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Robert Hunter #2

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Op de traptreden van een kerkaltaar wordt het bloederige lichaam van een priester gevonden. Forensisch rechercheurs ontdekken dat in het bovenlijf van het slachtoffer het cijfer drie is gekerfd.

Eerst denkt profiler Robert Hunter dat het om een rituele moord gaat, maar als er meer lichamen worden gevonden, moet hij zijn mening bijstellen. Na onderzoek blijkt dat ieder slachtoffer is geconfronteerd met zijn of haar ergste nachtmerrie, die werkelijkheid is geworden. Hoe kan de moordenaar dit zo precies weten? Robert Hunter en zijn sidekick Carlos Garcia worden zelf ook geconfronteerd met hun grootste angst in hun zoektocht om deze moordenaar te stoppen…

380 pages, Paperback

First published July 1, 2010

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About the author

Chris Carter

126 books4,511 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information.

Biographies can be an absolute drag, so I won’t bore anyone with a long life story.

I was born in Brasilia, Brazil where I spent my childhood and teenage years. After graduating from high school, I moved to the USA where I studied psychology with specialization in criminal behaviour. During my University years I held a variety of odd jobs, ranging from flipping burgers to being part of an all male exotic dancing group.

I worked as a criminal psychologist for several years before moving to Los Angeles, where I swapped the suits and briefcases for ripped jeans, bandanas and an electric guitar. After a spell playing for several well known glam rock bands, I decided to try my luck in London, where I was fortunate enough to have played for a number of famous artists. I toured the world several times as a professional musician.

A few years ago I gave it all up to become a full time writer.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,671 reviews
Profile Image for Mario the lone bookwolf.
805 reviews5,031 followers
March 10, 2023
The idea of making it personal and investing, time, effort, and hate to find the most feared death and torture methods is something ungrateful victims ought learn to appreciate because, in heaven or pandemonium, targets of more animalistic and primitive serial killers will certainly be envious that these was been given a special treatment they couldn´t hope for, just oldfashioned, anachronistic stuff such as stereotypical torture, rape, and mutilation without the sadist´s time and love invested to find an individual treatment.

Many of the newer psychothriller slasher authors add forensics, detailed infodumpy technical descriptions, and psychological analytics to the mix, but Carter is mastering it with extra high speed, just enough characterization needed, and full focus on the true stars of the genres, the monsters and the methods and expertise of the hunters.

Something thought beyond, subjective and just rudimentarily related to the current state of the investigation, is how technology will enable serial killers to torture, rape, and keep alive victims for months, years, or immortalities. Because, endless life, not aging plus highly advanced future medicine doesn´t just mean jay, but also forever real life hell.

Carter changes the main motivation and background of the killers such as revenge, hate, madness, trauma, sadism, etc. in each novel, which makes it interesting in that way that the real psychological background of all kind of demons can be analyzed and understood, that the motives seem somewhat, from an inhuman and bonkers perspective, in itself logical. Not in all cases, of course, most are just real rectums, recti, rect whatever, but in the 6 or 7 novels I have read so far 2 serial killers had motives that went beyond just loving it and could be explained in their monologues or with Hunter´s analysis.

A wiki walk can be as refreshing to the mind as a walk through nature in this completely overrated real life outside books: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_...
Profile Image for Miriam Smith (A Mother’s Musings).
1,684 reviews275 followers
February 9, 2017
Wow! I don't quite know what goes on in Chris Carters head but boy does he have an imagination!! This book sucks you in from the very first page and does not let go until you're finished. "The Executioner" may not be for the squeamish but it is definitely for me, exactly what I like in my murder/serial killer novels......gore, possible sadistic ritualistic murders, by a killer who knows exactly "what scares you to death", police detectives that you form a relationship with and a storyline that has you totally in its grips! I loved the partnership between Robert Hunter and Carlos Garcia and would probably say that they are my favourite cop duo. Thoroughly enjoyed this book and would seriously recommend it to lovers of this genre. Looking forward to reading "I am Death"!!!!!
Profile Image for Matt.
4,205 reviews13k followers
June 1, 2019
Carter returns with an explosive second thriller, as exciting as The Crucifix Killer. When a priest is found horrifically murdered in his own church, Detectives Hunter and Garcia begin the investigation into the odd and ritualistic act, unsure who or what is lurking in the shadows. What looks like a horrific killing on the surface soon becomes part of a string of brutal slayings with a focus on the deepest fears of the victims. The storyline is soon picked up by a young reporter who wants nothing more than to put the LAPD in the spotlight and Hunter on the defensive. Working with a new captain, Hunter must adapt his unorthodox style while still cracking the case wide open. As more bodies emerge, Hunter and Garcia to use all the resources at their disposal, including a teenager who has visions of the slaying before they happen. While piecing together the motive of the killer, Hunter and Garcia discover a storyline that is as deep as it is complicated, taking them back to the lives of all the victims, looking for similarities. What they find creates a backstory that neither expected to discover. With great cliffhangers at the end of each chapter, Carter hooks the reader early and won't let go until all is revealed. Sure to keep the reader up well into the night, Carter's fan club will grow exponentially by the end of the story.

Carter not only entertains with his writing, but offers a strong social commentary on a deeply concerning issue. Weaving one of the most powerful serial killer plots I've read in years, Carter pulls no punches. His attention to detail brings the story to life, with stomach-churning detail and narration. No reader will put this book down and feel it is too superficial, as they fly through chapters at the speed of light. Carter is an author that ought to be placed on the radar of readers interested in the likes of John Verdon and John Case, who paved the way in the genre.

Kudos, Mr. Carter for such a powerful book. I could not put it down when I started and am so happy to have stumbled upon your collection of novels.
Profile Image for STEPH.
408 reviews58 followers
March 13, 2022
This second book by Chris Carter didn’t disappoint. Bodies keep piling up around Hunter and Carlos—more gruesome, more intense and bloodier than the first.

What I love about this series, apart from the main characters—were the depths in the killer’s motives. The back stories were realistic and articulately drawn, quite sad in a chilling kind of way, it gives the readers a chance to sympathize to the victims and the killers at the same time. The cliffhangers at the end of every chapter added more excitement and anticipation. That really worked for me.

Also, every crime scene offered different levels of sadism and rage. Only someone with a heart of stone wouldn’t feel unsettled or unaffected by the vivid descriptions of the killings. Scary!

Action-packed, thrilling, heart-pounding and creative! Can’t get enough. On to the next book.
Profile Image for Alex.andthebooks.
512 reviews2,432 followers
February 25, 2022
Ta cześć była o niebo lepsza od pierwszej! Świetnie się bawiłam. To jest totalny guilty pleasure
Profile Image for Brenda.
73 reviews52 followers
May 25, 2017
Okay....It's official. Chris Carter is my new favorite author!!! Since finishing this book I will definitely be reading the rest of the series. Already have them on their way to me via Amazon. Let's just talk about the author a minute. He's from Brazil and is part Italian. Was an exotic male dancer and played in various rock bands before deciding to write. It's true, I have a big ole' fan girl crush on him. I mean what's not to love? Oh yeah and he writes some darn good books as well.
Profile Image for Phils Osophie.
185 reviews761 followers
January 23, 2023
3 1/2 Sterne.

Natürlich ist "Der Vollstrecker" ein guter Thriller. Aber für mich ist es nicht mal annähernd ein 5-Sterne-Kandidat und nicht den großen Bohei wert, der um Chris Carter gemacht wird. Der Fall ist spannend, das Tempo flott, die Sprüche cool, ja. Aber im Endeffekt ist es exakt das gleiche Schema wie schon in Band 1 und damit irgendwie austauschbar. Dazu noch dieser "magische" Einschlag, der mir leider gar nicht gefallen hat. Dennoch überlege ich, weiter mit der Reihe zu machen, weil es gute Popcorn-Unterhaltung für zwischendurch ist.
Profile Image for Brenda.
725 reviews144 followers
May 24, 2016
I think I've now realized I don't care for supernatural happenings in my detective/crime fiction. This was interesting to me until a character showed up with "visions." I liked the premise that people were being killed by their worst fear; that could have been a real psychological thriller for me.
Profile Image for Maria.
1,006 reviews106 followers
October 31, 2016
A sinopse de O Carrasco do Medo saltou-me à vista e quis logo pegar nele. Não li o primeiro livro de Chris Carter, mas nem isso me fez demover de ler o seu segundo livro publicado em Portugal, pela Topseller.

A violência é o prato principal de O Carrasco do Medo. Começa pelo assassinato de um padre com requintes que excedem o impensável. O padre, querido pela comunidade, é decapitado e, no lugar da sua cabeça, está uma cabeça de cão.

O detective chamado para a cena do crime já é conhecido dos leitores por ter aparecido no primeiro livro do autor de origem brasileira, mas para os estreantes como eu foi uma excelente surpresa. Gostei bastante de Hunter que mostra, e prova, ser um detective inteligente, com uma cultura geral acima da média, e com quem é fácil trabalhar.

Opinião completa: http://marcadordelivros.blogspot.pt/2...
Profile Image for Iloveplacebo.
384 reviews253 followers
February 23, 2023
3'5 / 5

Me ha gustado un poco menos que el primero. Tiene algunas cosas que se pueden perdonar en un primer libro, pero que ya en el segundo molestan un poco más. Espero que en los siguientes eso vaya cambiando.
Por ejemplo, ¿Hunter para qué tiene un compañero? García no sirve para nada ni hace nada, y debería, porque es detective igual que Hunter. El autor le tiene como a la típica -y poco querida- damisela en apuros.
También tengo la sensación de que o bien el autor -que lo dudo, por sus estudios y por el tiempo que trabajó en ello- o el traductor confunden el termino criminología con criminalística (o ciencias forenses), y no es lo mismo.

Al principio el caso se estaba pareciendo demasiado a uno de los capítulos de Mentes criminales, pero al final, menos mal, no termina igual.

Algunas actitudes de Mónica/Mollie me han puesto nerviosa. Creo que con 17 años, y después de vivir sola por unos 3 años, debería ser más madura. Pero bueno, se puede perdonar.

Por supuesto no es todo malo. El libro te atrapa y engancha, tiene muy buen ritmo, el caso es muy interesante, y tiene un nuevo personaje, la capitana Blake.
Y a mi personalmente me gusta que los protagonistas sean los más listos xD.
Profile Image for Petra.
815 reviews91 followers
July 20, 2017
Enjoying this series on audio. Could have done without the supernatural element and Robert Hunter is just too perfect, but apart from that, exciting and dark story, onto book 3.
Profile Image for Repix Pix.
2,336 reviews476 followers
October 5, 2021
No te mata de miedo pero sí te mata la traducción y los comentarios machistas.
La historia es la clásica de asesino en serie muy teatral. Entretenido, al menos.
Profile Image for Lisa.
900 reviews
January 3, 2016
The Executioner by Chris Carter was more gruesome than the Crucifix Killer Carter i must say has gone into great detail about how a serial killers mind works.

A priest Father fabian is found with his head decapitated & a slain dogs head pressed into his neck so detective Robert Hunter & detective carlos Garcia are brought in to solve the case.

While looking into father Fabians past the find out he predicted his own death & the way it was going to happen. turns out he was a bully to others when he was younger & joined the priest hood to cover up his past he was a member of The Strutter Gang which picked on everyone they deemed not like them.

Then while Hunter & Garcia were looking into fabian's past Amanda Reilly was found dead her face peeling off with other horrendous injuries they find a girl named Mollie who was continually raped By John Woods but she has powers to see who is going to be next & how they are going to die.

Its a race against time to find out who the killers are I wont say anything more about this book as i will give away spoilers .

My view on this book Chris Caters mind is amazing to write about serial killers the way he does loved the plot virtually everything about this book.

NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED a winner for me 5 stars
Profile Image for Rebecca.
618 reviews48 followers
August 24, 2021
Robert Hunter ist zurück!

Als ein junger Ministrant morgens zu seinem Dienst für die Frühmesse erscheint, merkt er gleich, dass heute irgendwas anders ist. Doch mit dem, was er in der Kirche findet, hat er nicht gerechnet: Pater Fabian, der Priester, liegt ermordet vor den Altarstufen. An der Stelle, wo sich sein Kopf befand, liegt ein Hundekopf – eine Szene, die selbst erfahrene Polizisten sofort wieder rausrennen lässt. Schließlich wird der Fall Detective Robert Hunter und sein Kollege Garcia übergeben, die sich sofort an die Arbeit machen: Wer könnte denn etwas gegen einen harmlosen katholischen Priester haben? Leider bleibt Pater Fabian nicht das einzige Opfer und bevor die beiden Ermittler eine richtige Spur haben, wird schon das nächste Mordopfer aufgefunden. Die brutal getötete Frau war Immobilienmaklerin und hatte scheinbar gar nichts mit dem Priester zu tun… können die Polizisten den Zusammenhang finden, bevor es weitere Menschen trifft?

Wow, endlich mal wieder ein Thriller, wo ich vollkommen auf der falschen Fährte lag! Ich war mir fast sicher, den Mörder zu kennen und muss mir am Ende eingestehen, dass ich mit dieser Auflösung nicht gerechnet hatte.

Obwohl mir das Hörbuch ganz gut gefallen hat, es echt spannend war und ich zwischendrin wirklich dachte, es hätte 4 Sterne verdient, gab es doch zwei Sachen, die mich nachhaltig gestört haben. Zum einen verpasst es Chris Carter nun schon zum zweiten Mal, starke Frauenfiguren zu schaffen. Anfangs war ich noch ganz begeistert von der neuen Chefin, aber leider konnte es der Autor nicht lassen, auch diese Figur am Ende mit einigen negativen Eigenschaften zu überschütten – was ja eigentlich realistisch ist und die Person menschlich macht. Aber irgendwie ist es halt schon auffällig, dass seine Männer alle gutaussehend, schlau und mutig sind, während Frauen oft kurzsichtig, oberflächlich und hysterisch sind.
Mein zweites Problem ist, dass sich – trotz aller Spannung – der zweite Fall des Teams kaum vom ersten unterschied. Wieder ging es um einen Serienmörder in LA, der seine Opfer scheinbar willkürlich auswählt und diese dann auch noch irgendwie markiert und die Ermittler müssen dann den Zusammenhang finden. Okay, der Zusammenhang war diesmal ein etwas anderer und der Modus Operandi, aber ansonsten? Alles sehr ähnlich. Ich hoffe, in Band 3 geht es dann mal um was anderes.
Profile Image for Katerina.
496 reviews68 followers
August 8, 2020
Δεύτερη ιστορία και το δίδυμο Χάντερ και Γκαρσία καλούνται να κυνηγήσουν τον επόμενο σίριαλ κίλερ που τρομοκρατεί το Λος Άντζελες, να μάθουν το κίνητρο του και να σταματήσουν την δράση του.
Στα 143 κεφάλαια και 447 σελίδες δεν βαρέθηκα στιγμή.
Όπως και στο πρώτο μου άρεσε η συνεργασία των δύο πρωταγωνιστών αν και νομίζω έλειπε η δόση χιούμορ μεταξύ τους που μου άρεσε στο πρώτο βιβλίο.
Ενδιαφέρουσα προσθήκη αυτή της νέας τους προϊσταμένης που θα χαρώ να διαβάσω την εξέλιξη της στα επόμενα βιβλία όπως και του Ίαν Χόπκινς αν και δεν είμαι σίγουρη ότι θα είναι μέλος της ομάδας τους και στο επόμενο.
Ο Ρόμπερτ Χάντερ έχει αρχίσει να γίνεται από τους αγαπημένους μου ντετέκτιβ και η ιστορία του είναι τόσο θλιβερή και αυτός τόσο υπέροχος που ο αναγνώστης δεν μπορεί παρά να εύχεται να είχε λίγη από την γαλήνη και την ευτυχία του συνεργάτη του Γκαρσία όταν γυρνάει στο σπίτι του.
Profile Image for Kylie H.
1,072 reviews
January 28, 2021
"Imagine your worst fear..." when I see things like this written in the blurb, it often sets the book up for failure in my opinion, however in this case, I realised I had never really imagined my worst fear until this author thought up a few new ones for me!!
This is the second book in the Robert Hunter series and like The Crucifix Killer this did not hold back on the violence and nightmarish murder scenes.
In this book Hunter appears to be racing against time to find the link between a killers victims. He is also trying to work under a new Captain and then is presented with a young girl who is claiming to have 'visions' related to the murders.
This is a real white knuckle book. Not for the faint hearted.
Profile Image for Γιώργος Δάμτσιος.
Author 40 books287 followers
March 6, 2019

Απ' ό,τι φαίνεται με τον Κάρτερ ταιριάξαμε για τα καλά. Ακριβώς όπως και στο πρώτο βιβλίο της σειράς του Ρόμπερτ Χάντερ, έτσι κ σε αυτό, βρέθηκα να διαβάζω μέχρι αργά το βράδυ. Ουσιαστικά το ολοκλήρωσα μέσα σε 24 ώρες.

Υπάρχουν κάποιες μικρές αδυναμίες που εντόπισα, αλλά πραγματικά τις προσπέρασα εύκολα. Το βασικότερο σε ένα βιβλίο είναι να είναι page turner. Και αυτό... ήταν.

Υπ' όψιν μερικοί από τους φόνους που διαπράττονται μέσα στο βιβλίο είναι μόνο για γερά στομάχια!

Profile Image for Highwind.
47 reviews1 follower
August 7, 2012
I have no idea why this book has so many excellent reviews. This is simple torture porn that uses gruesome scenes of murder and animal abuse to cover up the lack of true suspense and original plot.
Profile Image for Milica's Bookshelf.
968 reviews265 followers
November 30, 2023
Često se zapitam koliko su moji rejtinzi realni jer nisam pročitala puno knjiga ovog žanra? Ali mislim da ne treba da budete veliki poznavalac da biste prepoznali odličnu priču.
Knjiga je sjajna, nema preteranih opisa, dijaloga, svega ima baš taman koliko treba.
Još jedna mračna avantura Roberta Hantera i Karlosa Garsije. Ne ispušta se iz ruku do poslednje stranice.
Profile Image for Sandra.
203 reviews31 followers
September 19, 2024
Labai patiko ši dalis, buvo dvi "baisios" scenos, tačiau knyga lengvai skaitėsi. Įsimylėjau Hanterį.
Profile Image for teach_book.
397 reviews627 followers
January 31, 2022
To było tak dobre!!!

Wszystko do siebie idealnie pasowało. Od dialogów, przez zagadkę kryminalną i niepowtarzalne napięcie po zakończenie.
Profile Image for Gabyal.
550 reviews7 followers
April 19, 2023
El libro te atrapa desde el principio, tenemos un nuevo personaje Capitana Blake que los tiene muy bien puestos jajaja, me cae bien. García digamos que sin pena ni Gloria. Hunter es mucho Hunter
El descubrir cual es tu peor miedo para con ello acabar con la vida y "marcar" el número de víctimas.

Un asesino bastante más violento (para mi gusto claro) que en el primer libro, de nuevo Carter nos deja con la boca abierta después de todo y no es para menos siendo de profesión lo que es. siento que hubo algunos detallitos en la traducción pero sigue siendo bastante bueno a pesar de ellos. Al principio no tenía idea de que onda con el asesino pero conforme avanzó la trama entendí quién podía estar perpetuando crímenes de tal intensidad, no me equivoqué en ello jeje (milagro!)
Profile Image for Tonkica.
693 reviews137 followers
January 18, 2018

Kada te uhvati temperatura, malko jača prehlada i briješ na MaxFlu, nemaš što drugo raditi već ležati i čitati.. Dođe do toga da u manje od 24 sata ode cijela knjiga. Ode jer je pisana jednostavno, lagano i razumljivo, interesantno i s jako dobrom pričom! Ako volite "lijepo" krvavo i domišljato, fatajte se knjige! Svaka čast na ideji i cijelom slučaju.
Iako, mrvu me zasmetao dio na kraju.. Ako furamo po zakonu, onda bi tako trebalo biti. Ili je dovoljno da si Robert Hunter? :D :P
Profile Image for Luna .
180 reviews74 followers
August 12, 2022
Disturbing. Disturbingly awesome! Wow, this book was just fantastic. I have been trying to find some more disturbing reads than the typical thriller genre and does this series ever fit the bill. I thought the first one would be hard to match but Carter exceeds it here.
Sadly though I cannot get into much as I don't want to spoil things. Sadly I won't be able to rant on as I typically due of the main reason behind the kills here. To me the reasons all these sick kills are happening is quite clear early on but it is not confirmed till maybe a little half way through so I'm not going to get into one of society's biggest problems in my eyes as I think the author does a pretty good job getting across why these kills are happening when he finally brings it out.
So aside from the main story line there is a second one as well. Mollie Woods is 17 has run away from home due to all the abuse she has suffered at the hands of her father. She has a special gift in that she senses other people's pain. She lends her services to our main hero detective Robert Hunter but in so doing she then becomes fair game for our killer. Her story line is awesome and Carter as he is so good at has many a twist and turn to keep you off balance.
The story opens with a decapitated dead priest who has a steak down his throat and on top of the steak replacing his head is the head of a dog. For those who abhor animal abuse there is one episode of it here but I have to say it is pretty bad. Be forewarned but it is brief and it comes out after this when we learn why the steak was on the priest's head.
The kills continue and they centre on the victims fears. In the priest kill there are journals of his found outlining his biggest fears and the priest foresaw his own murder in the manner that it happened but he foresaw his decapitated head being burned as well......so does it get burned?
To illustrate what I'm talking about there is another victim terrified of wasps and they play the major role in his death. There is another deathly afraid of syringes and our killer goes to town on him with syringes. The murder scenes are just so well written and descriptive. Here we have a big league author who isn't afraid to deal with death in very sick ways.
The most disturbing kill for me was the second. A pretty real estate agent is showing a house with a huge fireplace. When the buyer wants to see it work she gets all nervous. She is terrified of fires as her dress caught fire when she was 7 years old and her body was badly burned. Suffice it to say that she is overpowered and cooked alive while bound to a steel chair in front of that huge gas fireplace. This scene was so well done. Sadly when I mention fire to myself I put myself in a ptsd mode as I have dealt with too many people who I witnessed burned alive. I saw two people cook in a car fire. My worst though was a glue sniffer sniffing solvent who became engorged by the fire. When we arrived fire was pouring water on his smoking head as he was still alive. When the paramedics arrived to help him they froze. I won't get into the details except for the fact that I bring all of this out as Carter spells out the details visually bang on. As I mentioned in my first review Carter does a great job describing the effects of smell as well and here again in the fire scene he does it oh so well. Again though he hits this stuff bang on but I see no acknowledgements. Maybe the people advising Carter insist on having none, wanting to remain anonymous but however Carter is getting his information it is spot on and authentic. So if my sick teasing of this scene has got you interested pick up this great read. Ps whose head was there for the ride in this fire scene..............
Again Carter being from LA for a great part of his life really paints the town so that we as a reader never being there get a real good feel for it. From it's varied night life to its traffic issues, to its surroundings you are really drawn into the city itself. I really enjoyed that.
To sum up then we have a crazy murderer or perhaps more just going crazy. You get a sense that such atrocities surrounding the murders make them personal. Yet finding out the why they are occurring and who may be doing it is teased throughout and when you think you have it all figured out I'm betting you don't.
So the subject matter and the murders themselves may not be for the faint of heart. Yet if you are willing to perhaps challenge yourself and go a little further than most thriller books this series is just fantastic. This is a stand alone book but it does help to have read the first. This is an easy five star review. I have read the first two back to back and want to get to the third but I won't do that. I also can't emphasize enough that though the subject matter is a bit twisted the writing itself is par for the course. Carter measures up to anyone out there! I will tease that I have come upon another new author to me and I can't believe how disturbing that book is - perhaps the most disturbing I've read. More to come on that one shortly :)
Profile Image for Kristina Dauksiene.
192 reviews23 followers
July 13, 2023
Silpnai. Nuspėjama. Pasikartojančios scenos kaip pirmoje knygoje (vidury knygos oooppss atsidūriama sexy moters lovoje, vėl gelbėjamas partneris..) tarsi aiškiai nesikartojanti struktūra pradžioje, viduryje ir pabaigoje.
Pliusas - trumpi skyriai, istorija aiški, be perdėtai nereikalingų makaronų, skaitėsi greitai.
Profile Image for Paulo Pires.
246 reviews47 followers
December 6, 2016
4.8 Espantoso ...

« O Carrasco do Medo é o segundo livro da série #Robert Hunter.

Um macabro assassinato ocorreu numa pacata igreja de Los Angeles. O corpo do pároco foi encontrado, decapitado e com sinais de extrema violência.

A violência é tal que consegue afectar a experiente Unidade Especial de Homicídios! Os indícios levam a pensar em rituais satânicos ... mas a realidade é muito mais cruel ...

Gostei muito deste livro, achei-o espantoso!

Alerto para o nível de violência, que alcança elevados níveis, e que pode não ser adequado para públicos (e estômagos) mais sensíveis. Mas na minha opinião revela-se uma das mais-valias deste livro a par da imaginação, do cuidado com o detalhe e da coerência dos crimes. (Adorei.)

O foco, a inteligência e a determinação de Robert Hunter é outro dos argumentos fortes deste livro que habilmente Chris Carter manipula em prol de um evolução fluída e arrepiante da história.

Robert é uma personagem rica, com uma percepção arguta da realidade que o envolve e ainda que viva uma vida pessoal solitária e tenha uma camaradagem com o seu colega a toda prova, fazendo lembrar algumas personagens que são referências literárias neste género.

Robert consegue destacar-se e distinguir-se pelas suas peculiaridades, os seus fantasmas e a sua personalidade. Reúne uma mistura de determinação, sensibilidade e acessibilidade que oferecem à história um atractivo digno de destaque.

Quando lemos muitos livros, por vezes ganhamos "resistências" ao efeito de determinados mecanismos da escrita, por se tornarem muitas vezes flagrantes quanto ao que a história nos vai oferecer. É muito gratificante quando um livro nos arranca um "... disto não estava à espera ...".

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Opinião: O Carrasco de Chris Carter |Livros e Marcadores

Profile Image for Xana.
746 reviews45 followers
October 22, 2016
Que livro fantástico.
Já tinha adorado o anterior, e pensava que não podia ficar melhor, mas ficou..
Capítulos curtos, com um ritmo alucinante, descrições fortes.. brutais mesmo.
Adorei saber mais sobre Robert, adorei a personagem Mollie.
Estou ansiosa pelo próximo. Chis Carter passa para os meus autores favoritos.
Recomendo sem reservas
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