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M Is for Monster: A Graphic Novel

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A scientist attempts to bring her younger sister back to life with unexpected results in this Frankenstein-inspired graphic novel about ghosts, identity, and family

When Doctor Frances Ai's younger sister Maura died in a tragic accident six months ago, Frances swore she would bring her back to life. However, the creature that rises from the slab is clearly not Maura. This girl, who chooses the name "M," doesn't remember anything about Maura's life and just wants to be her own person. However, Frances expects M to pursue the same path that Maura had been on—applying to college to become a scientist—and continue the plans she and Maura shared. Hoping to trigger Maura's memories, Frances surrounds M with the trappings of Maura's past, but M wants nothing to do with Frances' attempts to change her into something she's not.

In order to face the future, both Frances and M need to learn to listen and let go of Maura once and for all. Talia Dutton's debut graphic novel, M Is for Monster, takes a hard look at what it means to live up to other people's expectations—as well as our own.

M Is for Monster is one of the titles on our Surely list which is dedicated to showcasing gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual creators and stories.

224 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2022

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Talia Dutton

1 book35 followers

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Profile Image for s.penkevich.
1,323 reviews10.8k followers
October 30, 2022
Doctor Frances Ai has done the impossible and sewn the pieces of her sister back together and brought her back to life. But the life now living in Maura’s body isn’t Maura. M is for Monster, the debut graphic novel from author/illustrator Talia Dutton is a moving and thoughtful look at identity that reimagines the story of Frankenstein in a really fresh and inventive way. Fearing being taken apart by Frances to try again for the sake of science, M (with the help of ghost Maura who can appear to them in the mirror) lives a false life because at least it is a life but suppressing their true self begins to wear on everyone. It is a whimsical examination of those who hide who they are to fit society's expectations told through very eerie and engaging artwork that all comes together for a truly heartfelt and wonderful book.
M and ghost Maura

The artwork here is really quite lovely and I enjoy that it is done entirely with shades of green against black and white artwork. While the story seems to be told in modern day (though this is vaguely a fantasy world as there are several mentions of magic though it never comes into play beyond being a partial explanation for reanimating Maura’s patchwork corpse), the imagery is all old cabins, windswept cliffside and vintage clothing that feels very much a nod to the imagery around Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. She even gets a nod through an imaginary theorem the sisters discuss: the Shellstein Theorem. The story functions well independent of any Mary Shelley aspects, though the elements of pastiche are lovingly done.

Talia Dutton’s Victor Frankenstein is the genius scientist Frances Ai, someone who’s creative vision and quest for scientific discovery shapes their actions, morals and interpersonal relationships. There is an interesting reversal in M is for Monster that becomes the antidote to the violence Frankenstein’s creation fell in to due to feelings of neglect and isolation, here showing that if one can set aside their expectations and care for someone for who they are on their own terms, than even those who see themselves as monsters can find comfort and a space to flourish. I found this particularly touching having just done a back-to-back read of Shelley’s masterpiece and Winterson’s modern reexamination Frankissstein and the hopeful and welcoming tone here was nice.

M’s narrative will likely speak to teen readers in a way that can be individually interpreted about feeling stuck appeasing the expectations of others, though the story bends towards an expression of LGBTQ+ identities, particularly feeling you must perform identity in a way that other people assume based on your physical body. Especially for reasons of literal survival. The idea of being seen as a monster simply for who you are is lightly touched on and I am glad this had a strong message of love and inclusion as the ultimate lesson of the story. Dutton also includes a non-binary character, so thanks for some cool representation! M is for Monster is a delightful read (huge thank you and shoutout to Amanda for loaning/recommending me this--read their review here!) and I can’t wait to recommend this to everyone around Halloween.

Profile Image for come book.
31 reviews7,972 followers
September 29, 2023
4.5 ✨

Dwie siostry - Frankie i Maura - są naukowczyniami. Uwielbiają spędzać czas razem w swoim domowym laboratorium. Są nierozłączne - tam gdzie Frankie, tam też Maura. Ta druga chce być jak swoją siostra, od zawsze chciała ją zadowolić (chciała? Czy może nie miała innej możliwości, bo Frankie jest niezwykle charyzmatyczna i ciężko jej się przeciwstawić?). Gdy jeden z ich eksperymentów wymyka się spod kontroli, Maura ginie. Frankie nie wyobraża sobie życia bez siostry, więc postanawia ją… ożywić. Jednak nowa dziewczyna nie wie kim jest, nie pamięta przeszłości, nie wie nic o ludziach, z którymi mieszka. Wie jedno - nie chce być zawodem dla Frankie, która od początku wspomina o tym, że najwyżej przeprowadzą operacje jeszcze raz.

Teraz nie ma Maury. Jest M. Dziewczyna zupełnie inna niż jej „wzór”. Ktoś, kto nadal poznaje siebie. Kto nadal szuka swoich pasji, ulubionych rzeczy. Ale też ktoś, kto boi się, że rozczaruje innych.

„M jak monstrum” to przepiękna historia o odkrywaniu siebie, żałobie, o byciu „odrębnym bytem”, który może decydować o sobie. O tym, jak zła i wyniszczająca potrafi być presja i oczekiwania, że ktoś będzie taki, jakie mamy o nim wyobrażenie. To właściwie historia dla każdego, kto kiedykolwiek czuł, że nie pasuje. Czuł się niewystarczający, nie dość dobry, niekochany. A mam obawę, że sporo wśród nas takich osób. To też opowieść o żałobie i utracie najbliższej osoby, rozpaczliwych próbach odzyskania jej.

I mimo tego, że przeczytacie ją dość szybko ze względu na małą objętość (chociaż ja lubię poświęcać uwagę każdemu szczegółowi w danej powieści graficznej) to jestem pewna, że zostanie z Wami na dłużej ✨🤝
Profile Image for give me books.
347 reviews5,082 followers
September 6, 2023
Bardzo miła i przyjemna.

Jestem fanką kolorów bo ta zieleń daje taki magiczny klimat
Profile Image for not my high.
341 reviews1,181 followers
September 8, 2023
[czytane po polsku w wydaniu od Nasza Księgarnia]

Moim szkodliwym nawykiem jest wybieranie do czytania rano książek, przez które mam rozmazany cały makijaż.

Jak widzicie po ocenie, znalazłam kolejny świetny komiks do kochania.
Profile Image for Laynie Rose.
83 reviews906 followers
July 1, 2022
Loved this Frankenstein retelling, I got so emotional attached to the characters! Great for anyone who loves reading about grief, identity, wacky science experiments, the love between sisters, and the act of reinventing yourself.
Profile Image for Bibliotecario De Arbelon.
322 reviews152 followers
October 17, 2022
M de Monstre es una reinvención de Frankestein que utiliza la tan conocida historia para ir más allá del monstruo.

Una novela gráfica que trata sobre el duelo y la identidad, dónde ambas se combinan con la ciencia y la magia para reflexionar sobre intentar ser aquello que no eres para intentar encajar o ser querido y de como nos aferramos a los recuerdos de lo que un día fue pero ya nunca más será igual, de aceptarnos tal y como somos. La historia también cuenta con representación LGTBIQ+.

Y creo que (aquí ya me sale mi faceta de profesor) se podría decir que esta novela gráfica sería perfecta para trabajar estos temas con gente joven (y no tan joven) ya que muchas personas se podrían sentir identificadas con la historia.
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,398 reviews235 followers
August 8, 2022
A fresh spin on Frankenstein has a female mad scientist resurrecting her sister following a lab accident. But of course something has gone wrong, and the book turns away from the typical horror tropes to become a meditation on identity and grief. Engaging and bittersweet.

I feel a little funny that I suspect the whole book is written simply to imply a dumb pun:
Profile Image for Charlotte.
201 reviews2 followers
October 27, 2022
If MY sister tried to resurrect ME from the dead and I came back as some RANDOM, I would simply haunt her forever.
Profile Image for Stewart Tame.
2,399 reviews110 followers
June 29, 2022
Fair warning: I won a free copy of this hardcover in a Goodreads giveaway.

Inspired by Frankenstein, this graphic novel opens on a classic, "It's alive!" moment. M. awakens strapped to a table, her body a patchwork of scars. She's been brought to life by Dr. Frances Ai, and her husband, Gin. Her body is that of Frances' sister, Maura, who perished in a lab accident six months ago. Frances swore to bring her back to life, and is overjoyed at her success. But M. doesn't remember any details of Maura's life, and begins to feel as though a horrible mistake has been made …

Identity and family are strong themes that run through this book. How much of our personality comes from within, and how much is shaped by the expectations and perceptions of others? The characters in this book feel natural, complex, and real. I love the artwork, particularly the use of color. Dutton has chosen to work solely with shades of green over black and white drawings, and the result is somehow more powerful than either B&W or full color could hope to achieve.

One other touch worth noting, assuming you've got a physical copy of the hardcover: take a peek beneath the dust jacket at that wonderfully busy design on the cover. Little touches like that are one of the reasons I love physical media so much more than digital …

M Is For Monster is a wonderful, moving book, and I look forward to reading more of Talia Dutton's work in the future. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Marta Demianiuk.
681 reviews529 followers
September 23, 2023
Bardzo lubię klasykę, ale boję się horrorów i ogólnie strasznych książek. Z tego powodu jeszcze nie sięgnęłam po kultowego „Frankensteina” Mary Shelley. Jednak w końcu poczułam, że zdecydowanie muszę go nadrobić i mam nadzieję, że uda mi się to właśnie tej jesieni, A to poczucie zawdzięczam „M jak monstrum” luźno opartemu na historii pióra Shelley. Dutton w swojej książce wykorzystuje postać naukowczyni, która wskrzesza do życia „potwora” - jej własną siostrę. Jednak sprawy niekoniecznie idą po jej myśli, bo wskrzeszona Maura Maurą się nie czuje. Frankie rozpaczliwie chce odzyskać siostrę, chociaż ta czuje, że nie jest już starą sobą. Tytułowe monstrum nie wie, czy powinno udawać kogoś, kim nie jest, byle jej teoretyczni bliscy byli spokojni i szczęśliwi, czy być sobą, nie spełniając ich oczekiwań.

Zachwyciło mnie drugie dno tej historii. I bardzo chciałabym napisać jakie, ale mogłoby to być spoilerem albo nakierować czyjś odbiór książki na to, co ja w niej dostrzegłam. Postać Maury i M, to rozdarcie między chęcią zadowolenia innych a byciem sobą… myślę, że to bardzo aktualny temat, jakiegokolwiek drugiego czy trzeciego dna byśmy się tu nie dopatrzyli.

Swoją drogą zachwyca mnie, jak wiele treści można zawrzeć w komiksie, gdzie tego faktycznego tekstu jest jak na lekarstwo. Dutton udało się to fantastycznie.
Profile Image for Maia.
Author 28 books3,219 followers
January 17, 2023
A girl wakes up on a lab table, stitched together from pieces of a previous girl, Maura, who died in a lab accident. Maura's sister is an experimental scientist and when she wakes up a spirit, she's convinced she's gotten her sister back. But the new girl, M, has no memories from a previous life. She looks like Maura- and when she looks in the mirror she can see Maura's ghost- but she feel compelled to pretend to be someone she isn't. This is an interesting take on resurrection, the afterlife, and identity. It's beautifully drawn in black ink with teal shading, and includes a minor nonbinary character. The book flirts with some real danger and existential fear around our lead, but ultimately takes a gentler route towards a happy ending.
October 15, 2023
This was a great seasonal read.

When Doctor Frances Ai sets out to revive her dead sister, Maura, she succeeds - almost. It's Maura's body that she reanimates, but "M" doesn't remember any of Maura's memories. She doesn't even feel like Maura. But Frances is determined to prove otherwise.

This was a great story about identity and the expectations you're given. It's about family and individuality and letting go. The science elements work great in her alongside the more supernatural ones, and the plot is rich with character connections and finding a sense of belonging. I loved their neighbor, who was so warm and welcoming. And Gin, Frances's spouse, was sweet and supportive whenever Frances or M needed them most.

My one frustration came from the fact that Frances was very pushy and uncompromising when M was first figuring out the world. I get it - she thought she was bringing back her sister, and M was lying to her about actually being Maura. But that was because she wanted to live and thought Frances would take her apart again if she knew the truth. I understood both of their perspectives. Frances felt guilty about her sister's death and thought she was making it right.

This book had a nice art style and color pallette, an the themes were lovely.

4/5 stars.
Profile Image for Gwendolyn.
1,109 reviews154 followers
August 31, 2022
“Science go oops. Energy go BOOM. Maura go bye-bye”

If you like Frankenstein this graphic novel is a must read! If you enjoyed other graphic novels like 'Sheets', 'Prince and the Dressmaker', and 'Anya's Ghost' then you’d most likely enjoy this one as well.

Grieving the death of her sister, Frances is so certain she can bring Maura back to life, but death is not a conquerable force. The young woman she has stitched together and reanimated, is not at all like her younger sister, but Frances refuses to believe anything else, explaining that she can always scrap this version and try again. Fearing what Frances will do if she realizes her failure, “Maura” now “M” turns to Maura’s disembodied spirit, which is bound to mirrors and visible only to M. As M learns about the siblings’ turbulent relationship to maintain the ruse, she undergoes her own evolution. Despite the similarity of certain key plot points, however, Dutton isn’t simply retelling Shelly’s iconic story. Instead, she uses it as a springboard to explore notions of family, identity, and expectations.

Reading if you’re seeking:
⚡ women in science
⚡ Asian main characters
⚡ non binary rep (although I thought Gin’s character was underused!)
⚡ sisterhood
⚡ coming of age
Profile Image for Chantaal.
1,164 reviews175 followers
February 26, 2023
This is a lovely take on a Frankenstein story, where the monster is just a girl and Frankenstein is her sister who desperately wanted to bring her back to life. Instead of getting her sister back, Frankie brings back M, who has no memory of her previous life and suddenly has the weight of all of Frankie's expectations on her. M struggles with who she is versus who Frankie expects her to be, and it's lovely all around.

The art is very simple, clear, and the monochromatic color scheme works well for this story. I really love M's character design, and the Talia Dutton is just as good at expressing emotion in the art as she is in the writing.
Profile Image for Carol Chiovatto.
Author 30 books410 followers
July 16, 2023
Leitura muito muito rápida (sério, sentei, abri e quando vi tava terminando). Melancólica e dolorida, de deixar com o coração quentinho.
Profile Image for Jenna.
3,655 reviews46 followers
August 13, 2022
An intriguing riff on Frankenstein, creation, family, and identity. I enjoyed the science bonding montage and the glimpses of sisterhood, especially the tree sequence, but everything concluded a bit too rapidly at the end. I wish the epilogue was longer to see more of how M decides to live their new life.

I'd try another from this author! The mix of magic and science reminded me of Nimona, if less wacky.

"Because we were a team. The two of us against the world. We were going to reinvent the very idea of magic. Because...Because as I stood up there on that branch...I could feel her confidence...and it outweighed the very idea of gravity. She yelled 'jump.' So I jumped.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for AleJandra.
836 reviews412 followers
February 25, 2023

Una hermosa y sencilla historia que utiliza mucho sci-fi para hablarnos de un tema muy humano, EL LUTO.

La muerte de un familiar es una de las tragedias personales que todos enfrentaremos por lo menos una vez en algún momento de nuestras vidas.

De forma personal, que me ha tocado liderar con este complicado proceso emocional, les puedo decir que como bien nos muestra esta historia “la culpa” es la emoción mas prevalente y dolorosa que trae el luto.

Hablando específicamente de esta historia.
Frankie una científica extremadamente inteligente decide revivir a su hermana que falleció en un accidente en su laboratorio. Mientras que su experimento resulta exitoso al 50%, el cuerpo de su hermana regresa a la vida, pero siendo alguien mas por completo, no la hermana que ella amaba y extraña.

M, es un personaje fascinante, que solo esta tratando de aprender a vivir, mientras intenta no ser asesinada en el proceso.

Excelente historia, no tan emocional como bien pudo serlo, lo cual agradezco, pero igual, un libro muy recomendable.
January 28, 2024
4,5/5 ⭐️

Prześwietna! Mnóstwo treści i przekazu w tak krótkiej formie.

Rzadko trafiam w literaturze na poruszony tutaj temat - spełnianie oczekiwań innych, a naprawdę brakowało mi go w ostatnio przeczytanych książkach. Także idealnie na siebie trafiłyśmy!

Jeśli szukacie wartej uwagi powieści graficznej, zdecydowanie musicie zawiesić na niej oko 🤎
Profile Image for Anna Pardo.
240 reviews47 followers
June 22, 2023
Interessant revisió d'un clàssic per parlar-nos de la identitat des d'una perspectiva més moderna. Som menys vàlids sino encaixem en allò que els altres esperen de nosaltres?
Profile Image for Thai.
32 reviews2 followers
January 9, 2024
Esta história em quadrinhos inspirada em frankeinstein é profundamente emocionante, pois aborda intensamente a nossa necessidade de validação, especialmente por parte das pessoas que amamos, seja no contexto familiar ou romântico. Chegamos ao ponto de renunciar à nossa individualidade em busca da felicidade deles, sem perceber que, ao longo desse percurso, acabamos por nos diminuir para nos encaixarmos naquele espaço restrito idealizado por eles, apenas para sermos "amados".

A autora abordou esse tema com uma sensibilidade incrível, destacando que, acima de tudo, deve estar o nosso amor próprio e auto-respeito. Sem esses elementos, não conseguimos ser pessoas completas. Ela ressalta que se as pessoas realmente nos amam, compreenderão isso e nos darão espaço para sermos inteiros, em vez de sermos apenas uma metade idealizada e infeliz.

Recomendo esta HQ para todos os públicos e idades, pois é uma obra incrível. Vocês certamente não se arrependerão de ler.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 487 reviews

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