During the lockdown caused by the Covid-19 crisis, streets were emptied, churches closed, and a relationship with nature developed in which questions to be asked again in light of the crisis Is God present in nature? Is communion with God in nature possible? Is there a relationship between the God of creation, the God of history, and the God we worship in Sunday liturgies?
In Nature Praising God , Dermot Lane explores these questions by returning to the Bible. The Christian tradition shows that nature is understood as a living community, is graced by God, and has a sacramental character. He suggests that readers change their perception of how nature is traditionally regarded as a resource for human needs—and embrace a new way of praising God through an appreciation of and care for the myriad life forms on earth. The result of these explorations is the outline of a new theology of nature praising God, with lessons for the way we worship God in our churches today.