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Solveig Pack #1

Knot My Pack

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Born as a beta, I grew up on the scraps left behind by Delilah, my older sister, who was always treated like a queen in our home.
Despite the adoration my omega sister received from everyone, I was okay with the life of a hardworking beta. Posing and preening in beautiful gowns wasn’t my thing anyway.
Mastering taekwondo and getting my hacking algorithms to work were the greatest priorities of my life.

Everything changes the day mercenaries from the notorious Solveig Pack charge into our home, claiming my parents cheated them.

My parents took a huge loan from the Solveig alphas. Their contract says they’d have to hand over Delilah to them if they failed to pay back their debt.

My parents abandoned me when they fled with their precious omega daughter. I’m captured instead and brought to the pack’s den.

Things take a worse turn when I realize the effects the Solveig alphas are having on me. Turns out the “vitamin” pills my mother was feeding me were suppressants. I’m an omega and in pre-awakening!

I can’t let them know of my secret.

There’s no way I’ll ever be an omega to the alphas who destroyed my family.
I’ll fight my raging omega instincts until I can find an escape.

They’re wrong if they think they can own me. I’m not the meek beta they assume me to be.
I’ll never surrender to them because they’re knot my pack.

This is part one of the Solveig Pack series and takes place in an omegaverse universe with no shifters.
Contains MM, frequent cursing and growling, possessive alphas.

322 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 4, 2022

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About the author

Alice Clyde

9 books45 followers

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60 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 181 reviews
August 22, 2022
This was very YA. The writing really needed a good editor to help give it some polish. The wording and syntax were very juvenile and many times abrupt. The transitions were choppy as well as the intimate scenes. On top of that the scenes were hurried, not written well, and the immature word usage like "boob" made them not hot at all really.

Unfortunately this was similar and came across as a poor imitation of Pack Darling with the military-esque jobs and demeanor of the guys. Also the guys already being in a pack together before the female omega comes into the picture and not being wanted by some. Even having the crazy "tortured" one being the red haired one. Then even more so the "evil" alpha that has been wanting and waiting to find and steal the omega away.

I don't know if I will finish this series or not. This took me double the time to read than it should have but it just didn't pull me in that hard. Like I previously noted the writing needed some maturity and lots of polish to make this top tier.
Profile Image for Sans.
858 reviews122 followers
August 24, 2022
Huge NOPE for me.

1. How is this writer not being sued for plagiarism? So many elements read as poorly hidden copying of Pack Darling.

2. The writing itself is terrible. Grammatical errors aside, this seems more like someone’s first fanfic that they decided to self publish. Hell, maybe it IS Pack Darling fanfic with Jett removed.

3. So many icks including borderline non-con between three of the main characters.
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,073 reviews111 followers
August 9, 2022
Similar omegaverse

Enjoyable book. I'm not sure if its just me, but this book reminded me of pack darling? There was to many similarities to overlook. And I'm not exactly sure how I felt about that aspect. It starts out as its own story, yet as time goes on and you read a little more into it. You get that nagging feeling in the back of ur mind that "I've read this before?" Same concept in many ways, yet a bit different. I guess time will tell with the second book to see where this all goes, but I'm excited to find out anyways.
Profile Image for GimmeAllTheWerdssss.
593 reviews243 followers
Shelved as 'abandon-dnf'
May 3, 2023
Y’all! My mind is blown!! Did you know that a 20ish girl can take out a dozen or so military trained men with taekwondo? This slip of a girl has that much knowledge and training…except no real life applicable use of her skills so she’s just THAT good. The Heros aren’t any better. They’re this amazing military family who handle all kinds of super secret cases but they suck at surveillance. The whole nine yards…non descript van with dark windows that they use to follow the heroine and park right out side of her home 😐 I didn’t know I was reading a comedy and I don’t think the author was trying to do so but if the taekwondo and surveillance skills didn’t make you laugh the writing would.

I gave up at 24% after pushing through starting at the 10% mark. I really wanted to like it and hoped it would get better but it just got worse and worse. Everyone is an over the top caricature and it shows that this was the authors first work. Sadly though, I did scan through the other two and it only got worse….great potential but horrible execution. Put a Kate Daniels like character in the role of the heroine and some capable Heros and this book would have been amazing.
August 14, 2022
I can't decide. I will only award stars for the effort put forward. A lot of this book reminded me of Pack Darling's, and not in a good way. What a huge letdown. The FMC is presented as a tech-savvy badass in the summary, yet the book portrays her as little more than the prince's preferred maid. I've read fantastic books on Wattpad, so I know good writing exists there, but this is ridiculous in its lack of creativity. At the very least, I'm anticipating a novel plot in the next installment.
I give the effort a half-star. 
Profile Image for Devin.
52 reviews
August 11, 2022
Great idea

I love the idea of this story, but I wish it had been executed a little better. One small thing after the next that made me go, "Huh?" Added up to a lot of disconnect throughout the story. It felt like someone very young wrote this. I kept thinking "Wattpad' as I read the story. I think a good edit might have cleaned up a bit of the strangeness here and there. Not certain I'll read the next book.
12 reviews5 followers
December 29, 2022
It was a good book, I will be reading the next. Not really a original plot. Very much like Pack Darling mixed with Cinderella. What bothers me the most is the typos and the lack of a consistent story line. The male omega (Julian) was called River a few times. The author needs a good editor/beta readers.
Profile Image for Granger McGringot.
1,440 reviews206 followers
August 16, 2022
Warning: There's MM scene (a raunchy one too) and CLIFFHANGERRRR!!!

Well, everyone kept saying that this one looks like Pack Darling's book. The thing was I didn't read that book hahaha hahaha.... so I don't know whether this book seems like Pack Daling or not.

So judging this book alone, it was pretty good. I just got blindsided by the fact that this had a cliffhanger all over it (Yep didn't read the blurb carefully, I guess). What I liked the most?! The heroine was badass with her taekwondo thing going on, though she would still be defeated with the alpha dominant assertive command. The whole story was like modern adapted Cinderella story. The thing was that h thought she was being loved, unlike Cinderella who never had an illusion that the people surrounding her loved her unconditionally.

The whole story was okay-ish. The whole reveal of h being an omega and even a hint of a secret of birth going on was kinda good. The author managed to write every bit of twist one bit at a time. Keeping up the suspense. And I have to say it worked. I sat down and read the whole through. The steaminess was quite slowburned. The book was more focused on building up relationships between MCs, which was kinda good. The budding relationship and all. Courting and all. Sooooo... overall good one, though I'm still holding my final judgement since this book was CLIFFHANGEEERRRR (darn it).

Virgin h
MMMFM, there's MM
Concealed omega h, alpha military pack H and 1 omega H
Drama/angst with h's family
No cheating
No OW, OM was a villain character
Safe read-ish so far, Cliffhanger
Overall score: 3.5 we'll see stars
Profile Image for Shyla Colt.
Author 165 books996 followers
March 26, 2023
Love the badass, kind-hearted girl who deserved far more than she was given in life. Resilient, sweet, and determined, she's captured by alphas when her parents flee with her omega sister leaving her behind to suffer their wrath. Locked away in a new compound, she's forced to look at her life, and adapt. The connection she has with the pack's male omega is completely unexpected and the kick-off point for intense friction. Relationships are formed, tested, and secrets and truths are revealed!
Profile Image for Dara.
792 reviews41 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
November 20, 2023
DNF around 40-50%? There's something about omegaverse stories with Cindarella/Little Princess/Jane Eyre-style mistreated heroines that really scratch something deep in my id, so I keep trying them. This one had some interesting points, but overall felt like a first draft. Stilted infodump dialogue and speedy solutions to problems that should marinate a bit to make a more compelling story.
Profile Image for Suzanne.
446 reviews4 followers
January 24, 2024
Great start to this trilogy

I have been hooked since the beginning. Iris’s story is compelling and addicting and I have to know what comes next. I felt like I was watching the story to unfold while I am a silent observer. That is my favorite because I feel a part of the story. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥/5. On to book 2
Profile Image for ✧ FLINN ✧ (Semi-Hiatus).
504 reviews112 followers
November 2, 2022
The beginning was very great and then it went downhill toward the middle.

This book has too many similarities with Pack Darling to the point where it was borderline plagiarism or like some people said, heavily influenced, and felt like a fanfic of Pack darling.
Profile Image for Amanda.
2 reviews
October 5, 2022
next one

Loved it can’t wait for the next one it’s been a while since I have found a omegaverse book that I could not put down
Profile Image for Living a little by Anna.
186 reviews10 followers
November 12, 2022
Well … this started out ok but it didn’t last long. This FMC is weak and becomes stupid when she started feeling attracted to the Pack. And of course it’s almost instant love 🙄….

If your searching for a omegaverse with a great story, this is not it.
Profile Image for Kassey Jordan.
458 reviews1 follower
March 7, 2023
No, like, just no. Once again, I get a strong heroine in the beginning who's all independent and can kick butt BECOME SO FREAKINNNNNNN STUPID AND WEAK. WHAT TF IS WRONG WITH ALL YOU AUTHORS?!?!?!!!!!! Lord, and I thought I was gonna actually possibly enjoy the series. It's a shame that we as people seem to believe once we've found the "one" become weak and can't even survive without them. It's pathetic, and I'm not even a feminist I'm just a survivalist, and it seems authors can't seem to write strong, inpendent fmc anymore. It's just a freaking shame, and it sucks because I'm kinda invested in the story but may not even want to continue after the slap in the face ending of this book!
489 reviews5 followers
January 11, 2024
RH MMMM/Omegaverse

SYNOPSIS (of Trilogy):This story is set in the omegaverse world. The FC (Iris) has been raised by her parents as a Beta and treated as a low second to her sister who is an Omega, rare and given everything. As a result the FC is self sufficient and trained herself to be strong and good at martial arts. Her parents borrow money from a high level military pack (the Solveig Pack) and run out on the debt. As a result they kidnap the FC and hold her as collateral for the debt. As time goes by the pack discover that the FC is an omega and they are her mates (3 Alphas and 1 male Omega). In addition, there is a powerful man trying to steal the FC for himself and who is obsessed with her as well as a running theme of a terrorist organisation that is trying to reestablish a world where alphas rule and betas and omegas are subjugated. The story arc revolves around the FC and her mates fighting against her stalker and the terrorist organisation and the FC discovering who she really is. There is a HEA

I‘m not sure whether the author is very young or not a native English speaker. Whilst I have become depressingly used to badly edited books with typos and incorrect word or grammar this trilogy takes those issues to another level. There are so many typos that they disrupt any attempt to get into a flow, there is incorrect word usage, missing words and bad grammar construction throughout. I have rarely come across such a badly written book (and I read a lot). I mean, for the love of god, if the author is going to have the MCs eating French Toast every 5minutes then get it right. It’s „French Toast“ NOT „French Toasts“ (plural). The basic storyline was decent enough but that‘s as much as I can really say about the story. The writing is juvenile, the characters are superficial and underdeveloped, almost caricatures. The villain is over the top and the MCs go from bully to mea culpa at the drop of a hat.

This story reads as if the author has taken all the trite/over used story hooks from other similar books and just tied them together: FC who finds out she is not who she thought she was and was brought up as a pseudo Cinderella; FC goes from plain to stunning Omega; MCs treat FC badly and then feel guilty and are all over her; the villain is evil in a „wah ha ha“ way and has done terrible things but having avoided detection for over 20 years thinks it‘s a good move to just walk into a restaurant where the MCs and FC are but still avoid capture. The dialogue is wooden and cringeworthy - what adult calls the evil villain a „turd head“? Is this author 12?

There are sex scenes aplenty which I found boring and just too many. For me they were not particularly hot or sexy and I was jumping over them by half way through. The terminology used was again, painful. The repetitive description of the MCs having „lumps“ in their trousers and their long, hard rods was just jarring.

This whole trilogy needs rewriting and editing. Just glad it was KU and I didn‘t waste any money on it.
3 reviews
October 6, 2024
Spoilers for the whole series!

If you're like me who likes romance only when it's balanced by a heavy plot, a YA fan (yay for toppling corrupt governments and paving the way for a reformed system!!) and desperate for protagonists who are mature and strong-willed but in a quiet, steady sort of way rather than the usual "im gonna kick your ass and threaten violence every five seconds to show how strong and feisty I am" way (although in the beginning, I feared Iris was one of those types when it was revealed she knows martial arts), you might like this book series just as much as I did.

I've finished the series in a day and i was fully invested throughout it. The highlights were the relationship dynamics between Julian and Iris- which needs to be praised because I was hesitant about the two omegas thing going in but by the end of the first book, I loved Julian as much as Iris did. I loved his personality with all his flaws and how well Iris balances him out. I also adored the dynamics between Julian/Damon and I found the little interactions between the brothers, Caleb and Damon, hilarious with Caleb being the stressed "parent" figure while Damon just chills around doing whatever the heck he wants lol! Caleb and Raiden also had a sweet dynamic. Caleb was also well handled as the character who initially acts harsh but slowly reveals himself to be a protector who shoulders more responsibilities than you'd think. 5/5 for handling the individual dynamics within the pack so well while still juggling such a heavy plot.

Loved the series. Wish we'd gotten to see more of the new characters introduced in the last book!

Finally, the only thing that annoyed me in the last book: Delilah.
God, she got on my nerves. The one character who never once questioned Iris' treatment by her parents, was embarrassed by her and was oblivious to the context of the truth but never once stuck up for Iris yet the second she comes back, acts as though she wasn't part of the problem. I can't stand bystanders who get away with it just because they weren't the direct participant. Everything she says sounds tone deaf and entitled and ignorant and I hated reading about her. The parents had a good reason for behaving the way they did. Delilah did not. She never once stuck up for her sister and it's not because she's being intentionally cruel, she just genuinely doesn't know how to be the one taking care of someone else because she's been raised to be an omega who is groomed to be taken care of, despite the fact that she's supposed to be older than Iris. Ugh. Needed to get this rant off my chest. Julian acts entitled too but it's endearing when he does it because when his mates need him, he's very perceptive and always goes the extra mile to take care of them. Delilah needs to grow up!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
April 23, 2024
Knot my pack
Omegaverse reverse harem + MM
First person, pack pov
Cliffhanger end, continues in series
Themes/CW: military, blood, murder, shooting, minor sexual assault, kidnapping

[the info blurb tells you the entire character story I feel, it spoils page 150 of this book]

The main character starts off very delulu about not being in the spotlight which feels a little toxic from her parents perspective, even if she’s a beta

In contrast of that, The HURT COMFORT VIBESSS are stronggg in this book
So much comforting touch, words of affirmation-during sex too, them correcting her mindset, etc, you get description of acts of service as well, love languages are well incorporated! The sense of taste is well incorporated as well, with buttery baked food.
While you have that, it’s mostly surface level of a developing relationship

There’s plot lore as well, with her history.

You have some difference between the love interests, it’s mostly varying levels of intensity of how possessive they are with her vs how pushy flirty they are with her

You get a focus on solo MM scenes as well, it’s mainly centered with the male omega because the rest are brothers. I think this book also shows you really well what a healthy poly relationship looks like

In terms of sex scenes, there’s 2 solo MM sex scenes, one MF scene, one MMF scene, most of them are focused near the last 100 pages but it doesn’t feel too smutty

There’s no third act, but there is some plot tension at the end (not caused by miscommunication)

There are a few writing errors, the main character calls Julian Jules in her head Instantly the first time she sees him? When none of the pack members have called him that in front of her. They barely even use Jules after that, she doesn’t call him Jules in her mind either

[info blurb spoilers: tbh I like that they get to know her and like her without scenting her, it’s a really good benefit for her to realize they don’t just want her because of her designation, especially with the trauma she’s had, it’s also good that it doesn’t become a third act trope]
304 reviews1 follower
January 25, 2023
If Tom Clancy wrote omegaverse you’d get this.

Not at all what I was expecting. I thought this would be light funny sweet omegaverse and it’s none of those things. This book take’s itself very seriously and it is much more about the surrounding story than it is about the omegas and their pack. The whole thing with how she was raised is incredibly sad and keeps getting revisited. The solveig pack is in charge of the armed forces, I guess, this is how it was originally presented but then the main bad guy shows up and he is somehow a more powerful military guy than them. Now it feels like they’re just the seals and this guy outranks them. So this launches the whole terrorist story which was teased up until now and becomes the main story because why not turn this whole thing into a Tom Clancy novel..WTF!

This really fails as omegaverse on a lot of levels. No nests, no slick, No knots! Every single sex scene involves Julian who has the persona of a flamboyantly gay man. I read omegaverse for the hot Alpha men I have never once thought to myself what I really want is a flamboyantly gay man in my bed …again WTF!

What’s surprising is I didn’t hate this book and I didn’t consider a DNF. The author does a very good job with the story she is choosing to tell.

This is a trilogy of which the last book won’t be published for another 6 months. Part of me wants to keep reading to finish the story. The other part of me wants to read the light funny sweet omegaverse that I thought this book would be.
46 reviews
June 27, 2023
This book is all over the place, like a toddler who forgets to breathe as they ramble on.

There's misogynistic undertones and apparently it takes place in a military state, and the only reason I'm giving this book 2 stars instead of 1 is because I was intruiged enough to want to see where the trainwreck went.
Profile Image for Bluekitten416.
73 reviews3 followers
October 31, 2022
I enjoyed this book and love it.

This book has family betrayal, a sweet kick-ass FMC, MM scenes, secrets, and a lovely male Omega. I loved the characters and the pack. Even though there was rough moments and I felt bad for Iris the other pack members had Iris's back.
3 reviews
April 8, 2023
The plot is very interesting but poorly executed. It's rushed and even though the mystery is intriguing it's not enough to get me to pick up the second book. I struggled with how much the book told rather than showed. Everything was over explained and characters jumped to the correct conclusions with no external help or reason. Grammer and sentence structure issues were common. Also, the book is in a military setting but the ranks she refers to are completely backwards which drove me crazy. Lieutenants absolutely do not out rank Captains. There are other gross inaccuracies about the military too but for the most part I can ignore it.

The characters are at least unique and not too similar to each other. The fmc though is good at literally everything and just too perfect to overlook. She doesn't feel real or like someone I would ever be able to relate to.

Again, the plot has great potential and things are being revealed and more questions are coming up at a good pace; it helped get me through the book when I considered not finishing. Still though, I am relieved I got through it and don't want to force myself to read the second book like I had to for part of the first book.
Profile Image for Julia.
380 reviews5 followers
April 7, 2024

i wanted to like this more, but there’s just…a lot wrong with it. everyone has already mentioned the similarities to pack darling, which i can see, but it’s not quite as blatant as it’s made out to be, since this one turns on a dime to them loving her all of a sudden, where pack darling really let you sit in the angst and uncertainty for a while.

but the grammar/editing is not good, and both the narration and the dialogue are pretty rough at times. a lot of the narration is really stilted and expository, and this is why despite mostly reading first person novels recently, third person will always be better and feel less juvenile. it always just comes across like “i feel sad…i go outside. i make dinner.” and it’s just so bland and wooden.

the dialogue suffers from much of the same, there’s just no tension or playfulness or tone that’s really reflected in the words. most of the tone set for any conversation is done through physical action (blushing, laughing, frowning, etc) which is fine, but it leaves the actual dialogue really bland and without any sort of chemistry.

however, i’m curious about this whole conflict, so i’m gonna read the next one.
Profile Image for LssBookLounge.
1,230 reviews31 followers
February 3, 2023
Interesting so with a lot of potential

I love Omegaverse stories so I was excited to read a new one from a new author. The story itself is decent. It kept me entertained and I adore Julian and Iris.

This book is very lite on world building. We know virtually nothing about any of these characters so while I enjoyed reading their story, it’s all surface level. Even the steamy scenes had me shaking my head at the beta readers. I don’t know how to describe it, they were detailed, but it felt like they were going through the motions in a lot of ways. The connection between the existing mates is told, but not really shown. I wanted to read about small touches between the mates, snuggles, an inability to stay away when they’re near one another. You don’t truly feel that the Solveig pack is bonded. It’s all rather stilted in its presentation.

Don’t take this to mean I didn’t enjoy the book. I certainly did, I just felt it could be better. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next, because that cliff!!!
Profile Image for Kirsty.
234 reviews2 followers
August 8, 2022
Good story

The story is great, lovely little Omegaverse book with a big cliffy, has all the key elements to a truly amazing book, but.... Unfortunately it reads really awkwardly, almost as if English is not the authors first language, just in the turns of phrase and the conversations between characters. We are also told a little bit too much about the characters instead of shown, which can be a little bit frustrating. I gave it 4 stars because in spite of these things, I still wanted to read to the end, still wanted to find out what happens, and I want to read book 2. I think you need a good editor and a few experienced beta readers to help with phraseology and the showing vs telling, and the book will be a 5star read for sure. As I said, great story, good likeable characters, fmc is slightly floppy personality wise but considering her changes I suppose that could explain it, but I do love that she's a fighter and kicks some butt.
Profile Image for Trish.
959 reviews27 followers
August 24, 2022
Knot My Pack is book one of the Solveig Pack series and can’t be read as a standalone. This is probably one of my favorite omegaverse books! It was so good and beautifully written! I have so many questions that I need answers to!

Iris is a beta whose parents cater to her older omega sister. They give her the best of everything while Iris sits back and waits for the scraps. She loves her sister and parents but wishes she got half of what her sister is given. When her parents betray the Solveig Pack, they run and leave Iris behind. The Solveig Pack take Iris until her family can be found and let her know she will be paying the price of her family’s betrayal.

This book has angst, heartbreak, secrets, suspense, betrayal, danger, hot alphas, a hot omega, and spice. I read that this was an omegaverse and otherwise went in blind. I loved every bit of it and can’t wait for book two to see how Iris’ story ends!
42 reviews
January 16, 2023
Good plot, Soooooo many errors

Iris is a beaten down beta who’s accepted her less than stellar life. Despite being treated like Cinderella before the ball, Iris has a plan and drive and none of it includes being essentially sold into slavery. But it happens and Iris starts alllll over… but SPOILER: this one ends on a major cliffhanger.

So the plot is good, the setup is good, and I was ready for a cozy ride into Omegaverseville. However, it feels like Clyde spent a lot of time on the first few chapters then let the rest ride. There are so many errors and misquotes and abrupt changes in dialogue and setting that I had back up and reread several times. The dialogue is for sure sexy enough but when they’re just talking, there’s not much depth. The author also doesn’t go into much detail about her take on the ABO dynamics either but that’s fine.

I’m gonna read the second one and hope that there’s a little more attention to detail.

Profile Image for Froggy.
650 reviews21 followers
September 2, 2022
I enjoyed this story, but only gave it 2 stars because it is essentially the same story as Pack Darling to the point where it felt a little bit like plagiarism. So many of the same basic events happen, the character dynamics and archetypes are basically the same, the main plot and the villain are the same. There are a few small differences, but so much of it overlaps that it really felt like I was reading Pack Darling again (but just not as developed). Even the fact that it’s a duet is suss at this point.

There is a very big cliff-hanger at the end of this one to be aware of.

Also there are a lot of weird little writing things in this book that irked me. Like calling it French toasts instead of French Toast 🥹 there are a few little quirks like that throughout that will definitely bug grammar snobs.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 181 reviews

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