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Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 9E

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This market-leading text provides a comprehensive introduction to probability and statistics for engineering students in all specialties. This proven, accurate book and its excellent examples evidence Jay Devore's reputation as an outstanding author and leader in the academic community. Devore emphasizes concepts, models, methodology, and applications as opposed to rigorous mathematical development and derivations. Through the use of lively and realistic examples, students go beyond simply learning about statistics-they actually put the methods to use.

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First published January 1, 1982

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About the author

Jay L. Devore

45 books4 followers

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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
220 reviews6 followers
August 19, 2016
This is a big book covering many topics like Probability, distributions, ANOVA and correlation. There are quite a few problems to solve that will help you strengthen your learning. But this book lacks explaining the concept. The author directly dives into the formula and it's usage. Detailing how to intuitively think about say, regression, will make this book really worthwhile.
5 reviews
March 30, 2024
I have gone through a few probability and statistics books whose content rely too much on combinathorics. It is a bit hard to get an understanding of probability if you in addition have to use combinathorics. It is not the case in this book. Every concept in each section is defined very well. For example, the concepts of discrete random variable and continuous random variable is defined with mathematical rigor. The distinction is clear.
2 reviews3 followers
July 4, 2020
I dislike the format of the book. Jaynes "Probability: The Language of Science." and Savage's "The Foundations of Statistics." seem like better options if you're wanting to learn Bayesian Probability and Statistics.
Profile Image for Ira Burton.
23 reviews
January 28, 2008
A must read for people trying to make heads or tales of Statistics. The Probability section is a bit weak, but other than that a great text.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
46 reviews3 followers
May 13, 2016
The chapters are well-written, but the problems are often rudimentary for the material presented.
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews

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