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憂国のモリアーティ [Yūkoku no Moriarty] #16

憂国のモリアーティ 16 [Yūkoku no Moriarty 16]

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英仏協商の破綻を狙うバルモラル卿の暗殺を目論むモラン。殺人による解決を止めるべく、ルイスはモランと対峙する。ウィリアムへの思いの強さ故、2人は激しく衝突し…!? 一方、家長として罪を背負い幽閉されたアルバートは、ウィリアムへの懺悔で、夜ごとその身を灼いていた。幼き日、彼がウィリアムと出会い、犯した“原罪”とは!? 物語の“始まり”へと導く、その禁断の扉がいま開く──。

196 pages, Paperback

First published December 3, 2021

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About the author

Ryōsuke Takeuchi

36 books140 followers
Ryōsuke TAKEUCHI (竹内良輔, Chinese: 竹內良輔) is a Japanese author.

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Profile Image for Phantomº.
492 reviews52 followers
March 17, 2022
Character oriented volume that focuses on Albert; he is extremely well written and the links to all his actions since the beginning to his internal torment was fascinating/painful to read. The artstyle exemplifies the beauty of the sin all the characters carry and the close analysis we saw in those chapters created a new dimension for Albert and William and their relationship: unconditional support. After the first "big" arc ended, chapters focus on character depth and development, starting from Louis leaving the shadows of his mind, to Mycroft's shaking hands, such small (or not) substantial details entail a brilliant refinement of the manga as a whole.
Profile Image for LittleMockingbird.
58 reviews1 follower
August 12, 2024
I love how well written the relationship between the brothers is in this arc. Albert has such a deep characterization and by the biblical references I felt like I was reading something inspired by Dostoevsky
Profile Image for mitya.
69 reviews5 followers
January 23, 2022
albert has such a good characterisation !! he's so well written and his moral struggle really made him one of my fave characters here. plus the whole christian undertones deal ??? i loved it. + liam is really rocking that new look huh
Profile Image for Helen Praspro.
102 reviews20 followers
January 3, 2022
و بالاخره، پایان. حداقل تا اینجا که درحال حاضر اومده.
از شرلوک هولمز اصلی هم خوندنش جذابتر بود. شک نکنید. بهترین تصویرگری از دید یه شخصیت منفی معروف رو داشت که تاحالا دیدم، هزار بار بهتر از لایواکشنایی که چند وقته دیزنی دوست داره بسازه.
ارتباط ها؟ بیست. طراحی؟ بی نظیر. دیالوگ و دراما؟ عالی.
از همه بهتر؟ مهربان ترین، باهوش ترین، خوشتیپ ترین و کاریزماتیک ترین شخصیت منفی ممکن که از اول تا آخر اشتباهات کرده و نکرده اش رو قبول داشت. تازه برادرشم gorgeous بود.

پ.ن: من گریه نمیکنم، you are!
Profile Image for hua.
317 reviews6 followers
August 10, 2023
Honnêtement j'ai pas grand chose à dire, j'adore le plot, j'adore l'évolution des personnages je pensais qu'ils auraient un tel character development ni que l'histoire partirait dans cette direction donc je suis agréablement surprise et j'ai hâte de découvrir la suite, je sens qu'on va avoir encore de nombreuses surprises.
Profile Image for Mark.
2,323 reviews200 followers
August 5, 2024
Moran is still trying to do things the old way, which means meting out change at the end of a gun. Elsewhere, they say you can’t go home again, but then everybody goes home again.

This series should have ended with its take on The Final Problem. It has established a unique twist, with the crew trying to make amends, but it hasn’t done much of anything except waste time resetting everything with slightly less murder.

Or, that would be the case if anything interesting happened for the bulk of this volume. Most of it is given over to a flashback, sigh, from Albert about his life leading to the point where he sits and broods because his brother died.

You know what’s more boring than a flashback? A flashback to something we already saw. This series has never had the most interesting characters, so showing this from Albert’s perspective is the very definition of retread.

Also, it doesn’t help that it reminds the reader of some of the more inane moments in a series that has been lacquered in them - such as Moriarty Prime taking a guy to court and winning when he was five. Even Edgeworth was in grade school before he started.

Parts of it are fine - Sherlock comes back and that proves to be a fun story, largely because it features Ms. Hudson suddenly turning into a tsundere and that’s so amusing that I wish they’d done that with her consistently.

There’s also very, very oblique mention to Sherlock and Moriarty’s time abroad, just in case you wanted a little bit of fuel for that particular pairing. Which I do, since it’s probably the most interesting part of the story for me right now.

Everything else is ‘been there, done that’ and, for large chunks, something I never needed to revisit. It makes for a volume that’s probably the worst of the series to date and does precious little to justify its continuance.

I don’t think you’ll be disappointed if you love the series, mind, as most people seem to enjoy this. But I’ve admittedly never been the biggest fan, despite some really great volumes, and this one just dragged so much it took me forever to get through it.

2.5 stars - bonus for Ms. Hudson and the Moran story. The latter is trite, but it at least moves things forward, which is more than can be said for much of this one. A real bummer.
Profile Image for stemlii.
47 reviews2 followers
March 13, 2024
Ce tome est un de mes favoris ! Quelle lecture ! C’était si émouvant. Cette histoire me tient tant à cœur. C’est un plaisir de la lire et de retrouver ces merveilleux personnages. Le passage avec Albert était incroyable. Il me restera en mémoire <3
Profile Image for cloud.
72 reviews1 follower
February 4, 2023
ALBERT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Profile Image for Mila.
426 reviews2 followers
June 29, 2023
So much feelings, i will certainly not wait until october for reading the next one
Profile Image for shu.m.
28 reviews
January 6, 2024
Il rapporto tra Albert e William mi distrugge 💔💔
Profile Image for yona!!.
231 reviews
May 3, 2023
Bon j’ai pas tout compris parce que quelle idée de lire ça à 23h en italien mais purée c’était trop émouvant ??
Pas aussi captivant que d’habitude, pas d’action ou quoi mais c’était très focus sur le développement des personnages et omg Albert et sa relation avec William olala
J’aime tellement Moriarty the patriot c’est abusé à quel point c’est fantastique
Profile Image for Felicia.
599 reviews
December 8, 2023
A very introspective volume, especially for Albert. Interesting to find out how the three brothers met and how the first plan was devised; to understand the sensitivity of Liam and all his colleagues. Watson with a moustache is laughable.
Profile Image for Tachan.
1,239 reviews12 followers
September 10, 2023
Moriarty continue sur la voie de la rédemption et après un début provocateur tombe dans une suite des plus consensuel qui personnellement ne me satisfait pas du tout…

Alors que la lecture se fait facilement, que l’on plonge avec délice dans le passé des personnages et qu’on prend plaisir à en retrouver d’autres, les intentions derrière ces manoeuvres, elles, ne me plaisent pas du tout. Nous avions au début de l’histoire un personnage rebelle, révolutionnaire même, qu’on est en train de totalement travestir et dévoyer pour qu’il retombe dans de la bien pensance. Beurk beurk. Je comprends qu’on ne veuille pas choquer ou véhiculer de « mauvaise » pensée où on se fait justice soi-même, mais dans ce cas à quoi bon avoir prétendu le contraire. Je suis déçue, c’est lisse, c’est fade, c’est consensuel. Les valeurs des auteurs ne m’intéressent pas, moi, je lisais le titre pour être secouée et non réconfortée.

C’est donc en ayant en tête cette grosse déception du revirement des valeurs de la série pour tomber sur quelque chose qui ne dérangera pas trop le plus grand nombre et la bonne morale, que j’ai assisté aux révélations de Sherlock et Albert. Je ne peux pas dire que ce soit mal fait, c’est même plutôt assez plaisant à lire. On s’amuse du pi��ge tendu à Moran, malgré les grosses ficelles et facilités devant son revirement. On prend surtout plaisir à découvrir l’homme derrière Albert, lui, qui a toujours été très effacé. Cela permet de revivre la jeunesse du trio Moriarty et de voir comment ils en sont arrivés à commettre leur premier crime. La critique d’une société bouffie d’injustices est toujours là. C’est juste la forme prise pour lutter contre qui change, à la vengeance froide, on préfère désormais la justice. Je demande à voir comment cela va fonctionner car on sait combien la justice est elle aussi imparfaite. Je sais qu’on ne peut prôner la violence et la vengeance mais c’était quand même un exutoire plus plaisant que cette fade justice qu’on connaît au quotidien…

Série sympathique à lire car jolie et maîtrisée dans ses ressorts par ses hauteurs, Moriarty déçoit cependant par les choix simplistes fait venant casser la dynamique révolutionnaire du titre qui avait attiré les lecteurs dans un premier temps. A tomber sur quelque chose de plus lisse et consensuel, on perd l’originalité du titre pour avoir quelque chose de sympathique à lire mais d’extrêmement fade et bateau. J’espère que la série va bientôt se terminer pour limiter le naufrage.

Avis complet : https://lesblablasdetachan.wordpress....
Profile Image for Luana.
1,427 reviews60 followers
October 3, 2023
"Sei clemente. Dopotutto la legge è un'invenzione degli esseri umani, non può giudicare tutti i crimini dei malvagi. Pensi di poter salvare tutti quelli che, pur obbedendo alla legge, subiscono dei soprusi?"


Un volume stile Carramba, con un sacco di momenti "reunion". Notare il tono molto diverso degli incontri tra fratelli - Sherlock e Mycroft, di poche parole, apparentemente senza emozione (ma in realtà sappiamo bene che non è così); decisamente più emotivo quello tra Albert e William. In un flashback ripercorriamo l'infanzia di Albert - figlio di nobili, ma che non si è mai sentito a suo agio in quel contesto, che ha non ha mai potuto ignorare i soprusi dei nobili sulla povera gente. Ai preti piaceva parlare di uguaglianza, per la serie "siamo tutti figli di dio", ma si trattava solo di parole vuote. Albert ha sempre provato a cambiare, nel suo piccolo, le cose, ma solo l'incontro con William lo porterà ad abbracciare una nuova strategia: non la sola gentilezza nei confronti dei deboli, ma l'eliminazione dei diavoli. Una strada che ha potuto imboccare solo grazie al contributo di William. È da qui che nasce il senso di colpa di Albert, da tre anni imprigionato nella torre di Londra: con la sua debolezza, non ha fatto altro che infliggere sofferenza al povero fratello minore? La verità non è così semplice, come gli farà notare William. Il loro legame, l'affetto che li ha legati fin dall'inizio, è stata una fonte di orgoglio e consolazione per entrambi. È giunto per entrambi il momento di riunirsi con Lewis e con i loro compagni, in modo da poter vedere con i loro occhi questo nuovo mondo che hanno provato a cambiare sacrificando tutto. È giunto il momento di vivere e di convivere con le proprie colpe.

La notizia del ritorno di William permette di ridurre il colonnello Moran a più miti consigli, spingendolo ad abbandonare il suo piano violento e a scegliere la strada già imboccata dai suoi amici: quella dell'espiazione. E menomale, perché si stava rovinando la vita.
Per quanto riguarda Sherlock, invece, è giunto il momento di tornare a casa. Le porte dell'appartamento al numero 221b di Baker Street sono aperte, con John e Ms. Hudson pronti ad accoglierlo di nuovo. Nei prossimi volumi, scopriremo qualcosa di più sui tre anni precedenti e su cosa ne è stato di Sherlock e William in quel periodo. Non vedo l'ora di vedere riunita tutta la banda di disagiati.
Profile Image for Jaye Berry.
1,833 reviews129 followers
June 1, 2024

This was me sometimes with that fuck ass fan translation like girl wtf are you even saying right now?? I appreciate people have translated for everyone else as the official english translation isn't out yet but it was an experience. 💀 Personally I should just wait until they do come out but unfortunately I don't have a single thought in my brain lately besides these dudes sooo.

Otherwise this was really really good. It has a main focus on Albert as he reflects on his guilt toward leading William down this path and seemingly to his death. It's gut-wrenching to read oh my god. Maybe I'm just in this too deep but it was so intensely emotional to see his feelings toward his brother. All the guilt he has as he sits for three years in his bird cage going through it over and over again?? He has a hero worship of him and how William came into his life to save him only for Albert to feel like he ruined William's life by leading him down a path of crime. : (

All the religious imagery about it and the original sin went hard, I'm not gonna lie. Even with the slightly wacky translation I was reading. The fact Albert too struggled with suicidal ideation like damn what if the Moriarty brothers all got therapy instead of going on a crime spree that shakes the very foundation of England, smh.

It's like a DVD screensaver bopping around in my head about the fact that Sherlock really went "I can fix him" about William AND THEN HE ACTUALLY DID. Like hello???? Me and the deranged detective I pulled with my insane criminal record. I'm so curious to see what happened with him and Sherlock during the three year time jump because boy what did you DO to him!!

Also it's so funny to me because I always thought William was like the hottest cartoon man I've ever seen but now he has a cool as hell eyepatch and just looks hotter. Like the drip is insaneee.

I remember being so annoyed many volumes back when other characters had gotten the focus but this time, focusing on his brothers like this really adds so much. The depth and characterization is honestly so good and the William and Albert hug had me crying in the club like they are literally family. 😭

Side note- can I be next in line to be tackled to the ground by Sherlock though because godDAMN.
Profile Image for Iqra M..
571 reviews2 followers
August 8, 2022
“Death is not atonement.”
TW/CW: discrimination, suicidal tendencies, violence, murder

So many reunions. Simply put, my heart exploded.

I love how Moriarty the Patriot's stanzas and metaphors can be so brilliantly poetic. I appreciate every single reference and symbolism. IT’S JUST FANTASTIC!! This volume is incredibly character-driven. In volume 16, the mangaka focuses on Albert James Moriarty, the big brother and former MI6 agent.

I adore that we get to discover more about Albert's past, particularly how he lost faith and hope (in people & the world) as a result of individuals abusing their power as nobles. Sometimes, despite your desire for universal equality, nothing can be done. All you can do is watch and see. As he thought back on his traumatic childhood, he always felt like the black sheep; the odd one out.

It’s funny because Albert is always depicted as the perfect sibling out of the three. We see him as a character with a strong front and a calm demeanor. I just know that deep down, he suppressed a lot of trauma after the first “fire”/ “act of sin”. Despite not liking his own family, a sin that big can scar you for life. While I do not agree with how justice is served (through murders and killings), I am excited to turn the other page where everyone collaborates to right the wrongs! William is truly the glue that holds everyone together.

Such a comforting read—and also one that was painful. I love the reunions. I still have a lot of questions. Man, I can’t believe that it has been more than a year since the OG arc ended. I’m excited about this new adventure. Dinner with the Moriartys!!! I just have TWO more volumes left until I catch up.
1,081 reviews4 followers
October 1, 2024
POPKULTUROWY KOCIOŁEK: Wszystkie wydarzenia z poprzedniego tomu były tylko preludium do jeszcze mocniejszej i bardziej zaskakującej rzeczywistości w której… W której (co nie powinno być wielkim zaskoczeniem dla czytelnika) z martwych powracają William i Sherlock. Na razie nie odgrywają oni jeszcze najważniejszych ról w fabule, ale samo ich pojawienie się mocno namiesza i zwiastuje bardzo dobrze na przyszłość.

Szesnastą odsłonę serii można podzielić na dwie różne części. Pierwsza z nich skupia się na postaci Morana, który planuje zabicie lorda Balmorala, co ma uniemożliwić podpisanie brytyjsko-francuskiego układu. Oczywiście w sprawę angażuje się Louis, który zrobi wszystko, aby temu zapobiec. Wątek ten to dawka przyjemnej w odbiorze wartkiej akcji, a także ciekawie zaprezentowane nowe oblicze braci Moriarty, którzy chcąc odpokutować swoje grzechy, poświęcają się teraz służbie koronie.

Początek jest ciekawy, ale najlepszą i najważniejszą częścią tomiku jest druga jego połowa. Autor umieszcza tam sporo introspekcyjnej treści. Nasza uwaga skupia się tu na przeszłości Moriarty’ego, jego spotkaniu z Williamem i Louisem oraz jego silnej motywacji do zmiany zachowania społeczeństwa, które nieustannie wzbudza w nim wielki wstręt. Twórca analizuje tu również myśli Alberta od chwili kiedy ten dostrzegł potencjał Williama do realizacji jego projektu, który szybko przerodził się w coś znacznie większego.

Ciekawie prezentuje się również sama końcówka tomiku. Dochodzi bowiem do ponownego spotkania Sherlocka z Watsonem i panną Hudson. Ponowne zjednoczenie odbywa się w lekkiej atmosferze z nutką humoru, odkrywając kilka tajemnic, które powinny zostać wyjaśnione w kolejnych rozdziałach....

Profile Image for nvtpages.
171 reviews
December 22, 2023
—Moriarty The Patriot vol 16
- Ini pertama kalinya aku ngikutin ongoing manga. Abis maraton 15 vol, berhenti 3 bulan, lanjut baca yg terbaru ini, rasanya jadi lebih emosional, kek ketemu kawan lama (alay bettt)
- Ada 4 chapt di dalamnya yg cukup bikin terharu
- Chapt 61 fokus ke kisah Moran yg diajak utk kembali ke jalan yang benar (aseekkk wkwk)
Soalnya doi ini yg emang yg paling keras, bertahan dengan prinsipnya yg pakai cara lama.
Apakah usaha temen2nya berhasil?
- Chapt 62 throwback ke masa kecil Albert, ada 1 kisah kecil diceritakan yang bikin dia sempet oleng dan mempertanyakan eksistensinya di dunia ini. Diceritakan juga awal doi ketemu William.
(aku ga nyangka throwback masa kecil mereka bakal dibahas lagi, waktu baca rasanya bener2 trenyuh~)
- Chapt 63 Woahh ini chapt paling emosional, menceritakan pertemuan 2 orang yg cukup penting di kisah ini
Aku sempet kaget, meski sebenernya di vol awal udah dikasi hint, tapi tetep ajaa pada akhirnya rasa lega hadir waktu baca chapt ini.
Trus aku lupa2 ingat deh, adegan ini keknya blm diperlihatkan di volume sebelum-sebelumnya, ternyata kalo Will lagi di titik terendah, Albert selalu setia menemani dan menyemangati 🥹
- Chapt 64 Cerita fokus ke kehadiran tokoh penting yang satu lagi. Doi akhirnya balik ke rumah lama, ketemu temen dokternya, dan pemilik rumah sewanya
Rencananya mereka bakal mam bareng sama Keluarga Moriarty.

Amat penasaran dengan volume depan~
Maaf banget, aku tau proses bikin manga itu lama dan sulit, tapi bisa gasi Moriarty The Patriot terbit tiap sebulan sekali 😭😭😭🙏🏻
Aku udah sayang banget sama semua karakternyaaaaa
Profile Image for Noctua Nival.
39 reviews11 followers
August 9, 2023
Este tomo abarca del capítulo 61 al 64 y se concluye el caso que empezó en el tomo anterior de manera satisfactoria pero lo mejor fue ver el pasado de Albert y poder entender mejor sus motivaciones y pensamientos.

Me gusto más este volumen que el anterior porque supo mezclar de forma eficiente la acción con el trasfondo de uno de sus personajes más importantes apelando a la emotividad.

Que en el último capítulo Sherlock se reencuentre con Watson y Miss Hudson mientras que William se reúne con Albert es un cierre perfecto y deja con ganas de leer el siguiente tomo.
Profile Image for Tania.
839 reviews8 followers
December 13, 2023
Me encanta el dramón que tiene Moran por Liam, como si se le hubiera muerto el esposo o algo. Lástima que no es correspondido porque está Sherlock.

En fin, me gustó lo emocional que fue la reunión de Albert y Liam, sin duda se quieren muchísimo y acá dan a entender que es a él a quien más le compartía sus preocupaciones. Hermanos no de sangre, pero sí por el amor y la confianza que se tienen mutuamente.
Profile Image for Eniram.
472 reviews4 followers
July 7, 2023
J'aime l'évolution des personnages.

Je trouve qu'on ne parlait pas assez d'Albert. C'est un personnage tellement complexe mais qui est en même temps d'une simplicité étonnante : il sait ce qu'il veut. Et il fera TOUT pour y arriver. Même sa famille n'a pas pu se mettre en travers de son chemin. J'ai adoré en savoir plus sur lui.
Profile Image for Dy.
299 reviews2 followers
December 15, 2023
Seperti kata Ms Hudson "padahal kami harus bersiap, misalnya baju dan perasaan"

Butuh persiapan hati untuk baca volume ini.
Cerita antara Albert dan William bikin hati teriris-iris. Gimana William menunjukan sisi lemahnya hanya kepada Albert, layaknya kakak-adik yang ideal bikin terharu ditambah lagi pengakuan mereka berdua 😭

Louise dengan rambut masa kecilnya masih bikin salfok 🫠
317 reviews1 follower
February 24, 2024
Kembalinya Will dan Sherlock. Akhirnya babak baru akan dimulai. Penasaran fase baru penebusan dosa yang akan dijalani moriarty dan sherlock.
Ikatan Albert dan Will yang lebih erat dari ikatan darah menghangatkan hati. Hubungan mereka yang dekat sejak kecil, saling meyayangi dan saling bergantung. Dan sepertinya sherlock dan will menjadi teman baik.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews

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