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Komarr could be a garden with a thousand more years' work, or an uninhabitable wasteland if the terraforming fails. Now, the solar mirror vital to the terraforming of the conquered planet has been shattered by a ship hurtling off course. The Emperor of Barrayar sends his newest imperial auditor, Lord Miles Vorkosigan, to find out why. The choice is not a popular one on Komarr, where a betrayal a generation before drenched the name of Vorkosigan in blood. Thus, the Komarrans surrounding Miles could be loyal subjects, potential hostages, innocent victims, or rebels ready for revenge. Lies within lies, treachery within treachery, Miles is caught in a race against time to stop a plot that could exile him from Barrayar forever. His burning hope lies in an unexpected ally, one with wounds as deep and honor as beleaguered as his own.

366 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1998

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About the author

Lois McMaster Bujold

203 books38.5k followers
Lois McMaster Bujold was born in 1949, the daughter of an engineering professor at Ohio State University, from whom she picked up her early interest in science fiction. She now lives in Minneapolis, and has two grown children.

Her fantasy from HarperCollins includes the award-winning Chalion series and the Sharing Knife tetralogy; her science fiction from Baen Books features the perennially bestselling Vorkosigan Saga. Her work has been translated into over twenty languages.

Questions regarding foreign rights, film/tv subrights, and other business matters should be directed to Spectrum Literary Agency, spectrumliteraryagency.com

A listing of her awards and nominations may be seen here:


A listing of her interviews is here:


An older fan-run site devoted to her work, The Bujold Nexus, is here:


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 718 reviews
Profile Image for Choko.
1,379 reviews2,660 followers
September 29, 2024
*** 4.35 ***

A buddy read with Evgeny and Maria, because we cannot stop the Forward Momentum!!!

"...“All the geniuses I ever met were so just part of the time. To qualify, you only have to be great once, you know. Once when it matters.” ..."

Once again I am going to sound like a fan-girl, but I can't help it! This series has stolen my heart. I know I have several series of books which I love and are a must read for me, but most of them are more because the story lines are not finished, and the worlds are marvelous, and the writing is great, and I really enjoy the characters... and so on. However, of all of those, The Vorkosigan Saga is the one that I have the most tenderness for. It makes me think, it makes me feel, and it makes me appreciate the more imperfect of the human emotions, the issues we are dealing with in one way or another on daily basis but disguised in a Sci-Fi form. On top of that, as the main protagonist we have Miles, a young man whom we have followed for several years and his evolution form a kid to an adult has been spellbinding... I fill like he is my kid, or more correctly, as if he is my sister's kid and I get to claim and be proud of him and his achievements even though I have been just an observer in his life... He is bigger than life, but packed in a small frame and vulnerable psyche. I love this character so much, he is quickly becoming one of my favorite of all time!

"...“Some people grow into their dreams, instead of out of them.” ..."

This is the first book since he had to part with his second personality, Admiral Naismith, and is now just Lord Vorkosigan, the Imperial auditor. A position which would be the professional peak of any other person on Barrayar, is just "settling" for our Miles... It has been 3 months since he took this post and he is learning on the job by assisting a senior member of the Imperial Auditors. They have to investigate what happened on Komarr, a planet which Miles's father was instrumental in conquering and at the time acquiring the nickname "The Butcher of Komarr"... Having his son on the planet is a bit challenging for the locals, to put it mildly... On top of that, they are staying with the niece of the older partner and her family, which are having some domestic problems and there are multiple tensions in the air. Incidentally, the niece, Ekaterin, happens to be just Miles's type and very unhappy in her marriage... Tum-tum-tuuuummmm.... (there was no cheating, for which I was very grateful!!!)

"...“So the difference between a criminal and a hero is the order in which their vile crimes are committed. And justice comes with a sell-by date. In that case, you’d better hurry. You wouldn't want your heroism to spoil.” ..."

As always, we get the usual action, political machinations, and the mandatory ethical conundrum, mostly based on genetic mutations and conditions. The good thing is, this world is fictional and things can get fixed, while we don't have those luxuries in RL:(((... I love how the author handles all of those situations without making them preachy or intrusive. They are looked upon as just a part of human everyday life and we can imagine parents, kids and spouses dealing with them in just this manner...

"...““He’s not so short,” said Ekaterin defensively. “He’s just . . . concentrated.” ..."

As always I would like to encourage all readers to try this series and see if it is something they might like - it is a great series for young and old alike, because there are situations and issues which are thought provoking for those who have no real life experience as well as those who have had more than they would have liked to have had:):):):)

I wish you all Happy Reading and many more wonderful books to come!!!!
Profile Image for Wanda Pedersen.
2,103 reviews455 followers
December 10, 2020
I do love Miles Vorkosigan! So much so that I stayed up much too late to finish this book. I think I prefer Miles as an Imperial Auditor, rather than a Imperial Security officer. He gets interesting assignments in his new role.

And I fell head over heels in love with Ekaterin just as surely as Miles did. Bujold manages to take Ekaterin's failed marriage and a possible terrorist plot, and turn them into a romantic story. The terrorism gets its full coverage and the details are laid out in full. The glorious part is Ekaterin's part in foiling their plan. Well, this is the Vorkosigan universe—you must realize that Miles and Barrayar are going to come out on top, yes?

I have the next book sitting on my shelf and I shall be most interested in seeing where this new relationship goes. Miles admires the glorious mess that Kat made and she declares that he is “not so short, just concentrated.” This looks like the beginning of a lively courtship.

Book number 387 of my Science Fiction & Fantasy Reading Project.

Cross posted at my blog:

Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews146 followers
April 21, 2017
Buddy read with Choko and Evgeny.

I started writing this review yesterday and then RL happened. Let's hope that nothing will interrupt me this time :)

From the very start of the series the planet Komarr has played an important but kind of behind the scenes role in Vorkosigan's lives. And I always wanted to visit it. Mostly because terraforming fascinates me. It's very difficult to write a good book set on a terraformed planet because it's either used as a convenient plot device and the science is so badly researched/explained that it drives me crazy or the technical details are overwhelming and make the reader feel as if she's picked a textbook. LMB has found the perfect balance between those two opposites and blends it seamlessly with the story.

For me this is a reread number "I've lost count" and up until now I was always focused on Miles' side of the story. He does tend to hoard all the attention :) But this time it was Ekaterin's POV that kept me going. Maybe it's because I'm older and have seen the destruction a dysfunctional relationship can bring to a person in RL and that's why Ekaterin's plight hit me so hard. I admire her for finding the strength to because not many people do. Mostly I love how LMB handled the situation - she made it feel real, something few authors manage to do. The inner struggle Ekaterin went through, the excuses she made for so long, the fear, the pain, the ultimate trigger for her decision - everything was described so well that for a moment I forgot that it isn't real.

Komarr fits perfectly with the rest of the series not because Miles is in it but because of Ekaterin. All of the books deal with some sort of social problem and it's sad that those problems are still such a big part of society years after these books were written. And as much as I love Miles and his family it's those themes that make me reread these books time and again.
Profile Image for Chloe Frizzle.
538 reviews110 followers
July 27, 2024
I love our new narrator. I love the mystery plot of this one. I love the slow romance.

I also want to praise the technobabble in this novel. Yes, it's taking about 5-D wormholes. But (and I'm saying this as an engineer), the engineers talk like engineers, and the words they say make sense and convey the concepts clearly. Honestly, the technobabble in this series is the best I've ever encountered. Not too much or too technical for someone who doesn't care. But also accurate and enlightening enough to explain it to someone who does care, like me. Obviously some research and actual science went into it.
Profile Image for Jane.
385 reviews618 followers
January 28, 2019
3.5 stars rounded up.

Too much mushy-gush. Not enough action.

Otherwise a typical Miles adventure.

Badass Female Character score: 4/5 -- Ekaterin starts out a bit wishy-washy, but she's got some real Vor strength when push comes to shove.
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,541 followers
July 31, 2014
The wormhole plot was very interesting and satisfying, as was the full worldbuilding of Komarr itself, but what really shone brightest in the novel was Miles's falling in love with a married woman. I knew from a previous readings how important she'd become, but my goodness this was painful to watch. Delightful, absolutely, but also very painful. It was strangely believable and full of depth and realism, greatly surpassing all of his other love interests, and it really brought out the shine in his eyes. Ill-fated love story, anyone? At least the plot actions were entirely believable and felt very natural. Their mutual discovery was slow and the tension was great, and by the end of the novel, still up in the air. As it should be.
To say this was a great Miles story is to say it is absolutely required reading. Like most of them. Go get them. Now. Love them. :)
Profile Image for Becky.
865 reviews78 followers
December 28, 2020
"Is Komarr nice? It doesn't sound nice. How can a book about the son of the Butcher of Komarr being on Komarr be nice?" - literally me to my roommates before starting this book. Read that in a voice full of hurting doubt and the hopeless desire for something, not less painful, but perhaps more accessible. One grows tired of leaning back and watching Miles pull miracles out of his ass, you know. As enjoyable as that is.

This is the fastest I've ever gone through a Bujold book. I was LOATH to turn the audio book off; I could not put it down.

This is without a doubt my favourite since Ethan and ranks right up there with Cordelia's Honor. I love this. I love Ekaterin with everything in me. I know her. Half way through this I had the horrible realization that while I want so badly to be Cordelia I might be more like Ekaterin: made small. Without a doubt, she is my greatest fear on display. Implicit in that is the very real problem with not being small: if she tries to grow, she makes the men around her feel small, so it's best not to even try. The perfection to which Bujold illustrates phenomena is breathtaking... it's absolutely truly staggering.

And I adore her prose, her insight, and her turns of phrase (turns of phrases? ack). I adore Bujold's characterization. All her characters have distinct voices and I love them all.

Kendra, or maybe it was Jas, I don't remember, said it best: it's not that Ekaterin needed a man to come and let her be big, it's just that she needed the current men in her life to get out of the way so she could do it herself.
All the same, I love Miles for loving her. I love HOW he loves her. I love his understanding, and I love that even if sometimes he doesn't actually understand, he's still trying to.
I love the whole beautiful mess and I am so, so very sad that I don't own this book.

Edit: I just re-listened to this while sick in bed, and at one point Jas came in and said, "the really frustrating part about audio books is that you've been listening to this for HOURS and he's STILL ALIVE."

Re-listen January, 2019: I've been having a very difficult winter, and one night out of desperation for a little comfort I started listening to this one again. God I love this book.

Re-listen November-December, 2020: somehow this has become my go-to for when I am sick or depressed, usually in winter. In my darkest moments, I take comfort in Ekaterine's resilience.
Profile Image for Clouds.
228 reviews647 followers
December 14, 2013

Following the resounding success of my Locus Quest, I faced a dilemma: which reading list to follow it up with? Variety is the spice of life, so I’ve decided to diversify and pursue six different lists simultaneously. This book falls into my GIFTS AND GUILTY list.

Regardless of how many books are already queued patiently on my reading list, unexpected gifts and guilt-trips will always see unplanned additions muscling their way in at the front.

If you’ve never read any of Bujold’s Vorkosigan Saga – what are you waiting for? They’re great! However, I wouldn’t recommend making this your first. It’s not the kind of series you have to start at the beginning (I came in at book nine and loved it) but, to me, Komarr has the feel of the middle book in a trilogy, a smaller arc within the bigger series.

If you’ve read one or two other books in the Vorkosiverse - this is Miles’ first adventure since Memory , where he embarked upon his new career as a Galactic Auditor. He’s kind of like a trouble-shooting detective with the authority of the Emperor. Miles is still settling into his new role, trying to find the balance between effective use and reprehensible misuse of his power. In this case, Miles is called in to investigate a massive space accident that has damaged the planet Komarr’s soletta array (terrorist-with-secret-weapon shenanigans ensue).

If you’re familiar with the broad path of the series – this is “The one where Miles falls in love.” Miles has been in love before –at the end of Komarr he even reels off a list of all the people he’s fallen for in the past. But watching Miles falling in love has never been the main focus before, it’s always been a subplot or distraction – but Bujold handles it remarkably well, this isn’t a romance in any conventional fashion.

Ekaterin is no Quinn, nor is she a Taura - those are the wild girls from Miles’ past I was most fond of. Ekaterin is an unhappily married Vor lady with an eight year old son. She’s living on Komarr (not her home planet) and married to a Barayaran Administrator who is a complete tool, on both a personal and professional level. Miles meets her through the course of his investigation and is slowly bewitched by her. The perspective flip-flops between Miles and Ekaterin throughout the story as he tries to stay focused on his case rather than the dame, and she tries to change her life somehow.

The twist comes during an accident: her husband is killed and the case breaks. Both aspects of the story pick up the pace before combining in a climax dominated by Ekaterin, not Miles; it’s the last straw for Miles and he is irrevocably smitten.

My favourite quote came right at the end:
“She had met the enemy, mastered her moment, hung three hours on death’s doorstep, all that, and she’d emerged still on her feet and snarling. Oversocialized, hah. Oh, yeah, Da. I want this one.”
It was easy to enjoy Komarr : Miles is one of my favourite characters and hanging out with him is delight. But Ekatarin was new to me, and although she grew on me as the book progressed, it wasn’t love at first sight. She’s complex, brave and strong by the end – but she’s timid, scared, insecure and joyless at the start. So it took me a little longer than normal to become enthralled. At one point I wondered if this might be my first Vorkosigan Saga to get just three-stars from me, but then it pulled round on the upward curve and thundered past the finishing line a very strong four-star rating. I finished it on my break at work today and had a big grin in the canteen – very tempting to just read straight on to the next in the series as I know my wife has bought it!

Bujold’s strongest card is her characterisation, closely followed by her dialogue – and they shine as brightly as ever here. Miles case just isn’t his most fascinating and the supporting cast isn’t half as strong – no Marc, no Cordelia, no Gregor, no Ilyan, no Dendarii, etc. So Komarr is not my favourite of the series (that would be Mirror Dance ), but I still enjoyed it thoroughly and highly recommend.

Komarr was a gift from my Grandmother-in-Law, along with two other Bujold novels she picked up for a combined price of £5 from a second-hand book stall. Thanks Nanny-B!

After this I read: Bear's Magic Moon
Profile Image for Justine.
1,265 reviews347 followers
August 30, 2019
Reliably good, as expected. I'm still completely annoyed with my library for downgrading our Hoopla subscription so none of the rest of the series will be available for me to listen to on audio. It's a shame because these books seem particularly good to me as audiobooks; I've enjoyed them all so much.
Profile Image for Wanda Pedersen.
2,103 reviews455 followers
January 12, 2024
2024 Re-read

It's been 3 years since I read this book in paper and I found that I really remembered only the final 20% or so. I had completely forgotten what an utter asshole Tien Vorsoisson was and what Ekaterin Vorsoisson had to put up with. The details of the accident that drew Miles Vorkosigan and his fellow Imperial Auditor Professor Vorthys to Komarr had also faded from my mind along with the connection to the plot that dominates those final chapters. What had remained as an indelible imprint was and Miles' delight in the mayhem.

This audiobook was a pleasant way to spend time during -30°C weather, when I had zero intention of leaving my house. Grover Gardener may not be the best narrator but he's decent. There were a few times during conversations that I was a bit confused about which party was speaking, but that didn't interfere too often with my enjoyment of the story.

I suspect that I will eventually acquire a paper copy of this title to add to my permanent collection.

Profile Image for laurel [the suspected bibliophile].
1,736 reviews648 followers
June 12, 2024
2024 reread
I feel like I've been saying this a lot with this current reread, but I keep on realizing how MUCH is in these books. The layers and layers and layers.

Ekaterin is a heroine for the ages, and a perfect foil. The rock to Miles' forward momentum. And Miles is figuring out his lord auditorship in the midst of a simple investigation that goes...Milesian.

Komarr was one of my least favorite books of the series. Teenage me, upon first reading it, found it deathly dull and boring. I think I rated it three stars in 2014, and then bumped it up to 4 stars on my last reread in 2022. On this reread, combined with all of the concentrated books being read back to back to back, I can see the threads weaving together, all the plot lines and choices that have been made coming to this point.

If the first series of books could be summed up as "Miles fucks around and Miles finds out," with Memory being all "Miles finds out," Komarr is Miles' second coming of age. A new puberty, for a new life. Complete with world-ending peril, naturally.

2022 reread Another reread where the story just gets better as my perceptions change. This was one of the books I considered the most boring, but it's actually pretty exciting! Terraforming, the impacts of colonization, societal expectations and looooooooooooong term planning projects abound.
Profile Image for Lost Planet Airman.
1,251 reviews90 followers
September 30, 2020
Audio. For me, this was just a filler so I had an audio book available on the phone (my main audio book was on a thumb drive, so not as accessible...

Komarr is Miles' first big 'mission' as the newest of eight permanent Imperial Auditors*, although he is only along originally to train under a more senior and more technical auditor in the investigation of a crash of ship and research station.
*("Imperial Auditor" really reads as "Inspector General of the Future")

The book is almost two major sections, the initial discovery that There Is More Here Than There Seems, and then a short breather while we find There Is Even More Here And It Is Getting Ugly.

Miles handles it with his usual panache and comes away with more than he expected. Is next followed by A Civil Campaign. A good adventure and light drama.
Profile Image for Caro the Helmet Lady.
804 reviews418 followers
March 29, 2020
Well, I guess I can't call it space opera anymore because the closest connection it had with the latter was that someone died in space or that someone worked in space and it was mentioned. No big time adventure, no rockets ridin' villains with blasters. This was again pretty much a cozy mystery with a bit of family drama and a bit of pretty hard falling in love for the main character. This wasn't the usual Miles Vorkosigan fun story. Like you said Evgeny - everything pretty predictable.
Yet I still definitely enjoyed the writing and even the story and I must say the character study was just brilliant. Not gonna lie, I didn't love it but I definitely enjoyed it.

No Worst Cover Gallery edition here, because... there wasn't a single horrible cover for this volume. Le gasp.
Profile Image for Becky.
1,616 reviews25 followers
May 15, 2017
I didn't even care about the mystery here, I was so caught up in the romance. I love how Bujold always delivers with her characters. Often I can't remember what happened in her books, but I never forget the people or their relationships. This time we get to meet the love of Miles' life and I like her, I really do. I can't wait to see how this develops in later books.
Profile Image for Michael Finocchiaro.
Author 3 books5,960 followers
January 24, 2024
Miles is always fun, especially when he is falling in love and solving a mystery that turns into an evil plot affecting the Vorkiverse. I liked this adventure on Komarr with the ideas about terraforming and the animosity between Barrayans and Komarrans. Ekaterin turns out to be a decent character. I would have preferred Ellie instead, but she wanted Naismith and he no longer exists.
That is probably why this one doesn't get five stars: I really enjoyed hanging with the Dendarii Mercenaries and it seems I may never see them again. Miles, of course, also pines about this a bit.
The writing, as always with Bujold is great and I think this is the first book where we are inside Miles' head as well as another character, Ekaterin.

Fino's Reviews of Bujold Novels
Vorkosigan Universe
Falling Free (Vorkosigan Saga, #4) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Shards of Honor (Vorkosigan Saga, #1) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Barrayar (Vorkosigan Saga, #7) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
The Warrior's Apprentice (Vorkosigan Saga, #2) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
The Vor Game (Vorkosigan Saga, #6) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Cetaganda (Vorkosigan Saga, #9) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Ethan of Athos (Vorkosigan Saga, #3) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Borders of Infinity (Vorkosigan Saga Publication #5.1-5.3) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Brothers in Arms (Vorkosigan Saga, #5) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Mirror Dance (Vorkosigan Saga, #8) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Memory (Vorkosigan Saga, #10) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Komarr (Vorkosigan Saga, #11) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
A Civil Campaign (Vorkosigan Saga, #12) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Winterfair Gifts (Vorkosigan Saga, #13.1) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Diplomatic Immunity (Vorkosigan Saga, #13) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Captain Vorpatril's Alliance (Vorkosigan Saga, #15) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
CryoBurn (Vorkosigan Saga, #14) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen (Vorkosigan Saga, #16) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

Five Gods Trilogy
The Curse of Chalion (World of the Five Gods, #1) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Paladin of Souls (World of the Five Gods, #2) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
The Hallowed Hunt (World of the Five Gods, #3) by Lois McMaster Bujold - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Profile Image for Joaquin Garza.
596 reviews711 followers
May 22, 2021
Komarr es el primer libro después del "reboot" de la Saga Vorkosigan que significó la trama de Recuerdos. Aquí Miles ha salido de la peor crisis de identidad de su vida y se enfrenta a un nuevo reto: uno reto que tiene que ver con uno de los ejes que ha dado problemas para los protagonistas dentro de la saga.

Hasta el momento, estos problemas han venido de dentro de Barrayar mismo, de Jackson's Whole y de Komarr (y en una sorprendentemente menor medida de Cetaganda). Aquí se retoman las ansiedades de los conquistados habitantes de Komarr cuando un accidente daña el espejo solar que permite el proyecto de terraformación del planeta. Conviene notar aquí una curiosa distinción: en The Expanse la cultura que gira en torno a un gigantesco esfuerzo planetario por hacer habitable el lugar es Marte, que de acuerdo a su nombre resulta ser estricto y militarista. Por el contrario, en la saga Vorkosigan la gente de Komarr es más bien dada a los negocios hasta el punto en que su espíritu emprendedor se convierte en aprovechado y eso les juega en contra. Al final fue lo que les costó ser conquistados por Barrayar.

La mayor virtud en esta entrega viene de los personajes, como es usual en Bujold. Por principio de cuentas, quien resulta ser el antagónico aquí tiene una marcada diferencia con los villanos tradicionales de la saga. Incluso el propio Miles se da cuenta, al notar que sus antagonistas han sido todos psicópatas: Ser Galen, Metzov y el Barón Ryoval (añadamos a esta lista a los enemigos de sus padres Vorrutyer y Vordarian, que eran iguales). Aquí es diferente: es la primera vez que los que llevan la contraria tienen una motivación más tenue y trabajada y por lo tanto más creíble y humana. Curioso que hasta que no leí La Maldición de Chalion hace un par de meses me di cuenta que a pesar de lo maravillosa que es su caracterización, a Bujold los villanos le tienden a salir iguales.

Y por supuesto quien distingue al libro es la aparición de Ekaterin. Un retrato exacto de una mujer a las puertas de la mediana edad que cree haber sacrificado todo y por lo tanto ver cómo se le va la vida en un matrimonio agonizante. Se siente casi como canción de plancha pero está magistralmente ejecutada la forma en la que se siente atrapada con un marido mezquino, manipulador y mediocre. Se ve a leguas hacia donde va a ir como personaje, pero Ekaterin es una adición muy pulida al maravilloso elenco de la saga.

Por otro lado me es difícil reseñar sin repetir los puntos que Jo Walton escribió en sus maravillosos ensayos sobre la saga (tengo la costumbre de leer el ensayo correspondiente a la novela justo al terminarla). Pero está en lo cierto sobre las pequeñas falencias, las pequeñas faltas de balance en la ejecución y que aquí partes de la trama se le acomodan demasiado a Miles. No es suficiente para condenar la novela (o hacerla de las más reguleras de la saga, como Hermanos de Armas o Cetaganda), pero sí lo suficiente para alejarla de lo mejor que Bujold nos ha dado.
Profile Image for Megan Baxter.
985 reviews727 followers
October 30, 2014
This was a pivotal book that I missed on my first patchy run at this series. The library didn't have it, but it did the next one, so I came to read this with some idea of what happened in Komarr, but not when. Which ended up being important. And it may be superfluous to say about a Lois McMaster Bujold book at this point, but I liked this a lot.

Note: The rest of this review has been withdrawn due to the changes in Goodreads policy and enforcement. You can read why I came to this decision here.

In the meantime, you can read the entire review at Smorgasbook
Profile Image for Trike.
1,722 reviews180 followers
May 17, 2019
The Miles train keeps on chugging. I really enjoyed this one, with the slight exception that the potential new girlfriend’s life circumstances worked out a little too pat. But really I’m not reading this for the high drama, just the fun adventure. This time Team Vorkosigan averts the destruction of the nascent Barryan empire, so that was cool.
Profile Image for Lindsay.
1,322 reviews259 followers
August 27, 2018
Part of a Vorkosigan reread with the SpecFic Buddy Reads group in 2017/18. I have long thought of this book as a prologue to the romantic comedy of A Civil Campaign, and as such, I've not revisited it since my first reading even though I've reread A Civil Campaign multiple times. I found myself unexpectedly enjoying it for multiple reasons, partly because I misremembered it as ending with Ekaterin discovering Miles and Tien at the Waste Heat experiment station, and partly because I'd forgotten how much of Miles and Ekaterin's relationship is in this novel.

Miles is on his first official gig as an Imperial Auditor, paired with Lord Auditor Georg Vorthys to investigate the partial destruction of the Komarr soletta array, an artificial satellite solar mirror that's key part of the terraforming of Komarr. While on Komarr they stay with a local Vor administrator who is married to Vorthys's niece Ekaterin. We get Miles's viewpoint of the investigation and his attraction to Ekaterin as we also see Ekaterin's viewpoint of the final destruction of her abusive marriage and how that all ends up connecting with what's really going on.

This is Miles at his best and being written by Bujold at the height of her ability. Miles has thoroughly grown into his abilities and life and while regretting some of his earlier mistakes, now owns them as well as his role for Barryar. For much of this book he's off balance by being forced into a reactive role, and to his credit, he recognizes that, accepts it and changes to accommodate.

Similarly, Ekaterin is a deep and interesting character. While her marriage is horrible, she's wonderful anyway, even when she places such sharp limits around her capabilities. She's also a big part of the next two books which I'm thoroughly looking forward to.
Profile Image for Jon.
837 reviews251 followers
March 1, 2010
I connected deeply with the character Ekaterin. Her predicament broke my heart at times. Miles' heart melted as well.

Komarr takes place just three months after Memory. Miles acquires an Auditor Mentor in Ekaterin's uncle Vorthys. Both Imperial Auditors arrive at Komarr to investigate a tragic and seemingly inexplicable near space accident involving an ore freighter and the Komarran solar mirror array. Each Auditor brought a different perspective and expertise to the investigation. Vorthys' engineering background appeared at first blush to be the most vital asset, but when extra parts, including body, were discovered and retrieved, Miles' unique talents became a necessity.

Mystery, sabotage, embezzlement, get-rich-quick schemes, murder, kidnapping and revolution round out the hurdles to Miles' blossoming love life.

Bujold keeps delivering and I keep reading. Highly recommended to space opera junkies everywhere.
Profile Image for Jim.
Author 7 books2,066 followers
October 23, 2014
It's amazing that such a long running series can keep such momentum, even get better. I'd rate this book about the same as the last, except we're introduced to a new character that I have great hopes for. It's a twisty mystery with a lot to say, as usual. We get to see Miles played off against other characters - especially one - that makes for a great story & really brings home a lot of the lessons he's learned. Good ones, too.
Profile Image for Jeraviz.
973 reviews581 followers
February 8, 2023
Seguimos acompañando a Miles a través de su vida. Ya tiene 30 años y su nuevo puesto le está haciendo empezar a sentar la cabeza ya. Su misión ahora es investigar lo que parece un accidente en el planeta Komarr, y como siempre, se ve arrastrado a una serie de acontecimientos que en los que se juega la vida salvar al Imperio.

Es un placer leer esta saga. Bujold hace un trabajo maravilloso a la hora de crear personajes y situaciones, dando igual que sea una historia de Ciencia Ficción, ya que en el fondo lo que nos cuenta son historias de personas. Sustituye el planeta Komarr por la Tierra, y tendrás a Ekaterin atrapada en un matrimonio que no quiere con un marido que la maltrata psicológicamente. O tendrás a un grupo de personas dolidas por la injusticia que se hizo a su pueblo buscando venganza por su cuenta...

Creo que Bujold fue muy inteligente con el cambio de trabajo de Miles para no caer en la repetición, y junto con la llegada también de Ekaterin nos permite leer la historia con otros ojos. Ya no solo vemos el punto de vista de Miles si no de Ekaterin también, y es un soplo de aire fresco para la saga.

En cuanto a la trama, como siempre Bujold construye una historia bien fundamentada, donde no se escapa ningún detalle. Ya está dejando de ser una space opera como en los primeros libros, y se centra casi en exclusiva en tramas políticas y misterios que resolver. Y para mi es un cambio muy bienvenido.

Si estáis leyendo esto sin haber leído nada de Bujold...ya estáis tardando en empezar esta saga. No os arrepentiréis.
Profile Image for Stuart.
722 reviews314 followers
June 24, 2018
Komarr: Miles the Imperial Auditor Falls in Love
This is probably the eighth or ninth Miles Vorkosigan novel I've listened to this year as I work my way chronologically through the series. I'm now well past the first 3-4 I read back in high school ages ago, and I can increasingly appreciate the different story arcs and overall development of Miles and the other major characters over time. Ms. Bujold has enjoyed phenomenal success with this series and an incredibly loyal fanbase thanks to her great skills in writing compelling, easily-accessible, enjoyable and moving space opera/mystery/adventure SF centered around incredibly real and likable characters.

In Komarr, Miles' investigation of a mysterious space accident (or sabotage?) gets him involved in the life of an unhappily married Vor lady, Ekaterin, which becomes the main focus of the story as it progresses. Bujold deftly weaves both the Komarran conspiracy investigation with their slowly developing understanding of each other. It is not a take of romance, so much as two people learning to understand and appreciate each others' strengths and failings before it even occurs to them that they might have feelings for each other. It was handled very well indeed, and despite the lack of almost all the other fan favorite supporting cast this time around, their relationship is a fascinating and original one, especially getting to know Ekaterin and all the baggage she brings, as you wouldn't expect anyone less complex to be a match for the manic, brilliant, but vulnerable Miles Vorkosigan.
Profile Image for Tracy.
671 reviews31 followers
August 9, 2017
I wrote a great, long (for me) review about this book. Trust me. My iPad battery went dead when I was almost finished and I lost it. Damn. Now I'm disgruntled and I have housework to do.

Just trust me this is a great book. One of the best in the series. Miles solves another mystery and finds the woman of his dreams (finally). Sadly no Cordelia or Ivan in this one but Ekaterin more than makes up for it. Her Uncle and Aunt Vorthys are also delightful.

As an aside Jo Walton wrote a terrific balanced review of this book on tor.com if you'd like to read it. I don't think she liked it as much as I do hence the balanced part. It's a much better review than mine was honestly.
Profile Image for André.
118 reviews16 followers
April 1, 2015
"MINIONS. MINIONS ARE MY FAVOURITE THING." -Miles, all the time, forever.

"So, uh, guess I'll see you around maybe. Or not. Hey, here's a binder I made for you with every one of my six house addresses and fifteen phone numbers as well as the addresses and numbers of every person I know in case all my numbers aren't working and you need to talk to me oh, and if none of those work either here's the address for the Emperor of Barrayar because he should probably know where I am sooo...yeah, call me. Or don't. Whatever, I don't care." -MILES YOU DWEEB
Profile Image for Stephen.
1,516 reviews11.9k followers
July 2, 2009
4.5 Stars. Another great installment of one of the best SF series of the past 15 years. Not quite as good as some of the earlier installments, but the quality level is still very high. Recommended!!!
Profile Image for Hal Evergreen.
287 reviews36 followers
March 14, 2012
4.5 stars.

Komarr was my second expedition into Lois McMaster Bujold's "Vorkosiverse" (my first was Shards of Honour), and my first introduction to Miles Vorkosigan. I have to admit that I didn't like this novel as much as Shards of Honour, but it had nothing to do with Miles. Miles was as wonderful as I hoped he would be. No, it was certain elements of the plot, and certain reservations about the heroine, that knocked a half-star off my rating of this otherwise brilliant novel.

I like to call myself a science fiction fan, but that isn't entirely accurate. The fiction part is great, but sometimes the science part kills it for me. My attention span for technical detail is extremely short, so there were sections of this novel that left me cold. These sections failed to capture my interest long enough to figure out what was going on. As a result, I had to take certain events on faith, since I hadn't paid any attention to the scientific explanations behind them. This emphasis on lengthy technical discussions instead of action sequences meant that parts of the plot lagged heavily, at least in my opinion. (I understand from my scientifically-minded mother that this perception on my part is due to the fact that I consider math the devil and science his demonic first cousin, not due to any failings in Bujold's plot. I think she might be right, but don't tell her I said so.)

My only other reservation about this novel was the heroine, Ekaterin. There was nothing wrong with her as a character, but her vulnerability as the subordinate partner in an unhappy marriage bothered me. I always get irritated with female characters who allow themselves to be victims. Not that Ekaterin really allowed herself to be a victim. Still, she is not the partner I would have chosen for Miles.

In all other respects, I loved Komarr. Bujold's writing is superb. I especially love her dialog. Her characters talk like real people do, which I appreciate after having read so much stilted dialog in other novels. I also love Bujold's ability to convey a wealth of meaning in a few short sentences. She rarely wastes much time on physical descriptions of people, places, or items, but I always have a clear picture of them in my mind. I'm looking forward to reading more of her books.
Profile Image for Althea Ann.
2,250 reviews1,144 followers
January 30, 2013
Following directly upon the events of 'Memory,' 'Komarr' still functions as a stand-alone novel.

And... I liked it even better than 'Memory.' The plot felt more original, and it just has a really well-structured, exciting story, backed up by well-rounded, believable characters and a vivid, consistent setting.

Miles Vorkosigan is sent, in his role as Imperial Auditor to the still-somewhat-rebellious subject planet of Komarr to investigate a space accident (or, possibly, act of sabotage) that may seriously impact Komarr's terraforming project.

He accepts the hospitality of his colleague's niece, whose husband happens to be an administrator in that terraforming project. Unfortunately, the husband's also a shiftless jerk, and his and Ekaterin's marriage is on the verge of falling apart.

As layers of plots and motivations unravel, you'll find yourself staying up late to finish... well, at least I did!
Profile Image for Sarah.
Author 115 books878 followers
July 3, 2013
This one started a little slowly for me, but got pretty interesting. Ekaterin is a great character.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 718 reviews

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