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Three boys.
Two murders.
One terrible choice.

Twelve years ago, my mother climbed into a limo with a fae stranger and left without looking back. Seven years ago, my magic came in, marking me as an Earth-witch, the Element most feared by other mages. One month ago, my father exiled me to college in another country.

I may be a stranger in a strange land, but no one will keep me down.

Charlie, Gabe, and Darwin.
Three boys who are more than my match.
My best friend. My new love. My worst enemy.

Are they also killers?

When a fellow student is murdered, the finger of suspicion points at my boys.
Can I prove their innocence?

Or will I be their next victim?

Meet the Bad Boys of Bevington …

Publisher's Note: Teddy's Boys is a college-aged, MMFM, reverse harem romance. Book 1 ends on a cliffhanger. This book contains elements of power-exchange and is intended for mature readers only.

308 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 16, 2021

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About the author

E.J. Frost

27 books631 followers
I’m EJ and I’m on a mission to set your imagination (and other things) on fire.

Let’s face it, reality is … not great right now. In my stories, love conquers all, my heroes always save the day, and consent is super-sexy. My characters aren’t just names on the page. They’re the friends you wish you had, the lovers you dream about, and the villains you love to hate.

I’m a literary chameleon. One day I’m crafting suspenseful mysteries that will keep you turning pages all night. The next, I’m whisking you away to otherworldly realms where magic is real and every girl gets her dragon. No matter where the story takes us, a happy ending, and a healthy dose of steam, is always guaranteed.

If you’ve made it this far, you’re my kind of reader. Want an all-access pass to my chaotic worlds? Join me on Patreon. You’ll get exclusive stories, character deep-dives, monthly lives with me, and maybe, just maybe a say in whose story gets written next!

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The prequel to my kinky mystery series, Daddy P.I., features an unforgettable first date. You'll also get my non-spammy newsletter with giveaways, release news, sneak peaks and updates!

I'm also a rabid reader. I love books by Candace Blevins, Cherise Sinclair, Renee Rose, Maren Smith, Raisa Greywood, Sorcha Black, Sophie Kisker, L.V. Lane, Nicolina Martin, Alison Aimes, T. L. Hodel, Sam Mariano, C.M. Stunich, Siobhan Davies, J. Bree, Sophie Lark, etc. Think I'll love a book you've just read? Recommend it to me! I'm always looking for my next 5 star read.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews
Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,327 reviews3,499 followers
December 11, 2021
2.5 stars, rounded down.

There was a lot of potential in this book, but unfortunately it never quite got there. It features 18-year-old Teddy, an Earth witch from Manchester who's been exiled to a university in the US. There with her are her best friend Charlie, a Scottish mafia leader's son named Darwin, and a guy named Gabe who pretty quickly becomes her boyfriend when she starts protecting him from Darwin.

What did I like? For one, I like Teddy's smart mouth. Except where Gabe is concerned (more on that later) she's generally quick to defend herself. I also love the fact she was British, because the relentless horde of American heroines can get a little tiring after a while. The characterisation is broadly good - particularly in the case of Darwin - and the technical writing is solid.

Teddy, however, is a truly terrible friend. As soon as she gets together with Gabe, she starts hanging out with him almost exclusively. Charlie isn't even in the book from like 15% in to 65% in, because she's too busy having sex with Gabe to spare a thought for her supposed best friend. Like okay, you're not thrilled with him right now, but Teddy shows a frankly breathtaking lack of sensitivity for someone she apparently cares about. The 'reverse harem' aspect of the book just doesn't work, because Charlie's presence is so minimal I don't understand how Ted could want to be with him, especially when Gabe is the one who has to make her go meet Charlie for stuff in the first place.

It also doesn't work because of the M/M. So, Darwin and Gabe had a secret relationship, which is now hostile. But they're still very interested in each other, and it always feels like Gabe is the centre of any RH relationship, not Teddy. The first threesome between them feels totally wrong - Teddy had serious doubts about it, which weren't addressed enough for comfort. She asks all the right questions (i.e. 'How do I feel about my boyfriend wanting to have sex with his ex-lover in front of me?') but didn't do enough self-reflection to reach a justifiable answer. It was all just 'Gabe is perfect to me, I want to give him everything he wants'. This infatuation got slightly nauseating after a while and makes any subsequent romance with Charlie even less understandable.

Even things like Gabe saying he's okay if Teddy dates Charlie feels calculated to make his own relationship with Darwin acceptable. I realise this is a personal preference but in an RH, even if there's M/M, I want to feel like the heroes - if they had to choose - would choose the heroine. I definitely didn't feel that with Gabe, and not Darwin either, who sees Teddy as competition for Gabe's affections.

Putting aside the relationships... the worldbuilding is actually remarkably poor, to the extent that I initially thought there was a prequel novel I'd missed. The whole magic idea isn't explained AT ALL - nothing about the extent of people's powers, does it develop through bloodlines, how do you sharpen them, what's the situation like with non-magic people, etc. Description is also not great; I still don't know what Teddy looks like, and it was a long time before I learnt Gabe's hair colour.

The author's writing is good enough that I'll probably check out some of her other books, but I don't think I'll read the sequel to this one.

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Profile Image for Cécile Smits .
1,264 reviews232 followers
October 8, 2021
After her Daddy P.I. stories,i am firmly hooked on EJ Frost’s writing,so even though Teddy’s Boys contains bullying,which i hate,i still was very happy she offered me the ARC.
Why,you ask? Simple.
Teddy is tough as nails,and doesn’t take any shite from anyone.
She fights back,and dirty if necessary.
Plus,she has a boyfriend that loves her,and friends that stick by her.
Sure,bad things happen,but she’s got her bezzies at her side to pull her through when times are rough.
She. Is. Not. Alone.

Being sent to the other side of the world by the father and uncle Teddy hates with every fiber, sucks.
Having built their own network of buyers for her magic,she and her bezzies were doing good.
Maybe she has to start over in Massachusetts, but she’s not going to give up their hard work in Manchester.
If anything,she can expand,right?
There’s one good side to being sent to the school she’s forced to attend is that Charlie is already there.
He’s her lifelong bezzie-mate,and helps her adjust.
If only he didn’t drop that bomb……

The first time she sees Gabe,he’s busy being beaten up by two of Darwin’s buddies.
After she “warns off” Darwin,she and Gabe hit it off almost immediately.
Which in turn pisses of Charlie,who was sure he had dibs on her.
Plus,Darwin doesn’t like the idea of them being together.
Shame Teddy and Gabe don’t listen to him….

And what’s going on with that girl that got killed?
Was that Darwin? Or is there more to that story?
Are Teddy and Gabe willing to help him find out what happened?

If only that was everything that was going on….
Back home,her father is stirring up trouble,and it seems Teddy’s in the middle of it,again!
What he wants,is not what he’s going to get,though.
Not if she can help it…..and she’s going to do everything she can to put a stop to his plans,thát’s for sure!
But at what cost???

And that’s where EJ leaves me with a killer cliffhanger!!!
I need Gabe’s Girl,PLEASE!!!!

Profile Image for Karen.
26 reviews13 followers
October 16, 2021
Teddy's Boys

I have to give this 5 stars. EJ is such a great writer. It doesn't really matter what genre she's writing in for you to love her stories. This is the third different genre that I've read of hers and in every one, I literally could not put them down.

This a somewhat of a bully story that I would never think to read. But I was hooked with the first chapter.

Teddy is one brave and strong girl. She's come from a rough childhood, but she has good friends and a big heart. Her father has banished her across the seas and into a whole new environment. She's now attending a school that specializes in magic. She meets new people and an old friend. Her old friend, Charlie is really more than just a friend actually. I think they both planned on being together and getting married until Charly does the unthinkable. That doesn't sit well with Teddy so it's kind of pushed aside for now. Who really knows what is going to happen?

Teddy has a trait that I love. Defending the abused. And that is how she met Gabe. He was being beaten up and Teddy came to his rescue. They both pretty much fell for each other from the beginning. I love Gabe. He's so sweet and loveable, who can blame her. But he comes with baggage, by the name of Darwin. And they both want her. It's an interesting relationship between the three of them. So interesting that I didn't mind the cliffhanger at the end because I'm dying to know what's going to happen next. Did I mention I don't care for cliffhangers? Only if I know beforehand, and I did!

This story takes you on a journey and it was so much fun. I've never read anything that has magic in it, but this story has me so intrigued and I want to read more of it. I'm happy that it doesn't end here. It has great world-building, magic, mystery, and a murder to solve. And I can't forget to mention some very hot sex scenes. Not a lot of them but enough that had me wanting more. I absolutely loved all of it and can not wait to read the continuing story. If you love magic, a strong heroine, and a great story, I would suggest you give this story a read. EJ will take you into a world you will love.
Profile Image for ⭐︎ hayley ⭐︎.
32 reviews1 follower
April 23, 2022
An easy 5/5 stars!
[spoiler free-ish. no major plot points discussed, but I have lots of thoughts.]

First of all, to be perfectly honest, I was prepared to hate this. EJ's Daddy PI series is one of my all-time favorites, and I was nervous that Teddy's Boys could never meet my expectations, so I kept them firmly 6 feet under.

Here's the thing: I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED. And I'm annoyed I've avoided this one for as long as I have. Teddy's Boys was a delightful, fulfilling read, and I'll be picking up the rest of her catalogue ASAP.

Characters: 8/10
They're honestly divine. Teddy is the kind of heroine you want to be your friend. She's formidable and still tender. Our baby boy Gabe is a Certified Dreamboat™. Charlie kind of got on my nerves (the he felt he was owed by Teddy was just.. ugh), but their feelings for one another were believable. DARWIN. The epitome of a delicious villain. I can't wait to see how his redemption becomes possible, because at this point... it seems, well, impossible. PLUS, lots of great side characters.

World building: 8/10
EJ has talked about the "drip" approach to world building in a blog post. She executes it very well here. Some of the terms are a bit cheesy, but the magic system is super well developed and intuitive. Some things I felt were unclear/glossed over, but I suspect we'll keep learning. I find this method is a bit less reader-friendly when the characters all know the world intimately. We see it through their eyes (where things are simply accepted and not thought deeply about). I want to not only see the world, but understand it. What exactly is the function of the stones Teddy produces/why do they sell? Are there non-magic humans? Where are the Fae realms?

Plot: 9/10
The mysteries EJ often works into her stories are such a nice touch. This one is at the core of the plot, and I love how it's developing. The interpersonal stuff is top-notch, too. I quite like how the poly aspect is unfolding. LOVED that one of the romantic relationships was established and solidified pretty early on.

Steam: 10/10
And of course, EJ writes delicious smut and the best "soft doms" in the game. This series is no exception. Although I wish there was a bit more! We didn't really get to see much at all of the "games" they play, and I wish we'd had a bigger window into Teddy's introduction. There's a lot of mentions of things they've done, but we never got to see it. I felt a bit cheated in that sense.
So often in MF D/s dynamics that involve an alpha submissive, she fights against her instincts because she believes it makes her "weak." It gets a bit old and predictable. I so appreciate that Teddy doesn't once question what she wants. She's confident that her desires don't undermine her strength.

Overall, this book does SO MUCH right, and so very little of it didn't work for me. My main issue was that I wish it had been longer to accommodate more world building and build up the character's chemistry and kink dynamics a bit more. I suspect Gabe is wonderfully freaky, but we haven't really gotten to see any of that.
Profile Image for Badh.
3,308 reviews61 followers
November 1, 2021
I am dead

This book has killed me. I don't think that I will be able to come back to life until I get to read the next one.

Teddy and Gabe have ripped me apart. I want to kill Darwin. Charlie is a goid guy.
Profile Image for Holly Grays.
208 reviews4 followers
October 17, 2021
E. J. Frost is an incredible Author. She can write in any genre, like she's been doing it for years. Teddy's Boys is well written, amazing world building. I highly recommend this book. 5 stars.
Profile Image for Mawgan Dipple.
1,581 reviews
February 29, 2024
Where to start with this book. I Love this author's Daddy P.I. series and couldn't wait for the next book, I almost became her stalker. Lucky for me, I don't think she minds.
I don't normally go in for sci-fi or para romance, but I thought I'd give this ago. With any of EJ Frost's series, you get dragged into the world she has created and find you do not want to leave. Teddy was a brave young woman, fighting the rebellion of her Father's power-hungry ways and trying to make the most of the new world she found herself in. Gabe was sweet and caring, some would call soft, if you're more into the alpha male, but he had so many good qualities that you were constantly routing for him and Teddy to make a way for themselves.
Charlie although the starting point in this book, a friend to Teddy but wanting more, came off as the jealous ex even when they hadn't traveled down that pathway yet, it will be good to see how him and Teddy work through the betrayal and move on from there.
As for Darwin, he was one on his own. Darwin's character wants you to hate him, but I feel he has hidden depths. Although he is cruel and pushes people to the limit, I believe he does this because he is lonely and wants the love and attention from others, but also there are hidden meanings behind his Father's rule and hopefully that will come to light in future books.
The mystery of Jade has yet to be discovered. There are many characters that have yet to show their hands and that for one, I can not wait for.
As always this author as drawn me into a world I would not have normally gone down, but I am most certainly happy she did. Waiting eagerly for more.
252 reviews3 followers
March 29, 2022
Wow! My first Reverse Harem bully romance. It was a lot. Frost does an amazing job of building a mystical society in a quick amount of time. It actually might have only felt quick because I fell into the story so easily. If you love a strong powerful h, who has a penchant for alphas, READ IT! Frost's fantasy books remind me a bit of Jaymin Eve. Super strong women who are backed by alpha men. Heroines that change and save their worlds. I highly recommend her books, and this one. It is a cliffhanger, but worth it.
Profile Image for Merri Bright.
Author 23 books546 followers
November 11, 2021
Incredibly powerful book, with an ending that left my heart aching but hopeful... and my mind buzzing. HOW are you going to redeem D, EJ? HOW???

I need to go curl up in the fetal position. This book had everything: magic, angst for years, fabulous dialogue, unique world building. RH that was paranormal but felt contemp. Gritty, devastating.
When does Gabe's Girl come out? Please let it be soon...

Profile Image for Dennis.
852 reviews23 followers
October 15, 2021
My First thought when it came to this book was "I like books with Dark Reverse Harems". I want to note that besides being Dark and Reverse Harem there is an element of BDSM to the story but there is not a lot of it.

This is a book that takes place in a Upper Class sort of School for Magical People, sort of like a University for them. There are multiple POVs in the story, but a lot of it is from the MFC, Theodora Nowak, but Teddy to her intimates and friends. I really love that Teddy has tatoos and piercings, she is my kind of woman. I also like how she is dressed in the story and I really like the author's descriptions of her.

Teddy is from Manchester and her speech is a combination of Brit and Manc {this is the local dialect common in Manchester}, there is a Glossary in the end of the book for those words you might not understand. I was familiar with most of the words used, but there were a few that I didn't know. Still the story was easy to understand.

There is a mysterious murder of one of students that takes place before Teddy arrives, and I think it is likely that there will be more on this sometime in the future. I thought it was an interesting plot point.

Teddy is an Earth Witch and the only one in her Freshman Class, however Teddy is not your Ordinary Run of the Mill Earth Witch.

One of Teddy's Boys is Gabriel Tate-Wilson, Gabe to his friends and intimates. There are some wonderfully steamy scenes between Teddy and Gabe.

As far as I can tell the main Male Characters are Charlie Miller, Gabriel Tate-Wilson, and Darwin Dùbhghlas.

There is a really interesting Dynamic between Teddy and Darwin and I expect that there will more on this in the future.

There is a really Terrific Ending, but it is not an HEA or even an HFN, there is no HEA just yet as this Ending is a Cliffhanger of sorts, however I do assume that there will be an HEA in some book in the future. I can say that there is going to be another book in this series "Gabe's Girl" and I am sure that we will read more about the characters in this wonderful story. I am so looking forward to being able to read Gabe's Girl.

The Author provided me with this Advance Copy, because she knew that I would give an honest review and so here it is. I hope that you all like this book as much as I did.
Profile Image for Tia Fanning.
Author 42 books126 followers
October 26, 2021
Such a great start to a series!

Due to brain damage from MS, I don’t often read fantasy paranormal like I used to anymore, as I sometimes find it difficult to follow. However, I’m so glad I took the chance on this new magical offering from Author EJ Frost. I’m a huge fan of this author’s contemporary ero-romance — and she never disappoints. I had already preordered this title when an opportunity to read an ARC came my way — which I, of course, jumped on! And it was so good a story that I had to read it again just so I could write a review on my purchased copy! The interpersonal dynamics of these characters are great together, carefully balanced with distributed strengths and weaknesses and power and personality, which is not always the case in a polyamory romance. The book was incredibly realistic in tone, not over-the-top or overdone, the magical element cool and fun, and the world the author created was interesting and well-thought out. I highly recommend this college-aged/new adult (lightly bully-ish) paranormal-fantasy dark polyamory romance. I am excited to read BOOK 2 when it releases.
Profile Image for Kristina.
1,576 reviews66 followers
November 16, 2021
Fabulous new world of magics and mayhem!

“Do you want, like a safe word or something, if we’re going to play rough?” “Sure. How does ‘f***ing stop or I’ll castrate you’ sound?”
Teddy is an absolute delight. She’s tough and fierce while also vulnerable and empathetic.
Her age of 18/19 makes her a bit fearless. So while she doesn’t always win the battle, she’s young and wonderfully optimistic enough to never give up, refusing an unacceptable outcome. This makes Teddy a fabulous heroine to follow and cheer for.
As for Teddy’s boys, I really enjoyed all the side characters, good and evil both. Each one brought their own personality and fit in their own unique way.
The story ends with so much left hanging - I anxiously await the continuation of Teddy and her boys!
Profile Image for Carole-Ann.
2,711 reviews84 followers
February 4, 2023
Right, well: Teddy (aka Theodora) from Manchester and an Earth witch, together with her best friend Charlie, a Fire mage, get sent to a Magic school in America. Lots of difficulties making friends and/or dealing with unfamiliar stuff and bullying; Teddy manages to save Gabriel, a Water mage, from three bullies, and they become friends (and more) :)
One of those bullies is Darwin, a Scottish Fae (Teddy hates the Fae with a vengeance btw), but then we find out that Darwin and Gabe were an 'item' a couple of years previous, something which now Gabe hates. Since it appears Darwin is still interested in Gabe, and now Teddy, I suppose we should expect the "hate-fuck" scene, where Gabe fucks Teddy and Darwin fucks Gabe :) but Teddy is not really happy.
BTW: Darwin is an absolute prick!
Anyway, Teddy is recalled home for a visit with her father (who is a boss-man, vile and nasty, running rackets and deals without honour); but when Teddy manages to get rid of the blood-bond between them, her father beats and kicks her almost death.
In come Darwin and Gabe to rescue her (thank goodness) but only because Darwin is blackmailing Gabe into giving Teddy up, and resuming his relationship with him - so you're likely to end up sobbing your heart out at this ending/fucking cliff-hanger!! I did!!
Completely enthralling (even though it's a bully-story, and I don't really like those).
Oh, and the comments at the end - explaining the Mancunian dialect - have to admit I didn't really notice that (bc I was born and lived not far from Manchester and I still say many of those words!) :) :) :)

ETA: With HUGE thanks to the Author, I now have a signed paperback - which I re-read immediately :)
Profile Image for Misha.
523 reviews15 followers
November 1, 2021
I really enjoyed this. It was complex and multilayered. It didn't read like a typical academy book where the bullying was based on surface issues or insta-hate (covering insta-love). Those can get repetitive and tiresome.

I really liked Teddy. She doesn't let anyone tell her what to do and actively looks for solutions for problems that seem impossible to solve. The boys are good - Gabe was extremely appealing - despite his submissive behavior and low self esteem - he ramps it up in the bedroom - where he is very dominant. He really cares for Teddy, which adds to the appeal. I'm rooting for Charlie - despite his unrealistic expectations and hurt, he is there for her every step of the way. Of course, Darwin - he is the most complex of all - I like it though - I spend every scene trying to figure him out.

I like the magic and the academy aspect and the bullying but what really makes it for me is the way Teddy fights back. I like that she has a crew and her own agenda back home.

I highly recommend this. The fact that I've written such a long, comprehensive review tells you how much I enjoyed it and am really looking forward to the next one!
Profile Image for Isabel Nicholson.
442 reviews7 followers
March 11, 2022
I haven’t read anything by this author before and I will admit I thought this book was going to be a bit too much teenage angst for me but I was so very wrong. The book is spellbinding, beyond just its magical setting. There is a little bit of everything from witty banter to full on edge of your seat drama.
The book is full of action, darkness and light, magic and the tension builds and builds as the book goes on. I have so many questions and strands that I need more information about. I’m already looking forward to book 2.
The characters are layered, with both depths and human shallowness rolled together to make them compelling complex to read about. I really like Teddy she’s full of energy and sparks and her adventures could never be boring.
85 reviews1 follower
November 7, 2021
Amazing book can’t wait to read the next

Amazing book don’t let the language discourage you from reading it . At first I was getting little confused on some of the slang but I kept on reading and absolutely loved this book especially Gabe . Towards the end of the book is a definition to help if you have trouble looking a certain slang but after awhile you’ll start to understand 😁
Profile Image for Dove King.
Author 12 books124 followers
November 5, 2021
Oh my god! What can I say about this book? It's exactly what I needed.

Magickal Academy? Check
Bad Boys who are oh, so delicious? Check
Reverse Harem so you don't have to choose between the aforementioned Bad Boys? Check, Check, and Check!!

I love the world that EJ Frost has created, and I can't wait for Season Two!!
Profile Image for Roxx Tarantini.
557 reviews4 followers
February 25, 2022
This is an interesting juxtaposition for me. I'm equally repelled and drawn by Frost's characters and the situations they find themselves in. Also intriguing is the whole concept of having been "exiled" from England to America for school, and the fact that the main character hates being there.

Points I liked: great world-building: the premise of a whole world of magick and paranormal that coexists with the "normal" is something that provokes thought and much what-if-ing. The storyline itself is engaging and filled with possibility. The characters are well-rounded and leap to life, the writing itself spot on.

But here comes the other side of the coin.

Perhaps because of my age - 65 at my last birthday - I find the situations are a bit over the top for the age of the main characters of the book. In their first year of college, that places them in the 18 to 19 range. That was a bit much for me.

Still, the writing IS good, and - if I'm anything to judge by - you will still want to read to the resolution because the story itself pulls you there.

Worth a shot, for sure.

[Teddy's Boys was made available by the author for the 2022 Winter Games Reader Challenge, with no obligation to review. The opinions herein are given freely and are entirely my own.]
Profile Image for Mia Fury.
Author 33 books186 followers
April 5, 2022
Well... what can I say? Hogwarts it ain't! Firstly, being a Brit myself, I love the expressions, and accents in this book (because I can hear them as I read), and feel like I really got absorbed within the pages! Teddy is all kinds of awesome. She's fearless, and fights for the people she cares about, and is a major badass heroine. Now onto the guys... Gabe... sigh... God among men. I want one. Charlie, such a sweet, but downright naughty boy. Darwin... yeah, yum with a capital YUM. The world building, the side characters, and everything within this book, are just perfection. And there are many laugh out loud moments, trust me!
16 reviews
March 1, 2022
I only rated this 4 stars because it wasn't really for me. The author has such a great writing style, and that's the only reason I finished it. But as for the story, it wasn't really my style, and I couldn't get myself into the book like I wanted. I definitely will see if the author has other genres and books more my style, though.
Profile Image for TipseyBookReviews.
1,425 reviews49 followers
October 23, 2021
Teddy is a fierce FMC - I love her attitude, she sticks up for others. I loved her and Gabe. Gabe has an inner strength but he’s not really a fighter. But, boy, is he smoking hot in the bedroom 🔥 I don’t really feel like we got much time with Charlie, so at this point he is fine, but Im not really invested in him. Darwin - he is a jerk/bully. At times I started to feel for him, but his form of deals, especially toward the end, made me really dislike him. I’m not sure he can be redeemed - hopefully, he will end doing a lot of groveling. Overall, the story hooked me mad pulled me in - and I ended up staying up until 3 am to finish it - I will be watching for book 2 for sure :)
Profile Image for Alexis.
831 reviews63 followers
February 27, 2022
Amazing book to read. Couldnt put it down. 5 star book
great start to the series. Kept me pulled into it
highly recommend this book. Loved this book.
31 reviews3 followers
March 15, 2022
Teddy's Boys is a must read, page turner. I love love love love love Teddy's Boys. E.J. you are a phenomenal writer. I can't wait to read Gabe's Girl.
Profile Image for MichelleG.
299 reviews15 followers
October 16, 2021
Set in an environment that is equally familiar yet foreign, it took me a couple of chapters to find my footing, but once I did, I was completely immersed in Teddy's world. Bold, slightly brash, loyal and lion hearted, Teddy has been exiled to study in the US far from her family and friends. One of the only upsides is her reunion with her friend Charlie, followed by a blossoming relationship with sweetly dominant Gabe. Unfortunately with Gabe comes the unwanted baggage of a villainously cruel Darwin.

The threads that bind all the characters together are twisty, hot and complex backdrop to the murder and intrigue that is taking place in the school as well as the familial tension between Teddy and her father. Overall, there is a LOT going on in the book, which kept me turning the page and anxious about what was going to happen next.

This book is that start of an ongoing series, so although some of the of the plot threads are resolved, some are not and some thing take a direction that had me shaking my kindle and screaming "WHAT?!?!" Needless to say, I will definitely be picking up and reading the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Jackie Sierra.
173 reviews
October 28, 2021
Your going to love these characters

Seriously in love with these characters. EJ Frost has breathed life into these guys that you wouldn't expect. Even was hoping our As******Darwin will surprise me in the next book. I need more.
79 reviews8 followers
January 10, 2022
I f*cking loved it. EJ Frost did an amazing job at making you feel everything and every emotion. I can't wait for book 2.
Profile Image for Heidi Euson.
21 reviews3 followers
April 12, 2022
Love a good book with English MCs that actually use the slang and makes you feel like you're in Manchester. Fae and mages, you can't go wrong! The world building was spot on!
Profile Image for Siobhan Royle keating.
237 reviews10 followers
October 22, 2021
Ok hold the door this book had me feeling all sorts of feelings , I literally love This Authors books and when I heard she was doing a RH pnr I was like omg .

Ok so teddy is amazing I literally loved her character soo much , how she’s growing is amazing to read.

Now the boys 🤤🤤 I need this boys in my life my god the are gorgeous and completely different from each other but they all work like salted caramel chocolate lush right
Profile Image for Crystal.
339 reviews1 follower
January 4, 2022
i freaking loved this book so much! Not only it had the high school elements i like, but it also had an awesome magic realist concept and hella smut. ALso the main character Teddy is so full of sass that there really isnt one dull moment in the enitre book CANNOT WIAT FOR THE SEQUAL
Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews

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