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The Light After Death - My Journey to heaven and back

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145 pages, Paperback

Published September 11, 2022

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Vincent Todd Tolman

2 books14 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews
480 reviews2 followers
April 25, 2023
Vincent Tolman was dead in a Dairy Queen restroom for 45 minutes before an ambulance crew zipped him into a body bag. On the way to the hospital, a rookie EW induced a heartbeat and he was brought back to life. This book is an account of what he experienced while in the state of death. Even if you are skeptical about near death experiences, the principles Tolman relates in this book can enrich and improve your own life on Earth.
Profile Image for Michelle Welch.
134 reviews2 followers
March 27, 2023
Sobering. Stunning. Thought provoking. Worrisome. I can’t even find words enough to write what reading this book was like. Some people say that sharing this book brought them joy. I wish it worked like that always. Most are skeptical at best, cynical at worst. But I thought it sounded just as I imagined the afterlife to be. I read it in one night. I couldn’t put it down. I hope many people come to see the light
34 reviews1 follower
November 1, 2022
Amazing story that's a "must-read"

Love this book and the amazing feeling of joy and hope it left in me. It's the kind of story that if we could get into more hands, it has the power to change people and ultimately the world.
I'll be recommending this to everyone I know. I'll be rereading this one, which is something I rarely do, to take notes and to think more about it. The information and details in this book will stay with me for a lifetime. Thank you for sharing your life story with all of us, Vinny.
September 18, 2023
weather to believe or not.

I find this story very hard to believe. First the heart stops beating for 45 minutes, then 3 days in a coma, then to basically leap out of bed and run of in itself is unbelievable. The body doesn’t allow that. No doubt people want to believe all that is in this story but for my part I will say I find it very difficult to believe. The story is good and I’m sure heartfelt, but I will continue my life, however much I have left at 71 by trying to do as little harm as possible and treat people with the respect they deserve.
Profile Image for Sara.
988 reviews18 followers
February 19, 2023
I was having a bad week, sad things hitting me with moments of despair, events around me causing heartbreak. I was feeling better and decided on this book not expecting to have the story teach me what it did. Vincent gives accounts of many lessons, and the one that hit me now is to pursue the good in all things. Not to look for the bad and dwell on the negative. It was what I needed.
This book is full of thoughts I’ve had myself with how to live life and make my focus. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Donna.
12 reviews1 follower
February 12, 2023
This is a wonderful book that kept me in the edge of my seat. I have to admit I was a bit skeptical because I’ve never heard of a nde quite like this. But in the end it made better sense. God is love and that’s the main part of life we need to know and understand. Love of God and loving ourselves, everything else falls into place.
13 reviews1 follower
November 11, 2022
Profound Near Death Experience

This book is a beautiful testimony to Vinney’s experience. It is one of the most vivid and descriptive accounts of a NDE I’ve ever read. A MUST READ for those truly Seeking God and purpose to our human lives. So thankful for this book!
Profile Image for Kim.
37 reviews
February 18, 2023
While I am extremely skeptical about the truthfulness of this story, I gave it 3 stars because these are good principles to live by and I feel like I did learn something. Never drink strange foreign health supplements.
Profile Image for Emily.
114 reviews2 followers
January 22, 2024
Interesting. It’s same but also different from other accounts I’ve heard. Some parts resonated and some didn’t. I know we have angels with us all the time and need to be in tune. I’ve decided to make some changes in life so I can hear the inspiration.
163 reviews
September 28, 2024
Completely unbiblical...

I'm usually pretty open to ideas and doctrine that isnt in the bible, but I draw the line when its directly opposed to scripture. A small handful of points:

- multiple heavens? No hell?
- all religions lead to God?
- no mention of sin and repentance?
- where was Jesus? Was he on holiday during your NDE?

The thing is, this book made me think. I was trying to work out, why the devil would influence a book like this that talks about God, heaven, loving others etc. In fact 95% of the teaching was actually excellent advice. Then I realised if he could convince everyone that this doctrine was correct, and we had no need to repent and serve Jesus, he'd have won himself a lot more souls..

2Cor 11.14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

John 14.6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Profile Image for Maria mackey.
5 reviews1 follower
April 11, 2023
Not Sure

Since it does say that the subjects death is not at dispute we have to take this as believable because we have no evidence of anything to dispute it. God is everywhere and would create a miracle like this. I would enjoy a more detailed account of what was seen. But the basic topics are a better way to get us all thinking. It make me think about where I’m falling short of where my thoughts are. Where I’ve had to say to God. Sorry I thought that. This is pretty good. Nice read.
Profile Image for Kevin Maxwell.
55 reviews1 follower
October 4, 2023
An engrossing testimony to the power of spiritual life after death. It wasn't a long listen on audible almost 4 hours, but I got more detail about his marriage partner that wasn't in his interview I watched.

It an NDE with principles to be remembered, which made it more interesting. And I like the dialog between his guide and himself. Which reminded me of "The monk who sold his Ferrari." By Robin Sharma. Spiritual teaching is always captivating to me.
6 reviews1 follower
July 7, 2023
deep appreciation

Thank you, Vincent and all those who supported on this masterpiece book! This book has helped ground me and encourages me to “step out on faith.” Please know your YouTube vid interview https://youtu.be/CmrWT6D8oNk and book assists countless people, including me. Feel you will continue to experience your purpose and mission! Thank you very much!
Profile Image for Kristin.
217 reviews3 followers
December 2, 2023
Great narrative in regards to life after death experiences. Doesn’t refer to any particular religious beliefs particularly, but agrees with what we personally believe about a loving God who loves and blesses his children, and has a plan for them to return to Him after death. I highlighted many passages that I found particularly inspirational. I’m glad I received a recommendation to read!
January 6, 2023
Best NDE I’ve Read

I’ve read hundreds of NDE accounts and worked as a hospice nurse for years. This story tops everything I’ve read or heard. What the author learned and conveyed is inspiring and motivating on multiple levels. I will read it often.
Profile Image for E.W. Buck.
Author 5 books2 followers
July 2, 2023
Amazing and inspiring

The words of this book are so authentic, I felt I was reading God’s own words. I was so taken with it, I read it through in one sitting. I am now telling friends and family about this. You MUST read it!
Profile Image for Jill.
160 reviews
September 20, 2023
Oh how I loved this story! I listened via audible and it was only a quick 3 hours, but I wish it would have gone on even longer! I would highly recommend this book to anyone, whether you are religious, spiritual or an atheist. I Believe!
Profile Image for Thebarrys10.
366 reviews3 followers
November 10, 2023
This kind of account grabs me! I love comparing each account to learn what things are similar and how different each person's experience is. There is much to think about and apply t in the teachings of this book.
2 reviews1 follower
November 29, 2023
No doubt

An excellent and easy read. It will speak to those that need it. You do not need to die to discover that reality is not all it appears to be. But it helps to listen to someone that has.
Profile Image for Alison L.
405 reviews4 followers
December 8, 2022
This was a very interesting book. Lots of truths and good principles to live by. I believe he had this experience and happy that it changed his life for the better.
2 reviews1 follower
December 18, 2022
we are so Loved

This book is so enlightening of our Heavenly realms. We are loved so much from before we came into existence.
I am enjoying this book immensely.
Profile Image for Therese.
245 reviews
February 27, 2023
While I’m not sure if people die, go to heaven and then come back, this book had wonderful things to say about how to live.
June 7, 2023

There were truths in this book, but not a word about JESUS, the only way to heaven is through him.
Profile Image for Josh reading.
384 reviews13 followers
July 29, 2023
I really enjoyed Vincent Todd Tolman’s account of his celestial experience. It’s always interesting to be immersed in an account of a phenomenon that goes beyond everyday understanding.
106 reviews1 follower
August 14, 2023
A message we all need to remember. Thank you for sharing your experience.
11 reviews1 follower
November 24, 2023
Well done, great info

Well written and informative sharing of his experience and what he learned. Inspiring and enlightening. I would Recommended this book.
1 review
December 26, 2023
hope for the future

Beautiful story of a trip to Heaven with an enlightened guide who turns out to be a great great grandfather
Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews

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