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Nordri #1

The Undiscovered Descendants

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A captivating real-world fantasy filled with intrigue, mythology, magical objects, and special abilities, Jo Visuri's adventurous tale will sweep you away to mystical Auor Island - where nothing is quite as it seems!

A remote island. Old secrets. And a cascade of unintended consequences.

Long ago, four clans from earth’s four corners were given magical abilities to help save humanity from oblivion. For generations, their descendants have lived in hidden communities and occasionally intermingled with regular humans—leading to whispers of unforeseen consequences.

Now, in the present-day and for unknown purposes, one Clan quietly and desperately seeks the rumored, undiscovered offspring.

Meanwhile, in the heart of a northern archipelago, Elin Bodil leads a perfectly ordinary, happy life on Auor Island with her family. When, through accident and circumstance, she meets both a motorcycle-driving stranger and the new mysterious boy next door, Elin's world is turned upside down.

As Elin is drawn into a brewing supernatural conflict—with her two unusual acquaintances on opposite sides, she must decipher who to trust while unearthing her island's secrets and those buried deep within herself. But when the search for answers triggers the Clan’s sinister schemes, Elin and her companions will have to confront far bigger and deadlier secrets than they ever imagined. And they’ll need much more than themselves to survive!

Welcome to Auor Island…and the legends and magic within its ruins!

334 pages, ebook

First published November 1, 2021

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About the author

Jo Visuri

2 books24 followers
Jo Visuri was born and raised on an island in Finland's famous archipelago, where she found her one and only Viking coin at the age of six. After spending a few formative years living by a Norwegian fjord, Jo's family uprooted to the sunny beaches of Los Angeles, CA. A graduate of Brown University, Jo has been privately writing stories since she could read one and launched her debut The Undiscovered Descendants in Fall 2021. She now lives and writes in San Diego, CA, when she isn't distracted by her cuddly and demanding senior dog.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews
Profile Image for Luella.
66 reviews25 followers
August 26, 2022
I was lucky to receive an e copy of Jo Visuris debut book from the publisher and Netgalley.

The blurb sounded interesting and definitely piqued my interest but I wasn't expecting to find one of my favourite reads of 2021!

I personally believe the title is what draws people in and can make or break a book. The title of this book really hits for me "The Undiscovered Descendants" I mean....seriously!!! So exciting from the get go. Then you are promised intrigue, mythology, magical objects and special abilities. Let me tell you, you get all that and more.

I rated the book 5 stars after reading it but I like to let the story sit in my thoughts for a bit and then I'll come back and write up a review. I have to say this story will pop up in my head daily and I've read approximately another 100 books since reading TUD.
That to me is a sign of a favourite book.

I think the thing that stands out to me the most is the relationships between the characters. I love a strong family bond and great friendships. We got both. The characters are really likeable. Even Tristan who I'm not sure I'm meant to like lol.

The ending really left me excited for the next installment and I can't wait to pick it up when it's released.

I'm ultimately just so grateful to Netgalley for helping me discover one of my new favourite authors who I'm not sure I would have come across otherwise.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,687 reviews213 followers
November 29, 2021
I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Undiscovered Descendants is the first installment of the Nordri Series. I quickly realized how much I was enjoying this book. Whether it was the characters or the adventure they were going on, I was hooked. The only thing I would want is the slow burn in the beginning to not actually be there. It could just be me but the set up and the world building can just be shoved into my face within the first two chapters or something.

Other than that, the characters themselves were very likable. In a lot of ways, they definitely reminded me of Loki and Thor. Mostly because we have two guys and we have yet to decide who is good or bad. Then again, they could be a little bit of both in the most fun ways ever imagined. Besides them, we have Elin who might seem like your regular girl who just happens to be gifted with magic but she ends up falling into the category of "I'm not like all the other girls you know."

Don't mistake that little category for me not liking her because I totally did. Eventually. I just think things fell into place a little later than expected but it also helps that romance wasn't being shove into my face at the same time. Maybe things will develop that way in the sequel... maybe they won't.

Either way, I will be very excited to jump into the next book because I need to know what is going to happen next.
Profile Image for Alina Vale.
175 reviews
May 11, 2022
3/5 stars.

I liked this book much more than I expected. There are some serious twilight vibes that distanced me from the story.

The worldbuilding and magic system are both complex and new, based on Norse mythology. The way the author weaved the mythological elements into modern life and concepts is impressing.

The characters were great to start with. They all have some personality, some personal life and some dimension to them. Tristan was way too stupid for his place? He is also too creepy for the character and the plot convenience. Aedan and Elin were definitely better, but not the best and deepest characters.
But overall, a good cast for a debut.

The writing, not the best. Out of the three POVs, of the three main characters, the first 30% of the novel was very confusing. I had no idea who was who, especially distinguishing Aedan and Tristan. Additionally, the writing is too loose, almost, almost not good enough for a piece of literature. Most of the descriptions are basic, using the most basic words to describe every basic piece of information.
Not quoting, but here is the writing in a nutshell: “I fell. It hurt. Oh my! Aedan is too close. I kind of blushed.” Tell me this doesn’t give Twilight vibes. You can’t. With a writing of the spice of flour, I definitely couldn’t enjoy the novel as much. I even tried skimming through a chapter, and not so surprisingly, I found the summary of the entire thing in the first paragraph of the next chapter. Very bland and unexciting.
I think another editing would be great to improve the quality and depth of the writing.
1 review1 follower
October 2, 2021
The Undiscoverd Descendants is a great, entertaining and fun adventure and, at the same time, has deep, well developed and complex main characters that really draw you into their world. The writing is effortless and beautiful. The enjoyment of reading this captivating book comes from the well constructed story and the multi-dimensional and vivid description of the world on Auor Island and the people that inhabit it, including the supporting characters.

This review is from an ARC copy from Netgalley. The book is going to be published in a month or two.

Jo Visuri pulls off with flying colors the very challenging feat of narrating the book in first perspective from the point if view of three very different protagonists. This offers a view into their mind, feelings and their very different value systems and backgrounds. It feels like you get the privilege of not just being an observer, but actually experiencing the world and events within the characters. And what a whirlwind of events it is!

It starts off in a very subtle way. A teenager on a remote and peaceful island getting started with another school year, loving family, birthday party. All is well. Then mysterious events, especially in the company of new arrivals to the island foretell a cascade of events that keeps you breathlessly wishing for resolution. All this described from the different perspectives of the three narrators, colored by their backgrounds and conflicting objectives.

The story blends in history and the tradition mythology and folklore with references in names and story elements to real artifacts, historical events and places.

This book shows that with the right blend of insightful character development, deep understanding and beautiful writing, a book can transcend category boundaries and open up perspectives and becomes a source of true entertainment. A solid five stars, a rare accolade, but this one deserves it well!
1 review1 follower
November 8, 2021
This is for an ARC copy from Netgalley.
This book is brilliant, captivating , warm and exciting to read. You get to enjoy the adventure and feel you are part of the story. How often does that happen when you read? I enjoyed the writing style, so thoughtful and lovely, finally something that makes you feel good. What else can we wish from a book. Can’t wait to read Book 2. I can see this adapted into a movie.
Profile Image for Dusty.
347 reviews5 followers
November 23, 2021

Jo Visuri set the Nordri series off with a bang, in the first book The Undiscovered Descendants. I would recommend this series to young adult fantasy readers who love action-packed adventures inspired by mythology. It would be a good fit for fans of books like Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard or Twilight.

My mythology-loving heart was quite happy to find a new series featuring Norse mythology. I loved all the references that Ms. Visuri threw in, like Mjolnir and Ragnarok. It’ll be quite interesting to see how that’s explored further, especially when we get to finally see the clan headquarters. My one wish is that there would have been an appearance of some figure from the stories. For example, some type of monster or god or historical figure.

Books with more than two points of view can get hectic. This book features three points of view (Elin, Aedan, and Tristan) and I think Ms. Visuri did a good job of managing everything. There was never a point when I was confused over who was talking. I did get some Twilight vibes in the dynamic between Elin, Aedan, and Tristan. Aedan and Tristan are both parts of a hidden, supernatural world and on opposite sides (akin to Edward Cullen and Jacob Black). Elin, the female main character, ends up being brought into said supernatural world. She ends up being vastly unprepared for everything that entails (which felt very similar to what happens with Bella Swan). For the record, I am one hundred percent a member of team Aedan. Tristan is way too intense for me.

I loved how the author balanced the level of details provided. provided just enough detail on how certain things work (like the clans) for events to make sense, but withheld the rest such that I was hooked on continuing to read so I could puzzle everything out. They also did a great job in building the setting such that it's easy for readers to imagine themselves in their world of fantasy and mythology. The ending of The Undiscovered Descendants was a very painful cliffhanger (why must authors be so cruel?) I’m committed to reading the next book and finding out whether or not Elin and the others get a happy ending. Fingers crossed everything turns out well!

As a side note, I want to express my appreciation to Ms. Visuri and her team for including a translation dictionary in the book’s appendix. It really helps readers keep track of any new vocabulary the author might introduce in the book. I would love to see a pronunciation guide in book 2 of the series. There are some words like mannlegur where a pronunciation guide would be helpful in making sure I’m not mangling it going forward.

Thank you to the author Jo Visuri, Jaime at Rockstar Book Tours, Pohjola Press, and NetGalley for allowing me to read an early copy of this book. I voluntarily read and reviewed The Undiscovered Descendants. All opinions expressed are my own and not influenced in any way.
Profile Image for Coffee And Wander Book Reviews.
81 reviews4 followers
November 26, 2021
This book was an adventure from beginning to end! At first, I wasn't sure what the setting was because the girls were gathering seashells at the shore to sell and there was some kind of entity in the background that Elin could sense. So, I wasn't sure if it was a fantasy world, dystopian or something similar. To my surprise, it is a normal world but with special inhabitants. Apparently, there are a subclass of humans that come from four clans. These clans all have special abilities and their apparent reason for existing is to stop the end of times, aka Ragnarok. There are also rare individuals that have the gene to be a part of the clan and have abilities, but these people have dormant powers and are called the undiscovered descendants. Elin just happens to be one.
Elin meets two boys within the span of a few days. One of these boys is an unregistered clan member and the other is a hunter. Tristan, the motorcycle driving hunter, discovers Elin is a descendent and wants to bring her back to the clan to receive glory and recognition. Aedan, the unregistered clan member, is on the run with his family because the clans separate the families, to make the kids more structured and so that the parents can be more productive members of society. He also discovers Elin is a descendent, but he wants to keep her out of harms way, because their lives are dangerous. Poor Elin is caught in the middle.

I loved the chemistry between Elin and Aedan, and the literal spark they had. I wasn't a huge fan of Tristan, but I think that's because of how he was raised. I'm hoping he has some major character development in the next book and that he doesn't become the major villain. I enjoyed the multi POV present throughout the book because it gave different perspectives between the narratives. Sometimes this can be the downfall of a book, but I think it was flowed beautifully and gave it more depth.

Overall, I loved this book and I am anxiously awaiting the next in the series. I loved that there was Norse mythology woven throughout the book, and the fact that there were clans and another society in plain sight within the world was fascinating. This was a refreshing new story in the young adult genre and I am eager to read more from this author.

Thank you to the Rockstar Book Tours for providing a copy of this book. These opinions are my own, and were not influenced in any way. I was not obligated to provide a review.

Profile Image for Debb Adams.
66 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2022
The Undiscovered Descendants was just what I was looking for. I love books where there is a question of family background. I love books where there may or may not be characters with supernatural powers. Jo Visuri, author of The Undiscovered Descendants, hit the sweet spot with both of these! At once a coming of age book, a budding friendship book, it becomes so much more! I couldn't stop reading it; it was one of my favorites of 2021. I cannot wait to get copies for my classroom bookshelf!

Thanks to Pohjola Press and NetGalley for the e-ARC. Opinions are all mine.
Profile Image for Sophie.
183 reviews3 followers
August 27, 2022
This was a very entertaining YA fantasy based in the real world with a bit of Norse mythology thrown in. It's told from three different first-person viewpoints, but POVs only change between chapters, and each chapter is clearly marked as to who is telling the story at that point. In addition to this, the writer has managed to give each character her/his own voice, so even picking up again in the middle of a chapter doesn't leave you confused. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series!

I received an e-ARC from BookSirens for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Brittany.
6 reviews
October 24, 2021
4.5 stars
Received the ARC via netgally and this is officially the first ebook I'm reading. I started The Undiscovered Descendants tonight and only being 17% though, I can already tell I'm going to love it, and just in time for spooky season too!
I've been dying for a book like this lately and I have a feeling I may finally have a read to live up to one of my favorite reads... I'm hoping anyways.
I'm both super excited and already dreading the end because I know I'm going to have to wait in anticipation for the next book 🙃😅
I will be making another review when I finish and possibly as I continue with the book ♡

I've finished!
The Undiscovered Descendants, in a wide view, takes place in a seemingly normal world, on an island. As Elin is trying to make her way through a new school year without friends, she is thrust into a world she never through possible. She suddenly has caught the attention of both of the new guys in the island and soon discovers its because they suspect she is a Dormant Descendant. Her world which had seemed natural and small before now contains supernatural abilities, ancient clans formed by God's and somehow, she has found her way between a clan member who wants to wake her abilities and a former clan member on the run who wants to protect her from the clan. The Dormant Descendants, full of discovery, suspense, betrayals and twisted morals will keep you flipping pages for more.

before I get into the .5 I took off, I want to mention the good things because it 100% completely overlooks the negative and only bugs me slightly because I'm very specific with writing... sadly.

I personally found The Dormant Descendants to be a super easy read. It was so easy to fall in love with the characters, and equally as easy to abruptly dislike 😉...
I love how we didn't necessarily have a morally grey character but a whole morally grey history to indulge in through this story. I also love the ancient aspects and how it has all been brought into the modern day aspect. I have always been fascinated in bringing God's and clans into stories and loved reading about the histories plotted into this story.

The writing style was really easy to read and unlike some other books, I found it fairly easy to be thrust into this world and know what was happening. I wasn't confused about the world for half the book like so many other stories tend to be.
The ultimate reason I took 0.5 off my review was because at times, the writing seemed a little too formal and rather than letting the readers figure it out, told what was happening which somewhat took away from the experience. I also like that the writing style was like this because it was part of what made the book so easy to read.

I absolutely can't wait to read more about Elin's story and adventure with her new found megin. Luckily the book wasn't left on a huge world ending cliff hanger but I am a little anxious to see what happens with some of the characters when the next book come out.

Thank you so much Jo Visuri for satisfying my long festering need for a fun, easy, supernatural read. I'll definitely be trying for an ARC on your next book 😁

If anyone wants to see more from me, feel free to check me out on Instagram at @brittsbookish.life
Profile Image for following fantasies.
138 reviews62 followers
December 5, 2021
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an eArc of this title in return for my unbiased review.

Ages ago, Norse Gods granted four clans of the earth magical abilities to protect the world. In this first installment of the Nordri series, we are taken to remote Auror island as one of the clans is now seeking out the hidden offspring of the clans. We are following our three main characters who all have different goals and objectives as the story slowly becomes more clear. Elin is a descendant of one of the four clans living on the island, Aedan and his family are actively hiding from the clan leaders, and Tristan is helping the clan hunt down the descendants. As Elin's abilities begin to show, she must figure out who she can and can't trust all while trying to come to terms with her abilities.

This is a fun little action-packed adventure story inspired by Norse mythology. Visuri definitely did her research when it comes to the mythology aspect of this book and it shows as she masterfully weaves the history and traditions of Norse mythology and folklore into the story. The appendix features a dictionary/vocabulary guide which makes this book approachable for those who are not already familiar with mythology. I thought the world-building in this first installment was really good and sets the rest of the series up very well. The writing was effortless and the vivid descriptions really brought the story to life. The characters were a bit bland for me, but I love morally grey characters so I enjoyed Aedan and Tristan's characters the most. Elin is presented very much as the 'not like other girls' kind of girl, which is a bit overdone for me, but she did start to grow on me a bit. I just would have enjoyed seeing the characters being a bit more original, but I did still enjoy them. Books with three POVs can get very confusing and hard to follow, but the author does a wonderful job making sure this doesn't happen. At no point, while reading did I have to go back and check which of the three characters I was reading. The dynamic of the three characters are very reminiscent of the dynamic in Twilight, so I definitely see the comparison there. In this first book, there isn't much of a love triangle but it remains to be seen if that will play a role in the books to come. The only real pet peeve I have with this book is the major cliffhanger ending.

I think fans of mythology will enjoy this book. This would be a great follow-up series to start if you're looking for something like the Percy Jackson or Magnus Chase books. I think this is ok for both middle-grade readers as well as adult readers looking for an adventurous series. If you like a fast-moving, action-packed plot you will enjoy this book. I'd stay away from this if huge cliffhangers are not appealing to you, but I'd recommend giving it a try when the series is finished.

Profile Image for Megan.
105 reviews2 followers
October 13, 2021
I’ll start off by saying that I am a sucker for any time someone mentions a book that has to deal with mythology. So, while I am not entirely familiar with Norse mythology, I picked up this book with a great deal of excitement and I was not disappointed!

Okay, so a brief, spoiler free, summary: On the small island of Auor, Elin spends her time with her family as any normal teen would, collecting shells, planning parties, and missing her friends who are going to school on the mainland. Her world is ordinary and expected. That is, until two boys move to town and change the way that she would look at everything.

I loved this book. It was fun, interesting, and dynamic. Our main character, Elin, and the two boys, Aedan, and Tristan, are all fully fleshed out characters and, in the case of Elin and Aedan, very likable. Elin and Aedan reminded me of friends that I had in the past. I appreciated how close both of them were with their families. It gave them motivation and prevented their characters from falling flat. Tristan may not have been a likable character, but he fulfilled his job as antagonist quite well. His reasons for every choice he made, however flawed those choices were, reflected his upbringing, and with it, a well thought out character arc.

The atmosphere on Auor island was also very well done. I enjoyed traveling with the characters from place to place and feeling the ambiance. Rather than having a setting that simply served as a backdrop, it helped move the story along and added to the way the characters interacted with one another.

That brings us to the plot itself. I absolutely loved the story-line of the three characters. The way the story was told from the changing POVs of the three main characters kept a fairly complex magic system from becoming a boring info dump and rather, it helped fuel an interesting story. My biggest complaint with that was that each chapter took me a minute to figure out which character's POV we were seeing at the time, with there being no reference to who was speaking in the chapter titles.

My only other complaint is that this book hasn’t been released yet, which means I have to wait quite a while before I get the next book. I can’t wait!

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book and would recommend it to anyone who has interest in YA mythology.


Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for this great read in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Rajiv.
966 reviews69 followers
December 6, 2021


“The Undiscovered Descendants” is a gripping fantasy novel that would lure you into its exciting world and make you want more.

When the story started, I thought it would be another young adult drama novel as the new neighbor arrives. When they meet each other, Elin and Aeden have sizzling chemistry, and I wondered how it would progress. But, the story shook me when Hunter Tristan entered the picture and targeted Elin for the awakening ritual. The author opened a whole new world with the Dormant Descendants and Clans, and I could not put the book down.

The beauty of the tale is how all the characters appear somewhat gray, and you don’t know if they are hiding something. I enjoyed the dynamics of all the three characters, like when Aeden feels Elin slipping away from him when she spends more time with Tristan. The author also reveals the world in bits and pieces, so you fit the details as the story progresses. Some memorable moments in the tale are the scenes at the coffee shop or what happens at the dance. While the story starts off a bit slow, the author speeds the pace gradually, which eventually leads to a thrilling climax in the library.

There are some surprising twists that I did not see coming. I also enjoyed how the author toggled the storyline from the three characters’ perspectives, making you closely connect with them. The author ends the book in a cliffhanger that makes you scream at the story and look forward to the next installment.

Overall, “The Undiscovered Descendants” is a gripping start to the series, and I can’t wait to read how it continues.
Profile Image for Realms.
63 reviews3 followers
January 4, 2022
I don't know what it was about this book that really had me hooked. I usually get bored when a book starts off with the sudden "touch" between characters and sparks some kind of relationship (romantic most times) but this one definitely was different! The plot is interesting and there isn't too many loose ends that don't get explained. I'm also a sucker for Viking/Clan folklore so that helped too. I'd definitely recommend it for a quick light read.
Profile Image for Lily.
218 reviews13 followers
September 26, 2021
I have just finished this book and I am so upset that I broke my own rule. Never start a trilogy (or series) if all the books are not written and published as I have no patience and I hate having to wait for the next installment.
Why am I saying this? well I really enjoyed this book.
This is a fantasy series set on Auor island. Elin is a happy teenager, with a good family and tight knit circle of friends. But this year is different from other years as her friends have moved away to the mainland to continue their schooling and she has new neighbours with a very handsome son, Aedan. There is also the new guy at school, Tristan, who wants to be with her all the time.
Soon, we discover that some people have supernatural abilities. Some have innate abilities and some only get them when they are awakened. These are called Dormants. They are rare and special. And Ellie doesn't know that she is one. Tristan however is a Hunter for his government. What he does is hunt people with supernatural abilities and bring them back to Falinvik where the hunted are remolded in the fold. And Tristan has figured out that Ellie is a dormant and wants to take her back to Falinvik, not for her welfare but for his own advancement and fame.
Jo Visuri did a wonderful job at creating a new world with well developed characters. The story evolves at a good pace. The chronology of events makes sense. I really liked Elin and her family, as well as Aedan. I liked the families banter, the discussions between parents and children, the closeness of the siblings, all these details that make you part of the story and feel good.
I am looking forward to the next installment of this book. I just hope that Jo Visuri works fast. :-)
Highly recommended for lovers of fantasy.

Thank you to Pohjola Press for the ARC in return for my unbiased opinion.
#The Undiscovered Descendants #Netgalley
Profile Image for Red Ink Book Reviews.
350 reviews15 followers
November 22, 2022
The Undiscovered Descendants – Jo Visuri

I was given a copy of this book by the publisher in order to provide an honest review.

Jos Visuri was born in Finland. Her family moved to California which is where she now resides with her senior dog.

Elin Bodil is a normal high school girl just going about her normal daily life. That is until the new neighbours moved in, who just so happen to have a son about her age – Adean.

Yet every time she touches his hand, or any part of his skin, she feels an electric charge, like nothing she has ever felt before.

It's this charge that scares her Aedan, it means she can reveal who they really are, but it also means she is what is known as a dormant descendant – an incredibly rare being.

And this is where things start to get really interesting – a stranger comes to town on their motorbike but this stranger is a dangerous person - Tristam. Posing as a high school student, Tristan is trying to hunt down Elin’s neighbour and his family but stumbles upon the fact that Elin is a dormant descendant and she doesn’t know it.

Now it’s a race for Elin to discover the truth about who she really is and what Tristan is really up to. But can she keep Aedan’s secret or does she doom Aedan and his family?

“The Undiscovered Descendants” is a YA fantasy story that is a short yet pleasant read. It had a good storyline and most of the characters were well written. It just seemed to fall short for me and didn’t grab my attention as much as it could have. While it was a good story it just didn’t wow me. I feel if the writer expanded the story and went into more detail with the background of the story line and certain characters it would have allowed for it to be more captivating and engage the reader a lot more.
Profile Image for Anne Plat (Freckles).
199 reviews3 followers
October 3, 2021
*I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion.*
3.75 stars.
The Undiscovered Descendants is the first book in a fantasy series inspired by Norse mythology. Now, when I first picked this book I didn't know about the Norse mythology part. The story follows Elin, a dormant descendant of one of the hidden clans favoured by the gods, Aedan, whose family is in hiding from the clan leaders, and Tristan, who's a hunter for the clan.

Now I'll be honest and say that the first few chapters gave Elin a super strong "pick me girl" vibe. She doesn't like dressing up, thinks her mom and sister are obsessed with dating and looks, and is surprised when one of the "popular seniors" wants to hang out with her. Yeah, I did not like that. The overall vibe of this book was also very heteronormative and pretty strong on the awkward teenagey crushes. However, the world was winning for me.

As the story goes on you learn more and more about the abilities of clan members, how they're fuelled and how the clan is as a society. The goal is to awaken Elin's dormant powers (which is luckily everyone's goal) but it's hard to achieve that goal when you have to hide from a powerful clan member.... whose house Tristan lives in while he continues his hunt. Tristan has that "morally grey pretty boy" vibe that bookstagram likes, and Aedan has that actual hero not wanting to be a hero vibe that I like. Overall, I would recommend this book. It was very interesting. I'm praying that the series gets less cisheteronormative as time goes on (and that I don't have to read "he or she" again).

TLDR: A pretty good fantasy book inspired by Norse mythology with a bit of the 2014 YA dystopia energy.
11 reviews
December 25, 2021
*Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for providing an e-arc in exchange of an honest review.*

First off, can we take a moment to appreciate the cover? It's so pretty and it's what initially drew me in along with the title.
It also has a map inside and I love when there are maps included in books.
This book is set on Auor Island where Elin is used to live a very normal life until a new family moves to the island and Elin witnesses some unusual events. She soon discovers that her new neighbour, Aedan and his family are a part of one of the 4 clans and they have magical abilities and she finds out that she might be a rare descendant of one of those clans namely the Dormant clan. Dormant descendants are carriers of clan gene which can be awakened through an ancient ritual.

There's another character - Tristan who's a hunter for the clan members and he wants to use Elin for fame by bringing her to his government since Dormants are super valuable. I really liked the unique world the author has created and the writing is not too complex which makes it clear and easy to read. This is told in multiple povs which I loved although it was a little confusing at first to figure out who's pov I'm reading since it's not mentioned at the beginning of the chapter but it does get easy to identify as we get further into the book because each character is very different. The family dynamic was amazing and I loved the Norse mythology aspect. This is a great book for YA fantasy lovers especially for beginner fantasy readers.
2 reviews
November 8, 2021
I was really intrigued by the premise of this book before i started it. The atmosphere was really well done and kept me wanting to read more. The characters are written really well. I lover the interaction between the siblings in the different families. This made me really care about these families. The only thing i think could be done better is the supernatural/fantasy element. You fall right in to the story, without much explanation. Because of this the book reads very fast. But as you are further in the story a lot of things are still not explained. I finished the book and do not yet really understand how the magic system works. I hope this will be explained more in the next book! Overall i really enjoyed reading this.
Profile Image for thekiwibibliophile.
80 reviews2 followers
September 23, 2021
I got this book as an ARC from @netgalley and I LOVED it!! The Undiscovered Descendants is the first book in the Nordic Series by Jo Visuri. It is such an amazing set up for a series, if not a little confusing to start. There felt like there was going to be a lot of lore to unpack at once but this was a slow burn and an amazing world building/ set up novel. This book has a lot of my favourite tropes:
- 2 boys, who’s good and who’s bad?
- 2 sides of the same story.
- magical powers that differ for each person.
And some great family love in between it all!
I really enjoyed it, and am so annoyed the 2nd one isn’t out yet.. oh, the first one isn’t even out yet!
2 reviews
November 2, 2021
With each chapter I found myself needing to know more. The book definitely keeps you hooked as there is an air of mystery around all of the characters. I get some Twilight vibes at times, but I am not saying that in a bad way! I love that we get to dive into the world of Nordic mythology/history (depending on your beliefs) as we don't see this every day, especially in YA setting.
The characters sometimes speak a little formal at times so sometimes I am a little thrown off by how a teenage girl is speaking but it doesn't impact how good the story telling is and how Jo transports you right onto the island with them.
I recommend this book and can't wait to read more from Jo!
1 review1 follower
November 17, 2021
I've received a copy of the ebook version of this novel from net galley in exchange for my honest review.

This was my very first read on net galley and let me just say that it was one of the most interesting books I picked up this month! The characters felt so alive in this book to the extent that I felt their sadness, joy, pain, and other various emotions. It almost felt like I was in the book itself along with Elin! Kudos to the whole team and the author for bringing us a fun and exciting novel on Norse Mythology. I truly enjoyed the adventure in this magical book! I’d definitely recommend this book to kids and to kids at heart.
1 review1 follower
November 12, 2021
A fast paced, can't put it down YA fantasy book that intermingles magical objects, special powers, and mythology, in a story that gives a whole new meaning to island life. This seamlessly written, 3-view story, builds tension and suspense as three teenagers from today are embedded in journey woven from Nordic mythology. The characters are real - and at times you grow to love and hate them in turn - as their decisions and actions, create consequences and make it impossible to put down....how long till the next one comes out?!
Profile Image for Mare.
106 reviews7 followers
December 10, 2022
This is one of those books where the plot and premise are so interesting but the execution just doesn’t cut it. But first, the good stuff.

The worldbuilding was well done and I appreciated the attention to detail as well as all the Norse mythology woven into this story. The magic system was cool and unique and easy to grasp. All of these elements were woven together well with modern times. I also enjoyed the plot itself and that became the only reason i kept reading after a while.

Now onto my issues with this book, starting with the characters. The main characters all started off poorly (mostly bc the writing didn’t allow for much depth) but as I kept reading, they did develop more personality and dimension. I thought Tristan was way too stupid for being a Hunter? (e.g., the explanation he gives his aunt after returning). He was also written so creepy and I found it hard to believe many of his conversations/choices would’ve been seen as ok if they didn’t just conveniently work for the plot. While I understand having to suspend some belief, he just wasn’t a believable (or likable) character. Aedan and Elin were definitely better written, but still not the deepest characters. I actually cared more about Aedan’s chapters than Elin’s for most of the book. The other supporting characters (the siblings, parents, and BFFs) were not flushed out either. I would have loved more character development for all 3 of the MCs but overall, a decent debut cast.

Pacing was also an issue for me. I felt like the first few chapters (up to maybe 20%) and the middle (around 50-70%) just dragged. I won’t lie, I skimmed large sections because they just read as fluff to me.

Now onto the writing…

... definitely not amazing. In the first few chapters, I just wasn’t super interested in many of the scenes because they felt superfluous and didn’t drive the plot forward. I also found the writing to be at a lower tier than other similar fantasy pieces of literature. I felt like I was reading at a middle school reading level which, as you can imagine, was frustrating. Most of the descriptions use very simple or repetitive words/phrases to describe everything. There were paragraphs that just droned on because all the sentence structures were the same.

Imagine reading something as bland as an unseasoned piece of chicken and you have this writing in a nutshell. Example (paraphrased): “I slipped off a rock. It really hurt. I was embarrassed. Aedan came to my rescue. I felt myself blushing.” You get the idea. It just made it really hard to be fully invested in the story or the characters, which is a shame because the actual plot was the best part!

One specific gripe was also how annoying it was to hear Tristan say “my mentor Henric” every other page. We get it, you had a mentor and his name was Henric. I don’t need the entire descriptive phrase EVERY time you think about him!!!! killed my soul every time smh.

Again, I do think the plot saved this book. I was really interested in learning more about the magic, the mythology, the Clans, and how their civilization worked. I just think another round (or 2) of editing could have really improved the quality and depth of the writing and maybe trimmed some unnecessary bits of the story (esp in the beginning).
Profile Image for thea.
187 reviews2 followers
June 13, 2022
THE UNDISCOVERED DESCENDANTS is a YA science fiction fantasy novel that follows three main characters, Elin, Aedan and Tristan. We’re introduced to a world of magic and powers that is centuries old. Aedan has just moved to the island where Elin lives with her family, and their very first encounter leads to a startling revelation on Aedan’s part. Elin is a Dormant Descendant, who carries the gene to become like Aedan, but the gene hasn’t been woken yet. We’re also introduced to Tristan, who shows us that there is two sides to the magical system that gives them their powers. Tristan gains Elin’s trust, but then all is not what it seems.

This was a quick and interesting read. I fell in love with Aedan and Elin, and absolutely hated Tristan, which I think was the point. We’re taken through a deep and well thought out world of magic and wonder, with powers beyond our wildest imagination. It’s a well rounded story with great prose that draws you in from the get go. Some paragraphs here and there could read a bit clunky, but that wasn’t much of a problem.

I did find myself wanting more. It was a very tame story up until about the seventy five percent mark. For it being a fantasy, almost nothing happened in the beginning bar a few scenes where you think you’re going to see some action, but then the problem is resolved quickly like it was never there to begin with.

I also found the language quite difficult to follow, especially with Tristan and Aedan using different terms for the same groups of people. I understand why that happened—to make Tristan seem arrogant and like he believed he was superior—but it did make some of it difficult to understand. While I believe the world-building was strong, there was a lot of it which sometimes drowned out the more important pieces and left me confused.

Overall, I did enjoy this book and look forward to reading the sequel.
Profile Image for thea.
187 reviews2 followers
June 13, 2022
THE UNDISCOVERED DESCENDANTS is a YA science fiction fantasy novel that follows three main characters, Elin, Aedan and Tristan. We’re introduced to a world of magic and powers that is centuries old. Aedan has just moved to the island where Elin lives with her family, and their very first encounter leads to a startling revelation on Aedan’s part. Elin is a Dormant Descendant, who carries the gene to become like Aedan, but the gene hasn’t been woken yet. We’re also introduced to Tristan, who shows us that there is two sides to the magical system that gives them their powers. Tristan gains Elin’s trust, but then all is not what it seems.

This was a quick and interesting read. I fell in love with Aedan and Elin, and absolutely hated Tristan, which I think was the point. We’re taken through a deep and well thought out world of magic and wonder, with powers beyond our wildest imagination. It’s a well rounded story with great prose that draws you in from the get go. Some paragraphs here and there could read a bit clunky, but that wasn’t much of a problem.

I did find myself wanting more. It was a very tame story up until about the seventy five percent mark. For it being a fantasy, almost nothing happened in the beginning bar a few scenes where you think you’re going to see some action, but then the problem is resolved quickly like it was never there to begin with.

I also found the language quite difficult to follow, especially with Tristan and Aedan using different terms for the same groups of people. I understand why that happened—to make Tristan seem arrogant and like he believed he was superior—but it did make some of it difficult to understand. While I believe the world-building was strong, there was a lot of it which sometimes drowned out the more important pieces and left me confused.

Overall, I did enjoy this book and look forward to reading the sequel.
Profile Image for Ari (Head in a Book).
1,165 reviews119 followers
December 8, 2021
Thank you to Net Galley for this online arc in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book a lot. It was a pretty easy read and short. I enjoyed the main characters, normality and I enjoyed the two boys. I enjoyed wondering which ones are good and which ones are evil. The world-building was done really well. This book was told from the perspective of multiple characters in the first person. The chapters did not say the name of the character so it was hard to keep track of which chapter was being narrated by which character.
I hope that the Author improves on this and for the chapters says, Chapter 1: (insert character name) (insert chapter title).

Overall, this was a good read and once more thank you to Net Galley
Profile Image for Tanya R.
1,021 reviews32 followers
February 5, 2022
With a nod to Norse Mythology and folklore, this YA adventure was an enjoyable read.

Great writing that pulls you right into the story, has likable characters, a great island setting, a focus on family and introduces the magical Clan lines as the story progresses so as not to be too confusing. We quickly find ourselves in what appears to perhaps be a love triangle. Or is it? Is it just the Clan roles that the 3 main characters are playing out?

It remains to be seen but Book 1 is full of adventure and concludes on a cliffhanger. YA lovers should check out this light fantasy series for a fun read.

Thank you to #pahjolapress and #netgalley for this ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews

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