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Should an Ajnara alien warrior ignore his superior's orders, and instead, protect and rescue a human female from certain death?

Victoria loves her job as a teacher, especially since there's no baby in her future. So when the world falls into an apocalypse, it’s not surprising she ends up stranded and protecting some children at her school.

Unfortunately, the Earth isn’t safe for anyone, especially not for women trying to survive on their own. After a few weeks, they’re invaded by predatory ruthless men who take over their supplies she was hoarding. How can she escape their obsessive and unwanted attention before even the kids are slaves to their whims? When Victoria sneaks off for help, she almost makes it. But not before she’s trapped by zombie-like infected people determined to kill her.

A monstrous alien warrior saves her life, but then captures her later and takes her back to his spaceship—essentially kidnapping her! The glowing soldier is convinced she’s his fated mate, spewing nonsense about mind linking.

But can she trust him when she’s already made too many poor decisions? Choices that endangered her and her students?

Jerlo has always followed the rules, and all it’s gotten him is shipped to a primitive planet to babysit from the sky. But when a weapon damages his protective helmet and he locks eyes with the brave female, it sets off a chain reaction that’s impossible to stop.

She’s his and in danger. That’s all he needs to know.

But can he convince her to believe what he already senses?

A steamy paranormal sci-fi alien romance for adults. Happy for now, always guaranteed.

151 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 27, 2022

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About the author

Pearl Tate

51 books117 followers
I love to write about the same genre I love to read...
Science Fiction and Romance go hand in hand in my mind!
Right now, I can’t imagine writing anything else.
From earth to the stars, I’m always thinking about what if…
Now I'm writing full time...
Spinning tales from my back porch to you.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews
Profile Image for Shannon.
322 reviews4 followers
July 11, 2022
Great world building. Good tension. Even though this is short, it still was able to put me in the story.

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Profile Image for Tinkerthereader.
25 reviews
June 15, 2023
I ARC read this book and I became obsessed not only with the series but the author. This series is short but sweet and spicy. I ARC read the entire series it was that good. Who doesn't love aliens who's sole purpose is to worship their mate. It gives off IPB vibes for sure, I guess that's why I love it so much.
1,258 reviews10 followers
July 5, 2022
I'll happily admit that I am a total sucker for the fated mates bond thing, will also admit to not feeling great about the Wen infected humans in this but hey, you can't win everything and I'm willing to overlook it as the rest is great and totally makes up for it.
Soooo bit of background, basically the world has gone to pot. Think a kind of 28 days scenario/Resident Evil vibe. Victoria was working late in the school she teaches at when it became clear that this is where she would be staying for the foreseeable future. It was relatively safe and she was able to protect a few children. That was until the men came and suddenly that safety was whipped out from under her feet. She took the very courageous decision to strike out on her own and see if she could find help for the children and herself. Jerlo is an Ajnara warrior who has been sent, along with others like him, to patrol Earth and help the survivors. He is not meant to interact direct with them on the surface let alone show them his face but when he sees that small human woman about to be taken, just a step away from safety he cannot help but intervene. He knows there won't be any further help to her for a few days so he intends to stay and watch out for her since she is alone, although when a couple of males turn up he is about to leave her thinking she'll be safer. That is until he sees how they treat her. He has not idea why he is acting against protocol but something inside is screaming at him to do something.
Really looking forward to more.
Profile Image for Jason Pettus.
Author 13 books1,387 followers
January 1, 2023
2023 reads, #1. A growing amount of my freelance clients are the authors of cheap quick genre novels, meant to be consumed by their audience through the Kindle Unlimited program (a relatively new feature of Amazon, in which for one flat monthly fee, members can read as many quick cheap genre novels as they can possibly get through in 30 days); and so that has me starting to heavily read in these specialized genres for the first time in my life, especially when it comes to crime, fantasy and romance books, since I've never been a natural fan of these particular genres myself in my personal life, which means I have a lot of catching up to do if I want to service my clients as well as I can. So for example, early this week I got the latest promotional email from marketing company BookFunnel.com, which a couple of my clients use, letting me know of the latest hundred or so romance books that I can now download for free through their service, in return for signing up for these authors' newsletters; and instead of ignoring it like I usually do, this time I went over and actually downloaded seven titles from the unending page of identical overly Photoshopped covers of shirtless hunky badboys, and thought I would try blazing through them as fast as possible just to get an idea of what the average KU customer goes through when hunting and pecking through these endless slush piles themselves.

This is now my fourth book of the run (see also Cecelia Mecca's The Blacksmith , Candy Quinn's Shipwrecked Beauty , and Bella Beaumont's Can't Stop Won't Stop ), and the first to cover the well-known romance trope known as "fated mates," which is when some sort of magical or other paranormal contrivance brings our two romantic leads together in a way so that no free will or rational choice is involved, but rather that the paranormal contrivance is literally forcing the two to be the kinds of soulmates the universe is demanding of them no matter what the individuals themselves think of it. Probably the most well-known example is the phenomenon of "imprinting" among werewolves in the "Twilight" books (or at least this is what Google is telling me -- I've never read the books myself), which as far as I can tell is a kind of play on animals going into heat, but in the case of werewolves involves not only an irresistible compulsion to have sex with the woman in question but also to mate with her for life, to protect her and take care of her and wash her hair in the bathtub and all the other sometimes eyerolling kinds of details that are found in romance novels. And we've got a similar thing going on here in Mate Exposed, except this time the werewolves are actually eight-foot-tall blue-skinned space aliens, and the "imprinting" is just one aspect of a whole formal mating ritual they have back on their home planet, which our female hero, grade school teacher Victoria, learns all about when one of them saves her from a gang-rape among the tattered survivors of an apocalyptic event on Earth that is rapidly turning its victims into a planet full of flesh-eating zombies, a side effect of an interstellar war going on between our hunky Ajnarans and one of their alien rivals.

That's a whole lot to cram into a small romance novella being used as a free magnet for getting people to sign up for a newsletter, and a big part of the problem here is that author Pearl Tate is simply not up to the task, not giving any of these elements enough time and space to be developed on their own, leaving us with lots of tantalizing ideas that we can only examine briefly in the rearview mirror as we rush our way to the next plot point. Plus, I don't know if this is specifically because I'm a guy or if this is a universal problem, but I simply had a hard time connecting together the elements I expect from a romance novel with the strange, outre tale being told here about hulking monstrous space aliens and what feels to me like a thinly veiled message about how great sex slavery is, and how a lot of our problems in our modern world would easily be solved if we simply got rid of the idea of women having free will, and instead let the big strong men just fight it out over who's going to own any particular "seed receptacle" among the women-folk. This might be a gender bias of mine, in that I simply can't understand the nearly universal appeal I've found so far in the romance genre of men "owning" women and women getting just unbelievably turned on by such ownership (an aspect that's shown up now in every single romance novel I've ever read, no matter what its genre or tropes), and the inherent unsolvable contradiction this creates with our modern notion of female equality and empowerment. (Jesus, no wonder dating in your twenties is so fucking difficult.) Or, you know, it might be simply because this particular book isn't very good, which I half-suspect is the case since all the other fundamentals of storytelling are only being accomplished in a mediocre fashion here too. Whatever the case, more research is warranted, so I'll be exploring this "fated mate" subgenre more within romance in the coming months, to see if I can get a better handle on the subject and why it's apparently addictive like catnip to the women who happen to like this subgenre. For now, though, I recommend skipping this particular title, and holding out for a better fated mate than an eight-foot-tall blue-skinned alien who would gladly give it all up to wash his human girlfriend's hair in the bathtub.
909 reviews8 followers
July 1, 2022
Zombies and Aliens!

Victoria has been living in the school with three children since the Wen infection swept through their town, turning the infected into living zombies. They were doing fine until a group of men broke into the school and took over, threatening Victoria and the children. Victoria sneaks out hoping to get to the drop off area before any of the men know she is gone. Supplies are dropped twice a month for any survivors and Victoria needs to get them for her and the children before the men find out or they will take their food from them. As she is almost to the gate a bunch of the zombies come after her. Just before they reach her something huge in a helmet drops down in front of her and kills them. He then opens the gate for her and helps her in, then disappears into thin air. She can’t believe her luck but she must get her supplies and get out before the men come. Unfortunately, she isn’t fast enough and they corner her and start beating her. Once again her savior arrives and pulls them off but he gets shot in the process. She rushes to him trying to save him, but he grabs her and they disappear into thin air again. When she wakes up it is obvious they are in a small space ship. Her rescuer is still unconscious so she tries to help him.

Jerlo, an Ajnara warrior, isn’t supposed to interfere or make contact with any of the humans, just observe and let his superiors know where there are survivors. But he can’t seem to help himself when he sees the beautiful redheaded women being chased by the zombies. He saves her and then returns to his ship where he watches her. When he sees her being attacked, he rescues her once more and brings her back to the ship. Once he awakens and they start talking he is pretty sure she is his Kamadana, or fated one. When he asks her to be his mate, she is very attracted to him, but what will become of the children if she doen’t return.

This is a very heartwarming story! I love Jerlo and how he rescues Victoria and cares for her. I can't wait for the next book in the series!

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Profile Image for Emily Pennington.
18.9k reviews321 followers
July 6, 2022
Vicky and Jerlo's Story . . .

Vicky Blaine is trying to keep a few of her school kids, ages 11-13, safe in the school after a dangerous virus starts turning people into zombies. She periodically visits a drop off area to pick up food that is provided for the survivors. The zombies are a constant danger, but she faithfully cares for the children at her own risk. When some men break into the school, they take the food. Victoria sneaked out for the next drop off but zombies came after her.

Jerlo Braken, an Ajnara warrior, has been patrolling Earth as his people help the survivors. He has orders to stay out of sight. But when he sees zombies go after a woman, he appears and kills them, then disappears. He watches from his ship and sees some men discover her and attack her. He can’t let her get hurt, so he appears and stops the attackers, is injured, and takes her to his ship before he passes out. When he wakes, he can scent the female and feel the attraction to her. When she tells him he has turned blue now, he is amazed! His people only form a mind link with their true mate, their life partner. He feels her emotions. He believes she is his mate. Will she accept him and agree to be his and to link with him? Will they save the children somehow? Or will she stay behind for them?
Profile Image for Karen Nastasio.
2,647 reviews17 followers
July 6, 2022
This was a quick and enjoyable book and the characters where really likeable and if the world was invaded I would love a Jerlo to save me and make me his. Victoria is a school teacher and when the earth falls she ends up looking after a couple of kids stranded with her at the school and so they collect all the food and water that they find. It’s been a few weeks now and earth is invaded by evil men that find them and take all there food and with the looks they are giving her that have plans for her as well but if she can get to the supply drop she will have food and water for her and the kids but she needs to escape first and get past the infected zombies and it all goes well until she gets caught by zombies that want to eat her but she is saved. Jerlo is a Ajnana warrior who always follows the rules and his job is to observe and not interfere or make contact with the humans at all but the female needs his help and he saves her life and the kidnaps her later after he was shot and she wakes on his spaceship she starts looking after him and he tells her she is his Kamadana or fated mate. How does it all turn out, can they save the kids before anything happens to them and do Victoria and Jerlo get there HEA. Brilliant book.

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Profile Image for Serena Buffaloe.
579 reviews6 followers
July 3, 2023
Delightful !!

What a delightful story !!!
Victoria is a treachery in a rural area when the world gets a very bad virus. She has a few students there, and as their parents have yet to come for them, then she is responsible. She has set out to gather information about a possible "rescue/ pick up area" , and her group really needs to get there.
Jerlo is a warrior . He and his team have been tasked with watching the survivor stations, and reporting any humans . His world is far different from the cesspool that this virus has infected earth with, and he and his team were sent mostly because they are all single and unmated.
Jerlo spies a human female running from the infected to a survival station. Even though he is not supposed to interfere, he does help her.
And both of their lives completely change !!
I enjoyed this story very much , and look forward to more of thus series !!
6,142 reviews55 followers
July 7, 2022
This is a fast paced story about Victoria and Jerlo. Victoria has escaped the school and is trying to go to the pickup. Jerlo see that the infected are after her and he goes in and saves her. He goes back to his ship and then sees a male hurting her and it ticks him off. He goes back to save Victoria and takes to his ship. But a wonderful thing is starting to happen to him. He's broke protocol when he opened his visor. They are just suppose to report that there is a survivor. He gets hit when he saves Victoria the second time. He's pretty sure that when they talk that she is his fated mate, his Kamadana. He's surprised because she's human and he's an Ajnara warrior. This was an amazing story and I can't wait to read the next book.

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Profile Image for Goddess of Chaos.
2,671 reviews12 followers
October 6, 2022
"I’ve always wanted to be a parent, but not this way."

Vicky is a teacher who has taken responsibility for several students who were still on school grounds when the world went crazy.

Jerlo has his orders. Observe. Create distractions. Report where he sees humans. But that doesn't mean he's going to go against his conscience... or forget the principles on which he was raised.

This done in one quick read establishes an interesting world, and introduces a team of characters who fear they have missed their chance at personal happiness, and have duty and work left... until Earth, and Vicky offer an unexpected hope.

There is a form of magic in the Upadana link, and how these characters get to know one another that really works for me. I'm looking forward to more in the series.
Profile Image for Bee.
426 reviews4 followers
July 6, 2022
The Zombie apocalypse has taken over the world. Victoria was trapped in her school with some of her students. After bad guys take over the school, she runs for help. She is rescued from some bad guys by Jerlo who is part of an alien force that appears to have come to Earth to help the humans. Victoria is stunned to have her first exposure to an E.T. and floored to find out she could be his fated mate. Their HEA sets the series for a few more adventures by other members of Jerlo's unit.

This is a novella sized story and is a series spinoff of the Sinth Strain series. It was a short, fun read. I do recommend it.

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Profile Image for V.P. Nightshade.
Author 16 books51 followers
August 8, 2022

This is a really short novella! Great little read, dystopian, alien romance. Has it all, zombies, older MFC, Victoria, who is a teacher trying to save her students gets saved by an alien warrior, instant fated mate. There is no angst, relationship is immediate and metaphysical, MMC, Jeral, is not aggressive toward his mate, and any complications that normally arise from miscommunication is overcome through their mutual mind link. Which is a good way to handle these issues because the story is not long enough for those kinds of complications. Short reads are difficult to write because they normally lack something, but this one is very good, is still fairly detailed and deserves 5 stars because of that.
Profile Image for Country Goose.
1,125 reviews10 followers
July 9, 2023
Quick read

It's a quick read. It starts off like an action, but then it just fizzles out, and I lost interest. It was such a big deal for her past to make her a lonesome person, but she just jumps and skips at his word like she never had trust issues, and his initial trying to use what little knowledge he has of her language to talking in complex sentence structure for someone that didn't know much English. It was just.... boring. The story is good, and the plot was there, but there was zero action after the beginning. I'd say the first 1/4 is the build up, then up to half is the romance, and the rest is just wrapping up the happily ever after.

Overall, it's not a bad book. It's just simple, for anyone looking for something not that deep.
Profile Image for Trixie.
4,375 reviews
July 5, 2022
This story picked up from where the the previous series left but with a different alien species. The world is much darker but it doesn't focus on that, it's more on the aliens finding their kamadana. It's a different take on fated mates or soul mates, and the process of linking is beautiful but scary at the same time.

We also get to be introduced to the other alien whom I believe will have stories of their own. It's a nice start to a new series and I am curious as to where this story will now lead to.

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Profile Image for Christina Standridge.
776 reviews3 followers
July 5, 2022
A sweet short story. Victoria is a teacher and the apocalypse happens while she is at school. Some of the parents never arrive to pick up their children and she is caring for them. A group of men settle and take over everything at the school. She leaves the school to find help for herself and the children. She barely makes it to the Survivor Station. Then the men from the school show up and she is rescued by Jerlo. Jerlo is watching the station for the arriving humans that need help. He finds that Victoria is his mate. What happens to her and the children now?.

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Profile Image for S.M. McCoy.
Author 11 books229 followers
March 14, 2023
Quick instalove fated mates

This is a quick read, alien swoops in saves the girl they both fall hard and fast with the psychic link to their fated mate. The book encapsulates a day, and is likely to include the couple in next books as supporting cast with the rest of the fated mates matches. It's written well, and the only reason I can't give it a 5 star is because there's build up of past trauma and no payoff with that part of herself being revealed to her mate. It makes sense that it isn't yet with only a day together, but I'm unsure if it will be addressed in another book, so it feels incomplete.
34 reviews1 follower
July 4, 2022
Romance was mature, reasonable, and low angst. I would not list the book as erotic as there was only one scene 2/3 of the way in and it was reasonable, moderately described and gentle, no Alpha domination stuff. While the couple achieves their hea through 'joining', there is no resolution to the story but I am very interested in what comes next for this team and planet Earth. I appreciated the backstory on the contamination and it's Unique introduction to the population.

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Profile Image for Elsie Pitt.
1,746 reviews12 followers
September 11, 2022
Great little ditty!

This is a very action packed event that I recommend wholeheartedly! Miss Tate is very open with her characters. She adds that bit of sensuality to the story to bind you to its plot. Greater is the author that not only envelops the reader within their story but binds them to the characters that is MAGNIFICENT! A wonder that is endearing as it is magical. Thank you for allowing me this gift. Truly a wonderful story and incredible series. I seriously recommend this! Enjoy it as much as I did!
1,968 reviews12 followers
July 4, 2022
What a fun short sci-fi read! Cute alien males protecting humans amidst some type of zombie apocalypse always sets the stage for interesting things to happen. I really liked the rich descriptions of the aliens and their technology. As well, I liked watching Jerlo and Victoria meet, interact and explore the unique type of connection that confronteD them. This was a great start to a new series!.

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1,845 reviews8 followers
July 5, 2022
4 1/2 stars - I enjoyed reading this alien story by Pearl Tate. This story about Victoria and Jerlo was unique from the alien romances I usually read. I liked both characters and their personalities and I got invested in this story as I read. I'm not a fan of zombie stories, movies or shows but this story still kept me entertain as I flipped the pages. I volunteer to read and review this ARC that I received via Booksprout.
35 reviews1 follower
July 6, 2022
This story is a little different from most alien romances. It not only has aliens but zombies to worry about. Jerlo has given up on finding his true mate and Vickie has never shown a real interest the opposite sex. Both are going to be surprised.
The book is a quick read with a HEA. It does not end with a cliffhanger but it does leave you interested in what will happen in the next book.

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Profile Image for Nan.
1,187 reviews3 followers
July 6, 2022
Jerlo and his team are on Earth to protect humans from the infected, but are to do so without exposing their existence. When he sees Victoria being attacked he can’t stop himself from saving her and when she sees him he realizes she is his mate. It’s a fast paced fated mates story that introduces an interesting new team of warriors. I received an advance copy of this book and voluntarily left a review.
643 reviews1 follower
September 14, 2022
Love instead of death

This story tells of a young woman and the children of her class for she is there teacher,that goes to find help for all of theming to run into an alien that saves her from two human makes that are out tickets her pain,only for the alien he finds his mate and from then on things starts to change.I would like to say thank you for all your hard work and may fortune smile 😃on you always 😁
Profile Image for Wanda Jewell.
923 reviews3 followers
July 5, 2022
This book was a little bit of a different take on Alien abduction romance. I enjoyed the story and thought the characters were very good. The book is a short story with a HEA. I thought it was a good read and I would recommend it.

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4,454 reviews48 followers
July 5, 2022
This was an entertaining and well written series opener. I really loved the uniqueness of this one. Aliens, zombies and a romance? Fun combo and it was a real page turner for me. Expect some sweet and steamy romance for these interesting characters as they deal with the fact they're fated mates. Good fun!
Profile Image for Lisa A.
1,333 reviews10 followers
July 5, 2022
Short and sweet…
Victoria, a teacher, had been sheltering in the school with several children since the world went to hell. When a new threat forces her to leave in search of help she finds assistance in an unexpected individual, Ajnara Warrior Jerlo. Who also happens to be her fated mate… I received a free copy of this book. This review was posted voluntarily.
Profile Image for Andrea Barth-Leidinger.
417 reviews4 followers
July 6, 2022
I am always in awe as how this author uses her words. There’s no long introduction needed nor any explication as to why someone is in a specific situation. I always am able to follow without struggles. Here as well. And even if I thought the Wen wouldn’t exist anymore… we learn otherwise.
Enjoy your read!

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783 reviews1 follower
July 10, 2022
I really enjoyed this story, except to say that there were so many times taht I felt the opportunity to create a more well rounded story were missed. Vickie and Jerlo's backstories needed more content. Still overall, I did like the story. It was a good afternoon read.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews

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