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Three Sisters Island #2

Heaven and Earth

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Ripley Todd just wants to live a quiet, peaceful kind of life. Her job as a sheriff's deputy keeps her busy and happy, and she has no trouble finding men when she wants them—which, lately, isn't all that often. She's perfectly content, except for one thing: she has special powers that both frighten and confuse her—and though she tries hard to hide them, she can't get them under control.…

Distraction soon arrives in the handsome form of MacAllister Booke—a researcher who's come to investigate the rumors of witchcraft that haunt Three Sisters Island. Right from the start, he knows there's something extraordinary about Ripley Todd. It's not just her blazing green eyes and her sultry smile. There's something else. Something he can detect, but she'll never admit. Fascinated by her struggle with her amazing abilities, he becomes determined to help her accept who she is—and find the courage to open her heart.

But before Ripley and Mac can dream of what lies in the future, they must confront the pain of the past. For Three Sisters shelters centuries of secrets—and a legacy of danger that plagues them still.…

"A storytelling wizard." —Publishers Weekly

416 pages, Paperback

First published November 27, 2001

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About the author

Nora Roberts

1,770 books55k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,196 reviews
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,124 reviews625 followers
February 5, 2017
Dentro de la trilogía, y a falta de leer el último libro, solo puedo decir MARAVILLOSO. En este segundo volumen tenemos de todo: amor, magia, locura, posesiones, ira, miedo...
Profile Image for Geo Just Reading My Books.
1,380 reviews327 followers
March 29, 2019
O continuare a seriei minunata, intensa, multă acțiune si suspans, plus o poveste de dragoste emoționantă!
Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,403 reviews106 followers
August 24, 2017
This is my favorite in the Three Sisters Trilogy. Probably because the characters are terrific! Ripley is a deputy on the island. She is out spoken, tough and not happy with her magical powers. She truly hates the witchy stuff, but she knows she has to work with the rest of the coven to save the island.
So with all this hate of witchcraft she tries to avoid the new man in town. He is investigating the magic of the island.
He is a handsome professor who is thrilled with the witches. I have a soft spot for geeks so I fell right in love with Mac even though he was given the unfortunate name of Mac Booke. 🤦‍♀️
Great book with magic and romance!
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
759 reviews240 followers
May 3, 2017
4 Estrellitas bien merecidas y entretenidas. Éste segundo libro se asemeja bastante al primero en lo esencial, como la historia, la magia, quizás en éste hemos tenido algo más de magia y de los poderes que envuelven a las Tres Hermanas. Pero sin duda lo que más destaco de ésta novela son sus fuertes personajes, me han encantado los protagonistas.

En el primer libro tuvimos a la dulce Nell y al simpático policía Zach. En éste tenemos la historia de Ripley, la hermana de Zach y también policía adjunta de la isla. Conocimos a Ripley como una chica dura e independiente, una mujer que hoy describiríamos del siglo XXI, pues sí, lo es, pero también es cabezota y tozuda, muy voluntariosa y temeraria, pero en el fondo es una mujer que guarda mucho miedo y rencor. Una vez vio lo que sus poderes eran capaces de hacer y se asustó, a partir de ahí se convirtió en la bruja abnegada, aquella que no quiere volver a saber nada de la magia ni lo paranormal, aquella que rompió su amistad con Mia debido a lo que es.

Con ésta definición de Ripley ¿Qué tipo de protagonista creéis que le ha caído? Justo su polo opuesto, y es que MacAllister es sin duda quien más me ha gustado de éste libro. Admito que mis protagonistas favoritos son los frikis y los buenazos, Mac ha tenido todo ésto y más. Viene de una familia rica y debido a ello pudo dedicarse a lo que más le gusta, el estudio de lo paranormal. Ha viajado por todo el mundo buscando cualquier cosa rara o extraña que le atraiga para poder completar su tesis doctoral. Como buen personaje estereotipado tenemos en Mac a un profesor excéntrico, torpe, despistado, siempre pierde las gafas o las llaves por cualquier lado, pero esos pequeños detalles es lo que lo hace tan adorable.

MacAllister llega a Tres Hermanas acarreando todos sus chismes (que él mismo ha fabricado) para datar y constatar toda la descarga y energía paranormal que habita en la isla. Él mismo es creyente de que la magia existe, sabe que Mia, la mujer que le ha alquilado la casa durante unos meses, también es una bruja. Ha oído hablar del extraño caso de Nell y su ex-marido (que por supuesto no spoilearé del libro anterior), y quiere entrevistarlas y trabajar con ellas. Por supuesto Mac es un encanto, es muy buena persona y nuestras brujillas lo saben, ellas mismas no tienen ningún problema en ayudarle con lo que sea para su trabajo, pero Mac dará con la horma de su zapato cuando conoce a Ripley.

Sí, Ripley y Mac no empezarán con muy buen pie, pero es precisamente éstas primeras pullas y conversaciones que han tenido lo que más me ha gustado. ¿Creéis que Mac se dejará avasallar por una mujer tan mujer como Ripley? Ni mucho menos, sólo diré que me he reído de lo lindo con ellos. Su historia empezará lentamente, pero también deberán salvar algunos obstáculos, ella con su magia y Mac haciéndole ver que a lo que él se dedica es serio, y es su vida. En general ésta novela trata de la comprensión, la aceptación y el respeto. Sí, probablemente en más de un momento darán ganas de echarle la bronca a Ripley, a mí me ha exasperado en más de un momento, pero en el fondo me ha gustado mucho.

En cuanto a la historia de trasfondo, hay algo, un mal que busca entrar de nuevo en Tres Hermanas y destruir a las brujas. No todo quedó cerrado en el primer libro, y aunque en éste segundo adquiere otra forma, no lo hace menos amenazante. Quizás eché de menos un poquito más de acción al final del libro. Parece ser que algo más oscuro aún se avecina, pero imagino que eso ocurrirá en el libro de Mia. Los secundarios, como Mia, Nell y Zach, tendrán un papel muy importante en la trama de éste segundo libro, y sus intervenciones para ayudar y apoyar a los protagonistas ha sido clave en más de una ocasión.

Espero no tardar mucho en leer el libro de Mia para cerrar la trilogía, confieso que Mia no es mi personaje favorito y no me cae especialmente bien, pero tengo las esperanzas puestas en su libro, de que sea un magnífico broche final para la serie. Ya se verá.
Profile Image for Erika.
754 reviews53 followers
June 26, 2012
When you're out of town visiting your mom and you get stung by something and your leg blows up so you have to go to the ER and then you're allergic to the meds they give you you're pretty desperate for books. When your mom brings this home you don't want to hurt her feelings because it is, after all, better than no books. But not much better.
Profile Image for Ira.
1,112 reviews119 followers
January 3, 2018
3.75 stars.

I wanted to give this 3 stars because I was so annoyed with the heroine and wanted to slap her couple of times! Luckily I love the sweet and nerdy hero, he save the story for me.

Also, in book #3 I found out why this heroine behaving like she was, and I can understand her more. But why we got the answer in the next book instead of in her book here? Sigh..
Profile Image for Mary.
35 reviews2 followers
September 22, 2014
I want to really give it more than two stars but I can't. It is not the story that brings it down but the main character. Ripley is annoying, childish, egotistical, constantly jumps to conclusions, crude and really not likable. If you don't agree then I would suggest reading her actions when she played Mac in the gym after she thought, but didn't bother to ask, he had been snuggling up with Mia. That insults both Mac and Mia especially since no matter how bad Ripley has treated Mia, Mia has never done anything like that to hurt her. It is not even in Mia to be THAT kind of cruel but since Ripley is the kind to do that she thinks people will do it to her. Then I would suggest to read the part where Nell had invited Mac to dinner and Mac was just asking questions about the island which is the reason for him being there and Ripley blows up because Mac is using Nell to get to her and blah blah blah.
I find it so hard to enjoy the story most of the time because the main character can't stop being a whiny, self-centered idiot. It is even a more idiotic that she gets all stupid and thinks that ignoring/denying that she is a witch is going to make it so. She can't always control it so pretend that she doesn't have it which then makes it so when she gets all hot headed (which is damn often) she does something like accidentally burning Mac. Yeah, bright idea. She might as well just keep her gun out, leave the safety off and keep her finger on the trigger. At least that way people will know what hit them!
Then there is the time where she does the astral projection to see Nell's ex in the loony bin. For someone who doesn't practice and knows can't she can't always control her powers, to do something like that is above and beyond stupid, pig headed and idiotic.
You can also clearly see just how little she thinks of Mac sometimes and how childish she is. What else would you call her actions when she tried to "dump" Mac to make him leave the island for his own safety? How can you not ask yourself "why does she always believe his work centers only around just her?" She constantly believes that if she doesn't cooperate he can't work, just like before when she though if she didn't cooperate everything he did was just to get to her. As he has pointed out many times she is part of it but it's not all about her. Anyway, going back to what I was saying... How stupid did she think Mac was for him not to know what she was doing by being flippant and belittling their relationship. About 75% of their time together in the book she is pretty much being a jerk to him (when she first meets him, both times at the gym, the interview he won from her at the gym, the dinner Nell invited Mac, when Mac was working with Nell to monitor her when using her magic). It makes me wonder where in there did he have a chance to fall in love with her. I know she has her good points in loyalty and her sense of justice but she is too much of a jerk to even like her for that. For as much as she "protects" Mia she is constantly rude and an jerk to Mia.
Profile Image for Serena Miles.
1,333 reviews58 followers
September 19, 2024
4.25 estrellas
Aunque Mac me ha caído bastante mal y Ripley es una mujer con serios problemas de ira, ha sido una lectura que me ha tenido enganchada de principio hasta final y que me ha gustado mucho.
Profile Image for paige (ptsungirl).
767 reviews1,018 followers
January 6, 2024
"Where you go isn't the point. What you do is."

The first time I read this book was in a time of the most uncertainty we've experienced in quite a while. 2020 happened, and much like Ripley felt throughout this book, nothing made sense and life just didn't seem fair. It was a lesson in resilience I don't think anyone wanted to learn, but much like Ripley's journey here, we did. I think it hit too close to home, and I didn't give her a chance anymore than I gave myself one. Reading it now, in 2024, it feels a bit like redemption for both of us.

It's not perfect, it's not my favorite story she's ever read, but it is one I now understand. Ripley feels like she doesn't have control over her magic, nor her life, and when Mac shows up to ask questions her lifeline of ignoring it is no longer possible. It makes her rethink her friendships, rethink her life, and look towards a future she never dreamed was meant for her. I love that I get to understand her, I love that I gave her another chance.

I forgot just how much I adore Mac. His chaotic, unconcerned and happy self. He is the sweetest (read, cute) man to ever have a brain. To ever use that brain to find answers Ripley is too afraid to ask. To push her to learn herself, better herself, but Mac brings out the best and more from her. This is a story of resilience, second chances, and hope for a kinder future. And it's just as wonderful as I imagined it could have been on the first read.
Profile Image for Erin.
3,368 reviews473 followers
May 1, 2023
The second book in Three Sisters Island takes place after the marriage of Nell and Zach (book 1). Mia, Nell, and Ripley believe that they have dealt with those who seek to threaten them and are stronger than ever. What they are not really counting on is paranormal researcher, MacAllister Booke( Mac Booke- LOL) coming around to find out more about the island's connection to the Salem witches and his determination to prove that witchcraft is still being used. Actually, the only woman who seems really perturbed by his presence is Deputy Ripley Todd. When Mac moves into Mia's recently vacated yellow cottage, he also gets under the skin of the young deputy. Is Ripley ready to open her heart and mind to the sexy intellectual? More importantly, will the women be able to stop another threat before it is too late?

Although not my favorite couple in the trilogy, I just loved the interactions between the different characters and the further development of each character. I blazed through this book just as quickly as book 1 and I am racing to grab book 3( well, I have already read it so I will review it).

Goodreads review published 30/04/23

Profile Image for Cristina G. Leitón.
164 reviews279 followers
April 4, 2017
Leería todos y cada uno de los libros de esta historia si en vez de 3 fuesen 50. De verdad. No sé si es la atmósfera, la isla que tan clara tengo en mi cabeza, la magia o los personajes, pero estoy en un estado de enamoramiento absoluto con esta trilogía. No quiero que se acabe. Fin.

Si lo mejor del primer libro, Baile en el aire, fue Nell, lo mejor de esta segunda parte, para mí, ha sido Mac. El científico de lo paranormal, torpe y encantador, inteligente y sincero, que llega a Tres Hermanas arrastrado por la curiosidad pero, sobre todo, por un instinto que no entenderá hasta llegar allí. Y después está Ripley, la ayudante de Zack en la comisaría, la bruja que se niega a aceptar lo que es pero que tendrá que hacerlo. Y es precisamente esa negación la que ha construido una coraza a su alrededor, porque Ripley es demasiado frágil cuando se trata de la magia, y ella lo sabe.

La historia de estos dos es maravillosa. Juntos son divertidos, tiernos y pasionales, aunque Ripley se niegue a aceptarlo y haga todo lo posible por frenarlo. Su historia de amor, junto a la continuación de la trama principal de la trilogía sobre la maldición y las tres hermanas, hacen de Cielo y tierra una novela que me ha dejado con ganas de más. Más, más y más. Más de Zack y Nell, los protagonistas de la primera novela, que siguen apareciendo pero como secundarios. Más de Mia, que protagoniza la tercera y última novela. Más magia, más oscuridad, más poder. Más de Nora Roberts, al fin y al cabo, que es lo que siento siempre cuando leo alguna de sus novelas.
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,005 reviews71 followers
November 10, 2015
Ripley wasn't my favourite, but I'd still been looking forward to her book. Unfortunately, instead of my growing to like her through her own book it turned out to have an opposite effect. She's the type of character that I have trouble warming up to and by the end I almost disliked her.

I did love the early banter between her and Mac, more of that always, please. Though his name made me snicker, because Mac Booke...really? I was charmed by Mac and his nerdy forgetfulness and absentmindedness, but it wasn't enough to win me over completely to these two. I've been waiting impatiently for Mia's book, but now I have a feeling I'm going to be left disappointed if I don't significantly lower my expectations.

To end on a completely different note: I am amused by the number of women who always conveniently seem to be wearing a bra with a front clasp in romance novels. Is this an American thing? I am genuinely curious. Particularly because I've never in my life even seen one of those. I know they exist, but I don't know anyone over here who actually wears them.
Profile Image for jenjn79.
723 reviews264 followers
May 27, 2008
Another great book by Roberts. Overall, I enjoy the theme and plot of this series. But my favorite thing about this book in particular is the character of Mac - absentminded professor with a side of hunk. He's just so adorable the way he's always forgetting things and getting sidetracked. And him hooking up with Ripley was an interesting combination.

The book had an interesting storyline that fit well with the first book in the series. They complement each other well. If there was one thing I could gripe a little bit about it's that Ripley's attitude does get irritating occasionally. Her reasons for being that way make sense for the most part, but there are times when it's a little over the top and annoying. But it doesn't ruin the book at all.

So good book. For those that like Dance Upon the Air you'll most likely enjoy this one as well.
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,198 reviews1,932 followers
December 27, 2013
A decent follow up from the first. Like most trilogies, reading the first tells you what you need to know about whether you'll like the rest (and you're way better off starting with the first, so, you know, read it first). This one is Riley's story and I really liked her guy, Mac. Roberts does studly geek guy very well and Mac was all kinds of highly-focused nerd. I'm less enamored of Riley, but I knew that going in as I don't really like the rash tough chick driven by a deep-seated fear and vulnerability.

And again, I hated the bits from the antagonists viewpoint. Ugh.

Anyway, a solid three stars with some to love and some to not like so much.

A note about Steamy: On the low end of Roberts' standard. One large(ish) scene and scattered lead-ins or aftermaths of varying intensity but short duration.
Profile Image for Marta Marlau.
484 reviews10 followers
August 16, 2017
Muy bonita la historia de Ripley. Me ha gustado saber más de la magia y el origen de la isla. Mac es muy buen personaje, con sus despistes y su mente abierta. Todo un descubrimiento.
Sin duda seguiré leyendo esta trilogía. Nora Roberts llegó para quedarse.

Próximamente reseña en https://rincondemarlau.blogspot.com
Profile Image for Sarah.
272 reviews7 followers
March 19, 2024
Moved the story along nicely, & there was more magic than the first book - looking forward to the end of the trilogy! Also I really enjoy details like Lucy the dog & Diego the cat :)
Profile Image for CatBookMom.
1,001 reviews
October 7, 2022
Ripley Todd and Mac Booke. She is SO abrasive, so abrupt, so given to jumping to conclusions. He is the ultimate absent-minded professor; how would anyone leave their keys in the medicine cabinet??? But the little romance between them carries this story along from the first book, and points to the third. Nora Roberts used to write such good paranormal-lite romantic trilogies; wish she had more of those to come.
Profile Image for Suzie.
111 reviews
January 4, 2018
Well that was a bummer....
Loved book 1 enough to spring for the rest of the series. Was looking forward to this book since the h was a gun toting, badge wielding badass and I just love that kind of gal. As it turns out the h was actually not... this book turned her into a hormonal, rage filled neurotic. She should have been in therapy, not walking the streets with a gun. Oh well maybe book 3 will be better...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Wealie.
411 reviews49 followers
April 15, 2020
3.75 stars - I didn't enjoy this as much as the first book in the series, Dance Upon the Air. Riley just wasn't a very relatable protagonist and Mac didn't seem to suit her as a love interest and was a bit weak for a Nora Roberts hero. I probably wouldn't recommend this as an example of Nora's best work

The plot was not as tight as Dance Upon the Air, but it did move the story on further and I'm invested enough in the characters and overarching plot to want to read the final book in the trilogy, Face the Fire.

I listened to his on audible and the narration by Sandra Burr was too sickly sweetly - her tone just didn't match Riley's dialogue making her sound like an annoyingly cutesy in love girl or temperamental teen. It rather took me out of the story and further diminished my enjoyment.

Still, even with all that it's not a bad read, but I only recommend reading it if you are planning to read the whole trilogy and it does contain spoilers for, and heavily references key plot points from Dance Upon the Air.
Profile Image for Jess.
3,258 reviews5 followers
September 25, 2022
I feel like past me liked this one more than present me does. I really like that Ripley is so angry--it's rare to get a heroine that is--but I just don't connect with it and this is really the book where it's most clear that it could have easily been a Mia/Ripley story instead. It's rare for me to like a first book in a Nora series best, but I think this just might be one of those outliers.
Profile Image for Alexa (Alexa Loves Books).
2,361 reviews13.2k followers
February 19, 2024
3.5 stars because I enjoyed revisiting this story a touch more than the first. I’d honestly forgotten a lot of Ripley’s book in this trilogy, so reading this one today felt a little like reading it for the first time even as pieces of the story came back to me. It was interesting to see how her part in the curse/prophecy would play out, that’s for sure, but I also quite enjoyed just seeing more of the other characters and seeing her relationship with Mac blossom.
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
December 12, 2012
This sequel was even better than the first and I love that we still get all the same characters in it. I really love this trilogy, a must read for any Nora fan or fans of paranormal.
Profile Image for Bren.
861 reviews142 followers
December 22, 2018
Después de que Nora Roberts nos relatara en la primera entrega de esta trilogía, la historia de la Isla de las tres hermanas y comenzará haciéndolo con Nell, ahora en esta continuación no se trata únicamente de contarnos la historia de Ripley, sino también de cómo se va cerrando el círculo en torno al destino que se tiene que cumplir, 300 años han esperado para cerrar ese círculo y es ahora como vamos comprendiendo un poco mejor de que va la cosa.

Este no es solo un libro de romance, lo hay, por supuesto, pero trata más los temas de lealtad, amistad, la fuerza individual de una persona que se hace más fuerte al tener gente a su alrededor.

Esta entrega me ha parecido mucho mejor que la primera, si bien, sigue en la línea de una historia romántica, que hay que decirlo, me ha encantado, el personaje de Mac me ha encantado, es realmente adorable, tal vez la pareja no me haya llegado tanto, pero sin duda la fuerza del personaje masculino se lleva el punto, pero más allá de la historia romántica, ahora no solo nos hemos sumergido en la parte fantástica de la magia y las tres brujas, si no hemos conocido también el poder del mal y la tentación que este poder puede resultar en alguien con poderes mágicos.

Si bien es una historia con muchos toques de fantasía, la verdad es que no resultan chocantes, sino más bien un parte de todo, Nora Roberts lo plantea tan bien, que se digiere fácil.

Me encantan las historias de brujas, no lo puedo evitar, creo que me siento un poco identificada o bien un poco envidiosa de las tres protagonistas, así que creo que este libro me ha gustado más de lo que debería, creo que por ese simple hecho.

Es un libro sencillo y por supuesto fácil con una historia nada complicada, no hay dramas importantes, tampoco hay romances profundos, así que se deja leer muy bien, como siempre digo, Nora Roberts tiene un estilo magnifico a la hora de escribir y eso resulta en una lectura poco más de satisfactoria.
Profile Image for Mac.
211 reviews7 followers
August 25, 2017
He vuelto a leer un libro al azar de una trilogía y, como siempre, me quedo con este. Con este, en que los personajes principales son ideales: ella, fuerte, capaz, aguerrida, esconde en su interior un miedo profundo, el terror a lo que realmente es y no pudo escoger, el miedo a lo que puede hacer y no saber elegir cuando llegue el momento. Él, en cambio, es un buenazo despistado, cuyos momentos "sexy" no me pegaban nada de nada, por cierto. La historia se desarrolla en la típica isla de romance, pequeña, todo el mundo se conoce, el paisaje es hermoso y cuenta con su propia leyenda. Nora Roberts siempre es un acierto en cuanto a los personajes, el romance y la ambientación. Pero no me acaba de gustar cuando se mezcla con la magia. Ni tampoco me llama leer los otros dos libros. Le doy 3'5 puntos.
Profile Image for Deanie Nelder.
1,131 reviews19 followers
April 10, 2021
After her out of control powers nearly hurt someone, deputy Ripley Todd refuses to acknowledge her witchy side at all -- until she's forced to use her magic to save friend Nell. Now, paranormal researcher MacAllister Booke has come to town, but can her attraction to him overcome her dislike of his reason for being on the Island?

Ripley's the tough one out of the three, the protector, but as long as she's afraid of her magic she can't live up to her full potential. Thankfully, her magic doesn't care if she wants it or not -- it's going to act and protect her and her friends. Mac and Ripley are a good case of opposites attracting, and the geeky doc and tough cop are a wonderful couple. The villain in this one is weak, and honestly, the book is more about Ripley vs. her magic than it is about an actual bad guy, but it's still a great novel.
Profile Image for JuD.
539 reviews17 followers
December 6, 2017
Dejé este libro estancado por temas personales hace un tiempo y por fin he podido retomarlo y terminarlo.
La historia de Ripley me ha gustado mucho, me he reído con sus encuentros con Mac, su forma distinta de ver las cosas y por como, poco a poco, Ripley acepta quien es realmente.
Mac es un personaje que me ha gustado mucho, es un tanto peculiar y al principio parece totalmente contradictorio con Ripley pero luego combinan a la perfección.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,196 reviews

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