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The Reanimator Mysteries #1

The Reanimator's Heart

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A reluctant necromancer, a man killed before his time, and the crime that brings them together.

Felipe Galvan’s life as an investigator for the Paranormal Society has been spent running into danger. Returning home from his latest case, Felipe struggles with the sudden quiet of his life until a mysterious death puts him in the path of the enigmatic Oliver Barlow.

Oliver has two secrets. One, he has been in love with the charming Felipe Galvan for years. Two, he is a necromancer, but to keep the sensible life he’s built as a medical examiner, he must hide his powers. That is until Oliver finds Felipe murdered and accidentally brings him back from the dead.

But Felipe refuses to die again until he and Oliver catch his killer. Together, Felipe and Oliver embark on an investigation to uncover a plot centuries in the making. As they close in on his killer, one thing is certain: if they don’t stop them, Felipe won’t be the last to die.

300 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 25, 2022

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About the author

Kara Jorgensen

20 books181 followers
Kara Jorgensen (they/them) is a queer, nonbinary oddball with a penchant for all things antiquated, morbid, or just plain strange. While in college, they realized they no longer wanted to be Victor Frankenstein but instead wanted to write like Mary Shelley and thus abandoned their future career in science for writing. Kara melds her passions through her books and graduated with an MFA in Creative and Professional Writing in 2016. When not writing, they can be found hanging out with their dogs watching period dramas or trying to convince their students to cite their sources.

To find out more about their books go to https://karajorgensen.com
Sign-up for their newsletter and get a free sapphic novella: eepurl.com/bfJTW9

Historical Fantasy/Steampunk Novels
The Ingenious Mechanical Devices:

The Earl of Brass (IMD #1)
The Winter Garden (IMD #2)
"An Oxford Holiday" (short story)
The Earl and the Artificer (IMD #3)
"The Errant Earl" (short story)
Dead Magic (IMD #4)
Selkie Cove (IMD #5)
The Wolf Witch (IMD #6)

The Reanimator Mysteries
The Reanimator's Heart (TRM #1)
"An Unexpected Valentine" (TRM #1.5)
The Reanimator's Soul (TRM #2)
"An Unexpected Question" (TRM #2.5)
The Reanimator's Remains (TRM #3 FORTHCOMING 2024)

A Paranormal Society Romance
Kinship and Kindness (PSR #1)
Trousers and Trouble (PSR #2) (FORTHCOMING)
Tempests and Temptation (PSR#3) (FORTHCOMING)
Untitled (PSR #4) (FORTHCOMING)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 237 reviews
Profile Image for Kealyn.
397 reviews32 followers
August 6, 2024
The Reanimator's Heart by Kara Jorgensen

4/5 stars

Reanimator's Heart is a brilliant story about necromancy, love, the paranormal and an intense investigation. Even though the book is a Fantasy and one of the characters is the father of a teen/adult daughter, it felt like I was reading a Young Adult book. It has the same easy going writing style, the same flow and built up. And I really enjoyed that approach. It made it really easy to fall in love with the characters and get swept up in the story line. 

The book starts with Sister Mary Agnes praying. She has visions and holds a rosary really tight. It's a special rosary that has been in her family for a long time. Mary Agnes gets murdered brutally and her rosary gets stolen. But even though she dies gruesomely, the killer has a kindness in him and he lays her down in the cemetery.

Then Oliver Barlow gets introduced. He is an autistic necromancer that works at the morgue at the Paranormal Society. In the first chapter we see him bring a corpse back to life to figure out what happened to that person. I just loved how we instantly dived into his talent and into the way he works.
I have autism myself and Oliver is so relatable. His need for a place of his own. How that small back room gives him peace and quiet. How he likes to be on his own. How much trouble he has communicating and telling what his wants and needs are. How much strength a loved one can provide in social situations. Kara really created a well rounded and magnificent character. 

I also adore Gwen so much. She is a free spirited woman who really cares for Oliver and helps him navigate outside of his lab. She has my heart. Her bubbly personality really brightened up every scene she was in. And at the start she tells Oliver that inspector Galvan is searching for him. 

Felipe Galvan is an inspector and he wants to take Oliver and his co-worker with him to go to the Christi Monastery to investigate the murder of Sister Mary Agnes. Another nun expects magical foul play and she convinces father Gareth to let the paranormal investigators into his church to look at the body and see if they can find any clues. And there is foul play. 

Things accelerate once Felipe gets murdered and Oliver tries CPR to bring him back to life. He fails and is distraught. When he suddenly hears his voice again he realizes he accidentally brought him back to life. Necromancers have a code. And keeping someone needlessly alive isn't one of them. They decide to break the tether after a week. So they have one week to figure out who killed Mary Agnes and Felipe.

And that is what kickstarts this story. We go on an epic journey to find out the murderer. They want to figure out which magical abilities the murderer has. Why and how he exactly did it. 

They interview the nuns, the father. They figure out clues here and there and slowly but surely they figure out what happened. 

One of the best parts of this story is the love story between Oliver and Felipe. I just adore how we instantly feel a connection between Oliver and Felipe the second they meet on page in this book. You instantly feel them eyeing each other. I love how well the autistic representation was. He wants to reach out and tell Felipe about his feelings but he cannot instantly. 

I absolutely love Felipe's back story. I don't want to spoil too much about it. But I love how layered it was. How each person in his life has an important presence. And his character arc was brilliant to read. 

If you love investigative books with a paranormal tint then definitely pick this beauty up! I enjoyed it from start to finish!

4 huge stars from me for this brilliant book!
Profile Image for  Bon.
1,348 reviews184 followers
January 25, 2024
I...simply enjoyed The Reanimator's Heart from start to finish. No notes, full stars, and I very definitely think many of my friends will enjoy this. 

It's a queer, historical fantasy take on Pushing Daisies, and set in a paranormal investigation bureau. This last aspect is one of my ultimate faves in fantasy settings, so much room for storytelling. I gathered that there's a parallel series set in the same universe, but this was my first book with the author, and I never felt I was missing anything, so it was clearly well done. The case in this first book is a little organized religion-heavy, but it was depicted so tastefully that I wasn't off-put as usual. And some hilarious, unholy abuse of religious relics near the end had me chortling. 

And the protagonists. The romance! I loved the opposites-style pairing in investigation stories of the seasoned field investigator and the sequestered, nerdy but capable researcher sort - in this case, Oliver the mortician, who is also autistic. His meltdowns and panic attacks were so, so relatable; and the combination of his neurodivergence and necromancy powers was so fascinating. When your own powers frighten both you and the ignorant people around you, I can easily understand being on the edge constantly. Oliver's constant attention to the morality of using his powers, and the concerns over the free will of those he revives, was a very grounding aspect of his character. 

The pacing was excellent for what it was; Felipe's revival jumpstarted the intimacy between a pair who had liked each other for nearly a decade, and the rush to understand and bond with one another made sense. The mystery was predictable, but I was in this for twenty percent mystery and eighty percent romance, and that's what I got in the best way. 

Some of my very favorite not-quite tropes, but like, very specific things that can happen in a fantasy world, were used. Side characters were very likable, and the narration was also well performed. I'll be grabbing book two as soon as possible. 
Profile Image for Oblivionsdream.
150 reviews31 followers
August 28, 2022
The moment I saw the premise for this story I knew I had to read it so I was absolutely thrilled when I was able to snag an eARC. It was everything I had hoped for and so much more. After all what can be better than a necromancer working along side his undead crush (that he brought back to life) to solve his murder? It was somehow both dark and sweet all at once and the story did a great job of balancing the two. I completely fell in love with the characters and I was just rooting for Oliver and Felipe the entire time. I also just loved the diversity throughout the cast and how casual queerness was portrayed in this historical setting. Not to mention how refreshing it can be to see neurodivergent characters in leading rolls. I would love to see more books like this.

I did find the mystery to be fairly predictable and do wish that the antagonist could have been given more depth as they felt kind of underdeveloped but if you’re looking for a book that is a fun time with great characters and an adorable romance then it’s definitely worth it. Because of this my rating is more of a 4.5 but I love the characters so much that I’m willing to overlook it and rate it higher.

Overall: Great story, even better characters, it’s a fun time if you like your romance with a splash of murder and magic.
Profile Image for Kit (Metaphors and Moonlight).
948 reviews145 followers
October 26, 2022
*I received an ecopy of this book via Gay Romance Reviews. This has not influenced my review.*

This was a sweet story that combined romance, friendship, mystery, and necromancy.

All the main characters were sweethearts! And that made for sweet romance and friendship as well. Oliver was used to people not understanding him or not being ok with his needs or ways of doing things (Oliver is autistic), but Felipe appreciated Oliver for exactly who he was. Felipe was sort of a workaholic and had his own worries and self-doubt, but Oliver helped him to take steps forward that he wouldn’t have on his own. And Gwen was an understanding and protective friend, and she and Oliver clearly cared about each other.

The mystery was interesting, and the whole story involved necromancy (Oliver) and healing powers (Felipe) and other types of supernatural abilities, which is always fun. It’s all set in 1890s New York, so you also get a historical setting, though with magic and supernatural a known part of society.

This is the first in a series, but there’s no cliffhanger, all the threads wrap up really well. I could be wrong, but I’m guessing the next book will revolve around the same characters, just with a different mystery to solve.

Overall, this was an enjoyable book!

*Rating: 3.5 Stars // Read Date: 2022 // Format: Ebook via TTS*

Recommended For:
Anyone who likes historical paranormal m/m romance, necromancers, autistic rep, and sweet romance and friendships.

Original Review @ Metaphors and Moonlight
Profile Image for Esmay Rosalyne.
1,181 reviews
June 4, 2024
Well, who knew a historical murder mystery featuring necromancy and reanimated corpses could be this utterly delightful? Filled with paranormal hijinx and sweet queer love, The Reanimator’s Heart is a beautiful slow-burn story that will soothe your soul and warm your heart.

When I heard the premise of this book, I was quite honestly immediately sold. I mean, a necromancer accidentally revives his secret crush from the dead, and now they have to work together on the murder investigation. Kara Jorgensen, you’re a genius!

Both Felipe and Oliver immediately burrowed their way into my heart, and I loved how deeply we got to dig into their personal backstories over the course of this tumultuous journey they are thrown into together. I truly couldn’t pick a favourite if I had to, though I do have to say that I deeply appreciated the neurodivergence and mental health representation in Oliver’s life.

And then seeing how Felipe just embraced and accepted Oliver’s quirks without a second thought was just beyond wholesome; no toxicity, no miscommunication, this is how we love to see it! I mean, this romance might be extremely unconventional, but it made my heart soar with joy and kick my feet in giddy delight.

There’s no denying that the historical setting and the murder mystery plot serve more as some nice window dressing for this epic love story, but that’s exactly why The Reanimator’s Heart worked so well for me. The atmosphere and sensibilities of the 19th century New York setting created a moody tone that I really enjoyed, and I appreciated that the main conflict in this story came was an external threat, and not some silly friction between the characters themselves.

Even though this first instalment in The Reanimator Mysteries wraps up in a beautifully satisfying way, I am extremely eager to continue the series and spend more time with my favourite paranormal investigator and necromancer. If you are in the mood for a very diverse historical mystery that is equally cozy and suspenseful, then you have to check out The Reanimator’s Heart!
Profile Image for Tracy O'Brien.
80 reviews6 followers
March 1, 2023
I really wanted to like this one, but y’all, the prose is just not good! The language is awkward and stilted and the grammar frequently nonstandard to the point of being unclear. The overall effect is choppy, uncomfortable, and difficult to read through.

I’m honestly shocked at the sheer volume of 5-star reviews out here for a book I couldn’t grit my teeth and keep at for more than four chapters.
Profile Image for Ben Howard.
1,304 reviews166 followers
July 21, 2024
The Reanimator's Heart is a paranormal mystery following Felipe, an investigator for the Paranormal Society, and Oliver, a medical examiner for the society and a necromancer.

The two are brought together on a case where their feelings for one another become apparent. However things are made more complicated by the dangerous nature of the case, another murder, and a little but of necromantic resurrection.

Have already jumped into the sequel as I enjoyed this one so much.
Profile Image for thosemedalingkids.
567 reviews59 followers
September 26, 2023
Surprisingly sweet while also having so much death, gore, and creepy shit going on.

Necromancer and recently murdered MC that he's tethered to him to keep alive, there's a mystery, some paranormal shenanigans, a dead nun.

Didn't love the narration, but really did enjoy the chemistry and friendship to lovers situation going on.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,309 reviews481 followers
October 25, 2022
A Joyfully Jay review.

4.5 stars

The Reanimator’s Heart is a paranormal mystery that seems to take place in an alternate universe during the late 18th/early 19th century (given the prevalence of steam cars and Comstockian politics) and is a spin-off from Jorgensen’s Paranormal Society Romances series. Oliver and Felipe are both interesting characters who feel isolated for different reasons—for Oliver, his neurodivergence makes him an outcast more than his necromancy and, for Felipe, he’s so used to putting on the face of fearless, charming investigator he’s become hollow and alienated from those closest to him. Oliver has always feared and disliked his powers so he knows little about them and doesn’t use them more than necessary and has a strict set of guideline for when he does. Thus, his accidental reanimation of Felipe sets up an intriguing moral conflict for Oliver and forces him to examine his internalized fear of his power and lack of understanding of it. I absolutely adored Oliver and really empathized with his struggles, situation, and conflicting emotions.

Read Jovan’s review in its entirety here.

Profile Image for Kara Jorgensen.
Author 20 books181 followers
Want to read
September 2, 2022
Content warnings: Death, dead bodies, murder, violence, grief, gore, Catholicism/Christianity, on page sexual content, mentioned/remembered ableism against autistic people, blood, consumption of relics/human tissue

**PS- If you received an advanced review copy, it is an uncorrected ARC. Typos have and will be fixed before final publication**
Profile Image for Leia  Sedai.
109 reviews67 followers
December 2, 2022
As other reviewers have said, this book is everything I was hoping for and more. The representation, friendship, everything was beautiful and a well needed addition to mainstream literature. Felipe and Oliver are my new favorite couple to ship after Nick and Charlie in the Heartstopper series. I hope this book gains enough support for the series to continue. 💖
Profile Image for Verdelite.
407 reviews21 followers
January 6, 2024
I feel like The Reanimator's Heart suffered from a strange dissonance between the story the author wanted to tell and the story the plot parameters provided.

If you consider the actual plot (murder mystery, time limit, hints of a larger conspiracy, someone actively wanting a MC dead), one might presume that this would be a tense read. However, I think there were more scenes of leisurely eaten meals than actual plot-focussed ones. Yes, there was some character drama based on the imposed time limit (which is great imo!), but I found myself scratching my head at the lack of urgency the characters treated the murder mystery with.

I don't think the book was bad per se, but when reading, I got the impression that rather than dealing with the plot they set up, the author would much rather write about the characters ruminating on their daily life. As a result, the plot felt a bit half-baked, and I also couldn't appreciate the slower paced scenes due to the larger threat looming over the characters.
Profile Image for Shanequa.
173 reviews6 followers
January 7, 2024
This had all the parts to be a great book: 2 extremely likable and cute protagonists, romance, magical world building, and murders to solve. Unfortunately none of these elements were developed all that well making for a lackluster read. The book isn't bad and I enjoyed it but it's not something that will stick with me.
Profile Image for Grace.
3,042 reviews184 followers
February 21, 2024
I enjoyed this one! Historical supernatural mystery, with a MC that appears to be somewhere along the autism spectrum, but well before there was any language around that. Not overly gory, but a smidge more than the usual supernatural mystery, which is to be expected considering one of the MCs is murdered early in the book and the other, a necromancer, accidentally brings him back to life. The concept was super interesting, and I really enjoyed the characters and the various relationships throughout, including a lot of strong women and friendships that actually had some depth. I found the actual mystery part to be a little underbaked, with the climactic scene a bit overly dramatic--and it felt unnecessary, though I guess TBD if there are any repercussions in subsequent books. The smut is also very low on the steam, primarily fade-to-black, which is always a bummer. Still, I did like this one on the whole and I'm curious to keep reading!
Profile Image for C. Elizabeth.
994 reviews31 followers
December 5, 2022
2.5 stars rounded up to 3 for the Pomeranians. Like Oliver, I'd rather ignore people in favor of sitting with Pastel and Kuchen.

The Reanimator's Heart was one of those books I had fun reading but couldn't ignore the flaws of, as they did affect my overall experience. The characters and the scenario they found themselves in was definitely the factor that carried me through: Oliver battled with the morality of his necromancy and how to use his abilities ethically, especially once he revived someone indefinitely, while Felipe took his life for granted due to his healing powers and only once he died did he realize what he'd missed out on. Their singular stories and the narrative woven around them was quite enjoyable, and with this being the first book in a series, I found what backstory we got about each man satisfactory because I knew there'd be more explored. I sort of adored Louisa and Agatha and want to see more of them, as well as Gwen, and the head inspector and his assistant were also just interesting enough to be memorable. At the same time, I don't think enough was done with the secondary characters: this book focused so heavily on Oliver and Felipe that everyone else didn't get the space needed to make them really pop. What I had the most difficult time with was the sparse world- and magicbuilding, along with the underwhelming climax. I desperately wanted more elaboration on the types of magic in this alternate nineteenth-century New York (and more to ground me in the historical setting), but the details were pretty scarce. The mystery of the murders, who killed Felipe, and the stolen relics was interesting, but there wasn't any surprise as to who the villains were—and they weren't particularly compelling, lacking motivation and nuance. The writing was also something I kept noticing, usually not for good reasons but because there were structural issues.

So, to summarize: Enjoyed the protagonists and secondary characters and the relationships we got, the questions Oliver and Felipe were grappling with about themselves and each other, but the larger plot elements fell a bit flat.
All humans basically looked the same on the inside, but people’s rooms and things felt far more intimate as they spoke loudly to what the person looked like on the inside.
129 reviews7 followers
January 15, 2023
This was an enjoyable read. There seemed like a good mix of romance, mystery and paranormal and I loved the Gothic flavour that couldn't help seeping through!
Profile Image for Brittanie.
592 reviews47 followers
Shelved as 'dropped-dnf'
April 25, 2023
DNF at 53%

I didn't connect with any of the characters and everything, like the plot and their relationship, was moving about as fast as molasses. This is a book for people who want neurodivergent characters to constantly mention to the reader or other characters just how neurodivergent they are.
Additionally, for Felipe and Oliver knowing each other for at least a decade and have been nursing their crushes on each other for nearly that long, they seemingly knew nothing about each other - and had no chemistry besides.
The premise sounded interesting and very relevant to my interests but it started to read a little bit like adult Harry Potter and so I got bored and wanted to move on.
Profile Image for Jenni.
520 reviews23 followers
September 8, 2024
A perfect book for fans of queer historical fantasy and dark academia with a side of horror! The magic system in this book was so interesting and the characters both flawed but so loveable. If you love Freya Marske and KJ Charles’s magical books, you’ll adore this!

Set in a fantasy Victorian-esque-era, the story follows Oliver Barlow, a medical examiner and necromancer, and Filipe Galvan, a magical inspector and healer for the Paranormal Society (the magical ruling body). Oliver is autistic and struggles to relate to those around him, as well as having to hide his necrotic powers, but when his crush Filipe brings him in on the case of a nun dying of mysterious circumstances, he is thrilled to get to spend time with the man.

Furious at the investigation, the killer sets their sights on Filipe which results in his murder and Oliver accidentally bringing him back to life. Terrified that his powers will cause Filipe to become evil, Oliver tells Filipe he can only keep him alive for one week to solve the murder. But as the week passes and the men grow close, aided by their emotional bond through the magical tether between them keeping Filipe alive, Oliver is determined to learn more about his magic in the hope he can sustain his undead lover for as long as possible.

This book was immaculate dark academia vibes, and I really enjoyed it, although I will say if you are squeamish go into this warily - there is a lot of blood, gore and undead shenanigans. Both characters are absolutely lovely, although they are both so caught up in their own insecurities and secrets that I often wanted to shake them! All in all though, a really wonderful book and I absolutely recommend!

Read the Reanimator’s Heart for:
✨ Magical historical fantasy
✨ Dark academia to the max
✨ Necromancer x Healer
✨ Both MCs in their late 30’s
✨ Autistic MC
✨ Forced proximity
✨ Everyone is queer (inc a trans SC)
✨ Solving your own murder
✨ Librarians to the rescue

Literally the only reason this book only got 4 stars and not 5 from me is because of the sheer anxiety the threat of ‘I’m gonna cut this tether and let you die in 7 days’ hanging over the characters for the majority of the book (even though it made sense for Oliver to make this ultimatum). Like obviously I knew that both characters survive because there’s a minimum of 4 more books in the series lol, but I hated that Filipe felt like he had a finite lifespan… I just wished they’d talked it through and tried to figure shit out earlier in the book!! But other than that, absolutely loved it.

Also, as a thought, for everyone who has officially removed the HP series from their lives, this is a wonderful adult HP alternative written by a queer author and with wonderful and varied queer rep.
Profile Image for Tessa.
Author 8 books73 followers
September 20, 2022
Thank you to the author for giving me an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

I usually don’t like books with necromancers because zombies are a trigger for me, but I wanted to give this one a try. Mostly because of the author. I had a feeling that even if this book included zombies, it wouldn’t be as gruesome as other zombie media. And I was right.

Oliver, the necromancer, doesn’t like bringing people back from the dead. He has strict rules about it and only uses it to determine a possible paranormal death. Felipe is an investigator at the same institute and they’re forced to work together. They’ve known each other for a decade but never acted on their attraction to each other. This case brings them closer. Much, much closer. And an unfortunate incident triggers fate.

I love the two together and it’s clear that they complement each other and help each other grow. Even in their late thirties, it’s never too late to grow as a person.

The world building is incredible, weaving the known early 20-century New York with a layer of the paranormal without it looking out of place. The author sprinkled enough details to make the paranormal seem real without it becoming unrealistic. The story and the mystery were intriguing and while I had an inkling early on, the ending was still much more intense than I expected. Intense in a good way.

A small note that death, corpses, and other bodily parts are discussed. If this is something that triggers you, you might not want to read this book. Other content warnings might also apply.

I give The Reanimator’s Heart five stars. I absolutely loved the book and it’s going to be in my top reads this year. I highly, highly recommend this to anyone who wants fantasy romance that focuses on the relationship instead of the steam.
Profile Image for TeeReads.
457 reviews12 followers
October 7, 2024
3.5 stars

I really struggled with this one. The paranormal world we have in this story is very intriguing. We have a murder mystery plotline, which is also interesting. I was able to stay with the story, but I never truly felt invested. I just couldn't connect with the story. That said, the romance was so sweet, and the autism rep was done really well. All in all, this was okay, but I probably won't be continuing on with this series.
Profile Image for julia ☆ [owls reads].
1,890 reviews392 followers
November 19, 2023
A hidden gem! The writing here was great and I loved loved loved what Jorgensen did with the world-building. Oliver was a fantastic main character and I very much enjoyed Felipe's perspective and how accepting he was of Oliver. Their romance was also super sweet which served as a great balance to all the murder elements!
Profile Image for Heather - Just Geeking By.
460 reviews79 followers
August 5, 2024
Originally posted on Just Geeking by as a part of repDISND 2024!

Content warnings:

In this historical fantasy novel, the supernatural exists alongside the normal world, with the Paranormal Society overseeing various aspects of the supernatural community. It’s a place where necromancer Dr. Oliver Barlow has found a home and a use for his talents, medical and magical. As the medical examiner, he can use his powers under the radar without anyone knowing and get the peace he needs because no one ever wants to spend much time in the morgue.

Everything has been going just fine until Oliver becomes involved in a case with investigator Felipe Galvan. Not only has he been harbouring a secret crush on Galvan for two years, but things get even more complicated when he finds Felipe dead, and he accidentally brings him back to life.

I was instantly drawn by the plot, and I adored every single moment of The Reanimator’s Heart by Kara Jorgensen. Jorgensen has created a fascinating universe that has a lot of room for growth. What I particularly liked about their world-building was how they have taken real history and rather than change it, they’ve inserted a supernatural society alongside it which is queer normative. By doing so, historical elements remain in context while allowing Jorgensen to explore queer relationships openly.

Other than the obvious M/M relationship, there is a brilliant F/F relationship and a non-binary character, as well as lots of found family to be had. There is BIPOC representation with two main characters, Felipe and Gwen, and multiple secondary characters. Both male main characters are neurodivergent, Oliver is autistic and Felipe has ADHD, and the representation is excellent. Jorgensen writes so much feeling into every scene, and I felt every bit of it.

With an array of delightful characters and an intriguing plot, this is a must-read for anyone who is a fan of historical fantasy. I’m also a fan of Victorian and Edwardian mysteries and supernatural stories, and this hit the right spot for me. I think that fans of George Mann’s Newbury and Hobbes series will enjoy this one too, as it has a similar mix of mystery and supernatural.


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Profile Image for A.E. Bross.
Author 7 books45 followers
October 13, 2022
Ever since the author first began hinting at this book on social media, my interest has been piqued. When I was finally able to read it, I wasn't just pleasantly surprised, I was blown away by the author's premise, characters, and ability to execute it within a historical setting that is both fantastic and compelling.

Both main characters are fascinating and unique in their own way. Felipe Galvan, investigator for the Paranormal Society who has spent a life running towards the danger, feels out of sorts when there's no threat to wrangle. Instead, it starts to slowly illustrate how he might also be running from something.

Oliver Barlow, necromancer and medical examiner at the Paranormal Society, has been secretly in love with Felipe for years. He's also well aware how people often view him, as "difficult" and "strange." He's autistic, particular, and other people read it as him being inconvenient. This tracks with the way neurodivergent individuals have been (and still are) treated, and shows the author's willingness to address this ableism head on.

Overall, this story was so much more focused on the story of these two men, and how they grow, change, and interact with each other, then it ever was about the mystery. While it was an interesting and compelling case, the real focus was on Oliver, Felipe, and how these two faced danger and loss together.

I would definitely recommend this romance to fans of historical romance, with a flare for the paranormal and a warm, comforting amount of understanding. Yes, there's still conflict and worry, but there's a warmth between Felipe and Oliver that translates to the reader and makes all the difference. As an added bonus for those of us who are fans of the author's other works, I was delighted to see mention and inclusion of past characters from her 2021 novel Kinship & Kindness, which I also highly recommend.

I can honestly say that if The Reanimator's Heart gives us any indication of the rest of the series, we are in for an incredible treat.
Profile Image for Angela.
1,116 reviews10 followers
January 31, 2023
Charming and heartwarming and yet also something that kept making me cry. so A bit heart wrenching too I guess.

I really liked it and it seems that there is likely going to be a sequel. and it looks like there might be other books already written in the same setting.

I shall need to look into that.
Profile Image for Claudia.
2,870 reviews106 followers
October 15, 2022
Oh I love when this happens: when I get to read a new author and the book is an awesome reading experience, such as this one here!!!

this was such a great surprise - everthing just fit. I loved the world-building, which was a mixture of historical, fantasy and steampunk. this was absolultely fascinating and I can't wait to get to know more about this world.

I absolutely loved Oliver! He is - due to his magical inclination - not very open and shy. he had some bad experiences and therefore is even more of a reclusive.
Felipe is perfect for him and brings out the best in him.

the seondary character set brings out more joy as they are all unique and I loved to get to know them. Gwen is a great friend, the head liberian is so interesting and the headmaster and his secretary fit the whole perfectly.

the mystery was well done - although it was more or less quite easy to guess who was responsible, it was nevertheless really well done.

I absolutely loved this book and really hope that there will be more books with Felipe and Oliver!
Profile Image for Raluca (hedonicbooks).
567 reviews70 followers
June 26, 2024
A friend recommended this book to me, and I'm so happy I read it. Because it was really good! If you liked A Marvellous Light, you'll definitely like this one too. 😁

With a solid plot and complex characters, this story takes you on a fast paced, crime solving journey. Magic, murder, necromancers, detectives, secrets and betrayal. What a great combo!

The writing was really good, and I absolutely adored the two main characters. I especially love Oliver (we really need more neurodivergent main characters), he's the most precious necromancer ever. He deserves all the love.

I'm looking forward to reading the sequel. These two make quite the pair.

I will say this, though. I'm not really into instant love, I wish the romance developed slower. And I think maybe the ending deserved more attention, it felt a bit rushed.

Still, such a great story. Read it!
Profile Image for karla_bookishlife.
848 reviews28 followers
August 2, 2024
A gothic romantasy, as Necromancer Oliver works undercover for the Paranormal Society, examining the dead in his capacity as a doctor. Whilst the Paranormal Society know its workers are magical, their powers are not known to protect them being hunted down and used . Oliver finds himself on a case alongside Felipe, his longtime crush. A peculiar death of a nun at a monastery sets them on the path to a killer who is tracking down relics for ill-power. Whilst working together, an incredible and fated bond is created, and undeniable attraction is unleashed. A sweet queer romance which gives the dual pov of the protagonists set against a backdrop of monasteries, monstrous islands and evil men who will do anything for greed, money and power. A superb read and worthy 3rd place winner in the BBNYA 2023 competition. #thereanimatorsheart #karajorgensen #TheWriteReads
Profile Image for Muzmuz.
469 reviews13 followers
August 13, 2024
This book was adorable to say the least, despite all the murders, the attempted murders and the crazy suspect.
Oliver and Felipe were too cute, and their love story was real and resonated with me especially Oliver's insecurities and self-doubt when it came to opening his heart again.
The whole story focused more on developing their relationship while trying to apprehend the murderer who killed Felipe and others, but it didn't overshadow it.... the author managed to balance the romance and the mystery well for me.... which is something I am glad for, and hope will continue in the next book.
Highly recommend if you are looking for an easy read with a sweet and a quick plot.
Profile Image for Wayward Skyril.
194 reviews79 followers
October 29, 2023
I would love to get poetic with this review because The Reanimator’s Heart was exceptionally well-done and had me relating so hard at times my heart hurt. Not only is this a favorite book of the year, but it’s a favorite book, ever. In the words written by another of my favorite authors, however, “If I loved you less I might be able to talk about it more.” The Reanimator’s Heart was like finding my world. It’s a niche I wanted and didn’t know I could have. I don’t know if I can do it justice, but I’ll try to explain some of what makes it amazing.

The Reanimator’s Heart builds a magical society with rules and politics; characters who are imminently distinct, relatable, and loveable; a swoon-worthy romantic relationship; a magical murder mystery; and an over-arcing plot of evil and gothic horror. Somehow all of this in 300 pages, delivered with just enough insight to be fascinating and utterly gripping while following our protagonists.

Set in an undefined alternate past, this world imagines what things would be like with magic, monsters, shifters, and demons, and how those things would be policed. Particularly through the eyes of Detective Felipe Galvan and Forensic Investigator Oliver Barlow.

Oliver and Felipe on their own are just incredible characters. Felipe is a brave, daring, gentle sweetheart, and a detective through and through, with golden morals and a complicated family. I love Felipe, though I feel like I’m not the first to say I adored Oliver even more.
There were so many ways Oliver was intimately relatable to me, ways I’ve rarely seen characters be before. There were multiple times Oliver said or did something or felt a certain way that *clicked* in my soul.
On top of that, this poor, darling, ANGEL of a man literally just wants to be understood and accepted himself, and maybe loved a little. His quirks make him different, he’s rarely been treated well because of them. His first instinct is always to blame himself, an habit that shattered my heart more than once. This man deserves infinitely more kindness than was given him.

Because of that as well as Felipe’s own quiet need, I can’t describe how much happiness Oliver and Felipe’s romance gave me. They’ve been basically pining for each other for years, and the same night Oliver decides to ask Felipe on a date, he finds him dead in his room. My freaking heart. These two… They’re so good. They’re so precious. They not only DESERVE each other, they NEED each other, and they’re so stinking GOOD for each other <3

Oliver and Felipe are a BIG reason I’m looking forward to the sequel, but they’re not the only reason. I’ve already mentioned monsters and magic, but when I tell you the plot of this book was equally as compelling as the charming, emotional chemistry of our antagonists, I mean I was hooked by the generous world-building and weaponized magic murder mystery from the opening chapters.
A novel with a murder mystery, for me, has to have some extra layers to hold my attention. The Reanimator’s Heart? It’s like a honey-sweet baklava of a novel. We have a magically strangled nun out in the snow at night. A suspiciously persuasive priest. And someone has murdered Felipe.
Not to mention the building they work in, the Paranormal Society, is bigger on the inside and sometimes changes, or that the head archivist, Mr. Turpin seems to know things without being told, or the social norms of magics and which ones are and which ones aren’t allowed in polite conversation.
There’s an entire, juicy little world here with magical tomes and thievery and demons and awkward Sunday family dinners. It’s bursting at the seams with stories, and I want to know ALL of them. I want more mysteries and more gothic horror liminal spaces and more monsters and more reassuring touches and soft kisses shared in a misty-windowed steamer.

The Reanimator’s Heart is one of the best stories I’ve ever read. It is… acceptance and understanding while simultaneously full of the macabre, the morbid, the dark. It’s love and companionship and finding each other while simultaneously stumbling into stark, gothic churches full of decaying corpses and jarred hearts. It is absolutely delicious. Atmospheric, yet REAL and WARM.

I’m incredibly eager to read more of this story and so excited book two is now out! If you enjoy a big world and plot and a little bit of gore along with your gentle, sturdy, queer romance, then I can’t recommend this book enough. If you like it half as much as I do, you’ll still love it. Go get this book. You won’t be sorry.
Profile Image for A Voracious Reader (a.k.a. Carol).
2,046 reviews1 follower
August 1, 2024
Book source ~ BBNYA Tour

The writing, the characters, the world - this is one of those books that is near impossible to put down.

How do I describe a book I love so much and not give away important plot points? I can’t so this will be a short review. I love everything about this book. Romance? Check. Mystery? Check. Danger? Huge check. Awesome characters? Check. Great plot? Check. Paranormal goings on? Check. Humor? Check. Fantastic writing? Check. See? It has everything I love in a book. I don’t necessarily need all these things in a story to really make me squeee, but the more the merrier, amirite? Yes, yes I am.
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