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The Human Sales Factor: The Human-to-Human Equation for Connecting, Persuading, and Closing the Deal

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There’s a science to getting others to buy from you—a secret only the best salespeople, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders in the world selling, at its core, isn’t really about moving a product or service. It’s about moving  people .  Having spent nearly three decades meticulously examining the skillsets required for connecting with others—through the training and coaching of thousands of sales leaders and their teams for some of the biggest brands in the world—bestselling author Lance Tyson has mastered the powers of persuasion and influence, while decoding the intricacies of why people buy from others. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or an entrepreneur trying to pitch the next great idea—or maybe you just want to get better at getting what you want— The Human Sales The Human-to-Human Eq uation for Connecting, Persuading, and Closing the Deal  is for you. This book is a peek under the hood of Lance’s proven, predictable, scalable process. It’s designed for sales leaders and their teams, yet is still approachable and applicable for the person who just wants to open doors and increase the chances of getting anything they want or need.  Connecting and persuading are no longer soft skills. They are fundamental skills that can help you attract investors, sell products, build brands, inspire teams, and trigger movements. Despite all the processes, lingo, methodologies, and corporate rhetoric, sales—no matter the industry—has never truly been B2B or B2C. It always has and always will be done Human-to-Human. 

137 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 8, 2022

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About the author

Lance Tyson

5 books24 followers
A born entrepreneur and self-starter, Lance Tyson is an authority in the sales world with a passion for developing strong business leaders. Lance has worked with some of the biggest names in sports and entertainment, including the New York Yankees and the Dallas Cowboys. After leaving school to start his first business, Lance began working for Dale Carnegie. He rose through the ranks eventually building the most successful Dale Carnegie operation in North America. After a fifteen year run, Lance sold his interest in Dale Carnegie in order to form a new company, Tyson Group. The focus of Tyson Group is to diagnose your sales team and propose solutions that deliver results that make sense for your organization and needs. We aren’t just a company that provides training—we are a partner that provides solutions.

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Profile Image for Mind the Book.
911 reviews66 followers
December 29, 2022
Har nog aldrig läst en bok om försäljning förut. Glad att det fanns en EQ-faktor. Fick också anledning att damma av min gamla femknapps-Kindle för att kunna utföra mitt McFreud-uppdrag.

Tro det eller ej, men Aschs konformitetsexperiment dök upp här också.
Profile Image for Steph.
528 reviews54 followers
October 31, 2022
This is a very informative book that illustrates exactly how and why you should be able to sell yourself as a person when involved in a retail-style setting. People want to be able to relate to another human, and this books shows you how to do just that. I like that the author includes several studies throughout the book to show the readers that he isn’t just speaking his opinion, but he is able to back it up with empirical evidence.
Profile Image for Reader Views.
3,353 reviews197 followers
September 12, 2022
“The Human Sales Factor” is a nonfiction self-help reference book aimed at business leaders and salespeople, which focuses on the human aspect at the core of every component of the sales process. The author highlights the fact that “every single one of us is a salesperson” and mentions that investors or clients don’t necessarily choose the best idea or product but instead, they invest in a person. He states:

Therein lies the underpinnings of getting what you want—a secret only the best salespeople, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders in the world know: selling, at its core, isn’t about moving a product or service, it’s about moving people.

Tyson mentions that we have to deal with our “interiority” first before we can explore our “exteriority,” and underscores the importance of one’s Emotional Quotient (EQ), i.e., “the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships.” While often regarded as a “soft skill,” this is extremely critical for business at any level. He considers it the “three-legged stool upon which H2H [Human to Human] connections are built,” — the three legs being a combination of self-control, interpersonal skills, and communication.

Tyson presents strategies for raising one’s EQ, which include a positive mindset, converting self-deception into self-awareness, turning self-focus into other-focus, becoming more rewarding to deal with, and controlling temper tantrums. Another key concept is “social proof” which itself has adapted drastically as we now focus heavily on others’ reviews to make a purchasing decision, and it also means that the seller’s credibility is under even more scrutiny. Similarly, the value of the seller’s “personal branding” has also become even more crucial amidst an increasingly more savvy marketplace.

Though the book is aimed at a specific audience, these strategies can be useful to anyone for our own self-reflection and self-improvement, for example, the section on “controlling your impression” and how to adapt your sales approach based on the time (usually seconds) that is available. One important take-away for me was what the author referred to as unpredictable “black swan” events like a natural disaster or a pandemic that are extremely widespread and can have serious repercussions on the economy or the market of a particular industry. Essentially, these events cause tremendous shifts in the way people buy and sell things, and though the initial impact can’t be avoided, the recovery is the business leader’s domain of control to interpret the market and adapt:

The fact is, everybody wants or needs something. That will never change, no matter the environment. The key is to select the right strategy.

Throughout the book, there are many anecdotes or real-life stories interwoven into the strategies and concepts presented, and the language used is simple and clear. I also liked the nature of storytelling in the author’s voice, as it felt like a conversation rather than just “reading a book.” This is intentional, as the author highlights (which has been scientifically proven) that “people forget facts, but they remember stories.” These stories that he uses to convey his own messages are engaging, and the book is well laid out and presented. As each chapter unfolds, it provides a recap of what was covered, allowing for easy revision.

Overall, I must admit this is quite similar to other self-help books on the topic, and there is nothing radically new here; still, there’s always room in the market to provide inspiration and actionable strategies to business leaders, and this does the job well. I enjoyed it, and appreciated the research and effort put into compiling it in an easy-to-read and digestible format. It was educational and informative, yet also brief enough for casual but impactful reading, as the format makes the content memorable and it resonates with the reader.

I believe “The Human Sales Factor” by Lance Tyson will be valuable for its target market, and I would recommend to other readers to internalize and apply these strategies in their own situations.
Profile Image for Conscientious.
484 reviews10 followers
February 17, 2022
The Human Sales Factor by Lance Tyson is a treasure of information guaranteed to provide positive results. In his book, Lance has dealt in deeper context on how to generate sales. It's not only about the sales but also the strategy which he has put together over years of experience. The author points out critical errors and detailed context on skillsets required to connect with others. Aptly generated the human-to-human approach, it's bound to be always successful.
There have been numerous occasions where I have seen among close friends promising ventures sink because they just lacked something that would make them build up; now, after having gone through this amazing book of information I can see problems. I am sure every business person would learn something from this self-help book. The author's engaging way of explanation makes it easier to understand and follow through. Highly recommended to everyone as it's beneficial for all of us.
Profile Image for Susan B.
495 reviews10 followers
February 17, 2022
Tyson’s narrative puts emphasis on the fact that everyone of us is a salesperson and embracing our inner salesperson and getting rid of that view of people who belong to the sales world as annoying or bothering people are not difficult tasks.
In nine chapters, the book delves into the characteristics of a good salesperson, which go beyond just selling. Each chapter is very explicit and, through graphs, pictures and stats, the key concepts of the book are shown in a clear way. Seeing the world from other people’s perspective
gets easy after reading this book, which information is developed in a short but effective way. The author has resorted to bullet points, sayings and short sentences to present what he wants to convey and all this proves to be really effective. This is a great book to enjoy in 2022!
Profile Image for Wanda.
260 reviews10 followers
April 15, 2022
I received a hardcover copy of The Human Sales Factor by Lance Tyson compliments of Morgan James Publishing via Goodreads Firstreads giveaway program, I share my honest review.

This is a quick and engaging read that is set up to support anyone working in Sales/Marketing but truly is more about working with people. The ideas are relevant and relatable, presented in short but impactful chapters. There are well noted references that can lead the reader to learn more on particular topics at their leisure. There are summary pages throughout the book to reconcile the learning points. For anyone who is hoping to improve their day to day communication methods and their own interpersonal behaviors this is a good kick start. I expect I will be re-reading and referencing this book into the future. It's was an enjoyable and interesting read, would definitely suggest it's worth a read.
Profile Image for Agustina Sureda.
606 reviews13 followers
February 15, 2022
Lance Tyson is the CEO of Tyson Group where he trains and conducts several workshops in areas such as performance management, leadership, sales, sales management, customer service, and team building. He was inspired by all this and decided to write a book called The Human Sales Factor. A book that is meant to help their readers to obtain what they want and become better at pitching ideas by following a simple yet great process.

Achieving success is key for me nowadays and I have to say this book hit the note. Having a lot of experience, Tyson understands what to do or how to act to get what you want. Guiding how to connect with the customer and sell yourself and the product. Very interesting approach and tips on how to close deals. Highly recommended to anyone wanting to improve sales!
Profile Image for Dani Savante.
804 reviews23 followers
February 17, 2022
“The Human Sales Factor” was recommended to me by a former colleague. We have always shared the interest in marketing and sales. Although I am not currently working in this field, it is a great part of my projects for the future. 
This book transmits a clear way the human process that develops from a sale. It presents the abilities people must have to persuade their clients and the necessary processes to finish the sale.
With this book, I returned to investigate a topic that I find fascinating and I recommend it since it provides easy to follow steps to understand how marketing works and how to grow in the field. 
Profile Image for Ivan M.
661 reviews17 followers
February 18, 2022
The Human Sales Factor starts with the premise that every person is a salesman. Lance Tyson, the author, is convinced that everyone has that capability because every person uses the same principles involved in sales, but in different aspects of their life.

This book is intended for people who want to improve that important aspect of their life, focusing primarily on the future customers and not on the product itself. It teaches how to approach a person and, without scamming people, get the job done by focusing on keeping that individual interested in what you are saying at all times. It is an easy read that gave me multiple useful strategies.
Profile Image for Asuka.
111 reviews
February 17, 2024
"The Human Sales Factor" by Lance Tyson is a refreshing and insightful guide that underscores the power of genuine human connection in sales. Tyson adeptly navigates through practical strategies and real-life examples, reminding us that success in sales isn't just about closing deals, but about building authentic relationships. His emphasis on empathy, active listening, and understanding the customer's perspective resonates deeply, making this book a valuable resource for both seasoned professionals and newcomers to the sales arena. While some sections could delve deeper, overall, "The Human Sales Factor" is an uplifting reminder of the importance of humanity in the art of selling.
Profile Image for Adriana.
11 reviews
April 29, 2022
I won this in a Good Reads giveaway. Thank you!

This is a quick, short and nicely flowing read. It is written in simple terms which make it easy to follow. Although most of the advice is a bit "duh - I know this" it still resonated with me because I have actually forgotten about the importance about the simple stuff that the author gives us advice on. It was more of a refresher than anything. I ended up highlighting some of the points and will keep them handy for the future. I would recommend this book.
March 4, 2022
Lance Tyson does it again! This book will be a great help to you in further understanding your consumers and how you can close deals better. The Human Sales Factor offers effective strategies that will help you out in the long run. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Diana.
195 reviews15 followers
March 3, 2024
I read this book to hear what yet I need to know about sales. It was the same info on sales that are offered in most good sales book: know your customer, read body language, address objections, tell a story, emotional intelligence goes far, be simple and succinct.
1,408 reviews36 followers
April 3, 2022
Interesting read on how to sell. I enjoyed reading about "humanness".
Profile Image for Julie White.
8 reviews
April 25, 2022
This book was very well written, and easy to understand by both seasoned sales professionals and those not in the field. It was concise and only took a few hours to read, so that's a plus!
421 reviews46 followers
May 9, 2022
I work in sales so this was a wonderful book to win. A lot of good information. Will be rereading this quite often.
Profile Image for Margo.
135 reviews3 followers
August 3, 2022
How fabulously written, great book, very informative.
Profile Image for Aparna Preethi.
Author 1 book50 followers
February 14, 2022
‘The Human Sales Factor’ by Lance Tyson can be classified in the genre business development and entrepreneurship.

The book gives us the general idea, whatever field we may be working in, sales are inevitable. We sell ideas, products, and whatnot. There’s a science to getting others to buy from us; it’s a secret only the best salespeople, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders in the world know. ‘The Human Sales Factor: The H2H Equation for Connecting, Persuading, and Closing the Deal’ is definitely the book to boost up sales skills and business ideas. It’s designed for sales leaders and their teams yet is still approachable and applicable for the person who just wants to open doors and increase the chances of getting anything they want or need.

Through the book, we can learn how to make ourselves more successful and acquire all such skills essential to running a successful business. It truly dives deep into the art of persuasion, connecting, and closing the deal. A highly phenomenal book and a must-read!
Profile Image for Saya Jacaranda.
666 reviews8 followers
February 15, 2022

Lance Tysons guide to becoming not only a better, but also a more genuine salesperson is a great starting point to improve your skills in various fields. “The human sales factor” will help you to understand yourself in a way you haven’t before, which will then pave the way to understanding others better. Which then will lead to you being a better salesperson and generally a more understanding one, too.
I truly enjoyed reading this book as it really helped me to better my personal relationships and many other aspects of life. Regardless of if you actually are a salesperson or not, I can only recommend this book. It will always be an enriching experience to read through these pages, filled with personal experiences and carefully gathered knowledge from years of experience.
Profile Image for Susel.
555 reviews8 followers
February 15, 2022
I have been working in sales for over a decade now, and I thought there wasn't any new sale strategies I could possibly learn, but The Human Sales Factor has definitely probed me wrong.

This wonderful book was written by Lance Tyson, a great author who trains and conducts over one hundred workshops annually in areas such as performance management, leadership, sales, customer service, and team building. With this kind of credentials, I was sure he knew what he was talking about.

Tyson has broken the code, and has understood why people want to buy from others, and most importantly he has decided to share this secret with us. According to this author, connecting and persuading are the best skills we can have as a sale leader, and I couldn’t agree more.

I think this is a great book and excellent resource of information!

Profile Image for Valery.
1,379 reviews53 followers
February 10, 2022
The Human Sales Factor: The H2H Equation for Connecting, Persuading, and Closing the Deal by Lance Tyson is a well-written business book with a focus on getting the sale. In many instances of your life, you're selling yourself more than selling the product or service you are focusing on. Whether you're trying to convince someone to do you a favor or need help with a project, in essence, you are selling yourself. This is truly an eye-opening approach to the world of sales. The mirror and window analogy is on point and one to keep in mind as you approach selling your customers. Eminently readable, this is a first-rate book about the sales process and one that will not only help in business but in your personal life as well.
871 reviews27 followers
February 13, 2022
The Human Sales Factor by experienced author Lance Tyson delves with Human 2 Human (H2H) equation for sales, instead of business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-customer (B2C) theories.

Tyson states that selling is about moving people, about connecting and influencing, and he offers a proven process to be a successful salesperson. This book provides insight and principles, but also practical strategies and tactics. And what I particularly enjoyed were the real-life examples and tips of H2H selling.

The target of the book is really wide, since it is aimed at entrepreneurs, sales leaders and their teams but also for any person trying to persuade others with any purpose. All in all, I learned a lot with this book and will definitely recommend reading it.
Profile Image for Kourtney Bradley.
475 reviews10 followers
February 18, 2022
sales tips for success

It's no secret that working in some type of sales position can be overwhelming and exhausting. With deadlines and commitments and expectations to meet, it's easy for people to cringe and change their minds about the potential of sales. However, those with these opinions have likely never had the opportunity to read the successful tips and training like what is offered by Lance Tyson's book. Persuasion is a learned talent that is often underappreciated, especially in the workforce. With the persuasion talents that readers can gain by devoting some time to this guide, I think it's simple to say that there's a lot to take away here and worth a read if you're working in any kind of position where sales are considered.
Profile Image for Guadalupe Herrera.
250 reviews3 followers
February 12, 2022
A recommended read!

“The Human Sales Factor: The H2H Equation for Connecting, Persuading, and Closing the Deal” by author Lance Tyson is a short reading in which the author shows all he has learnt regarding persuasion and influence and shares all that knowledge with us so that we can sell whatever we need.
The book is very interesting and concrete. The author is not wordy and goes to the point, something I appreciate. I liked this read and could take notes of many important things that I should put into practice.

I would recommend this book to those in the selling industry because it can be very beneficial for all of us. Recommended read!
Profile Image for Huda.
362 reviews14 followers
February 14, 2022
Are you trying to sell an idea, a product, or a vision? This book showcases that persuasion and sales skills are not just soft skills, but they are essential skills to refining yourself as an entrepreneur. It discusses strategies to optimize these skills to reap the benefits of your true potential. From personal experience, the author builds upon ideas and suggestions that could be useful in the modern era of business and entrepreneurship. If you are looking to train yourself and others with these sales skills or an entrepreneurial spirit, then this book might help you in key areas which are often overlooked by others. The language and structure are easy for readers to follow through with.
February 18, 2022
As a part-time sales professional I found Lance Tyson's book to be an excellent resource and a great read! He did an excellent job of outlining the principles, strategies, and tactics needed to succeed in sales. I found the real-life examples of H2H selling extremely useful and on point. Understanding the client’s needs and applying the power of persuasion is vital, and Tyson does an exemplary job of relaying this as well as using real-life examples to help drive home these necessary concepts. Would highly recommend!
Profile Image for Jessica.
2,332 reviews23 followers
February 21, 2022
Selling H2H

What makes a great salesperson, and arent we all to a degree salespeople? The author poses this question along with his new concept of human 2 human (H2H) sales rather than the traditional B2B and B2C. I've been through business school and havent heard of this concept so it was an interesting pitch. Well presented arguments and persuasive writing, the author follows through on his pitch and makes you feel as if you can be successful in closing any deal.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews

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