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Bluebeard's Secret #2

Dance With The Sword

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With the heart of the Wittenhame still ringing from Izolda's actions and her new husband shocked at her betrayal, her future seems very grim indeed. But Will Izolda's endless common sense still be enough to rescue her from disaster?

372 pages, Hardcover

Published September 17, 2021

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About the author

Sarah K.L. Wilson

143 books957 followers
Sarah K. L. Wilson is a USA Today Bestselling author who writes fantasy stories featuring practical heroes & heroines in the most impractical circumstances. She loves writing because it is the only way to make a living and give back to the world when your primary skill is an overactive imagination and a tendency toward violent daydreams.
Sarah can be found in the outdoors of Northern Ontario with her young boys and beloved husband, reading a book, or fending off her husband's pet turkeys with a straw broom.
You can find Sarah's books in paperback, hardcover, ebook and audiobook and they have also been translated into Italian, German, and (very soon) Turkish.
Please, do, enjoy the read!

*USA Today bestseller list, November 2, 2017
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 191 reviews
Profile Image for The Girl with the Sagittarius Tattoo.
2,586 reviews355 followers
September 24, 2021
I've been waiting on pins and needles for this followup to Fly with the Arrow. The verdict: totally worth it. Sarah K.L. Wilson has been added as an auto-read author for me, along with fellow Kindle Unlimited author Annette Marie.

Dance with the Sword picks up where FwtA left off. Izolda has been kidnapped by her own brother because he thinks she married Bluebeard against her will. A few weeks ago that was definitely true, but now... let's say she's experiencing a change of heart. Svetgin has found a mortal man who has agreed to marry her and restore honor to their family, but she quickly realizes it's her husband's rival The Sword, using glamour to disguise his inhuman nature.

The Sword is after Bluebeard's ability to spend his wife's days to perform Big Magic. His plan is to kidnap her and keep The Arrow away long enough to figure out how it's done. The Arrow moves heaven and earth to get to her and keep her safe, but a roomful of decapitated heads prophesize that Bluebeard must put her at the head of his army if there's to be any chance of victory...

omg, this book is terribly romantic. There's a scene where Bluebeard and The Sword are dueling to the death, and Izolda is badly injured. To keep her distracted from her pain and her worry for him, he uses their mental connection to whisper his love.
“As long as rivers run and moon shines, as long as the earth has bones and death has claws, as long as the ages pass and fail – that long shall I be husband to you.”

He was saying our Wittenbrand wedding vows again. He was making promises even as he fought for me. Promises that our bond would not be broken. Promises that he would find a way forward. And what had I to give to him in return?

... And then I realized what I could give. I could give my vow in return. And my heart soared as I forced myself up on my elbows and said in my mind as clearly as I could through the fog of pain and fear.

“Flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone you will be. Spirit of my spirit, heart of my own heart, fall what may, we shall be one,” I said in my mind.

And his eyes shuttered closed for just a beat, a tiny smile of absolute satisfaction on his face and when he breathed out, I felt almost as if he were right here, as if I could feel that very breath on my face.

Ugh, the swoonery!! I loved this book so much. Before I forget, I have to give special mention of Grosbeak. His twisted perspective and morbid sense of humor led to some of the best lines in the book. I can't believe I have to wait until March 2022 for the next book, Give Your Heart to the Barrow.

Profile Image for Intisar Khanani.
Author 16 books2,420 followers
September 19, 2021
Another fantastic installment involve cunning fae, twisty villains, heartbreaking betrayals, and a wonderful slow-burn romance. Full RTC but this book is out now and believe you me, if you like any of the above, you need this series in your reading life.
Profile Image for Rachel Rowell.
179 reviews56 followers
December 1, 2021
Sarah K L Wilson’s Bluebeard-inspired series is what would happen if you mashed up The Cruel Prince with Alice in Wonderland, with a sprinkle of Beauty and the Beast.

It’s written in a very classic, folklore-inspired style and features (in no particular order):

- A plain but sensible heroine
- A secretive, dashing antihero
- A talking disembodied head on a stick
- Fae nobility playing (literal) games with the fates of humans for their own power
- A magic key that accesses a hidden chamber with fifteen dead women entombed inside
- Riddles upon riddles upon riddles
- The sloooooooooowest burn romance in the history of romance (seriously, we’re at the end of book 2 and Izolda has just now decided she might actually love her husband after all)

When you feel the need to fill a Grimm-shaped hole in your life, this is perfection. It’s not the most fast-paced story, but the quirkiness and twisty plot will satisfy fairy-tale devotees.

Looking forward to book 3!!
Profile Image for Dee.
400 reviews35 followers
January 17, 2022
Oh boy. They got me. Arrow and Izolda got me. Easily the best part of the book. THAT ENDING. Can they take a breath for a minute without someone hurling a knife at them??

A very quotable book. I seldom highlight unless a line Really catches my attention and this has to be my most quoted book so far. Arrow was not playing! His words had me on the floor. Izolda was stronger than me.

"Then understand this – that we remain one, and if she has sacrificed a piece of my flesh, then that was hers to give – for my body is dedicated to her and to no other.”

This sequel had way more plot substance and world building than the last one. It read like a proper adult fantasy while the predecessor stuck true to being a retelling. I don't really care for war and crimes and prophecies, I was here for the mcs so I got bored and confused a little but I know fantasy fans will love this one! Definitely slower than Fly with the Arrow but it was more packed so it made sense. Still finished it in two days.

There was so many heart-warming and tension-filled moments. Arrow tending her wounds 288282 times??? The card game??? The duel when he was fighting, pinned to a wall, repeating their wedding vows to Izolda to soothe her??? No one talk to me right now

Can't leave out bloodthirsty Grosbeak. His jokes in serious moments were very welcome. I appreciated him going from ambushing Izolda to being her only friend.
Profile Image for Kerry.
376 reviews13 followers
October 13, 2022
This felt a bit of a marathon for what is a fairly short book.
I really enjoyed book one but this one didn’t feel like it went as far for me.
The romance doesn’t really come to much and we don’t make much progression there which is a shame. There is still so much doubt and betrayal to their relationship. The betrayal is hammered home but honestly I don’t blame the girl so it’s hard to get on board with her constant guilt about it tbh.

Scene setting and world building is still good. The writing style won’t be for everyone, there is a lot of formal dialogue and some descriptions are repeated.

I don’t know it was good, ok but I hope for better in the next
Profile Image for Hunter.
358 reviews17 followers
October 16, 2023
Ugh, I really enjoyed the first book, but the 2nd one dragged for me. Quite a few things annoyed me too, mainly Izolda!

Some spoilers up ahead. When Bluebeard said she’d carry the banner for a battle, and she got so pouty because she didn’t get to do more…and then she pouted the whole time and decided she didn’t care about her home country anymore, and why would she expect Bluebeard to do better….and then Grosbeak points out she needs to be paying attention to her surroundings, and then that’s when she realizes she can do something……….ah! Multiple times she mentions how she can be useful because she can see what others can’t, but then doesn’t look!

And the bell that she forgot about until the end…. like how could you have not thought of that at all when trying to think of a token you had.

Next, lol, I got so annoyed with all the mentions of her betraying Bluebeard, and apologizing, and worrying if he’s going to think she is a betraying him again. He forced you to marry him…and you tried to escape. That makes sense to me.

Lastly, and then my rant is over. There are so many repeat phrases in this book. How many times can a girl’s face flush and does it need mentioned every time. Yes, you are useful, you can see what others can’t. And so many times things are described in great detail, when it was said there wasn’t time to notice described thing. All the time Izolda would mention being sensible, but whenever she is given a chance to use her senses she doesn’t. So is she really sensible?

I really think my favorite in the book is Grosbeak….

I wanted to love this book because I did really enjoy the first one, but now I just feel obligated to finish the series because I hate not finishing books. Maybe the next one will get better.

Added 5/17/23: I just finished this author’s other series with faes, Tangled Fae, and I absolutely loved it! I am so glad I didn’t write this author off! It was so good. Literally the best fae series I’ve ever read. ❤️
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
485 reviews27 followers
October 14, 2021
My first Sarah K.L. Wilson book ever was Fly with the Arrow. I could NOT wait for the sequel so instead read Wilson's other books and promptly fell in love with her fae hunter series Fae Hunter.

Now that I have read the sequel to "Fly with the Arrow" all I can think is "OMG, when is the next one out?" If you've read Wilson's works one thing you should know is that you never know where she's going to go with the story next. Heroes and heroines get maimed, hurt, betrayed and unpleasant surprises thrown at them all the time. Yet, in this story, Wilson also imbued it with a tremendous amount of romance (on top of the blood and gore and stuff). There was romance in the Fae Hunter series but it was very slow burn and really only reached its culmination in the last book. Here, we dive into the 2nd book and the growing, larger than life romance between the MCs. It is literally the stuff of fairytales. If you don't feel it, you're dead inside.

Bluebeard is still his crazy, murderous self but his character is much more fully fleshed out giving us layers...like an onion. Now, Wilson's h's typically will have you pulling your hair out now and then because they tend to make WRONG CHOICES. Then everyone around them pays for it. In this, Izolda does make wrong choices, well, not so much wrong choices as not standing firm on the right choices. And yes, people pay for it. However, the choices and payments are well balanced and so tightly bound with the romance that all you can do afterwards is ache inside and yell "Yes, but what happens next!"

Also, a special mention to one character who despite lacking a body stands head and shoulders above most everyone: Grosbeak. I was surprised by how much I started loving his character who went from attempted murder of Izolda to a pet/token (token pet?) wishing to stay by her side (OK, that may have something to do with the fact that deadly, vicious things happen around her and though being only a head now, he hasn't lost his love of the deadly and violent)

Also, for those who have read the story and wonder why Izolda was different than the 15 before her, I have a theory... I was wondering why Arrow picked Izolda to marry in the Wittenbrand way when he didn't his other 15 wives. Izolda says it's because he spied on her with the raven in the first book and heard her wish. He neither confirms nor denies this but says that he had been with the raven and did hear her and that he was so excited when it was her who greeted him. Later, we find from the diary of one of his previous wives that he was writing poetry that seemed to be written to someone else, someone specific. We also got a glimpse of the poetry he is currently writing which very much sounds like he's writing about Izolda. THEN I remembered that the Arrow is also called the Backwards Man and that he moves backwards while everyone else moves forward and that's why he can see the future. See what I'm getting at? I think he recognized Izolda. In some way or fashion, he had this glimpse of the future, or past, depending on how you see it I suppose. He knew to expect Izolda. That's why he knew this would be his final bride. He may not have known how deep his love for her would be or how strong their ties but he was following his intuition or what have you... So that's my guess!

Highly recommended for the fantasy/adventure/action lovers out there...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Winter.
302 reviews47 followers
December 20, 2022
Mmkkkay, so.
I am/was still mildly confused by the romance between these two in the first half(3/4?)--one minute they're a couple of lovebirds reciting poetry & sweet nothings to eachother--the next they're.. like..sorta allies? I don't know how to describe it..(this does get somewhat less confusing to me by the end--because the MC realizes that she cares for BB...more than a little bit--and the raven throwback sort of explains BB's affection, but I feel like there is way more to it than that, alas, that has yet to be revealed*annoyed emoji*
AND CAN I JUST SAY, the fact that Izolda keeps getting passed around like a literal PAWN is extremely maddening.
That is all.
Just kidding! *it's past my bed time, can you tell?*
*clears throat*
--I've gotta say that the battle scene was pretty darn dope(which is high marks coming from me, I assure you) and that dramatic cliffhanger ending was both shocking and has me unsure as to how they will possible get out of this next conundrum. O.o
***bonus points for the clever Biblical references/easter eggs!
4.5 Stars
Profile Image for Verónica Fleitas Solich.
Author 28 books90 followers
December 21, 2022
Characters that grow, especially our protagonist. And a world that is even more complicated, interweaving the plot.
Enjoyable and without a doubt, hooks to continue with the series.
My only complaint is that I would have liked the romantic relationship between the characters to grow a little more. I imagine it will be like this, step by step.
Profile Image for Melissa Polk.
Author 9 books58 followers
September 18, 2021
Oh, wow. This was so amazing. I've been *actively* awaiting this book since I finished the first one and it did not disappoint. So much emotion in this one! I'm so pleased with the character growth but.. my people.. that ending. I am riven. Absolutely destroyed. How am I going to survive until the third book is released? I don't even know.
Profile Image for Suzannah Rowntree.
Author 31 books544 followers
February 10, 2023
I've been sick with some kind of post-viral fatigue for over three weeks, and it was only in the last couple of days that I was able to start reading again. And I was going to read so many books in my summer holidays!

With that in mind I'm not sure that I can say much about the book - as I was nibbling my way through the first half for weeks, very exhaustedly.
Profile Image for Whitney Walker.
33 reviews1 follower
May 29, 2024
This book is if Alice in Wonderland and The Hunger Games had a super magic baby that only spoke in iambic pentameter and riddles. That’s a good thing in case you were wondering.
I have laughed, I have gasped, and I have clutched my chest and swooned.
It’s wild in the best way, although there is so much going on it can be hard to follow. I don’t think these books are for everyone but I am loving them.
Grosbeak A++ character
Profile Image for Larissa.
484 reviews12 followers
November 1, 2021

Overall: 3/5

Plot and themes: 2/5

Characters: 3/5

Writing style: 3/5

Attention-grabbing: 2/5

Dance with the Sword is the second book in the Bluebeard's Secret series, books that revolve around Bluebeard and his wife Izolda. It's a combination of the tale of Bluebeard and maybe Howl's Moving Castle? Along with a bunch of other really random and quirky references throughout the story.

I unfortunately liked the first book in this series a lot more than I liked this one. Where it was interesting in book one, it was overdone in book two. I was really pushing myself to get to the end and it felt a lot lengthier than the 300 pages that it was. It might have had to do with the pacing, we were building up so much the whole time with so much happening that even the significance of the ending just felt like another dramatic event in a long series of them. I did appreciate the romantic progression but I also feel like we haven't seen much development on that front. I hate betrayal plot lines because it's like they're turning their back on something that's important but it kind of feels justified here? There's not a lot of teamwork and while a lot of things are being said, I'm not really seeing them in action.

So it was decent, I might read another book but honestly I'm more bored at this point than anything else. It's not great pacing and it's not holding my interest to the point that I think 300 more pages would be interesting.

This review and all my others can be found at: https://aworldshapedbybooks.blogspot....
Profile Image for Grace.
59 reviews1 follower
February 9, 2022
Maybe it's because this book is forgettable or maybe because I read it when I had a fever, but truly, I do not remember a thing about this book. I can't even remember my exact opinions on it—just that I had a miserable time.

I unfortunately liked the first book better than this one. Where the first book was somewhat interesting, Dance with the Sword was a mess of unnecessary plot points, meandering dialogues and tedious pacing. I'm still shocked I was able to finish it. Maybe it helped that my delirious mind was convinced that I could just pretend to think of it as a fever dream.

SIDENOTE, why is it that Bluebeard saw the need to call Izolda with five different endearments, each one longer than the previous one, before he was to get to his goddamn point? It was both comical and frustrating to read. ALSO, Izolda would remind us repeatedly that she was a "practical woman" yet when faced with difficulties, she would either do the most impractical thing or would wait for someone to solve her problems for her. Would someone riddle me that? The only character I enjoyed reading was head on a stick, so do with that what you will.
Profile Image for Hannah.
287 reviews13 followers
November 3, 2021
The second installment in Wilson's Bluebeard retelling was just as enjoyable as the first. I only have two complaints, both of which are minor compared to my enjoyment of the story. The first is that Izolda does not make up her mind about Bluebeard (can she trust him? should she be trying to get away from him?) until the end of book two and her waffling started to make me a little angry. Especially because her indecisiveness constantly put Bluebeard, his people, and Izolda herself (and her people) in jeopardy. My second complaint is that the series is not complete, which means now I have to wait until next year before I can read the third installment in this series. And who knows how long I'll have to wait for the fourth one to come out. I don't know how I'm going to make it. I'm desperate for this story to continue.
Profile Image for K.
128 reviews7 followers
January 15, 2022
Oh wow. Second book in the series does NOT disappoint. The character depth remains oh so satisfying (I really do like these characters). The character growth is also significant (Izolda grows so much in this one!). There is so many riddles and I haven’t yet figured them all out (don’t worry, two more books are scheduled for this series!). But what surprised me was the amount of scenes that mirror Biblical principles/stories. I really REALLY love the fact she is retelling some things I recognize from my devotionals in the morning. It gives the story another depth and a redemptive factor (in fact, there are many redemption story arcs in this series). Great addition to the story and I can’t wait until the third book is out!

Rated PG-13
—clean romance, but with some innuendo
—some gore
—little to no language
—little to no torture/abuse

Profile Image for Amanda.
133 reviews35 followers
September 17, 2021
I cannot possibly rave enough about this series. I thought I was enthralled after book 1, haha, oh no, dear friends, oh no. Book 2 has left me in such a state of whimsical despair with longing. This story and characters has swept me away and promises to never return me again. I had no idea it would swiftly take the place of probably my favorite fantasy series to date.

Gorgeous characters that grow as the plot unfolds. Betrayal and redemption are palpable menu items that are so sweet and delicious. Even the side characters are teeming with brilliant execution. I'm a lost ship at sea until the final book in this series is in my hands. I hope Wilson never stops writing these characters.
Profile Image for Melissa.
2,373 reviews244 followers
October 31, 2022
Why, why did I like this! It doesn't make sense. Normally I would have put a book like this down, the writing is just so good. There is so many crazy things going on but under all the madness is a girl trying to find herself and what she believes in. There is also an undercurrent love story that is either amazing or something I can't put my finger on. I should be frustrated with the same plot idea of divide her from the boy and crazy crap happens but part of me is a little like Grosbeak and is super curious to how it all plays out!
This has a lot of violence. Death and blood abound. Always open wounds and bleeding. Many severed heads:}
Profile Image for Sara Lawson.
628 reviews58 followers
June 26, 2023
More riddles. More action. More fights to the death. More than in the previous book, Izolda really grows into her own strengths as a leader. It's rather glorious to watch. And I want more.

I loved watching the characters struggle with betrayal and forgiveness. When someone forgives you, how do you accept it and move on rather than struggling to earn back something that cannot be earned? It's brutal and beautiful.

Must keep reading!
Profile Image for Me, My Shelf, & I.
1,106 reviews162 followers
February 15, 2024
Not as good as the first; there's a lot more time devoted to war and not as much time with the two MCs building tension together.

There were also a few discrepancies where things happened again (both since the first book and within this same book) but were treated like they hadn't happened before, so there could've been a little tighter editing. Likely would be less apparent if you're not reading these back to back, though.
Profile Image for Alexa (Library of Alexa).
67 reviews460 followers
August 1, 2024
Very similar thoughts as the first - I can't say this is well paced or deep but I am so intrigued I cannot put them down. I struggled more to follow the action in this one as it starts and never stops. Less interested in the war (says the girl devouring the war book) than the world and the puzzles and the clothing and the semi-toxic romance lol. At this point I might just need to tear through the remaining 2 books and free myself!!
Profile Image for Tess.
248 reviews
September 18, 2021

I will never get tired of endless forgiveness and faithfulness and unconditional love in books.
Profile Image for Bethany Hoeflich.
Author 13 books81 followers
September 24, 2021
I'm pretty sure the cliffhanger ending made my heart stop, and I'm not sure when it will restart.

Absolutely fantastic series!
Profile Image for CC.
198 reviews57 followers
July 25, 2022
masterpiece. my brain and my heart are both blown up to pieces so check back later for my Actual Review. lol <3 ;)
Profile Image for Valerie.
332 reviews
March 6, 2024
3.5-4 stars. This was good. I did get a little bored in a few spots but I think it was just my head space.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 191 reviews

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