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Beastars #17


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At a high school where the students are literally divided into predators and prey, friendships maintain the fragile peace. Who among them will become a Beastar—a hero destined to lead in a society naturally rife with mistrust?

Gray wolf Legoshi forms an unexpected alliance to obtain intel about mixed-species psychopath Melon from the secret organization Kopi Luwak. But the resulting negotiation triggers Legoshi’s craving for meat. Meanwhile, dwarf rabbit Haru innocently crosses paths with Melon, unaware of the danger. Then, Haru’s patience grows thin with Legoshi’s insistence that their relationship remain chaste. And all too soon, Legoshi runs afoul of the law again.

216 pages, Paperback

First published January 8, 2020

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About the author

Paru Itagaki

79 books556 followers
Paru Itagaki ( 板垣巴留, Itagaki Paru) is a multi-award-winning Japanese manga artist, known mainly for her work Beastars. She is the daughter of Keisuke Itagaki.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 88 reviews
Profile Image for Mangrii.
1,038 reviews361 followers
May 7, 2021
3,75 / 5

Que Beastars va a acabar en tragedia me lo huelo a la legua. Y es que Paru Itagaki parece inspirarse en las tragedias más shakesperianas y volver su shônen una historia de lo más dramática por cada nueva desventura que ocurre. En este decimoséptimo volumen (¡solo quedan 5!), Legoshi y el Shishigumi han aunado fuerzas para acabar de una vez por todas con el malvado Melón.

Otro interesante peldaño en el camino de Legoshi, con momentos divertidos de pareja con Haru y una espectacular batalla que marcara el devenir de los próximos capítulos. De nuevo, Legoshi, metido en un berenjenal. Lo más curioso, es la mención de nuevo a una guerra carnívoro - herbívoro que lo cambio todo hace 100 años. Ojalá sepamos más sobre esto.
Profile Image for Estibaliz.
2,147 reviews66 followers
April 6, 2023

Lots of our current mains here: Legoshi, Haru, Melon, Louis and the Shishigumi... and oftentimes being paired in some unexpected combinations, which only adds spice to the mix, even though things are starting to get a little bit too crazy, and I just want Melon to be gone...

Next volume seems very promising in terms of background history, so looking forward to that one.
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,396 reviews235 followers
March 24, 2024
The hunt for Melon is getting a little silly and very melodramatic, but at least it is causing the main characters to come together more frequently again.

And, hey, I'm always game for some potty humor.
Profile Image for Met.
440 reviews25 followers
January 10, 2021
Sempre stupendo! Non perde un colpo.
Profile Image for Cassie.
399 reviews
February 12, 2020
Ch 143-155
Melon is teaching a university class, as he has a PHD in history, that Haru happens to be attending. Melon finds himself wanting to eat Haru, after a lifetime of wanting to desire meat. The drama! He grabs Haru, but doesn’t get a chance to eat her.

Louis and Legosi are working with the shishigumi to find the Kopi Luwak. The Civet, Deshico, is quite small and harmless looking, even though I’m sure he’s not.
Deshico says that “pain and violence are a means to which carnivore herbivore hybrids use to experience pleasure” because they lack appetite and sexual desire, and are thus deprived.
He gives the carnivores the kopi luwak coffee, which (he doesn’t mention, but,) stimulates carnivores hunger for meat. Legosi goes home where he finds haru and they share an interesting yet cute interaction. Yet when he wakes he find himself bloodied and haru gone! Turns out it’s not blood but tomato juice and haru is fine- but Legosi genuinely thought he killed her- and the shock turns his fur white. He seems more devoted to Haru after this.
Next he goes to the shishigumi to find a lion in danger, and an awesome fight with beautiful panels breaks out. They run all across the black market until the police assume Legosi, a wolf, is trying to hurt a herbivore, Melon. They both escape.
We get to go back to the school and see some good old friends like jack and Pina! But jack is seriously depressed, which makes me depressed! Legosi helps him feel a little better.
Something we kept hearing about in this volume was a carni-herbi war that happened 100 years prior, one that supposedly turned a peaceful society into a violent one. In their history, Carnivores were called life animals and herbivores nature animals. Both types were separated, carnivores fighting eachother only, until they met one another and start the new “animal society”. the carnivores initial reaction was to protect the herbivores, eating their milk and eggs, they grew slender and the herbivores lived prosperous lives.
But then there was conflict and a war- that apparently a giant whale ended, a whale that Yafya has captive???? What??
The last chapter of the volume has bill deciding not to eat a baby bird and bring it back to health with Pina and the other bird whose name I don’t know, and it was ADORABLE.

Main takeaways from this volume- carni-herbi war is important and will be mentioned again. That fight between Legosi and melon was super cool! Protect jack, bill and haru at all costs!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Brydon.
314 reviews3 followers
April 12, 2023
Another amazing volume!! Really loved this one for the team up between Legoshi and the Shishigumi and Louis. The Lions of the Shishigumi have become some of my fave side characters and I just know I’m gonna be heartbroken if anything bad happens to them. I doubt it will happen but part of me wants Louis’ end game to be him being the boss of the Shishigumi again. He seems to truly belong in that role, he can’t stay away from it!

Also that scene when Legoshi smashed through the glass to get to Melon was incredible. Probably one of the coolest panels I’ve seen in the series so far. I’m surprised that Melon was so close to giving up. Seems like his new goal is gonna be to devour Haru, so I imagine we’ll be seeing her in danger again later on.

Speaking of Haru, she is still bugging me… I just feel like she’s so clueless half the time, like the scene with her being almost devoured by Melon. And then her again being clueless when Legoshi thought he devoured her. She’s just not doing it for me. I always forget she’s the goal for Legoshi because on her own I don’t think she’s a compelling character at all. She’s the same girl who doesn’t care about her safety from the beginning of the series. But that’s just my opinion.

I’m very excited for next volume since it seems to focus more on Jack. I’ve been wanting more content for him!! I hope he’s more involved during these last volumes because I love him.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dashley.
848 reviews33 followers
April 27, 2020
3.5 star. Of course my favorite aspect of this manga is Legosi and Haru. Their relationship is crazy complex and I want to see where is goes. But the story contradicts itself an awful lot. It's honestly getting too annoying and I'm hoping it has to do with translation errors. I mean like Legosi's grandfather is a pacifist and then 2 seconds later he is spilling everyones blood. Another example is instead of calling the cops Legosi fights this bad guy and then does something else really crazy I didn't think he believed in and then of course the fight was for nothing because the cops show up anyway. I think my mind melted after that chapter.

I am really enjoying the complications that come with all the different species though. It's kind of funny to realize that if a leopard was a humanoid and wore clothes they would all prefer plain colors because they have designs already on their skin. So every knew chapter comes with new understandings and I find it very interesting.

I have a lot more gripes I think than I do praises. It's just that I love the main characters so much but sometimes one of them will be put into that background so long that I'm not sure they are apart of the story anymore. Haru is the main essential for many many moons then she is gone and it doesn't seem like anyone notices or cares and then bam out of no where she is essential again.

I really just reading now to experience more scenes with them two together. They main story is getting so crazy and it's not really relatable and often doesn't make since to me.
Profile Image for Joseph.
450 reviews11 followers
December 21, 2022
I like when Itagaki will like, interrupt the narrative to throw in a chapter about something she thinks is interesting. It happened a while back with the chapter dedicated to the chicken lady who made egg sandwiches, and this volume introduces a musk cat who digests coffee beans and extracts them from his scat to make special coffee.

I wish Haru had more to do for the rest of the series, feels like she hasn’t been given much room to grow since the end of the first arc.
Profile Image for Drew.
47 reviews
April 24, 2020
Some truly hilarious moments between Legosi and Haru, but otherwise not as action-packed as the previous volume 16 (although admittedly that is a very high standard to reach).
Profile Image for Remy G.
672 reviews4 followers
August 5, 2023
As with its predecessors, Volume 17 of the Beastars manga opens with a synopsis of events from prior volumes and a visual depiction of the dramatis personae. The red deer Louis is in college and spends more time with his fiancée Azuki, her father being an executive, and seeks reinvolvement with the Shishi-gumi. Louis introduces his gray wolf friend Legoshi to the triad’s leonine members, whose numbers had dwindled since he had last headed the group. They visit the black market to seek the leader of the Kopi Luwak, a musk cat named Deshico who specializes in producing coffee beans.

Meanwhile, Melon has become an adjunct professor at Haru’s college, lecturing about the first herbivore-carnivore war that destroyed the harmony between the two dietary factions. The gazelle/leopard hybrid openly expresses his desire to devour the dwarf rabbit. Throughout his criminal past, Melon’s horns had gotten him off scot-free for his heinous acts so long as he wore his facemask to conceal his leopard portion. Back to Legoshi, he returns to his apartment to find Haru, with whom he wants to be more honest.

Legoshi ultimately decides to take down Melon himself, their battle starting at the Shishi-gumi headquarters before proceeding through the black market and then Central Street, where the police become involved and automatically target the wolf since they still perceive Melon as an herbivore. Itagaki follows with depictions of Legoshi’s biological changes as he aged, along with the metamorphosis of a two-page comic panel from a previous volume. This installment of the Beastars manga was like its predecessors enjoyable, although the lack of gray between carnivores and herbivores is still noticeable.
Profile Image for Inas.
275 reviews
March 31, 2021
i'm gonna write this review for ALL of the volumes combined. so yeah. spoiler alert.

my favorite character is louis. my least favorite is the bunny. what's her name again? ugh. i forgot.

i mean, srsly, what's not to like about louis??? he sacrificed his own leg for legoshi!! that's like a whole new level of selflessness.

my favorite arc was the battle with the white bear (polar bear?). after that it kinda went to shit.


oh and i was SO sad when louis' dad died. i knew he barely appeared in the manga but he was just so kind. he gave louis everything he needed and always supported him no matter what.

not much else to say, i guess...
i just really liked the series. i was about to watch the second season after reading the manga, but then i realized, why bother? i know all the plot already.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mattia Lugli.
359 reviews6 followers
June 24, 2021
Continua la complicata convivenza tra animali di razze differenti, ed in questo volume vengono sottolineati aspetti della vita di tutti i giorni che non sempre venivano messi nero su bianco tra le pagine di Beastars.

Quanto sia importante l'apparenza, o l'attrazione innaturale per le creature diverse e potenzialmente pericolose, il gusto del rischio e la costante voglia di capire se stessi e riuscire a trovare il proprio posto in un contesto cosi duro e complicato.

Sono queste le metafore di vita che permeano questo racconto, sempre più intricato e con una società solida e stratificata, che si fa scoprire sempre maggiormente dal lettore.
Profile Image for The Book Dragon.
2,249 reviews33 followers
May 28, 2022
Legoshi teams up with the Shishigumi and Louis to investigate and try to apprehend Melon. Meanwhile, we find out that Melon is hiding in plain sight very close to home. So close to home that Legoshi picks up on it, but can't quite put the pieces together because his brain is being a hormonal teenager.

And then his fur goes white with shock (because reasons) and it was so sudden that I was wondering if this was real or an author fake out. Game of Thrones and Attack on Titan have messed up my radar for actual character deaths.

This series has 22 volumes.
Profile Image for Brandon.
2,285 reviews35 followers
December 28, 2021
More of Haru and Legoshi being weird as heck, but mixed up in who Melon is and the search for him. This is one of the stranger volumes, with some great sequences featuring Melon and then some continuing reliance on some weird stuff like supernatural divination and transformation. The actual action scenes, and the growing horror surrounding Melon and his ability to skirt the system expertly, is great.
Profile Image for Lauren.
104 reviews
December 23, 2023
When I reviewed volume 1 I wrote that the first one was really slow and the art was not good and in the beginning it gives Legoshi a bad rep, but if you keep going it gets a lot better. And it did! this one addresses consequences for in the previous volume. Legoshi now has to go on his own and face the world outside of school. Here we meet the current Beastar, Yahya
December 29, 2023
Legosi, Melon, Louis, Haru and the Shishi-gumi are intertwining in this volume. Legosi now knows that Melon can be satisfied via pain and violence all thanks to the civet cat. Even though Melon is a maniac that he teaches carnivore-herbivore history in which Haru is his student and he 50-50 chance wants to eat this dwarf rabbit. Interestingly, this is where we see Legosi kissing Haru in the cheek and showing his phallis to her. Then Legosi needs to stay at Cherryton Academy to lay low.
Profile Image for Littlebookterror.
2,159 reviews86 followers
March 18, 2024
this was a random assortment of stories, wasn't it?
We get Legoshi, Louis and the Shishigumi collaborating and meeting with a civet, Louis having a complex relationship with both herbivores and carnivores, we get to see Melon teaching a class and interacting with Haru, we see Legoshi and Haru bonding and then another Melon vs Legoshi fight.
It was a lot and I felt the transitional scenes were not really there?
Profile Image for Timothy Pitkin.
1,946 reviews8 followers
July 26, 2020
I love seeing Louis part of the Shishigumi again as it is leads to some really good moments but the whole thing with the coffee was pretty disgusting and kind of felt like a let down as I think it would be interesting to see a pure animal group as part of the villains. But otherwise some really funny moments especially with Haru and Legosi and learning some more about Melon.
Profile Image for Liz.
1,919 reviews7 followers
July 30, 2020
Between 3 and 3.5 stars. Slightly underwhelming volume for me. Wasn't super into the Legoshi and Haru relationship discussion and a lot of it felt like it was just building to the final chapters with the showdown between Legoshi and Melon (their cat-and-mouse...or wolf-and-leopard/gazelle game was my favorite part of this volume).
Profile Image for Nickonero.
169 reviews4 followers
May 3, 2021
En este cómic a veces se abusa de las cosas que haría alguien cuando se vuelve loco pero me da un poco igual. Es el manga más dramático del mercado, es obvio que se apoya casi de más en las tragedias shakespirianas. Y si hemos venido a ver dramones, qué menos que nos den los más gordos.

Los perretes moviendo la cola cuando ven a Legoshi.
Profile Image for Paracosm.
534 reviews2 followers
February 9, 2024

You never truly know what you are gonna get with Beastars. One page is about philosophical monologues about the relationship between carnivores and herbivores, how it works as an analogy for sexuality or intimacy. And in another chapter Legoshi convinces everyone to eat poop. It's wild. Also, there's no way Louis is straight.
Profile Image for alicat.
314 reviews4 followers
March 16, 2022
Love love love love everything about this series still!!!!!!
Profile Image for Anthony Wendel.
Author 3 books19 followers
March 17, 2022
Just as you think the relationship between Haru and Legoshi is becoming frustrating, the pair finds a way to make things adorable again. It's also interesting to see how Louis' time with his fiancee went. The series continues to be entertaining and a joy to read.
Profile Image for Fabio.
166 reviews7 followers
July 8, 2022
sempre bello beastars.
il personaggio di melon continua a ricevere spessore e questo me lo fa piacere sempre di più.
il suo incontro con Haru un po' scontato ma è stato originale come l'autrice li abbia fatti incontrare.
poi più Haru c'è nei volumi più sono felice
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 88 reviews

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