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Skeleton Keepers #1

With Fire In Their Blood

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With Fire In Their Blood is a simmering supernatural romance set in the crumbling Italian city of Castello, where mafia clans make the rules, dark magic pulses the streets and the sins of the past threaten to consume the present. Perfect for fans of These Violent Delights, The Darkest Minds and V.E. Schwab.

When sixteen-year-old Lilly Deluca arrives in Castello, she isn’t impressed. A secluded town in the Italian mountains is not where she saw her last years of high school playing out.

Divided for generations by a brutal clan-family war, the two halves of Castello are kept from destroying each other by the mysterious General, a leader determined to maintain order and ‘purity’. . . whatever the cost.

Lilly falls in with the rebellious Liza, brooding Nico and sensitive Christian, and sparks begin to fly. But in a city where love can lead to ruin, Lilly isn’t sure she can trust anyone - not even herself.

And then she accidentally breaks Castello's most important rule: when the General's men come to test your blood, you'd better not be anything more than human . . .

416 pages, Paperback

First published September 10, 2024

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About the author

Kat Delacorte

2 books108 followers
Kat Delacorte was eleven years old when her family moved from the United States to a small town in central Italy. She soon began writing stories about her new friends developing superpowers, and hasn't looked back since. She lives with her cat in Venice, Italy.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 426 reviews
Profile Image for Ellie.
579 reviews2,416 followers
August 15, 2022
Kat Delacorte really went 'I am going to write a book filled with so many hot people'

Set in the remote Italian hilltop city of Castello, a place soaked in history and isolated from modern society, With Fire in Their Blood is a decadent Gothic tale about discovering your past to unlock your future . . . and falling in love with many beautiful people.

(I mean, that scene in the bathtub? iykyk but oh my god I am aggressively Team Liza. Sorry Christian and Nico. I love you both too.)

(rep: bisexual heroine; both M/F & F/F relationships)
Profile Image for Ksia_zkowe Oliwia.
459 reviews455 followers
October 22, 2022
Wykreowany świat był PRZEŚWIETNY! Od początku, od pierwszych kartek, gdy czytałam o otaczającym bohaterkę świecie myślałam sobie, że autorka pod tym względem wykonała świetną robotę. I tak też było! Lecz gdzie ten romans przepraszam bardzo, który miał być? Gdzie jakieś bardziej rozbudowane relacje między bohaterami?
Ale koncept był serio świetny, bardzo mi się podobał. Trochę mafii w miasteczku, podział na „złych i gorszych”, ze tak to ujmę hahaha, legendy, którym nie wiadomo czy ufać czy nie i przede wszystkim… całość owiana nutą tajemnicy. Na pewno będzie to dobra lektura dla osób, które uwielbiają takie klimaty!
Profile Image for chelsea reads.
498 reviews193 followers
September 28, 2022
two is being generous.

i was very excited to read with fire in their blood. i had a friend who absolutely loved it. unfortunately, it wasn’t something i enjoyed.

the first thing that really threw me off was how much i disliked lilly. she was overly emotional (like, getting angry over nothing). one situation, not long into the book, she’s walking down the corridor of her school, and a boy (potential LI) moves out of her way. the way i saw it, she was going to walk into him, and he was being polite. the way she saw it, he was clearly hell bent on ignoring and avoiding her. there were several overreactions that didn’t make a lot of sense throughout the book. (maybe more clarification from the author could’ve resolved the confusion on my part?).

not only was she angry over the slightest thing, she seemed to fall in love with every character she met. we get it: every single character in this town is beautiful. stop fawning over them already.

it wasn’t even a love triangle. it was a hexagon. or some other such shape.

aside from lilly, none of the other characters were particularly likeable either. everyone overreacted for no reason about stupid shit. they were all petty and excessively angry. unfortunately, this also covers the adults. no one was safe from the built up anger in this town.

another issue i had with this book was how predictable it was. because of this, i found the book horribly boring as nothing shocked me. i guessed every plot point well in advanced.

on the plus side, the italian setting was very nice. i just wish the author spent more time detailing it. i was expecting more gothic setting, but it was largely left to my imagination.

with fire in their blood is another one of those books that’s just a pretty cover. it’s not something i’d rush to pick up, nor do i plan to read the next book.
Profile Image for Julie - One Book More.
1,201 reviews210 followers
August 28, 2022
With Fire in Their Blood is such a unique supernatural romance with great Gothic and dystopian elements. The story follows Lilly, who begrudgingly moves with her father to Castello, a small and isolated city in Italy, and discovers that Castello holds many secrets. It’s divided into two clans kept apart by a leader called The General. As she learns more about the past, the present, Castello, and its inhabitants, Lilly realizes that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

The magic system, world-building, and dystopian elements are on point in this book. Everything is layered and developed, and the imagery and personification used really bring the setting and characters to life. The magic system is layered, complex, and intriguing, but I did find it a bit dense and confusing at times. That being said, I feel like the next book will offer some clarity for those few instances.

The tone is great – dark and eerie with an air of mystery. The story includes an isolated city shrouded in secrets, eerie mists and decaying structures, enigmatic characters, disturbing nightmares, and more, which really highlight the Gothic vibes. The author’s writing style and the way they use personification and sensory language also add to the Gothic tone. The dystopian elements are also strong, especially the excessive control and corruptive power of those in charge, the rigid rules which keep the citizens uninformed, isolated, and without a voice, and a protagonist who defies all obstacles and fights for freedom.

The plot is really interesting and includes some great twists and turns, most of which I didn’t predict. I like when books take you in different directions than you expect, and this book did that on more than one occasion. The major characters are dynamic and layered, and interesting, and I want to know more about the people Lilly encounters. Liza, Nico, and Christian are three characters that Lilly befriends, and I found them all intriguing with strong and distinct voices and character arcs. There are also possible romances that I have a feeling will be explored more in future books in the series. It will be interesting to see how some of these relationships will grow and change as the story progresses. Unfortunately, as secrets and more shocking revelations are revealed, it becomes clear that Lilly doesn’t know who to trust.

I enjoyed this read. It was unique and entertaining, and I enjoyed the author’s writing style. I would definitely recommend it to readers of dark YA fantasy with Gothic vibes. Thanks so much to NetGalley, The Write Reads, and Penguin for providing me with a copy of the book. All thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for Carola.
620 reviews43 followers
December 19, 2022
When the cover is so much better than the story..
Profile Image for Ria.
217 reviews35 followers
June 30, 2022
4 ⭐️

This book… this book!? I haven’t read a YA Fantasy in a while and I read the whole of this in one sitting. It was so different and completely refreshing from anything I’ve read in a while, I loved it!

It was a mixture of a gothic setting, intricate magic systems and politics, waring mafia clans, witches, romance, even the setting in Italy was beautiful yet sometimes haunting, it was just amazingly set up.

This book was filled with twist and turns, some predictable, some that took me completely by surprise (which is always the perfect balance). The world building was well done although in some instances it got slightly confusing (but I think this will be neatened up and polished as we go along in the series as this is only the first book).

I really enjoyed all the characters we meet, they were all interesting and different from each other, facing their own personal problems and complex relationships, things got messy fast a lot of the time with these characters (but isn’t that just the joys of teenhood). The relationships with each other, especially in the romance department of the story need some more padding out but apart from that I will like the set up for these characters for the series!

There was also a lot of bisexuality rep in this book that was just slipped in naturally without it being a conflict which I loved, we need more casual rep like this!

I’m so excited to see what is to come next after that ending and I’m pumped to delve into this world that this author has set up more.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book, it was a fantastic debut by Kat Delacorte and I can’t wait to see what else they bring out.

*Thank you to Netgalley & Penguin Random House for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for mag_book_.
290 reviews237 followers
October 26, 2022
"Z ogniem we krwi", to historia przesiąknięta, głęboko zakorzenioną nienawiścią między klanami, której skutki odczuwają nasi bohaterowie w dystopijnym i uraczonym propagandą mieście. Bogata w akcje, tajemnice i reprezentacje queerowych bohaterów, angażuje już od pierwszych stron.

Lilly, pełna goryczy po stracie matki i z negatywnym nastawieniem do ojca, przybywa wraz z nim do Castello - odgrodzonego od cywilizacji miasteczka we Włoszech, by zacząć nowe życie w rodzinnym kraju swojej rodzicielki. Lilly szybko orientuje się, że dla Castello czas się zatrzymał. Trzymane pod żelazną ręką tajemniczego Generała i jego wojskowych, miasto pogrążone jest w konflikcie pomiędzy dwoma rodami. Zbudowane jest na morderstwach i w wierze, że w mieście wciąż mogą żyć osoby obdarzone nadprzyrodzonymi mocami, które trzeba wyeliminować, bo jak historia pokazuje, są one źródłem wszystkich nieszczęść mieszkańców.

Nie jestem w stanie powiedzieć co mnie bardziej urzekło w książce - klimat i poprowadzony wątek fabularny, czy może ten kwadrat miłosny pomiędzy bohaterami. Akcja goni uczucia, które napędzają tajemnice bohaterów, a niebezpieczeństwo w powietrzu potęguje ich pożądanie. Tu nie ma miejsca na oddech. Mam wrażenie, że każda postać oprócz głównej bohaterki jest wspaniale wykreowana. Do samej Lilly, trudno było mi się przekonać. Nie poczułam jej rozwoju jako postaci, mimo drastycznych zmian w jej życiu, a fakt, że w tak krótkim czasie potrafiła zbudować relację miłosną z dwoma chłopakami i dziewczyną był dla mnie zbyt nierealistyczny.

Uwielbiam zwroty akcji, motyw odkrywania swoich korzeni i kart historii, które rzutują na wydarzenia w książce. Autorka pięknie oddała klimat i atmosferę spowitego mgłą Castello, zbudowanego na gorzkiej nienawiści i strachu przed nieznanym, pozwalając nam na odrywanie sekretów i kłamstw bohaterów w walce o władzę.
Profile Image for kate.
1,463 reviews974 followers
August 12, 2022
4.5* Set against the Gothic backdrop of an isolated walled Italian city split in two, With Fire in Their Blood is one of the most original and exciting reads I've had the pleasure of reading this year.

It's got vibes of The Darkest Minds mixed with the Blood for Blood trilogy and a touch of These Violent Delights and I am so here for it. With warring mafia families, secrets unravelled, unveiled powers and countless twists and turns (that were predictable in a way that felt strangely nostalgic but nonetheless enthralling), there was never a dull moment.
I do with the characters and relationships had been a little more developed, however, that may simply be because my adoration for Nico overpowered all. I'm so excited to see how the romance develops (there are so many directions it could turn?!) and where its almost dystopian-esque ending goes in book two.
If book two was available, nothing could stop me from devouring it right here and now.

All in all, this was a super fun dark, gothic read set in a captivating world and I had a blast with it.
Profile Image for Mikołaj (Żółwie Książkowe).
163 reviews435 followers
December 30, 2022
Jeśli szukacie fantastyki, której akcja dzieje się we Włoszech to już nie musicie szukać. „Z ogniem we krwi” sprawdzi się idealnie! 🔥

Podobało mi się to, że wraz z główną bohaterką poznajemy Castello, jego mieszkańców, tajemnicze miejsca i zasady tam panujące. Od razu zaznaczam, tajemnic jest dużo. 🤫 Bohaterowie powieści są całkiem dobrze wykreowani, zaangażowałem się w ich losy i myślę, że w drugim tomie jeszcze lepiej ich poznamy. Świat przedstawiony przez Kat Delacorte nie jest bardzo rozbudowany, aczkolwiek podobał mi się, jak i mroczna przeszłość odciętego do cywilizacji miasteczka.

Wydarzenia, które prowadzą do zakończenia historii trochę mniej mi się podobały, były za bardzo chaotyczne. Natomiast sama akcja finałowa była super i sprawiła, że drugi tom zapowiada się jeszcze lepiej. W książce czasami są uproszczenia fabularne, momentami mi to przeszkadzało, jednak nie odebrało dobrej zabawy, ponieważ powieść wciąga!

Paranormalny, queerowy romans, który okazał się dużym zaskoczeniem. „Z ogniem we krwi” śmiało mogę Wam polecić. 🌹
Profile Image for Book Barbarian  (Tammy Smith).
340 reviews68 followers
December 12, 2022
REVIEW: With Fire in Their Blood by Kat Delacorte

Plot 3
Action 3
Characters 3
Writing 4
World Building 4
Spoiler free reviews!

Read this if you like: A unique contemporary supernatural romance about mafia clans and dark magic!

16 year old Lilly moves to Castello, a secluded town in the Italian mountains with her father Jack. Castello has been at war for generations between two family clans. The mysterious General has kept the peace by maintaining “purity”. Lilly falls in with a rebellious crowd but she breaks the most important rule, when the General’s men test your blood - you better only be human.


A Sizzling sexy gothic romance – this was such a unique reading experience!

I adored this author’s writing style. Precise and not afraid to write a layered novel even when it is classed as Young Adult. Although I am not a fan of “dream/nightmare” sequences, the author incorporated it well and it wasn’t overly long or overworked.

The atmosphere was spot on – Castello was gloomy, eerie and shrouded in mystery with very dystopian elements of oppression and secrets. I found the mystery around the characters very intriguing – added to the gothic vibes from the start – the novel is wholly atmospheric.

The magic system was slightly confusing for me but hopefully these issues will be cleared up in book 2.

The dynamic between Lilly, Liza and Christian was electric! There were some really amazing moments of chemistry. Most of the time, I wasn’t sure what would happen next which is always an exciting experience. I did figure out the big reveal quite early on which possibly made the story slower for me than it ought to have been.

I really enjoyed reading about Lilly – the bisexual rep was spot on. However I did feel that I struggled to picture her most times and get close to her as a character. But her fierce character and determination won me over in the end!

RECOMMEND IT FOR: If you want to dive into a new and interesting fantasy with gothic/dystopian elements, this book is perfect!

Overall Rating: 3.6/5
Publish Date: September 1, 2022
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 407
Young Adult/ Fantasy /Romance/ Contemporary/Paranormal

Thank you to @penguinbooksya and @penguinbookssouthafrica for the review copy, opinions are my own.
Profile Image for cieplekakao.
146 reviews5 followers
November 26, 2022
to było tak genialne, że nie wiem co powiedzieć. ale kończyć w takim momencie.... skandal klasy światowej.

Profile Image for Wybredna Maruda.
425 reviews710 followers
November 2, 2022
Miał być ❤️‍🔥 paranormal romance ❤️‍🔥, więc z myślą "ktoś tu się spóźnił z wydaniem o kilka lat" przygotowałam się na hejcenie 👹

Ale nie 🤷🏻‍♀️

"Z ogniem we krwi" zaskoczyło. Okay, początek był mało intrygujący, bo pachniało Zmierzchem 🧛 z daleka: nowa uczennica (pół sierota, of course) zachwycająca się wyglądem każdego chłopaka, elektryzujące iskry przy dotyku ze swym wybrankiem (ekhm zmierzchowe radio w aucie), jeden koleś, co to ucieka od niej jak najdalej i drugi, co to patrzy w okno, jakby chciał kogoś zamordować. No nie zapowiadało się zbyt dobrze.

Ale potem suprise💥, bo okazało się, że paranormal romance bym raczej tego nie nazwała. Raczej ya fantasy czy dystopia z wątkiem romantycznym – ale tego romansu to tam właściwie jak na lekarstwo. Skupiamy się raczej na Świętych, istotach o niezwykłych mocach nazywanych też wiedźmami, na podziale mieszkańców włoskiego Castello na dwa klany, niczym w Romeo i Julii czy West Side Story oraz na polityce: władzy i religii, która całkowicie opanowała ludzkie umysły i której są do granic posłuszni. Na czytelnika czekają więc tajemnice, zdrady i liczne plot twisty.
Jasne, nie jest to powieść idealna 🤷🏻‍♀️ Postacie mogą nas irytować, pewne zagadki możemy rozpracować już na pierwszych stronach, bo sygnały nam wysyłane są momentami aż nazbyt oczywiste. Nie ukrywam jednak, że to lektura stricte rozrywkowa i pod tym kątem można się przy niej naprawdę dobrze bawić. Mamy też reprezentację osób biseksualnych, ale tak cudownie naturalnie wprowadzoną: nikt się nad tym nie zastanawia, nikt się z tego nie tłumaczy, nikt nie odkrywa swojej tożsamości w kolejnych rozdziałach – ba, nikt nawet tego nie nazywa. Tak po prostu jest, że nie ważne, jakiej płci jest osoba partnerska danej postaci, może jej się podobać zarówno chłopak, jak i dziewczyna 🏳️‍🌈

⚠️ TW: prz3moc, sam0bójstw0, śm!erć rodzica, trauma, urojenia, obłęd, manipulacja

Współpraca z Wydawnictwem Insignis
Profile Image for Quirinus Reads.
68 reviews10 followers
August 31, 2022
This is a fab debut! An immersive, dark and thrilling fantasy tale with a strong female lead.

With Fire in their Blood by Kat Delacorte is an Italian gothic YA supernatural romance. I wasn’t sure I’d like it as I’m not normally a fan of the gothic style, but the synopsis drew me in. It follows the story of Lilly a sixteen-year-old who arrives in Castello a remote town in central Italy, with her father. The town is divided into two, with each clan sticking to their geographical half. But that’s the least weird thing, because every month residents have their blood tested for magical powers. And those with powers must keep them hidden.

My favourite thing about this novel was the setting. Castello played perfectly into the dystopian isolated city with warring clans (you can image a remote Italian town with poor internet and transport links, marred by generations of mafia families clashing). The plot is also very good, the fantasy construct is well conceived and artfully deployed. There is a good mix of the everyday (which in Castello is not banal) and thrilling, romantic and dramatic events. The only thing I didn’t like so much was the beginning of the book, most of which is about the fact that Lilly’s mother died. That is fine, as is the fact she has been deeply affected, but the writing feels clumsy and laboured. I think it could have been done with more subtlety and would have got the same point across effectively. I found the plot gripping and enjoyed working out the motivations of the different characters. There are some good twists, some things you can guess are coming (but are not less enjoyable for it) and it feels like the story could continue (here’s hoping for a sequel!). The characters are strong and well developed. There are a few romantic developments between Lilly and some of the other characters. I don’t know if it’s me being old (I’m not YA) but these felt like they were instigated for slightly less than healthy reasons, with feelings almost weaponised to control others. I found this novel to be an immersive read, both deeply atmospheric and gripping, and I’d be keen to read more of what Lilly does next.
Profile Image for Maks Kuznowicz.
165 reviews269 followers
October 25, 2022
Oto lektura, przez którą się płynie w otoczeniu gotyckiego klimatu, dwóch skłóconych klanów i paranormalnego romansu! Mam ogromne szczęście do debiutów i Kat Delacorte podtrzymuje dobrą passę.

Pisarka stworzyła idealne rozwiązanie dla osób, które szukają czegoś pomiędzy high fantasy a romansem! Nie jest to ciężka młodzieżówka a angażująca do ostatniej strony historia Lilly, która razem z ojcem przeprowadza się do włoskiego miasta Castello. Główna bohaterka dowie się szybko, że brak internetu to tylko wierzchołek góry lodowej, pod którą kryją się anarchia, dystopia, niepewność, mrok.

Doceniam konstrukcję fabularną, która wrzuca w wir długoletnich sporów i dramatów. Bo mimo że pokój można wypracować, to czy w 100% da się zapomnieć o przeszłości? Gdy słyszymy „dwa zwaśnione rody”, to w większości odpala się nam obraz „Romea i Julii”, jednak nie łączyłbym przesadnie książki z twórczością Szekspira. Lepszymi porównaniami są mieszanka stylu Chloe Gong ze świetnymi twistami V.E. Schwab.

W pewnym momencie obawiałem się wątku romantycznego, ponieważ mamy sytuację, w której naszej głównej bohaterce podobają się trzy osoby. To dość nietypowy trójkąt miłosny - jednak finalnie byłem zadowolony z poprowadzenia wszystkich relacji, jak i obiecującego ukazanie reprezentacji queerowej.

Od samego początku nie pałałem sympatią do Lilly, za to postacie drugoplanowe? Trzymajcie mnie, bo padnę! Uwielbiam Nico, Christiana i Alexa.

Koniec książki obfitował w zwroty akcji, które doprowadzały mnie do szaleństwa - czy mogę już prosić o kolejną część? Jestem podekscytowany, zwłaszcza że właśnie takiej oryginalnej i angażującej książki szukałem.
Profile Image for Sarah.
191 reviews2 followers
November 26, 2022
1.5 stars.

There are a lot of glowing reviews for this book. So I'm wondering if we read the same book?

I mean, if I read one more time about her pulsating blood and the hots she had for every random person... just no.

The author couldn't let people just have a conversation without inserting totally overblown, weird, hammy descriptions of the protagonist's inner turmoil with every flipping sentence.

And of course it's entirely normal to be having a row with someone...while they're getting in the bath...and then join them!

And as for her dad, what the heck? 'Yeah Dad, so they like totally took my blood at school' 'What?' *Dad immediately distracted by someone inconsequential*

I know it's fantasy but this was just bonkers. Not for me. At all.

I only finished it so I could moan about it at Book Club. hehe
Profile Image for kasia .
309 reviews82 followers
November 1, 2022
Jeszcze nie poukładałam sobie do końca w głowie, co sądzę o tej książce, ale generalnie naprawdę mi się podobała
Profile Image for Goszaczyta.
289 reviews21 followers
October 28, 2022
„Z ogniem we krwi” to jeden z tych tytułów, po który śmiało można sięgnąć w ciemno. Ostatnio sięgam po same romanse, powieści obyczajowe i dlatego, gdy tylko zobaczyłam zapowiedź "Z ogniem we krwi” - wiedziałam, że muszę to przeczytać. Powieści fantastyczne jak dla mnie to zawsze świetna zabawa i nie odmówię sobie lektury dobrze zapowiadającej się historii.

•• Wyjątkowy, trzymający w napięciu romans paranormalny!💜 ••

Szesnastoletnia Lilly Deluca zmuszona jest przeprowadzić się wraz z ojcem do tajemniczego miasta Castello. Bowiem jej ojciec otrzymał propozycje pracy przy modernizacji tego tajemniczego miasta. Castello wygląda jakby zatrzymało się w innym stuleciu. Montecci oraz Paradisowie dzielą miasto na pół, prowadząc między sobą wojny od stuleci.

Akcja pędzi jak szalona, przybliżając nas powoli do punktu kulminacyjnego. Dlatego ta książka idealnie się sprawdzi na leniwy wieczór. Rozbawi was, wywoła strach i sprawi, że wchłoniecie w świat Lili i sami zapragniecie bliżej poznać wszystkich bohaterów. Autorka świetnie budowała napięcie, sprytnie prowadząc całą akcję i powoli zbliżając nas do punktu kulminacyjnego. Rozwiązanie zagadki mnie przypadło do gustu, bowiem było logiczne i spójne z całością.

Świat jaki wykreowała Kat Delacorte jest magiczny, zachwycający. Pełen magii, ale także brutalności. Opisany tak lekko i przejrzyście, że wdrążenie się w ten świat jest łatwy i przyjemny. Autorka nie przytłacza natłokiem informacji, który mógłby wprawić w zakłopotanie. Krok po kroku przestawia nam swoją wizję przedstawianej historii!

"Z ogniem we krwi” to historia, która wciąga od pierwszych stron, ani przez chwilę nie ma czasu na nudę, ponieważ ciągle coś się dzieje. Jedynie co nie przypadło mi do gustu to wątek romantyczny, którego tak naprawdę wcale nie było, a gdzieś mignęło mi w zapowiedziach, że ta książka ma motyw enemies to lovers 🤔 Jak dla mnie kompletnie tu tego zabrakło. Główna bohaterka upatrzyła sobie aż 3 kandydatów, jednak między ani jednym nie czułam żadnej chemii.
Profile Image for book.touch.
226 reviews38 followers
October 19, 2022
Czytało się bardzo szybko i przyjemnie, bohaterowie zyskali moją sympatie, a czarne charaktery i ci bardziej irytujący, byli naprawdę dobrze wykreowani.
Zdecydowanie spora polecajka z mojej strony <3
Profile Image for Alyssa.
212 reviews91 followers
October 23, 2022
Full Book Review: The One About A Gothic, Love Triangle Romance: With Fire in Their Blood by Kat Delacorte | Blog Tour Book Review

With Fire in Their Blood by Kat Delacorte is the first book in a gothic, fantasy world set in the backdrop of the picturesque town of Castello. But like any picturesque town, it holds secrets and mysteries just waiting to be uncovered. This book was everything I could ever ask for in a young adult fantasy that is unlike anything I have ever read before– a beautiful mix of romance, witchcraft, magic, and dynasties at war.

The characters were all pretty much complex, morally grey teenagers that held plenty of secrets of their own, and it was such a rollercoaster trying to unravel the truth behind each other the characters. I really enjoyed Lily as our main protagonist, she’s strong-willed, independent but she also has a vulnerable side that is the result of her past. If you enjoy tortured love stories that will have you rooting for every single love interest, then this book is for you. Just make sure to check on your own heart once in a while!

The plot was so unexpected. This book is one of those books that don’t over-explain the synopsis, so readers still have so much more to look forward to. The conflict is pretty self explanatory, but I loved how there is no “clear” villain at first. There are subtle moments laid out where it is unclear who is “good” and who is “bad”, which I really enjoyed– I love complexities and uncertainties like this in fantasy novels because it always leads to plot twists and shocking revelations. I love how there were moments where I was volleying between which characters I can and should not trust.

I’ve seen a couple of reviewers mention the bi representation in this book, and while it is always a good thing to see more representation in books, I cannot really comment on how good the bisexual representation is simply because I don’t have any experience or knowledge about what constitutes as “good” bi representation. That being said, I did mention that a lot of other book reviewers have spoken highly of the representation in this book, so I would be inclined to believe that it must be praise-worthy.

I cannot wait to read more of Kat Delacorte’s work in the future. She is definitely an author that is an uncovered gem in the genre, and I would highly recommend picking up this book by her. I will be counting down the days until we get another whirlwind adventure into this world.

5 stars.


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Profile Image for nelka9books.
401 reviews230 followers
November 4, 2022

mialam duze nadzieje jesli chodzi o ta ksiazke ale strasznie mnie zawiodla. wszystko bylo pogmatwane i bez sensu. w fabule za duzo watkow przez ktore ciezko bylo ogarnac o co chodzi. bohaterowie to porazka, chyba nikt z nich nie lubil glownej bohaterki mimo ze teoretycznie byl tu czworokat milosny🤡 mam wrazenie ze autorka miala milion pomyslow i wszystkie je wsadzila do ksiazki nie podejmujac zadnego z nich glebiej. wszystkie zdazenia w sumie sie braly nie wiadomo skad, jak w jakims dziwnym snie a bohaterowie sie pojawiali w niektorych scenach znikad, po czym znikali na wiele rozdzialow i znow sie pojawiali xd jak juz pisalam wczesniej, ksiazka ma vibe ferdydurke - nie wiesz o co chodzi i w sumie to nawet nie buja
3 reviews1 follower
September 12, 2022
Worst book I’ve read in a long time. Everything is rushed, the world building is too fast and not convincing, you don’t really get to know any of the characters and can’t build any connection to them. I couldn’t describe the main character if I wanted to, she has no personality whatsoever except always changing her mind about things in a quarter of a second. Not one plottwist was actually shocking, there were SO many plot conveniences which made everything unbelievable. Don’t recommend.
Profile Image for Becca (Horners_book_corner).
181 reviews35 followers
September 4, 2022
Holy sh*t WHAT WAS THAT LAST PARAGRAPH?! 😱😱😱 High recommended. Such a good read. Atmospheric, creepy (and hot!). Defo get this on your TBR if it's not there already!
Profile Image for Iris.
227 reviews28 followers
January 19, 2023
"With Fire in Their Blood" was really good! Castello is a mysterious city, full of secrets and dark truths and Lilly is thrown right into the middle of it all, the gang war, the persecution of the Saints and a corrupted government, that ended up in power through lies and manipulation.

There are many dystopian and gothic elements in this story that I truly enjoyed. It helped set the mood of Castello and create an eerie and dangerous atmosphere, making it easy to understand why all the characters are always on edge. They are trapped, controlled in every aspect of their routine, cut off from the world; under what is essentially a dictatorship. I think the author did a very good job at joining all these elements and creating a layered and complex political system, mixed with a unique and different magic system. While the origin of Saints and their power is still mostly a mystery and confusing at times, I really enjoyed learning their history along with Lilly and seeing them in action was amazing! I hope to learn more about them in the next book!

I also really enjoyed the set of characters that are in "With Fire in Their Blood". Lilly is an explosive main characters, often times making rash decisions, but to me that was interesting and a nice change of pace from what I usually read. Alex is one of my favorites, as well as Nico, Sebastian and Christian. Veronica and Liza, they have a lot of dubious intentions, but they definitely help the plot move forward and were a part of some of the best twits and turns in the narrative (and this story has a lot of them!). I also liked the General as a villain!

All in all, this was a very enjoyable read, the story is action packed and fast paced and will always make you want to read the next page and try to understand what is happening, which is something I personally enjoyed a lot! Definitely excited to read more about this universe and learn the fate of these characters, because that last paragraph... let's just say it will leave anyone reading wanting for more! What an amazing way to finish this book!
Profile Image for nikola_kowalska.
372 reviews32 followers
November 8, 2022
Początek średni, ale im dalej w las tym lepiej❤️
Świetna książka, ze świetnym klimatem

🍂Aaaa! Jakie to było świetne! „Z ogniem we krwi” idealnie nadaje się na jesienne wieczory. Taki trochę klimat dark akademii, z wątkiem paranormalnym.

🍂Bawiłam się swietnie, chociaż przyznam szczerze, że na początku nie do końca byłam przekonana.

🍂Ten klimat, język, bohaterowie, coś cudownego!!!
Totalnie wkręciłam się w tą książkę, i bardzo chętnie przeczytam następne tomy z seri „Skeleton Keepers”

🍂 Jeżeli lubicie twórczość Schwab, „These violent delights”, czy „Mroczne umysły” koniecznie sięgajcie po „Z ogniem we krwi”

🍂 Intrygująca, zaskakująca i tajemnicza, dokładnie tak określiłabym tą książkę trzema słowami. A ta kreacja włoskiego Castello i dwóch walczących ze sobą klanów, coś świetnego!
Profile Image for oliwia246.
79 reviews3 followers
April 25, 2023
klimat świetny, włochy utrzymane w staroświeckim stylu, legendy, święci, magia. ale cała reszta… czym dalej byłam, tym mniej mi się podobało. nie kupiła mnie za bardzo. szybko się czytało
Profile Image for No One.
313 reviews92 followers
August 23, 2022
Two quotes from this book that I’m obsessed with

“Maybe I’ll burn the rest of them. But I’m going to keep you”


“But the past is vicious. It doesn’t die so easily. You have to kill it yourself”

This book was dark delicious and depressing but gosh did I love it so so much. The world alone is so unique, new and refreshing and for someone who doesn’t like magic in modern times it was so rich and wonderful I couldn’t put it down.

I think the blurb is a bit misleading the book is so so much fricken better than the blurb. The book is high on unraveling the mystery’s of the town and the two sides as well as interweaving magic and religious fanatics. It gives me ‘Fear Street’, ‘The Darkest Minds’ and ‘The Raven Boys’ in such a unique dark way.

Having dick head parents who she won’t forgive is so relatable as well that I can’t help but just adore the character even more. She just wants to be loved and wanted because her past is such a dick to her and I’ve never related HARD to a character before it was just ugh it was perfect this book was written for me I swear.

I was hooked on every last page wanting to unravel the secrets with Lilly and find out who she ends up with. The character twists really got me I wasn’t expecting them and I loved it. I can’t get enough this author truly has a magical talent and for it being a debut? Damn I can’t even imagine what her next books will be like I’m so excited to find out
Profile Image for Amy.
Author 3 books130 followers
April 19, 2022
Castello; an isolated town high up in the mountains of Italy, surrounded by fog and ruled over by the enigmatic General. A city split into two warring halves; one glittering with wealth, the other a crumbling ruin.

Enter Lilly, dragged to Castello from Maine all thanks to her dad’s new job. A newcomer in the poorer part of town, Lilly is quickly introduced to a glamorous group of friends and finds herself drawn deeper into the story of Castello’s dark origins - and her own connection to it.

I LOVED this book.

Castello is one of the most unique settings I’ve ever encountered in YA – baroque and beautiful but intensely eerie. In Kat Delacorte’s beautiful gothic nightmare of a debut you’ll find heated, tortured romance; the dark shadow of witchcraft; warring dynasties and intricate world-building.
And that ending - PURE CHILLS.
Profile Image for Syd :).
254 reviews33 followers
February 28, 2023
this book was enjoyable and i really liked the idea of it. at time it was very predictable - particularly the end parts but it was still a good book.
nico gave me life tbh he was my fave, and i did love the main character. Kat Delacourte created a cast that were all beautiful and i’m so here for it tbh.
this wasn’t bad and i was thoroughly addicted, it was so easy to read and really liked the plot line.

Profile Image for Azrah.
298 reviews1 follower
August 13, 2022
[This review can also be found on my BLOG]

**I was provided with copy of the book by Penguin Books UK for a blog tour with The Write Reads Tours in exchange for an honest review**

CW: violence, blood, injury, death, death of parent (off page), murder, suicide/suicide ideation, addiction, immolation, self harm, confinement, emotional and physical abuse, child abuse

With Fire In Their Blood is a dark and decadent small town tale that will draw you in like a dream.

When her estranged father acquires a new job opportunity Lilly Deluca has no choice but to move to Castello, a secluded small town in the mountains of Italy. A town split in half, it is a place with a bloody history of waring clans that have in more recent times been brought to order through superstition and the rules of the venerated General against a common enemy – Saints. Witches with dark magic in their blood who once brought about havoc and are now purged from society.

Despite finding herself allured by certain individuals she has met Lilly can’t help but feel unnerved by the towns way of life, but as more and more pieces of Castello’s past are revealed to her she finds that there is more truth to what she presumed was delusion, and that her connection to the town is deeper than she originally thought.

"...the past is vicious. It doesn't die so easily. You have to kill it yourself."

I’ve got to start by saying that Delacorte’s writing is so atmospheric that I was absolutely captivated from the first page. The gothic vibe of the town with its dystopic edge was something that I was immediately able to picture in my mind. There were moments in the story that reminded me of some of the classic YA dystopian books however, the fast moving, explosive storyline here is totally fresh and exciting.

Now just as dramatic as the plot are our main character’s self preservation skills, Lilly is the type of protagonist that you love or you hate. She has an impulsive and very gullible nature and I have to admit I was facepalming at her tendency to constantly dive straight into things without much forethought. That aside, the chain of events that pulled her along and the air of mystery that this story has were so addictive to follow and there were some great twists. Though I did catch on to some of the reveals that came by, how the history and lore were woven into the overarching plot was really well done.

"It's funny, isn't it? Everyone who's meant to take care of you - keep you safe - they mess it up one way or another. People like us can't rely on anyone but ourselves."

Being a predominantly plot based story and with a pace that really keeps you on your toes I did find myself wishing the narrative could slow down at times at more character focused moments. The already established relationships were really well written but the scenes that involved Lilly and each of the love interests seemed too fleeting. Hence for me the romance side of things did seem to come around a little too fast.. The relationship that I actually found to be the most developed and believable was the one between Lilly and Alex because I felt like there was more page time showing them bonding.

Not to say that Eliza, Christian and Nico weren’t great characters themselves because their individual personalities and backgrounds made them an intriguing bunch. I’m looking forward to seeing more from them in the sequel and to know what is in store for Lilly and Castello next!

A must read if you enjoy eerie small town settings and stories with whispers of unnatural magic and rebellion!
Final Rating – 3.75/5 Stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 426 reviews

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