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The Agathas #2

The Night in Question

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When Iris and Alice's high school dance at the infamous Levy Castle, the site of starlet Mona Moody's unsolved death in the 1940s, is interrupted by a violent assault, they pull out their murder boards and get back to work.

416 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 30, 2023

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About the author

Kathleen Glasgow

18 books10.4k followers
Kathleen Glasgow is the New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author of Girl in Pieces, The Glass Girl, You'd Be Home Now, How to Make Friends With the Dark, and The Agathas series (with Liz Lawson). Visit her on TikTok (@kathleenglasgow), Instagram (misskathleenglasgow) or her website (www.kathleenglasgowbooks.com).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 941 reviews
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,849 reviews56.3k followers
January 2, 2025
Agathas series is my guilty pleasure and new addiction! Two misfits are smart crime-solvers using the methods of two legendary Christie characters: Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple! Just buckle up for another wild ride with Alice and Iris! These two girls are polar opposites. Alice comes from a very influential, powerful family and is neglected by her very busy and workaholic parents. She is reserved, patronizing, and keeps her feelings to herself. Iris lives with her mother after sending her harassing father to jail. She is financially struggling and tries to help people who suffer from violent acts, just like her. She is more fragile and emotionally vulnerable than Alice.

When Alice focuses on an outsider viewpoint to solve the mysteries, just like her favorite detective Hercule Poirot, Iris idolizes Miss Marple and her insider knowledge, prying around the townie's method to improve her approach.
This time, the girls find themselves solving an attempted murder case of their classmate Rebecca Kennedy. Her case might be related to the mysterious death of the 1940s legendary movie star Mona Moody!

At the opening, Iris and Alice attend the traditional Sally Hawkins dance at the infamous Levy Castle, where Mona Moody died by falling down the balcony. Rebecca Kennedy and Helen Park have a catfight because they both chose to wear the same gowns, and their fight is being filmed. A few hours later, Alice follows a secret passage in the castle that leads her to a room where a bloodied Kennedy lies on the carpet, suffering from a head injury and stab wound, as Helen Park holds a letter opener which may be the weapon that hurt Kennedy. Helen starts running away from Alice, repeating that she is innocent.

The entire students find themselves trapped in the castle as a mudslide cocoons the castle. Helen has no blood on her dress, and she’s not the kind of person who brutally assaults her best friend, even though all the evidence points at her. Iris and Alice start digging around to find two other persons Helen mentioned who may be involved in the crime. They realize Rebecca’s assault may be connected to the history of the castle and events that took place 80 years ago.

Officer Thompson sniffs around the girls to prevent them from interfering with his case, but Team Agatha has no intention of stopping, even though they put their lives in more dangerous situations than before.

Overall, I’m rooting for this series, and I have to admit I relate to Iris a little more. I enjoyed spending time in their Castle Cove universe, and I’m looking forward to reading more adventures of these genius girls!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishers for sharing this exciting book's digital reviewer copy with me in exchange for my honest thoughts.
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
2,000 reviews13k followers
December 29, 2024
The Night in Question is the second book in The Agathas series by author duo, Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson.

I loved the first book, which was a great start to a YA Mystery series, named because the main characters are such big fans of Dame Agatha Christie. How fun is that!?

Set in Castle Cove, our protagonists are high school girls, Alice and Iris. Initially, they seem like opposites, but become close friends after Iris becomes Alice's tutor and they're thrust together into the midst of a perplexing mystery.

These two make quite the detective duo. I just love their friendship. Iris brings with her a lovable group of misfits, who embrace former it-girl, Alice, into their ranks.

Even though Alice and Iris are the stars of the show, the other members of the friend group also become quite involved in their cases, helping where they can.

The mystery in this installment begins at a school dance at the infamous local mansion, Levy Castle. It's there that a fellow classmate is violently attacked in a secluded room upstairs, far away from the school-sanctioned activity.

Another girl in their class is accused of the crime, but Iris and Alice believe she's innocent. Determined not to let the real criminal get away, the girls haul out the ole' murder-board and get to work.

I had a lot of fun with this story. First, I will say, I was a little worried about it going in, that I wouldn't remember the characters and everything that went on in the first book.

I guess this would be a good place to note that there is a mystery from the past that sort of acts like a subplot to the main mysteries of these stories.

The historical mystery involves a local film star from the 1940s, who actually lived in Levy Castle. It is discussed a bit in the first book and is explored much more in depth here.

I read the first book so long ago, I felt like I may not remember important details. I'm happy to report though, that I had no cause to worry. These authors did a great job providing subtle recaps in relation to that first book.

I really enjoyed how quickly this kicked off as well. Within the first 10-15%, we were already setting up a solid locked-room mystery.

It was funny, the girl who ends up getting accused of the crime, she's a really rich girl and her Dad is like an important businessman. Alice and Iris go to their house, to offer their help in clearing the girl's name, and the Dad is all like, who are you? What qualifies you to help my daughter?

He totally underestimated the girl power of our dynamic duo and I was just waiting for him to eat his words. The greatest thing about Alice and Iris is their determination. They go above and beyond to get to the truth; even if it puts them at personal risk.

This mystery got fairly complicated, but it was plotted so well. The used of mixed media added to my engagement level with the story. I always love that.

I also really enjoyed the opportunity to get to know this cast of characters better. It's clear from the end of this that there is going to be another book in the series; so exciting!

Agatha Christie fans unite!!!

I'm not sure if the Spice Girls are Christie fans, but I feel like they most likely are. Girl power and all that. That's the exact vibes of this series.

If you love a solid YA Mystery, or Mysteries in general, I would absolutely recommend this series. It's fast-paced, well-plotted and a ton of fun.

Thank you to the publisher, Delacorte Press, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

I'm really looking forward to continuing on with this series and as silly as it may sound, cannot wait to see what the cover looks like!!
Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.6k followers
May 23, 2023
Another entertaining read in the Agathas series! As someone who is not the target audience for these books, I pick them up for pure entertainment rather than any sort of deep critique, and when the last book ended by flaunting a historic mystery involving Mona Moody, I knew I needed to pick up The Night in Question. The authors did a fantastic job tying in the present characters to the history of Levy castle, and the twists and turns were great and unexpected. I can’t quite put my finger on why these books give me pause to rate any higher than 3 stars, but I think it’s something to do with the fact that the dialogue between the teens and their inner monologue just feels… off? Like adults were writing the characters trying to sound cool and hip but just missed the mark? Regardless, this was a fast paced, fun read.

*Many thanks to the publisher for providing my review copy.
Profile Image for Robin.
1,904 reviews91 followers
February 19, 2024
A few months ago, Alice Ogilvie and her friend Iris Adams solved the murder of fellow high school student Brooke Donovan, much to the chagrin of the local police who had arrested the wrong person. Now it's the night of Castle Cove High School's Sadie Hawkins Dance. It is being held at Castle Levy, a beautiful estate where movie star Mona Moody died over eighty years ago. Alice uses the dance as her chance to check out Castle Levy. She does not think that Mona Moody's death was an accident, and she is hoping to find evidence to prove her theory. What she finds is former friend Rebecca Kennedy, bloody and unconscious, with another former friend, Helen Park, standing over her holding a knife. Helen says she didn't do it, but the police don't believe her. Alice and Iris listen to her story and think she may be telling the truth. Now it's up to them to find the person who tried to kill Rebecca.

This is the second book in The Agathas series. Alice and Iris are both big fans of Agatha Christie. They use the investigative techniques they learned by reading Agatha Christie books to solve these murder mysteries. I love how they stop and go over what they know so far, who their suspects are, and who they have proved innocent. This keeps everything straight in my head and makes the story enjoyable. The story was fast paced. It felt like a cross between Veronica Mars and a Scooby Do mystery. Very entertaining. I hope there will eventually be more books in this series, but right now there are only two. My rating: 4.5 Stars.
Profile Image for Steven.
1,180 reviews438 followers
May 31, 2023
Thanks to Netgalley and Delacorte for gifting me an early copy of The Night in Question. I absolutely adored it! Below is my honest review.

I'm obsessed with Agatha Christie, just like Alice. I love the first one in this series, so I was thrilled to find out there would be another, and even more excited to get an advanced copy.

This story has a nice slow burn... after an explosive beginning. It starts with a party at the eponymous castle of Castle Cove, CA, where someone is injured very badly, and things go nuts. Then, slowly, the plot begins to unfold, tied inextricably to the history of the Castle and the fatal fall of Hollywood starlet Mona Moody over half a century before. As our heroines Alice and Iris uncover the history of Mona's death, the modern mystery also unfolds around them, and danger is lurking.

While I kind of guessed the "Person X" early on, the story was so great. I just read a lot of mysteries! I can't help it!

I hope this series gets a third book. I feel like it's going to... *fingers crossed.*

Highly recommended for mystery and YA fans.
Profile Image for kate.
1,574 reviews963 followers
May 16, 2023
This series is such a huge amount of fun, whilst also exploring some pretty upsetting topics with respect and care.

I’ve been big on amateur sleuths since Veronica Mars changed my world and this series is one of the closest that has come to match the vibes Veronica gave me. It’s brilliantly written, addictive and twisty in a way that keeps you questioning every one of your suspicions (even when those turn out to be true). Yes, it’s far fetched but
in the way the of classics like Miss Marple, Nancy Drew and Veronica Mars. You know it’s all ridiculous and yet you find it hard to question its validity.

Overall, this was a superb addition to a series I hope continues for a while longer because I love the way Liz and Kathleen’s brains work together.

TW: discussion of sexual assault and domestic violence
Profile Image for Audrey.
631 reviews522 followers
June 14, 2023
I loved everything about THE NIGHT IN QUESTION, the second book in The Agathas series. This is a YA amateur detective series that is all the things I love - a little Veronica Mars + Agatha Christie + Murder, She Wrote + Nancy Drew (the TV series, minus the supernatural) and I flew through it.

Just such great fun and would recommend to anyone and everyone who is a fan of YA mysteries. I’d put it in the same category as TRULY DEVIOUS, GOOD GIRL’S GUIDE & THE INHERITANCE GAME series & the CHARLOTTE HOLMES series.

Picking up four months after the events of Book #1, Alice and Iris are both dealing with the aftermath of that first mystery while also trying to move forward. The book opens at a Sadie Hawkins dance at the fancy and historical Levy Castle.

Alice is eager to get lost in a mystery and decides to look into the mysterious death, back in the 1940s, of film starlet Mona Moody. Mona died at Levy Castle the circumstances around her death and the murder itself remain a mystery.

But a past mystery isn’t the only one the teen detectives have to solve. While at the dance, Alice wanders through Levy Castle and stumbles on the body of one of her classmates, face down and surrounded by a lot of blood. And this definitely was no accident.

Told with the same wit, humor and intelligence as the first book I was totally pulled in from the start. I love the dynamic between Alice and Iris and also love their extended friend group. One of the best parts of a series is getting to return to a setting and to characters that I’ve grown to love and seeing how they’ve changed and been impacted by book one was great.

I also love the complex dynamics of their friendship and that it’s not all perfect and rosy. Relationships of all kinds - friends, romantic, family - are complicated and issues are not always wrapped up easily. The girls each carry their own motivations, secrets and struggles and I think this book does a great job of portraying the challenges of being teen, but also making these girls so smart and funny and relatable.

No one is perfect. Not everything is as it seems. Bad choices are made. There’s a hint of hijinks (think a teenage version of Finlay and Vero from the FINLAY DONOVAN series - Finlay Donovan Is Killing It).

I’m such a massive fan and really hope this series continues and I have no doubt there are plenty more mysteries to be solved in Castle Cove. In fact the authors keep teasing us with one so I’m ready to read all about it!

Huge thanks to NelGalley & Delacorte Press for the ARC. So very grateful!
Profile Image for Hannah B..
1,149 reviews1,939 followers
January 5, 2024
I am confusion about the ending???? Will this be wrapped up in book 3???? Bc I am not okay with the reasoning as to why it’s ending like that lol. But I really liked the storytelling, even if the main characters incriminated themselves REPEATEDLY over text lmfao. A search warrant would’ve wrecked them. Also that cop intern just made the wildest decisions. It worked for me but I was also like my good sir these are jailable offenses and then goodbye career 😭

Thanks so much to PRHaudio for an ALC. All opinions are honest and my own.
Profile Image for Sarah.
438 reviews216 followers
May 29, 2023
Iris and Alice are at it again in the sequel to The Agathas. What are the chances that you would stumble upon your two ex-best friends in a forbidden part of a mansion, one holding a knife, and the other bleeding to death? Slim to none, yet that is exactly what happens to Alice. When Kennedy is rushed to the hospital, and Helen is the prime suspect in her attempted murder, Alice and Iris suspect that Helen is being framed. In a chaotic journey, the two friends set out to solve another mystery and might solve a decades-old murder in the process.

These books bring me back to my Geronimo Stilton days. They are super easy to digest, and a blast to read. They read as unserious, fun little mysteries, almost like Scooby-doo. I devoured the whole book in just over a day. Something about this series is incredibly nostalgic to me, between the writing, characters, and super dumb police. Books don't often give me the warm glow of my childhood days, but this one managed to do so.

The mystery aspect was not as good as the first book. This one revealed a lot of big clues and hints, so I was putting everything together much quicker than Alice and Iris. At times I just wanted to shout at them to hurry up. The clues around the hair and necklace (if you know, you know) were so obvious, it made the big reveals underwhelming. I did enjoy the way it was two cases instead of one, which made the book more interesting. The tie between the two cases was clever, if a bit expected.

I missed the dynamic between Alice and Iris. I was so excited to see their friendship really bloom in this book, but they hardly interacted. For most of the book they were upset with each other, and for reasons I could not figure out. More often than not, they are doing things separately. It was disappointing after seeing such a true friendship form in the first book. Both of them are dealing with problems in their personal lives, especially with how the first book ended. Alice is not acknowledging the trauma she went through when Brooke died, and Iris is struggling with the past traumas seeing her dad brought up. I suspected, in the beginning, those were the reasons their relationship was strained, but it's not really brought up between them. The duo is the most iconic part of this series, so I hope we get that fresh dynamic in the third book.

The romance in this book left a lot to be desired. I wish they had left it out entirely. It's hinted that there is a love triangle between Iris, Cole, and Spike, but she abandons one of the boys within the first 10%, and he is only mentioned again at the very end. Alice has a crush on Rafe, but he already has a girlfriend. Because of this, nothing happens between them, but it left me wondering what the point of her crush was. It would not sit well with me if he left his girlfriend for her, especially when he seems like such a caring guy in general. I hope they introduce someone a little less perfect for Alice to like.

This is such a small detail, but the villain confrontation scene almost took me out. It was so corny, I had to close my eyes to ward against the second-hand embarrassment. A super small detail, but you readers needed to be warned.

Overall, just a fun, light-hearted read this is perfect for summertime. I do recommend the audiobook version. The narrators really bring this book to life!

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Children's for the advanced copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Robbin Ivie.
251 reviews6 followers
June 28, 2023
This one is unfortunately a lot sillier than the previous one. I’m all for teen/Nancy Drew hijinks to solve crimes, but these girls are committing serious felonies to get their information. And if it was one time I’d be like “sure it’s just for a fun crime novel,” but it kept happening over and over! It is so annoying especially because they cite Christie as their inspiration but Miss Marple and Poirot NEVER commit crimes when it comes to figuring out who did it. They always deduce it through information fairly at their fingertips. (What they do after they’ve solved the crime is sometimes more questionable, but I digress.) I think these authors need to wise up a bit and really emulate the people they cite CONSTANTLY in their books.

It’s still a fun read and I would still check out the third book if there is one, but there needs to be some changes in order to really be engaging. This one was a little too ridiculous even for a vacation read.
Profile Image for Jess (oracle_of_madness).
883 reviews101 followers
May 18, 2023
This sequel to The Agatha's is another fun and thrilling murder mystery! I enjoyed this just as much as the first book, which surprised me because it's a sequel, but I felt like I fell right back into the rhythm and banter of Alice and Iris's sleuthing style!

Alice and Iris are back and ready to solve another case in Castle Cove, California. Alice is quite rich, popular, and outgoing, while Iris is just about the opposite. Put these two together, and you get the perfect team.

I really enjoyed this. Loved going into the history of Mona Moody, a movie star from the 1940s. The attention to family details is also important in this book.

Overall, another great read!

Out May 30, 2023!

Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!
Profile Image for Moriah Chavis.
Author 10 books182 followers
May 22, 2023
Thank you to PRH Audio for an advanced listening copy of the audiobook! #PRHpartner

I loved The Agathas when I read it a few months back. I knew immediately this is a series I wanted to continue. The audiobook narrators truly bring this story to life, and I couldn't wait to see what lay ahead for Iris and Alice.

There were a few things in the books I expected like and how the book would end . But there were other aspects of the book I did not see coming, like the guilty party! There is a hint at romance in the books, and this is the kind of slow burn I live for (see my obsession with Robin and Cormoran in the Strike novels). I'm still holding out hope for Alice and a certain police officer.

I can't wait to see where their next journey will take them, and I highly recommend this to readers who love YA (ACTUAL YA, not the stuff pretending to be such and sneaking in smut) with real friendships and action to the nth degree.
Profile Image for Nicole | bridge four books.
577 reviews26 followers
July 10, 2023
Alice and Iris have barely recovered from the death of their classmate and the harrowing adventure they embarked on to uncover the killer. Now, the duo is thrust into the investigation of the brutal assault of another classmate. Further, this attempted murder might be related to the mysterious death of the 1940s legendary movie star Mona Moody, a mystery that Alice is already obsessed with. Can the girls figure out who the culprit is before the wrong person goes to prison?

The Night in Question weaves two mysteries, years apart, into one cohesive plotline, which is a feat. I found both mysteries compelling. The setting is atmospheric and perfect for the story.

While the book is a tad long and gets bogged down with high school drama and romance, I am not the target audience, and these subplots are likely very relatable to them. Also, perhaps I have read too many Christie novels, but I knew who the perpetrator of the assault was before the attack even took place.

Despite my issues with the book, I let them go because this series is such a delight. Iris and Alice are a great detective duo. Their friendship is fantastic, and I adore the cast of characters that help them in their pursuit of justice. I love the over-the-top homage to Agatha Christie. The dialogue reminds me of a CW show. You know teenagers don't talk like they do in Veronica Mars, Dawson's Creek, or Gilmore Girls, but you love them just the same.

This series is perfect for readers who like amateur sleuths, great friendships, and series like The Inheritance Games, Truly Devious, and Good Girl's Guide to Murder.

Thank you to NetGalley, Random House Children's, and Delacorte Press for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tamara.
267 reviews26 followers
July 11, 2023
It's rare that I love a sequel even more than the first book in a series, but that may be the case with The Night In Question (and let me be clear, I LOVED The Agathas!)

The Night In Question, a YA mystery, picks up where The Agathas left off after Alice and Iris solved Brooke Donovan's murder. The Scooby Gang and the rest of their classmates are at the Sadie Hawkins dance at Levy Castle, when Alice discovers a secret passageway and stumbles into a crime scene: Another former friend Helen Park standing over a bleeding Rebecca Kennedy with a letter opener.

The girls set out to discover who tried to murder Kennedy as she fights for her life in a medically-induced coma. While there are 1 or 2 far-fetched plot twists, this book was a super fun read. Secret Passages and hidden rooms, stray kittens,family secrets discovered through a high school biology project and more wisdom from Agatha Christie kept me riveted. And Iris and Alice may even solve the decades old mystery surrounding actress Mona Moody's tragic death!
Profile Image for Quill&Queer.
1,101 reviews540 followers
January 19, 2024
My girls are a back solving crimes, and it's fairly safe to say I enjoy this series more than GGGTM, which it reminds me of. This time Kennedy from the first book sees herself in mortal peril after seeing the wrong end of a candelabra, and Alice and Iris need to go right back to a past crime to solve this one.

Admittedly, this one was much easier for me to solve than the first one, but I enjoyed the story all the same. It was really fun finding all the missing pieces of the past and seeing how it all tied together in the end was so satisfying.

There should be a third book in this series which I'm looking forward to, and I there's an unsolved crime that's been mentioned a few times in the books that I presume will take center stage. I just need the UK to not change the series covers again!
Profile Image for Blue.
1,621 reviews90 followers
June 21, 2023
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Thank you Harper Collins for this book in exchange for an honest review

The Night in Question is the sequel to The Agathas and just as gripping, complex and you’ll be unable to put this beastie down, until you figure out who the killer was. While I don’t think the style is written as similar to Christie’s work, it does generally give you the Agatha Christie feel with multiple suspects and amongst them is just one killer that I guarantee you won’t figure out. It’s a twisty and multilayered novel told from alternating POV’s of Alice and Iris and you start in a locked room, in an old castle, during a storm and with a dead body. If you are after a good thriller/mystery, then this is for you!

Profile Image for Jess (oracle_of_madness).
883 reviews101 followers
May 18, 2023
This sequel to The Agatha's is another fun and thrilling murder mystery! I enjoyed this just as much as the first book, which surprised me because it's a sequel, but I felt like I fell right back into the rhythm and banter of Alice and Iris's sleuthing style!

Alice and Iris are back and ready to solve another case in Castle Cove, California. Alice is quite rich, popular, and outgoing, while Iris is just about the opposite. Put these two together, and you get the perfect team.

I really enjoyed this. Loved going into the history of Mona Moody, a movie star from the 1940s. The attention to family details is also important in this book.

Overall, another great read!

Out May 30, 2023!

Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!
Profile Image for Mike Finn.
1,446 reviews47 followers
January 13, 2024
The Agatha's' was one of my best reads of 2023 so I pre-ordered the sequel, 'The Night In Question' in the hopes of continuing the experience that I got from reading the first book. 

By the time I was twenty-five per cent through the book, I realised that I wasn't going to get the exceptional read that I was looking for.

The writing and the narration are still good. As before, the carefully crafted differentiation between the voices, thought processes and expectations of Iris and Alice make the book richer.

So why did I set it aside?

The basic premise of the book didn't grab me. Maybe it's just me but the whole spooky castle from which a 1940s movie star fell to her death felt too contrived. It put me at a distance from the young people in the present-day timeline.

I also bumped into the typical second-book problems: not enough was new and what was familiar had changed into something less exciting. In the first book, the relationship between Alice and Iris was emerging and was often at risk. In this book they're friends, (well mostly) and that took the edge off things.

I also didn't like that the idiot detective from the first book remains as stupid and intractable as ever. For me, this turned him into a comic book character. 

Perhaps I've become a less patient reader this year, standing as I am in the shadow of a mountain of books that I want to read but while I'm sure that if I'd finished the book I'd have been giving it a 'perfectly satisfactory' three-star rating, I didn't want to spend the hours it was going to take to get there.
Profile Image for Brady.
642 reviews3 followers
March 1, 2023
Thank you Delacorte Press and Netgalley for this eARC, these opinions are my own. I loved this thrilling and unputdownable mystery! Iris and Alice are back for an even more twisted and complicated adventure. The night of the Sadie Hawkins dance someone is attacked and Alice happened to walk in on someone else standing over the body. The police see this as an open and shut case. Iris and Alice believe otherwise and they’ll set out to once again prove someone else’s innocence. But with ties to the past this case may just be beyond them. Can they solve it? Can they keep themselves safe in the process? I love the dynamic between Alice and Iris, they have such different backgrounds and personality but they mesh so well together! I love the way their brains work, how they piece together clues, and how so much of what they know ties back to Agatha Christie novels! Add in their humor, charm, and general badassedness and it makes the perfect mystery! I hope there is more to come from Alice and Iris, can’t wait for this one to come out!
Profile Image for Allmythidi.
563 reviews12 followers
June 14, 2023
2.25 stars - It pains me to write this review. I absolutely LOVED the first book in this series. I’m a huge fan of Kathleen Glasgow’s books but this book was not stimulating. It was extremely predictable. Iris and Alice sounded like the exact same person. I didn’t like them at all in this book either. I know mysteries with a ton of characters and a long time span can be difficult. I just think this got weedy. We needed more character development. I didn’t even want to finish the book, which never happens to me when Glasgow is involved. I’m going to pass on the 3rd book. Co-authoring is rarely successful and I thought the first book would be a struggle. That first book was an amazing co-authored book. This one just didn’t work for me. I’ll still pick up Glasgow’s single authored books!
Profile Image for ⢄⢁✧ CheyAnn.
115 reviews56 followers
April 24, 2024
This book was so good!! I definitely like this one more than the first. Can't wait for book three!! 🥰

This book was super clean. Not much language. First book had a lot of language. Rating: 12+
Profile Image for PErvOL Books.
1,124 reviews14 followers
September 4, 2023
Japierdole.....Glasgow, przemstań.....

A tak serio, to ta seria daje mi coś, co dala mi na ten moment yylko Holly Jackson (nie wliczając 3 tomu, o którym wole zapomnieć) czyli wnikliwość i przejaw różnych rozilustrowanych peryferii z zagadką kryminalną w tle....Glasgow oczywiście nawet w tym wydaniu wplata w te esencje to, co nadaje obrotu jej subtelności, dewastacji, ale też unikalności w połączeniu z konstruowaniem ubierania drogi, czyli emocjonalność i ich przenikliwość.....I to w tej serii najbardziej drenujące....
Sam fakt ukazania tego, jak próbujemy nabrać obrotów i pokazać ton oddziaływania nas i te sprawy.....Mnie to kupuje....Glasgow... Nie przestawaj...
Profile Image for Elizabeth Edquist.
23 reviews4 followers
May 23, 2023
Glasgow and Lawson kill it again (pun intended)!

When a friend gets attacked at a party, Alice & Iris team up again to figure out whodunnit - and the mystery isn’t as clear cut as it first seems.

The second installment in The Agatha’s series is even better than the first. I loved the mystery within a mystery and especially the portions of the story about the Mona Moody mystery from 1949.

The reveal of the perp and their motive was a little bit of a letdown for me; I was hoping for something a little more dramatic, but the clues and how Alice & Iris figured out the mystery had me guessing from beginning to end. I hope that there is a third installment!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Delaney.
476 reviews409 followers
April 1, 2023
This was a great investigative YA, I would rank it better than A Good Girls Guide To Murder. (Though both are 3 stars for me.) Of course you expect some unbelievable aspects in a YA, but they stood out more than I would’ve liked and are my reason for the mid rank. It was pretty predictable but the characters were endearing. I’d you’re a YA fan, I’d recommend it to you.

Thank you to the publisher for the ARC.
Profile Image for Autumn.
99 reviews9 followers
February 9, 2024
After absolutely loving The Agathas I couldn't wait to see how Iris and Alice's story continued in this book. It did end up letting me down a bit though since I couldn't get into this one right away as I did with the first one. This book didn't truly hook me until about 200 pages in and even after that there were still some slow moving parts. Having two mysteries that are connected happening at once was smart considering if they weren't connected each individual idea would have made for quite a short mystery. Going back and forth between the two separate cases made the pacing of this a bit off at times considering the main case would go on pause so the authors could properly develop the second case leaving the main case feeling too dragged out. I was disappointed by who did it because they felt like the only obvious option from the beginning to me and I really wish the authors worked someone else in as a red herring to make the readers less sure of who the perpetrator was.
Profile Image for Deborah Zeman.
982 reviews31 followers
March 23, 2023
Loved this sequel! The Agatha’s, Alice and Iris, are back, along with the Zoners helping out. Another mystery to solve, this time an attack on a former friend that is mixed with the mystery of Mona Moody, a necklace and a family feed. This book didn’t disappoint. I love the balance between Alice and Iris, how they bring out the best in each other while fighting crime. Alice will always need Iris as her voice of reason while Iris needs Alice to be the voice that pushes her out of her comfort zone. I truly hope we get a third book some day!!!
Profile Image for Susan.
2,070 reviews57 followers
May 29, 2023
I love this series so much! I want more and more adventures. I enjoyed the conflict and the mystery in this book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 941 reviews

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