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Life has been easy for me. Top of my class. Star quarterback of the football team. Every guy wants to be my friend, and every girl wants to date me.
Yeah, life is pretty sweet.
Except it’s not.
It’s all fake. School comes too easy for me, and I’m bored. Football isn’t fun anymore. The guys I hang out with aren’t really my friends.
And the girls? I don’t want to date them.
The only one I want to date . . . He’s a little bit . . . hostile.


Life has never been easy for me. A foster kid, lucky enough to be adopted as a teen but who still can’t find a way to be happy.
I have two best friends who are amazing and supportive, and yet, I can’t bring myself to tell them my biggest secret.
Parents who pay for a private school a kid like me could never have dreamed of . . . that I hate.
It feels all wrong when it should feel right.
And I guess . . . that’s made me nothing but . . . hostile.

326 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 4, 2022

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About the author

Nicole Dykes

79 books2,310 followers
Nicole Dykes is a wife and a professional assistant/mom to two gorgeous girls. Currently residing in Kansas, she’s a lover of coffee, Kansas City Chiefs, and all things romance.

She's found her passion in writing M/M romance because love is love is love. Some popular works include Hostile, The Spark of Hope Series, and The Kensley Panthers Series!

Email at [email protected]

Or visit my website at Www.authornicoledykes.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 979 reviews
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
727 reviews1,148 followers
January 30, 2024
|| 4.0 stars ||

First read: April 2022 | ★4.0 stars
Second read: March 2023 | ★4.0 stars

Aww. This was honestly so sweet. And wholesome. And heart-warming. And touching. And kind of adorable even.

This book wasn't really what I was expecting, but I don't mean that in a bad way. It was just different. I thought this would be more angsty and would mostly have a grumpy/sunshine trope.
Instead, it hardly contained any angst (at least not in the relationship department, which was pretty much smooth-sailing throughout), and the grumpy/sunshine trope was more of a hurt/comfort thing.
After all, Rhett, the 'grumpy' character, is only broody and moody in the beginning, letting down his guards pretty fast. I was expecting him to need more time to open up to Grayson, but nope; they hit it off almost immediately and Rhett's grumpy exterior crumbled fast.

There were multiple things I really liked about this book. First of all, I liked the characters. All of them.
I not only loved the two main characters, I also really liked the side characters, who actually played quite a big role and helped make the story feel more whole.
Out of the two MCs, Rhett was my favourite, as I felt like he was the most fleshed out, but Grayson was definitely a cutie too.

The chemistry between Rhett and Grayson was palpable, and I genuinely got a 'love' vibe from them: I could just feel it.
I was obsessed with how it all began between them, when it was just Grayson having a crush on Rhett, while Rhett was only giving complete 'fuck off' attitude. I actually wish this would have gone on for a bit longer, making the build-up a little stronger. I mean, I'm just a complete sucker for unrequited love, especially if it's done in the way it was here. Hence, I was slightly disappointed with the short duration of it, seeing how Rhett gave in so soon. But oh well.
Anyway, when they got together, you could tell that their feelings were steadily growing and growing. They had trustful moments between them, hot moments, and also sweet moments. Their relationship just worked, and it was obvious that it could work for many years to come (perhaps even forever).
That's why I was smiling so hard when I read the epilogue, because, whereas with other books they sometimes feel false, unrealistic or overexaggerated, I could honestly see it happening here, and it just made me so happy for them. It was such a sweet and fitting ending.

I have to say that I felt truly emotionally invested; not only due to the likable nature of the characters, but also due to the plotline and themes of the book.
I felt like Rhett was a really good depiction of someone who has been hurt by the foster care system, and I am so glad that this book showed that his trauma still haunted him even after he was placed with a good family, and was seemingly living the perfect life. My heart bled for him, and I found his story arc to be one of the best things about the book.
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
688 reviews1,433 followers
May 21, 2022
this book is one example of how a story can have a generic plot but, as long as it has its own charm, it's still gonna leave you immersed. or well, at least that's how it was for me. the story was nothing new, it felt similar to something i've read before, but the characters (both main and side) stood out to me and i was able to enjoy it bc of that.

one of my favorite couple dynamics is when the mc is straightforward with their feelings and doesn't beat around the bush while the love interest is in denial, pushing the mc away, but the mc refuses to give up. that was Grayson and Rhett in a nutshell. i loved their push and pull, but i also loved how it didn't drag out and we were able to see Rhett's walls slowly come down, allowing Grayson into his life. 🥺

most of the side characters were also pretty great in this, i loved the dynamic/relationships each one had with both mcs. the familial moments, friendships—it was all enjoyable and heartwarming. <3
Profile Image for Florence ..
894 reviews274 followers
April 7, 2022
4 “I’m not living my life for anyone else anymore” stars

I didn’t know it was my job to make him smile until I met him. Now I know. This is my destiny. Making my grumpy guy smile.

A artist and a jock who are opposite but also so perfect for each other is always a win in my book, I just love these types of books and god did I love this one. I just had such a good time reading this book and this book made me feel so many things, I laughed, I cried, I got frustrated at some of the characters, I just went through so many emotions and I had the best of time reading this book because of that.

Brief summary
Grayson and Rhett are both 18 and in their last year of high school. Rhett is a broading artist who wants to be a tattoo artist and Grayson was the star quarterback of the football team and he plays other sports too and he's trying to fit in with his friends, even if he doesn't feel like he can relate to them. He's puting on the jock with a trust fund persona but he has a lot more layers than that. He is also hiding the fact that he's gay. Grayson has been staring at Rhett a lot and he's really into him, they start spending a lot of time together and they fall in love.

First, I really enjoyed how they got together. I liked how Grayson was always staring at Rhett and just wanted to know him so he did everything so he could get to know him. Rhett was reticent at first but Grayson proved him that he was worthy of his attention. It's the kind of things that I wouldn't want to happen to me in real life but I just love it so much in books and I really enjoyed how it was done in this book. I really enjoy the don't talk to me, I don't want you, but i'll still try to spend time with you because I like you, I just don't want to admit it vibes in books and this book had so much of those vibes and I just loved it.

Second, the relationship development in this book was just so lovely to me. I loved how their relationship flowed and evolved the more time they spent together. I loved how they went from unlikely friends to wanting to spend more and more time with each other. I just adored how the relationship flowed in this book.

Third, Rhett has been abandoned as a child and because of that he feels like he is broken and he has a lot of trust issues. He was adopted by foster parents who gave him a lot of things but he feels like he doesn't deserve it and like the life he has is not a life he should have. He feels like he has to make his own way because he does not deserve the things he's been given in life. Rhett is super grumpy and moody because he just doesn't feel like he's good enough for the life he has and it's making him act out. I loved how the book put so much of a focus on him finding his place in life and finding where he belongs and finding it in himself to like the person he is, that just really worked for me.

Fourth, Grayson has his future planed for him by his family, meaning studying real estate at an ivy league college and then marry a upstanding woman and work for the family business, but thats not really what he wants to do in life. And a lot of the book is him having to come to that conclusion and trying to find his own way and the things that makes him happy in life. I really love when we get to see past the facade characters put on to see who they really are and what their motivations are and that was the case for Grayson’s character and I loved reading about it.

Fifth, this is probably one of the only book about 18 years old that I have read that I felt like the characters actually sounded and acted like their age. I loved how they were in life situations that reminded me of when I was 18 and how realistic their lives felt. They had to make big life decisions and they were kind of lost on what to do and they had no clue what to do most of time and that just felt like everything I remember feeling when I was 18 myself. I just really appreciated how Rhett and Grayson felt like real people who were a little lost in life but trying to figure it out even if it seemed impossible a lot of the time. I really really appreciated how they were a little lost and never sure of what to do or how they felt because thats just such a relatable feeling to me.

Also, I really enjoyed how most of their high school life sounded realistic instead of sounding like a teen movie from the 2000s. I could actually relate to most of their actions and life events and that felt like such a breath of fresh air to me. This book did have a little too many melodrama moments about high school for me, but I could see them actually happening, I just didn’t really appreciate them. I’m just not really into this kind of melodrama in books.

Sixth, I really enjoyed how this book talked about the main character’s sexualities. We had Rhett, who isn’t sure what he identified as and who hadn’t been into anyone until Grayson kissed him and who didn’t know what he identified as, just that he has never been into anyone but Grayson. Which is something I really enjoyed how it was portrayed. And we had Grayson, who is gay but who was afraid to came out to his family because he thought that they would disown him. I have to say I absolutely adored how Rhett never told him he had to come out or made it seem like Grayson had to come out in a time frame that isn’t Grayson. Way too often that doesn’t happen in books and I just loved how it happened in this one. I just really adored the representation of their sexualities, it was just done so well to me.

Seventh, relationship in this book felt shockingly really mature for 18 years old and I really loved that. I felt like it felt their relationship super well and I loved how they dealt with everything thrown their way, that part of the book just really worked for me.

Eight, I just want to mention the sex scenes in this book because there is a lot of sexual exploration going on in this book and I just loved all of it. The way it was done was just so wonderful, and so lovingly written, I just really appreciated it and I love reading all of the sex scenes in this book, they were just so good.

Ninth, the plot of this book is one I read many times before, but one that I really enjoy and I particularly enjoyed this book's take on this plot. Everything about how this book treated the different plot elements just worked for me. I really enjoyed everything about this one and how it took on the subject's matter, it was just done in a way that really worked for me.

Tenth, if I just had to say one thing, the climax of the book just didn’t really work for me, I liked it but it didn’t satisfy me as much as I wanted it to.

Regardless of that, I still had such a lovely time reading this book and I absolutely adored reading this one.

I received an ARC of this book and this is my honest opinion
Profile Image for Crystal (Crystalreads2) .
916 reviews869 followers
April 8, 2022
Rating: All the stars in the world.

So far my top read of the year. Wow!!! Hostile is full of pure raw emotion and is beyond beautiful. My words alone can’t articulate how unique this book is. Rhett will always have a special place in my heart.

Rhett feels, instead of lucky but feels broken and can’t seem to find his way. He is a Senior in high school and very artistic. My heart bleeds for him. The author just cracked it open and slowly put it back together.

Grayson is the golden boy of the school. He does everything his parents have planned for him. Behind it all, he has a secret. Afraid of the repercussions, he holds a façade of who and what he is.

As much as these two are opposites. They have more in common than they think. The connection between the two is deep and steamy. I felt all of their emotions. A warning make sure to have tissues on hand. And set all adult responsibilities out of the window. If there is one book to read and for me to recommend, Hostile is it
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
597 reviews559 followers
September 28, 2022
***I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book ***
Rhett and Grayson have a beautiful connection that is highlighted even more due to their tremendous differences in background and personality. Hostile is a fast-moving story featuring two guys that are struggling in different ways but cannot ignore their shared feelings for one another.

Rhett is a complicated character who had a difficult upbringing making him keep people at a distance and isolated, until Grayson, who is the sunshine to Rhett's grump and once has Rhett in his sights, does not let him go. Watching Grayson wiggle his way into Rhett's closed-off routine, was fun to see, and watching Rhett squirm a bit at the unwanted attention was great.

Overall Hostile explores the deep need to feel wanted and accepted by your loved ones and to never let love pass you by. Grayson and Rhett have a once-in-a-lifetime connection and seeing their journey was so moving. Loved their HEA!!!
Profile Image for Enay QueerBooklover.
434 reviews201 followers
May 16, 2023
4.5 stars
What a pleasantly nuanced surprise this one was! It hit me with so many feels, and the angst was tear-inducing at times. Nothing hurts more than loving someone & being loved by someone you can’t be with, so this book does hit hard with that. It’s written in dual POV with a simple writing style that matches the voice of the characters, while being straight to the point.

Rhett, when we first meet him, is angry & closed off. After having a hard childhood in foster care, he now has an affluent adoptive family who loves him, but he doesn’t feel he deserves it. He meets Grayson at the elite school he’s about to graduate from. Grayson is gorgeous, intelligent, a jock, and popular - and has crushed from afar on Rhett. He’s also deeply closeted. Grayson finally has the courage to approach Rhett, and progressively chips through his hard protective shell. They embark on sexual exploration, Greyson never having explored his attraction to a guy before, and Rhett having believed himself to be ace prior to this. From the beginning though, their sex has a beautiful affection & gentle sensitivity to it that hooks you into the feels.

“When I look at him, that’s all I can think about. Making it happen again and again. Feeling my body light up, every nerve coming alive inside me. And that’s exactly what he’s done to me. He brought me to life.”

They’re destined to separate after graduation, and feel like this is unavoidable, even though they love each other. But there is a hard-won HEA, and I was so invested in these boys by the end. A big tick for Rhett’s adoptive parents, and the sensitive way Rhett’s understanding of his sexuality (ace to Demi sexual) is described. A massive cross for Grayson’s hideous mother. And the epilogue is just perfect. I love seeing a long way down the track.
Profile Image for Mila (Semi-Hiatus).
250 reviews337 followers
May 17, 2023
***4.0 rating***

"He surprises me, though, instead of saying anything or trying to convince me I’m not fucked up, he pulls my body into his, wrapping his big-ass arms around me in a bear hug I couldn’t get out of if I tried. But I don’t try. I just bury my face in his chest against the hard muscle, and I let him hold me—which is also very fucking new for me."


Well hello. Here I am with a 4.0 rating for this book. I know I am a hypocrite. Who would have thought?

Hehe...*nervous laughter*

In my last review I kept bitching about how MM sports romance books are "cLIcHE" and "pRediCtAble" and here I am enjoying the shit out of a generic book 🤡.

What can I say? Like some of my GR friends have said, "sometimes cliches work" and in this case it did.

I loved Rhett and Grayson. While the beginning was slow, I enjoyed the second-half of the book more than the first-half. I loved how Grayson followed Rhett around like a loyal golden retriever, even when Rhett paid him no mind. So cute. Grayson was overall really sweet and unexpected. I thought he was gonna be your typical bro jock but he was instead a sensitive, caring, and charming guy that liked to draw, and volunteer with Rhett. Don't tell me that ain't precious, because it is 😭❤️.

I also loved our broody and confused Rhett. He was so grumpy in the beginning and a shell of a person but then our bae Grayson came along and annoyed the shit out of him and he had no choice but to adore him hehe. Duh. How could he not? Gray is a catch.

When they finally got together, they were really sweet and open with their feelings. It was really adorable. I really didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did because this book is indeed generic and had a basic plot and all but it worked somehow. I liked the MCs and the side characters (Bree, Fletcher, Josh, Blair and Rhys). I also loved the epilogue which gave us a glimpse of their future together, a well deserved HEA for our mains. It may have been a predictable and an easy read but it has two adorable MCs that made it worthwhile. I am glad I gave this book a chance and ended up enjoying it.

I guess you guys were right lol, sometimes cliches do work and I am glad it did with this book. I have zero regrets.
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews974 followers
November 28, 2022
Audiobook - 4 Stars

Story - 2.5 stars

Rhett kept telling everyone he is broken but I was not convinced, creating problems where there were no problems. Anyhoo he wasn't that bad.

Grayson was too sweet.

The dialogue was stilted most of the time.

This whole book went on to be sugary sweet with lots of sex.

I was expecting wolves instead I got kittens.

Anyhoo, shit happens.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,325 reviews591 followers
July 5, 2023
4.5 Stars

Sexual awakenings. First-times. Found family. Grumpy x sunshine. Mental health. Hurt/comfort. Self-acceptance. These are just some of the themes and tropes explored in this heart-warming and steamy new-adult MM romance.

I honestly didn’t know what to expect, having never read a Nicole Dykes story before, but lord did this story consume me, leaving me with a satisfied smile on my face and some deliciously warm and fuzzy feelings in my heart.

The chemistry was sizzling between senior-year opposites, moody and artistic Rhett and popular jock with a heart-of-gold Grayson. Their dynamic is something I’ve read many times before, but the depth given to their characters went a long way in making this story stand out from the rest.

Even though the story starts with the MCs still in high school, this had a more mature, serious, slightly angsty vibe to it. Pair that with the fact this story is on the steamy side of things and I’d definitely consider this aimed at a new adult audience over a YA one.

Beyond my love of the main characters and their blossoming relationship, I liked most of their friends and family—especially Rhett’s adoptive parents, who were so wonderfully supportive and non-judgemental, opening their hearts to their three adoptive teens in an awe-inspiring way. (I’ve since learned that these parents, Rhys and Blair, have their own MF romance in the book, Clarity, which I now very much plan on reading).

With a title like Hostile, I was expecting a very heavy read, but as I mentioned, the angst was on the lighter side of things, which worked fine for me. The drama was manageable and even though some of the points of contention throughout the book had a fairly sugar-coated, idyllic resolution, I felt it worked well for the story at hand.

Overall, I found this to be a very easy tale to devour in a day or so, leaving a good impression where this new-to-me author is concerned, and providing me with a NA story that I can picture myself reading as a comfort read in the future.
Profile Image for Julia (bookish.jka).
777 reviews218 followers
April 5, 2022
”Annoyed, I can handle. More turned-on than I’ve ever been in my entire life? Yeah, that’s new.”

I’ve really enjoyed Nicole Dyke’s foray into the MM genre and long may it last! I absolutely adored Immoral, enjoyed Totally Schooled and Backslide and now with HOSTILE I’m back to the adoring 😍.

Rhett and Grayson were totally adorable together. Rhett’s angsty sexual awakening was beautiful to read, taking into account his traumatic childhood and absolute aversion to relationships and trusting anyone outside of his direct family unit. His foster parents were AMAZING.

Grayson was an atypical high school/college Jock, not at all what you’d expect him to be. Although he is rich, clever, popular and loved by all, he’s also caring and considerate and hella funny at times. His relationship with his emotionally distant family was so well written.

Together these boys were magic.

You will love HOSTILE if your fave tropes include:

🌶 Steamy MM romance
🌶 First times
🌶 Grumpy/Sunshine
🌶 Found family
🌶 Some angst

Be aware there are some triggers, so do read the author’s foreword. Both boys are of age.


4 adorable ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,591 followers
April 20, 2022
3 Stars

Overall Opinion: This was alright. I didn’t hate it and I didn’t love it. I guess I just kind of feel meh about it. I didn’t think Rhett was as broody and damaged as I think we were led to believe — which is fine! It was just a sweet book about two boys falling in love for the first time. Nothing wrong with that! I just feel kind of indifferent about it all and I don’t think it’ll be all that memorable in the long run.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Rhett and Greyson’s story. They’ve known of each other at their private high school, but they don’t know each other. That changes when Greyson offers Rhett a ride in the rain and decides they’re going to be friends. Greyson knows he is gay and has a crush on Rhett, but being a foster kid with trust issues, Rhett isn’t interested it any type of relationship. There are some secrets revealed, some sweet moments, and some sexy times…and they get a HEA ending.

Point Of View (POV): This alternated between Rhett and Greyson’s POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.

Instalove: Kind of, because things move fast with not that much development.

H1 (Hero #1) rating: 3 stars. Rhett. He was alright. I get that he was supposed to be damaged but he seemed to have it pretty together, considering 🤷🏻‍♀️

H2 (Hero #2) rating: 3.5 stars. Greyson. I liked him a little more. I appreciated how he stayed positive no matter the situation.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: No, just mild jealousy

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: Yes

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This ends with a sweet epilogue and what I would call a HEA ending but I still had some unanswered questions in the end

Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers
Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 23 books560 followers
September 21, 2022
I don’t know why it took me so damn long to pick up one of Nicole’s books. After finishing Hostile I’m definitely a fan and look forward to what else she has to bring.

From the get go, I adored Grayson and his gigantic heart. It battered mine that he lived as a shell of someone else for so long. But he saw something in Rhett and no matter how many times he says it, Grayson would never take his no for an answer.

I loved Rhett too but it was a hard love. Several times I wanted to knock some sense into him. Which isn’t fair, most people have a hard time finding themselves, some harder than others. And Rhett, he was as stubborn as they come, even against himself.

But when he gave in, it was everything. Even when he fought every new step, it still felt worth celebrating when he accepted it.

The surrounding cast of characters was colorful, some like Bree and Blair, you just loved to pieces. While others like Josh and Fletch took a little more of a push.

Overall it was a sweet story with a lot of sex … a lot but I suppose that’s true to life with two teenage boys lol. I thought the pacing of their love was realistic and that ending was everything I could’ve hoped for.
Profile Image for Layla .
1,328 reviews18 followers
April 22, 2022
DNF @ 40%

Skimmed most of it too.

The writing was weird.
The dialogue was weird.
Everything was weird.
Profile Image for Lau ♡.
449 reviews468 followers
May 7, 2022
Hostile is a story that catches you since the very first chapter, where Rhett steals your heart with his raw, confused feelings, and doesn’t let you go until the end.

I stare at myself in the mirror, and all I feel is that I’m a fraud. That this is not me. That I don’t deserve any of it.

Rhett and his two best friends spent their childhood surviving from one foster house to another, until the miracle happened: they were adopted by Rhys and Blair, who filled their lives with love. While Rhett is grateful and loves them back, he can’t help but feel he doesn’t deserve any of what they’ve done for him. Now that he is turning eighteen, he wants to make his own path, starting by moving from the family home and getting a job in a tattoo shop that is not Rhys'. But the guilt of making people he cares about unhappy keeps haunting him.

Someday, I want to experience love. But how the hell am I going to do that when I can’t find the courage to be the real me?

Grayson is the golden boy of the school: perfect grades, good at every sport, all guys want to be his friends and girls want to be with him. The fact that he hasn’t dated anyone has spread dozens of rumors about secret girlfriends and torrid love affairs with teachers, when reality is simpler: the person he is interested in is a boy with a ‘fuck off’ vibe that is only making him more and more curious. Until one day, Grayson decides he is done waiting.

Getting to know Rhett was like trying to bring down a door. At first it didn’t even stir, but Grayson didn’t lose faith and kept trying until the door opened and fell before his eyes. I appreciated that the author didn’t create more drama with that aspect. Once Rhett trusted Grayson, he wasn’t cold anymore. In fact, he was as good with Grayson as Grayson was with him, creating a solid base for their relationship to grow.

“I didn’t know it was my job to make him smile until I met him. Now I know. This is my destiny. Making my grumpy guy smile.”

Balance was the key in the story, both in pace and character development. Neither of them felt more important than the other. They had to face their own demons, but they supported each other in every step of the way. As for the pace… The fact that I stayed until 4 am to finish it because there wasn’t a damn slow scene where I could stop reading should tell you enough. Although no part felt rushed, there was always something to look forward to.

Overall, Hostile is an excellent New Adult romance for those who enjoy character development going hand in hand with relationship growth. The writing and depth of the character's emotions makes it very easy to care about them, while the love story will bring a smile to your face.
Profile Image for Ben Howard.
1,304 reviews166 followers
February 14, 2023
I love when I enjoy a book by a new to me author who has a lot of other books out. So much to choose from!

One simple kiss. And it’s turned my life upside down. I should try to forget it. Just play along with his denial or whatever he wants to do here, but I can’t. Because that one simple kiss was everything.

Hostile is a romance between Grayson and Rhett, both are at the end of high school and are trying to figure out what to do next and with whom.

Grayson is the rich golden boy who seems to have it all, from the outside. But in reality he's following the path demanded of him by his absentee parents. He wants to take over the company from his father; and revert his father's decision to cut their charitable donations down to a trickle. But in order to do that he needs to not be disowned. Which he feels coming out will result in.

Rhett is a foster kid who was lucky enough to be adopted by loving parents. But the scars from his time in the system still haunt him. He's slow to trust and guards himself even from those who love him. He thinks himself broken and that others would be better off with out him.

Grayson's and Rhett's romance was so precious. Starting with Grayson pursuing and grumpy Rhett reluctantly putting up with his presence, to them being ‘friends who maybe kiss’, to actually admitting their feelings for one another.

I feel like my review makes this book sound super angsty, and the book could have easily gone in that direction, but the angst level was relatively low. And I'm glad. The conflict felt real and wasn't superfluously heightened for dramas sake.

Profile Image for Jamie.
648 reviews107 followers
November 6, 2022
I really enjoyed this book! I usually stay away from high school books, but I didn't even realize this was one when I started reading- and I was so pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it! Had a fun time reading this.
Profile Image for any.
306 reviews50 followers
May 25, 2022
i know it was good. i swear i loved it, but at the moment my adhd doesn't let me organize my thoughts so no review yeah
Profile Image for Gloria (in a slump? idk).
138 reviews215 followers
April 5, 2022
That ending was so cute!!! I did feel like it dragged at some parts, and Grayson's dad's reaction was a bit anticlimactic, but overall I loved Rhett and Grayson 💚💚
Profile Image for magic_of_darkness_and_books.
175 reviews69 followers
April 10, 2022
I thought for a long, long time about how to rate this book. But I can't bring myself to give more stars even if I wanted. There were a few things that bothered me but one thing, in particular, is my reason for lowering my rating. Honestly, if this thing was done properly, I would have rated it at least 4 stars.

First, the beginning of this book was amazing, and it started off so strong! But around the 50% mark, everything went downhill.
The author portrayed the difficulties foster kids go through and how broken the foster care system can be. It was painful to read. Rhett's feelings touched something in me, and my heart ached because he felt he wasn't good enough, that he was nothing.

I turn to look at her, wishing like hell I could explain it. To describe to her everything swirling around in my mind, but I don't know how.

The beginning of Rhett and Grayson's story OMG, I LOVED how Grayson went after him and didn't give up. His persistence made Rhett open to him little by little. Grayson was such a sweetheart! Like one of my besties said: "he is a little golden retriever boy"! Yep, I agree! But there was also so much more to Grayson. Between Grayson and Rhett... I loved Grayson way more.

What I loved in this book:
- GRAYSON!!!!! 💖
- the way Rhett's feelings were portrayed (most of the time)
- the chemistry between Grayson and Rhett
- how Rhett gradually trusted Grayson
- the portraying of the foster care system, how children struggle and what kind of trauma it can leave on a person
- how this book talked about the MCs sexuality

I nod my head, sticking my hands in my jeans pockets awkwardly because - feelings.

Yep, Rhett, I can relate to that. Because... FEELINGS! 😶

"It's fine." Fine. The universal code for so fucking not okay.

"Demi. Ace. Gay. Late bloomer. Does it matter?"
... "Of course, it matters. I don't know what I am."
"You're Rhett." I point to him, completely serious. "Moody asshole, decent artist, really good kisser. Rhett."

"I don't know if I'll ever really understand myself."
He looks concerned, then shrugs. "Okay. As long as I can be there along the way."

Darkness he doesn't realize is in reality his light.


⚠️Major spoilers ahead:⚠️
So, it's time to say what bothered me in this book.

1. It got repetitive and I mean really repetitive. I got so tired of reading the same things at one point. "I can't go with him, he can't stay." again and again. They were like broken records playing. Not to mention there were too many sex scenes. I love my books spicy, but it was too much. The scenes didn't have anything let's say new to them. Every sex scene was almost the same (and there were a lot). They were also used as a way for the MCs to not face their feelings.

2. The pacing in the second half of the book was a little bit off for me.

3. I felt like Rhett has depression at the beginning of this book, but it all solved itself when Grayson barreled into his life. Yes, it took time and effort, but it still bothered me a little bit.

4. My main reason for giving 3 stars - Grayson!!!!! This will be opinion that's a little bit more different. But this is just the way I felt when it comes to Grayson. Don't get me wrong I loved Grayson! The author just tried soooo hard to focus on Rhett's pain and struggles that she pushed Grayson in the back.

Okay, so let's see how he grew up. First, he had money, yes, but his parents didn't care about him, he was neglected and left without his parents' support and love. He lived in the basement of their house and knew his parents cheat on each other (and even sometimes bring these other people into the house), he was often left alone. So, after reading all of this you can't tell me he is fine! (Yes, I'm really angry here, sorry but I need to scream about this!!!) This book was Rhett, Rhett, Rhett... okay what about Grayson? If you want to portray a golden boy with a happy family, okay I get it then do it, but creating life like the one Grayson had and barely focusing on his feelings? Nope, I can't accept that.

Grayson's feelings were always in the back of this book (except for his feelings for Rhett, because you know, Rhett is the center of this book). The meeting with his mother, then his father... all of this could have been made so that we get to see how Grayson feels (because no, he can't be 'oh great, I'm okay. Everything is peachy.')

Also, what I was angry about the most: was when Grayson went to talk with his father, he was scared, and Rhett knew this. I expected Rhett to express some kind of support or to wait for him at home but nooooo Rhett texted him that he is at his parents and for him to go there. I was like wtf? Grayson arrived and Rhett's mother asked him first how it went. I didn't feel any concern from Rhett's side and that bothered me. Rhett's feelings were always talked about but not Grayson's!!!

Ugggghhh, if you can't tell by now, I'm angry. I'll stop here but this was frustrating. You can say I feel overprotective over Grayson but for me, it wasn't okay to portray Rhett's feelings and create an illusion (because that's what it is for me) that Grayson is fine with the way he has lived and the way his parents treated him.

That's all I have to say about this book. There were a lot of things I loved at the beginning. I loved Rhett and Grayson but creating a character that didn't in fact has an amazing childhood and making it seem like it was okay bothered me too much. I don't know for what sake was this made? To put more focus on Rhett's feelings? My heart bled for him, and I wanted to wrap Rhett in a hug so many times and I'm sure I would have felt the same way if Grayson's feelings were portrayed too and not masked as something that is totally fine.
Profile Image for Megan.
881 reviews248 followers
February 24, 2024
MM Romance
High School Exploration
3.5 Stars

🎧Audiobook Reread
🎵Narrated by Devon Ryder and Bryant Walker🎵 Both these narrators were new to me but they did a fabulous job however they both sounded so similar that I’d often forget whose POV I was in. I tried to listen to other book samples to figure out who narrated who but I can’t tell 😂😂😂

So this randomly appeared on my Audible homepage for $1 and I think it was a glitch because it said the original price was $1.43 and that makes no sense. 🤷🏻‍♀️ However, their glitch is my gain because this has two narrators I’ve been eyeing on other books and couldn’t tell with samples if I’d like them so I decided to buy this despite feeling a bit mehhhh when I read it the first time. And much to my surprise I simply adored this in audiobook form. It even made me cry because high school boys are dumb 😭 Definitely worth the dollar I spent on it and I listened to it in one sitting. 💗

Original Review Below
I liked this book but now that I’m trying to review it, I realize there’s not much for me to actually say about it. I liked the characters, the sex exploration, the found family aspect but it was all rather predictable and I hoped since it was high school there would of been more drama. Both boys had turmoil in their lives but found solace in each other and I liked where this book was going until they graduated high school.

After they graduated, I became less interested because I felt like everything that happened could have been resolved prior and there was no reason for them not to be together. I agreed with Bree that Rhett/Grayson were idiots but then they were teenagers so why am I so surprised?

I also expected Rhett to be a bit more hostile considering that’s the name of the book. I felt like I was having deja vu until I realized I had read this author before and said the same thing about their book ‘Immoral’. Anyway, I liked this but it’s forgettable and after reading an unforgettable book recently, it’s hard to go back to books like this. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Jess .
1,095 reviews152 followers
March 29, 2022
*ARC received from author in exchange for my honest review. *

I'm always the girl who has the soft spot for the bad boy, the damaged one but Nicole Dykes made me fall for the jock!!

While Rhett's troubles were a bit more obvious it was Grayson who seemingly had it all but under the surface he was drowning. Struggling between being the person he thinks he is supposed to be and being the person, he truly is.

For years Grayson has longed for the broody guy in school. It isn't until a rainy day that he decides to take a chance and befriend Rhett. Except, Rhett isn't having it. Rhett knows guys like Grayson and nothing good can come from letting Grayson close to him. After all jocks are all the same, aren't they?

What starts as a shaky friendship turns into stolen kisses and hopes of a future both guys know is never possible. Grayson has to go off to college and Rhett is staying behind. Two men from very different walks of life find their truths in one another and when it is time to say goodbye will it be forever, or will they get a chance at their HEA?

I adored both Rhett & Grayson, but Grayson won my heart!! He might have been struggling but he was always there as a positive source of light and love for Rhett.

A story of found family, love, and what happens when you finally decide to let someone into your heart. Nicole just poured her heart into Grayson & Rhett's story. Who knows we might even get to see them in a future book if she were to write a story about Rhett's brother? A girl can dream right?
Profile Image for yaishin.
865 reviews108 followers
April 9, 2022
Graysexual does have a nice ring to it😂. I admit I skimmed A LOT of parts especially the sex scenes towards the end and the teenage drama was weird (their lack of panic for life after graduation was a bit concerning even though they did have plans in place🤨) but overall it was pretty okay.
Profile Image for Sheena.
571 reviews38 followers
March 26, 2024
reread #6: March 2024 My emotional comfort read 🥹

"Feeling my body light up, every nerve coming alive inside me. And that’s exactly what he’s done to me. He brought me to life."

"I didn’t know it was my job to make him smile until I met him. Now I know. This is my destiny. Making my grumpy guy smile."

5/5 stars

I went into this not expecting much, but this blew my expectations away. I absolutely loved this book. The way that Grayson and Rhett got together and their entire relationship was the best. I thought it would be a cliche because of the jock and artist but it wasn't and I was very happy.

The way that their relationship evolved was something that just felt right. They did not jump into things too quickly or too late but it was at the moment where it needed to happen. I also loved how Grayson was always looking at Rhett prior to them becoming friends. The way that Grayson never gave up on being Rhett's friend was adorable. I adore a grumpyxsunshine.

Rhett's character development and what his character was going through was done perfectly. His issues were brought up and were not pushed aside instead it played a huge part in his development. Grayson's issues were also played a major part of the plot and it kept me wanting to read more. Both characters felt like they were 18 based on the decisions that they made. It made it seem so much more realistic and it made me love them even more. The way that both of their sexualties were being discovered and how Rhett was lost until the end made me love him as a character.

I need to talk about the side characters. Blair was an absolute sweetheart. From the moment that she appeared in the story, I fell in love with her. She was so kind to all of children and the way she loves Rhett, Fletcher, and Bree melt my heart. She never gave up on Rhett and she always let him do whatever was best for him and always assured him that she was there for him. She is one of the best parental figures I have seen and it warmed my heart.

This was definitely one my favorite books I have read so far.
April 9, 2022
Soooooooo à la barred desires vibezz my first thought after finishing this (and well really after the final 70% mark) was ‘this is dumb non-issue’. BUT CEST LA VIE WE ARE ALL FOOLS IN LOVE, I SUPPOSE.

My takes
-the whole book read like a k Webster novel
-the characters reminded me of feuds and reckless fury
-the setting reminded me of hood river rat
(Note I recently read both of these so maybe it really is just me)
-the pacing was a bit too fast
-the conflicts were not conflicts
-and the characters weren’t really well developed BUT I did care about them and I though the ship was cute

So like, do I think you should read this: yes bc at the very least it’s fun to critique after.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,369 reviews555 followers
August 9, 2022
⭐︎ 4.5 "I've Got No Hostility Towards This Wonderful Book" Stars!😉 ⭐︎

Oh, I absolutely adored this book. It just snagged me into the story from the first page and I couldn't put it down.

I didn't know that this author is mainly an MF author going into this, and in some respects looking back on it, it shows, but those little tells aren't egregious or anything (honestly, the indications are that there are a lot of MF relationships surrounding their's, and seemingly straight characters lol. Which is more realistic and blah blah blah, but if an author is an MM author, most secondary or background relationships are MM as well lol. Not that there isn't MF relationships in the background of most MM romances, just that there are noticeably...less. Maybe one or two, tops, while the rest are MM or FF and so on.)

Although I appreciate that Blair, Rhett's adoptive mother, that she was attracted and into women, even though she's married to Rhys, a man. So she's bisexual or pansexual.

Anyway, onto the main story.

Rhett has just turned 18 at the start of this story, and we learn that in 3 months time, he'll be done with high school.

So will Grayson, who is also 18. Where Rhett grew up in the foster system and grew up poor until he and his two best friends, Bree and Fletcher, were 13 and taken in by Blair and Rhys and then eventually adopted, Grayson has had rich parents his whole life. Only they're pretty absent and shitty parents.

I loved the juxtaposition of their two situations. Grayson has grown up with his birth parents, with a lot of money, but they're shitty parents and don't give a shit about him. Rhett went into the foster care system for good by the time he was 6, his mother walked out when he was really young and his father gave up his parental rights to him when he was 6, so his parents abandoned him, and he grew up without his birth parents until he got real parents in Blair and Rhys.

Where Rhett started out with a shitty life, he gained a great one, while Grayson was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and technically parents who "took care of him" but has always had a shitty upbringing and very absent, crappy parents.

And yet Grayson still turns out very kind and sweet despite them. He plays sports at their expensive private school - like almost all the sports - and he's good looking and built and popular, and yet none of it really matters to him. Because he's gay, and he's never admitted it to anyone before. Mainly because he's scared his dad will disown him, and stop him from going to college to be able to take over the family company, because his grandfather, who Grayon loved, did great work with the company he built, but his father has manage to erase that, stopping giving to charities and putting that money into shitty places, etc etc.

So Grayson wants to take over someday and bring the company back to what it once was. But to do that, he fears he can't be out, and that he has to go where his father wants him to go and do what he wants him to do.

Rhett is a ball of hostility when they first meet. He doesn't want to get attached to anyone, lest they leave him or he loses them. It's hard enough for Rhett to even trust Blair and Rhys, even after 5 years of them proving themselves to be trustworthy. But lifelong habits and lessons are hard to break.

But Grayson is persistently kind and sweet, and he breaks through Rhett's barriers pretty easily, just by being so kind and sweet and funny.

I guess the only reasons I'm giving .5 off for this wonderful book is that Rhett isn't very hostile toward Grayson after the first two or so encounters, so it didn't quite fit the title. Also I guess all their problems were maybe a little too easily solved near the end.

But I don't care too much because I loved the rest of this so much. I loved these two together, they had amazing chemistry, and they just fit together so perfectly.

I was hooked from their first interaction with Grayson insisting on giving Rhett a ride so he can get out of the rain. Isn't that how all great romances get started? ;)

I've definitely found a new author to invest in. Since I still don't have anything else to read, too, I'm definitely going to be picking up another of this author's MM romance and diving right in.

I just felt the love Rhett and Grayson had for each other so clearly, and their HEA was wonderful and these two were just swoon-worthy together. If this was the author's first MM romance - don't know for sure, though - then she nailed it.

Two MASSIVE thumbs up from me, couldn't get enough of this, and I DEFINITELY recommend this story if you haven't read it. I absolutely loved it. Onto the next! 😍🥰😘
Displaying 1 - 30 of 979 reviews

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