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Fireborn #1


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Lyra. Lucy. Percy. Once in a generation, a hero emerges whose story enthralls readers worldwide. Fireborn is an epic quest, perfect for fans of the His Dark Materials and The School for Good and Evil series, that will spin readers into a magical world like no other—and introduce them to an unforgettable new heroine named Twelve. Ember is full of monsters. Twelve gave up her name and identity to train in the art of hunting them—so she says. The truth is much more she trains to take revenge on those who took her family from her. But when Twelve’s new home is attacked, she’ll find herself on an unexpected journey, where her hidden past is inescapably intertwined with her destiny—and the very fate of her world.

400 pages, Paperback

First published October 5, 2021

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About the author

Aisling Fowler

4 books115 followers
Aisling was born in 1985 and wishes that she had grown up in a magical, mountainous kingdom, but was actually raised in Surrey on a diet of books and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Her early ‘adventure’ stories involved surprisingly little action and her first novel (3 pages long) was politely declined by publishers at age 11.

After earning a BSc in Biology and working as a support worker and then a nurse, the idea for her debut novel, Fireborn, came to her as she moved back and forth between London and the US.

Now based in Hackney, when she is not reading or writing, Aisling loves cooking and plotting adventures (for herself as well as her fictional characters). Fireborn will be published by HarperCollins in 2021.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 472 reviews
Profile Image for Gavin Hetherington.
681 reviews7,924 followers
May 21, 2021
Check out my 'reading middle grade for a magical week off' reading vlog where I talk about Fireborn: https://youtu.be/qDV2nQ5me58

A very promising start of a series that is filled with excitement, adventure and darkness. There is so much to love: a protagonist who is strong and determined, side characters who are along for the ride are also awesome, and a constantly-moving plot. The world opens up and expands more as the book goes on. I genuinely think it's hard to get bored while reading this book, it was just non-stop.

I do love darkness in a middle grade, though I do think the book is probably a little too bleak. I would have loved some more lightness thrown in there to make it a more magical world, and it was easy to also feel disconnected from it because of that. I felt mainly that I was on the outside looking in rather than being immersed in it, but having said that, I'm excited to see where the story goes in the future and what the rest of the world has to offer.
Profile Image for preoccupiedbybooks.
492 reviews1,517 followers
April 2, 2022
My son and I loved this middle-grade debut fantasy, full of friendships, magical creatures and a quest to save a fellow hunter! It was well written with some great figurative language that I could appreciate and discuss with my 9 year old.

A hot headed, fierce yet impulsive warrior, Twelve (who gave up her name to train as a hunter after her family were murdered) was a great main character to follow. I'd been looking for a book with a female lead to read with my son, and this was a great one. Twelve had been through so much, that she was full of rage and felt alone. I loved the other characters too; Seven, Six, Five and Dog. They had some great banter and some action packed adventures!

The setting was magical, and so richly described. The forest, the mountains, the damp were all so vividly imagined, and drew us in. The world building was amazing.

Quite dark and dangerous for a middle-grade book, lFirebornwas fast paced and full of adventure! I loved the messages about working together as a team, perserverence, forgiveness and pushing through your differences!

My son loved the action, the bravery, the friendships, and cannot wait until the next installment in October! Let's hope our library gets that one in too! 🤞
Profile Image for Whispering Stories.
3,016 reviews2,616 followers
August 23, 2021
Book Reviewed on www.whisperingstories.com

Fireborn is a middle-grade book set in a fictional prehistorical world where different clans are protected by the Hunting Lodge a place where hunters live and train.

New recruit Twelve (not her real name) has been at the lodge since her clan, including her family, were murdered. After an argument with another student, Five, the pair are disciplined and taken to the dungeons to spend the night. Whilst there the Hunting Lodge walls are breached for the first time and one of the students is taken.

After hearing a conversation that sounds like no one is going to go looking for the student, Twelve leave the confines of the Lodge and sets out to save her new friend Seven. She is not as alone as she would think though. The Guardian of the Lodge (a large dog-like creature) has been ordered to find the young girl, plus classmates Five and Six unexpectedly join her on her mission.

Can they save Seven and what do the Goblins who took her want with a young girl?

Fireborn wouldn’t be the kind of book I’d select if I was in a bookshop, (I’m not a big fantasy nor a prehistorical fan), however, I was asked to read it as part of a blog tour and I am very happy I agreed.

Twelve is a fierce warrior even if she is often brave on the outside when her inner self is in complete turmoil. She has seen so much in her young life and suffers from nightmares because of it. She is quite the loner and yet Seven is so kind and nice to her. When Seven is taken by Goblins Twelve feels it is her responsibility to save her.

The world-building is truly amazing. It’s so perfectly created that it was easy to visualise. The banter between the characters had me smirking, even if they talk like people from the modern era, it is a fantasy world after all!

The book is action-packed and had me turning the pages at warp speed trying to keep up with the fast-paced scenes. I was sad to reach the end but was happy that I had been taken on a road of mayhem, tension, bravery, and friendship. This is a must-read for middle-graders who love books they can fully absorb and become invested in.
Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,152 reviews1,739 followers
October 28, 2021
Actual rating 3.5/5 stars. This is the first instalment in the Fireborn series.

Twelve was once a little girl belonging to another name. Now she is just a number in a sea of children training to hunt the monsters of Embers. What differs her from the others around her is her reason for being there. Heroic visions fill the thoughts of others but ones of revenge dominate hers.

This was such a fun and adventurous MG story with a great moral ending. Darkness seemed determined to dog our protagonist throughout these pages but she proved she had a plucky personality and a brave heart by overcoming all, even, eventually, her own demons.

I loved the trials she overcame, both physical and emotional, and the supporting cast around her, whose personalities were slowly revealed as Twelve just as steadily opened herself to them. I'm very eager to discover what the second series instalment has in store for her.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the author, Aisling Fowler, and the publisher, Harper Collins Children's Books, for this opportunity.
Profile Image for Sara.
1,315 reviews407 followers
November 23, 2021
ARC received in exchange for an honest review 🔥

When Twelve arrived at the hunting lodge she gave up her name and her past to become a Hunter. Sworn to forsake all rivalries in order to protect. But Twelve has a dark past, one which has left her brimming with thoughts of revenge. But when her new home is attacked, and her only friend taken, she must put her own thoughts aside in order to save her. With only a stone guardian dog and her rival huntlings for company, can Twelve find Seven before it's too late?

This was really dark for a children's book, and covers some intense topics including grief, murder and loss. Twelve is a complicated character. At the start of the book she's experienced the worst moments anyone could ever imagine, and it's made her hard and full of rage. She has no friends at the lodge, she feels as though she has no need for them as her mind is too full of hurt and violence to accept anyone else into her life. It makes her sharp, and sometimes even cruel to her fellow huntlings. The only one who seems to get through this barrier is Seven. A girl who seems just as isolated, and bullied by her companions. She has a certain affinity with Twelve. When Seven is taken, Twelve feels it is her duty to find her in order to help make up for what she perceives are her past mistakes.

Joining Twelve is the stone guardian of the lodge. A resolute and surly dog who often despairs are being lumbered with children who hinder his progress, he's also the voice of reason and calm. There's also Five and Six, Twelve's fellow huntlings and her rivals. Five on the face of it is a bully, taunting Twelve and making her feel worse for every mistake she makes. However, looking deeper he's a deeply vulnerable boy who's just looking for love and affection. It just so happens that he tends to speak before he thinks. Six is more an enigma, the quiet and kind one. The brave one. But his past is just as murky as Twelve's. They're all richly developed and interesting characters, and I thought they all worked together well. The same could be said for all the smaller secondary characters we meet too. I found all of them interesting and multi faceted and integra to the plot.

Speaking of plot, I found this fast paced and highly engaging. It's got an intense adventure quest feel to it, as we travel with this small band of characters through various dangerous locations. These are locations that again are well described and detailed to the point where I could richly imagine the mountains and atmospheric forest with all its dangers. If anything I would have liked a bit more information regarding the politics of the world and the influence of the witches that are spoken about, as this played into the plot later on, however overall I thought the world building was really well done. I also did not expect that character plot twist, and visibly gasped as I found myself so deeply involved in these characters and this world.

Epic fantasy adventure, brimming with magic, friendship and a richly imagined world. The themes do swing to the darker side of middle grade, with some intense scenes, but I cannot wait to see where this goes.
Profile Image for Avada Kaddavra.
423 reviews70 followers
November 17, 2021
Wow. Das war ziemlich mega😳😳

Erstmal Dankeschön für das Rezensionsexemplar im Austausch gegen eine ehrliche Meinung.

Dieses Buch ist echt schmal mit nur 300 Seiten, aber meine Güte, die haben es in sich!
Die Story spielt in einer fiktiven Welt namens Embra, die von verschiedenen Clans bevölkert wird. Unsere Prota heißt Zwölf und lebt in der sogenannten Loge, die Kinder zu Jägern ausbildet, die anschließend den Clans ihre Dienste anbieten können, denn in Embra gibt es jede Menge gefährliche Monster auszuschalten.

Mehr möchte ich gar nicht erzählen, außer dass mir sowohl die winterlich-grausame Atmosphäre als auch Zwölf als Charakter sehr gut gefallen haben.
Beschreibungen, vor allem von Äußerlichkeiten, gibt es sehr wenig, trotzdem versteht man alles. Für mich mal eine ganz andere Story und ich freue mich schon zu erfahren, wie es weitergeht.
Profile Image for TheEuphoricZat.
1,388 reviews56 followers
August 17, 2021
Before I gush about how much I loved this book let me give you a little teaser. Children from different clans decide to join the Hunter's lodge for different reasons. Some because they are not wanted by their families or their clans or they are seeking the power that the Lodge offers, but every child in the Lodge is there for a reason. In this book, we follow four of those children. Children who have given up their names, and clan identities to serve as a single body at the Lodge. Now named, Five, Six, Seven and Twelve. After a fight in the yard, Five and Twelve are sent to the dungeons as punishment but they got more than a sleepless night.

The Hunter's Lodge train fighter and people who honour their sacred pledge to serving all seven clans equally, to protect the people of said clans from the darkness and tyranny of the wild (mostly magical creatures that are rising again after the dark war - as always humans are the most terrifying of the creatures). The clans are known to fight each other but the hunters ensure that everyone remains at peace.

So at night when the enemy breaks through the impenetrable walls of the Lodge and kidnaps a student (Seven), everyone is at their wits end. Twelve who seems to have finally found a 'friend' in Seven decides to go after the Goblins and get her friend back. This takes her on an adventure of friendship, family, self-realization, danger and most importantly self-love! Twelve learns that no man is an island and she cannot do everything by herself.

I mean I could go on and on but I think the most important part of this book is both self-forgiveness and friendship. Twelve has always in some way hated herself for the death of her sister and her whole village. The poor girl had to dig holes to bury the bodies, you can understand that she is broken and that it would shape itself into anger and vengeance. But when she finds out that the clan she has hated for so long as produced people she now calls her friends, she is immediately disgusted and angry. I am happy that she realized that it was not their fault.

Five was such a fascinating character. I wished he was explored a bit more. One thing we do know is that he is queer, he likes Six and he is a very witty person. The Oakhammer really did them dirty with letting him spill his feelings for Six. I thought it was sad but it was cute to see how they related to each other later. I was happy that Six did not have any internalized homophobia or anything like that. I just wished they had a conversation about it. Hopefully in the next book.
Profile Image for Julie - One Book More.
1,201 reviews210 followers
October 14, 2021
This is a fast-paced fantastical adventure that follows Twelve, who has given up her life to the Hunting Lodge, where people train to become hunters. The hunters’ main job is to rid the world of the myriad of monsters that inhabit and threaten it. When the Hunting Lodge is attacked, and one of Twelve’s friends is taken, Twelve goes on an epic quest to find her. With the help of some surprising friends, can Twelve rescue her friend from the monsters before it’s too late? And what is the real motive of the monsters?

Twelve is such a great protagonist! Brave and determined, Twelve gives up her name, her family, basically her whole life to become a hunter. She is fierce and strong, though she is also sometimes a bit impulsive, which gets her into trouble. When she decides to find her friend who was taken during an attack on their training facilities, Twelve shows a lot of loyalty and perseverance. I like how she handles adversity and that she never gives up, and I enjoyed her journey throughout the story.

The side characters are great too, and Twelve’s travel companions add so much to the plot. They are an unusual group, which makes for some interesting situations. Dog is one of my favorites, though I also love Twelve’s squirrel friend Widge. Widge is such a cute and intuitive little friend, and both characters show that allies and friends are everywhere. Five and Six, Twelve’s other travel companions, aren’t exactly Twelve’s friends. However, they all have the same goal – to rescue Seven before it’s too late. They have to put their differences aside and work together, which is not always easy. There are some great messages here about teamwork, forgiveness, the ability to change, and helping others.

Themes of friendship, found families, prejudice, bullying, overcoming obstacles, dealing with grief, and more are woven into the story and also add to the character and plot development. I think many of the themes will resonate well with middle-grade readers. Even though Fowler created a fantastical world that is so unlike our own, the themes prove universal.

Speaking of world-building, the world-building in this book is as strong as the character development. It’s so dark and mysterious and dangerous and vividly depicted. The monsters and supernatural creatures are scary and dangerous and so well described. I also love how the story includes descriptions of each monster from A Magical Bestiary, a textbook used by Twelve. The book provides pertinent information about each creature and ranks them based on aggression, difficulty to disable, and the danger posed. It’s such a great way to provide information about unique creatures without burdening the reader with too much information at once. It also adds to the suspense because when you read that a monster has a high ranking, you automatically prepare for a lot of danger and excitement.

An exciting and adventurous quest, Fireborn is a thrilling middle-grade fantasy. The ending hints at the possibility of future books, and I’m excited to see where Twelve’s adventures take her next! Thanks so much to the author and The Write Reads for the copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Χριστίνα Ψύλλα.
Author 2 books485 followers
May 12, 2022
Μια υπέροχη ιστορία για τους μικρούς ή καλύτερα νέους μας φίλους.

Μου άρεσε παρά πολύ που επιτέλους έχουμε ενα κορίτσι σε πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο, που παρά τους πόνους της από τόσο μικρή, είναι δυναμική και έτοιμη να εμπιστευθεί τον κόσμο γύρω της.

Στο βιβλίο αυτό θα διαβάσουμε για μυθικά πλάσματα, θα μάθουμε την έννοια της φιλίας και το πως να δουλεύουμε σαν ομάδα. Τα σκηνικά είναι μαγικά, οι χαρακτήρες διασκεδαστικοί και πολυδιάστατοι, ενώ η πλοκή συναρπαστική.

Είχε μια σκοτεινή πλευρά η ιστορία, και όλη η προσέγγιση μου θύμισε λίγο την σειρά βιβλίων «Είμαι το Νούμερο 4», ωστόσο θεωρώ ότι ήταν πρωτότυπο και ευχάριστο.

Αξίζει πραγματικά να διαβαστεί! Περιμένουμε το 2ο βιβλίο εμ ανυπομονησία 😍

Βαθμολογία: 4/5⭐️
Profile Image for MariaH.
335 reviews1 follower
January 13, 2022
Ich liebe es, wenn in einer Geschichte mehr steckt, als man auf den ersten Blick sieht bzw. vermutet.

Wie bei jedem Buch, welches ich zu lesen beginne, versuche ich trotz des Wissens vom Klappentext keine besonderen Erwartungen zu haben. Trotzdem hatte ich bei "Der Schwur der Jagdlinge" erst mal das Gefühl, dass es sich hier vermutlich einfach um eine abenteuerliche Geschichte um ein paar Jugendliche handelt. Wie sehr man sich doch täuschen kann.

Ja, es ist eine abenteuerliche Geschichte um ein paar Jugendliche und im Klappentext steht schon ausreichend, womit man rechnen darf. Beim Lesen stellte ich jedoch recht bald fest, dass hinter den ganzen Charakteren eine eigene Geschichte steckte, die es zu entdecken galt. Denn neben Zwölf, der Protagonistin, gibt es noch ein paar mehr oder weniger freiwillige Gefährten, die alle ihre eigenen Geheimnisse hatten, weshalb sie sich zu Jägern ausbilden lassen wollten und wie sie überhaupt zur Loge kamen.

Wie bei Jugendbüchern üblich ging es nach dem ersten Kennenlernen der beteiligten Charaktere recht zügig voran, aber ohne dem Gefühl, dass etwas fehlen würde. Alle hatten ihre eigenen Eigenschaften und unterschieden sich deutlich. So mussten die Protagonisten neben ihrem Abenteuer auch Wege finden, sich zusammenzuraufen und lernen, sich gegenseitig zu vertrauen. Ohne erhobenem Zeigefinger wurden so Werte wie z.B. Ehrlichkeit, Freundschaft, Umgang mit Wut und Ärger vermittelt und zum Nachdenken angeregt. Ebenso gab es bei Rückblicken etliche Momente, die mir nahe gingen und somit der Geschichte mehr Tiefe und Substanz gaben. Obwohl manches zu erahnen war, mangelte es nicht an Spannung und überraschenden Wendungen. Vor allem ab ungefähr der Hälfte des Buches mochte ich es kaum noch aus der Hand legen.

Für mich war dieses Buch absolut lesenswert und ich freue mich jetzt schon auf die Fortsetzung. Aufgrund des Schreibstils, Spannung, interessanten Charaktere und Geschichte finde ich es für Jugendliche und aufwärts empfehlenswert.

{Rezensionsexemplar; persönliche Meinung zum Buch}
Das Rezensionsexemplar wurde mir vom Verlag und #NetGalleyDE zur Verfügung gestellt. Vielen Dank dafür. Die Rezension spiegelt meine persönliche Meinung wieder.
Profile Image for Carrie .
1,017 reviews590 followers
August 17, 2021
First of all I want to let it known that I actually was dreaming about this book last night. I can't say exactly what I was dreaming about as it's a spoiler and yes my reviews tend to have some spoilers in them I'm not going to give away the major events. So let's just say that I will be keeping my eyes peeled for the next book, I'm assuming there is going to be a book two.

Twelve is at the Hunters Lodge, her family, her village have been all murdered and destroyed. So having no where else to go she ends up there. At the Hunters Lodge you are trained form young huntlings to full on hunters, who help all the clans in fighting monsters and other creatures. The catch with the this group is that you are to leave your past behind, who you were, your family, your feuds, your name. And after you finally have your blooding you become a full hunter and chose your own name.

Twelve doesn't want to make any friends, even when timid Seven tries so very hard to be kind to her. She doesn't want to connect with anyone. Hope is something she wants nothing of. She's not there to be a hunter, she wants the skills to get revenge on the cave clan who murdered her family.

After getting in to a fight with Five, her enemy in the lodge both are to spend a night in the dungeons and that is when it all starts to happens. She wakes to commotion and goblins coming up through the tunnels. Lucky for her she has her best friend, Widge, a tiny squirrel to help get her the keys to get out.

This was a fanatic book, a tad slow in the start but once we got into the tick of it, it nonstop action. A kid has been taken from the lodge during the attack, the hunters don't seem to be doing anything Twelve takes it upon herself to go out and find them. Two other huntlings have the same idea, and together they disgruntling work together facing monsters, and each other, to find the student who has been kidnapped.

Fireborn is well written and exciting. Middle graders will enjoy this and well so will adults (I'm one).

There was one twist that I did not see coming, involving a character that I was liking and boy was I wrong. I was so happy to see talking trees, but then I wasn't can't tell you why because it's a spoiler.

There is one overall main lesson in this story and that's, it's never too late to be the person you want to become. Fully grown adults like myself can learn from that too.

So if you like animal companions, rivals having to work together, monsters, talking trees, characters that grow and find themselves then be sure to pick up your own copy of Fireborn.

Thank you The Write Reads and Harper Collins for the chance to read and review this book.

Originally published on I Can Has Books
Profile Image for Rowena Andrews.
Author 3 books75 followers
August 16, 2021
I’m sure I speak for many people when I say that I saw the cover for Fireborn and it was love at first sight. Yes, you can’t judge a book by its cover – but you can judge a cover, and Fireborn has a stunning cover that promises magic and adventure.

Fireborn more than delivers on that promise.

The world-building was absolutely fantastic, and Fowler draws you into her world right from the very beginning of the book. This is a world that lives and breathes just as surely as the characters that grace the pages of these books, and what a world – there is darkness and danger, which the Lodge and the Hunters stand against as a beacon of light. It was so easy to envisage this world, because the descriptions were so vivid and believable, from life in the Lodge to the environment that the group travel through, to the weird, scary and downright dangerous creatures that inhabit this world. These creatures are the dominant focus of the world-building, with some familiar, and some truly unique creations, and I love how Fowler gives us information about them through descriptions taken from the bestiary used by our main character Twelve. The extracts were fascinating, and I enjoyed how the creaturs were ranked in terms of danger, difficulty and aggression and it was an ingenious way to get the information across without lengthy info-dumps that would take away from the thrill and risk of the encounters with such creatures.

As much as I loved the world – it was the characters that stole the show, especially our protagonist Twelve. I loved her from the beginning, even when her attitude and interactions with others made her difficult to lack. She had steel in her that appealed to me, and as we got to know more about her and what she had lost and sacrificed she continued to grow on me and is absolutely my favourite. We get to see Twelve learn and grow so much throughout Fireborn, both in terms of herself and who she is beneath the prickly exterior she shows the world, but also in her relationships with those around her. What, I especially liked is that for all that she does and faces, and her skill with her axes, she is very much still a child and growing up, with the impulsivity and general attitude that comes with that age.

Twelve was my favourite, but she doesn’t steal the show. Fowling has created a wonderful cast of characters, from the teachers and Elders at the Lodge, to those who join Twelve on her adventure. Plus there are two animal companions who have such wonderfully different personalities and add so much to the story and the group but in very different ways. Widge the squirrel is adorable, and might not be able to communicate in the same way as Dog does, but still manages to get his point across and help in his own way. Dog is fantastic, and you can’t help but feel for him as the ‘designated adult’ trying to ride herd on a group of children, especially one that struggles to get along. Some of the things that he said in response to them had me cracking up, and his personality and attitude bleed through every moment (and I would argue that there are times when he comes close to stealing the show). The other companions, Five and Six, also add interesting dynamics to the group – although Five took a while for me to warm to, because of his attitude and behaviour towards the beginning, but this group and the story would have missed out without him – and I ended up loving both of them.

Fireborn is a middle-grade story with a heart and soul that will appeal to readers of all ages because its themes are those that will resonate regardless of your age. This is a story of friendship and found families – and I loved how that was dealt with here, and honestly putting this particular group together as a family was ingenious and it takes work, but it is all the stronger for that. It also deals with heavier topics including bullying and prejudice, as well as dealing with grief and adversity, and it does them well, without losing the magic of being a fantastical adventure and that takes skill.

Fireborn is a fantastic read, exciting and gripping from start to finish, and I would recommend it to everyone regardless of their age. I know my younger self would have found solace in this story, while I loved it and enjoyed every single part of this story, and I think Fireborn would be an excellent stepping stone for anyone wanting to step into fantasy.
Profile Image for Lousbookstuff.
277 reviews45 followers
August 21, 2021
You can find my full review for this as well as other books on my blog here

First of all as usual I would like to thank Dave @The_WriteReads for organising the tour as well as the author and publisher for my stunning ARC copy of the book. It is always a pleasure to take part and help to promote such a brilliant book!

I absolutely loved this book, it has everything that I love in a MG fantasy book and more!

Set in the world of Ember children from various clans end up living at the hunting lodge and training to become hunters to protect every clan from the monsters that threaten the world.

These children go to the lodge for various reasons, a lot because they are unwanted/abandoned by their families and some because their families are sadly dead and they feel they have nowhere else to go.

When they arrive at the lodge they give up their names, pasts and everything about them. They train in weapons and learn to defend themselves and fight monsters of all kinds.

Until they become fully fledged hunters the children are known as huntlings and go by a number instead of a name.

In this book we follow the story of four of these huntlings. Twelve, Five, Six and Seven as well as the lodge guardian Dog and Twelve’s adorable squirrel companion Widge.

The hunters and huntlings of the lodge are like family and honour their pledge to protect each other as well as every person of the varying clans of Ember from the dark creatures that lurk out in the wild.

As I mentioned previously there are a tonne of different magical creatures, many of which are referred to from a “Magical Bestiary” which gives lots of information about them including how dangerous they are and how to fight them. I really liked this and loved learning about the different creatures, some of which I have never read of anything similar to before so it was all very imaginative and fun! Some of the creatures sounded ridiculously scary to me, like the Deathspinner! I definitely would not want to meet one of those!

Since the Dark War, Ember has been mostly at peace but one night after a fight breaks out between Twelve and Five which results in the two of them spending the night in the dungeons, all hell breaks loose and one of the huntlings is kidnapped by Goblins. Twelve, Five, Six and Dog team up to rescue her and from then on the book is all adventure, scary monsters, fighting and danger!

Twelve goes on a real journey here and though she starts off incredibly cold, arrogant, self serving and very morally grey the way that her character grows and develops throughout the book is amazing and I really enjoyed it. She is a broken girl when we first meet her and it really is no wonder with what she has been through.

I really liked the way the author slowly explored her past through dreams and memories throughout the book. It helped a lot to understand what had happened to her and why she acts the way that she does.

Five and Six were both intriguing characters but I feel like Five was not fully explored the way the others were and it would have been nice to learn more about him and what led him to the lodge.

The last thing I’ll cover off in my review is that HUGE twist/revelation toward the end. I will not go into the details of what it was obviously but I will say that I think it was very, very well done. It honestly left my jaw on the floor and my heart a little bit broken by the way the truth was forced to come out.

You also do not find out or even suspect who the real villain is in the story until the end and I never even suspected it so that was a brilliant surprise!

Overall I really enjoyed this, it is easily the best Middle Grade I have read all year and I do hope there will be a sequel as the way it ended is definitely open to one!
Profile Image for rina dunn.
570 reviews12 followers
September 3, 2021
Fireborn was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and it lived up to every single expectation I had and more! Full of adventure and magic this beautiful middle grade is such a captivating story. I can't wait for my kids to read it and they have patiently been waiting for me to finish 🤣
Twelve is training to be a hunter. A warrior that fights alongside her comrades for the good of Ember but she has ulterior motives and is desperate to seek revenge for her family killed by the Cave Clan.
When Seven another of the Huntlings go missing during a training session the race is on to find her. She's been kidnapped by goblins and for what reason nobody knows.
An enchanting quest, filled with mystical creatures, talking trees and goblins galore, this is such a fast paced read. I love the found family trope and In Fireborn is done beautifully.
A children's fantasy filled with everything you could possibly want in a middle grade I honestly can't tell you how excited I am that this is a series. I know it sounds controversial but I can't remember middle grade being this amazing when I was growing up. Read this book because its just so joyful and magical.
Profile Image for kate.
1,463 reviews974 followers
October 3, 2022
Second read: October 2022
Just as fun, action packed and exciting as the first read. I came to appreciate the characters and their emotional complexities even more the second time around and have found myself with a real soft spot for this cast. Can’t wait for book two.

First read: May 2022
With non-stop action, multidimensional characters, subtle queer side rep, exciting world building and a melancholy yet captivating darkness shadowing the story, this was a solid start to a new magical adventure series and I'm already eager for book two.
Profile Image for Meli  .
1,221 reviews247 followers
November 23, 2021
Zwölf wird wie alle anderen Jagdlinge ausgebildet, aber eigentlich hat sie keineswegs vor, Jägerin zu werden und allen Clans zu dienen. Der Höhlenclan hat ihre Familie getötet und Zwölf will sie rächen, mit diesem Ziel vor Augen lässt sie keinen der anderen Jagdlinge an sich heran. Als dann aber Sieben entführt wird, eine der wenigen Menschen, die noch nett zu Zwölf waren, kann Zwölf nicht einfach zusehen. Sie zieht auf eigene Faust los, um Sieben zu retten, und bekommt dabei unerwartete Unterstützung.

Die dreizehnjährige Zwölf ist zwar eine gute Kämpferin, aber auch eine einsame Außenseiterin. Sie ist zielstrebig und distanziert, und obwohl sie keine Jägerin werden möchte, hat sie Vorbilder, deren Meinungen ihr wichtig sind und die sie eigentlich gern stolz machen würde. Aber meistens sorgt sie eher für Probleme, weil sie sich mit ihren Mitschülern kaum versteht. Die schüchterne Sieben ist die einzige, die Zwölf mehr oder weniger mag, auch wenn man das noch nicht als Freundschaft bezeichnen kann, oft ist es auch eine Mischung aus Mitleid und Beschützerinstinkt.

Auch wenn sie Teil einer Gruppe ist, ist Zwölf eigentlich eine Einzelgängerin, zum einen, weil sie keine Freunde hat, aber auch, weil sie ziemlich eigensinnig ist. Darum macht sie sich alleine auf den Weg, um Sieben zu befreien, aber sie ist nicht die einzige und aus drei kleinen Suchmissionen wird eine ungleiche Gruppe. Während dieses Abenteuers mochte ich besonders Zwölfs Entwicklung, da es ihr wirklich guttut, langsam Freundschaften zu schließen.

Am Anfang konnte mich die Geschichte noch nicht so richtig packen, die Rettungsmission hat mich nicht wirklich interessiert und Zwölfs traurige Vergangenheit konnte mich auch nicht wirklich berühren. Nach und nach gefiel es mir dann aber immer besser, vielleicht auch, weil ich nicht besonders hohe Erwartungen hatte. Mit der Zeit wurde es immer spannender, auch wenn einige Details mich nicht ganz überzeugen konnten. Insbesondere den Charakter von Sieben fand ich unfassbar langweilig.

"Feuerblut - Der Schwur der Jagdlinge" hat mir besser gefallen, als ich erwartet habe. Auch wenn ich die Protagonistin zunächst etwas anstrengend fand, mochte ich ihre Charakterentwicklung während ihres Abenteuers voller Freundschaft, Magie und Spannung.
Profile Image for Bookphenomena (Micky) .
2,709 reviews522 followers
October 5, 2021
Danger and death
Quest and bravery

This middle grade fantasy was a fun and fast-paced read, I read it quickly. It did have some heavy topics such as famiy loss/grief but it was handled well in the story. For some younger readers, this might be tough or potentially triggering.

The world of Fireborn was fantastical, full of creatures to fear, smell bad and also those who absolutely captured my imagination with their good sides (looking at dog here). If you're partial to an animal companion in books, Widge has got your back in this story.

The protagonist, Twelve was a prickly character and a loner. This book saw some of those things changed and it made for good reading. There was plenty of peril, a bit of angst and a great quest. I did feel too old for this read and so that's why my rating is as it is. Some middle grades straddle that line of young and older alike, this one felt like the age it's intended for and there's nothing wrong with that.

This promises to be the start of a good series.

Thank you to Harper Collins for the review copy.
Profile Image for FantasyBookNerd.
438 reviews85 followers
November 13, 2021
So, I am writing this just as I have finished reading the book. Phew! Talk about cutting it fine there!

Fireborn is a middle grade fantasy that revolves around a flawed and friendless young girl, Twelve, who happens to be quite good with a pair of axes. In fact she is so good with them that no one wants to get too close to her, except unpopular Seven and her pet squirrel, Widge.

She is constantly in trouble and she gets a fair amount of stick from the others in the Hunting Lodge, a home for a group of fighters, called Hunters, that protect the land from the evils amd monsters that plague it. The main culprit for having a go at Twelve is too big for his boots, Five and his partner in crime, Six.

One evening, after hearing Five remonstrating that she is a bad apple, she pushes a crate of things near to Five that leads to changing her life forever.

I have to say that I really enjoyed Fireborn immensely and am so glad that I got the opportunity to read this charming and delightful book by Aisling Fowler.

I always point out when I am reading middle grade fantasy that whilst not being the target audience, the sign of a good book is that despite the fact that I am not the target audience, it is relatable to whoever is reading it. And in all honesty, my demands from a good book are exactly the same as what they were when I was a kid. In fact they haven’t changed at all. I want a well written story, with characters that have depth and are believable and a plot that is going to keep me reading until the very end.

And Fireborn has this in spades!

Aisling Fowler’s debut is a cracking book and meets all those demands that I have up there.. It’s full of magic, has endearing relationships and bags of action.

There were loads of things that I liked about this book. Aisling Fowler’s writing is fantastic. Her writing style is really easy to read and she maintains the pace all the way through the book.

Twelve is a fantastic character, and I really enjoyed her character arc. Twelve is complex, flawed,sometimes cruel, has aggressive outbursts and is completely socially incompetent, due to the fact that she cuts off those around her.

There are reasons that she behaves the way that she does and throughout the book we get some insight into the tragedy that she has experienced and has brought her to the Hunting Lodge.

On top of that. The side characters of Five, Six, and Seven are amazing too. Especially Five! I have to say that I liked him loads. He is annoying, he is a loud mouth and is insensitive to most things around him, but I did enjoy his arc.

Aisling Fowler mixes in some of my favorite fantasy tropes that I can’t help be drawn to. We have animal companions, in the form of ‘Dog’ the stone guardian of the Hunting Lodge who is let loose as events happen in the book. He is the parent in the story, always being the light of reason and keeping the party in line. And then there is Widge the Squirrel, who is cute as anything, despite my aversion to squirrels.

And just to make things that little bit better, there is the old found family trope, which I’m sorry, I can’t help but loving. I also like that the relationships are a little rocky and we get to see them develop, even though Twelve does make it rather difficult for the others to like her at times.

The plot revolves around a quest/mystery premise which works well, and I have to say. I didn’t guess what was coming at all. I am not going to go into the plot too much as I don’t wasnt to spoil the joy of discovering it for yourself.

The world building is solid, and we see the environment as the gang travel through it, although the story does centre on the monsters at times and there were some questions that I wanted answering.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone to read, adults or children and is a perfect starting point to anyone wanting to get into the fantasy genre.
October 9, 2021
WOW!! I cannot believe this is a debut. So impressed with these debuts lately. If I hadn’t went out of town for 4 days, plus preparing for it the days leading up to-I would have finished this in 1 day. I LOVED this. This was PHENOMENAL! Such a creative story, & such detailed, imaginative writing! Amazing characters too. Superb world & character building, & the character growth is so great. Definitely darker upper MG, which I tend to love. Dog & Widge have my whole heart! OMG! What amazing side characters! & 1 can’t even talk! Now THATS great writing lol

All of the creatures were all so creative, different, unique, & vividly described where I could picture them perfectly-which was terrifying with some of them! Lol There’s so much action, danger, adventure, & suspense in here that I stayed on the edge of my seat. & when I was able to pick it up during this busy week, I flew through huge chunks at a time, & I was so engrossed it felt like I hadn’t been reading long at all when I had to stop-& I HATED having to put it down to do other things! Twelve is also such a deep, complicated soul who has been through so much, & it was nice getting to see her past through her dreams. I though that was a brilliant addition to the story.

Also, I loved how each creature of this world Twelve has pretty much memorized from the book of creatures from the lodge, so she can give us a detailed description plus threat level. Everyone’s backstory was so fascinating-including the main kids, this world, & the lodge itself. The magic& the villains were also written SO well! I’m so eager to learn more in the future! The twists at the end I NEVER saw coming, & I could not turn the pages fast enough. This is an epic fantasy full of magic, adventure, danger, friendship, grief, revenge, loss, hope, perseverance, bravery, & justice. So many great themes & messages in here as well. Seeing Twelve still dealing with her grief(by basically NOT dealing with it, & focusing on avenging those lost), & how far she comes-amazing. The last scenes of the books gave me all the feels, & I LOVED the ending.

I’m also eager to learn more about Twelve & everything we learn about her, & also more about Sharpspark-who is also SO intriguing! He also has my heart in a way..SO good! Lol This author is a terrific storyteller, & I’m in love with her writing. I can see this becoming a favorite series of all time if the books continue like this. I NEED that next book now! Lol This just came out, so is available for purchase! HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend! Thank you again Harper Collins! STUNNING cover & illustrations sprinkled throughout by Sophie Medvedeva too!💜
Profile Image for ThatBookGal.
696 reviews102 followers
August 15, 2021
Absolutely crammed full of magic and monsters, this was a wonderful read and just perfect for any middle grade readers who enjoy a tale of mythical beasts and terrifying adventures. It is exactly the kind of book I loved as a younger reader, one in which you are never truly sure who you can really trust, and I'll certainly be recommending it to as many people as possible.

The book is fast paced and keeps you turning pages long after you are supposed to have stopped, as there is so much action on offer, it's relentless! I really liked Twelve, as well as all her companions, despite her spiky personality, her strength and courage were always admirable. She reminds me of some of my favourite middle grade heroes, resilient but still clearly fragile in so many ways. I found her bickering with Five a little irritating at times and was just willing them to actually talk to each other, it was lovely to see them gradually accept each other and find out more about what made each of them tick. Dog was of course the MVP, was there ever any doubt as soon as I knew there was a character called Dog?!

All the various creatures they meet along their adventure, not to mention the super creepy goblins, really made the story for me and I enjoyed the world that Fowler has created, despite it being fairly dark! At times it sends genuine tingles down your spine, as each creature they meet is deliciously darker and more terrifying than the last. I found all the settings just as intriguing as each other, not least of all The Hunting Lodge itself.

The adventure has you on the edge of your seat right until the very end, when the tension is cracked up to 300. There are a whole lot of twists and turns that I certainly didn't see coming, including more than one dramatic reveal. I loved that we were kept guessing for so long, but with so many beasties to battle along the way you don't have too much time to sit and decipher exactly what's going on. A brilliant first novel and I look forward to finding out what comes next for the gang, when we may or may not need to get used to some new names!!
Profile Image for Axellesbooks.
776 reviews159 followers
October 13, 2021
3,5. Dit is een heel leuk verhaal, maar soms voelde het mij te fragmentarisch aan waardoor het naar het einde toe, het niet meer als een geheel was. Of nee, niet fragmentarisch maar meer in scènes gehakt. Het was moeilijker om de beweegredenen van de personages te snappen daardoor.
De illustraties in het boek zijn een hele mooie weergave en het verhaal zelf is zeker ook wel de moeite waard om te lezen.
Profile Image for ☆Lily☆.
124 reviews9 followers
October 5, 2021
One should never judge a book by its cover but this cover seems to work very well for its target group: Once my son, age 11, saw the cover in my review he asked me to get him the book once it is translated to German. So this is what we will do 😃. Especially as this book will be perfect for my son even though the main character is a girl. This book is the perfect fantasy novel for middle grade children of all sexes.
Ember is a dark world full of magical and sometimes very spooky and scary creatures. Some are common traditional ones like for example goblins but there are also new intriguing ones. They add perfectly to the fast paced plot that gets you hooked on the story straight away.
The main character, Twelve, is an outsider and the reader quickly understands why she is not too well liked by the other huntlings -children training to be dark creature hunters. But also the ones not seeming to be too nice grow on the reader while reading and have a fantastic character development. My most favorite characters are Six and the litte fire-creatures.
All in alll I can totally recommend reading this book for middle grade children and older, even if they’ll be releasing the breath they didn’t know they were holding three times 😉 and I am really looking forward to reading more about Twelve and her companions.
Profile Image for Muzmuz.
469 reviews13 followers
August 11, 2021
This book doesn’t even give you a chance to breathe, lands a punch right from the start and throws you in an epic adventure a few pages in.
every time you think the pace will slow down, it picks up again, with a new mystery, a new clue and a new truth.
By the time you reach the ending, you will close the book, open it again and check if you have missed any pages while racing to the finish line….. you might end up chucking it across the room few times out of anger but it will pass by quickly ^^
But now what to do but wait for the sequel to come out soon “Pray to book gods”

Highly recommend it to children and people who enjoy the thrill of the adventure in a magical world
Profile Image for Maja.
489 reviews8 followers
November 19, 2021
Das Buch hat seinen ganz eigenen Charme, von dem man gleich zu Beginn eingewickelt wird. Es ist faszinierend die Charaktere kennenzulernen und die Gedanken hinter den Personen zu erfahren. Außerdem ist es überaus spannend auf der Reise der Jagdlinge die Monster zu erkennen und zu bekämpfen. Das coole war dabei das Zwölf ein Buch dabei hatte und jedes Mal, wenn es um Monster ging, hat sie dieses rausgenommen und eine kurze Erklärung zu jedem abgegeben. Wodurch die Geschichte viel abenteuerlicher und aufschlussreicher wurde. Dadurch das unsere Protagonisten sich auf eine gefährliche, eigentlich unmögliche Reise begeben ist es ziemlich spannend zu beobachten, wie sie über sich hinauswachsen. Zudem mochte ich Zwölfs Träume und Rückblicke, die wichtig für den weiteren Verlauf der Geschichte sind, da sie viel Spannung aufgebaut haben. Was mir auch noch sehr gefallen hat war die Welt, in der sie leben, diese wurde in allen Einzelheiten dargestellt und ich hatte das Gefühl ich wäre direkt auf ihrer Reise dabei. Es war ein Abenteuer dieses Buch zu lesen und es gab so viele Wendungen zum Schluss, dass man nur beeindruckt sein kann. Denn man würde am Beginn der Story nie auf das Ende kommen. Zusammengefasst war es also ein ziemlich schönes Buch und ich warte schon sehnlichst auf Band 2.
Die Story ist unglaublich interessant. Ein Mädchen macht sich mit zwei Jungen und einen Hund auf den Weg ihre Freundin aus den Fängen der Kobolde zu befreien. Dabei müssen sie sich den wildesten Monster und schlimmsten Gefahren stellen. Jedoch führt sie ihr Weg nicht zu der gesuchten Person, sondern zu ihrer Loge, die in großer Gefahr schwebt. Nur zusammen können sie ihre Freunde befreien und das Böse bekämpfen, doch schaffen sie es zusammenzuhalten.
Zwölf ist ein Mädchen das viel Leid ertragen musste in ihren jungen Leben. Sie hat ihre ganze Familie verloren, weil ihr Dorf zerstört worden ist und hat sie alleine begraben. Da sie dann alleine war ging sie zu Loge um sich als eine Jägerin ausbilden zu lassen ohne eine Jägerin werden zu wollen. Sie ist diszipliniert, trainiert hart, ist mutig, sturköpfig, distanziert anderen gegenüber und wütend. Doch sie begibt sich trotzdem auf die Suche nach Sieben, obwohl sie nicht mal richtige Freunde sind. Ihre Entwicklung ist am stärksten, da sie endlich die Vergangenheit akzeptiert und entscheidet was für ein Mensch sie sein will. Dabei zeigt sie sich anderen gegenüber sogar freundlich, hilfsbereit und zuverlässig. Sie lernt zudem herauszuholen was in ihr steckt und damit ihre Familie zu retten. Das ist eine riesige Entwicklung für sie, die ich sehr beeindruckend finde. Vor allem wenn man bedenkt, wie tief ihr Zorn und Hass ist. Sie musste erst sich selbst vergeben, um anderen zu vergeben und das ist einmalig.
Sieben ist ein ziemliches, nicht zum Kämpfen geeignetes Mädchen das dafür andere Stärken hat. Sie hat nämlich eine Begabung, die den Kobolden gefällt und die sie brauchen. An sich ist sie lieb, freundlich und ruhig. Ihre Entwicklung ist auch stark, denn sie kämpft Seite an Seite für die Jäger und ist eine Kriegerin der anderen Art.
Sechs ist ein sehr interessanter Junge. Er ist ruhig und freundlich, hat Humor und ist ein cooler Typ. Er hat auch seine Familie verloren, nur seine Schwester ist übriggeblieben und er kämpft für sie. Wenn wir ihn betrachten, sehen wir eine schöne Entwicklung, die ihn mehr Stärke und Freunde bringt. Ich mag ihn und finde er ist ein sehr sympathischer Mensch.
Fünf ist ein etwas rüpelhafter, aufmerksamkeitsbezogener, aber sensibler Junge. Er ist immer sehr aggressiv und wütend gegenüber Zwölf, aber wenn man hinter seine Maske blickt, erkennt man einen lustigen, wenn auch lebensmüden Jungen. Seine Entwicklung macht man daran fest, dass er sich mit Zwölf anfreundet und für sie kämpft.
Zusammen sind Zwölf und Sechs ein super Team. Sie haben zuvor nie miteinander geredet doch sie haben gleich einen Draht zueinander und verfolgen das gleiche Ziel. Aber sie beide haben Geheimnisse, die ihr Verbindung auf die Probe stellen. Zwölf, Sechs, Fünf, Sieben und Hund stellen an sich eine unvergesslichen Gruppe dar, die alle Probleme überwinden können, wenn sie zusammenhalten.
Das Ende war voller Überraschungen und Action. Unsere Protagonisten sind wieder an ihrem Startpunkt, wo sie sich erstmal ihren Gefühlen stellen müssen. Denn kurz zuvor haben sie alle die Wahrheit über die tiefsten und dunkelsten Geheimnisse des Anderen erfahren. Dadurch spaltet sich die Gruppe und Zwölf wird alleine eingesperrt. Wodurch sie Zeit hat sich in klaren zu werden wer sie sein will und was für eine Art Mensch sie gerne sein möchte. Dann muss sie sich entscheiden auf welche Seite sie steht und für das richtige kämpfen. Doch haben sie und ihre Freunde überhaupt eine Chance? Beim Lesen der letzten Seiten war ich sehr gespannt auf die Auflösung des Rätsels und ich wurde nicht enttäuscht. Denn das Ende ist genial und sehr ausgetüftelt. Ich war sehr glücklich über das Ende und auch über den Wahl ihres neuen Namens. Zusammengefasst freue ich mich schon sehr auf den zweiten Teil und bin ein riesengroßer Fan dieses tollen Auftaktes der Feuerblut Reihe.
Profile Image for primrose ♡.
163 reviews8 followers
October 6, 2023

oh my freaking goodness!
5 stars but i would rate this even higher if possible!!

i knew absolutely nothing about this book. i saw it randomly in my local waterstones and i got it because the edition that was there was simply too stunning to pass up. the gorgeous sprayed edges? i have a lot of pretty books but this one was truly love at first sight. since it’s a middle grade fantasy (for ages 9-12 i believe) i knew it would be a easy read and a good break from the usual stuff but i didn’t expect it to be just as good as it is.

favourite read of the year as a matter of fact.

first of all the banter and dynamics between all the characters are so entertaining. since the characters are young they have that kind of immature kids humour that’s super entertaining. i say this because if i see teenagers or adults act this way i would roll my eyes. i laugh so much at these little interactions when it happens but also on top of that the characters are really complex with their own pasts and even their names that they are forbidden to share. they lose all their identities to train to be hunters. some of the characters are not who they seem and they are a lot more than meets the eye. when i re-read this book i’ll definitely be annotating it and underlining so much of the meaningful messages.

the plot was so good, a complete page turner. the environments, the world building are very easy to get lost in and to understand. the drawn illustrations throughout the story are ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS and such a beautiful touch.

the main character twelve is just so human, they all are. they are written in such a way that readers can understand and empathise with. i cried a few times while reading because of how emotional it is, i did not expect this from a children’s book and i didn’t prepare for any of the twists either! usually i’m almost too good at guessing things like this but not this time. it’s so well done and i love the underlying message behind it. it’s such a beautiful book for anyone of any age. there’s no cliffhangers to worry about and the ending is satisfying, please read it!
Profile Image for Livy.
261 reviews16 followers
August 4, 2021
This was such a fun middle-grade fantasy to read! I was fully transported into the magical world of Ember that is crawling with monsters, magic, and mystery.

I loved the character of Twelve so much, she was strong and resilient but also flawed which is something that I absolutely loved becasue we got to see her change and learn from her mistakes and her flaws throughout the course of the book. Five, Six, and Dog made up a great team with Twelve, and seeing them all interact was so fun and interesting, especially as certain things got revealed and their growing friendship was tested. I also loved the monsters and the goblins becasue they were written very well and were suitably evil, which means that they posed a great challenge to Twelve and the hunters. And Victory, I have so many spoilery thoughts so I won't share them here!

The plot was so brilliant becasue it was fast-paced and well written becasue I was engaged throughout the entire book and wanted to keep reading to find out what was going to happen! The different stages of the book were split up brilliantly and it flowed so well for the reader. And the ending was so incredible and tension-filled, which meant that all the reveals and everything that went down had me on the edge of my seat. It was just so much fun to read and I hope that there is a sequel coming soon because I desperately want to know what is going to happen to the Hunters and Twelve after the events of this book.

Aisling Fowler is a wonderufl writer. She created such a rich world filled with so many interesting things as well as a whole host of possibilities for future books! I adored her characters and just all of it! Pick this up if you are a fan of epic middle-grade fantasies such as Percy Jackson becasue I think that this world holds the possibility to reach those heights.

I was kindly gifted a copy as part of a blog tour in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Mădălina Udrescu.
Author 2 books23 followers
September 3, 2022
Monștri înfiorător ce-ți fură căldura corpului și te transformă în stană de gheață, ce te capturează într-un cocon de mătase ca să te devoreze încetul cu-ncetul sau ți se strecoară în vise, păcălindu-te să le devii fel principal la festin, o hoardă de spiriduși malefici, cu puteri magice, care iau cu asalt o cetate de necucerit, trădări peste trădări, patru copii fantastici care se împotrivesc expansiunii întunericului și un Câine de piatră ce poate distruge zeci de creaturi periculoase dintr-o singură încleștare a fălcilor. Ah, da, și să nu uităm de veverița adorabilă și extrem de inteligentă care salvează situația atunci când nu tremură de frică încolăcită sub vreo haină călduroasă de blană. Știu că multe dintre recenziile mele încep cu o înșiruire de genul, dar nu cred că aș putea găsi alte cuvinte mai potrivite prin intermediul cărora să descriu acest roman incitant. „Născută din foc”, de Aisling Fowler, ne aruncă în mijlocul unui masacru ce, odată dezlănțuit, nu prea mai poate fi oprit, cel mult întârziat. Cu toate că am fost nevoită să încep romanul de două ori, pentru că prima dată nu m-a atras absolut deloc, am fost cucerită în cele din urmă de universul macabru pe care-l construiește autoarea și de personajele energice, care nu pregetă să se arunce cu capul înainte în vâltoarea luptelor. Pe lângă dimensiunile Fantasy și YA, care sunt evidente, nuanțele Horror își fac simțită prezența la tot pasul, umplând golurile lăsate pe alocuri de ritmul șovăielnic al întâmplărilor. Acțiune este din plin, în ciuda scenelor puțin forțate. Însă imaginea de ansamblu este una excelentă.

Recenzia completă aici:
Profile Image for PleaseJustLetMeRead.
1,028 reviews30 followers
October 7, 2022
Solid middle-grade fantasy med rigtig fine ilustrationer! Men selvom jeg nok kommer til at læse videre i serien når næste bind kommer engang, er det ikke fordi jeg føler mig voldsomt draget af nødvendigvis at skulle have en 2'er lige nu og her..
Profile Image for Between The Pages (Gemma M) .
1,250 reviews25 followers
August 5, 2021
With thanks for my copy and being part of this tour. As soon as this book came through my post box I devoured it. I started it straight away and it was finished before I knew it. Fantasy. Adventure. Battle.
It was a brilliant read. Had my imagination on fire. This is a perfect read for any Harry Potter fans. Very similar but also many differences. This has huge spiders, magic, battles, ogres and many strange creatures. I just loved every page. A real page turner. Brilliantly written. I loved how the characters didn’t have names, they were known by numbers instead. Twelve is a very brave and determined young girl. Powerful. But she learns alot about herself during this book too.
The ending is kind of open… So… I am hoping and got my fingers crossed for a book two here? Please please. I would love to see my in this world. More from the characters. Highly recommend. A well deserved five stars from me. This has gone into my top reads of the year.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 472 reviews

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