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Demon Hunting #6

Demon Hunting with a Southern Sheriff

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Rowdy rednecks. Shifty shapeshifters. Deadly demon hunters.


With its cross-cultural mix of good ol’ boys, big bad wolves, and otherworldly beings, Behr County is the last place you’d want to be a cop. But for Sheriff Dev Whitsun, it’s Sweet Home Alabama—and he plans to keep it that way. Famous last words. When a gruesome shifter massacre rocks the community, the sexy sheriff needs more than a badge and a few silver bullets. He needs the help of an immortal demon hunter. Her name is Arta, High Huntress of the Kirvahni. Whatever that means. Dev is no position to be picky about partners right now. But when Arta turns out to be the one female he could really fall for, Dev knows he’s in for one hell of a ride. God help them all . . .

304 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 12, 2022

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About the author

Lexi George

9 books234 followers
Lexi grew up in South Alabama in a rural community with one flashing light and a small country store that sold everything from gas to pickled eggs. Her father, a circuit judge, collected clocks — chiming clocks that binged and banged all night long in rhythm with the trains that chugged and wailed down the railroad track not a hundred yards from Lexi’s girlhood home. Needless to say, Lexi is a very sound sleeper. And to this day, the lonely sound of a train whistle does something to her.

She grew up surrounded by cotton fields and wide open spaces. She was a major tomboy. Dressed in a boy cousin’s hand-me-downs, she ran barefoot, climbed trees, played in ditches, and picked sun-warmed dew berries off their prickly vines. Sometimes, her parents drove her into town to play with her city cousins. They played dress-up, made forts, charged up and down dirt mounds in noisy games of King of the Hill and chased the mosquito truck on their bikes.

Lexi’s mother was a high school English teacher who instilled in her daughter a love of reading and books. The muse first struck Lexi in the third grade, when she began to write poetry. Bad poetry.

She continued to flay the English language throughout high school and college.
And then she went to law school and the muse left her.

The muse HATED law school.

Lexi wasn’t too crazy about it either, especially the rule against perpetuities, but with a public relations major and English minor, it seemed the sensible thing to do.

After passing the Alabama state bar exam on her first attempt, Lexi got a job as an appellate attorney with a big state agency where she’s happily worked ever since. Her day job involves writing briefs and reading criminal transcripts – transcripts where people do rude things to one another.

In Lexi’s experience, the human capacity for rudeness is unlimited. No doubt, a daily diet of man’s inhumanity to man . . . and woman . . . and children . . . and dogs and cats is somewhat responsible for Lexi’s desire to escape reality in the pages of a good book. Preferably a romance, her favorite genre.

Demon Hunting in DixieSome fifteen years ago, the muse abruptly returned from Fiji or Wawbeek or wherever the heck she went, and Lexi started writing again. Novels, not poetry. She joined a writer’s group and wrote and wrote and wrote.

DEMON HUNTING IN DIXIE, a paranormal romance, is her debut novel. It is peopled with funny characters and sexy demon hunters and lots of supernatural woo woo. And the other kind of ‘woo woo’ as well.

The story has a happy ending.

Since being traumatized by OLD YELLER at the age of nine, Lexi is all about the happily ever after.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 53 reviews
Profile Image for Jacque.
998 reviews24 followers
March 16, 2022
Just finished Demon Hunting with a Southern Sheriff and WOWZA my head is still spinning. It’s fast-paced, wicked craziness that one you really need to pay attention to. I’ve not read any of the other books in the series but even if I did, I don’t think I would have been able to keep up. There’s an insane amount of characters to keep up with, all of them a completely delight. Each having their own storyline that meshed with the main characters as well as spinning off on their own. The book is set in the south, but it has such eclectic characters with old English dialectics, I don’t know if I should be saying Y’all or Ye all.

It’s crazy, fast, fun like a Tilt-a-World rollercoaster ride, and as lost as I felt at times, I really did enjoy it despite never having read any of the previous books. Now that it’s all said and done, I think it’s time to start the series from the beginning. Maybe I’ll be able to keep up with all the plots and characters the second time around. NAH! But I still liked it.

Stars: 4
I received this book from Netgalley. I was not compensated for the book other than the entertainment it provided. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Sibil.
1,554 reviews71 followers
June 14, 2023
3.5 stars
Thanks to NetGalley and to the Editor. I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is a stand-alone series, we get to see characters from the previous books but you don't need to have read them to follow along. Sure, maybe it would have been easier, especially because we have a lot of characters, and keeping them straight is not an easy feat but... it's not so bad, really, and this was my first experience with this author and this series, and it went amazingly well!
I was a bit scared at the beginning because the southern "accent" is really strong here, and since American/English is not my mother tongue I thought it would be harder to follow along, but fear not, if you are in the same situation, it all went smooth! And I had an amazing time with this book!

We follow the sheriff and a demon huntress while they try to stop a God and solve a mystery, and the mystery part is the weakest part of the plot, but it's not bad, it's just that it is not much of a mystery (even if we have an interesting twist) and it is in the background for most of the book, but it adds something to the book, and in any event, the best part in there is the characters! Not only the main ones, but all the others are pretty amazing, and if I have to be honest, I preferred them to the main couple. It's not that Dev and Arta are bad, I liked them and as a couple, they are so nice! And it is quite funny to see them interact. But all the other ones are just so alive and so peculiar! Even more so because this world is full of different magical beings. It is so satisfying to see so many of them! And some of them are mighty intriguing like Sam and Willa, and some are the cutest thing ever like Jeb and Sugar!!!!
Profile Image for Vanessa.
106 reviews12 followers
April 9, 2022
It's always a pleasure to read a novel in George's Demon Hunting series. Chock-a-block full of crazy "Southern" sayings her books are always great for a chuckle.

Dev Whitsun is the local county sheriff. All of his life he has been hiding a secret about his supernatural roots. Always on the lookout for supe on supe offences, his local office has its hands full, with both solving supernatural crimes and ensuring that the "norms" never find out that there are other beings out there.

While investigating a were massacre a female demon hunter, (one of the immortal race), appears and offers her input as to what did the murders. Tall, beautiful, highly perceptive, Arta is the High Huntress of the Kirvahni and she has been hunting demons for millennia.
Dev is immediately smitten. Because of the proximity to the local crime and the human deputies involved, Dev decides to deputize Arta so that she won't be as conspicuous.
I love their banter, the side characters, the small town feel, and re-visiting the previous book's couples. Their romance is snappy and sweet.

I marvel at George's ability to give the demon hunters a speech similar to medieval English and at the same time giving the locals a slangy, folksy vernacular.
Enjoyable to the end, I look forward to other couples in this Hannah, Alabama Demon Hunting series.
I received an ARC from Lyrical Press and NetGalley and these opinions are strictly my own.
Profile Image for Ivy Deluca.
2,311 reviews314 followers
February 15, 2022
Review - Demon Hunting with a Southern Sheriff

3.5 stars

I enjoyed this - the 'verse is one I've been following for a while, so I was curious how things would play out for Sheriff Dev Whitsun, who has been a mysterious addition to Hannah, Alabama for several books but the reader hasn't known what his backstory is. This book definitely gives answers to many questions, which I appreciated. This series has a dash of corn pone accents and medieval English ones, lots o' demons and demi-gods and some sweet moments to boot. I also liked that there's more of an effort to expand this 'verse in diversity, at least in supporting characters and not just the demonic ones. Having said this, I would recommend it more for fans of the series, because I don't think this is as effective as a standalone. If you like UF-PNR in a small town setting, you may enjoy it.

**ARC provided via Netgalley for review**
Profile Image for Melindeeloo.
3,210 reviews158 followers
March 15, 2022
It's been a long time since the last book in the series, so I had to grab this when I learned of it's existence. The Sheriff has always been an interesting side character and it has always felt that there was 'more' to him so it was great to see just what that 'more' was. Even though some of the details of the previous books were a bit murky, the author did a pretty good job of bringing us back up to speed. I do have to say that I liked the female demon hunter leading lady much more than the male leads of the previous books she didn't feel as stilted as her male counter parts. And I like the Sheriff as a leading man much better too. I don't know if the author has more of these planned but it seems that she has two pairs set up, so I'm hoping that there will be more.

ARC courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley, this is an unpaid review.
Profile Image for shay.
340 reviews23 followers
April 1, 2022
*arc provided by netgalley and publisher*
i applied for an arc of this book before I realized it was apart of a series. plot line of the book is very interesting, and intense but I couldn’t get over how confused I was like the first 1/3 of the book. I think that this book would be more enjoyable if you read previous books in the series, although I guess you could read it as a stand alone. just beware it’s confusing at first. I really appreciated the different dialect (accents?) in this book. as someone who’s never been to the south the words they used and food they ate was way cool and interesting to me! the main character, Dev, I found to be relatable and I appreciated his morality. Writing was easy to understand and creative. Overall think I need to read this series before giving this book another shot

dnf @ 26%
Profile Image for LoveYourShelf (LAB☺).
603 reviews30 followers
April 12, 2022
(ARC provided by the publisher through NetGalley; opinions are my own.)

This series is always a lot of fun. That said, I did have trouble with this book in the beginning. The last book came out in 2017, so there was a lot I had forgotten and I felt a bit lost for awhile. Though this book is still quite enjoyable as a stand alone story, I do recommend that you start with the beginning of the series (Demon Hunting in Dixie), or you may be wondering why a giant statue of a metal man is walking around with a giant peanut and singing all the time, not to mention the albino sasquatch popping in and out of the story. But starting at the beginning is no hardship whatsoever.

This story has a lot going on, and as usual the humor is timed perfectly. There a ton of characters and each has their role in this fast paced story. There's never a dull moment and we get several plots running at once.

Everyone has always thought Dev was a "norm", but he is so much more. Arta as the High Huntress was a solid match for him in intelligence, strength and power and in many ways outmatched him. Her interactions with everyone else were priceless and her manner of speech had me laughing out loud.

Dev and Arta were fantastic as the main storyline and I was glad to see their relationship developed over several weeks. Watching Arta interacting with other characters and Dev having to explain all the southern slang alone was worth reading. Previous couples make appearances and although the main story arc with the artifact appears to have been resolved, there were several open ended events for a few of the characters, which makes me happy since hopefully that will lead to more books.
Profile Image for Tamye Whitener.
832 reviews19 followers
August 14, 2022
Southern Fried Crazy!

I've been waiting for what seems like forever for another book in this series to come out. Finally, it happened and it's here. (This is me doing back flips I'm so happy. Okay, maybe thirty years ago. The flips are just in my head.)And it's as good as I expected.

The story reads smooth, but there are a bunch of new characters and a bunch of familiar people from previous books in the series. This is great because it's like seeing old friends and maybe a few not-so-friendly peeps. All the different people make it a bit chaotic at times. (I have a hard time keeping people straight.) But they also make it interesting. And OMG fun! I can't pick a favorite character because I loved so many of them. I also loved all the different southern sayings. Needless to say, this book had me laughing a lot.

I highly recommend this book as well as the whole series. Hopefully, there will be more books in this series to come. I know I would love to see some of my favorite side characters get their own story.
Profile Image for Leah Crowell.
55 reviews2 followers
April 17, 2022
Thank you to @netgalley for the an ARC of this book in exchange of review

I didn't realize this book was apart of a bigger world, and reading it definitely made me wish I had read the others before I will be reading them in the future. But this did lead to a lot of confusion within the first part of this book. But once you got all the characters and enough backstory it was really engaging.

There's a lot going on in this story, but I do absolutely love the bits of comic relief than come along in the story. I think reading the others will really help me more with this series.
Profile Image for Devon Thiele.
Author 6 books13 followers
February 12, 2022

"Demon Hunting With a Southern Sheriff" by Lexi George was my first book. With an upcoming release date of April 11, 2022 from Kensington Books, this is the 6th book in Lexi George's demon-hunting series.

I will admit, I've not read the first five which probably would have helped. There were many characters introduced that were carried over from the first five. It could be overwhelming but also added credence to the life of a small town sheriff who knows everyone and their secrets... or so he thinks.

Devlin is our sheriff and hero. The author weaves his backstory throughout the action and intrigue. From the start it's clear that Dev truly wants to protect his community and in the small town of Hannah, that means from the supernatural at times.

Arta is introduced as an immortal demon-huntress early on. Intelligent, strong, and never one to turn away from a battle, she was an enjoyable character. Of course, sparks fly between Arta and Dev and they join forces to investigate the grisly goings-on in Dev's community.

The small-town vibe was entertaining and I felt like I could picture this small, Southern town. The banter amongst characters was witty and merited a chuckle at times. The numerous side characters could become overwhelming but they were so delightful that I could forgive the side stories and backstories to keep track of.

The plot points felt disjointed at times, as our characters searched for a magical artifact, the culprit of a horrific attack, and a separate culprit of the murder of someone close to Dev. One storyline dominated the other and it seemed like the book could have benefited from reducing the second murder or tying the two storylines together somehow. Six books in, the stakes have got to be raised so I could understand the magical artifact and deranged killer searching for it as being the major storyline.

All in all, I enjoyed the book and will definitely add Lexi George's first five novels to my TBR pile so maybe I can revisit this one with a better understanding. Lexi's world-building and take on the supernatural world is fresh and intriguing.
Profile Image for Alison.
1,569 reviews15 followers
March 16, 2022
If you are looking for a paranormal romance set in a small town that is overpopulated with supernatural creatures, a rampant villain, and a lot of lessons on the various family dynamics that make up the town of Hannah, then you are in the right place.

I have never read a book by this author and the premise of this book sounded delightful. My experience of the book was, however, two-fold:

Firstly, I was extremely overwhelmed and my head was spinning because of the constant introductions of characters, their supernatural classifications and abilities, and the reading experience version of hearing everybody talk at once. I was surprised this was the sixth book in a series because it had the world-building feel of a first book. This just opens up the possibility that there is an anthology of supernaturals that should be catalogued and described outside of the exposition; something akin to a Wikipedia page for this world.

Secondly, I was pleasantly surprised by the interactions and dialogue between certain characters; these characters just shone in their banter and wit. The first pair were Arta and Dev. The High Huntress of the Kirvahni and the local Sheriff hit it off right away and I loved reading their dialogue and banter; Dev is all gaga around her, while Arta is very take charge and all business. If you are into competency, Area is your woman. Then there is Arta and Winnie’s dialogue-the dry and sarcastic delivery is supreme. These two had me laughing-I just loved their interactions!

Overall, this book was half head-whirlingly confusing, and half delightfully humorous and entertaining. I would be open to trying another book by Lexi George in the future.

Thank you Kensington Books for an advanced copy of this eARC. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Laura.
437 reviews53 followers
July 6, 2022
Welcome to Hannah, Alabama where the supers live alongside the norms but try to keep that part of their identity hidden. Shapeshifters, gods, goddesses, demon hunters and more reside there.

There are a lot of characters in this book. Being as this was my first book in the series and it was book 6, there were quite a few mentioned that I didn’t know. I found I needed to focus on the main characters for this book and let the rest kind of slide. That way I was able to enjoy the book. If you’d read other books in the series, this might not be an issue.

The characters are interesting. There is a lot of good banter. Some characters speak in a Southern dialect. Others speak a more medieval type dialect full of thees and thous. At first I found this annoying. Later on it helped keep straight who was talking. And I’m not a big fan of insta-love, but it seemed to be in the nature of some of the characters.

Overall, I gave it 4 stars out of 5. It’s got a fast moving plot. You want to know what happens next. And the characters are interesting. If you’ve read the earlier books, it might be easier to understand some of what goes on. Still if you like your urban fantasy with romance, this would be a good series to try.

I received a copy of the book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
42 reviews
March 6, 2022
All of Lexi George’s “Demon Hunting” books are like M&Ms: you love ‘em and you cry when you get to the end of the bag. This book is no exception and was another fun read. It was the story of Dev, the wolfy hunk of sheriff, and Arta, gorgeous leader of the Lady Demonhunters. It’s a match made in Behr County and involves demons, demigods, kith and lots of kin. The descriptions of the people, place and weather brought back memories of living in the South and it’s obvious the author knows her Southerners. It helps tie up some loose ends but also brings back some blasts from past books. It was just so much fun and just such a great read. What I really loved was the relationship between Dev and Arta as it was so nice to have the male lead have to figure out the female lead who wasn’t some shrinking violet who needs rescuing. I really liked that aspect and kudos to Lexi George for not making Arta the typical beautiful “boss” woman who suddenly becomes somehow lesser when she hooks up with the hunky alpha male lead. Great job and so unexpected. So sad the read is over which means I now have to wait what feels like forever until the next “Demon Hunting” book. Again, great read and not to be missed especially if you’re already a fan.
Profile Image for amy boese.
339 reviews11 followers
February 8, 2022
There are many redeeming features of Demon Hunting with a Southern Sheriff. It is filled with interesting characters, lush descriptions of nature and beautiful scenery, has some excellent comedy, and most importantly, really great food. There are wild fight scenes and incredibly skilled fighters, who have strength, agility, training, magic, otherworldly attributes, and can transform into other things at will.

Dev, our hero, seems like an upright dude who tries to do right by the world, and who has a very compelling relationship with his community and his need to protect it.

However, it is a little over the top for me. Too many characters with too many nicknames, too many foster children and secret relatives and immediate attractions. I don't love the trope of "they instantly felt something and it must be mutual respect of their work, because love - that would be crazy." I confess I did not realize this was books #6 in a series, and I got lost and then lost interest. However, for fans paranormal romance looking for a new direction, this series will do it.

Thanks to NetGalley for the early read!
Profile Image for Dawn.
833 reviews
April 19, 2022
Set in Alabama, Sheriff Dev Whitsun is pretty busy hunting down the culprits of a supernatural murder. While Dev is a super, a large part of his community is not. He must hide their existence but needs the help of Arta, a demon hunter (who is also a super.) After he deputizes her, Dev's inner wolf realizes that she is his mate, and wolves mate for life. Problems arise when she only wants one thing out of him.
This is the first book I've read in the series. If you are new to this series, I highly advise you to go back and start with book 1 (Demon Hunting In Dixie.) I was a bit lost, through my own fault, at parts throughout the book. The book is littered with multitudes of supernaturals and their names are quite interesting to keep apart.
When you get down to the meat and bones of the story, though, it was a good tale. The intro, which was a flashback, had me so enraptured that I did not want to put the story down. This book has a lot of characters and smaller plots going on so be ready to get your mind a bit twisted as you are trying to figure out what happened.
Many thanks to Net Galley for providing me with an ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Carrie.
2,407 reviews18 followers
May 1, 2022
Wow - I think I got in over my head with this book. Having only read one book in the series before (and that was 3 books prior) I was pretty lost for a lot of the very numerous character back stories here and did myself a disservice. Hark - learn from me and start at the beginning!

Dev is the sheriff of a town filled with humans and supernaturals alike. There's pretty much everything, including very determined hunters like Arta. She's got her own supernatural mojo and has been tasked with avenging her fighting sister. This ends up getting in Dev's way, because he is the law in these parts. He also has a relative who is a goddess or something and a dad who runs around naked. It is A LOT. I enjoyed the random and insane characters, but got a little lost in the shuffle.

The romance between Dev and Arta is definitely non-traditional. Instead of following the same rules, there is chocolate involved and nearly destroyed buildings. And sort-of-adopted siblings crashing the party. All in all, it was a wild ride that I was not prepared for, complete with a HEA.
Profile Image for Douglas Meeks.
886 reviews237 followers
March 1, 2022
I have read every book in this series and loved them all (some more than others) but this has to be one of the very best in the series. We see pretty much every character from previous books which I loved but I got a small vibe that this might be the last one, I certainly hope not. The local sheriff is a bit supernatural but then a hot huntress shows up to give him help he really does not want and by the time he decides he does kinda like her around he keeps doing stupid things that just make her furious and his efforts to fix things up are hilarious. There is a story but there is so much going on and so much hilarity to be found you almost forget there is a murder or 2 to be solved. So not wanting to give too much away it was a bit of enemies to lovers thrown in with the murder mystery with a large dose of comedy and I certainly hope she continues to write these books. 5 Stars for sheer entertainment value.
Profile Image for Lynsey is Reading.
702 reviews235 followers
April 24, 2022
DNF for now...

I think I may have made an error when picking up this book. As a general rule, I will always read a book series in order, but sometimes, when it's a romance series, I break my own rule because I figure there might be a few things I don't understand, but essentially there will be a hero, a heroine, a beginning, a middle and a happily ever after so I should be absolutely fine.

Not so with this one! I'm trudging through it now at about 35% and I am confused and bored. An entire football team of previous characters have wandered though, I have no idea who any of them are or what they are talking about.

Add to that the fact that the H and h jump into bed after only exchanging 10 words...I'm done. Sorry.

And it's a shame because I think this is a world I would enjoy in normal circumstances, hence the 3 stars even though I can't finish it.
Profile Image for Penny.
2,638 reviews72 followers
March 20, 2022
I had never read this author before, and I thought it was time. I started this and realized almost at once that this was going to be a fun book. Dev’s aunt started it all, but there were so many other fun characters. I haven’t read the other books in the series, and while I could tell there were a few things I didn’t get, it didn’t really hinder my enjoyment much. This was such a fast-paced good time with snappy dialogue, non-stop snark, and wonderful characters. I admit at times I was a little overwhelmed with everything, but this was still fun. If you love PNR, give this a try! Recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.
Profile Image for Ash (mothandbooks).
82 reviews12 followers
April 5, 2022
*This is closer to a 2.5, but as this is a sequel and I read it as a stand-alone, I am rounding it to a 3/5 star read*

It was fast-paced and enjoyable. However, I did not realize this was a sequel and only found out because I was confused at the start and decided to look it up. I think if I had read the previous books my overall experience would have been better. It wasn't too hard to follow as I just went along for the ride, but I would not recommend this as a standalone. While I don't think I will continue this series, it was a fun read and I would recommend it to fans of the author/series.

(Received as an ARC from NetGalley)
390 reviews
April 9, 2022
if you've not read the prior books (or like me, it's been quite a while since you did), you may occasionally be a little confused by the world that this book series resides in. but before long you won't care, willing go along for the ride and you'd best hold on as it is one wild ride -- from start to finish there is plenty of action, humor and a few surprises, not to mention a variety of likable characters. behr county and hannah alabama may be a bit (or more) wild and crazy, but it makes for a fun place to visit for a spell.

arc courtesy of net galley in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Katie.
27 reviews
April 21, 2022
Content warning: child abuse, pregnancy

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I requested a copy of this book from NetGalley before realizing it was part of a series, let alone the sixth (and maybe final?) book in the series. After they approved me, I realized my error. Despite never having heard of the Demon Hunting series or Lexi George, I pressed on because the book summary really had me wanting to read it.

It’s marketed as a paranormal romance, but I think it had more in common with high fantasy romance.

Continue reading at https://theparanormalreview.blogspot....
Profile Image for Margie.
1,714 reviews25 followers
February 22, 2022
Demon Hunting with a Southern Sheriff by Lexi George is the sixth book in her Demon Hunting series. This was a fascinating read. The pace of the storyline was good and I kept turning the pages to see what would happen next. Ms. George made me laugh throughout the book. I loved all the slang phrases and how Sheriff Dev Whitsun had to explain all the slang meanings to High Huntress of the KirvahniArta. I enjoyed the back and forth in their relationship. Getting to see characters from earlier books in the series was fun.

I received an ARC and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Violet.
30 reviews
April 15, 2022
I enjoyed this Book

I’ve been reading this series for years and each one is wonderful to read. It was funny and romantic and the passing was great. I also enjoyed that they brought in a large portion of the other characters from previous books during the climax of the book. It great book to read on its own.
Profile Image for wonderfullyweird88.
834 reviews14 followers
June 21, 2022
I found it difficult to connect with this book. It may have something with not reading any of the others in the series.

It's hard to enjoy a book when you have no interest in the characters. I spent the early part of the story confused. If your fan of the series I'm sure you'll love this but if like me you've never read one then I suggest starting with the first book.
Profile Image for Bibliobabe.
1,008 reviews4 followers
March 1, 2022
So much fun!!!! This is the first in the series that I've read, and don't feel like I missed out on anything. Except now I need to go find the earlier ones! Laugh out loud.... "As sharp as a warm gummy bear!"
Profile Image for Donna.
3,932 reviews49 followers
March 16, 2022
Laugh out loud fantasy! This is a rocking addition to the series. Dev is adorable and Arta is amazing. The supporting characters are absolutely fantastic. This is a sit down and get lost in their world type of read. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Shelita.
643 reviews13 followers
April 18, 2022
I need this series to continue!

Loved it! And so many couples need their own stories! So many possibilities! Happy to catch up with the other couples as well and see their babies! Seriously can’t wait for other stories in this series!
Profile Image for Kristara.
43 reviews
April 24, 2022
2.5 stars: I had a lot of trouble staying interested in this story. I didn't really care about Arta and she started to get on my nerves towards the end of the book. As the sherrif, I thought Dev was clueless about a lot of things he should have known.
458 reviews3 followers
January 17, 2023
The big bad is conquered and things look like they're being wrapped up. I *really* hope this isn't the end. I hope Evan and Red get their own book. And there are others I want to know more about. Please keep writing these!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 53 reviews

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