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The Best Big Bad Wolf Story Ever

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The Best Big Bad Wolf Story Ever is a creative story of transformation. The Big Bad Wolf is bad, but he wants to go to church. Only the goats and sheep can go to church, so he buys a sheep costume and goes to church. He loves the music and the message. He doesn't understand why the goats are bored and he wants the book the sheep carry. He buys the B-I-B-L-E and starts listening to it on audio. He starts to change and he likes it. He tells his best friend about church and gets him to go too. He starts doing kind deeds and starts to grow wool on his chest, then his legs and finally he is covered with wool. He believes Jesus and turns into a real sheep. It is a very happy ending indeed and his name has changed too! The Big Bad Wolf is now Mark the Sheep and his best friend, The Fairly Nice Wolf is curious and ready to stand by his friend Mark the Sheep.

28 pages, Paperback

Published February 14, 2022

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