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The Last Rainbow Bird

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This vibrant story of wildlife conservation beams with hope and joyfully celebrates difference.

Unless Jo and Alex can find the last Rainbow Bird, its species will become extinct. Journeying by riverboat through a spectacular forest, the children find many extraordinary birds – elegant Underwater Birds, glowing Lamp Birds and excitable Big-to-Little Birds – but will they find the last Rainbow Bird?

The singularly fabulous world of the Rainbow Bird, created by award-winning author-illustrator Nora Brech, is a riot of color, imagination, and wonder. Children will love the heartfelt and humorous story that gently conveys an important environmental message.

40 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2020

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Nora Brech

16 books7 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 54 reviews
Profile Image for Debbie W..
861 reviews734 followers
October 18, 2022
Why I chose to read this book:
1. a GR friend posted a wonderful review about it; and,
2. my hold finally became available at my local library!

Although the overall message of wildlife conservation and the vibrant illustrations sold me, I took this book to its intended audience - young children. After reading it aloud to a Grade 3 class, they gave this book two thumbs up for the following reasons:
- they liked how helpful the characters were in saving the Rainbow Bird from extinction;
- they liked the colorful details;
- they were happy to learn that it was recently published in English; and,
- they thought the story could relate to real life.

Overall Thoughts:
The experts have spoken!

A lovely story to share with youngsters who are learning about and/or interested in wildlife conservation.
Profile Image for Rosh.
1,959 reviews3,359 followers
July 3, 2022
Such a quirky yet beautiful story!

Jo and Alex are on a mission – they have to find the last rainbow bird to pair it with the one in their professor-friend’s lab in hope of saving the species. On their mission, they come across an array of amazing birds but not the one they are looking for. Is it too late?

The story is so imaginative. None of the birds mentioned are actual species but as extraordinary as possible – house birds, lamp birds, big-to-little birds,… Each of these is delightful! More importantly, the story subtly points at the importance of conservation and what scientists are dong to help save endangered species. The author’s note at the end elaborates more on this.

The story itself would have earned at least a 4.5 rating from me but where the book goes from great to outstanding is in its illustrations, sketched by the author herself. I have never seen sketches as beautiful as these. Every page pops up with bright hues. The physical book would be a delight to the senses.

The vocabulary is pretty easy for youngsters and the book would suit ages 4-8.

Much recommended to all little ones.

5 colourful stars.

My thanks to Floris Books and Edelweiss+ for the DRC of “The Last Rainbow Bird”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.
Profile Image for Tina Loves To Read.
2,859 reviews1 follower
September 8, 2022
This is a Children's book that I read to my kids. I have always loved birds, and we have a ton of bird feeders and houses all around my yard. I know I had to read this book because it is about birds. I love that this book is all about wildlife conservation and saving birds, but it is written in a way that little kids can understand. Even my oldest who is 12 years old really enjoyed this book. The pictures in this book are so bright and colorful which I loved so much. I think the pictures really made this book come to life. This is a great fun read. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Floris Books) or author (Nora Brech) via NetGalley, so I can give an honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.
Profile Image for Chantel.
432 reviews287 followers
January 5, 2023
Alex & Jo are enjoying a sauntering boat ride on the river when their ears pick up the sound of someone crying. As they make their way to their friend, the Professor, they learn that he cannot find the last Rainbow Bird & without its other half, the species will surely vanish.

Truthfully, what renders this book to be absolutely breathtaking is the illustrations. Those found within this book are the definition of whimsical magic translated into an art form. Every single picture was so detailed, so wonderfully done; one cannot help but feel conflicted. I didn’t want to turn the page because I felt certain that I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the beautiful imagery, only to find another stunning picture laid out in front of me, on the next page.

The story itself is very quaint. Following the protagonists through their quest in nature as we became acquainted with different species of birds reminded me of what it felt like to learn about all the animals with whom we share this earth when I was very young. Hosting space in the plot to shed light on the beautiful things that can happen when we take the time to preserve relationships & the environment, leaves one feeling glad to have read such a spectacular book.

Every part of this story was wonderful, comforting & rewarding to read. I am so pleased to know that young readers will have such divine illustrations & stories at their fingertips.

Thank you to NetGalley, Floris Books & Nora Brech for the free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Miss_Cultura.
855 reviews132 followers
February 17, 2022
Este libro se me ha metido por la vista y ha sido pura maravilla. ¡Qué colores! ¡Qué viaje tan especial!
Con poco texto, pero contundente y con gran explosión de texturas....
Me ha gustado mucho conocer a Nora Brech ¡Ganas de leer más!
Profile Image for Carla.
6,798 reviews158 followers
July 29, 2022
Jo and Alex are out on the river when they hear someone crying. They find their friend the Professor who is upset. He needs to find the last rainbow bird to pair it with the one in his lab or they will become extinct. They head off on a quest to find it. Along the way they find many amazing and colourful birds, but not the rainbow bird. Is it too late to save the species?

This was an absolutely beautiful book, full of imagination. First, the birds they "find" are not real, but spark the imagination of the child. There are lamp birds, big-to-little birds, house birds, etc. but all all beautifully illustrated with vibrant colours. In fact, that is where we spent most of our time, looking at the pictures. The story itself is an easy read for children, but it has a wonderful message about conservation and how scientists are trying to help save an endangered species. The author's note at the back of the book adds more to that message. I read an electronic book, but will be getting a physical copy of this book to add to our library. My granddaughter loved this book and we have already read it several times. She laughs at the lamp birds every time. I recommend this book to everyone, but especially schools to teach how important it is to save these endangered animals. The publisher generously provided me with a copy of this book upon request. The rating and comments shared are my own.
Profile Image for Kristina.
395 reviews26 followers
July 22, 2023
Илюстрациите са уникални, пълни с фантазия и цветове. Но историята, може би заради превода не ми хареса изобщо. Разкъсана, хаотична и тегава, жалко наистина за красивите рисунки.
Profile Image for Andrew.
2,187 reviews60 followers
February 20, 2023
Alex and Jo, joined by the eccentric Professor Feather, set off to find what may be the last mate for the famed, Rainbow Bird.
In a story similarly styled to "McElligot's Pool" or "Red Fish, Blue Fish", comes a fun, whimsical fantasy riverboat trip for an exotic bird. They'll find many birds along the way. Will they find the Rainbow Bird?

Beautiful illustrations and easy text by Norwegian Author, Nora Brech, gives an adventurous, imaginative picture book for conservation.
Profile Image for Alice Nordli.
91 reviews1 follower
February 8, 2021
Vakker, sjarmerende og fargerik bok om jakten på en sjelden og praktfull fugleart - regnbuespetthunnen. Det blir en dramatisk og ellevill jakt langs elvestryk, og på ferden møter de andre sjeldne fuglearter. Som f. eks. paraplyfuglene.. 😊
Profile Image for stefiereads.
339 reviews120 followers
July 9, 2021
As a bird lover, this book. this book!
So simple yet stunning and just so cuteeee!
I love love loveeeee it <3
The illustrations are over the world. Colorful but not overpowering. Everything is just lovely!
Profile Image for Ylva Sørli.
220 reviews1 follower
October 17, 2023
4.25 stjerner

Denne var kjempefin!!! men den mangler *noe*... litt mer følelser og mening bak handlingen tror jeg ville gjort susen. men jeg elsker illustrasjonene!! de er superfine!
Profile Image for Barbara.
14.1k reviews300 followers
May 24, 2022
When Jo and Alex hear the sounds of sorrow coming from Professor Feather's home, they investigate and learn that he is despairing of ever finding a mate for the solitary Rainbow Bird he has in his care. The two friends set off on a journey by boat to help him. They search high and low, asking every bird they encounter if they have any idea where a Rainbow Bird might be found. Although the birds are willing to help, they can offer few clues. They find many beautiful and unusual birds but not what they are seeking. Just when they are ready to return home, though, they spot it. Readers will be blown away by the beauty of the Rainbow Bird when it unfurls its resplendent, multi-colored wings. Even though the youngsters' boat has been damaged during their chase of the bird, a Tower Bird agrees to ferry them back home in honor of all the hard work of Professor Feather. The illustrations, drawn by hand with digital methods, are filled with gasp-worthy colors and movement, and it's clear that this species is well worth saving. Youngsters may be inspired by this story of hope and persistence to work to save another species that is endangered or to realize that the actions of a few really can have positive impacts. Originally published in Norway, the book boasts several pages filled with swirling colors and life at its brightest.
Profile Image for Jane.
86 reviews
May 12, 2022
The Last Rainbow Bird is filled with beautiful, colorful, and whimsical pictures. I loved zooming in and taking in all the intricate details of the pictures on each page! This story is a sweet adventure of finding the last Rainbow bird. The two questers encounter various types of birds, including the Tower Bird, the Underwater Birds, and Big-to-Little Birds, each unique and beautiful in their own way.

Nora Brech adds a little note at the end of the story to young readers explaining that while Rainbow Birds are imaginary, there are real rare birds that scientist are trying to keep from going extinct. Young students will be hooked by this real-life connections and will encourage them when learning about birds and other living things in science. I can't wait to buy my own physical copy for my classroom library to share with my class!

Thank you NetGalley and Floris Books for the advanced copy. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Kelly Green's.
185 reviews11 followers
May 12, 2022
One of the most visually stunning books I have seen in years!!

Vibrant colors, watercolor like textures, artwork that conveys movement & energy and a quirky color palette. And that is just the illustrations. The story follows a quest to find the rare and last Rainbow Bird. The adventure leads the reader to exotic areas of the forest and shows us even more outstanding varieties of birds. Will they find the last Rainbow Bird and save the species from extinction?

A great tale to teach younger readers about conservation and the importance of saving and protecting animals from extinction.

Grateful to have received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley & Floris Books.
Profile Image for Alicia.
124 reviews3 followers
June 7, 2022
The Last Rainbow Bird is a BEAUTIFULLY illustrated book that covers the topic of endangered animals and extinction. It follows two kids on an adventure to help their friend find a mate for the Rainbow Bird. It covers a topic with an ease and gentleness that will help young children grasp such a serious topic. The illustration' is what makes it a 5 star read for me though. Everything is so beautifully drawn that people of all ages will be drawn to this book. I'm so grateful for NetGalley and Floris Books for the opportunity to read this and share it with my family. I recommend this to anyone with children to enjoy!
Profile Image for Kimberly.
245 reviews30 followers
June 6, 2022
Prof. Feather's treehouse is the stuff of dreams! This picture books has whimsical, unique illustrations that will inspire new little artists. The trees alone are worth imitation to hone their skills, but the studies in lighting could be a good reference as well.

This is a great book for children interested in animal conservation, birds, treehouses, or simply beautiful foliage.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kristi.
31 reviews
May 29, 2022
The Last Rainbow Bird illustrations draw you into the look for the last rainbow bird. Beautifully written as a way to easily understand the importance of conservation. The story also celebrates the uniqueness of different cultures and people.
1,031 reviews16 followers
May 15, 2022
This book tells the story of Alex, Jo and Professor feather who are searching to find a mate for the fictional "rainbow bird" who is at risk of going extinct. Through their search they come across lots of other silly fictional birds like lamp birds and tower birds that help direct them to the last rainbow bird. The story ends with information about real birds that are at risk of going extinct and the importance of conservation so that we can protect all animals who are endangered. While being a fictional story, there is much to be learned from this beautiful and insightful book. I think that it will be easy for young children to draw parallels between the rainbow bird and a number of animals they know about that are vulnerable or endangered. The message is beautiful, but the illustrations are even more breath taking. The beautiful coloured feathers of the rainbow bird are woven throughout the story and are very pleasing to look at.

As a teacher, I can definitely see this book in my classroom library and to be used as a resource when talking about endangered animals and conservation. I so appreciate Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read and review this fabulous book!
Profile Image for Olivia.
3,409 reviews96 followers
September 5, 2022
See my full review here: https://www.yabookscentral.com/the-la...

THE LAST RAINBOW BIRD is a charming picture book about endangered birds. Jo and Alex hear the professor crying, and when they go to learn why, they find out that he has one rainbow bird and cannot find the other to help them mate and live happily together. Jo and Alex set out to help, asking imaginative birds along the way. Eventually, they find the last rainbow bird and bring them back to the professor and the other rainbow bird for them to live happily together.

What I loved: This is a really imaginative and whimsical story about endangered species. The birds imagined throughout are quite unique, such as the house birds, lamp birds, and water birds. The images are quite lush and creative with plenty of colors that bring these creative species to life. The story is relatively simple and features a unique journey to locate a particularly special bird, and it will work well for a wide range of ages.

Final verdict: THE LAST RAINBOW BIRD is a whimsical picture book about endangered species and a need to protect them.
7,658 reviews106 followers
April 19, 2022
Two lads find a professor-type sobbing about the fact he only has one rainbow bird, and therefore it will become extinct without a partner. So without a by-your-leave they go off on an expedition to find one. Like you do. Accept that and you'll find a whole host of unusual birds, even ones that glow in the dark like lampshades, that actually have more logic to them than the implausible-seeming set-up, especially when you're too old to just gloss over it. Anyway, this goes down as a hit because of the invention and the sheer colourful craft in the presentation – it really is a delight for the eyes. The text is judged perfectly, with the creator knowing it's not going to be appreciated that much when it gets in the way of the visuals, and so is reduced to just a sentence or two per page. As a lesson in how to keep species alive it's a perfectly reasonable one, as a slightly wacky young adventure read it's a beauty, however illogical. Four stars and change, with the creator's art something to cherish.
Profile Image for The Silvan Reverie | Sarah Street.
746 reviews53 followers
November 25, 2022
I absolutely love the idea of engaging young children in more complex topics like wildlife conservation through their imagination. This story is wonderfully imaginative. The Rainbow Bird in this story (and all the other birds like the Underwater Birds and Lamp Birds) is fictional and the illustrations are dreamy and playful, but the heart of the narrative relies on something solid and true. Wildlife conservation and keeping animals from going extinct requires care and awareness and effort. The back of this book contains additional information to say that while this story is fictional, scientists around the world are working hard to keep rare birds from becoming extinct. Again, I love that the author took a real conflict of our natural world and brought it to life through this fantastical and vibrant narrative -- it will impact young children much more than adults reading them facts about rare and endangered birds.

***Note: I was given a review copy of this book via Publisher's Spotlight. Opinions are my own.
Profile Image for João Teixeira.
2,098 reviews37 followers
March 13, 2022
As lustrações são belíssimas. Bastante coloridas para nos encher o olho. Pena que a história não seja muito inspirada e, de certa forma, "cientificamente" incorrecta, visto que neste livro, o pica-pau arco-íris fêmea é que tem a plumagem mais bonita (quando é do conhecimento geral que o galanteio, no mundo dos pássaros, pertence aos machos, sendo essa a razão por que são precisamente os machos que têm as penas mais coloridas). Mas pronto,ao lermos este livro, é suposto supendermos a nossa crença na realidade científico, visto que também não existem pássaros guarda-chuvas...
Não querendo ser injusto, é um livro que vale a pena folhear, principalmente graças às suas bonitas ilustrações, coloridas e com bastantes pormenores que se podem explorar com os leitores mais novos.
Profile Image for Linda .
4,004 reviews48 followers
March 18, 2023
Two young people, Jo and Alex, are out exploring in a jungle and hear their professor friend crying. He is so sad that he cannot find a mate for the one Rainbow Bird he knows is living. If it cannot be found, it cannot reproduce, will become extinct. Through extraordinary adventures as they search, Alex and Jo discover many other kinds of birds, often nestled in their homes, wonderfully imagined and illustrated by Nora Brech, Norweigian illustrator, but never the elusive Rainbow Bird. If you've not seen the House Birds or the Big-to-Little birds, you're in for a treat. And there are even Lamp Birds, "glowing softly through the darkness". It's a search and a story that doesn't disappoint with its lesson about the importance of saving our natural world.
Profile Image for Lindsay Ann.
133 reviews10 followers
November 23, 2022
A vibrant and imaginative picture book with real advocacy hidden within. The illustrations are intricately detailed and creative, to the point where you can look at a page and continue to find new things within.

This sweet story begins with two adventurers, Alex and Jo. They are soon set on a quest to find the last Rainbow Bird so that they do not become extinct. The back of the book informs readers of the very real efforts to prevent rare birds from ceasing to exist.

This book has 'soared' among the top of my favorite picture book list and I cannot wait to use it in a storytime in the future.
Profile Image for Dorthe Svendsen.
979 reviews1 follower
February 9, 2024
Bøkene hennes er som selvstendig univers du kan flytte inn i og drømme deg helt bort. Den pennen hennes er vidunderlig både med tegninger og ord. I disse bøkene har du gode gaver. Bøkene passer for alle aldere, helt ned til de minste. Da ordene er få og ikke så dype, så de kan leses på pverflaten. Men en kan også legge mye i å analysere samt grave seg nes i bildenes egen verden med de litt større. Alle bøkene passer rågodt på barneskolen, der man kan bygge ut teksten og skape skriveglede, samt ikke minst inspirere barn til å tegne egne univers de kan leve seg inn i.

Denne boken handler om savn, forskning, fugler, dyrearter, reise og mye mye mer om en vil!
185 reviews
July 21, 2023
I have not read this to a child yet, so not sure how I feel about it. Normally I like factual things when it comes to science and this has a lot of pretend birds, but maybe that’s what makes conservation accessible without it being crushing to a young child? I’ll have to read it with kids and see what kind of reaction and conversation develops (or doesn’t).

I do like the short factual blurbs at the end that clarify that while rainbow birds aren’t real, conservation is, and it has had an impact on conserving species across the world. They are accessible and I think give the book substance.
Profile Image for Sasha.
1,130 reviews9 followers
October 22, 2022
This Norwegian ornithological tale reminded me of the film "Once Upon A Forest" in the best way. There is a professor of endangered birds; two intrepid friends; lazy boat naps; enchanted forest-river critters; gorgeous swells of color; and a whimsical, loving message. Utterly enchanting and simultaneously adorable. Perhaps the ivory-billed woodpecker or Hawaii's po'ouli can similarly be saved. All the stars! And feathers!
8,420 reviews40 followers
November 17, 2022
Two young people help the professor locate and save the last Rainbow Bird so the species will survive. Readers see how many species have been helped and how difficult it can be to protect them. Though the birds are fictional, the need is real. The informative text included at the end offers readers ways to become involved and learn more.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 54 reviews

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