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A Christmas Memory

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From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Christmas Box and the Noel Collection comes A Christmas Memory, a poignant, deeply felt novel about loss, grief, the healing power of forgiveness, and the true meaning of the holiday season.

It’s 1967, and for young Richard it’s a time of heartbreak and turmoil. Over the span of a few months, his brother, Mark, is killed in Vietnam; his father loses his job and moves the family from California to his grandmother’s abandoned home in Utah; and his parents make the painful decision to separate.

With uncertainty rattling every corner of his life, Richard does his best to remain strong—but when he’s run down by bullies at his new school, he meets Mr. Foster, an elderly neighbor who chases off the bullies and invites Richard in for a cup of cocoa. Richard becomes fast friends with the wise, solitary man who inspires Richard’s love for books and whose dog, Gollum, becomes his closest companion.

As the holidays approach, the joy and light of Christmas seem unlikely to permeate the Evans home as things take a grim turn for the worse. And just when it seems like he has nothing left to lose, Richard is confronted by a startling revelation. But with Mr. Foster’s wisdom and kindness, he learns for the first time what truly matters about the spirit of the season: that forgiveness can heal even the deepest wounds, and love endures long after the pain of loss subsides.

In A Christmas Memory, Richard Paul Evans (#1 New York Times bestselling author and the “King of Christmas fiction”) delves deep into his childhood memories to take readers back to an age when his world felt like it was falling apart, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, the light of hope can still shine.


First published November 20, 2022

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About the author

Richard Paul Evans

192 books5,869 followers
When Richard Paul Evans wrote the #1 best-seller, The Christmas Box, he never intended on becoming an internationally known author. His quiet story of parental love and the true meaning of Christmas made history when it became simultaneously the #1 hardcover and paperback book in the nation. Since then, more than eight million copies of The Christmas Box have been printed. He has since written eleven consecutive New York Times bestsellers. He is one the few authors in history to have hit both the fiction and non-fiction bestseller lists. He has won several awards for his books including the 1998 American Mothers Book Award, two first place Storytelling World Awards, and the 2005 Romantic Times Best Women Novel of the Year Award. His books have been translated into more than 22 languages and several have been international best sellers.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,065 reviews
Profile Image for Kay.
2,183 reviews1,121 followers
December 25, 2022
Have your tissues ready my friends. This one hurts so good.

I had this book for a while now but I saved it for when it's closer to Christmas. I know RPE will bring a very special story to these pages and he definitely delivers. It's a very emotional and hard-hitting one.

At first glance, A Christmas Memory doesn't feel very Christmassy at all. But rest assured this little book is filled with great life lessons and will inspire you in more ways than one. I'm not sure how much of the story is the author's story and which part is fiction but Mr. Foster, Richard's neighbor sounds like an angel to me.

This book explores many difficult subjects but mostly loss and grief. It wasn't what I had in mind for holiday reading, but I think this novella will comfort many. If I had to pick ONE Christmas book to read, it'll be his.

Merry Christmas everyone and thank you Richard for this heartwarming story. ✨💞
Profile Image for Shelley's Book Nook.
331 reviews681 followers
December 8, 2022
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This book was such a comfort read, like a warm mug of hot cocoa after a cold day of shoveling snow. Speaking of hot cocoa, the food and drinks Mr. Foster prepared and how the author described them made my mouth water. I loved that the main characters were both male and that they enjoyed baking and cooking together.

The story takes place in 1967. Richard is eight years old when his family moves from California to Utah. His parents are going through a hard time after his older brother dies in Vietnam. Shortly after the move, Richards's parents separate and Richard meets his neighbour, Mr. Foster (and his dog Gollum). Mr. Foster becomes Richard's friend and confidant. I loved the relationship between the generations, there is so much to benefit from it and we can learn from each other. Mr. Foster is very wise and was so wonderful to Richard and for him. I found Richard to be such a kind-hearted and loving soul, who was wise beyond his years.

There is so very much to love about this book. it was heartwarming and incredibly touching, especially since it is based on the experience of the author. If you read one holiday book this year make sure it is this one and have a box of tissues handy. All. The. Stars.

This title is currently available for purchase.
Profile Image for Taury.
852 reviews204 followers
December 11, 2022
A Christmas Memory by Richard Paul Evans….It is really hard for me to cry through a book. I bawled. So good. So many messages. I wish my kids would read and pay attention. The world is very cold and lonely when you are alone.
Profile Image for Heather Adores Books.
1,301 reviews1,351 followers
December 24, 2023
Genre ~ holiday fiction
Setting ~ California & Utah ~ 1967
Publication date ~ November 22, 2022
Est page Count ~ 189 (p+ 36 chapters +e)
Audio length ~ 3 hours 35 minutes
Narrator ~ the author
POV ~ single 1st
Featuring ~death of family member, grief, references to suicide

Saw a few of my friends review this author's Christmas books recently, so I figured I'd give this one a whirl. What a coincidence that I chose to listen to this one today while I was laying in bed with a migraine and Richard's mother was always in bed with one.

Richard tells us about the loss of his brother while in the Vietnam war, his parents divorce, bullying he endures at school and a friendship he made with the kind gentleman next door.

I can't say I was blown away as it's rather depressing, but I did enjoy hearing about his friendship with Mr. Foster, what a sad backstory he had. I was surprised when I realized this was fiction because it reads as if it's non-fiction. I might give another of his books a go someday.

Narration notes:
The author did a perfectly fine job narrating.

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Profile Image for Cheri.
1,971 reviews2,822 followers
December 4, 2022

I think I’ve read all of this author’s Christmas books, and have enjoyed or loved them all from his debut novel The Christmas Box to this, his latest one, A Christmas Memory.

This begins in 1967, when Richard experiences a heartbreaking first loss when his brother is killed in Vietnam, followed by his father’s loss of his job, and soon after they leave their home in California to live in the home of his mother’s recently deceased mother, which is in Utah. And then his parents separate.

Once there, he discovers just how different his life will be. The one thing he loves about this new place is the dog next door, and talks to him from his side of the fence. In California he had friends, but here he becomes a target of the mean kids in his school. One day on his way home from school is followed by the kids who bullied him at school, and his neighbor sees what is going on and intercedes. This neighbor, Mr. Foster, seeing how shook up he is, invites him inside and offers him some cocoa. Over time, he begins to spend more and more time with Mr. Foster, who becomes somewhat of a surrogate grandfather to him, and it is a blessing to Mr. Foster, as well, since he isn’t as young as he used to be, and as he helped Richard out with the bullies, Richard helps him by running errands for him. In turn, Mr. Foster offers what Richard needs most. Someone with wisdom, who will share that wisdom, someone who offers a listening ear as well as introducing him to the love of reading. The best part of all, for him, is the bond he forms with the dog.

A lovely and heartfelt story.
Profile Image for Jon.
27 reviews1 follower
November 24, 2022
I wish I could give these books more than 5 Stars. One of these years I will finally be able to make it through a Richard Paul Evans book without crying, but this is not the year. Every story Richard tells is heartfelt and filled with life lessons. This book, however, is a little different because it is a close and personal story about his own life and I am honored to be one of the readers who gets to experience this journey. Every book he writes teaches me more and more about the importance of family and living each day as if you were unsure about tomorrow. Thank you Richard Paul Evans for continuing to make me a believer in the spirit of Christmas year after year and, even though you probably won’t see this review, know that I am anxiously awaiting your next story with hope and love.
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,267 reviews128 followers
December 18, 2023
For me, the hard times chronicled in this story made it difficult for me to really enjoy it. I did recognize the valuable life lessons and messages on moving on after loss, going through the trials of life to come out the other side and experience the joy, unexpected friendships, love, and family bonds.

After some rather comfortless happenings in young Richard's life, the story begins to turn and the melancholic tone is redeemed by Richard's friendship with Mr. Foster. The theme seems to be that experiencing loss makes the future joy even sweeter, but I've never been able to fully embrace that notion. I prefer my fiction reads to be more idealistic than realistic, but most other reviewers are rating this higher so read it and decide for yourself if the good outweighs the bad.
Profile Image for Susan.
1,337 reviews210 followers
December 20, 2022
It’s not the holiday season without a Christmas story from Richard Paul Evans. A CHRISTMAS MEMORY reminds readers of how hard life can be sometimes and how it can tear people apart or bring people together. It reminded me how much we need God and how much we need friends and family, the people who love us and support us. Some parts of life don’t have a happy ending, but it helps to know that we’re in it together and that in the end love ultimately wins. A CHRISTMAS MEMORY is heart tugging and teaches you life lessons at the same time.

A CHRISTMAS MEMORY is for sure, another tear jerker by an author who truly knows how to pull at the readers hearts! I really loved this story. Richard Paul Evans pulls you into his stories and makes you feel like you are there living them. The story takes place in 1967 and Richard has just lost his brother, Mark in Vietnam. The family moves from California to Utah. Have the Kleenex close by because you’ll need them. With lots of short chapters, A CHRISTMAS MEMORY is a quick, easy read, and one that I could not put down. The characters are well written and completely likable, the dialogue flows and is realistic, and the story is gripping and heartfelt

A CHRISTMAS MEMORY kept me guessing up until the final chapters. I loved it! It may have been a sad ending, but it was the right ending, and brought the story full circle, like it should. This is the third book I have read by Richard Paul Evans and not only has he become one of my favorite authors, but I am looking forward to reading several of his other books. A CHRISTMAS MEMORY will keep your interest, wanting to read the next page before you’ve completed the one your reading. It will touch your heart, your soul, make you smile, and make you cry.
Profile Image for Kellie O'Connor.
313 reviews147 followers
December 22, 2022
Wow what a beautiful treasure of a book in every way possible!! I loved every second that I spent reading this amazing and powerful book... it's just simply beautiful! It has everything you could want in a true story: love, friendship,bonds, family, heartaches and in the midst of sadness springs up a well of joy💕 I laughed and cried through this book. It brought up so many childhood memories. Richard Paul Evans is an amazing author!
We all have childhood memories and perhaps some of you wrote them down to remember them or like me, keep them stored in your heart and bring them back when you need them 😃 I'm very glad that Richard Paul Evans wrote this special memory in a book!
He takes up back to when he was 9 years old. He's going through a lot of difficult things such as moving to a new place,new school, family troubles and loneliness. Then he meets his neighbors dog and loves him. Soon Richard meets a man who will change his life forever...his neighbor Mr. Foster!! Such a beautiful man! He bestows upon Richard a love of reading books, wisdom and the values of living and true friendship!! He became not only a friendly neighbor but Richards mentor. I really love Mr. Foster! 💖He helps Richard with the struggles that he's going through in a meaningful and loving way.
Richard Paul Evans own words best sums up the book. " There are many profound things Mr. Foster said to me, but perhaps none greater than this: ' Grief is the truest evidence of love. And we should always be grateful to have something to love even if it means that we have to lose it.' I know that's true, but in the moment of loss, how deeply that sweet blade cuts.
And perhaps that is why we have Christmases, to remind us over and again that in the end, there is a place where all that is broken will be made whole and all that's lost will be found - that there is a place where love doesn't end. And above all, to remind us that, in the end, love wins."
I would love to give this book 20 stars.. although it deserves more! If you haven't already read this book.. please do..I very highly recommend it 💗🙏
Merry Christmas to all and Blessings in the New Year!! 😊📖🎄✨🌿❄️💚
Profile Image for Judy Collins.
2,980 reviews431 followers
November 26, 2022
Richard Paul Evans returns following The Christmas Box and the Noel Collection with A CHRISTMAS MEMORY —a beautiful holiday tale of love, loss, grief, forgiveness, and hope.

It would not be Christmas without the annual Evans audiobook narrated by the author. It is an auto-buy each year, and I always look forward to his heartwarming Christmas stories.

We flashback to 1967 when Richard was young. His family is in turmoil after his brother Mark is killed in Vietnam. His father loses his job and moves the family from California to his grandmother's in Utah. With the stress of it all, the parents separate, and his mother has terrible headaches and is very depressed. She is not there for him.

On top of everything, he is bullied at school. The poor kid cannot catch a break until he meets the neighbor, the elderly Mr. Foster. His luck changes.

Richard walks Mr. Foster's dog and shovels the snow. He is a kind black man who is wise and takes Richard under his wing. A great cook and his home is warm and inviting. He always has hot cocoa for him, listens, and has terrific stories. He loves books and treats Richard special. Richard respects him and looks forward to his visits.

He saves his money and works hard. The holidays are approaching, and his home life is sad, and he does not expect to have a Christmas. However, with Mr. Foster's kindness, he learns that the spirit of the season truly matters and forgiveness can heal the most profound hurt—reminding us that the light of hope can still shine even in the darkest of times.


Touching, heartwarming, and inspiring, a perfect book for the holiday season to remind us what is truly important in life. Suppose we all had a Mr. Foster in our lives.

It will warm your heart—letting go of grief and discovering the healing power of love, holiday magic, and the perfect winter read. Healing and rediscovering the joy of the holidays.

This book was extra special since it was a semi-autobiography from the author.

For fans of author Catherine Ryan Hyde and Viola Shipman. These authors and Richard Paul Evans are favorite storytellers with a gift of multi-generational characters, pairing up with the younger and older who have so much to learn from their elders.

Highly recommend the audiobook! If you can read only one book for Christmas, this is it. Outstanding!

Blog Review Posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
My Rating: 5 Stars
Pub Date: Nov 22, 2022
Nov 2022 Must-Read Books
Favorite Holiday Book
Profile Image for Karen J.
359 reviews236 followers
December 2, 2023
Beautiful story line and definitely a must have Kleenex’s handy.
Profile Image for Caitlin Miller.
Author 10 books267 followers
December 31, 2023
Out of all the books I've read--and trust me, I've read a lot--in my life, none have ever made me cry. I've been moved. Emotional. Perhaps a bit teary-eyed. But I've never cried...until reading A Christmas Memory. This book caught me off guard in so many ways I wasn't prepared for. It was heart-wrenching. Moving. Real. And, in ways I never expected, relatable. The author's way of writing down his childhood memories and the man who changed his life in so many ways, Mr. Foster, was so vivid. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. But then, I would read scenes where I had to slow down, because I was blinking back tears and finding myself wanting to soak in the words of wisdom and honesty Mr. Foster imparted to young Richard.

I can't recommend this book enough. Trust me, you'll need tissues. And you won't regret reading it.

“Grief is a peculiar thing. It makes people act in funny ways. It makes them sad and angry and desperate. I’ve even seen it make people laugh at the most inappropriate time. It makes you feel like someone else has taken control of your heart. You can’t help it. No one can. It’s part of death. The world tries to pretend that death doesn’t exist. It tries to hide it in whispers and back doors when really it’s all around us—like the leaves falling in autumn. Grief is just opening our eyes to that truth. We hate grief because it hurts. But not everything that hurts is bad. Whatever grief may be, it’s one thing for certain. Grief is the truest evidence of love. And we should always be grateful to have something to love, even if it means that we have to lose it.”
Profile Image for Jen (Finally changed her GR pic).
3,050 reviews27 followers
January 24, 2024
Got to page 76 and I just CAN’T anymore. This is TORTURE. I did skip ahead to see if it was worth continuing and no, it was not.


Ok, I GET it. The author LIVED this as a child, but it’s just too depressing. My final straw was when the teacher basically bullied him because of a childish thing he wrote on his paper. He wrote after his name the words, in small letters, the great. He was ten.

She acted like he had a raging ego and gave him a D on the assignment, even though he had completed it perfectly.

Up to this point, he has already experienced the following:

1) his beloved older brother died in Vietnam
2) his father lost his job
3) they had to sell their house in California and move to his mother’s mother’s abandoned house in Utah
4) his parents are separating because they can’t handle the stress of losing their oldest son
5) he has developed Tourette’s from the stress
6) he is bullied in school by the other kids
7) now the teacher, who seems to hate children and her job, is bullying him

We have yet to meet his next door neighbor who will become his best friend. An elderly black man who by the end of the book:

1) discloses his only son died inside the refrigerator the dad so proudly bought, because his son was playing hide and seek with the dad and it was before PSAs about not doing that
2) he left his wife because he couldn’t stand to see her suffering and he was suffering
3) she died six months later in a car accident that he suspects wasn’t an accident
4) he has major organ failure and only has a limited amount of time to live before he dies and leaves the kid to more grief and abandonment issues.

Oh dear goodness in heaven, NO.

The ONLY light at the end of the tunnel that ended up not being a train, thank goodness, was that his parents didn’t divorce because the boy told his dad “I know you aren’t responsible for my brother’s death.”

Because the wise old black man told him to, saying that it might help. He was honest and said it might not, but SURPRISE it did!

Both at the beginning and at the end, the author states this is autobiographical and it is written well, like you are THERE, but did I really want to be? Not really.

I had looked the author up on line to see if I could find other documentation that this was autobiographical and found out he had allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct made against him by a fellow author and that, along with the misery porn of this book, made me decided DNF’ing was the better part of valor for this one.

Sorry to my friend from whom I borrowed this, but I didn’t enjoy it at all.

1, not what I was expecting and glad I didn’t try to read this during the Christmas season, stars.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Staci.
2,043 reviews602 followers
December 5, 2022
1967 Utah

In signature Richard Paul Evan fashion, this Christmas novella pulls at the heartstrings. The messages within are powerful. This tale is told through the point of view of a lonely nine year old boy.
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,810 reviews536 followers
December 6, 2022

This was my first book by Mr. Evans, but it certainly won’t be my last. I plan on starting 2023 off on the right foot by choosing another from his backlog of releases. Meanwhile, over the holidays I’m going to watch "The Noel Diary" on Netflix based on Evans’s novel.

The Christmas Memory is a fictionalized account of the author's boyhood experiences and took my breath away. I shed tears – both happy and sad -- and smiled, laughed and fell in love with Rick, Booker Foster and, of course, Beau a/k/a Gollum. This world would certainly be a much better place if there were more people like the exceptionally kind and generous Mr. Foster and less of those like Mrs. Covey, who was hateful and spiteful making everyone’s life miserable.

Simply put, this book deeply touched my heart and turned it to mush! It has left me totally mushified. The lessons and messages throughout brought back memories of my own experiences growing up in the 1960s and the effects the war had on our small-town community.

Both extraordinary and captivating! For me, this book perfectly defined the inspiration and wisdom for sharing the true and meaningful joys of the season.

Profile Image for Lisa Petro.
623 reviews5 followers
December 31, 2022
This was clearly a very personal story for the author. Having met him numerous times, as well as his family, I find it inspirational that he writes so many Christmas books when something profound happened on Christmas and perhaps that is why he does. It is a kind of a memoir of a very specific time in his life that clearly had lasting, lifelong impacts.
Profile Image for Dr. Amanda.
175 reviews1,107 followers
December 19, 2023
In my opinion Christmas books should be only happy😥😥😥😥
Profile Image for Laura.
1,679 reviews22 followers
November 21, 2022
Title: A Christmas Memory
Author: Richard Paul Evans
Narrated by: Richard Paul Evans
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio
Length: Approximately 3 hours and 35 minutes
Source: Review Copy from Simon & Schuster. Thank-you!

What is a Christmas memory that you’ve kept with you through the years?

A Christmas Memory by Richard Paul Evans is a heart rending tale of loss, forgiveness, and grief set at the Christmas season in 1967. You definitely need to have your hankies ready for this book.

I listen to Richard Paul Evans audiobooks every year for Christmas. It’s not Christmas without one of his stories. A Christmas Memory is a different kind of book than his usual tales. It’s different as it tells a fictionalized version of events that happened to the author in his youth. It was also narrated by the author, which I really enjoyed.

In 1967, young Ricky’s beloved older brother Mark was killed in Vietnam that fall. After Mark’s death, Ricky’s family fell apart. His father lost his job and they moved from California to Utah to his grandmother’s old abandoned house. His parents separate and Ricky has a very hard time at his new school. Ricky’s one bright spot in life is his neighbor’s dog, that he affectionately names Beau (after Beau Brummel). He eventually meets Beau’s owner, Mr. Foster. It turns out Beau’s real name is Gollum. Mr. Foster loves to read and named him after the Lord of the Rings character as the dog is his “precious.” That made me laugh out loud. Mr. Foster and Beau become Ricky’s only friends. But as Ricky’s world continues to fall apart, what lesson does Mr. Foster have for him to can help pull him back from the brink?

A Christmas Memory was a very touching story. I loved how it really showed how friendships can be important and how you can make a difference in someone’s life who is having a hard time. It also shows the importance of family and how grief can impact everyone differently. I also really liked how the story gave the feel and time of the 1960s and a Christmas during that time period. There is a lot of sadness in this story, but overall, I found it to be inspirational.

I highly recommend A Christmas Memory.

This review was first posted on my blog at: https://lauragerold.blogspot.com/2022...
Profile Image for Candy.
438 reviews49 followers
December 15, 2023
This was a very touching story because it’s based on the authors life. This is my second book of his this year and I want to read ALL of his books now. He’s a fantastic author who knows how to write with heart and a realism that draws you in.
Profile Image for Anna.
1,217 reviews118 followers
January 29, 2023
I look forward every year to Richard Paul Evans Christmas novel. My hold didn't come in until after Christmas but it didn't disappoint. A heartfelt, touching story of a beautiful friendship between a young boy and his elderly neighbor. Despite at times breaking my heart, the message was positive and inspirational.
88 reviews7 followers
November 27, 2022
Heartwarming true story of Richard Paul Evans childhood
Profile Image for Tami Hungerford.
106 reviews
December 19, 2023
I can’t even with this beautiful little memoir. I bawled like a baby and feel like I’ve learned so much of things I thought I already knew. What heartbreaking tragedy this young man endured. The power of forgiveness is nothing short of a miracle and has purposeful healing powers. God’s good design is so beautiful and perfect, and 100%worth all the hard.

My favorite was what he learned from his neighbor turned unlikely best friend/mentor.
“Forgiveness is alchemy. To take something so base and ugly that you don't even want to think of it and turn it into something noble and fine. That is true alchemy. Remember that. It's not always easy, but if you can do that, you'll have a happy life.”

For me a happy life isn’t the end goal but boy is there a beautiful freedom in forgiveness that makes it so worth it.
Profile Image for Lori.
584 reviews23 followers
February 27, 2023
Do not miss this story of perfect love! A Christmas Memory is one of the most touching stories that I have ever read. Such beauty!
Profile Image for Diane Shearer.
795 reviews9 followers
November 26, 2022
Just finished the audiobook. Still crying. It’s not Christmas without a Richard Paul Evans book, but this one is special. He says in the beginning that the characters are real but the events are put together to make a good story. If you are a fan of the Michael Vey books (if you haven’t read them you are seriously missing out) some of this story will be familiar. Even so, it ripped my heart out for this child. The era is my childhood as well. I was 8 in 1967. (That is the year I first read The Hobbit. My dad gave it to me. Turned me into a reader and a Tolkien fanatic.) I don’t know how he wrote this. I don’t know how he read it himself. I don’t know how he made the saddest story ever into a beautiful, inspiring tale. But I’m so thankful he did. I wish every kid had a Mr. Foster in their life. I’m so thankful to have King Richard in my life. Mrs. Covey, on the other hand, has earned my white hot enmity forever.
Profile Image for Gina *loves sunshine*.
2,073 reviews91 followers
November 21, 2023
Every year the week of Thanksgiving I usually fire up my first Christmas book while cooking all my food - I seem to always pick up the latest Richard Paul Evans...although I am always a year behind in release!! Typically his books are strong on message and usually an uplifting story for the holiday season. A few of his have been really great little snowy romances...which are my favorites, this was not a romance at all.

This book was also not really a Christmas story - so it can be read at any time of the year. It's Novella size...only about 3 hours on audio. It was the story of a boy who loses his older brother at war, his parents move the family to Utah and then separate, and he is befriended by the next door neighbor. I went in thinking this was a happy holiday book, but it was quite sad and a bit depressing - although has an uplifting Christian message at the end! The author did say at the beginning that this had a lot of personal experience story to it...and the little boy is in fact named Richard!! 3 stars - here's to the holiday season!
Profile Image for Michelle.
517 reviews3 followers
December 6, 2022
This might be RPE's most touching story yet because it's based on his own life.
**best quote**
"Everyone has problems . . . a person's got two choices. One, he can hold on to his anger, or two, he can let his anger go. Only one of those choices brings freedom."
Profile Image for Ash.
59 reviews8 followers
February 21, 2024
Such a heartwarming story about life, loss and love. A very short book you can read in one sitting, preferably by a fire with some hot cocoa. I wish I read this in the Christmas season but it was still a pleasant read in February. Get your tissues ready cause it will do a number on your heart! ❤️‍🩹😪
28 reviews
January 16, 2023
A deeply personal book for Evans, this heartfelt story is certain to draw a tear while reminding the reader of how precious are the moments spent with the ones we love. This book is beautifully written!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,065 reviews

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