a big issue with Trust and Amy has a problem with letting someone
get close and help her.
Together they take you on a Journey of many emotional times as their relationship
grows. You could feel the happy and the sadness as the story is told. The love and
Passion are there. The Author kept you in suspense if she will Stay or Go.
Enjoyable Read. Highly Recommend.

Profile Image for One chapter more.
781 reviews145 followers
February 7, 2021
From hate to love... In couple hundred years

I'm in a phase of time travel romance... From Karen Marie Moning to... This. A great attempt for someone who hasn't written a time travel romance before. And to go even as far as 1307? Wow. But then if you go so far, you can bend the reality. A bit at least.

As much as I enjoyed the writing, some part of the plot were not to my liking. The lies, the hate, the almost nonexistent freakout of the heroine, or at least a bigger confusion? But then on the other hand I actually enjoyed the part where she was able to use her professional skill to help someone in need 700 hundred years in the past.

The conclusion to the read is simple. Love knows no boundaries. Even time can't stand in its way.
Profile Image for MissClo.
406 reviews23 followers
December 6, 2023
3.5 🌟

I listened to the audiobook and omg the female narrators voice was annoying me so much. She constantly sounded like she was about to cry!

Anyway. I’m not letting that get to me.

I enjoyed this book. The miscommunication trope was really troping here and think it could have been resolved a little sooner.

Overall enjoyed it and if you’re looking for pretty low angst, short medieval romance- this is the book for you!
Profile Image for Crystal's Bookish Life.
914 reviews1,619 followers
December 8, 2021
I couldn't quite decide between a 3 or 4 star rating. There were a few things that bothered me here, a bit too fast to declare love, some of the time traveling stuff, and the secrets kept between the couple. But I settled on 4 stars because I just really enjoyed the story. Very sweet romance with a great cinnamon roll hero.
Profile Image for Sonia.
808 reviews34 followers
June 11, 2022
La historia en sí está bien, con tópicos de highlanders además del añadido del viaje en el tiempo, pero ha fallado el lenguaje en ocasiones, no sé si por la traducción o que ha faltado una corrección final... 🤷‍♀️
Profile Image for Evelyn Cuellar.
972 reviews25 followers
April 22, 2022

Reseña completa en Books FD

La Cautiva Del Highlander es una novela que se nota claramente la influencia de Outlander al tener una temática muy parecida, pero la autora logra ofrecernos una historia entretenida, donde Amy tiene la “desdicha” de portar el apellido de los enemigos y caer en sus manos, por lo que decidirá suplantar a la verdadera para buscar respuestas y forma de regresar a su época. Craig es desconfiado por diversas razones, pero ella logrará derribar esos muros que él se ha puesto y harán que su relación sea cada vez más cordial, hasta convertirse en algo real pero ambos están conscientes que no puede ser y él le ayudará a que regrese, pero ella sabe que se encuentra en la época incorrecta… Con una pluma ligera, buenos personajes y bien perfilados, situaciones que te roban el corazón, te hacen enojar o suspirar y enamorarte, ha sido una novela que me ha gustado y devorado en muy poco tiempo. Buena lectura y recomendada!!!

#LcOlimpo #LeamosCL
Profile Image for Courtney.
1,211 reviews188 followers
June 3, 2021
I Give this Book a 3.5-4/5 Star Rating, Listing as 3.

Format Read: Audiobook
**Audiobook below

HEA(?): Yes
Pacing: it isn’t too bad but at the end it seemed to be inconveniently slow paced, that it seemed to drag.
Relationship Type: MF
Romance: 3-3.5/5
Heat: 3.5/5
Dark(?): No
Drama: 3.5/5, the plot of the book felt like it just needed...more. I got really annoyed with Amy’s selfishness on not telling Craig a few things, that actually concerned Him and not actually her.
Suspense: 3.5/5

Audiobook Review
Narrator: Shane East & Emma Wilder
Overall: 3.5-4/5, Listing as 4.
Story: 3.5/5, Listing as 3.
Performance: 4/5.

Love Shane East’s voice, I could listen to him non stop, Emma is fairly new to me but she did a pretty good job in this one :)
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,209 reviews
May 3, 2021
There was a time that I used to devour time travel romances, especially if there were Highlanders involved. In other words, I have read a LOT of them. I won't be continuing this series.
Profile Image for Svaetulla.
89 reviews2 followers
June 25, 2024
Premetto, non ho considerato l'aderenza storica leggendo questo libro. È un romance ed è un fantasy, tanto basta per non essere troppo severi, ma qua abbiamo superato i limiti. Se la trama di questo libro fosse un formaggio sarebbe un groviera. Al di là della protagonista che sa parlare gaelico scozzese medioevale arrivata, e riesce a tradurre in una lingua non sua termini come okey, primo soccorso, luce elettrica. Non ci sono salti logici da una causa a un effetto. Picnic fatti sapendo che c'è un esercito che sta arrivando per assediare un castello, ma è un assedio che dura meno di quelli di un film dei Montale Python. Senza contare delle strategie di sopravvivenza di un esercito addestrato a presiedere un castello. Oltre a questo, molte diffidenze create per l'ostacolo dei due amanti si risolverebbero pensando, non dico parlando, perché è un cliché del genere l'incomunicabilità della coppia romance. Bonus da puntigliosa, perché uno scrittore non si informa? In questo caso Amy tira fuori da un fagotto tenuto in una tasca dell'abito due faraone ripiene, le faraone sono uccelli grandi come polli, ci rendiamo conto che è una scena ridicola?
Profile Image for Natalia Baeza.
85 reviews3 followers
July 3, 2022
Si te gusta el estilo de outlander este es tu libro, viajes en el tiempo, la escocia medieval, un “enemies to lovers” intertemporal, esque puffff… lo tiene todo para engancharte desde la primera hoja.
Profile Image for Beca.
60 reviews1 follower
May 14, 2023
Legalzinho, nada surpreendentene ou revolucionário.
O casal é o básico do básico do básico... Não fiquei apegada, mas também não odiei eles, foi uma leitura boa pra sobreviver a madrugada, só isso.

Recomendaram esse livro dizendo que era para os fãs de Outlander. Sinceramente, se eu fosse fã de Outlander me sentiria ofendida.
Profile Image for Libra.
154 reviews5 followers
August 2, 2020
If you liked Outlander...

I can't help compare this to the Outlander series since that is by far my favorite time travel historical fiction series of all time. However, it's not really like them in that this doesn't have as much of the political slant to it that Ms. Gabaldon's books do. I think Mariah Stone's work stands on its own merit just fine though.
She has a good concept for her story and the character development is well done. There's also a good amount of tension in that she's trying desperately to get home to her sister. She's also afraid of what the medieval locals will do if she tells the truth about herself. Plus, she's not even sure how she got through the rock in the first place.
There's also sexual tension between Amy and Craig. He wants her, but he's fighting it because he basically doesn't trust anyone especially if their last name happens MacDougall and hers is. It doesn't help that he can practically smell a lie and she keeps sneaking off without good reasons - at least none she can give.
I like that they both resolve their separate issues before the HEA and that the resolution isn't dependant upon the other person. I think that's a heathier way of getting things unkinked. This is the first book I've read by Mariah Stone, but it won't be my last! I really liked this!
Profile Image for Cheryl.
15 reviews
July 22, 2020
I received this book as an ARC, for my honest opinion. This book is fast paced, you start off in the middle of a battle and go straight into time travel. Search and rescue officer Amy MacDougall finds herself back in time after going to the rescue of one of the students on a field trip in Scotland. She may have gone in looking for a student, but the story of Craig Campbell, told to her by a woman claiming to be a tour guide, intrigued her enough to investigate a flat rock she found in cave. Next thing she knows, she's being sucked into medieval Scotland and comes face to face with Craig himself. After finding out she's a MacDougall, his sworn enemy, Craig cannot let her go. Their feelings for each other develop over the weeks, though Craig still cannot bring himself to trust Amy. What I loved about the book, the relationship between the two characters was not forced, it developed naturally over time; but that doesn't mean that it's a slow burn. In the end both Amy and Craig realise just what they would give up for love.
Profile Image for Elisabeth.
327 reviews5 followers
November 7, 2022
Bonita historia de una viajera en el tiempo y del highlander que no se fía de nadie. Ella con un pasado duro de cuando tenia 10 años y él que hacía 10 años sufrió la traición del que creía amigo haciendo sufrir a su hermana. Siguiendo ahora con la historia de la hermana en el siguiente libro.
Profile Image for Lydia.
1,085 reviews
December 20, 2022
I picked this up in an audible sale and it was the narrators who made me do it. So Narration first: Shane East and Emma Wilder: spot on, loved both of them, sadly they could not change the plot.

I was mostly fine with the start of this, the reader does not really get to know the true skills of Amy and why she is with her sister on a field trip, other than she carries the first aid bag, what we find out later is she is a big time search and rescue officer with first responder skills.

So I like generally like Highlander stories set in the past, and I usually like the ones with time travel, but those at least try to stay away from Outlander themes, at least a bit, but there were many times it felt like the author just plucked the idea right out of Outlander (she is a healer, she fixes someone's dislocated shoulder, she is forced to marry, names of characters, there are a few others and each time it made me roll my eyes).

The main issue I had with this is Amy has family back in her time (and yeah that happens in Outlander too, but somehow this one bothered me more than it did in Outlander.) Amy's goal the whole time is to get back b/c of her sister. She loves Craig but keeps secrets from him, understandably but she is living two lives and can't commit to one life or the other.

Then there is Craig, who cannot tolerate lying in the slightest and it is a one a done for him, so when he finds out she kept a secret from him, even thought it was to save herself, he completely drops her.

I enjoyed the part in this story where Amy first comes through time and she and Craig start to get to know each other and seeing that relationship and friendship develop. But there came a point where neither were willing to compromise and Amy's loyalties are divided. At that point in the book it was all down hill and just frustrating. I did find all the MacDougall issues and tension interesting.

And then she

And then she . It was just hard for me to handle, for some reason the way it all went down just felt off/wrong.
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,291 reviews216 followers
September 13, 2022
Vanilla_91 - per RFS

La prigioniera dell’highlander è il primo libro della serie Al tempo degli highlander di Mariah Stone.

È una storia che ha molto in comune con Outlander, serie (sia in versione cartacea che televisiva) che io adoro.

La nostra protagonista è Amy McDougall, un’americana in viaggio nelle Highland. Durante una visita al castello in rovina di Inverlochy, toccando una pietra con delle strane incisioni, viene trasportata in un’era diversa : nella Scozia di alcuni secoli prima.

Amy, da buona protagonista fortunata, finisce proprio nel bel mezzo di una feroce battaglia tra clan e viene fatta prigioniera da Craig Cambel, un guerriero affascinante e coraggioso che nutre un odio viscerale per tutti i McDougall.

La donna come può spiegare al suo rapitore di aver viaggiato nel tempo, se lui, senza conoscerla, l’ha già etichettata come una bugiarda traditrice tenendo conto solo del suo cognome? Certo è che la diffidenza e la sfiducia reciproca non riescono a nascondere la forte attrazione che lega Amy e Craig.

Ho trovato questo libro un passatempo davvero piacevole, un’ottima via d’evasione in un periodo per me non particolarmente allegro.

Chi non avrebbe voglia, ogni tanto, di evadere, di fuggire in una realtà diversa e avere anche la fortuna di capitare tra le braccia di un highlander cocciuto e brontolone?

Quest’aria di misticismo mi ha tenuta compagnia per tutta la lettura e l’autrice è stata abile a mescolare “realtà” e leggenda, dando forma ad una storia con un tocco fiabesco.

È un racconto leggero e romantico, con una narrazione che scorre senza grossi scossoni, colpi di scena o eventi particolarmente sconvolgenti. La semplicità e la linearità sono i punti cardine di questo romanzo.

Amy e Craig ci regalano abbondanti dosi di romanticismo e passione e non ci risparmiano quel pizzico di pathos che, ammettiamolo, ci piace e ci tiene sulle spine prima del tanto atteso e desiderato happy ending.

Ho trovato La prigioniera dell’highlander una lettura interessante nella sua semplicità, un racconto veloce che merita di essere letto.
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